The ULTIMATE NT guide for speaking to normies/females- How to get normies to like you and why it's important

Thread song (got the idea from @PseudoMaxxer ):

(At first, it may seem like the song is telling you to be yourself, but really I see it as Ava saying you should conform to whatever audience you're dealing with at the moment)

Salutations autists

I realize many of you guys don't know how to speak to ppl in general which is a massive problem. You see, personality might be a meme, but neurotypicality is not. You cannot come off as abrasive or hostile to normies, or else they will reject you. Normies are stupid but are necessary to climbing the social ladder.

This is a true story. I suffered so fucking much as a kid because I didn't understand basic social norms, as an only child Pajeet with immigrant parents. I still struggle a lot with not pissing off normies, so this guide is also for me as well as you. It can make the difference between a girl spending another hour with you, when you can rizz her up, or whether she packs up and leaves to get away from you.

Being NT isn't being a pushover/doormat/submissive to society. Rather, it's a preventative measure to ensure normies don't REJECT you. In other words, none of this will make you more likeable, rather it prevents you from being unlikeable. Basically what I'm trying to say is that if you're 2/10 truecel this guide won't magically make girls hop on your dick in the middle of the college library. Rather, it will prevent people from avoiding you in the college library. And yes, you will still have to interact with normies even if you are truecel whether for academically related reasons or other reasons. Besides, most people here are in the LTN-HTN range (I know that 99% of .org thinks they are HTN.)

Furthermore, many of your future male friends (that you need in order to be NT) will start off as normies as well until you get to know them better. Don't make the mistake of making them think you're weak.

Just to let you know, I have taken inspiration from three other threads which I will link in this thread but will cite whenever I borrow something from them.

TL;DR: There are certain things you cannot talk about with normies if you want them to accept you.

inb4 "muh chad can speak however he wants :soy: ." Yes, but YOU are not Chad.

This will be a common theme throughout this post so if you find yourself asking this when I tell you to do something, tell your brain to shut the fuck up and listen to me.

You need to swear a little, among peers and not authority figures like teachers or bosses of course.

If you never swear, you run the risk of being too "Mormon" and looking like a nerd:

Spongebob Roundpants | Magnet

If you curse too much, you run the risk of looking edgy and immature, which is honestly worse. That doesn't fly by a lot of normies.

shadow the hedgehog GIF

I say the best ratio of swear words to other words should be like 1:150. Obviously don't count every time like a sperg but my point is just sprinkle "fuck" or "shit" like once. Don't call women "bitches" or "cunts". In fact, never use any slurs. Also don't use swear words when talking about people, only inanimate things or occasionally, yourself.

Good: "Bruh I can't believe Professor Mike Mew gave us 10 pages of orthotropics homework. Dude, I don't know if I can go out to the bar tonight. I'm so fucked."

Bad: "Bruh stacy is such an ugly cunt and becky is borderline retarded. I don't know how she got that job, that bitch."

Flag Palestine GIF by Guy with Red Beard

I am aware that your hoejabi Arab oneitis can't stop posting about "muh Palestine" but as a man you need to shut the fuck up about anything unless prompted to answer. For instance, if someone asks what you think about Da Joos vs Muzzies, the best answer to give is to deflect and say, "It's sad to think about how many innocent children have been killed on both sides. It's tragic really...". Do not ever, ever speak about religion or politicians unless prompted. Depending on who you speak you, you will have to follow the Overton Window.

This BOTB thread goes into far more detail than I do about the Overton Window, and honestly, it's the thread that inspired me to write this ULTIMATE thread.

Gay Pride GIF by Hello All

One more thing I want to touch on: LGBT rights. Despite what normies say, being gay is not widely accepted among normies, it's just that they tolerate it. So basically most "progressive" liberal women will be okay if you say you are fine with gay marriage but are not gay yourself. Like everything else mentioned, NEVER BRING IT UP unless prompted/necessary. Most "Christian" women don't like gay people.

Do you see a pattern here? Being balanced is the key, because most normies are balanced. They aren't special or strong in one particular thing, which makes them prone to disliking extremism.

This might take a bit of introspection and self-awareness which I struggled with for a long time. Don't be sarcastic or condescending to normfags. They don't like it when you talk down to them (despite their peanut brains mentally judging ugly incels 24/7 :feelskek:).

Think about why people on here don't like users like @anthony111553 and @moggathon's because they started insulting people as soon as they registered, which pitted them against everyone at once. Social dynamics are everywhere, even on freakshow websites such as this.

Bullying anyone, even if it's a subhuman, never looks good. Just avoid it at all costs.

Occasionally, it's healthy to poke fun at a buddy or a girl you have a crush on in a group setting. Don't make fun of a flaw they can't control or something serious. NEVER EVER call a normie ugly. Go for something small, like an error in the way they recently comported themselves. Don't make an esoteric complex joke no one will understand, and don't mock multiple people at once because they can gang up on you and "ratio" you IRL.

