Success Heightmaxxing at 19 : 177-186 ( 8 months)



Sep 12, 2023
Context :
Took a year off after sixth form wanted a break before uni, from the UK,
I play D3 basketball height was an issue though even though im good
Sleep has never been good usually 4-5h
when i was like 16 i broke my finger playing ball and got a scan and the doctor mentioned i was about to be finished growing so they would use the metal small thing instead of the green thing(fo what it was call)
At 16 i was around 168-170
I grew between 16 and 18 to 177ish
I barely grew from 18-19 maybe 0-0.5
19-19 & 8 months im 185.8 =/ 186 id have 1 month with like + 2cm some with + 0.5, 1 avg
My highestheighest measurement was this morning hence this thread
My ethnicity is 3/4 White my grandad was arab
I can grow facial hair so noone say this is puberty
Parents are 160 and 172ish maybe 173
Older Brother is 179

My routine for the past 8 Months Weekdays
Sleep like 4AM - 8AM
get up to do some small work on my computer, me and my brother own a online business i manage certain parts of the data
Then sleep again at 12-4
Then 4-6:30 Basketball
I would have like 2 packs of sweets + energy drink a lot of sugar during this time
Gym 10/11PM or later sometimes depending on if im going out that night
I do cardio at home in the night i have alot of the equipment, i catnt sleep unless im tiring myself
Went out clubbing like once every week / 2
Gym 4 times a week
Bulked in the 3month - 7 month cutting now Months
I do stretches before and after bball training i do upper & lower but not for posture to prevent injury
My posture is still bad i have tilt and all that shit
Times vary slighly because my coach autisitic and calls us at like 8 sometimes

Weekends i try get 1 smooth sleep as no work but im use to it so
Same but longer bball sessions
I plan on fixing posture once im done growing for that last 2cm
My Wingspan is nearly 190 cm roughly
I lift as heavy for 5 reps but im not very big i only started gyn this year
My diet was a lot of Chicken And beef bit of carbs and alot of sugar
When i saw GP few weeks ago when i was like 185 they said it was likely delayed rowth but makes no sense since they said growth plates were nearly at 16 so... domt believe the doc

Please measure urself every morning as soon as u wake up multiple times for precision with a friend if possible no pushing or placebo
also ion the days i knew i grew i would get thes leg pains when i woke up it felt like my leg had a prick
This morning i knew it so me nd my friend went gym immediately to check the height on their measuring thing before going for practice and i was 185.8 =/ 186
Any Q ask me i may have missed something i did
I have never taken a thing like HGH or any of that shit and i never will, not to say u shouldnt, ask ur doc
My goal was for basketball i think that helps unlike most who want it for girls
Also most the people on here talk shit,when i went clubbing i saw maybe like less than 10 guys over 180 and when i walk past ppl i look at their height and theyre almost always shorter

Also i think ethnicity plays a part
My white friends have not grown since either always tall or short
My South Asian friends some grew later most
Black friends mostly just had early sudden growth spurts
i think bulking helps tho i grew on a cut
Sleep time doers not mastter its about daily duration when i
  • +1
Reactions: Ragnar, Vanilla, halloweed and 3 others
Context :
Took a year off after sixth form wanted a break before uni, from the UK,
I play D3 basketball height was an issue though even though im good
Sleep has never been good usually 4-5h
when i was like 16 i broke my finger playing ball and got a scan and the doctor mentioned i was about to be finished growing so they would use the metal small thing instead of the green thing(fo what it was call)
At 16 i was around 168-170
I grew between 16 and 18 to 177ish
I barely grew from 18-19 maybe 0-0.5
19-19 & 8 months im 185.8 =/ 186 id have 1 month with like + 2cm some with + 0.5, 1 avg
My highestheighest measurement was this morning hence this thread
My ethnicity is 3/4 White my grandad was arab
I can grow facial hair so noone say this is puberty
Parents are 160 and 172ish maybe 173
Older Brother is 179

My routine for the past 8 Months Weekdays
Sleep like 4AM - 8AM
get up to do some small work on my computer, me and my brother own a online business i manage certain parts of the data
Then sleep again at 12-4
Then 4-6:30 Basketball
I would have like 2 packs of sweets + energy drink a lot of sugar during this time
Gym 10/11PM or later sometimes depending on if im going out that night
I do cardio at home in the night i have alot of the equipment, i catnt sleep unless im tiring myself
Went out clubbing like once every week / 2
Gym 4 times a week
Bulked in the 3month - 7 month cutting now Months
I do stretches before and after bball training i do upper & lower but not for posture to prevent injury
My posture is still bad i have tilt and all that shit
Times vary slighly because my coach autisitic and calls us at like 8 sometimes

