TERA HIGH IQ THEORY - Caste System of Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers Ancestors



Jan 20, 2025
As an introduction, think about the societal/caste order of a beehive, a lion pride or a herd of other animals. There is the patriarch/queen, the soldiers, the drones, the workers, the farmers, etc. Now apply this to prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers and I came up with this framework, based on height, weight and fighting success, keeping in mind humans were much larger, taller and more aggressive with much more testosterone in the ancient days.. This caste is from the top to the bottom.


1. Patriarch (8'6+, 650lb+) The largest, most aggressive, dominant, highest fighting success fully grown adult male in the tribe/village/species. The Patriarch has spent his juvenile and early adulthood years challenging and successfully killing dozens, if not hundreds of other adult men to reach his current position. A Patriarch in his prime fears no man or beast and can wrestle Barbary Lions barehanded, take down Black Bears and even smaller Brown Bears and assert genetic dominance over even other big felines/canines like the Jaguar, Panther, Wolf, Coyotes, Sabertooth Tigers, Wolves, etc. A healthy, prime Patriarch can rule for decades from his 20s to his 40s until he gets too old and slow and another younger male challenger rises to the throne. Characterized by his immense size, weight, bideltoid, wrist size, browridge, mandible, skull, wingspan and muscle density. Has a harem of Stacies to mate with his entire reigning life. Generally has pale white skin, black hair with A10 eyes.

2. Hunter-Killers (8'0-8'6, 575lb-650lb) The core hunter-killer elite group in the tribe/village/species. Responsible for defeating animals of prey in straight open combat (Bisons, Buffalos, Mooses, Triceratops, even Rhinos, Hippos, Wooly Mammoths) to feed their people. Extremely high fighting success, second only to the Patriach. Healthy Hunter-Killers in their prime fears few beasts. The social elite among their people. Characterized for their explosive muscle fibers, striking power and ability to output raw damage in PSI and brute force. Generally has very pale skin, black hair and A30 eyes.

3. Protectors (7'8-8'0, 500-575lb) The defensive "vanguard" of the tribe/village/species, this upper caste group is responsible for fending off and killing rival human tribes. Protectors are quite high fighting success, characterized by their explosive muscle fibers, bone density, skull size, wingspan and wrist size. Hunter-Killers may assist in their fights in the downtime between their great hunts if necessary. Protectors are of a relatively sufficient size to not be manhandled by enemy tribes however. Pale skin, dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.

4. Hunter-Chasers (7'4-7'8, 425-500lb) The runts of the litter, this caste lacks the size and firepower to engage in direct combat with beast nor men. This caste is responsible for carrying out endurance hunts, leveraging their small size, narrow frame, agility and lack of muscle mass which results in being able to have extreme endurance and chase prey for 100s of kilometers, despite their embarrassing lack of strength and size. This caste is responsible for chasing prey animals across the region and will generally need to wait until beasts are exhausted or sick to finish them off due to Hunter-Chaser's puny size. Characterized for their small size, wiry frames, lack of muscle mass and extreme endurance and cardio. Fair skin, dark brown hair and green/gray eyes.

5. Stacies (6'10-7'6, 280-325lb) The highest caste for females, these females are given the opportunity to mate with the Patriach and become impregnated. Enjoys lots of social privilege, from first pick of food after hunts to living in bigger huts and having their own slaves. Characterized for their long clavicles, prominent lower thirds and projected browridges. Snow white skin, black hair and A10s.

6. Farmers (6'10-7'4, 375-425lb) One of the lowest castes, these tiny dwarf-like humans do nothing but farm for their tribe/village/species their entire lives. Has zero mating chance in life. This caste lacks the ability to fell beasts like the Hunter-Killers or slaughter men like the Protectors due to their deformed malnourished frames. Characterized for their puny narrow bodies useful only for manual labour. Brown skin, T30 eyes.

