"Actually, that’s unfair to suits. Women respond to broad shoulders far more powerfully than men respond to breasts, making suits the more powerful of the two. Do you know that lustful feeling well-cloven cleavage can instil in you? Well, broad shoulders give women that same feeling, except stronger (study)."


The traditional "Muh frame doesn't matter" is a BULLSHIT

InCollage 20201012 043441421

^^ Which Jimson has more sex - [ISPOILER]THE ONE ON THE RIGHT[/ISPOILER]

Jfl frame 2

^^ Which BBC is living more happier life = [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT ONE OF COURSE[/ISPOILER]


^^ Which guy do you think is overall more successful in life - [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT FUCKING ONE[/ISPOILER]

It is very important for men to be tall, wide framed, and heavy (due to bone mass and muscle mass).

Cuck to player

Being a lightweighted twink will extremely reduce your General Fighting success, superior chads will be easily able to lift you up and slam you down to the ground


But "muh hard work and dedication"...

Clavicle mog

Chestbrahs Frame Looks like shit next to jeff's one, his clavicles have the width of his head, his shoulders are compressed on his ribcage, you can easily spot his below average Frame under all These muscles

Most People typically rely on that bro science that wide shoulders are simply caused by wide clavicles, which is half-way true,
But the important factor which makes their shoulders so Broad are their scapulas. which brings us to scapula - pill section.


(Neither @Sergeant knows how to fix double spoiler problem, it's a xenforo issue)
Kim freire for example doesn't has extreme wide clavicles, but he has a enormous wide Scapula which extends well above his horizontal ribcage width
Kim freire

The shape and the lateral projection of the Scapula is determined by your genetics, mostly it's determined by the androgen receptor exposure and their Density/sensitivity.

- The lateral projection of the glenoid cavity aka the neck is the most important part, if this part is laterally narrow along with a sloped Humerus Insertion then the shoulders will look like they are literally compressed on the ribcage

Although the "slopedness" is in 90% of cases more related to The clavicle shape, every chad has 1 Thing in common: Straight clavicles or at least relatively straight clavicles, it's not even the actual width of the clavicles but the straightness which is important. Thus brings us to clavicle insertions section.

Straight clavicles determine how Broad/squarish and straight in General your shoulders will look

Anatomy 101

Incels have usually horrible feminine short curved V shaped clavicles, this does not only makes the shoulders look sloped, it also results in a horizontal narrow chest Insertion, a chest muscle insertions which grows downward rather than laterally outwards.

One of the WORST incel traits you can imagine, a roundish horizontal narrow U shaped chest insertion

It's such a typical gymcel trait, it Looks totally un-dimorphic and unmasculine, like 2 Forward projecting sagging tits

U shaped scum

Compared to a godly chaddish horizontal wide square chest

High haemoglobin

Lets imagine 2 guys with the same biacromial breadth, one with square and one with sloped shoulders, the one with the square shoulder will look optically and objectively wider after he gained the same amount of mass because his Deltoid projection goes straight sideways and not diagonally upwards like on a cripple

But if you have sloped shoulders, Increasing your Deltoid size will consequently increase the slopedness of your shoulders

Human vs subhuman

It just Looks ugly and silly, it's not only a incel trait, it's a total neotenous-feminine trait

A mature male Body is supposed to be straightly framed by the shoulders/arms

Jfl haha end it

The angulation of your shoulders/clavicle along with the length of your neck determine whetever you will be seen as a naturally unathletic Coping gymcel or as a natural athletic chad with a huge sex appeal

Square vs sloped
God cody
Chad frame
Chad frame 2

THIS IS WHAT PRIME JB'S WANT!!!!. They dont care About your utterly roided/bloated and sloped 22 Inch bideltoid when chad Comes into the room with his genetically superior non gymcelled 25 Inch square-shoulder bideltoid with a biacromial breadth of 23 inches

The answer is: YES, BUT only if you have relatively straight clavicles/squarish shoulders to begin with

