"Actually, that’s unfair to suits. Women respond to broad shoulders far more powerfully than men respond to breasts, making suits the more powerful of the two. Do you know that lustful feeling well-cloven cleavage can instil in you? Well, broad shoulders give women that same feeling, except stronger (study)."


The traditional "Muh frame doesn't matter" is a BULLSHIT

InCollage 20201012 043441421

^^ Which Jimson has more sex - [ISPOILER]THE ONE ON THE RIGHT[/ISPOILER]

Jfl frame 2

^^ Which BBC is living more happier life = [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT ONE OF COURSE[/ISPOILER]


^^ Which guy do you think is overall more successful in life - [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT FUCKING ONE[/ISPOILER]

It is very important for men to be tall, wide framed, and heavy (due to bone mass and muscle mass).

Cuck to player

Being a lightweighted twink will extremely reduce your General Fighting success, superior chads will be easily able to lift you up and slam you down to the ground


But "muh hard work and dedication"...

Clavicle mog

Chestbrahs Frame Looks like shit next to jeff's one, his clavicles have the width of his head, his shoulders are compressed on his ribcage, you can easily spot his below average Frame under all These muscles

Most People typically rely on that bro science that wide shoulders are simply caused by wide clavicles, which is half-way true,
But the important factor which makes their shoulders so Broad are their scapulas. which brings us to scapula - pill section.


(Neither @Sergeant knows how to fix double spoiler problem, it's a xenforo issue)
Kim freire for example doesn't has extreme wide clavicles, but he has a enormous wide Scapula which extends well above his horizontal ribcage width
Kim freire

The shape and the lateral projection of the Scapula is determined by your genetics, mostly it's determined by the androgen receptor exposure and their Density/sensitivity.

- The lateral projection of the glenoid cavity aka the neck is the most important part, if this part is laterally narrow along with a sloped Humerus Insertion then the shoulders will look like they are literally compressed on the ribcage

Although the "slopedness" is in 90% of cases more related to The clavicle shape, every chad has 1 Thing in common: Straight clavicles or at least relatively straight clavicles, it's not even the actual width of the clavicles but the straightness which is important. Thus brings us to clavicle insertions section.

Straight clavicles determine how Broad/squarish and straight in General your shoulders will look

Anatomy 101

Incels have usually horrible feminine short curved V shaped clavicles, this does not only makes the shoulders look sloped, it also results in a horizontal narrow chest Insertion, a chest muscle insertions which grows downward rather than laterally outwards.

One of the WORST incel traits you can imagine, a roundish horizontal narrow U shaped chest insertion

It's such a typical gymcel trait, it Looks totally un-dimorphic and unmasculine, like 2 Forward projecting sagging tits

U shaped scum

Compared to a godly chaddish horizontal wide square chest

High haemoglobin

Lets imagine 2 guys with the same biacromial breadth, one with square and one with sloped shoulders, the one with the square shoulder will look optically and objectively wider after he gained the same amount of mass because his Deltoid projection goes straight sideways and not diagonally upwards like on a cripple

But if you have sloped shoulders, Increasing your Deltoid size will consequently increase the slopedness of your shoulders

Human vs subhuman

It just Looks ugly and silly, it's not only a incel trait, it's a total neotenous-feminine trait

A mature male Body is supposed to be straightly framed by the shoulders/arms

Jfl haha end it

The angulation of your shoulders/clavicle along with the length of your neck determine whetever you will be seen as a naturally unathletic Coping gymcel or as a natural athletic chad with a huge sex appeal

Square vs sloped
God cody
Chad frame
Chad frame 2

THIS IS WHAT PRIME JB'S WANT!!!!. They dont care About your utterly roided/bloated and sloped 22 Inch bideltoid when chad Comes into the room with his genetically superior non gymcelled 25 Inch square-shoulder bideltoid with a biacromial breadth of 23 inches

The answer is: YES, BUT only if you have relatively straight clavicles/squarish shoulders to begin with

4 Years roids 250mg test

Zyzz, David Laid, Jon Skywalker etc. all These guys had relatively Broad and straight clavicles to begin with which why they looked so aesthetic after they gained several Pounds of muscle

Deluded normies Always use These 3 guys as a example that anyone can max his Frame simply by going to the gym, but almost no one Pays Attention to the fact that all These 3 guys already had a very impressive clavicular/shoulder structure to begin with which allowed them a straight lateral Deltoid projection


