The Myth of Ascension

high iq thread. had to read three times
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Indeed 200 iq thread
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mirin your high iq high effort post op fuckin loved it
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This thread makes me sad
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Disclaimer, this is a long read, but I think its valuable.
This thread is not presenting a new concept, but instead revisits a concept already explored by previous big members from a new angle.Throughout I will also touch on threads that elaborate on my key point, pulling together thought from many members here, some of whom are very popular and some of whom I think are under-valued.
Most of the people I appreciated the most have already left this site or are barely active. I still keep in contact with many of them outside of .me, but there isn't really much of a point for me to be here longer. I was never much of a thread-maker, but before I go, I hope to make a few high-effort, sincere threads as a parting gift. My thread on phenotypes was the first of these. This is the second.

The Mindset of the PSL Community
"I feel that a common thing for people to feel about this forum is shame and embarrassment - partially because this forum is very closely intertwined with incel communities."
"Personally, I feel a sense of pride knowing that I found out the importance of appearance and others didn’t, almost as if normies are beneath me for this reason."

Fundamentally, PSL is simply a community. All communities function pretty much the exact same way with regard to the thoughts and beliefs of each member.
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The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.[1] It is also known as the window of discourse. The term is named after Joseph P. Overton, who stated that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this range, rather than on politicians' individual preferences.
Basically every community is defined by a center of thought and holds to certain tenets that the members of said community aren't supposed to question. I've been a part of a number of extreme communities online, religious communities IRL, and obviously a part of the greater community of my IRL circle, then the country I live in, then the West, etc. They all function the exact same way. Free speech and free thought - these are pretty much copes, they can't exist on a community level. Only on the individual level can they exist. Yet the individual is necessarily governed by the community - he has limits on what he can and can't say in a social context. There are limits as well on what his audience will or won't consider.
Every flaw in human thinking basically has its origin in a heuristic. A heuristic is essentially a helpful cogntiive shortcut that allows you to use information to its best possible use without having to waste a ton of mental resources to process it. Heuristics are unavoidable, because you aren't a super-computer. Human beings evolved heuristics in a mental sense because we're in the business of survival, not philosophy. Philosophy, truth-seeking, finding the "correct" views - all these things are merely by-products of the business of survival and reproduction.
If you were an ideal super-computer, or God or whatever, then it would be impossible to trick you, because you would have infinite mental capacity and you could think through any situation or problem from every single angle without making a single logical error. You wouldn't need heuristics, therefore there would be nothing to exploit in order to cause you to come to the wrong conclusion. You would be completely non-dogmatic, free from any religious thinking, and perfectly sentient.
The heuristic that the Overton Window bases itself on and comes from is the heuristic of "herd thinking". There is safety in the herd. Getting too far away from the center of opinion in any direction is risky, and we evolved to take as few risks as possible, to stick with the path of least resistance. This is completely natural and makes perfect sense. In the old days it would have worked fine, it gave you the highest probability of surviving and passing your genes on, so you evolved to think this way.
"Part of you being here (apart from not being attractive) has a lot to do with your low amount of risk-taking behaviour. Im not just talking about approaching women, but every single aspect of your life you were steering in towards of "least resistence". When it comes to relationship and choices regarding your guardians, with your friends, with women, with jobs, with your hobbies, everything in your life. "
The central belief of any community (look at Policy on the Overton Window) gives rise to a certain mythology. A mythology in this sense is a set of images and narratives designed to motivate the people in accordance with the central belief. The central belief of PSL is the blackpill. One of its biggest myths is the Myth of Ascension.
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The Cracks in the Myth
"You always knew you aren't "It". PSL boards vocalise what "It" is, but some part of you always knew you are just a supporting actor of your own so called life and you're scared to try to take control of it, because that would jeopardise the safe space you built for yourself. You are scared of being wrong."
In a recent Tinder experiment done by @ArabIncel Chestbrah of all people blew out many male models. Here's a picture of him.
View attachment 369983
The number of times I've seen him get called ugly on here is beyond count. By PSL standards, its not looking too hot.
Do PSL standards actually translate to the real world? Of course they do, yeah? Otherwise what are we even doing here?
Chestbrah isn't a male model, so what makes him so attractive to women?
"it seems like this site has no clue, and only sees aesthetics... "
The above is one of the best threads on the entire forum with regard to actually trying to make your self more attractive to women, for real, IRL.
Here's another good one, short sweet and to the point:

The false idea of the Myth of Ascension is esentially that you can get a male model face through some obscure hidden knowledge you learned on an incel forum. Once you get this face, you'll live the male model lifestyle and coast through life on your facial aesthetics alone.
Of course to even get the necessary surgeries requires a great deal of money but ah, money-maxxing is cope, its all about your face.
Of course the amount of actual "ascensions" of people who claim to have gained better facial aesthetics to the point they are treated significantly differently IRL I can count on one hand, in the entirety of PSL, but what does that matter when body is cope, a good mentality is cope, muscles are cope, etc. etc. etc.
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This is from a larger convo with a friend, and inspired the thread.
What's the one, real problem?
You aren't fulfilling your biological imperative by being sexually succesful. Because of your evolutionary programming, this produces a number of feelings in you. Your life isn't going the way it should. Things are unfairly stacked against you. There is some inherent quality about yourself that needs to change. etc. etc.
All these feelings arise from the biological platform and are designed to motivate you to fix the real problem and mate. This is always buzzing in your mind, fix the problem, fix the problem, fix the problem. Your biology wants you to get with the program.
Because sexual success in men is tied to status, your body attempts to solve the problem in you by producing feelings of resentment and ambition. You want to show people. You want to "get back" at everyone for not giving you the life you deserve. This is essentially a heuristic, designed to guide the organism towards a reliable strategy to increase the chances of sexual success.
However, in the modern age this heuristic is exploited. The resentment becomes defeatism and pointless thinking in circles. Meanwhile the ambition is wasted, improperly channeled into areas that don't affect your real life, like meaningless squabbles on an online forum, or your PSL rating.
Some of you, instead of letting "life rate you", constantly negoitiate on here for a slightly higher PSL rate. Well I shaved my facial hair, I gotta be at least .25 higher! An otoplasty has to give me a .25 boost, yeah?
Out of the one real problem you create a billion problems, and what was once evolution's strategy of lateral moves becomes parasitic, the lateral moves start to work in a counter-productive way to the actual goal that generated them. You start to care more about the number an online forum assigns your face than you do your actual real life success.
Essentially, you've been hijacked by the PSL community, which is exploiting your heuristical notions.
Instead of your drive to stick with herd thinking resulting in you displaying neuro-typical traits to a potential mate, you're trying to display neuro-typical traits in the context of an extreme community, who's members you have never even met.
Instead of your resentment resulting in the drive to out-compete sexual rivals in real life, you're wallowing in it on an incel forum, as if existence cares that it isn't justified in your eyes.
Instead of your ambition resulting in an increase in status IRL, resulting in greater sexual prospects, you're trying to get status on an obscure incel forum. Through a higher rate, through being rent-free, whatever.
Sitting here trying to take the high view of life in order to avoid having to roll the dice, every single day, is going to ruin you.
You have to give life your best shot if you want the chance of being happy. You have to roll the dice, and accept that failure is possible.
Even if you were dealt a bad hand, you have to create the best possible strategy, and go for the throat.
Max your SMV. Create in yourself not the mentality that's true, but the one best suited to success. "Truth" does not matter. Only results matter.

Users who's threads I quoted:
Conversations with users that inspired the thread in some way:
Other friends tagged below.
@EthnicelAscension @Rift678 @Fuk @ht-normie-ascending @Too$hort @puppymaxer @Blackout.xl @curryslayerordeath @chadpreetinthemaking @Goblin @Aesthetic @Gudru @Justttt @LookistWorld @yang
i'm sorry but chestbrah looks comical.
if he Can slay i can too.
and ascending is now became my only way to be happy since i know i Can Do it realistically with a bit of Luck i just can't stop thinking about it.
Ascension is not cope but you need the iq, and the base for it.
may be it will fade away... but once you see fairly realistic morphs and know what to do to gives you mental happiness it's hard top stop...
overall your thread is legit : looks doesn't equal totally psl otherwise gay alien would have been the most attractive ones. but it's not the case.
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srs how much would you rate him psl wise ?
gives tranny vibes and mirin nose and black man ipd.
but i can only agree : if you want to slay just have above average face and do rtt.
but this is not my philosophy of life.
ion want to slay i want high class halo effect and validation based on face only.
slaying thot is the biggest cope out there.
halo effect and curing mental illness due to cursed blackpill are the only pros of ascension.
  • Woah
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srs how much would you rate him psl wise ?
gives tranny vibes and mirin nose and black man ipd.
but i can only agree : if you want to slay just have above average face and do rtt.
but this is not my philosophy of life.
ion want to slay i want high class halo effect and validation based on face only.
slaying thot is the biggest cope out there.
halo effect and curing mental illness due to cursed blackpill are the only pros of ascension.
Idk he's sub 5 I guess, not sure where I would put him.
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Idk he's sub 5 I guess, not sure where I would put him.
so he got lots of matches ?
@Moggy experiment blackpilled me too on this roids ascension for Normie or slightly above average, it's mind blowing but halo effect mogs
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Very good thread