4 Years roids 250mg test

Zyzz, David Laid, Jon Skywalker etc. all These guys had relatively Broad and straight clavicles to begin with which why they looked so aesthetic after they gained several Pounds of muscle

Deluded normies Always use These 3 guys as a example that anyone can max his Frame simply by going to the gym, but almost no one Pays Attention to the fact that all These 3 guys already had a very impressive clavicular/shoulder structure to begin with which allowed them a straight lateral Deltoid projection


Jfl frame

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t4 monotherapy only works on young males so ur lucky. Just make sure when ur taking t4 do NOT be on calric deficit, do intense exercise (esp HIIT or marathons) , do not cut simple sugars, and dont run the experiment longer than a month. If you feel better then consider trying out t3 or even progesterone (latter is also a good litmus test for if you were functioning at low efficiency since progesterone helps excrete excess estrogen and stimulates thyroid gland release). If you get warm af on progesterone it means u were a bit hypothyroid before
wait brother. ESTROGEN AND progesterone arent good at all for growth plates right? i dont think very hypo, like some days id be tired due to boring classes . and a lot of days id be fine. i dont feel sleepy and shit ever, if i wake up i never take naps as im too active.
wait brother. ESTROGEN AND progesterone arent good at all for growth plates right? i dont think very hypo, like some days id be tired due to boring classes . and a lot of days id be fine. i dont feel sleepy and shit ever, if i wake up i never take naps as im too active.
im like that too i never napped even if i was tired but i was severely hypo. progesterone doesnt have any effect on growth plates , only estrogen and since progesterone reduces estrogen it probably prolongs how long growth plates stay open
im like that too i never napped even if i was tired but i was severely hypo. progesterone doesnt have any effect on growth plates , only estrogen and since progesterone reduces estrogen it probably prolongs how long growth plates stay open
how can i increase progesterone? also brother, doesnt hypo mean growth plates closure is delayed too? so it wont close soon like others, assuming estrogen is constant
im like that too i never napped even if i was tired but i was severely hypo. progesterone doesnt have any effect on growth plates , only estrogen and since progesterone reduces estrogen it probably prolongs how long growth plates stay open
anyway i took 62.5 mcg thyroxine sodium tonight. now ill only take in morning when i wake up, should i go for 2 tablets or just one?
@BrahminBoss will it work well now? im nearing 19
t4 monotherapy only works on young males so ur lucky. Just make sure when ur taking t4 do NOT be on calric deficit, do intense exercise (esp HIIT or marathons) , do not cut simple sugars, and dont run the experiment longer than a month. If you feel better then consider trying out t3 or even progesterone (latter is also a good litmus test for if you were functioning at low efficiency since progesterone helps excrete excess estrogen and stimulates thyroid gland release). If you get warm af on progesterone it means u were a bit hypothyroid before
Antropometry-pill has destroyed my life already, but framepill... I can't even tell you how much painful that was to witness.

Yes, i am 6 PSL facially, but antopometry can either make or break you (i'm talking about wrist size + frame size + height). You just can't say it's not important



"Actually, that’s unfair to suits. Women respond to broad shoulders far more powerfully than men respond to breasts, making suits the more powerful of the two. Do you know that lustful feeling well-cloven cleavage can instil in you? Well, broad shoulders give women that same feeling, except stronger (study)."


The traditional "Muh frame doesn't matter" is a BULLSHIT

View attachment 729041

^^ Which Jimson has more sex - [ISPOILER]THE ONE ON THE RIGHT[/ISPOILER]

View attachment 729043View attachment 729044

^^ Which BBC is living more happier life = [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT ONE OF COURSE[/ISPOILER]

View attachment 729048

^^ Which guy do you think is overall more successful in life - [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT FUCKING ONE[/ISPOILER]

It is very important for men to be tall, wide framed, and heavy (due to bone mass and muscle mass).

View attachment 729068View attachment 729076

Being a lightweighted twink will extremely reduce your General Fighting success, superior chads will be easily able to lift you up and slam you down to the ground


But "muh hard work and dedication"...