Weekends i try get 1 smooth sleep as no work but im use to it so
Same but longer bball sessions
I plan on fixing posture once im done growing for that last 2cm
My Wingspan is nearly 190 cm roughly
I lift as heavy for 5 reps but im not very big i only started gyn this year
My diet was a lot of Chicken And beef bit of carbs and alot of sugar
When i saw GP few weeks ago when i was like 185 they said it was likely delayed rowth but makes no sense since they said growth plates were nearly at 16 so... domt believe the doc

Please measure urself every morning as soon as u wake up multiple times for precision with a friend if possible no pushing or placebo
also ion the days i knew i grew i would get thes leg pains when i woke up it felt like my leg had a prick
This morning i knew it so me nd my friend went gym immediately to check the height on their measuring thing before going for practice and i was 185.8 =/ 186
Any Q ask me i may have missed something i did
I have never taken a thing like HGH or any of that shit and i never will, not to say u shouldnt, ask ur doc
My goal was for basketball i think that helps unlike most who want it for girls
Also most the people on here talk shit,when i went clubbing i saw maybe like less than 10 guys over 180 and when i walk past ppl i look at their height and theyre almost always shorter

Also i think ethnicity plays a part
My white friends have not grown since either always tall or short
My South Asian friends some grew later most
Black friends mostly just had early sudden growth spurts
i think bulking helps tho i grew on a cut
Sleep time doers not mastter its about daily duration when i
kinda gives me hope

5'8 at 16, grew an inch this year

think i can make it to 5'10 or 5'11 by 18?
  • +1
Reactions: Vanilla and AverageCurryEnjoyer
You didn't heighmax shit u just got lucky
  • +1
Reactions: disheartenedcel, LegitUser, Rimaxtis and 6 others
Nice i grew 12cm in 3 months
  • +1
Reactions: Vanilla, deepfuckingvalue and 4lt.Real
dnr, were your growth plates open or closed ?
i said the doc at 16 said i was nearly done growing so they could use the metal thing
so my guess is closed
are u retarded?
stfu @ me for nothing you subhuman i know they are open i'm just asking if he did an x-ray cause for them to be open at 19 is a bit unreal + i didn't read his shit
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: N1666 and looksmaxxing223
congrats! 186cm vs 177cm is night and day
stfu @ me for nothing you subhuman i know they are open i'm just asking if he did an x-ray cause for them to be open at 19 is a bit unreal + i didn't read his shit
they were not open i said earlier my doc at 16 when i broke my finger said they were about to be done
  • +1
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1
Context :
Took a year off after sixth form wanted a break before uni, from the UK,
I play D3 basketball height was an issue though even though im good
Sleep has never been good usually 4-5h
when i was like 16 i broke my finger playing ball and got a scan and the doctor mentioned i was about to be finished growing so they would use the metal small thing instead of the green thing(fo what it was call)
At 16 i was around 168-170
I grew between 16 and 18 to 177ish
I barely grew from 18-19 maybe 0-0.5
19-19 & 8 months im 185.8 =/ 186 id have 1 month with like + 2cm some with + 0.5, 1 avg
My highestheighest measurement was this morning hence this thread
My ethnicity is 3/4 White my grandad was arab
I can grow facial hair so noone say this is puberty
Parents are 160 and 172ish maybe 173
Older Brother is 179

My routine for the past 8 Months Weekdays
Sleep like 4AM - 8AM
get up to do some small work on my computer, me and my brother own a online business i manage certain parts of the data
Then sleep again at 12-4
Then 4-6:30 Basketball
I would have like 2 packs of sweets + energy drink a lot of sugar during this time
Gym 10/11PM or later sometimes depending on if im going out that night
I do cardio at home in the night i have alot of the equipment, i catnt sleep unless im tiring myself
Went out clubbing like once every week / 2
Gym 4 times a week
Bulked in the 3month - 7 month cutting now Months
I do stretches before and after bball training i do upper & lower but not for posture to prevent injury
My posture is still bad i have tilt and all that shit
Times vary slighly because my coach autisitic and calls us at like 8 sometimes