Jfl frame

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  • JFL
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Tbh i looked up to buy neck harness, and there are not any in balkan whatsoever (JFL). So if you're looking to buy cheap neck harness, i recommend you to look up or AliExpress. They have cheap neck harness and the quality is the same amongst the all manufacturers
are neck curles enough? i am right now still cutting to get to 12% bf like 300-500 kcals deficit and lifting while still being in the noobie gains time
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
are neck curles enough? i am right now still cutting to get to 12% bf like 300-500 kcals deficit and lifting while still being in the noobie gains time
I think yes, @Framletgod made pretty good changes by doing neck curls only. But you know, it's obviously better to include some neck extensions and side neck workout if you want your neck to become really big, i'm just saying
  • +1
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We have similar frame, average clavicle width but slim waist. That's ideal if you're gymeceling, cause your shoulder belly is longer and therefore you can add a lot of muscles to your frame !
i wish i had longer clavicles tho, slim waist means nothing in clothes and its irrelevant
  • So Sad
Reactions: Chintuck22
there's a shoulder widening surgery
good study jfl tbh:
Male subjects' ratings were unaffected by breast size

Cause males only care about face ass and tits is a huge cope in my opinion
Would you say leanmaxxing is worth it for me? I think my frame now wont get that affected now
IMG 20201013 161014
i Just want to be 12% tbh with slight muscles
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Screenshot 2020 10 13 18 06 47 567 comsnapchatandroid
neck curls already gave me some gains
  • Woah
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Would you say leanmaxxing is worth it for me? I think my frame now wont get that affected now View attachment 730533i Just want to be 12% tbh with slight muscles
Yeah leanmaxing all the way because face still mogs frame, and you will have gigamogger frame in the next 3-4 years of gymeceling. Let alone gymeceling for longer 👍
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  • JFL
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I mean it's really over, especially for us balkancels, like if you're not 19" bideltoid atleast, then why even bother trying lol
  • +1
  • So Sad
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This is why tall skinny tik tok boys slay so hard. They may not have the muscles, they have the crucial clavicles/shoulders.
tall skinny? i thought this thread was saying skinny is bad
Muscle looks like having a wider frame if you have it in the right places, mainly side delts and lats.

The regular gym goer doesn't focus on these areas and to add to it, side delts are one of the hardest muscles to grow.
But if you manage to do it you WILL look a lot wider, especially with big lats that push your arms out a bit.
even serratus anterior, makes you look wide, no one even knows about this


"Actually, that’s unfair to suits. Women respond to broad shoulders far more powerfully than men respond to breasts, making suits the more powerful of the two. Do you know that lustful feeling well-cloven cleavage can instil in you? Well, broad shoulders give women that same feeling, except stronger (study)."


The traditional "Muh frame doesn't matter" is a BULLSHIT

View attachment 729041

^^ Which Jimson has more sex - [ISPOILER]THE ONE ON THE RIGHT[/ISPOILER]

View attachment 729043View attachment 729044

^^ Which BBC is living more happier life = [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT ONE OF COURSE[/ISPOILER]

View attachment 729048

^^ Which guy do you think is overall more successful in life - [ISPOILER]THE RIGHT FUCKING ONE[/ISPOILER]

It is very important for men to be tall, wide framed, and heavy (due to bone mass and muscle mass).

View attachment 729068View attachment 729076

Being a lightweighted twink will extremely reduce your General Fighting success, superior chads will be easily able to lift you up and slam you down to the ground


But "muh hard work and dedication"...

View attachment 729082

Chestbrahs Frame Looks like shit next to jeff's one, his clavicles have the width of his head, his shoulders are compressed on his ribcage, you can easily spot his below average Frame under all These muscles

Most People typically rely on that bro science that wide shoulders are simply caused by wide clavicles, which is half-way true,
But the important factor which makes their shoulders so Broad are their scapulas. which brings us to scapula - pill section.


(Neither @Sergeant knows how to fix double spoiler problem, it's a xenforo issue)
Kim freire for example doesn't has extreme wide clavicles, but he has a enormous wide Scapula which extends well above his horizontal ribcage width
View attachment 729107View attachment 729121
The shape and the lateral projection of the Scapula is determined by your genetics, mostly it's determined by the androgen receptor exposure and their Density/sensitivity.