View attachment 729082

Chestbrahs Frame Looks like shit next to jeff's one, his clavicles have the width of his head, his shoulders are compressed on his ribcage, you can easily spot his below average Frame under all These muscles

Most People typically rely on that bro science that wide shoulders are simply caused by wide clavicles, which is half-way true,
But the important factor which makes their shoulders so Broad are their scapulas. which brings us to scapula - pill section.


(Neither @Sergeant knows how to fix double spoiler problem, it's a xenforo issue)
Kim freire for example doesn't has extreme wide clavicles, but he has a enormous wide Scapula which extends well above his horizontal ribcage width
View attachment 729107View attachment 729121
The shape and the lateral projection of the Scapula is determined by your genetics, mostly it's determined by the androgen receptor exposure and their Density/sensitivity.

- The lateral projection of the glenoid cavity aka the neck is the most important part, if this part is laterally narrow along with a sloped Humerus Insertion then the shoulders will look like they are literally compressed on the ribcage

Although the "slopedness" is in 90% of cases more related to The clavicle shape, every chad has 1 Thing in common: Straight clavicles or at least relatively straight clavicles, it's not even the actual width of the clavicles but the straightness which is important. Thus brings us to clavicle insertions section.

Straight clavicles determine how Broad/squarish and straight in General your shoulders will look

View attachment 729226

Incels have usually horrible feminine short curved V shaped clavicles, this does not only makes the shoulders look sloped, it also results in a horizontal narrow chest Insertion, a chest muscle insertions which grows downward rather than laterally outwards.

One of the WORST incel traits you can imagine, a roundish horizontal narrow U shaped chest insertion

It's such a typical gymcel trait, it Looks totally un-dimorphic and unmasculine, like 2 Forward projecting sagging tits

View attachment 729136

Compared to a godly chaddish horizontal wide square chest

View attachment 729140

Lets imagine 2 guys with the same biacromial breadth, one with square and one with sloped shoulders, the one with the square shoulder will look optically and objectively wider after he gained the same amount of mass because his Deltoid projection goes straight sideways and not diagonally upwards like on a cripple

But if you have sloped shoulders, Increasing your Deltoid size will consequently increase the slopedness of your shoulders

View attachment 729162

It just Looks ugly and silly, it's not only a incel trait, it's a total neotenous-feminine trait

A mature male Body is supposed to be straightly framed by the shoulders/arms

View attachment 729165

The angulation of your shoulders/clavicle along with the length of your neck determine whetever you will be seen as a naturally unathletic Coping gymcel or as a natural athletic chad with a huge sex appeal

View attachment 729215View attachment 729216View attachment 729219View attachment 729220View attachment 729223

THIS IS WHAT PRIME JB'S WANT!!!!. They dont care About your utterly roided/bloated and sloped 22 Inch bideltoid when chad Comes into the room with his genetically superior non gymcelled 25 Inch square-shoulder bideltoid with a biacromial breadth of 23 inches

The answer is: YES, BUT only if you have relatively straight clavicles/squarish shoulders to begin with

View attachment 729258

Zyzz, David Laid, Jon Skywalker etc. all These guys had relatively Broad and straight clavicles to begin with which why they looked so aesthetic after they gained several Pounds of muscle

Deluded normies Always use These 3 guys as a example that anyone can max his Frame simply by going to the gym, but almost no one Pays Attention to the fact that all These 3 guys already had a very impressive clavicular/shoulder structure to begin with which allowed them a straight lateral Deltoid projection


View attachment 729239View attachment 729242View attachment 729243View attachment 729249View attachment 729253

Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: sportsmogger


"Actually, that’s unfair to suits. Women respond to broad shoulders far more powerfully than men respond to breasts, making suits the more powerful of the two. Do you know that lustful feeling well-cloven cleavage can instil in you? Well, broad shoulders give women that same feeling, except stronger (study)."