Weekends i try get 1 smooth sleep as no work but im use to it so
Same but longer bball sessions
I plan on fixing posture once im done growing for that last 2cm
My Wingspan is nearly 190 cm roughly
I lift as heavy for 5 reps but im not very big i only started gyn this year
My diet was a lot of Chicken And beef bit of carbs and alot of sugar
When i saw GP few weeks ago when i was like 185 they said it was likely delayed rowth but makes no sense since they said growth plates were nearly at 16 so... domt believe the doc

Please measure urself every morning as soon as u wake up multiple times for precision with a friend if possible no pushing or placebo
also ion the days i knew i grew i would get thes leg pains when i woke up it felt like my leg had a prick
This morning i knew it so me nd my friend went gym immediately to check the height on their measuring thing before going for practice and i was 185.8 =/ 186
Any Q ask me i may have missed something i did
I have never taken a thing like HGH or any of that shit and i never will, not to say u shouldnt, ask ur doc
My goal was for basketball i think that helps unlike most who want it for girls
Also most the people on here talk shit,when i went clubbing i saw maybe like less than 10 guys over 180 and when i walk past ppl i look at their height and theyre almost always shorter

Also i think ethnicity plays a part
My white friends have not grown since either always tall or short
My South Asian friends some grew later most
Black friends mostly just had early sudden growth spurts
i think bulking helps tho i grew on a cut
Sleep time doers not mastter its about daily duration when i
  • +1
Reactions: erectiledisaster
yh thx i guess so but honesly between 182+ ur taller than most especially with forces on
in london, 186 with airforces is like a solid 6'2 and there thats relatively tall
Context :
Took a year off after sixth form wanted a break before uni, from the UK,
I play D3 basketball height was an issue though even though im good
Sleep has never been good usually 4-5h
when i was like 16 i broke my finger playing ball and got a scan and the doctor mentioned i was about to be finished growing so they would use the metal small thing instead of the green thing(fo what it was call)
At 16 i was around 168-170
I grew between 16 and 18 to 177ish
I barely grew from 18-19 maybe 0-0.5
19-19 & 8 months im 185.8 =/ 186 id have 1 month with like + 2cm some with + 0.5, 1 avg
My highestheighest measurement was this morning hence this thread
My ethnicity is 3/4 White my grandad was arab
I can grow facial hair so noone say this is puberty
Parents are 160 and 172ish maybe 173
Older Brother is 179

My routine for the past 8 Months Weekdays
Sleep like 4AM - 8AM
get up to do some small work on my computer, me and my brother own a online business i manage certain parts of the data
Then sleep again at 12-4
Then 4-6:30 Basketball
I would have like 2 packs of sweets + energy drink a lot of sugar during this time
Gym 10/11PM or later sometimes depending on if im going out that night
I do cardio at home in the night i have alot of the equipment, i catnt sleep unless im tiring myself
Went out clubbing like once every week / 2
Gym 4 times a week
Bulked in the 3month - 7 month cutting now Months
I do stretches before and after bball training i do upper & lower but not for posture to prevent injury
My posture is still bad i have tilt and all that shit
Times vary slighly because my coach autisitic and calls us at like 8 sometimes

Weekends i try get 1 smooth sleep as no work but im use to it so
Same but longer bball sessions
I plan on fixing posture once im done growing for that last 2cm
My Wingspan is nearly 190 cm roughly
I lift as heavy for 5 reps but im not very big i only started gyn this year
My diet was a lot of Chicken And beef bit of carbs and alot of sugar
When i saw GP few weeks ago when i was like 185 they said it was likely delayed rowth but makes no sense since they said growth plates were nearly at 16 so... domt believe the doc

Please measure urself every morning as soon as u wake up multiple times for precision with a friend if possible no pushing or placebo
also ion the days i knew i grew i would get thes leg pains when i woke up it felt like my leg had a prick
This morning i knew it so me nd my friend went gym immediately to check the height on their measuring thing before going for practice and i was 185.8 =/ 186
Any Q ask me i may have missed something i did
I have never taken a thing like HGH or any of that shit and i never will, not to say u shouldnt, ask ur doc
My goal was for basketball i think that helps unlike most who want it for girls
Also most the people on here talk shit,when i went clubbing i saw maybe like less than 10 guys over 180 and when i walk past ppl i look at their height and theyre almost always shorter