On the flip side, this is why @Kamui and @Gengar can get away with insulting me sometimes. It's because they are relevant I "know" them (as well as you can know someone on a racist Indian forum), so I don't get super mad when they call me a Dalit or something.

Good joke: 2 weeks after getting to know becky, I say "becky is so clumsy. She spilled her water all over me haha." to her friend group.

Bad joke: 8 hours after knowing stacy and becky, I say "Shut up, stacy , you ugly big-nosed recessed bitch :lul: :lul::lul:), it's over for you and becky's flat maxilla. No wonder you will be a wageslave forever. It's OVER." At this point, I would be fucked, because I'm pitting my ugly ass against two white women who will tell me to shut up in front of a gaggle of normie freaks.

Girl after I knew her for an hour: are you allergic to pineapple? What if you smell it?

Me: it's not like I'm gonna fucking snort it, am I?

See how this can be offensive? I was clearly joking but even this subtle comment pissed her off and her hatred for me snowballed from there, leading to me getting fired from my job this summer.

You can still be funny in other ways. Just stick to TikTok humor. Reference memes and stuff from NT sources as well when necessary, just make sure they are POPULAR. No one will understand some gay nerdy joke from Skyrim mod #1049583, which leads me to my next point...

This used to be hard for me

In 8th grade, I told a girl I had a crush on that I was excited Star Wars Battlefront 2 was coming out, and she was like "wtf is that". Needless to say, I never pulled her.

Movies, Games, and Sports to talk about from most to least popular:

Good (most normies can relate)Okay (passable to mention a few times or with certain niches)Bad (don't ever bring up or catch people seeing you do this when they don't know you well)
Movies/TVStar Wars (main movies only), Marvel (Big movies only, like spider-man or Avengers Infinity War), Batman, Harry Potter, Twilight (women only), Euphoria, Breaking Bad, The Boys (men only), Invincible, Spongebob, Family Guy, Scream, Vampire Diaries (women only), Barbie Movie, any christopher nolan movie (men only), Disney movies/shows (with girls), FriendsThe Sopranos (sadly most women and young normies haven't seen), Boardwalk Empire, The Wire (outdated for Gen Z/Alpha), Attack on Titan, Death Note, Jujitsu Kaisen, Chainsaw man, Clueless, Young Sheldon (ironically)August Underground (if you know what this is you're fucked), slaughtered vomit dolls, or any other disgusting fetish gory movie. Nerd things like Battlestar Galactica or childish things like Transformers or My Little Pony are bad too. If you watch any of this shit and tell ppl about it IT'S OVER.
GamesFortnite, Minecraft, COD, Apex Legends, Halo, Mario Kart, Roblox (foids LOVE this game for some reason...)Cyberpunk, Fallout, Spider-Man PS4/5 Resident Evil (some girls love this game cuz of Leon), and the Red Dead Redemption series. Basically any popular story game as most women don't like these things.Baldur's Gate (a.k.a Dungeons and Dragons), Sonic, Skyrim, FNAF, or any esoteric title that no one has heard of
SportsFootball, Soccer, Weight Lifting, Basketball (very NT), swimmingBaseball, Running (either participating or watching), Horseracing
Curling, Water polo, anything else niche or gay
MusicThe Weeknd, Dua Lipa, Travis Scott, Taylor Swift, Drake, Lil Uzi Vert,Marina and the Diamonds, Nirvana, Deftones, Cigarettes After Sex, Maneskin, my chemical romance (basically any alt music that emo whores listen to), One Direction (outdated)Video game music (I don't care if I put it in a popular category above, absolutely do not let your girl find out you listen to the Halo soundtrack), Anime OSTs, Nickelback unironically. Will add more as I think of them in the shower...


Another note from the aforementioned @John Cracovizk thread. In fact, he says it better than I do so I will just copy and paste it here. Hopefully that is okay, John:

"From incels :incel: (people who are disgusted or bully you) to chads :chad: (envy and shit), sometimes people who have a dislike towards you may appear, it may be by reference or by remembering a behavior, look or even remembering another person who antagonized them at another time.

It's natural, and to deal with these people you need to have little contact as possible, stay away from those who don't like you for whatever reason, whether it's your fault or not it's always your responsibility to deal with it, your conflict is for the one who will gain the most social credit, the one who will gain the most validation from the group, leave your pride aside and remember: it is a war of morals not of pride.

It is better to be defeated personally than morally.
So, stay within the group's precepts, because everyone will think you did it right, everyone will pat you on the back and you won't lose social credit, the situation and the conflict are temporary, it's better that your antagonist emerge morally defeated with his pride intact than otherwise, but also remember not to let the mask dominate and you lose yourself to the point of allowing yourself to be humiliated and trampled to the point of not being worth the social credit.