The traditional "Muh frame doesn't matter" is a BULLSHIT

View attachment 729041

^^ Which Jimson has more sex - [ISPOILER]THE ONE ON THE RIGHT[/ISPOILER]

View attachment 729043View attachment 729044

^^ Which BBC is living more happier life = [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT ONE OF COURSE[/ISPOILER]

View attachment 729048

^^ Which guy do you think is overall more successful in life - [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT FUCKING ONE[/ISPOILER]

It is very important for men to be tall, wide framed, and heavy (due to bone mass and muscle mass).

View attachment 729068View attachment 729076

Being a lightweighted twink will extremely reduce your General Fighting success, superior chads will be easily able to lift you up and slam you down to the ground


But "muh hard work and dedication"...

View attachment 729082

Chestbrahs Frame Looks like shit next to jeff's one, his clavicles have the width of his head, his shoulders are compressed on his ribcage, you can easily spot his below average Frame under all These muscles

Most People typically rely on that bro science that wide shoulders are simply caused by wide clavicles, which is half-way true,
But the important factor which makes their shoulders so Broad are their scapulas. which brings us to scapula - pill section.


(Neither @Sergeant knows how to fix double spoiler problem, it's a xenforo issue)
Kim freire for example doesn't has extreme wide clavicles, but he has a enormous wide Scapula which extends well above his horizontal ribcage width
View attachment 729107View attachment 729121
The shape and the lateral projection of the Scapula is determined by your genetics, mostly it's determined by the androgen receptor exposure and their Density/sensitivity.

- The lateral projection of the glenoid cavity aka the neck is the most important part, if this part is laterally narrow along with a sloped Humerus Insertion then the shoulders will look like they are literally compressed on the ribcage

Although the "slopedness" is in 90% of cases more related to The clavicle shape, every chad has 1 Thing in common: Straight clavicles or at least relatively straight clavicles, it's not even the actual width of the clavicles but the straightness which is important. Thus brings us to clavicle insertions section.

Straight clavicles determine how Broad/squarish and straight in General your shoulders will look

View attachment 729226

Incels have usually horrible feminine short curved V shaped clavicles, this does not only makes the shoulders look sloped, it also results in a horizontal narrow chest Insertion, a chest muscle insertions which grows downward rather than laterally outwards.

One of the WORST incel traits you can imagine, a roundish horizontal narrow U shaped chest insertion

It's such a typical gymcel trait, it Looks totally un-dimorphic and unmasculine, like 2 Forward projecting sagging tits

View attachment 729136

Compared to a godly chaddish horizontal wide square chest

View attachment 729140

Lets imagine 2 guys with the same biacromial breadth, one with square and one with sloped shoulders, the one with the square shoulder will look optically and objectively wider after he gained the same amount of mass because his Deltoid projection goes straight sideways and not diagonally upwards like on a cripple

But if you have sloped shoulders, Increasing your Deltoid size will consequently increase the slopedness of your shoulders

View attachment 729162

It just Looks ugly and silly, it's not only a incel trait, it's a total neotenous-feminine trait

A mature male Body is supposed to be straightly framed by the shoulders/arms

View attachment 729165

The angulation of your shoulders/clavicle along with the length of your neck determine whetever you will be seen as a naturally unathletic Coping gymcel or as a natural athletic chad with a huge sex appeal

View attachment 729215View attachment 729216View attachment 729219View attachment 729220View attachment 729223

THIS IS WHAT PRIME JB'S WANT!!!!. They dont care About your utterly roided/bloated and sloped 22 Inch bideltoid when chad Comes into the room with his genetically superior non gymcelled 25 Inch square-shoulder bideltoid with a biacromial breadth of 23 inches

The answer is: YES, BUT only if you have relatively straight clavicles/squarish shoulders to begin with

View attachment 729258

Zyzz, David Laid, Jon Skywalker etc. all These guys had relatively Broad and straight clavicles to begin with which why they looked so aesthetic after they gained several Pounds of muscle

Deluded normies Always use These 3 guys as a example that anyone can max his Frame simply by going to the gym, but almost no one Pays Attention to the fact that all These 3 guys already had a very impressive clavicular/shoulder structure to begin with which allowed them a straight lateral Deltoid projection


