The truth about becoming a developer

@LooksOverAll but if i was russian i would honestly just join kgb and fight russian mafia
I don't live in Russia. I fully support the Russian mafia however.
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If you hate the people ruin it then become the person ruling it to change it lmfao. Get into politics and do what you can. And BTW just because you hate the people ruling it doesn't mean those people are bad or incompetent. For example you may hate Trump/Hilary/Joe Biden but just because of your feelings doesn't mean those people are bad objectively.
They're not bad because I hate them, I hate them because they are bad. I never said I wan't doing anything about it.

Are you kidding? I was going to Antifa rallies and beating fascists with baseball bats. Is that not anarchist enough for you? I was spreading nazi propaganda in public, is that not fascist enough for you? You're a cuck that I know more about anarchism, communism and naziism/fascism than you at a younger age because you are a uni cuck and i am a practitioner.
This is exactly what I was talking about. Both antifas and "fascists" that fight are retards. It never solved anything. You were just an angry kid that didn't know who to be angry at and what to do with this anger.
This lead you to the extremes and now back to the center where you're gonna use that anger to join the army where you will be able to freely be violent without any consequences.
You make a lot of assumptions about me being a uni cuck or not acting to enforce my convictions.
This proves you're still immature no matter how much introspection you did

Im not a centrist I said I am a libertarian right winger
Yeah and you'll probably end up in Trump's meeting chanting slogans with retarded boomers who think that voting is going to solve anything :bluepill:

You are not a Samurai, you are a golem, big difference.
Stop watching Jocko Willink videos and eating this military bullshit propaganda.
You want to become a warrior and experience war, good. But don't pretend that you're doing to help your country or the people living in it.
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They're not bad because I hate them, I hate them because they are bad. I never said I wan't doing anything about it.

This is exactly what I was talking about. Both antifas and "fascists" that fight are retards. It never solved anything. You were just an angry kid that didn't know who to be angry at and what to do with this anger.
This lead you to the extremes and now back to the center where you're gonna use that anger to join the army where you will be able to freely be violent without any consequences.
You make a lot of assumptions about me being a uni cuck or not acting to enforce my convictions.
This proves you're still immature no matter how much introspection you did

Yeah and you'll probably end up in Trump's meeting chanting slogans with retarded boomers who think that voting is going to solve anything :bluepill:

You are not a Samurai, you are a golem, big difference.
Stop watching Jocko Willink videos and eating this military bullshit propaganda.
You want to become a warrior and experience war, good. But don't pretend that you're doing to help your country or the people living in it.
Okay this is the last time I undelete my account, after this I won't respond to enything else because I have to go ruck at 04:00 am.

I have been the anarchist that supports Chaz/Chop and communes and all of that bullshit. Voting doesn't change and I don't believe in voting, libs believe in that shit. It's cucked. You need to violently protest and break government buildings to get your point accorss because most politicians these days are psychopaths that see the populations as numbers and not people. So protest violently. Break shit like Malcolm X.

I'm not joining up to be an angry loser what the fuck. I'm joining out of compassion for my brothers and virtues gained through warrior conduct. If high quality people are gonna put themselves in danger I need to be by their side to make sure they have someone compentent to watch their 6.

You make a lot of assumptions about me being a uni cuck or not acting to enforce my convictions.
This proves you're still immature no matter how much introspection you did"
Dude. Face it. You are. You're a theorist wandering through life not certain of anything. You are the on a path that is cucked but you are coping. Seen it, done that.

"Yeah and you'll probably end up in Trump's meeting chanting slogans with retarded boomers who think that voting is going to solve anything :bluepill:"
????????? i just explained that i dont believe in voting

"You are not a Samurai, you are a golem, big difference."
Ad hominem and non sequitor. Delusional loser you are. By this statement I can tell you are probably either skinny or overweight lmao.