I see too many delusional guys on here fantasising about some obscure surgeries that are almost exclusively done for functional purposes while neglecting to drop down in bodyfat, build some muscle, train their neck, take care of their skin and wear some fucking clothes that fit properly.

Too many skinnyfat morons whose faces are riddled with acne are claiming skincare and gymcelling is cope while I have experienced and see the exact opposite every single day.

A rhinoplasty and some fillers aren't gonna 'ascend' the vast majority of people but getting a 99th percentile body, not acting like a basement dwelling autist every time there's people around you and using some of the softmaxxing advice on here will 'ascend' the vast majority of users here, with the exception of some legit ugly guys.

Just yesterday I saw some retard comment "damn bro if you got under eye fillers you'd slay". Just how delusional and brainwashed do you have to be to actually think that?

I'm grateful that I found this forum because of all the softmaxxing knowledge it provided me with. I know what to do and I'm on my way there, slowly but surely. Now I just use this forum to kill some time and shitpost mostly.
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I agree entirely.
Regarding ascension, a missing piece of the puzzle is that surgery-maxing to get a MM face does not give you the "aura" of having lived your entire life attractive. Those people have an easier time at school, they are treated better by parents, they get better job offers, they have larger social circles, they have expansive romantic histories and the confidence (yes I used that word) that comes with knowing that you can satisfy an attractive woman, and they are generally less inhibited. Reshaping a face does not give any of this and this is why true ascension from surgery or looksmaxxing is almost unheard of.

People who get major cosmetic surgery - accident victims, face transplants - usually get psychiatric treatment afterwards to help them cope with their new appearance. It is perhaps slightly heretical to the pure blackpill but once someone becomes attractive enough to women, they still need to build the aura around that attractiveness if they want to keep a girl for more than a week. Women know that online dating is full of fake-chads, guys faking it with steroids, It takes time to build the social circle, lifestyle and aura of respect consummate with ascending to chad status.
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Some of you, instead of letting "life rate you", constantly negoitiate on here for a slightly higher PSL rate. Well I shaved my facial hair, I gotta be at least .25 higher! An otoplasty has to give me a .25 boost, yeah?

Damn Lord, you didn't have to come at me like that.
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Good thread but actually some ideas are old news. It's common sense that if you end up on this site (or PSL) something must be wrongt with you. I'll explain it this way: everybody wants to get laid. But everyone uses a different strategy to reach said goal of getting laid. A neurotypical ,mentally stable, socially adjusted male just goes the NT path and eventually finds a gf. The introverted, eccentric, neurotic male starts overthinking instead of actually doing something. He overthinks it so much that eventually he builds his own world view on why he can't get laid (''looks are everything'') and then ends up on this site, a community of people who share the same world view as he does.
After becoming a member of of PSL anf after getting his mind brainwashed and toxified with the Blackpill it's too late to turn around and try the NT path. And even if he tried it wouldn't work because he's not NT, in other words the NT strategy is not a good strategy for him. At this point he is better off just looksmaxing, probably a strategy that is better suited for him.
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I knew that at 14.
30+ years ago then.
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great thread @LordNorwood thank you for writing this
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Dn rd but sounds like major cope to me
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It's common sense that if you end up on this site (or PSL) something must be wrongt with you.
This is why you need to find the root cause of your problems and why you ended up on PSL forums, plenty of ugly people live NT lives sans the romantic part and you don't see them giving up and make an account here and complain about "normies".

People can keep coping and tell themselves that this site is good for them because "Normies=bad" but let's face it, spending time here is detrimental for your mental health in the long run and you are just running away from your problems by being here and dreaming about getting lefort 3.

