StormFront User LOSES His MIND Over State Of White Men In Dating Market

this is why if a day i want to get married i'll find some traditional girl outside the west. not asian because i don't find them attractive but from my pheno it's fine.
we are the romantics ones and deserve some decency.
muh i want to be the "emotional pussy support of chad only "

Where can we find this kind of woman :00
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I can find you a pornstar to ltr
Imagine beeing this beta, this cucked, to even touch by the eyes a pornstar.
modern male deserve their inkwelldome fate
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Imagine beeing this beta, this cucked, to even touch by the eyes a pornstar.
modern male deserve their inkwelldome fate
But we need women with experiences bro :love:
  • JFL
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Where can we find this kind of woman :00
best odds are from some traditional countries but you need to have contact/roots in it. aren't you partly south american? there are still few who have this mindset imo
But we need women with experiences bro :love:
ideally you have a whole life to experiment.
Imagine when you fuck her you fuck at the same Time all the other's mens semen she had into her.
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best odds are from some traditional countries but you need to have contact/roots in it. aren't you partly south american? there are still few who have this mindset imo
I will marry a bosnian girl, they are tall white girl and muslim, the best combo in this world
women without decence, feminity, respect are just not worth our Time tbh.
i don't know if they understand that. lots of above average mâle that are not governed by their sex drives have this isn't only about tinder and some alienated pump and dump mentality.
I do not mean to offend you but you have 0 idea of how above average males think or behave. Do not say such embarrassing things. All you know is this incel website.
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Lol, jfl at their nasty tone. So unfeminine, and they're fucking surprised why the men of their own race not into them. Change your tone sweetheart

I'm loving the desperation and whining tho. At a higher degree this could ignite another phase in societal evolution, women will evolve to become as feminine mannered as they were before.

Their tone is similar to some black women online, especially members of the lipstickalley, fucking annoying. I don't think we will see black women becoming softer anytime soon as majority of them are copying the ”bad bitch” image; some are accepting ratchet behavior as their norm. Can't deal with that tbh. Hell white women are heading straight that path too lol we about to see a surge of white male asian females in the upcoming decades, and I'm not mad tbh
this is exactly what needs to happen mate, but on a much larger scale

in fact fuck the asian women. Men should boycott everything to fuck over the elite that uses us and lower female standards by starving them of validation until they accept their looksmatch or below
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white sharia when
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  • JFL
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this is exactly what needs to happen mate, but on a much larger scale

in fact fuck the asian women. Men should boycott everything to fuck over the elite that uses us and lower female standards by starving them of validation until they accept their looksmatch or below
Try modafinil
  • JFL
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I do not mean to offend you but you have 0 idea of how above average males think or behave. Do not say such embarrassing things. All you know is this incel website.
sir i hate to talk about myself but as for example i believe i'm.above average and had life's signal irl about it.and all my Friends that i chose wisely are above average and have the same mindset.
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Failed comment then. It's ok we all make failed comments sometimes

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this is exactly what needs to happen mate, but on a much larger scale

in fact fuck the asian women. Men should boycott everything to fuck over the elite that uses us and lower female standards by starving them of validation until they accept their looksmatch or below
imo this way of living won't last.
there will be more and more an inflation in the market of smv - After all M stands for market - until it collapse and we enter into a deflation era.
sir i hate to talk about myself but as for example i believe i'm.above average and had life's signal irl about it.and all my Friends that i chose wisely are above average and have the same mindset.
Try yoga
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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I remember trolling storm front ah good days
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  • JFL
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I remember trolling storm front ah good days
to be racist and making it a living, you have to be a serious looser tbh.
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to be racist and making it a living, you have to be a serious looser tbh.
Tbh even the owner of the forum doesn’t buy Into his own shit he just milks the users for cash
  • JFL
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I'm an ethnic Male and I barely find white women in feminist cities arousing

No feminine energy

This tbh. I feel like it's an incel thing. The worship of white women that is. In the okcupid 2014 data asian women actually won with asians, blacks and whites JFL. The only thing they didn't win with was hispanics. Whites and latinas were dead even when looking at 2nd place. Latinas won with blacks and hispanics, but whites won with asians and whites. So it seems like it is asian>latina>white >>>> black when it comes to women. But generally I'd just say it's asian=latina=white>>>>>> black for the majority of the population (normies). But for incels it's white >>>>> latina >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asians & blacks.

Personally prefer all types of women, blacks too. So I guess that is how I differ from incels and normies. I like "everything" somewhat evenly like normies, but on top of that I like black women too. Like this stuff here is really hot to me. High E. If you don't find this attractive you're not high T tbh JFL: &
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This tbh. I feel like it's an incel thing. The worship of white women that is. In the okcupid 2014 data asian women actually won with asians, blacks and whites JFL. The only thing they didn't win with was hispanics. Whites and latinas were dead even. Latinas won with blacks and hispanics, but whites won with asians and whites. So it seems like it is asian>latina>white >>>> black when it comes to women. But generally I'd just say it's asian=latina=black>>>>>> black for the majority of the population (normies). But for incels it's white >>>>> latina >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asians & blacks.