"Stop watching Jocko Willink videos and eating this military bullshit propaganda."
hahahah should i stop watching joe rogan as well? are they too based for you :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh: brain to understand? If i named all of the right winged podcasts I listen to you would REEEEEE so hard you fake anarchkiddie. You are like that one dude on youtube "noncompete" that has to go too vietnam to fuck gooks because his own country rejected him. Or betterjet REeducation a homless anarchist that wants to bring competent succesful people down so he can mooch of of their success. rope yourself man

>"You want to become a warrior and experience war, good. But don't pretend that you're doing to help your country or the people living in it."
I just explained. Being a warrior is all about virtues, core values and compassion. I don't give a fuck about Afghan kids but I'd die for my friends. That type of love just doesn't exist in as a civilian but you can't understand because civilians all shit on each other to get ahead in life at the expense of others lmao

enjoy your cucked life
You're a theorist wandering through life not certain of anything. You are the on a path that is cucked but you are coping. Seen it, done that.
Again unfunded assumptions, maybe you think everybody should clearly list any concrete action they take irl, just to make a point to a kid. And then you talk about shitty opsec ahah.

just explained that i dont believe in voting
And you just told me to go I to politics. Pick a side bro I live in a democratic country where politics are done through voting.

Your talking ad hominem when you've been shitting on everyone and comparing me to retarded youtubers ahah.
Yeah Joe Rogan is so based dude, you must have been ranked great Black Sun Komodor during the 6 months you called yourself a fascist for listening to such controversial stuff.
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If you have above 200 ng/dl testosterone just join the military hacking squad or intelligence hacking squad and hack the entire fucking world whilst coding fluently in Assembly and C. Being a civilian is cucked just fucking be a warrior (digital warrior or physical it doesn't matter)

Yo are you recruiting? Lol
  • JFL
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If you’re good-looking, you can challenge normies to coding battles without being perceived as a weird geek:

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- You'll be isolated from any females contact most of your awake time. You'll spend your days alone in front of a screen, and the only people you'll talk with will be retarded incel geeks. There are some cool devs but 90% of them are just autists.
I disagree regarding female contact - at least when things weren't remote, there'd constantly be interaction with everyone on the office floor - you're right about the devs though, 90% are autists (which makes interacting with the girls much easier)

- No one will be interested in what you do. Most conversation with strangers start by talking about your occupation. Saying you're a dev or anything related to computers is an instant turnoff unless you're working on incredible AI or rocket launching projects.

- The money is still good but the market is becoming more and more crowded meaning you won't have access to as much opportunities as easily. Companies are asking for better degrees where before you could just be self taught and have a good job. Ofc you can start at the bottom and get some xp to access better jobs.
depends... at the junior level things are definitely saturated af if you graduate with no work experience (by way of coops/internships), at the intermediate/senior level however many companies will bend over backwards for you

Overall you should pick something you like, or that will grant you status like artist, trader, soldier, some kind of cool craftmanship, barman, fireman etc...
indeed, this shit is soul crushingly boring at times, the only benefit is that there's quite a bit of free time relative to other jobs especially during down-times/when not in crunch time, but even that is trumped by the constant feeling of imposter syndrome with every new feature or project
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- You'll be isolated from any females contact most of your awake time. You'll spend your days alone in front of a screen, and the only people you'll talk with will be retarded incel geeks. There are some cool devs but 90% of them are just autists.
I disagree regarding female contact - at least when things weren't remote, there'd constantly be interaction with everyone on the office floor - you're right about the devs though, 90% are autists (which makes interacting with the girls much easier)

- No one will be interested in what you do. Most conversation with strangers start by talking about your occupation. Saying you're a dev or anything related to computers is an instant turnoff unless you're working on incredible AI or rocket launching projects.