Most people here could just ascend through roid, tat, tan. The best part is that they could get started tomorrow instead of rotting here and learning autistic knowledge about facial aesthetics and dreaming about that lefort 3 that they'll never get.
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This is why you need to find the root cause of your problems and why you ended up on PSL forums, plenty of ugly people live NT lives sans the romantic part and you don't see them giving up and make an account here and complain about "normies".

People can keep coping and tell themselves that this site is good for them because "Normies=bad" but let's face it, spending time here is detrimental for your mental health in the long run and you are just running away from your problems by being here and dreaming about getting lefort 3.

Most people here could just ascend through roid, tat, tan. The best part is that they could get started tomorrow instead of rotting here and learning autistic knowledge about facial aesthetics and dreaming about that lefort 3 that they'll never get.

You got any ideas on how to find the root cause?
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Are you ugly or non-NT?
Not sure about ugly, I've only gotten female attention once from a drunk girl who was my looksmatch but I think softmaxxing could get me to average depending on effort.

I'm NT but I was bullied and physically beaten throughout my childhood which has made me a social outcast in the last 7 years. My social skills are shit but I'm working on them. I also have a problem with not having any problem being alone. I can easily spend 3-4 weeks without any human contact other than 20 minutes max together with my mother a day.
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Not sure about ugly, I've only gotten female attention once from a drunk girl who was my looksmatch but I think softmaxxing could get me to average depending on effort.

I'm NT but I was bullied and physically beaten throughout my childhood which has made me a social outcast in the last 7 years. My social skills are shit but I'm working on them. I also have a problem with not having any problem being alone. I can easily spend 3-4 weeks without any human contact other than 20 minutes max together with my mother a day.
Have you considered therapy?
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Have you considered therapy?
Not really. I went to therapy when I was a child and it didn't really help me and it's hard to get a therapist without it costing a lot and I'm poor by Danish standards ngl
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Not really. I went to therapy when I was a child and it didn't really help me and it's hard to get a therapist without it costing a lot and I'm poor by Danish standards ngl
Finding a community like a church where people are inclined to support you might be helpful tbh. I remember a study where mice who were placed in hostile environments with aggressive mice developed neuro pathways that associated socialization with fear. But when those same mice got placed in a friendly environment with friendly mice, the nueropathways began to reverse.
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Is this the standard of threads made before I joined like everybody's talking about?

Honestly a good read and one of the only who caught my attention to the point of continuing the read from beginning to end.

I have always been aware of the blackpill even though I'm not ugly or anything. I just saw how girls treated me and my GL friends in comparison to the ugly ones.
I saw how teachers behaved towards better looking students.

It's been clear my whole life looks are important I was raised this way by my family. I know looks isn't the only thing and other things matter immensely aswell. However looks will lay a foundation to build / make every else exist on a safer ground.
I found this site and my life have gone for the worse ngl
But I don't think it's this site it's my life been turned upside down during quarantine.

I can't see friends as often, cant go to class, cant go to concerts, cant eat out, cant be in large gatherings, cant meet new people as easily.

Quarantine have given me a glimpse of what a lonely life is like and I dont ever want this again.
Meanwhile stories from users here have given me a glimpse of what true depression is.

But some of these posts seems so defeatist like they blame this and that on everybody and everything but themselves.
Like they never even had a chance of happiness some may not have idk.
But it seems like some just wanna rot and never even try. The road out the gutter ain't easy but not impossible and should be strived for always.
If you're in the gutter atleast worse days aren't a head only better ones.

Thanks for the read put things into perspective.
Looking forward to the next post
If u remember pls tag me
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Still a great thread
the best post i've ever seen, insane bro, thx so much. U cant even imagine how much u helped me, thx friend :D
Disclaimer, this is a long read, but I think its valuable.
This thread is not presenting a new concept, but instead revisits a concept already explored by previous big members from a new angle.Throughout I will also touch on threads that elaborate on my key point, pulling together thought from many members here, some of whom are very popular and some of whom I think are under-valued.

Most of the people I appreciated the most have already left this site or are barely active. I still keep in contact with many of them outside of .me, but there isn't really much of a point for me to be here longer. I was never much of a thread-maker, but before I go, I hope to make a few high-effort, sincere threads as a parting gift. My thread on phenotypes was the first of these. This is the second.

The Mindset of the PSL Community
"I feel that a common thing for people to feel about this forum is shame and embarrassment - partially because this forum is very closely intertwined with incel communities."
"Personally, I feel a sense of pride knowing that I found out the importance of appearance and others didn’t, almost as if normies are beneath me for this reason."