Personally prefer all types of women, blacks too. So I guess that is how I differ from incels and normies. I don't like "everything" somewhat evenly like normies, but on top of that I like black women too. Like this stuff here is really hot to me. High E. If you don't find this attractive you're not high T tbh JFL: &
Hot black women are very good looking, and mostly date outside their race if possible
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Why don't they direct their hate to hypergamous white women instead
  • JFL
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Imagine being a male stormcel in Vancouver. You've convinced yourself that you're a member of a superior breed of human -- a "master race" -- that's under attack from declining intraracial procreation caused by a great Jewish conspiracy dating back centuries if not longer. This is, of course, a coping mechanism for your own genetic inferiority and resulting social marginalization, but you only know this subconsciously. Anyway, you come across this post from a member of your "master race" who not only shares in your struggle to find a partner, but is, in fact, female! "Jackpot!" you think. So you get to messaging this Aryan queen, hoping to date her and perhaps make her your wife and do your part to fight the declining white birth rates. You message her, you get to talking, she shares your opinions on not just politics but most other things as well. It's going very well. Before you begin scheduling your first real-life meetup, you exchange pictures. You're a solid 3/10 in real life, but you're a 6/10 in your mind, so you send first. Unperturbed by your lackluster features, your prospective Eva Braun sends you pictures of her. To your horror, she not only doesn't resemble the striking Aryan goddess you'd imagined, but in fact, barely looks human. Grease and acne form a sickly sheen on her skin, from her receding hairline, to her protruding brow, to her third chin. She is also missing several teeth, and has a body resembling that of your obese father. "I don't know," you think, "she might be a spy for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police." She sends you further messages asking why you haven't responded. You ignore them, and on a separate tab, you open Pornhub.
  • JFL
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Imagine being a male stormcel in Vancouver. You've convinced yourself that you're a member of a superior breed of human -- a "master race" -- that's under attack from declining intraracial procreation caused by a great Jewish conspiracy dating back centuries if not longer. This is, of course, a coping mechanism for your own genetic inferiority and resulting social marginalization, but you only know this subconsciously. Anyway, you come across this post from a member of your "master race" who not only shares in your struggle to find a partner, but is, in fact, female! "Jackpot!" you think. So you get to messaging this Aryan queen, hoping to date her and perhaps make her your wife and do your part to fight the declining white birth rates. You message her, you get to talking, she shares your opinions on not just politics but most other things as well. It's going very well. Before you begin scheduling your first real-life meetup, you exchange pictures. You're a solid 3/10 in real life, but you're a 6/10 in your mind, so you send first. Unperturbed by your lackluster features, your prospective Eva Braun sends you pictures of her. To your horror, she not only doesn't resemble the striking Aryan goddess you'd imagined, but in fact, barely looks human. Grease and acne form a sickly sheen on her skin, from her receding hairline, to her protruding brow, to her third chin. She is also missing several teeth, and has a body resembling that of your obese father. "I don't know," you think, "she might be a spy for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police." She sends you further messages asking why you haven't responded. You ignore them, and on a separate tab, you open Pornhub.
Imagine being a weeb
The reason you see so many guys like this is cuz there's plenty of cute asian women and many of them don't have the arrogant and incredibly entitled attitude most white women have
The reason you see so many guys like this is cuz there's plenty of cute asian women and many of them don't have the arrogant and incredibly entitled attitude most white women have
you just can't get your white looksmatch and above, my prince
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you just can't get your white looksmatch and above, my prince
Both my gfs have been white and 13 out of the 16 girls i fucked before leaving UK were white
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@looksmaxxed thoughts?

"Every single day I see zounds of white male/asian female couples. ALL OVER THE city - way more than any other pairing. It's rare to see any other coupling walking around here... 90% of the white males in Vancouver prefer to date asian women. A lot of my white female friends feel so unattractive in this city. I have never been asked out on a date by a white male in Vancouver... I guess I look kind of alien to them (hahaha they are used to seeing Asians). "

Waiting for the inevitable "white men living rent free in your head" by a meek white incel



@Mathafack thoughts?
Well that’s what happens when white woman are libtards and believe all straight white guys are bad people because they saw their ethnic friends twitter post.
  • Hmm...
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Where is the cry baby fat nigger
Racebaiting is a disease in this forum. If you are good looking you'll get girls doesn't matter where you from /ethnicity. All of this shit is cope i know whites that slay and ethnics/Blacks the only thing they have in common is that they're attractive. Thats what Matters. Jfl if you think Muslim Girls don't get fucked by westerners too
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  • JFL
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"Only men are racist"
disgusting race mixxers creaint even more disgusting children
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Din read but whites >>>> all
Racebaiting is a disease in this forum. If you are good looking you'll get girls doesn't matter where you from /ethnicity. All of this shit is cope i know whites that slay and ethnics/Blacks the only thing they have in common is that they're attractive. Thats what Matters. Jfl if you think Muslim Girls don't get fucked by westerners too
6E45B1A2 4816 4291 B263 16882DDD254F
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"Yes, this is true. The statistics about most people choosing a same-race mate can't be true for this city. Honestly, 9 out of 10 couples I see are White/Asian (and we know what that means). Actually yesterday I saw a White male with AN ACTUAL WHITE GIRLFRIEND and I was almost shocked, it's so unusual. I kept looking at them as they walked down the street, like they were a strange, but good, oddity.

That's how bad it is here.

White men DO NOT have an interest in White women in this city. They ignore you, and then 3 feet down the sidewalk they're flirting with some Asian woman.

The only solution is to get out. Sorry to disappoint some people, but there's no saving this city, unless the migrants themselves suddenly decided they would rather be somewhere else, and left of their own volition.

I am seeing more and more mixed Asian-White young people too. For every Eurasian, there's a White woman somewhere who missed out on a White husband.

This is a crime against humanity.

Sfcels awfully quiet in this thread @Mathafack @Aesthetics

Agreed. This city is a fucking joke. I'm leaving this shit. Even the white woman here aren't that good and Asians are rarely good in general.
Vancouver has fallen to the Zerg.

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