"Actually, that’s unfair to suits. Women respond to broad shoulders far more powerfully than men respond to breasts, making suits the more powerful of the two. Do you know that lustful feeling well-cloven cleavage can instil in you? Well, broad shoulders give women that same feeling, except stronger (study)."
The traditional "Muh frame doesn't matter" is a BULLSHIT
^^ Which Jimson has more sex - [ISPOILER]THE ONE ON THE RIGHT[/ISPOILER]
^^ Which BBC is living more happier life = [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT ONE OF COURSE[/ISPOILER]
^^ Which guy do you think is overall more successful in life - [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT FUCKING ONE[/ISPOILER]
It is very important for men to be tall, wide framed, and heavy (due to bone mass and muscle mass).
Being a lightweighted twink will extremely reduce your General Fighting success, superior chads will be easily able to lift you up and slam you down to the ground
But "muh hard work and dedication"...
Chestbrahs Frame Looks like shit next to jeff's one, his clavicles have the width of his head, his shoulders are compressed on his ribcage, you can easily spot his below average Frame under all These muscles
Most People typically rely on that bro science that wide shoulders are simply caused by wide clavicles, which is half-way true, But the important factor which makes their shoulders so Broad are their scapulas. which brings us to scapula - pill section.
(Neither @Sergeant knows how to fix double spoiler problem, it's a xenforo issue)
The shape and the lateral projection of the Scapula is determined by your genetics, mostly it's determined by the androgen receptor exposure and their Density/sensitivity.
- The lateral projection of the glenoid cavity aka the neck is the most important part, if this part is laterally narrow along with a sloped Humerus Insertion then the shoulders will look like they are literally compressed on the ribcage
Although the "slopedness" is in 90% of cases more related to The clavicle shape, every chad has 1 Thing in common: Straight clavicles or at least relatively straight clavicles, it's not even the actual width of the clavicles but the straightness which is important. Thus brings us to clavicle insertions section.

Physical attractiveness: the influence of selected torso parameters - PubMed
Front-view line drawings of male and female physiques were rated for attractiveness. Both subject sexes rated female physiques with greater curvature as less attractive. Male subjects' ratings were unaffected by breast size while female subjects showed slight negative evaluation of large...

"Actually, that’s unfair to suits. Women respond to broad shoulders far more powerfully than men respond to breasts, making suits the more powerful of the two. Do you know that lustful feeling well-cloven cleavage can instil in you? Well, broad shoulders give women that same feeling, except stronger (study)."
The traditional "Muh frame doesn't matter" is a BULLSHIT

^^ Which Jimson has more sex - [ISPOILER]THE ONE ON THE RIGHT[/ISPOILER]

^^ Which BBC is living more happier life = [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT ONE OF COURSE[/ISPOILER]

^^ Which guy do you think is overall more successful in life - [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT FUCKING ONE[/ISPOILER]
It is very important for men to be tall, wide framed, and heavy (due to bone mass and muscle mass).

Being a lightweighted twink will extremely reduce your General Fighting success, superior chads will be easily able to lift you up and slam you down to the ground
But "muh hard work and dedication"...

Chestbrahs Frame Looks like shit next to jeff's one, his clavicles have the width of his head, his shoulders are compressed on his ribcage, you can easily spot his below average Frame under all These muscles
Most People typically rely on that bro science that wide shoulders are simply caused by wide clavicles, which is half-way true, But the important factor which makes their shoulders so Broad are their scapulas. which brings us to scapula - pill section.
(Neither @Sergeant knows how to fix double spoiler problem, it's a xenforo issue)
Kim freire for example doesn't has extreme wide clavicles, but he has a enormous wide Scapula which extends well above his horizontal ribcage width