Fundamentally, PSL is simply a community. All communities function pretty much the exact same way with regard to the thoughts and beliefs of each member.
View attachment 369940
The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.[1] It is also known as the window of discourse. The term is named after Joseph P. Overton, who stated that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this range, rather than on politicians' individual preferences.
Basically every community is defined by a center of thought and holds to certain tenets that the members of said community aren't supposed to question. I've been a part of a number of extreme communities online, religious communities IRL, and obviously a part of the greater community of my IRL circle, then the country I live in, then the West, etc. They all function the exact same way. Free speech and free thought - these are pretty much copes, they can't exist on a community level. Only on the individual level can they exist. Yet the individual is necessarily governed by the community - he has limits on what he can and can't say in a social context. There are limits as well on what his audience will or won't consider.
Every flaw in human thinking basically has its origin in a heuristic. A heuristic is essentially a helpful cogntiive shortcut that allows you to use information to its best possible use without having to waste a ton of mental resources to process it. Heuristics are unavoidable, because you aren't a super-computer. Human beings evolved heuristics in a mental sense because we're in the business of survival, not philosophy. Philosophy, truth-seeking, finding the "correct" views - all these things are merely by-products of the business of survival and reproduction.

If you were an ideal super-computer, or God or whatever, then it would be impossible to trick you, because you would have infinite mental capacity and you could think through any situation or problem from every single angle without making a single logical error. You wouldn't need heuristics, therefore there would be nothing to exploit in order to cause you to come to the wrong conclusion. You would be completely non-dogmatic, free from any religious thinking, and perfectly sentient.

The heuristic that the Overton Window bases itself on and comes from is the heuristic of "herd thinking". There is safety in the herd. Getting too far away from the center of opinion in any direction is risky, and we evolved to take as few risks as possible, to stick with the path of least resistance. This is completely natural and makes perfect sense. In the old days it would have worked fine, it gave you the highest probability of surviving and passing your genes on, so you evolved to think this way.
"Part of you being here (apart from not being attractive) has a lot to do with your low amount of risk-taking behaviour. Im not just talking about approaching women, but every single aspect of your life you were steering in towards of "least resistence". When it comes to relationship and choices regarding your guardians, with your friends, with women, with jobs, with your hobbies, everything in your life. "
The central belief of any community (look at Policy on the Overton Window) gives rise to a certain mythology. A mythology in this sense is a set of images and narratives designed to motivate the people in accordance with the central belief. The central belief of PSL is the blackpill. One of its biggest myths is the Myth of Ascension.
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The Cracks in the Myth
"You always knew you aren't "It". PSL boards vocalise what "It" is, but some part of you always knew you are just a supporting actor of your own so called life and you're scared to try to take control of it, because that would jeopardise the safe space you built for yourself. You are scared of being wrong."
In a recent Tinder experiment done by @ArabIncel Chestbrah of all people blew out many male models. Here's a picture of him.
View attachment 369983
The number of times I've seen him get called ugly on here is beyond count. By PSL standards, its not looking too hot.
Do PSL standards actually translate to the real world? Of course they do, yeah? Otherwise what are we even doing here?
Chestbrah isn't a male model, so what makes him so attractive to women?
"it seems like this site has no clue, and only sees aesthetics... "
The above is one of the best threads on the entire forum with regard to actually trying to make your self more attractive to women, for real, IRL.
Here's another good one, short sweet and to the point:

The false idea of the Myth of Ascension is esentially that you can get a male model face through some obscure hidden knowledge you learned on an incel forum. Once you get this face, you'll live the male model lifestyle and coast through life on your facial aesthetics alone.
Of course to even get the necessary surgeries requires a great deal of money but ah, money-maxxing is cope, its all about your face.

Of course the amount of actual "ascensions" of people who claim to have gained better facial aesthetics to the point they are treated significantly differently IRL I can count on one hand, in the entirety of PSL, but what does that matter when body is cope, a good mentality is cope, muscles are cope, etc. etc. etc.
View attachment 370042
This is from a larger convo with a friend, and inspired the thread.

What's the one, real problem?

You aren't fulfilling your biological imperative by being sexually succesful. Because of your evolutionary programming, this produces a number of feelings in you. Your life isn't going the way it should. Things are unfairly stacked against you. There is some inherent quality about yourself that needs to change. etc. etc.