There are moments that aren't worth it, if you impose yourself, you'll be trampled on and the group won't come to defend you, but in small conflicts that won't get physical, it's just a fight of pride, they're quite silly and nothing serious. Just be careful when it comes to a discussion with women, as they naturally already have high social credit in our society, and as a man you probably DEFINITELY have less than her, you will have to bite the bullet and don't challenge it, it's better to bite the bullet than end up imposing yourself and seeming the COWARD against a woman."

Very well written. It actually opened my eyes when I first read it.

Not gonna expand on this since I already said so much. All I'll say for this one is that most normfags and women do not think your 9/11 Hitler-Obama animal sodomy slave joke is funny.

Also NEVER don't brag about doing dumb things. Your oneitis doesn't think you're macho because you inject heroin for fun. In fact, many foids can get turned off by alcohol or cig use so be careful who you tell

Furthermore, if you brag about breaking the rules or getting away with something to someone else you’re putting yourself in a position where that person can potentially snitch on you.

This is what normies mean when they say "Just be confident bro :soy:". They mean don't be weak.

Never reach out to normies and tell them about how you are lonely or can't make friends. Opening up to vicious normies is like dropping blood into shark-infested waters. Rehab room goes into depth better than I do:

Furthermore, do not ever, EVER, make self-deprecating jokes or try to be clingy with people who clearly aren't interested in you. Don't ask them to hang out after they cancel on plans or say no to you more than 3 times in a row. Never joke about yourself in any capacity. No, you aren't self-aware, you're just a dance monkey. Also, don't be the class clown if you're in school. Those guys are usually bully victims and no girl goes "he's so hot :aheago:" even if they laugh at his gay jokes.

At this point, you are probably tired of all the reading, so imagine how much effort I put into writing it...

Okay, so I told you what you shouldn't do for the most part. Here is what you should do instead. You might be worried that you won't be funny or charismatic enough, but the good news is that you can still stand out as a "likable and popular guy" if you do these things:

1) "Pick a slayer you know IRL and then LARP as them." This is not my advice but I found that it works quite well. Here's the guy I got it from. (RIP User Vic Mackey):

Gotta fake it till you make it. Obviously don't pretend to be a 10/10 chad who gets laid every weekend because it looks like you're being fake and cocky, but be like "oh yeah I was talking to this girl" (don't mention names so it's harder to verify) which makes it seem like you're popular with the other gender and get around.

2) Unironically lift people up. Normies are incredibly vain and love complements. If you go for a compliment, start with something they did themselves, such as telling them "That shirt goes hard", "I like the way you did your hair", or "you're genuinely the funniest person I've met in a long time". If you know them for a while or are more intimate (i.e. rizzing up a girl) pick a non-erotic-body part. Example: You have really nice eyes. Bonus points if it's something they're obviously insecure about as it makes them feel even safer around you, e.g: "you have a beautiful nose stacy" (actually, she has a giant nose and I secretly hope she gets a rhinoplasty asap).

3) Be funny. Being edgy or racist isn't funny. What IS funny are anecdotes. There are plenty of good videos on how to tell funny stories without being long or complex.

4) say good things about people behind their back. This one is so genius. I ONLY SAY good things about normies whenever they aren't around. If their friends overhear, even better. This will get back to them and they will think extremely highly of them.

General tips:

1) this mostly applies to normalfags and women, not guy friends you are incredibly close with. With my three best friends I use borderline .org humor and am incredibly edgy and obviously, they're not gonna say anything. However, if you aren't close to them err on the side of caution and follow this guide.

2) If it's funny on .org or , it's probably not funny IRL. Don't go around calling people recessed Dalits and joking about 5' 3" balding Indians. Never bring up the blackpill to women, EVER. This one is so hard for me jfl.

3) This should be your default setting when you don't know someone, but you should adapt as you find more info about them. If you find the group you're with to be slightly more one-way (i.e. finds Andrew Tate funny, feel free to say something about how smoking is cool or something).

4) don’t tell people your business unless you have to. Keep details to a minimum. Everyone must be on a need to know basis. That is how you properly look mysterious, not “muh walk around sulking like an edgelord”.

5) all normies follow this thread subconsciously, 100%. They all know this info in and out. They have an advantage compared to socially stunted dogs like us, so if you choose to ignore this don't come crying to me when you can't solve your "mentalceldom". Think about that when you write DNRD.

6) if you fuck up a little at first, it's okay. I know there are so many rules that it will be hard for the first month or so, but eventually, you should get the hang of it.

Threads referenced (repeated from above):

tagging people who actually show signs of brain activity: @Squirtle @pneumocystosis

shit i literally can't think of anyone else. Whoops.