7. Beckies (6'4-6'10, 200-280lb) The lower caste for females, cannot mate nor be impregnated by high tier castes like Patriachs or Hunter-Killers. Generally mates with Hunter-Chasers or Protectors. Characterized by their average size and average attractiveness.

8. Untouchables (6'6-6'10, 300-375lb) The second-lowest male caste that are not yet deformed. These are very unfortunate souls with tiny fragile bodies and frames. They are only used as servants, used as footrests, janitors, tables, jesters, decoration or tripwires for the higher castes. Very short life expectancy and an atrocious quality of life. Characterized for their unattractive looks, midget sizes and dark brown skin and T50 eyes.

9. Deformities (Under 6'6, Under 300lb) These genetic deformities (dwarves, midgets, disabled, autistic, down syndrome, etc) are laughably undersized and could be beaten in combat by even the weakest females of their tribe/village/species. This low low caste only exists in theory, as Deformities are killed upon birth by fire or by smashing their skulls against a rock.
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schizo thread
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As an introduction, think about the societal/caste order of a beehive, a lion pride or a herd of other animals. There is the patriarch/queen, the soldiers, the drones, the workers, the farmers, etc. Now apply this to prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers and I came up with this framework, based on height, weight and fighting success, keeping in mind humans were much larger, taller and more aggressive with much more testosterone in the ancient days.. This caste is from the top to the bottom.


1. Patriarch (8'6+, 650lb+) The largest, most aggressive, dominant, highest fighting success fully grown adult male in the tribe/village/species. The Patriarch has spent his juvenile and early adulthood years challenging and successfully killing dozens, if not hundreds of other adult men to reach his current position. A Patriarch in his prime fears no man or beast and can wrestle Barbary Lions barehanded, take down Black Bears and even smaller Brown Bears and assert genetic dominance over even other big felines/canines like the Jaguar, Panther, Wolf, Coyotes, Sabertooth Tigers, Wolves, etc. A healthy, prime Patriarch can rule for decades from his 20s to his 40s until he gets too old and slow and another younger male challenger rises to the throne. Characterized by his immense size, weight, bideltoid, wrist size, browridge, mandible, skull, wingspan and muscle density. Has a harem of Stacies to mate with his entire reigning life. Generally has pale white skin, black hair with A10 eyes.

2. Hunter-Killers (8'0-8'6, 575lb-650lb) The core hunter-killer elite group in the tribe/village/species. Responsible for defeating animals of prey in straight open combat (Bisons, Buffalos, Mooses, Triceratops, even Rhinos, Hippos, Wooly Mammoths) to feed their people. Extremely high fighting success, second only to the Patriach. Healthy Hunter-Killers in their prime fears few beasts. The social elite among their people. Characterized for their explosive muscle fibers, striking power and ability to output raw damage in PSI and brute force. Generally has very pale skin, black hair and A30 eyes.

3. Protectors (7'8-8'0, 500-575lb) The defensive "vanguard" of the tribe/village/species, this upper caste group is responsible for fending off and killing rival human tribes. Protectors are quite high fighting success, characterized by their explosive muscle fibers, bone density, skull size, wingspan and wrist size. Hunter-Killers may assist in their fights in the downtime between their great hunts if necessary. Protectors are of a relatively sufficient size to not be manhandled by enemy tribes however. Pale skin, dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.

4. Hunter-Chasers (7'4-7'8, 425-500lb) The runts of the litter, this caste lacks the size and firepower to engage in direct combat with beast nor men. This caste is responsible for carrying out endurance hunts, leveraging their small size, narrow frame, agility and lack of muscle mass which results in being able to have extreme endurance and chase prey for 100s of kilometers, despite their embarrassing lack of strength and size. This caste is responsible for chasing prey animals across the region and will generally need to wait until beasts are exhausted or sick to finish them off due to Hunter-Chaser's puny size. Characterized for their small size, wiry frames, lack of muscle mass and extreme endurance and cardio. Fair skin, dark brown hair and green/gray eyes.