- The money is still good but the market is becoming more and more crowded meaning you won't have access to as much opportunities as easily. Companies are asking for better degrees where before you could just be self taught and have a good job. Ofc you can start at the bottom and get some xp to access better jobs.
depends... at the junior level things are definitely saturated af if you graduate with no work experience (by way of coops/internships), at the intermediate/senior level however many companies will bend over backwards for you

Overall you should pick something you like, or that will grant you status like artist, trader, soldier, some kind of cool craftmanship, barman, fireman etc...
indeed, this shit is soul crushingly boring at times, the only benefit is that there's quite a bit of free time relative to other jobs especially during down-times/when not in crunch time, but even that is trumped by the constant feeling of imposter syndrome with every new feature or project
you only work on sunday nights so this thread doesn't apply to you
  • JFL
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Again unfunded assumptions, maybe you think everybody should clearly list any concrete action they take irl, just to make a point to a kid. And then you talk about shitty opsec ahah.

And you just told me to go I to politics. Pick a side bro I live in a democratic country where politics are done through voting.

Your talking ad hominem when you've been shitting on everyone and comparing me to retarded youtubers ahah.
Yeah Joe Rogan is so based dude, you must have been ranked great Black Sun Komodor during the 6 months you called yourself a fascist for listening to such controversial stuff.
Keeping the account (probably) and my ruck was very good:

>"Again unfunded assumptions, maybe you think everybody should clearly list any concrete action they take irl, just to make a point to a kid. And then you talk about shitty opsec ahah."
You are retarded. I don't care about my OpSec that's why I made an account on this forum, I don't need to protect myself anymore you fucking 25 year old loser.

>"And you just told me to go I to politics. Pick a side bro I live in a democratic country where politics are done through voting."
You fucking retard you are 25 years old with third grade reading level. I said to enact change, you need to do more than peacefully protest, you're so fucking stupid which is why you are still fucking spouting bullshit to me when you know I run laps around you in terms of life knowledge, programming knowledge, streetsmarts, physique, connects, money, socio-economic status. Bro you are subhuman, go get your life in order. I recommend Jordan Peterson. You probably don't even have a gf. Bro hurry the fuck up you have like 1-2 years more before every woman your age hits the wall at lightning speed you delusional doomer.

>"Your talking ad hominem when you've been shitting on everyone and comparing me to retarded youtubers ahah."
i only shit on people that deserve it and you are a retarded communist so i compare you to communist, which are all retarded so you are a retarded degenerate too. Sorry, not sorry you bitch

>"Yeah Joe Rogan is so based dude, you must have been ranked great Black Sun Komodor during the 6 months you called yourself a fascist for listening to such controversial stuff."
You're a fucking retard just rope at this point. 25 years and you have made nothing out of your life. There are 15 year olds with bigger dicks than you. There are 18 year olds that have exponentially more money than you on this forum. There are dudes that mogg your testosterone levels. There are guys that mog you in life knowledge and masculine virtues. It's over for you even oreo man mogs you.
  • JFL
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I'm a developercel. I hate my job. It's so mentally exhausting that after 8 hours I feel like shit. White women hate programmers. It's better to say that you're a "businessman" or shit like that. On another hand, I would say asian women like software developers. I think it's a cultural thing.

There is this advantage that teoritically you can do SEAmaxxing while working remotely, but it's not so easy. You have to find a company that will allow you to work in a different timezone (when they're in Europe or USA) and as I said before, this job is very exhausting and I don't have energy to do anything after working 8 hours.
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Keeping the account (probably) and my ruck was very good:

>"Again unfunded assumptions, maybe you think everybody should clearly list any concrete action they take irl, just to make a point to a kid. And then you talk about shitty opsec ahah."
You are retarded. I don't care about my OpSec that's why I made an account on this forum, I don't need to protect myself anymore you fucking 25 year old loser.