EDIT: 1/30/2024. Since making this guide i have gotten into exactly ZERO altercations or problems with anyone on a day-to-day basis despite talking to way more people now than i did during my autistic jabbermouth days. Almost like this guide works or something. Crazy.
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ngl it's kinda funny how i insult people but they only get really mad when i disagree with they're theories so i think that section is cope tbh.
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If you Unironically have to take notes it’s already over
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  • JFL
Reactions: TiktokUser, fluxx, 97baHater and 42 others
tbh reading this, it's not a good guide it's very out of touch with gen z culture
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: 97baHater, protomogger9873, Jova and 15 others
If you Unironically have to take notes it’s already over
do you have any idea how many people I see on here and IRL who unironically need this guide?
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  • So Sad
  • Hmm...
Reactions: TiktokUser, protomogger9873, Jova and 5 others
do you have any idea how many people I see on here and IRL who unironically need this guide?
you can’t teach NTness to sombody

It’s Unironically more likely for a 4/10 to ascend into a 8/10 than become NT

It’s deeply rooted in the brain if your not born with it you’ll never have it

The ability to sense these things should be instinct to every human

It’s like teaching a psychopath to feel empathy

Ur whole tutorial is coming from the perspective of someone who’s already nt you can’t teach people that even if they know the theory they won’t be able to put it into practice
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken, Pandora, proxyy and 18 others
tbh reading this, it's not a good guide it's very out of touch with gen z culture
Think about why people on here don't like users like @
@anthony111553 and @
@moggathon's because they started insulting people as soon as they registered, which pitted them against everyone at once. Social dynamics are everywhere, even on freakshow websites such as this.
  • JFL
Reactions: Jova, nigkook, Lonenely sigma and 1 other person
If you Unironically have to take notes it’s already over
Hm nah, it’s a good thread and before I was actually a now true extrovert I had to study it. Everyone’s different, and this thread is golden.
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lmao i didn't insult you, you literally put one direction as a popular musician that gen z normies listen to
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  • JFL
Reactions: Nirvana, protomogger9873, okwiwhd and 3 others
Water, but mirin the formatting.
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Artworks XOcUmwFQsTgJNPuv 9Hvzmg t500x500

"just be NT bro"
  • +1
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Hm nah, it’s a good thread and before I was actually a now true extrovert I had to study it. Everyone’s different, and this thread is golden.
Thank you. I think it can definitely help people who are in a similar position to me, socially at least. Not everyone here is doomed to being alone and many simply suffer from not having access to basic social guidelines.

Being developmentally stunted as a kid, I found it very difficult to understand how to talk to people as I got older, so i fell into the wrong traps of saying the wrong things or depending on wrong humor to socially ascend. After years of fucking up, this is essentially the gist of what I've learned.
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2) If it's funny on .org or , it's probably not funny IRL. Don't go around calling people recessed Dalits and joking about 5' 3" balding Indians.
It's funny to me how women will openly make fun of short bald men but they will NEVER joke about race (something you can't control as well), if a mf do, suddenly they're all butthurt and the mf gets ostracized. Good thread bhai
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This is the guide of my life I need this but sadly not an electron nigga what's that theme song
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all that matters is looking good
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Movies, Games, and Sports to talk about from most to least popular:

Good (most normies can relate)Okay (passable to mention a few times or with certain niches)Bad (don't ever bring up or catch people seeing you do this when they don't know you well)
Movies/TVStar Wars (main movies only), Marvel (Big movies only, like spider-man or Avengers Infinity War), Batman, Harry Potter, Twilight (women only), Euphoria, Breaking Bad, The Boys (men only), Invincible, Spongebob, Family Guy, Scream, Vampire Diaries (women only), Barbie Movie, any christopher nolan movie (men only), Disney movies/shows (with girls), FriendsThe Sopranos (sadly most women and young normies haven't seen), Boardwalk Empire, The Wire (outdated for Gen Z/Alpha), Attack on Titan, Death Note, Jujitsu Kaisen, Chainsaw man, Clueless, Young Sheldon (ironically)August Underground (if you know what this is you're fucked), slaughtered vomit dolls, or any other disgusting fetish gory movie. Nerd things like Battlestar Galactica or childish things like Transformers or My Little Pony are bad too. If you watch any of this shit and tell ppl about it IT'S OVER.
GamesFortnite, Minecraft, COD, Apex Legends, Halo, Mario KartCyberpunk, Fallout, and Red Dead Redemption series. Basically any popular story game as most women don't like these things.Baldur's Gate (a.k.a Dungeons and Dragons), Sonic, Skyrim, FNAF, or any esoteric title that no one has heard of
SportsFootball, Soccer, Weight Lifting, Basketball (very NT), swimmingBaseball, Running (either participating or watching), Horseracing
Curling, Water polo, anything else niche or gay
MusicThe Weeknd, Dua Lipa, Travis Scott, Taylor Swift, Drake, Lil Uzi Vert, One Direction,Marina and the Diamonds, Nirvana, Deftones, Cigarettes After Sex, Maneskin, my chemical romance (basically any alt music that emo whores listen to)Video game music (I don't care if I put it in a popular category above, absolutely do not let your girl find out you listen to the Halo soundtrack), Anime OSTs, Nickelback unironically. Will add more as I think of them in the shower...