5. Stacies (6'10-7'6, 280-325lb) The highest caste for females, these females are given the opportunity to mate with the Patriach and become impregnated. Enjoys lots of social privilege, from first pick of food after hunts to living in bigger huts and having their own slaves. Characterized for their long clavicles, prominent lower thirds and projected browridges. Snow white skin, black hair and A10s.

6. Farmers (6'10-7'4, 375-425lb) One of the lowest castes, these tiny dwarf-like humans do nothing but farm for their tribe/village/species their entire lives. Has zero mating chance in life. This caste lacks the ability to fell beasts like the Hunter-Killers or slaughter men like the Protectors due to their deformed malnourished frames. Characterized for their puny narrow bodies useful only for manual labour. Brown skin, T30 eyes.

7. Beckies (6'4-6'10, 200-280lb) The lower caste for females, cannot mate nor be impregnated by high tier castes like Patriachs or Hunter-Killers. Generally mates with Hunter-Chasers or Protectors. Characterized by their average size and average attractiveness.

8. Untouchables (6'6-6'10, 300-375lb) The second-lowest male caste that are not yet deformed. These are very unfortunate souls with tiny fragile bodies and frames. They are only used as servants, used as footrests, janitors, tables, jesters, decoration or tripwires for the higher castes. Very short life expectancy and an atrocious quality of life. Characterized for their unattractive looks, midget sizes and dark brown skin and T50 eyes.

9. Deformities (Under 6'6, Under 300lb) These genetic deformities (dwarves, midgets, disabled, autistic, down syndrome, etc) are laughably undersized and could be beaten in combat by even the weakest females of their tribe/village/species. This low low caste only exists in theory, as Deformities are killed upon birth by fire or by smashing their skulls against a rock.

One of my favorite threads so far :lul:


Height Comparison of the Different Castes (for reference).


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nigga saw these people
It's literally based on biology and science. Look at how a beehive works, or a herd of lions, etc. This is a reasonable scientifically informed estimate and approximate of Hunter-Gatherer caste systems.
For example Tyler Maher, Clint Walker, etc likely would've been a Patriarch or a Hunter-Killer at the very least if they were born back in the good old days with a hunter-killer raw diet. Without modern processed food and microplastics and goyslop and estrogen and chemicals in everything, Maher likely would've been low tier Patriarch-sized (around 8'10 and 725lb lean), Clint Walker would've been a bit bigger but nowhere near the most ferocious Patriarchs that roamed the Earth back then. I think the biggest Patriarchs that roamed the Earth millions of years ago could've been way bigger, since the biggest land mammal that ever lived was Paraceratherium, a giant rhino that lived during the Oligocene epoch, 34–23 million years ago with
Length: 23–25 ft (7–8 m)
Shoulder height: 15.7 ft (4.8 m)
Weight: 11–20 tons (11–20 metric tons)

