The only decent people in the world, who aren't of a particular race are...



Islamist jihadi and intersectional feminist
Nov 21, 2022

First world tourists are the most civilised, high IQ and nicest people. Every time I've been abroad it's always been a fellow tourist who has been the most helpful and friendliest. This subset of people need to be studied, their genes extracted, their blood harvested, their opinions treated with divine authority. It's not surprising places like Singapore and Dubai have extremely low crime rates.

Every now and then you come across a uncivilised barbarian tourist (for instance the English in Ibiza). But its usually an exception and not the norm. It's usually because the destination itself has reputation for attracting low IQ barbarians with human psychological and mental development on par with a neanderthal.
  • JFL
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why do they. always get hated on by deathnics then?
why do they. always get hated on by deathnics then?
Because deathnics are scamming bastards who are always out to make a quick buck and scam them. They get offended when they rebuff their offers. Being hated by deathnics is a badge of honour and certification and validation of your humanity.
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Cope they are usually drunkards who engage in illegal sexual activities

Only decent tourists are those soy german old women who dress like tennis players and don't open their mouths. And to be honest every woman who doesn't open their mouth are superior in general.
  • JFL
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First world tourists :feelskek:
Until you meet Americans, who are supposedly first world people
Japanese are the best tourists
Chinese the worst
  • JFL
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Cope they are usually drunkards who engage in illegal sexual activities
That's coz they go Shagadir. In those other places they're not so bad. I guess cheap areas attract low IQ drunkards.
  • JFL
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Germcucks tourists here aren't.
First world tourists :feelskek:
Until you meet Americans, who are supposedly first world people
Japanese are the best tourists
Chinese the worst
Japanese are the kind of people that need to be conquered by Islam. They would follow orders and without hesitation they would be the best muslims.

That cuck emperor failed them when he gave up after Hiroshima.
  • JFL
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Japanese are the kind of people that need to be conquered by Islam. They would follow orders and without hesitation they would be the best muslims.

That cuck emperor failed them when he gave up after Hiroshima.
Japanese are very based when it comes to defending their culture
They hate foreigners
  • +1
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Japanese are very based when it comes to defending their culture
They hate foreigners
You're missing the point. Islam would help them protect their culture even more (i.e. Afghans). Even Hitler wished Germans were Muslims than 'meek' Christians. Japs aren't as 'based' as you think they are. They just had a closed door immigration policy but that will change in the coming years since men and women don't fuck and the men are too high inhib to do anything about it.
  • Ugh..
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Japanese are very based when it comes to defending their culture
They hate foreigners
They can be conquered nonetheless, proven in the past. It's a matter of time before we see The Islamic Emirate of Japan

  • JFL
Reactions: datboijj, Bomber517 and Entschuldigung
They can be conquered nonetheless, proven in the past. It's a matter of time before we see The Islamic Emirate of Japan

There's crazy people everywhere
99% of their population is probably disgusted by Muslims
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They can be conquered nonetheless, proven in the past. It's a matter of time before we see The Islamic Emirate of Japan

Muslims can't even defeat Israel, yet you talk about conquering the island nation that is on the other side of the planet :feelskek:

There's crazy people everywhere
99% of their population is probably disgusted by Muslims
"There crazy people everywhere" while he proceeds to be the first element of his millenary lineage to not have a descendence and respect LGBTQ rights :feelskek:
Muslims can't even defeat Israel, yet you talk about conquering the island nation that is on the other side of the planet :feelskek:

Israel is already defeated. The ridicule they have done in this war is unparalleled and every decent analyst agrees. Now everyone knows how they really are, its just a matter of time before they make an even bigger mistake and 80% of those double nationals migrate to their real home in some slum of brooklyn.

Its not on the other side of the planet, its close to the country with the most muslims in the world which is Indonesia. And it wont be conquered militarily but culturally, just like it happened with Indonesia via trade routes. Their yellow hearts will be filled with pride, warmth and childlike joy. Its a matter of time.
  • JFL
Reactions: Bomber517
Muslims can't even defeat Israel, yet you talk about conquering the island nation that is on the other side of the planet :feelskek:

over for israel you idiot they are surrounded by proxies who are impossible to defeat according to you own analysts. they will get exhausted to death by a long war. all their economic plans went to shit. that place has no future.
Now everyone knows how they really are, its just a matter of time before they make an even bigger mistake and 80% of those double nationals migrate to their real home in some slum of brooklyn.
That's actually iran's plan for israel. reduce life quality and prevent any economic advances by destablizing the region, so their double passport holders would go back to where they came from.
Israel is already defeated. The ridicule they have done in this war is unparalleled and every decent analyst agrees. Now everyone knows how they really are, its just a matter of time before they make an even bigger mistake and 80% of those double nationals migrate to their real home in some slum of brooklyn.

Its not on the other side of the planet, its close to the country with the most muslims in the world which is Indonesia. And it wont be conquered militarily but culturally, just like it happened with Indonesia via trade routes. Their yellow hearts will be filled with pride, warmth and childlike joy. Its a matter of time.
Israel is still on its feet, and it is backed up by NATO. Islam will never conquer Japan, nor other countries. It is ridiculous to mention Indonesia when it is constitutionally not an Islamic state, and people are gradually moving away from Islam every year. You guys are only attacking secular countries that welcome everyone, but are too chickened out to speak out against the systemic oppression of Muslim minorities in China and India. What, is it because chinks and curries aren't tolerant unlike Westerners, right?
Mad Penguin GIF by Pudgy Penguins
"There crazy people everywhere" while he proceeds to be the first element of his millenary lineage to not have a descendence and respect LGBTQ rights :feelskek:
Japanese tourists are the best in the world, always polite, respectful and never noisy. Chinese are probably some of the worst.
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