Also i think ethnicity plays a part
My white friends have not grown since either always tall or short
My South Asian friends some grew later most
Black friends mostly just had early sudden growth spurts
i think bulking helps tho i grew on a cut
Sleep time doers not mastter its about daily duration when i
Forgot to add important :
I drink 750ml - 1.25 litres milk a day
I have no significant health issues i check every 3 months
  • +1
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1
they were not open i said earlier my doc at 16 when i broke my finger said they were about to be done
then you're just fucking larping

just fix your diet and you'll grow 10 cm theory JFL tiktok bullshit
  • +1
Reactions: erectiledisaster and MA_ascender
in london, 186 with airforces is like a solid 6'2 and there thats relatively tall
yup most the guys are 5 8 they jsut say 5 10 & 510 say 6
5 10 + is enough if ur goal is girls ive asked they dont really care its just a bonus but for bball it helps alot
i hope to get to 188 without postural improvements at best
then you're just fucking larping

just fix your diet and you'll grow 10 cm theory JFL tiktok bullshit
idk what larping means but the doc i went to chose to use metal instead of the green threads because he said it would impact my growth on my hand that much so one finger would be alot less
could be a case of hands finishing growing faster than the rest?
  • +1
Reactions: Vanilla
Context :
Took a year off after sixth form wanted a break before uni, from the UK,
I play D3 basketball height was an issue though even though im good
Sleep has never been good usually 4-5h
when i was like 16 i broke my finger playing ball and got a scan and the doctor mentioned i was about to be finished growing so they would use the metal small thing instead of the green thing(fo what it was call)
At 16 i was around 168-170
I grew between 16 and 18 to 177ish
I barely grew from 18-19 maybe 0-0.5
19-19 & 8 months im 185.8 =/ 186 id have 1 month with like + 2cm some with + 0.5, 1 avg
My highestheighest measurement was this morning hence this thread
My ethnicity is 3/4 White my grandad was arab
I can grow facial hair so noone say this is puberty
Parents are 160 and 172ish maybe 173
Older Brother is 179

My routine for the past 8 Months Weekdays
Sleep like 4AM - 8AM
get up to do some small work on my computer, me and my brother own a online business i manage certain parts of the data
Then sleep again at 12-4
Then 4-6:30 Basketball
I would have like 2 packs of sweets + energy drink a lot of sugar during this time
Gym 10/11PM or later sometimes depending on if im going out that night
I do cardio at home in the night i have alot of the equipment, i catnt sleep unless im tiring myself
Went out clubbing like once every week / 2
Gym 4 times a week
Bulked in the 3month - 7 month cutting now Months
I do stretches before and after bball training i do upper & lower but not for posture to prevent injury
My posture is still bad i have tilt and all that shit
Times vary slighly because my coach autisitic and calls us at like 8 sometimes

Weekends i try get 1 smooth sleep as no work but im use to it so
Same but longer bball sessions
I plan on fixing posture once im done growing for that last 2cm
My Wingspan is nearly 190 cm roughly
I lift as heavy for 5 reps but im not very big i only started gyn this year
My diet was a lot of Chicken And beef bit of carbs and alot of sugar
When i saw GP few weeks ago when i was like 185 they said it was likely delayed rowth but makes no sense since they said growth plates were nearly at 16 so... domt believe the doc

Please measure urself every morning as soon as u wake up multiple times for precision with a friend if possible no pushing or placebo
also ion the days i knew i grew i would get thes leg pains when i woke up it felt like my leg had a prick
This morning i knew it so me nd my friend went gym immediately to check the height on their measuring thing before going for practice and i was 185.8 =/ 186
Any Q ask me i may have missed something i did
I have never taken a thing like HGH or any of that shit and i never will, not to say u shouldnt, ask ur doc
My goal was for basketball i think that helps unlike most who want it for girls
Also most the people on here talk shit,when i went clubbing i saw maybe like less than 10 guys over 180 and when i walk past ppl i look at their height and theyre almost always shorter

Also i think ethnicity plays a part
My white friends have not grown since either always tall or short
My South Asian friends some grew later most
Black friends mostly just had early sudden growth spurts
i think bulking helps tho i grew on a cut
Sleep time doers not mastter its about daily duration when i
Forgot to add every day i check height on my wall i have a checker and also when im at gym i check for accuracy
then you're just fucking larping

just fix your diet and you'll grow 10 cm theory JFL tiktok bullshit
never said it will work for everyone, also i dont think it was the duet i think it was the basketball and gym likely
then you're just fucking larping

just fix your diet and you'll grow 10 cm theory JFL tiktok bullshit
Im just happy it happens, thought id motivate some people and help them out with what ik
yup most the guys are 5 8 they jsut say 5 10 & 510 say 6
5 10 + is enough if ur goal is girls ive asked they dont really care its just a bonus but for bball it helps alot
i hope to get to 188 without postural improvements at best
yeah 6'2+ and just forget about height