This meant that prehistoric Patriarchs could've theoretically topped out at 14-15 feet tall. Holy shit imagine a tiny Maher 8'10 Patriarch thinking he's the big man in his village and True Adam Patriarch rolls up at a enormous 14'6. JFL I would rope on the spot.
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I don't think they were that tall bud
JFL without modern processed food and microplastics and goyslop and estrogen and chemicals and on a hunter diet they would've been enormous. Look up fossils of prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers.
JFL without modern processed food and microplastics and goyslop and estrogen and chemicals and on a hunter diet they would've been enormous. Look up fossils of prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers.
There is no evidence to support that claim matter of fact they were shorter and beefier than us.How do you think they were able to kill prey? All the shit you see on the internet about prehistoric giants is exaggerated and untrue
There is no evidence to support that claim matter of fact they were shorter and beefier than us.How do you think they were able to kill prey? All the shit you see on the internet about prehistoric giants is exaggerated and untrue
JFL "shorter than us". How TF would they have killed triceratops if they were 6'2
10. LTBs who mate with the farmers/underling class.
Schizo ramblings but still entertaining so I'll rep it
You’ve built a caste system where everyone’s position depends on size, strength, and fighting ability, kind of like how animals have their own hierarchies. At the top is the Patriarch, the biggest and most aggressive guy, who stays on top by killing rivals. Below him are the HunterKillers, the elite fighters who hunt the big animals. Then, you’ve got the Protectors, the ones who defend the tribe from other groups.
The Huntercase are smaller and faster, helping with endurance hunts but not so great in direct combat. The Stacies are the top females, chosen to mate with the Patriarch, and they live comfortably.
The Farmers are lower on the scaledoing the hard labor without much status. Beckies are another female caste, not as high as Stacies but still valuable.
Then, you have the Untouchables, weak guys used for menial tasks with little chance of survival, and the deformities, who are born with issues and don’t make it.
Basically, this system’s all about physical power and survival. The stronger you are, the higher your rank. cmiiw
You’ve built a caste system where everyone’s position depends on size, strength, and fighting ability, kind of like how animals have their own hierarchies. At the top is the Patriarch, the biggest and most aggressive guy, who stays on top by killing rivals. Below him are the HunterKillers, the elite fighters who hunt the big animals. Then, you’ve got the Protectors, the ones who defend the tribe from other groups.
The Huntercase are smaller and faster, helping with endurance hunts but not so great in direct combat. The Stacies are the top females, chosen to mate with the Patriarch, and they live comfortably.
The Farmers are lower on the scaledoing the hard labor without much status. Beckies are another female caste, not as high as Stacies but still valuable.
Then, you have the Untouchables, weak guys used for menial tasks with little chance of survival, and the deformities, who are born with issues and don’t make it.
Basically, this system’s all about physical power and survival. The stronger you are, the higher your rank. cmiiw
Yes exactly
As an introduction, think about the societal/caste order of a beehive, a lion pride or a herd of other animals. There is the patriarch/queen, the soldiers, the drones, the workers, the farmers, etc. Now apply this to prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers and I came up with this framework, based on height, weight and fighting success, keeping in mind humans were much larger, taller and more aggressive with much more testosterone in the ancient days.. This caste is from the top to the bottom.


1. Patriarch (8'6+, 650lb+) The largest, most aggressive, dominant, highest fighting success fully grown adult male in the tribe/village/species. The Patriarch has spent his juvenile and early adulthood years challenging and successfully killing dozens, if not hundreds of other adult men to reach his current position. A Patriarch in his prime fears no man or beast and can wrestle Barbary Lions barehanded, take down Black Bears and even smaller Brown Bears and assert genetic dominance over even other big felines/canines like the Jaguar, Panther, Wolf, Coyotes, Sabertooth Tigers, Wolves, etc. A healthy, prime Patriarch can rule for decades from his 20s to his 40s until he gets too old and slow and another younger male challenger rises to the throne. Characterized by his immense size, weight, bideltoid, wrist size, browridge, mandible, skull, wingspan and muscle density. Has a harem of Stacies to mate with his entire reigning life. Generally has pale white skin, black hair with A10 eyes.

2. Hunter-Killers (8'0-8'6, 575lb-650lb) The core hunter-killer elite group in the tribe/village/species. Responsible for defeating animals of prey in straight open combat (Bisons, Buffalos, Mooses, Triceratops, even Rhinos, Hippos, Wooly Mammoths) to feed their people. Extremely high fighting success, second only to the Patriach. Healthy Hunter-Killers in their prime fears few beasts. The social elite among their people. Characterized for their explosive muscle fibers, striking power and ability to output raw damage in PSI and brute force. Generally has very pale skin, black hair and A30 eyes.

3. Protectors (7'8-8'0, 500-575lb) The defensive "vanguard" of the tribe/village/species, this upper caste group is responsible for fending off and killing rival human tribes. Protectors are quite high fighting success, characterized by their explosive muscle fibers, bone density, skull size, wingspan and wrist size. Hunter-Killers may assist in their fights in the downtime between their great hunts if necessary. Protectors are of a relatively sufficient size to not be manhandled by enemy tribes however. Pale skin, dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.