View attachment 729239View attachment 729242View attachment 729243View attachment 729249View attachment 729253

  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart, moreroidsmoredates and Deleted member 51465
I wish I was 6"8 with huge shoulder width ngl. Bones mog muscle always. The amount of muscle you can build is dependent on the amount of bone you have anyway JFL
Have u seem tall guys they have shit frame
Great thread, frame is indeed life, but its worthy remembering that frame comes with height and tall guys will consequently have wide frames and good bone insertions, in average, when compared to short guys. So height and frame come together, its not possible to have one or the other, you either have both or you have none. Those who have both really above average (its my case, im 6,4 with a wide frame) have a very considerable advantage in comparison to those who have none. You forgot to mention that, and its really important. But anyways, great thread still, BOTB worthy without a doubt
  • +1
Reactions: kiyopon, Deleted member 44554, moreroidsmoredates and 1 other person
Great thread, frame is indeed life, but its worthy remembering that frame comes with height and tall guys will consequently have wide frames and good bone insertions, in average, when compared to short guys. So height and frame come together, its not possible to have one or the other, you either have both or you have none. Those who have both really above average (its my case, im 6,4 with a wide frame) have a very considerable advantage in comparison to those who have none. You forgot to mention that, and its really important. But anyways, great thread still, BOTB worthy without a doubt
Yeah not sure what the cope about tall guys having worse frames is. In reality its the opposite.
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates
Yeah not sure what the cope about tall guys having worse frames is. In reality it’s the opposite.
Taller guys have bigger hips on average , so their ratio may be worse
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: kiyopon, Deleted member 44554 and Chintuck22


"Actually, that’s unfair to suits. Women respond to broad shoulders far more powerfully than men respond to breasts, making suits the more powerful of the two. Do you know that lustful feeling well-cloven cleavage can instil in you? Well, broad shoulders give women that same feeling, except stronger (study)."


The traditional "Muh frame doesn't matter" is a BULLSHIT

View attachment 729041

^^ Which Jimson has more sex - [ISPOILER]THE ONE ON THE RIGHT[/ISPOILER]

View attachment 729043View attachment 729044

^^ Which BBC is living more happier life = [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT ONE OF COURSE[/ISPOILER]

View attachment 729048

^^ Which guy do you think is overall more successful in life - [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT FUCKING ONE[/ISPOILER]

It is very important for men to be tall, wide framed, and heavy (due to bone mass and muscle mass).

View attachment 729068View attachment 729076

Being a lightweighted twink will extremely reduce your General Fighting success, superior chads will be easily able to lift you up and slam you down to the ground


But "muh hard work and dedication"...

View attachment 729082

Chestbrahs Frame Looks like shit next to jeff's one, his clavicles have the width of his head, his shoulders are compressed on his ribcage, you can easily spot his below average Frame under all These muscles

Most People typically rely on that bro science that wide shoulders are simply caused by wide clavicles, which is half-way true,
But the important factor which makes their shoulders so Broad are their scapulas. which brings us to scapula - pill section.


(Neither @Sergeant knows how to fix double spoiler problem, it's a xenforo issue)
Kim freire for example doesn't has extreme wide clavicles, but he has a enormous wide Scapula which extends well above his horizontal ribcage width
View attachment 729107View attachment 729121
The shape and the lateral projection of the Scapula is determined by your genetics, mostly it's determined by the androgen receptor exposure and their Density/sensitivity.

- The lateral projection of the glenoid cavity aka the neck is the most important part, if this part is laterally narrow along with a sloped Humerus Insertion then the shoulders will look like they are literally compressed on the ribcage

Although the "slopedness" is in 90% of cases more related to The clavicle shape, every chad has 1 Thing in common: Straight clavicles or at least relatively straight clavicles, it's not even the actual width of the clavicles but the straightness which is important. Thus brings us to clavicle insertions section.

Straight clavicles determine how Broad/squarish and straight in General your shoulders will look

View attachment 729226

Incels have usually horrible feminine short curved V shaped clavicles, this does not only makes the shoulders look sloped, it also results in a horizontal narrow chest Insertion, a chest muscle insertions which grows downward rather than laterally outwards.