I’m not talking about this shit for pussy you nigger

Entire thread can be summed up as:

just worship niggers and feminine cry boy music and movies when your not talking about the nigger kicking le ball YOU STUPID GOYIM

Not happening nigger

IMG 2214
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764129BE FCCE 4A92 A307 E468DABFFA01

Criminal that this thread only has a few replies, and it’s crazy that you have to make a guide about regular social norms :feelskek: BOTB worthy
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that guy is in the front def NT, notice how the loser in the back isn't getting any pussy
And he’s wearing a Jack Daniel’s Shirt. But To add to the value of the thread

Think of most of these rules being bended when the social situation is isolated. And when you actually get to meet the people in question. I would think of it like this, when you first meet people you should present the most UNIVERSALLY ATTRACTIVE version of yourself which also means you can’t be a completely generic blank slate unless that’s the social role you want to play, but still leaving the best aspects of your personality to come later.
It's funny to me how women will openly make fun of short bald men but they will NEVER joke about race
Because in my experience women actually will be JUST as edgy if not more grotesque than men at times, as long as they view the space they are in as safe. Keep in mind this is when you actually learn the most about the group you are attempting to infiltrate and can see more and more what parts of your personality you can utilize for your own benefit.

Using some of the gems mentioned in here, particularly a variation of the mimicking method. I was able to recover from being basically socially autistic after the spout of covid, switched schools this past winter break and have already established friends and are in the middle of being initiated into a friend group from foids. - A really long co-sign
  • +1
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The Weeknd, Dua Lipa, Travis Scott, Taylor Swift, Drake, Lil Uzi Vert, One Direction,
good thread bhai, but the artist list is questionable ngl
  • JFL
Reactions: Sub0, LooksThinker, LooksOrDeath and 1 other person
inb4 "muh chad can speak however he wants :soy: ." Yes, but YOU are not Chad.
just saying

i'm not an autistic zoomer like all these kids here, I can socialize. jfl at this generation man, they need to read online guides to learn how to behave like normal humans, over.

nevertheless, I appreciate the effort in the thread keep it up
You vill vorship ze niggers and ze cry boys and you vill be le happy
real, i had to pretend to like travis scott one time, shit was ass
  • JFL
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cant be NT if over 20 and incel
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ever bring up the blackpill to women, EVER. This one is so hard for me jfl.
this one is hard, even around my brother. I think I mentioned height genetics one too many times since I was trying to gauge how long I would grow for and now he thinks I'm an incel :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
It can use some work for sure, what do you suggest I add?
i'd remove taylor swift 100% bc girls will automatically tell you are just lying or they'll think ur gay, I'd add Tyler the creator, brent faiyaz, SZA, bruno mars, could add yeat and ken carson too but that might scare the hoes away
  • +1
Reactions: Varicella
ngl it's kinda funny how i insult people but they only get really mad when i disagree with they're theories so i think that section is cope tbh.
Average normie theory consists of “nigger good, Jew good, women rights good”

“Me need latest slop entertainment”

“Me like thing that gets most corporate and government promotion”
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i'd remove taylor swift 100% bc girls will automatically tell you are just lying or they'll think ur gay, I'd add Tyler the creator, brent faiyaz, SZA, bruno mars, could add yeat and ken carson too but that might scare the hoes away
Fuck niggers

Being a pop culture normie fag isn’t worth it.

IMG 2215
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Reactions: LooksThinker, mogger10, LooksOrDeath and 1 other person
Because in my experience women actually will be JUST as edgy if not more grotesque than men at times, as long as they view the space they are in as safe. Keep in mind this is when you actually learn the most about the group you are attempting to infiltrate and can see more and more what parts of your personality you can utilize for your own benefit.

Using some of the gems mentioned in here, particularly a variation of the mimicking method. I was able to recover from being basically socially autistic after the spout of covid, switched schools this past winter break and have already established friends and are in the middle of being initiated into a friend group from foids. - A really long co-sign
I'm glad you made progress, the mimicking method is very legit if done right, I talked about this when answering an user in my guide.

The human being is very much based on the basis of mirroring actions, there is even a effect called Chameleon, where people feel more attracted to you if you imitate them, of course not in a forced way making it obvious, but if a person makes a lot of movements with her left hand and you do the same, this person unconsciously will see you as more trustworthy and attractive.

We know this instinctively, science is just there to prove in a evidentiological way, we have this system of social intelligence which comes from birth to learn how deal with the group because we are social animals, is not for nothing that when a man wants to hook up with a woman he pretends he likes the same things that she does (I did this witk kpop once :lul: ), this a instinctive technique of the human being of knowing that we love to replicate/reproduce. This lady that the man is trying to hook up with, she's also using her reproductive system: "There is someone like me!" which means to her: I reproduced. Which generates a charisma between people, people who have shared interests tend to socialize better.