- The lateral projection of the glenoid cavity aka the neck is the most important part, if this part is laterally narrow along with a sloped Humerus Insertion then the shoulders will look like they are literally compressed on the ribcage

Although the "slopedness" is in 90% of cases more related to The clavicle shape, every chad has 1 Thing in common: Straight clavicles or at least relatively straight clavicles, it's not even the actual width of the clavicles but the straightness which is important. Thus brings us to clavicle insertions section.

Straight clavicles determine how Broad/squarish and straight in General your shoulders will look

View attachment 729226

Incels have usually horrible feminine short curved V shaped clavicles, this does not only makes the shoulders look sloped, it also results in a horizontal narrow chest Insertion, a chest muscle insertions which grows downward rather than laterally outwards.

One of the WORST incel traits you can imagine, a roundish horizontal narrow U shaped chest insertion

It's such a typical gymcel trait, it Looks totally un-dimorphic and unmasculine, like 2 Forward projecting sagging tits

View attachment 729136

Compared to a godly chaddish horizontal wide square chest

View attachment 729140

Lets imagine 2 guys with the same biacromial breadth, one with square and one with sloped shoulders, the one with the square shoulder will look optically and objectively wider after he gained the same amount of mass because his Deltoid projection goes straight sideways and not diagonally upwards like on a cripple

But if you have sloped shoulders, Increasing your Deltoid size will consequently increase the slopedness of your shoulders

View attachment 729162

It just Looks ugly and silly, it's not only a incel trait, it's a total neotenous-feminine trait

A mature male Body is supposed to be straightly framed by the shoulders/arms

View attachment 729165

The angulation of your shoulders/clavicle along with the length of your neck determine whetever you will be seen as a naturally unathletic Coping gymcel or as a natural athletic chad with a huge sex appeal

View attachment 729215View attachment 729216View attachment 729219View attachment 729220View attachment 729223

THIS IS WHAT PRIME JB'S WANT!!!!. They dont care About your utterly roided/bloated and sloped 22 Inch bideltoid when chad Comes into the room with his genetically superior non gymcelled 25 Inch square-shoulder bideltoid with a biacromial breadth of 23 inches

The answer is: YES, BUT only if you have relatively straight clavicles/squarish shoulders to begin with

View attachment 729258

Zyzz, David Laid, Jon Skywalker etc. all These guys had relatively Broad and straight clavicles to begin with which why they looked so aesthetic after they gained several Pounds of muscle

Deluded normies Always use These 3 guys as a example that anyone can max his Frame simply by going to the gym, but almost no one Pays Attention to the fact that all These 3 guys already had a very impressive clavicular/shoulder structure to begin with which allowed them a straight lateral Deltoid projection


View attachment 729239View attachment 729242View attachment 729243View attachment 729249View attachment 729253

Great thread broski. How do i measure bideltoid?
  • Love it
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Great thread broski. How do i measure bideltoid?
Thx man, you can measure bideltoid / biacromial width most accurately like in the pic below


If not like this, just stand next to the wall and draw a line at where your shoulders end
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ye u exposed yourself as a foid

EVERY single post of yours is 'aah girls like this, girls like that' and you use insults in such a repeated way like a hiveminded low iq foid would
You just exposed yourself as GIGA incel holy shit
Imagine being so incel that you can’t even FATHOM the idea that non-disgusting males have experience with girls and know what they like lmfao

Btw this entire website is “what do girls like?” followed by “girls like this” so your argument is too low iq for me to follow it tbh
I think you’re just like all the other fags and you’re just trying to get a dick pic off of me
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Chintuck22
Thx man, you can measure bideltoid / biacromial width most accurately like in the pic below


If not like this, just stand next to the wall and draw a line at where your shoulders end
Ill come back with an accurate measirement of my pathetic frame
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You just exposed yourself as GIGA incel holy shit
Imagine being so incel that you can’t even FATHOM the idea that non-disgusting males have experience with girls and know what they like lmfao