One of the WORST incel traits you can imagine, a roundish horizontal narrow U shaped chest insertion

It's such a typical gymcel trait, it Looks totally un-dimorphic and unmasculine, like 2 Forward projecting sagging tits

View attachment 729136

Compared to a godly chaddish horizontal wide square chest

View attachment 729140

Lets imagine 2 guys with the same biacromial breadth, one with square and one with sloped shoulders, the one with the square shoulder will look optically and objectively wider after he gained the same amount of mass because his Deltoid projection goes straight sideways and not diagonally upwards like on a cripple

But if you have sloped shoulders, Increasing your Deltoid size will consequently increase the slopedness of your shoulders

View attachment 729162

It just Looks ugly and silly, it's not only a incel trait, it's a total neotenous-feminine trait

A mature male Body is supposed to be straightly framed by the shoulders/arms

View attachment 729165

The angulation of your shoulders/clavicle along with the length of your neck determine whetever you will be seen as a naturally unathletic Coping gymcel or as a natural athletic chad with a huge sex appeal

View attachment 729215View attachment 729216View attachment 729219View attachment 729220View attachment 729223

THIS IS WHAT PRIME JB'S WANT!!!!. They dont care About your utterly roided/bloated and sloped 22 Inch bideltoid when chad Comes into the room with his genetically superior non gymcelled 25 Inch square-shoulder bideltoid with a biacromial breadth of 23 inches

The answer is: YES, BUT only if you have relatively straight clavicles/squarish shoulders to begin with

View attachment 729258

Zyzz, David Laid, Jon Skywalker etc. all These guys had relatively Broad and straight clavicles to begin with which why they looked so aesthetic after they gained several Pounds of muscle

Deluded normies Always use These 3 guys as a example that anyone can max his Frame simply by going to the gym, but almost no one Pays Attention to the fact that all These 3 guys already had a very impressive clavicular/shoulder structure to begin with which allowed them a straight lateral Deltoid projection


View attachment 729239View attachment 729242View attachment 729243View attachment 729249View attachment 729253

IMG 3452
is it over
is 22 inches biacromial distance a good frame?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 44554
Taller guys have bigger hips on average , so their ratio may be worse
Doesn’t really matter since their scapula and clavicles are wider. Which will make their slightly bigger hips small in comparison.
  • +1
Reactions: Saint Casanova
is that you in the spoiler?
Why is bro talking to himself.

You actually have good frame. Not average or slightly above but rly good. As well as good soft tissue insertions and more properties. Only thing is the unaesthetic ratio of your head size to your body's size. Your head is too big for that body. But insertions, lengths, angles, etc are all good.
You aint no psl 6 buddy☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
as a tall guy you'll have bad relative strength but that doesn't matter, only absolute strength really matters
It matters for climbing/bouldering, gymnastics and parkour

Also anything that uses a bicycle as they convert strength to speed more efficiently than legs
jfl this is the average bulgarian. beyond over
lol what? I work with a bunch of Bulgarians and they are more Chad than Americans. Usually tall and in good shape.
very small percentage. most of them look like the dude i just sent
chudtag mhm I knew it
lmao bro literally used to copy everything from here then upload them in yt
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
one of the best , thank you man , i've always haved a long clavicle and gap between my shoulder and i've always pushing my clavicle back so it can't be too long cuz i didn't wanted to have a big frame in clavicle when i'm only 15 and with a chicken leg so , now im 16 and 6ft and i see this in the right time , i think 6ft is not enough for a long frame clavicle so i will wait and see if whether I continue to grow or not and to finally be able to enjoy my clavicular frame
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
Antropometry-pill has destroyed my life already, but framepill... I can't even tell you how much painful that was to witness.

Yes, i am 6 PSL facially, but antopometry can either make or break you (i'm talking about wrist size + frame size + height). You just can't say it's not important

6 psl facially in favelas of brazil maybe

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