4. Hunter-Chasers (7'4-7'8, 425-500lb) The runts of the litter, this caste lacks the size and firepower to engage in direct combat with beast nor men. This caste is responsible for carrying out endurance hunts, leveraging their small size, narrow frame, agility and lack of muscle mass which results in being able to have extreme endurance and chase prey for 100s of kilometers, despite their embarrassing lack of strength and size. This caste is responsible for chasing prey animals across the region and will generally need to wait until beasts are exhausted or sick to finish them off due to Hunter-Chaser's puny size. Characterized for their small size, wiry frames, lack of muscle mass and extreme endurance and cardio. Fair skin, dark brown hair and green/gray eyes.

5. Stacies (6'10-7'6, 280-325lb) The highest caste for females, these females are given the opportunity to mate with the Patriach and become impregnated. Enjoys lots of social privilege, from first pick of food after hunts to living in bigger huts and having their own slaves. Characterized for their long clavicles, prominent lower thirds and projected browridges. Snow white skin, black hair and A10s.

6. Farmers (6'10-7'4, 375-425lb) One of the lowest castes, these tiny dwarf-like humans do nothing but farm for their tribe/village/species their entire lives. Has zero mating chance in life. This caste lacks the ability to fell beasts like the Hunter-Killers or slaughter men like the Protectors due to their deformed malnourished frames. Characterized for their puny narrow bodies useful only for manual labour. Brown skin, T30 eyes.

7. Beckies (6'4-6'10, 200-280lb) The lower caste for females, cannot mate nor be impregnated by high tier castes like Patriachs or Hunter-Killers. Generally mates with Hunter-Chasers or Protectors. Characterized by their average size and average attractiveness.

8. Untouchables (6'6-6'10, 300-375lb) The second-lowest male caste that are not yet deformed. These are very unfortunate souls with tiny fragile bodies and frames. They are only used as servants, used as footrests, janitors, tables, jesters, decoration or tripwires for the higher castes. Very short life expectancy and an atrocious quality of life. Characterized for their unattractive looks, midget sizes and dark brown skin and T50 eyes.

9. Deformities (Under 6'6, Under 300lb) These genetic deformities (dwarves, midgets, disabled, autistic, down syndrome, etc) are laughably undersized and could be beaten in combat by even the weakest females of their tribe/village/species. This low low caste only exists in theory, as Deformities are killed upon birth by fire or by smashing their skulls against a rock.
8’6 is excessive. The more realistic scenario would’ve been that the top would’ve been like 6’10 or sum shi since average hunter gatherer was like 6 ft
8’6 is excessive. The more realistic scenario would’ve been that the top would’ve been like 6’10 or sum shi since average hunter gatherer was like 6 ft
Are you retarded? 6'10 is between farmer and untouchable servant tier.
Ill continue from my experience during these times as a 10'8 wasp leader
  1. WASP (7'0-7'6, 250-400lb)
    A rare but despised caste, Exiles are former members of the tribe who have committed crimes, lost in dishonorable combat, or been deemed unworthy by the Patriarch. They are stripped of their rank, excommunicated, and forced to wander the wilderness alone. Too large to integrate into other human groups but too weak to survive against apex predators, most Exiles die within months. Some manage to survive by scavenging, ambushing weakened prey, or forming loose, desperate groups of outcasts. Characterized by their ragged appearance, malnourished but still imposing frames, and wild, unkempt hair. Eye colors vary based on previous caste.
  2. Nord (6'8-7'4, 275-375lb)
    A non-combat caste responsible for the spiritual and ritualistic aspects of the tribe. They conduct blood sacrifices, interpret omens, and determine which males are worthy of challenging for higher status. Though physically weaker than warriors, Priests wield considerable social influence, as their blessing is required for any major hunt, battle, or mating ritual. Some Priests have secret training in poisons and manipulation, ensuring their survival despite their lack of combat prowess. Characterized by their eerie presence, deep-set eyes, and long, jet-black hair, often covered in ritualistic tattoos and scars. Usually possess pale or grayish skin from their isolation from direct sunlight.
  3. Balkan Boy (7'2-7'8, 400-500lb)
    A caste of elite enforcers who serve directly under the Patriarch, acting as executioners, torturers, and duel officiants. Their purpose is to maintain absolute order within the tribe, swiftly eliminating any signs of rebellion or insubordination. Unlike Protectors, Bloodletters do not engage in external warfare or hunting; their sole focus is internal control. Known for their extreme brutality, they are feared even among the highest ranks. Characterized by their eerie calmness, emotionless demeanor, and a terrifying blend of muscle density and surgical precision in combat. Always adorned with the dried blood of their victims as a mark of their status.
  4. Med Cuck (6'10-7'4, 250-375lb)
    The lowest-ranking male caste that is still permitted to exist within the tribe. Bonepickers are scavengers who survive by stripping bones of meat, crafting weapons from carcasses, and performing other degrading tasks. Considered barely above Untouchables, they live in squalor and are often beaten for sport by higher castes. Occasionally, a particularly cunning Bonepicker may rise in status by crafting a superior weapon or tool, but most are doomed to lives of filth and suffering. Characterized by their gaunt faces, sunken eyes, and permanently hunched posture from years of submission.