>"And you just told me to go I to politics. Pick a side bro I live in a democratic country where politics are done through voting."
You fucking retard you are 25 years old with third grade reading level. I said to enact change, you need to do more than peacefully protest, you're so fucking stupid which is why you are still fucking spouting bullshit to me when you know I run laps around you in terms of life knowledge, programming knowledge, streetsmarts, physique, connects, money, socio-economic status. Bro you are subhuman, go get your life in order. I recommend Jordan Peterson. You probably don't even have a gf. Bro hurry the fuck up you have like 1-2 years more before every woman your age hits the wall at lightning speed you delusional doomer.

>"Your talking ad hominem when you've been shitting on everyone and comparing me to retarded youtubers ahah."
i only shit on people that deserve it and you are a retarded communist so i compare you to communist, which are all retarded so you are a retarded degenerate too. Sorry, not sorry you bitch

>"Yeah Joe Rogan is so based dude, you must have been ranked great Black Sun Komodor during the 6 months you called yourself a fascist for listening to such controversial stuff."
You're a fucking retard just rope at this point. 25 years and you have made nothing out of your life. There are 15 year olds with bigger dicks than you. There are 18 year olds that have exponentially more money than you on this forum. There are dudes that mogg your testosterone levels. There are guys that mog you in life knowledge and masculine virtues. It's over for you even oreo man mogs you.
So you're now basically writing essays to insult me.
You're so frustrated you think everyone who disagree with you is a commie, military propaganda really got to your head man.
Maybe someone who swaps conviction on a regular basis and isn't capable to be coherent for more than two sentences is better off joining the army, at least there you won't have to think for yourself and maybe you'll stop being so comically angry and incoherent.
I knew you were a Peterson cuck, he also worships jews so no wonder you like him.

Jfl you're so angry that you didn't even commit to delete your account.
Stick your gadsden flag up your ass and go die in a pointless war, no one will remember you and life will continue as usual :lul:.
bumped this thread

also @terminus i didnt read your last comment but i didnt delete my account because this forum is actually fun to be on and to blow off steam.

this is the best forum ive ever been on and no one is virtue signalling

even the nazis here are trolling most of the time

no liberals here

only some commies that you, but you know you are wrong and you will become right wing sooner or later
Do what you actually like in life theory is actually legit.

unless what you like is working a cashier in a supermarket.
You are insane in the same way a vegan communist homosexual is.
thanks for calling me a savage i know i am uncommon amongst uncommon ppl
  • JFL
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thanks for you compliments my bro i appreciate that
88AFE66B BA9A 4C63 92C4 D07AF0977DB8
bumped this thread

also @terminus i didnt read your last comment but i didnt delete my account because this forum is actually fun to be on and to blow off steam.

this is the best forum ive ever been on and no one is virtue signalling

even the nazis here are trolling most of the time

no liberals here

only some commies that you, but you know you are wrong and you will become right wing sooner or later
Of course you did read my last comment, but just don't know what to answer.
Dude's still picturing me as a commie after all this conversation.
You can find excuse but the truth is that you not capable of leaving this place
Vas te faire tuer en Afrique sale chien
Of course you did read my last comment, but just don't know what to answer.
Dude's still picturing me as a commie after all this conversation.
You can find excuse but the truth is that you not capable of leaving this place
Vas te faire tuer en Afrique sale chien
im not even french you piece of shitshit
- You'll be isolated from any females contact most of your awake time. You'll spend your days alone in front of a screen, and the only people you'll talk with will be retarded incel geeks. There are some cool devs but 90% of them are just autists.
- No one will be interested in what you do. Most conversation with strangers start by talking about your occupation. Saying you're a dev or anything related to computers is an instant turnoff unless you're working on incredible AI or rocket launching projects.
Cope + i dont give a shit.
- The money is still good but the market is becoming more and more crowded meaning you won't have access to as much opportunities as easily. Companies are asking for better degrees where before you could just be self taught and have a good job. Ofc you can start at the bottom and get some xp to access better jobs.
Cope. Demand only grows every day. I can lose job and find new in 1 day.
A lot of people here going into programming to moneymax.
My advice is if you don't genuinely like coding just don't bother because:

- You'll be isolated from any females contact most of your awake time. You'll spend your days alone in front of a screen, and the only people you'll talk with will be retarded incel geeks. There are some cool devs but 90% of them are just autists.
- No one will be interested in what you do. Most conversation with strangers start by talking about your occupation. Saying you're a dev or anything related to computers is an instant turnoff unless you're working on incredible AI or rocket launching projects.
- The money is still good but the market is becoming more and more crowded meaning you won't have access to as much opportunities as easily. Companies are asking for better degrees where before you could just be self taught and have a good job. Ofc you can start at the bottom and get some xp to access better jobs.

Overall you should pick something you like, or that will grant you status like artist, trader, soldier, some kind of cool craftmanship, barman, fireman etc...

Take this advice seriously, I know too many depressed devs that waste their lives doing a job they don't love and getting 0 credit or attention for it.

Market is massively oversaturated. Not even worth it tbh.
  • Hmm...
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JFL at choosing a career because it brings you closer to women. Janitor chad still mogs and will outslay normie male nurse even tho the normie is surrounded by women. Software dev/programming is the best career for money maxxing and enjoying your copes. At the end of the day, you could work with women all day and still be depressed because they don’t like they way you look. Just choose a career that makes you the most money so that you can enjoy your copes and also afford your surgeries for ascension.
Exactly I want to get into tech so I can work remote and enjoy traveling and live an adventure type life. The work might not be the best but it could enable a dope life style vs having a higher status job in finance or some shit and having a social life through work but being stuck in a suit and tie in an office 40+ hrs per week 48+ weeks per year
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Exactly I want to get into tech so I can work remote and enjoy traveling and live an adventure type life
Cope. I working remotely as a developer and everything i do is shitposting on forums like this :feelswah:
  • JFL
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Exactly I want to get into tech so I can work remote and enjoy traveling and live an adventure type life
Cope. I working remotely as a developer and everything i do is shitposting on forums like this :feelswah:
I was a criminal hacker before and let me tell you legal white hats are the most subhuman cretins on this entire planet

they are just so disgusting they all drooled over their keyboards to expose me in articles when they dont know shit about me and my former buddies that fucked me over

they protect degenerate websites like facebook, twitter instagram so the west can get cucked further and groups like anonymous cant hack them to expose them

they work for companies that make malware and sell them to the East (Iran, China and Russia) so they can fuck their citizens with censorship (phineas phisher)

if you are a programmer and not doing it for your country you are the biggest loser cuck low testosterone twat and i will never have respect for anyone like you because i know the type of degenerates you nerds are first hand
you are either call of duty brain damaged or maxxed
  • JFL
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Market is massively oversaturated. Not even worth it tbh.
I keep hearing how there are far more job openings than qualified tech workers… maybe that’s a us thing?
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I keep hearing how there are far more job openings than qualified tech workers… maybe that’s a us thing?
I literally wrote a single job application and immediately got the job
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I keep hearing how there are far more job openings than qualified tech workers…
True. Companies are desperate af right now. We cant close developer position for 2 months, thats crazy.
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True. Companies are desperate af right now. We cant close developer position for 2 months, thats crazy.
yeah, for intermediate/senior level positions the job openings I've seen are open for months despite high pay and the company willing to make many compromises (like allowing indefinite remote work etc.)
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yeah, for intermediate/senior level positions the job openings I've seen are open for months despite high pay and the company willing to make many compromises (like allowing indefinite remote work etc.)

Do they require a degree? This is the problem most of the time. There are a trillion developers but only few have a degree.
I'm a developercel. I hate my job. It's so mentally exhausting that after 8 hours I feel like shit. White women hate programmers. It's better to say that you're a "businessman" or shit like that. On another hand, I would say asian women like software developers. I think it's a cultural thing.