All these feelings arise from the biological platform and are designed to motivate you to fix the real problem and mate. This is always buzzing in your mind, fix the problem, fix the problem, fix the problem. Your biology wants you to get with the program.

Because sexual success in men is tied to status, your body attempts to solve the problem in you by producing feelings of resentment and ambition. You want to show people. You want to "get back" at everyone for not giving you the life you deserve. This is essentially a heuristic, designed to guide the organism towards a reliable strategy to increase the chances of sexual success.

However, in the modern age this heuristic is exploited. The resentment becomes defeatism and pointless thinking in circles. Meanwhile the ambition is wasted, improperly channeled into areas that don't affect your real life, like meaningless squabbles on an online forum, or your PSL rating.

Some of you, instead of letting "life rate you", constantly negoitiate on here for a slightly higher PSL rate. Well I shaved my facial hair, I gotta be at least .25 higher! An otoplasty has to give me a .25 boost, yeah?
Out of the one real problem you create a billion problems, and what was once evolution's strategy of lateral moves becomes parasitic, the lateral moves start to work in a counter-productive way to the actual goal that generated them. You start to care more about the number an online forum assigns your face than you do your actual real life success.

Essentially, you've been hijacked by the PSL community, which is exploiting your heuristical notions.
Instead of your drive to stick with herd thinking resulting in you displaying neuro-typical traits to a potential mate, you're trying to display neuro-typical traits in the context of an extreme community, who's members you have never even met.

Instead of your resentment resulting in the drive to out-compete sexual rivals in real life, you're wallowing in it on an incel forum, as if existence cares that it isn't justified in your eyes.
Instead of your ambition resulting in an increase in status IRL, resulting in greater sexual prospects, you're trying to get status on an obscure incel forum. Through a higher rate, through being rent-free, whatever.

Sitting here trying to take the high view of life in order to avoid having to roll the dice, every single day, is going to ruin you.
You have to give life your best shot if you want the chance of being happy. You have to roll the dice, and accept that failure is possible.

Even if you were dealt a bad hand, you have to create the best possible strategy, and go for the throat.
Max your SMV. Create in yourself not the mentality that's true, but the one best suited to success. "Truth" does not matter. Only results matter.

Users who's threads I quoted:
Conversations with users that inspired the thread in some way:
Other friends tagged below.
@EthnicelAscension @Rift678 @Fuk @ht-normie-ascending @Too$hort @puppymaxer @Blackout.xl @curryslayerordeath @chadpreetinthemaking @Goblin @Aesthetic @Gudru @Justttt @LookistWorld @yang
brb gonna perform lefort 3 on myself

I don't know why this thread doesn't have at least 5 pages, it's one of the best threads in the entirety of PSL.
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Very based post ngl.
this is somewhat of an old thread, but I decided to add my two cents anyway

first of all, the title is complete clickbait as it conveys the idea that looksmaxing as a whole is a waste of time as 'ascension is just a myth', but that doesn't seem to be the conclusion of this thread. the conclusion rather seems to be that PSL appeal and IRL appeal are often fundamentally different and therefore OP suggests that you should just degenmaxx and get a tan + tattoos + gymcel for maximum irl appeal and he uses chestbrah as an example. this is probably more misleading to alot of people (look at that jeff seid pic on page one for reference) than the whole PSL looks catalog, which I also think is misleading with alot of what it teaches.

if you have failos and you get those failos corrected, you can absolutely ascend. some more than others. obviously if you just rot here and do nothing while being an angry aspie cunt, then nothing is gonna happen. but you don't need a lot of fancy words and a wall of text to get that through to people.
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  • +1
Reactions: Prince88 and Need2Ascend
Good thread, i looksmax mainly for an entirely different reason I wonder if anyone here shares the same sentiment

I looksmax because I want to be the best that I possibly can- the benefits of looksmaxxing are nice but I just want to know that I am the best, I have done this in every aspect of my life though, when I scored average on the number memory section on human benchmark I threw myself into an insane state of determination trying to get a better score just because I didn’t want to accept the fact that I was average in some area, I am already more gl than I need to be to get a gf and have a good life (if I was NT) yet I will still wear some tortorous facepuller for a year or get a surgery that will have a minimal impact on my life - I am fully cognizant of the fact that my life won’t be drastically changed if I got some surgery done- but I really do not care about that, my biggest motivation to looksmax is to be the best that I can (and better than others)