We evolved in tribes, tribes have shared interests.

So, if you are similar to the most liked person in the group it will be very easy to be seen as someone trustworthy, someone who passes under the radar of attention (many psychopaths do this to attack people, use it wisely)"
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Reactions: Ryldoo IS COPING, wsada and Deleted member 29581
The artist list isn’t questionable, all normies listen to these artists
claiming you like dua lipa and taylor swift is prolly gonna get you called out as a guy, you seem like a tryhard if you say you like them. The goal is to listen to artists that are somewhat similar, but still socially acceptable for men (ie: Bruno Mars, Tyler the Creator)
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Good thread
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The artist list isn’t questionable, all normies listen to these artists
it is, no one has mentioned one direction since 2012
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step 1: you is tell dee white woman that she has a nice nose and you play fornite, and you is not tell dee white woman tha words nigeer or faggoot
  • JFL
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764129BE FCCE 4A92 A307 E468DABFFA01

No it’s because like half this forum is ethnic. They can’t handle my aryanism.
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if you need to read a thread on .org to talk like a human, I'm sorry but it never began
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Thread song (got the idea from @PseudoMaxxer ):

(At first, it may seem like the song is telling you to be yourself, but really I see it as Ava saying you should conform to whatever audience you're dealing with at the moment)

Salutations autists

I realize many of you guys don't know how to speak to ppl in general which is a massive problem. You see, personality might be a meme, but neurotypicality is not. You cannot come off as abrasive or hostile to normies, or else they will reject you.

This is a true story. I suffered so fucking much as a kid because I didn't understand basic social norms, as an only child Pajeet with immigrant parents. I still struggle a lot with not pissing off normies, so this guide is also for me as well as you. It can make the difference between a girl spending another hour with you, when you can rizz her up, or whether she packs up and leaves to get away from you.

Being NT isn't being a pushover/doormat/submissive to society. Rather, it's a preventative measure to ensure normies don't REJECT you. In other words, none of this will make you more likeable, rather it prevents you from being unlikeable. Basically what I'm trying to say is that if you're 2/10 truecel this guide won't magically make girls hop on your dick in the middle of the college library. Rather, it will prevent people from avoiding you in the college library. And yes, you will still have to interact with normies even if you are truecel whether for academically related reasons or other reasons. Besides, most people here are in the LTN-HTN range (I know that 99% of .org thinks they are HTN. Normies are stupid but are necessary to climbing the social ladder.

Furthermore, many of your future male friends (that you need in order to be NT) will start off as normies as well until you get to know them better. Don't make the mistake of making them think you're weak.

Just to let you know, I have taken inspiration from three other threads which I will link in this thread but will cite whenever I borrow something from them.

TL;DR: There are certain things you cannot talk about with normies if you want them to accept you.

inb4 "muh chad can speak however he wants :soy: ." Yes, but YOU are not Chad.

This will be a common theme throughout this post so if you find yourself asking this when I tell you to do something, tell your brain to shut the fuck up and listen to me.

You need to swear a little, among peers and not authority figures like teachers or bosses of course.

If you never swear, you run the risk of being too "Mormon" and looking like a nerd:

View attachment 2662457

If you curse too much, you run the risk of looking edgy and immature, which is honestly worse. That doesn't fly by a lot of normies.

shadow the hedgehog GIF

I say the best ratio of swear words to other words should be like 1:150. Obviously don't count every time like a sperg but my point is just sprinkle "fuck" or "shit" like once. Don't call women "bitches" or "cunts". In fact, never use the word "retard", "faggot", "cunt", and especially not "nigga/nigger" (should go without saying). STAY AWAY FROM ALL SLURS. Also don't use swear words when talking about people, only inanimate things or occasionally, yourself.

Good: "Bruh I can't believe Professor Mike Mew gave us 10 pages of orthotropics homework. Dude, I don't know if I can go out to the bar tonight. I'm so fucked."

Bad: "Bruh Julia is such an ugly cunt and Bella is borderline retarded. I don't know how she got that job at Starbucks, that bitch."

Flag Palestine GIF by Guy with Red Beard

I am aware that your hoejabi Arab oneitis can't stop posting about "muh Palestine" but as a man you need to shut the fuck up about anything unless prompted to answer. For instance, if someone asks what you think about Da Joos vs Muzzies, the best answer to give is to deflect and say, "It's sad to think about how many innocent children have been killed on both sides. It's tragic really...". Do not ever, ever speak about religion or politicians unless prompted. Depending on who you speak you, you will have to follow the Overton Window.

This BOTB thread goes into far more detail than I do about the Overton Window, and honestly, it's the thread that inspired me to write this ULTIMATE thread.