Btw this entire website is “what do girls like?” followed by “girls like this” so your argument is too low iq for me to follow it tbh
I think you’re just like all the other fags and you’re just trying to get a dick pic off of me
stfu keep writing essays with your xx chromosomed estrogen fogged brain
  • JFL
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  • +1
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Disgusting fag stop trying to get me to send you a dick pic, isn’t being gay not allowed here?
CORRECTION: Sending dicpic of her boyfriend
  • +1
CORRECTION: Sending dicpic of her boyfriend
You think a girl would not only come to looksmax (never happened) but that the type of girl that WOULD come to looksmax has a BOYFRIEND instead of 30 cats? Christ you’re delusional ngl
When did you start gym maxing? At what age?
I started when I was 18 years old, back in April 2016, I still have a picture of my body from back then, my weight was 138 lbs at the same height as right now (6 foot 4). I didn't make a lot of progress though because in the beginning I didn't know what I was doing, it was only in 2018 that I understood everything about how to gymmax efficiently as a natural to achieve a very impressive physique without drugs, however since I had never trained the squat from 2016 to 2018, I lacked the proper mobility to make progress on squats on starting strength 5x5, so I had to start with low bar to get enough mobility to do high bar squats, now I can high bar squat around 160 lbs which isn't much but it's still a lot better than how I was before.

In 2019, took a 1 year break because I had my first full time job and I had trouble coping with working with a 40 hour per week schedule, I felt very lonely and depressed most of the time because my free time went to waste and I took a gym break to get more free time. Because I kept my job for long enough, I managed to save up enough money for a car and my home gym and I still have lots of savings so let's just say that the hard work really paid off and I plan to do it again but part time mostly since I have school right now.

I have the knowledge, and I have the mobility to reach my goal of 220 lbs at 15% body fat in 3 years, I just lacked the equipment this year (2020) because the gyms were closed because of COVID19, then they reopened and closed again but right before they did, I predicted it so I bought all my home gym equipment and everything is going to be setup in around 3-4 weeks so I'll have everything I need to make the best gains of my life.
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What are you even talking about. When people here say frame, they mostly mean clavicle length. Not scientifically possible 😂 Of course it is possible that tall guys can have narrow clavicles. People posted enough examples of people equal in height with differences in clavicular length (Jeff Seid vs Chest brah e.g.). Or google Zyros (psl icon for small frame) who is 5'11 but gets frame mogged by little children. Yes the taller you are the more likely it is that you have wide bone structure but it isn't guaranteed. Proportions are different on people. Look at the ape index. Shorter guys might have longer arms than guys several inches taller than them. Also length in limbs =/= width in say your hips, ribcage and clavicles. Tyler Maher who is 6'3/6'4 also gets regularly frame mogged by shorter guys. Or Gandy at 6'3 almost getting frame mogged by some short chick if it werent for his padded shoulders jacket (attachment).
Of course Gandy doesn't have an impressive physique but it's not because of his frame, that is what I keep telling you guys on here, you think you are experts on human physiology and everything because you cherrypicked a few studies but you're wrong. The reason why Gandy doesn't look impressive is because he doesn't want to be, he doesn't have strong lats, that's why he lacks width, he trained mostly his chest, his arms, and maybe his shoulders but he has many muscular imbalances, he lacks muscle mass in his back (lats, upper back, traps, lower back) and in his legs (hamstrings and quads).

The trick to looking wide is NOT to be born wide, it's to build your lats by getting strong at weighted chin ups and barbell rows, because the stronger your lats are, the thicker and the wider they become. Guys like Jeff Seid and David Laid who take steroids don't have wide lats because the drugs make their hips smaller, it's because the drugs allow them to get much wider and much thicker lats by increasing protein synthesis in the muscle cells, that's what steroids do by the way, they increase the human body's response to training so that you don't need to get really strong to get big, for a natural though, he would need to be much stronger than those guys to get the same level of muscle mass. That's why fake natties always have thicker and wider lats, your problem is that you trust instagram influencers who lie to you about their gear use, they claim to be natty when in reality, they take very high doses of a bunch of drugs.

But even as a natural, it's possible to get really thick wide lats, the reason why I mention height is because a shorter guy's muscles are going to look bigger more easily, he is going to look very stocky but very narrow while the tall guy is the opposite, he is going to look less big but much wider, it's very easy to understand this stuff, it's not possible to look stocky and narrow as a tall guy because your limbs are going to be much longer and since your frame is bigger, your muscular potential is higher.