I am well aware the gain in looks I get will not have a major impact on my life- yet that doesn’t bother me a single bit I would do it nonetheless as this is (what I believe) will bring me happiness

I do not know if this is normal for people, normal for pslers, normal for narcies, or if anyone even feels this sentiment besides my self
this is somewhat of an old thread, but I decided to add my two cents anyway

first of all, the title is complete clickbait as it conveys the idea that looksmaxing as a whole is a waste of time as 'ascension is just a myth', but that doesn't seem to be the conclusion of this thread. the conclusion rather seems to be that PSL appeal and IRL appeal are often fundamentally different and therefore OP suggests that you should just degenmaxx and get a tan + tattoos + gymcel for maximum irl appeal and he uses chestbrah as an example. this is probably more misleading to alot of people (look at that jeff seid pic on page one for reference) than the whole PSL looks catalog, which I also think is misleading with alot of what it teaches.

if you have failos and you get those failos corrected, you can absolutely ascend. some more than others. obviously if you just rot here and do nothing while being an angry aspie cunt, then nothing is gonna happen. but you don't need a lot of fancy words and a wall of text to get that through to people.
He meant that ascension in the sense that blackpillers view it is a pipe dream, you are going to find some hidden looksmaxing info on psl forums and get some obscure and expensive surgeries and then become a psl 7 gigChad. "Ascension" is just a distraction and an excuse to spend all your time on psl forums, just like religious people who cope with going to church and devoting their time to God in order to reach their idea of ascension, ie going to heaven or whatever.
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Reactions: Deleted member 9355
He meant that ascension in the sense that blackpillers view it is a pipe dream, you are going to find some hidden looksmaxing info on psl forums and get some obscure and expensive surgeries and then become a psl 7 gigChad. "Ascension" is just a distraction and an excuse to spend all your time on psl forums, just like religious people who cope with going to church and devoting their time to God in order to reach their idea of ascension, ie going to heaven or whatever.


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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4310
Good thread, I'll add my 2 cents aswell

The biggest problem I see here are people that don't actually work on improving their appearence, but rather declare everything as "cope" or do olympic-levels of mental masturbation. They don't have a plan or routine for all their looksmaxxes, give up or are too lazy, lack clarity and purpose, they don't look for solutions.

You have to see looksmaxxing as a hobby. You have your time frames where you research purposefully for solutions to your problems, then other times you just randomly look for new ideas, and the largest part over time should get to be your planning and execution(routines). All this shouldn't get in the way with the rest of your life. It can be a passion but don't let it become an obsession.

The truth is most don't want it bad enough. Looksmaxxing is comparable to any competition sport. There are some athletes that were inherently very gifted and are designed to be the best, then there are others that have two left feet. Most however, are somewhere in the middle. It's safe to say that a mediocre athlete that spends 10 hours a week on his craft will eventually trump a top-genetic guy who barely does anything.

By now, I believe that 80% of guys here can reach PSL 6 (and that's honestly enough for a good life from a looks-perspective) IF they knew more, IF they put more effort into it and IF they spent their time here actually browsing for looksmaxxing stuff and not rotting in the off-topic section.
I learned that there's always a solution for each, single problem (you probably just don't know it yet, or maybe never will), with time and effort you're capable of achieving much more than you think.
This site inspired me to find looksmaxxing techniques that would make any plastic surgeons poor if they'd be made known to the public, but it was a long way with taking hits, bad decisions, and phases of nihilism and defeatism.

At the end of the day all this knowledge is useless if you don't actively look for ways to put it into practice, trial and error.
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  • +1
Reactions: draco
Idk all the talk abt neurotransmitters is kinda moot since if ur here and not gl, ur neurotransmitters are prob shit anyways. It's pretty hard to cope ur way out of facing ur fucked reality. One thing that I don't understand is how much people do nothing while simultaneously saying "get looks or die tryin". Few people truly hate to look at themselves in the mirror and then ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Too many ppl follow the path of pietrosiek and just wallow in pity instead of using the fact that they have nothing to lose to be low inhib in surgery/body/soft-maxxing.

Also, the idea of rating is kinda fucked. Once u see how people get indications of validation (my bro is gonna be a fucking model jfl), its pretty ez to determine if u meet that standard or not.
Get your wife impregnated by your bro. Ur kid will thank u. Jfl

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