6'1 I guess can be an exception (assuming youre a strong 6'1) if you have strong erect posture and good frame its still good

I actually got to 6'4 through postural improvements, they were so bad that I had sore muscles for days and immense pain I used to measure 6'3 with garbage posture

London is full of liars Ive met a guy who says is 6'4 but was like barely scarping off 6'2.
are u for real? if yea how
Also i started this right around when school ended so i could finally get a full 10hr sleep and 300g protein daily
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed
yeah 6'2+ and just forget about height

6'1 I guess can be an exception (assuming youre a strong 6'1) if you have strong erect posture and good frame its still good

I actually got to 6'4 through postural improvements, they were so bad that I had sore muscles for days and immense pain I used to measure 6'3 with garbage posture

London is full of liars Ive met a guy who says is 6'4 but was like barely scarping off 6'2.
yup :ROFLMAO: my friend whose "6 4" is smaller than me somehow
he just lies and girls believe him
i think everyone is short lying so u get this inflation
what did u do particularly for posture? would help me alot to hit 188 for ball
Forgot to add every day i check height on my wall i have a checker and also when im at gym i check for accuracy
Nobody cares if you've checked your height everyday or not. Start by using real words cause "the metal small thing" won't help anyone

This is not tiktok
Also i started this right around when school ended so i could finally get a full 10hr sleep and 300g protein daily
crazy ive never trued that kinda stuff but if it works for u great :)
  • +1
Reactions: slavicpsycho and Funnyunenjoyer1
Nobody cares if you've checked your height everyday or not. Start by using real words cause "the metal small thing" won't help anyone

This is not tiktok
im talking about the thing they put when u break ur finger instead of usign wires they use the metal thing its like a small bolty to hold ur finger to grow back from the break
but its not important to what im saying i dont know if my plates were open or closed but the doc said that they were nearly closed so u tell me what that means
yup :ROFLMAO: my friend whose "6 4" is smaller than me somehow
he just lies and girls believe him
i think everyone is short lying so u get this inflation
what did u do particularly for posture? would help me alot to hit 188 for ball
look up ideal ergonomic posture both for sleeping and working at a desk, strengthen your abs mine were weak asf, basically try move often do walks, avoid forward head syndrome
Heightmaxxing success story:


  • 2240934_BBCF5096-34F0-457A-8F63-7935FD2306B4.jpeg
    15 KB · Views: 0
  • JFL
Reactions: Rea
look up ideal ergonomic posture both for sleeping and working at a desk, strengthen your abs mine were weak asf, basically try move often do walks, avoid forward head syndrome
Thanks will do i have the tilt and tight lower legs i think from the bball drills
  • +1
Reactions: Azonin
which month did u experiance the first growth? did u immediately grow during the first month or did u have to wait for few months?
which month did u experiance the first growth? did u immediately grow during the first month or did u have to wait for few months?
it was slow at the start but i was growing most months highest was 2cm in a month,
Month 1 was like nothing Month 2&3 i remember being higher
i use to draw a thing on my wall every day and see how it compares usually the same then it would be 0.5 more then 1

Also noone will notice until u get like 3cm more noone said anything to be until i was like 181 then my close friend asked me did u grow
  • +1
Reactions: Chad15
Context :
Took a year off after sixth form wanted a break before uni, from the UK,
I play D3 basketball height was an issue though even though im good
Sleep has never been good usually 4-5h
when i was like 16 i broke my finger playing ball and got a scan and the doctor mentioned i was about to be finished growing so they would use the metal small thing instead of the green thing(fo what it was call)
At 16 i was around 168-170
I grew between 16 and 18 to 177ish
I barely grew from 18-19 maybe 0-0.5
19-19 & 8 months im 185.8 =/ 186 id have 1 month with like + 2cm some with + 0.5, 1 avg
My highestheighest measurement was this morning hence this thread
My ethnicity is 3/4 White my grandad was arab
I can grow facial hair so noone say this is puberty
Parents are 160 and 172ish maybe 173
Older Brother is 179