My point from the beginning has always been that the shoulder to hip ratio is not permanent when you are an untrained beginner, if you train your lats to their genetic max, you will get wider, if you do that with your shoulders, you will also get wider, so in the end, when you compare 2 guys with the same frame, the guy who is more muscular is going to look like he has a bigger frame than the one who is skinny. The reason why some guys start muscular is because of genetics that give them a better starting point, their muscular potential is the same as the skinny guys who have the same frame though. This paragraph is what I keep trying to make you guys understand on this forum.

You say that a guy has a small frame when in reality, he is just an untrained beginner, you can't say someone has a small frame unless he has a fully developed muscular body with no weak points and he looks narrow and stocky. And it's impossible to find such a guy who is tall because, like I said, the body doesn't work like that, the taller you are, the higher your muscular potential is, which is why the strongest men in the world (Hafthor Bjornsson and Eddie Hall) are very tall.
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My bad I forgot to trust some random guy on an incel forum over than the standard view of medical professionals.
I trained my best friend 4 years ago, in 2 years he became the strongest and biggest guy in his gym. I didn't make much progress since then because I wasn't consistent with my training, I didn't eat enough (while he had no problem eating enough because he used to be fat), and I had problems with my mobility.

I couldn't squat to depth without falling forwards or backwards while he had perfect mobility, amazing endurance and a decent strength base because he has good genetics but without my help, he never would be as strong and as muscular as he is today, he is 6 foot 5 while I am 6 foot 4.

In 2018, I knew how to train but I still had poor mobility because I didn't train the squat at all from 2016 to 2018 (I started going to the gym in 2016) so I had to learn that. In 2019, I didn't train at all because I had a very busy schedule at my job and couldn't do both at the same time since this was my first job that I tried to maintain for longer than 1-2 months, and I succeeded in doing so for almost 1 year.

Then in 2020, I had the right mobility and everything that I needed and in the first month, I made amazing progress but right after, the prime minister of Quebec ordered all gyms to close so I was forced to stop and just now recently they closed again. Thankfully though, I'll have my home gym in 3-4 weeks which will be better than the gym I went to and it's going to be much more convenient and I am going to finally make progress without being interrupted, and I won't have trouble being consistent even on the worst days since I will be able to train comfortably in my garage. I wish I had done that years ago, I would be way stronger and way more muscular now if I had built a home gym in the very beginning.
I trained my best friend 4 years ago, in 2 years he became the strongest and biggest guy in his gym. I didn't make much progress since then because I wasn't consistent with my training, I didn't eat enough (while he had no problem eating enough because he used to be fat), and I had problems with my mobility.

I couldn't squat to depth without falling forwards or backwards while he had perfect mobility, amazing endurance and a decent strength base because he has good genetics but without my help, he never would be as strong and as muscular as he is today, he is 6 foot 5 while I am 6 foot 4.

In 2018, I knew how to train but I still had poor mobility because I didn't train the squat at all from 2016 to 2018 (I started going to the gym in 2016) so I had to learn that. In 2019, I didn't train at all because I had a very busy schedule at my job and couldn't do both at the same time since this was my first job that I tried to maintain for longer than 1-2 months, and I succeeded in doing so for almost 1 year.

Then in 2020, I had the right mobility and everything that I needed and in the first month, I made amazing progress but right after, the prime minister of Quebec ordered all gyms to close so I was forced to stop and just now recently they closed again. Thankfully though, I'll have my home gym in 3-4 weeks which will be better than the gym I went to and it's going to be much more convenient and I am going to finally make progress without being interrupted, and I won't have trouble being consistent even on the worst days since I will be able to train comfortably in my garage. I wish I had done that years ago, I would be way stronger and way more muscular now if I had built a home gym in the very beginning.
I'm amazed that somehow you think any of this makes you more of an expert than real medical professionals and researchers on body frame size and what it's dependant on.

The entire essay had absolutely no relevance to the discussion in the first place - maybe you know how to train and diet, I never even suggested otherwise. In your mind the specifics of your training and who you trained with somehow shows me the extent of your understanding of clinical measures of body frame size? It was pointless for you to write all of that and me read it.

Again, just look up how wrist size alongside height is used clinically to measure body frame size and you will see that you are misinformed. I don't care whatsoever about your anecdotes.

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I'm amazed that somehow you think any of this makes you more of an expert than real medical professionals and researchers on body frame size and what it's dependant on.