  1. WASP leader (9'2-9'8, 750lb-900lb+)
    A being so rare and genetically superior that only one is born every few generations. The WASP leader is the pinnacle of looksmaxxing and genetic perfection—his A1 facial harmony, celestial-tier bone structure, and peak masculine aesthetics make even Patriarchs look like malnourished peasants in comparison. His brow ridge is so overdeveloped that it casts a permanent shadow over his piercing A10 eyes, which glow like celestial fire in dim light. His mandible is so wide that his mere presence mogs every caste into submission. With a wrist circumference greater than the skulls of normal men and a bideltoid width that defies comprehension, he is an entity that could only be described as myth made flesh.
The Titan Primarch does not fight for status—he is status. When he moves, the ground shakes beneath his absurd weight, and mere eye contact with him can cause hormonal shock in lesser males. Women of all castes instinctively lower their gaze, unable to handle the sheer magnitude of his andro-auric field. He is so hypermasculine that his body naturally produces supra-physiological testosterone levels, rendering PEDs obsolete. His very existence threatens the established hierarchy, as even the Patriarch must kneel in his presence. Only death or divine intervention can stop him.

Characterized by:

  • Snow-white or metallic silver skin that glows under moonlight.
  • A10 eyes so sharp and penetrating that lesser men feel physically ill in his presence.
  • Thick jet-black or cosmic platinum hair that never recedes.
  • A skull so large that normal helmets must be reforged to accommodate his size.
  • A wingspan greater than his height, giving him an unnatural, godlike silhouette.
  1. Indian/SEA (Under 6’4, Under 250lb, T50 eyes)
    The lowest possible genetic tier, an absolute failure of evolution. Peasantlings are born with catastrophically stunted frames, no brow ridge, sunken T50 eyes, and unremarkable jawlines that barely qualify as masculine. Their weak bone structure makes them walking injuries, and their complete lack of androgenic features leaves them permanently invisible to all Stacies. Even Beckies look at them with disgust. The mere existence of Peasantlings is a blight on the gene pool, and they are often relegated to serf-like labor or used as human sandbags in training exercises.
Some Peasantlings desperately attempt to escape their fate through artificial means—wearing shoe lifts, abusing HGH, and coping with hair transplants—but their T50 eyes betray their subhuman ancestry. No amount of hard work or gymmaxxing can elevate them past their genetically doomed status. A lifetime of mogging awaits them.

Characterized by:

  • T50 dull, peasant-tier eyes that lack depth and intensity.
  • Weak mandibles incapable of holding a dominant bite force.
  • Sloped foreheads and receding hairlines by age 20.
  • Narrow, fragile wrists that signal low bone density and a life of weakness.
chatgpt clutching up rn

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