Gay Pride GIF by Hello All

One more thing I want to touch on: LGBT rights. Despite what normies say, being gay is not widely accepted among normies, it's just that they tolerate it. So basically most "progressive" liberal women will be okay if you say you are fine with gay marriage but are not gay yourself. Like everything else mentioned, NEVER BRING IT UP unless prompted/necessary. Most "Christian" women don't like gay people.

Do you see a pattern here? Being balanced is the key, because most normies are balanced. They aren't special or strong in one particular thing, which makes them prone to disliking extremism.

This might take a bit of introspection and self-awareness which I struggled with for a long time. Don't be sarcastic or condescending to normfags. They don't like it when you talk down to them (despite their peanut brains mentally judging ugly incels 24/7 :feelskek:).

Think about why people on here don't like users like @anthony111553 and @moggathon's because they started insulting people as soon as they registered, which pitted them against everyone at once. Social dynamics are everywhere, even on freakshow websites such as this.

Bullying anyone, even if it's a subhuman, never looks good. Just avoid it at all costs.

Occasionally, it's healthy to poke fun at a buddy or a girl you have a crush on in a group setting. Don't make fun of a flaw they can't control or something serious. NEVER EVER call a normie ugly. Go for something small, like an error in the way they recently comported themselves. Don't make an esoteric complex joke no one will understand, and don't mock multiple people at once because they can gang up on you and "ratio" you IRL.

On the flip side, this is why @Kamui and @Gengar can get away with insulting me sometimes. It's because they are relevant I "know" them (as well as you can know someone on a racist Indian forum), so I don't get super mad when they call me a Dalit or something.

Good joke: 2 weeks after getting to know Bella, I say "Bella is so clumsy. She spilled her water all over me haha." to her friend group.

Bad joke: 8 hours after knowing Julia and Bella, I say "Shut up, Julia, you ugly big-nosed recessed bitch :lul: :lul::lul:), it's over for you and Bella's flat maxilla. No wonder you will be a wageslave forever. It's OVER." At this point, I would be fucked, because I'm pitting my ugly ass against two white women who will tell me to shut up in front of a gaggle of normie freaks.

Girl after I knew her for an hour: are you allergic to pineapple? What if you smell it?

Me: it's not like I'm gonna fucking snort it, am I?

See how this can be offensive? I was clearly joking but even this subtle comment pissed her off and her hatred for me snowballed from there, leading to me getting fired from my job this summer.

You can still be funny in other ways. Just stick to TikTok humor. Reference memes and stuff from NT sources as well when necessary, just make sure they are POPULAR. No one will understand some gay nerdy joke from Skyrim mod #1049583, which leads me to my next point...

This used to be hard for me

In 8th grade, I told a girl I had a crush on that I was excited Star Wars Battlefront 2 was coming out, and she was like "wtf is that". Needless to say, I never pulled her.

Movies, Games, and Sports to talk about from most to least popular:

Good (most normies can relate)Okay (passable to mention a few times or with certain niches)Bad (don't ever bring up or catch people seeing you do this when they don't know you well)
Movies/TVStar Wars (main movies only), Marvel (Big movies only, like spider-man or Avengers Infinity War), Batman, Harry Potter, Twilight (women only), Euphoria, Breaking Bad, The Boys (men only), Invincible, Spongebob, Family Guy, Scream, Vampire Diaries (women only), Barbie Movie, any christopher nolan movie (men only), Disney movies/shows (with girls), FriendsThe Sopranos (sadly most women and young normies haven't seen), Boardwalk Empire, The Wire (outdated for Gen Z/Alpha), Attack on Titan, Death Note, Jujitsu Kaisen, Chainsaw man, Clueless, Young Sheldon (ironically)August Underground (if you know what this is you're fucked), slaughtered vomit dolls, or any other disgusting fetish gory movie. Nerd things like Battlestar Galactica or childish things like Transformers or My Little Pony are bad too. If you watch any of this shit and tell ppl about it IT'S OVER.
GamesFortnite, Minecraft, COD, Apex Legends, Halo, Mario KartCyberpunk, Fallout, and Red Dead Redemption series. Basically any popular story game as most women don't like these things.Baldur's Gate (a.k.a Dungeons and Dragons), Sonic, Skyrim, FNAF, or any esoteric title that no one has heard of
SportsFootball, Soccer, Weight Lifting, Basketball (very NT), swimmingBaseball, Running (either participating or watching), Horseracing
Curling, Water polo, anything else niche or gay
MusicThe Weeknd, Dua Lipa, Travis Scott, Taylor Swift, Drake, Lil Uzi Vert, One Direction,Marina and the Diamonds, Nirvana, Deftones, Cigarettes After Sex, Maneskin, my chemical romance (basically any alt music that emo whores listen to)Video game music (I don't care if I put it in a popular category above, absolutely do not let your girl find out you listen to the Halo soundtrack), Anime OSTs, Nickelback unironically. Will add more as I think of them in the shower...