The shape and the lateral projection of the Scapula is determined by your genetics, mostly it's determined by the androgen receptor exposure and their Density/sensitivity.
- The lateral projection of the glenoid cavity aka the neck is the most important part, if this part is laterally narrow along with a sloped Humerus Insertion then the shoulders will look like they are literally compressed on the ribcage
Although the "slopedness" is in 90% of cases more related to The clavicle shape, every chad has 1 Thing in common: Straight clavicles or at least relatively straight clavicles, it's not even the actual width of the clavicles but the straightness which is important. Thus brings us to clavicle insertions section.
Straight clavicles determine how Broad/squarish and straight in General your shoulders will look
Incels have usually horrible feminine short curved V shaped clavicles, this does not only makes the shoulders look sloped, it also results in a horizontal narrow chest Insertion, a chest muscle insertions which grows downward rather than laterally outwards.
One of the WORST incel traits you can imagine, a roundish horizontal narrow U shaped chest insertion
It's such a typical gymcel trait, it Looks totally un-dimorphic and unmasculine, like 2 Forward projecting sagging tits
Compared to a godly chaddish horizontal wide square chest
Lets imagine 2 guys with the same biacromial breadth, one with square and one with sloped shoulders, the one with the square shoulder will look optically and objectively wider after he gained the same amount of mass because his Deltoid projection goes straight sideways and not diagonally upwards like on a cripple
But if you have sloped shoulders, Increasing your Deltoid size will consequently increase the slopedness of your shoulders
It just Looks ugly and silly, it's not only a incel trait, it's a total neotenous-feminine trait
A mature male Body is supposed to be straightly framed by the shoulders/arms

Incels have usually horrible feminine short curved V shaped clavicles, this does not only makes the shoulders look sloped, it also results in a horizontal narrow chest Insertion, a chest muscle insertions which grows downward rather than laterally outwards.
One of the WORST incel traits you can imagine, a roundish horizontal narrow U shaped chest insertion
It's such a typical gymcel trait, it Looks totally un-dimorphic and unmasculine, like 2 Forward projecting sagging tits

Compared to a godly chaddish horizontal wide square chest

Lets imagine 2 guys with the same biacromial breadth, one with square and one with sloped shoulders, the one with the square shoulder will look optically and objectively wider after he gained the same amount of mass because his Deltoid projection goes straight sideways and not diagonally upwards like on a cripple
But if you have sloped shoulders, Increasing your Deltoid size will consequently increase the slopedness of your shoulders

It just Looks ugly and silly, it's not only a incel trait, it's a total neotenous-feminine trait
A mature male Body is supposed to be straightly framed by the shoulders/arms

The angulation of your shoulders/clavicle along with the length of your neck determine whetever you will be seen as a naturally unathletic Coping gymcel or as a natural athletic chad with a huge sex appeal
THIS IS WHAT PRIME JB'S WANT!!!!. They dont care About your utterly roided/bloated and sloped 22 Inch bideltoid when chad Comes into the room with his genetically superior non gymcelled 25 Inch square-shoulder bideltoid with a biacromial breadth of 23 inches

THIS IS WHAT PRIME JB'S WANT!!!!. They dont care About your utterly roided/bloated and sloped 22 Inch bideltoid when chad Comes into the room with his genetically superior non gymcelled 25 Inch square-shoulder bideltoid with a biacromial breadth of 23 inches
The answer is: YES, BUT only if you have relatively straight clavicles/squarish shoulders to begin with
Zyzz, David Laid, Jon Skywalker etc. all These guys had relatively Broad and straight clavicles to begin with which why they looked so aesthetic after they gained several Pounds of muscle
Deluded normies Always use These 3 guys as a example that anyone can max his Frame simply by going to the gym, but almost no one Pays Attention to the fact that all These 3 guys already had a very impressive clavicular/shoulder structure to begin with which allowed them a straight lateral Deltoid projection

Zyzz, David Laid, Jon Skywalker etc. all These guys had relatively Broad and straight clavicles to begin with which why they looked so aesthetic after they gained several Pounds of muscle
Deluded normies Always use These 3 guys as a example that anyone can max his Frame simply by going to the gym, but almost no one Pays Attention to the fact that all These 3 guys already had a very impressive clavicular/shoulder structure to begin with which allowed them a straight lateral Deltoid projection