My routine for the past 8 Months Weekdays
Sleep like 4AM - 8AM
get up to do some small work on my computer, me and my brother own a online business i manage certain parts of the data
Then sleep again at 12-4
Then 4-6:30 Basketball
I would have like 2 packs of sweets + energy drink a lot of sugar during this time
Gym 10/11PM or later sometimes depending on if im going out that night
I do cardio at home in the night i have alot of the equipment, i catnt sleep unless im tiring myself
Went out clubbing like once every week / 2
Gym 4 times a week
Bulked in the 3month - 7 month cutting now Months
I do stretches before and after bball training i do upper & lower but not for posture to prevent injury
My posture is still bad i have tilt and all that shit
Times vary slighly because my coach autisitic and calls us at like 8 sometimes

Weekends i try get 1 smooth sleep as no work but im use to it so
Same but longer bball sessions
I plan on fixing posture once im done growing for that last 2cm
My Wingspan is nearly 190 cm roughly
I lift as heavy for 5 reps but im not very big i only started gyn this year
My diet was a lot of Chicken And beef bit of carbs and alot of sugar
When i saw GP few weeks ago when i was like 185 they said it was likely delayed rowth but makes no sense since they said growth plates were nearly at 16 so... domt believe the doc

Please measure urself every morning as soon as u wake up multiple times for precision with a friend if possible no pushing or placebo
also ion the days i knew i grew i would get thes leg pains when i woke up it felt like my leg had a prick
This morning i knew it so me nd my friend went gym immediately to check the height on their measuring thing before going for practice and i was 185.8 =/ 186
Any Q ask me i may have missed something i did
I have never taken a thing like HGH or any of that shit and i never will, not to say u shouldnt, ask ur doc
My goal was for basketball i think that helps unlike most who want it for girls
Also most the people on here talk shit,when i went clubbing i saw maybe like less than 10 guys over 180 and when i walk past ppl i look at their height and theyre almost always shorter

Also i think ethnicity plays a part
My white friends have not grown since either always tall or short
My South Asian friends some grew later most
Black friends mostly just had early sudden growth spurts
i think bulking helps tho i grew on a cut
Sleep time doers not mastter its about daily duration when i
Your growth plates was just different in your legs and wasnt closed. Sport dont make anyone grow
i guess so but noone in my family is tall not even like far
plates were open, u had a lucky last growth spurt before plates closed

also I don't even trust what the doctor says anymore Jfl and they don't even know with 100% certainty that "your plates are almost closed"

tldr luck (espc u slept like shit too)
  • +1
Reactions: mathis
plates were open, u had a lucky last growth spurt before plates closed

also I don't even trust what the doctor says anymore Jfl and they don't even know with 100% certainty that "your plates are almost closed"

tldr luck (espc u slept like shit too)
true i guess
idc bout doc no more they just lie
sleep wise u have done that 2 phase thing since young
  • +1
Reactions: segmt
lucky genetic recombination

too bad your IQ didnt increase, keep ballin
  • +1
Reactions: erectiledisaster
lucky genetic recombination

too bad your IQ didnt increase, keep ballin
my IQ?
Im quite well off and academically great,
19yr old : what i earn issue to my skills
but thx anyways i plan to keep going with ball its fun and im good

Also would u really say its lucky to get growth this late would be better to have it when i was young like 17 rights at skl
my IQ?
Im quite well off and academically great,
19yr old : what i earn issue to my skills
but thx anyways i plan to keep going with ball its fun and im good

Also would u really say its lucky to get growth this late would be better to have it when i was young like 17 rights at skl
mixed ppl of ur genetic makeup should ideally be done with puberty by 17

I suspect ur growth at 19 is due to a mixed background in combination with ur poor sleep quality

Insomnia is weakly correlated with postponed puberty

If u had a healthier lifestyle during ur early teens u would still reach ur current height but earlier by a year or two given that u peaked.
mixed ppl of ur genetic makeup should ideally be done with puberty by 17

I suspect ur growth at 19 is due to a mixed background in combination with ur poor sleep quality

Insomnia is weakly correlated with postponed puberty

If u had a healthier lifestyle during ur early teens u would still reach ur current height but earlier by a year or two given that u peaked.
interesting, i see what u saying
though weak in correlation it is entirely possible that i had delayed growth due to sleep but my assumption was that the doc was telling the truth
but why now when my diet ad sleep are just as bad i sleep in 2 parts of 4h and eat sugar
You slept 12 hours a day?

Also Basketball is probably (ironically) the best sport for pubertycels as the jumping causes bone growth

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