The entire essay had absolutely no relevance to the discussion in the first place - maybe you know how to train and diet, I never even suggested otherwise. In your mind the specifics of your training and who you trained with somehow shows me the extent of your understanding of clinical measures of body frame size? It was pointless for you to write all of that and me read it.

Again, just look up how wrist size alongside height is used clinically to measure body frame size and you will see that you are misinformed. I don't care whatsoever about your anecdotes.

View attachment 730788
My point is that people who study exercise science for the most part are complete morons because they just spend their time reading and quoting studies but they never do the work themselves, they have no experience training at all so the advice they give you is completely worthless, they have the strength level of a beginner lifter and they don't actually know how to use proper form or how to bulk properly to make the best gains as a natural. Mark Rippetoe even talks about it in his book called "Practical Programming for Strength Training" and in this T-nation article:

I am not claiming to be an expert on the topic though, the real experts would be guys like Mark Rippetoe who have been lifting for over 40 years and have been coaching thousands of people and broke records when they were younger. Those guys are the best teachers. However, compared to most personal trainers and most guys who have a degree in exercise science, I know so much more on the topic than they do because I have more experience and I have tried many different things so I know what works and what doesn't. So for an area of the world where top coaches like Rippetoe or Pete Rubish don't live anywhere near, I give the best advice because the vast majority of trainers are garbage.

Also, watch this:

To summarize, the main thing that I was trying to say is that wrist size only has an effect on the size of your arms, not the size of your lats. The taller you are, the wider your lats will be, that is my point. You can't have tiny narrow lats if you're tall. So the whole framecel thing is a huge myth.


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Love this thread
Only way would be distraction osteogenesis of clavicles and outer scapula
And then of course hard gymaxxing
But it would be really hard
  • +1
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Love this thread
Only way would be distraction osteogenesis of clavicles and outer scapula
And then of course hard gymaxxing
But it would be really hard
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Shit thread
Do you want to debate me, challenge what i said or some shit ??


Anyways, since it's not your first time being imbecile... and let's be honest, you don't contribute shit into this forum, you're lobotomized braindead corpse and there is no reason for me to concern myself about you, so i will just put you on ignore.

I don't usually reply to morons, but it feels relieving when i know i'm 100% righteous and you just can't do anything to me. From an personal standpoint, i'm more successful than you, i mog you, and you're fucking idiot. It's laughable, i should bully you but your posts are repetitive fuck that no one even cares about, you don't even have friends, you're fucking loser.
  • JFL
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My point is that people who study exercise science for the most part are complete morons because they just spend their time reading and quoting studies but they never do the work themselves, they have no experience training at all so the advice they give you is completely worthless, they have the strength level of a beginner lifter and they don't actually know how to use proper form or how to bulk properly to make the best gains as a natural. Mark Rippetoe even talks about it in his book called "Practical Programming for Strength Training" and in this T-nation article:

I am not claiming to be an expert on the topic though, the real experts would be guys like Mark Rippetoe who have been lifting for over 40 years and have been coaching thousands of people and broke records when they were younger. Those guys are the best teachers. However, compared to most personal trainers and most guys who have a degree in exercise science, I know so much more on the topic than they do because I have more experience and I have tried many different things so I know what works and what doesn't. So for an area of the world where top coaches like Rippetoe or Pete Rubish don't live anywhere near, I give the best advice because the vast majority of trainers are garbage.

Also, watch this:

Again this reply has almost nothing to do with what we were discussing. I agree that there's much bad training advise out there to a disturbing extent, but I wasn't even talking about training, but wrist size as a predictor of body frame size. Your point in the original post that I quoted was that frame size only depends on height which is simply not true. And again that you can't be small framed if you are tall - untrue.

To summarize, the main thing that I was trying to say is that wrist size only has an effect on the size of your arms, not the size of your lats. The taller you are, the wider your lats will be, that is my point. You can't have tiny narrow lats if you're tall. So the whole framecel thing is a huge myth.
This is the only part of your reply that is truly relevant and it still shows severe misunderstanding. Yes, wrist size directly affects only the size of your arms, but its entire use is to determine and asses overall body frame size. This doesn't mean how broad someone is necessarily but a measure of how big and thick their overall bone structure is - for a given height range.