There is this advantage that teoritically you can do SEAmaxxing while working remotely, but it's not so easy. You have to find a company that will allow you to work in a different timezone (when they're in Europe or USA) and as I said before, this job is very exhausting and I don't have energy to do anything after working 8 hours.
ive heard this many times, hang in there buddy

*loads my gun to shoot out of a helicopter*
Do they require a degree? This is the problem most of the time. There are a trillion developers but only few have a degree.
I can only speak for canada/usa, but for jr/entry level you pretty much need a degree since everyone else has a degree, you also need work experience and to grind leetcode for a bit, at intermediate/senior levels the requirement for a degree isn't as there as it is for the junior level but it's still there, to this date I only know 2 people who were self taught and even they eventually went and got a degree on company dime
Exactly I want to get into tech so I can work remote and enjoy traveling and live an adventure type life. The work might not be the best but it could enable a dope life style vs having a higher status job in finance or some shit and having a social life through work but being stuck in a suit and tie in an office 40+ hrs per week 48+ weeks per year
Working in tech remotely is better than being chained to an office desk like an abused dog and having to engage in boring conversations with your normie NPC coworkers, chatting about office drama. Working in tech remotely gives you freedom and the money for your copes.
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Working in tech remotely is better than being chained to an office desk like an abused dog and having to engage in boring conversations with your normie NPC coworkers, chatting about office drama. Working in tech remotely gives you freedom and the money for your copes.
The problem with remote work is that you will be working way more on your own time and you wont enjoy where you are. It's a cope. There is a reason why every developer wants to be a techlead so they dont have to code anymore :lul::lul:
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The problem with remote work is that you will be working way more on your own time and you wont enjoy where you are. It's a cope. There is a reason why every developer wants to be a techlead so they dont have to code anymore :lul::lul:
And you know how many developers? Most developers want to stay coders.

many enjoy working on the future and contribute to cool projects. As a lead or owner you have to do that boring financial shit and calculate cost value and all that hair loss inducing shit. Talk to annoying customers and so on.
And you know how many developers? Most developers want to stay coders.

many enjoy working on the future and contribute to cool projects. As a lead or owner you have to do that boring financial shit and calculate cost value and all that hair loss inducing shit. Talk to annoying customers and so on.
I know a lot of developers actually. I know a bit of full stack web dev. All in all at this point do whatever the fuck you wanna do as long as you aren't a parasite to your country

I love you all :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
Nothing is perfect guys, do what makes you happy ❤️
I was in my second year of comp sci and I dropped out, staring at a monitor for 8 to 10 hours a day every day for the rest of my life is the most deteriorating and depressing thing ever, it doesn’t matter how good the pay is you will literally destroy your body sitting for that long with your cortisol being sky high, I took a look at how the people looked around me, incel geeks and severely autistic people, I dropped out I was not going to keep doing that shit
OP is right tbh
IT related jobs are incel factories, you'll also lose your hair and your will to live later on
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- You'll be isolated from any females contact most of your awake time. You'll spend your days alone in front of a screen, and the only people you'll talk with will be retarded incel geeks. There are some cool devs but 90% of them are just autists.
I disagree regarding female contact - at least when things weren't remote, there'd constantly be interaction with everyone on the office floor - you're right about the devs though, 90% are autists (which makes interacting with the girls much easier)

let's talk about small companies who sell software. Most of the staff is composed of programmers and software engineers, who are likely to be 90% men.
maybe the boss's personal assistant is the only female worker you can talk to.

STEMcel who got a computer science (IT) degree may also work in other kind of companies who have more female worker, for example they may work as technical experts or web developer or database manager in companies which do not sell software (big hospitals, public companies)
still another option is a job in companies which do produce software but have profits from other businesses
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OP is right tbh
IT related jobs are incel factories, you'll also lose your hair and your will to live later on
how many women will a factory worker talk to in his working day?


IT is not the only environment with lack of women
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