  • +1
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Again this reply has almost nothing to do with what we were discussing. I agree that there's much bad training advise out there to a disturbing extent, but I wasn't even talking about training, but wrist size as a predictor of body frame size. Your point in the original post that I quoted was that frame size only depends on height which is simply not true. And again that you can't be small framed if you are tall - untrue.

This is the only part of your reply that is truly relevant and it still shows severe misunderstanding. Yes, wrist size directly affects only the size of your arms, but its entire use is to determine and asses overall body frame size. This doesn't mean how broad someone is necessarily but a measure of how big and thick their overall bone structure is - for a given height range.

My wrists are 6.75 inches in size and that link says I have a medium frame however I have always been very skinny and people claim that my frame sucks, thats why I don't believe you
  • JFL
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Do you want to debate me, challenge what i said or some shit ??


Anyways, since it's not your first time being imbecile... and let's be honest, you don't contribute shit into this forum, you're lobotomized braindead corpse and there is no reason for me to concern myself about you, so i will just put you on ignore.

I don't usually reply to morons, but it feels relieving when i know i'm 100% righteous and you just can't do anything to me. From an personal standpoint, i'm more successful than you, i mog you, and you're fucking idiot. It's laughable, i should bully you but your posts are repetitive fuck that no one even cares about, you don't even have friends, you're fucking loser.
Time online66d 8h 41m
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Chintuck22
My wrists are 6.75 inches in size and that link says I have a medium frame however I have always been very skinny and people claim that my frame sucks, thats why I don't believe you
Like I said before, how good a frame is is another question to how large it is. Wrist size only determines frame size. You can still have a bad frame with medium or even large wrists and frame size.

thats why I don't believe you
again acting like this is my theory or something, taken from the U.S. National Library of Medicine I keep linking

'Updated by: Linda J. Vorvick, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, UW Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.'

That's why it's so strange to me that you keep denying this when it's an established view and practise amoung medical professionals to use wrist circumference to determine body frame size.

anyway going back to your anecdote, I know they give the upper bracket as above 5'5" for males, but considering the average wrist size for all males is roughly 7 inches and 6.75 inch wrists are roughly 35th percentile for the male population, 6.75inch wrists on a 6'4 man are going to be significantly smaller than average for your height so maybe that's partly why people tell you that you have bad frame. or maybe the issues are not related to your frame size buy lie elsewhere, idk but your story doesn't prove anything.
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  • JFL
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Oh wow! Instead of 3.75 PSL with 0 appeal, you are 4.5 PSL with 1/10 appeal! I sure got proven wrong.
Just don't spam my pictures randomly, for personal reasons.
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Reactions:, Deleted member 5818 and Deleted member 8064
Just don't spam my pictures randomly, for personal reasons.
Yeah for sure bro, I wouldn't even want to spam 4.5 PSL max pics anyway. It's nothing special.
tall skinny? i thought this thread was saying skinny is bad
No, the thread is saying that your genetic frame that you have is what you are stuck with. I was saying that the reason skinny is GOOD is because of the clavicles/scapulas being developed and wide. Essentially, muscles are just the detail for the way more important skeletal frame of a person.
I never really thought about this all too often, kinda lifefuel tho cuz my shoulders arent sloped and I have a decent gap between my arm and ribcage albeit not as much as the guys shown
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What is jeff's bideltoid
While no practical surgery can straighten the curved clavicle, or modify the scapula (because of layers of muscle connections that could be debilitating to cut through) the shoulders can be widened by about 1 inch bilaterally with bone graft.
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I just measured my shoulders, theyre 17 inches, how over is it? (I’m 15 idk if it matters)
I just measured my shoulders, theyre 17 inches, how over is it? (I’m 15 idk if it matters)
If you really are blasting HGH until you're Pitt you will be better off than if you weren't. If that doesn't work then get clavicle lengthening and roid.
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What is jeff's bideltoid
I'm assuming 21 inches? He looks even bigger on some pictures

36926464 1679711575467600 3857811600329146368 n
18119356 1246459722126123 1173071372880787607 n
Jeff Seid body

But on these he looks way bigger as you can see:

Jeff Seid Hi Rez 1560x2269
36893596 1677071255731632 7624419084796428288 o
28698899 1541411022630990 3784270876799221207 o
31956997 1604037143035044 3659278686986698752 n
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chintucks me

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