Another note from the aforementioned @John Cracovizk thread. In fact, he says it better than I do so I will just copy and paste it here. Hopefully that is okay, John:

"From incels :incel: (people who are disgusted or bully you) to chads :chad: (envy and shit), sometimes people who have a dislike towards you may appear, it may be by reference or by remembering a behavior, look or even remembering another person who antagonized them at another time.

It's natural, and to deal with these people you need to have little contact as possible, stay away from those who don't like you for whatever reason, whether it's your fault or not it's always your responsibility to deal with it, your conflict is for the one who will gain the most social credit, the one who will gain the most validation from the group, leave your pride aside and remember: it is a war of morals not of pride.

It is better to be defeated personally than morally.
So, stay within the group's precepts, because everyone will think you did it right, everyone will pat you on the back and you won't lose social credit, the situation and the conflict are temporary, it's better that your antagonist emerge morally defeated with his pride intact than otherwise, but also remember not to let the mask dominate and you lose yourself to the point of allowing yourself to be humiliated and trampled to the point of not being worth the social credit.

There are moments that aren't worth it, if you impose yourself, you'll be trampled on and the group won't come to defend you, but in small conflicts that won't get physical, it's just a fight of pride, they're quite silly and nothing serious. Just be careful when it comes to a discussion with women, as they naturally already have high social credit in our society, and as a man you probably DEFINITELY have less than her, you will have to bite the bullet and don't challenge it, it's better to bite the bullet than end up imposing yourself and seeming the COWARD against a woman."

Very well written. It actually opened my eyes when I first read it.

Not gonna expand on this since I already said so much. All I'll say for this one is that most normfags and women do not think your 9/11 Hitler-Obama animal sodomy slave joke is funny.

This is what normies mean when they say "just be confident bro". They mean don't be weak. Do not ever, EVER, make self-deprecating jokes or try to be clingy with people who clearly aren't interested in you. Don't ask them to hang out after they cancel on plans or say no to you more than 3 times in a row. Never joke about yourself in any capacity. No, you aren't self-aware, you're just a dance monkey. Also, don't be the class clown if you're in school. Those guys are usually bully victims and no girl goes "he's so hot :aheago:" even if they laugh at his gay jokes.

At this point, you are probably tired of all the reading, so imagine how much effort I put into writing it...

Okay, so I told you what you shouldn't do for the most part. Here is what you should do instead. You might be worried that you won't be funny or charismatic enough, but the good news is that you can still stand out as a "likable and popular guy" if you do these things:

1) "Pick a slayer you know IRL and then LARP as them." This is not my advice but I found that it works quite well. Here's the guy I got it from. (RIP User Vic Mackey):

Gotta fake it till you make it. Obviously don't pretend to be a 10/10 chad who gets laid every weekend because it looks like you're being fake and cocky, but be like "oh yeah I was talking to this girl" (don't mention names so it's harder to verify) which makes it seem like you're popular with the other gender and get around.

2) Unironically lift people up. Normies are incredibly vain and love complements. If you go for a compliment, start with something they did themselves, such as telling them "That shirt goes hard", "I like the way you did your hair", or "you're genuinely the funniest person I've met in a long time". If you know them for a while or are more intimate (i.e. rizzing up a girl) pick a non-erotic-body part. Example: You have really nice eyes. Bonus points if it's something they're obviously insecure about as it makes them feel even safer around you, e.g: "you have a beautiful nose Julia" (actually, she has a giant Jew nose and I secretly hope she gets a rhinoplasty asap).

3) Be funny. Being edgy or racist isn't funny. What IS funny are anecdotes. There are plenty of good videos on how to tell funny stories without being long or complex.

4) say good things about people behind their back. This one is so genius. I ONLY SAY good things about normies whenever they aren't around. If their friends overhear, even better. This will get back to them and they will think extremely highly of them.

General tips:

1) this mostly applies to normalfags and women, not guy friends you are incredibly close with. With my three best friends I use borderline .org humor and am incredibly edgy and obviously, they're not gonna say anything. However, if you aren't close to them err on the side of caution on follow this guide.

2) If it's funny on .org or , it's probably not funny IRL. Don't go around calling people recessed Dalits and joking about 5' 3" balding Indians. Never bring up the blackpill to women, EVER. This one is so hard for me jfl.

3) This should be your default setting when you don't know someone, but you should adapt as you find more info about them. If you find the group you're with to be slightly more one-way (i.e. finds Andrew Tate funny, feel free to say something about how smoking is cool or something).

4) all normies follow this thread subconsciously, 100%. They all know this info in and out. They have an advantage compared to socially stunted dogs like us, so if you choose to ignore this don't come crying to me when you can't solve your "mentalceldom". Think about that when you write DNRD.

5) if you fuck up a little at first, it's okay. I know there are so many rules that it will be hard for the first month or so, but eventually, you should get the hang of it.

Threads referenced (repeated from above):

tagging people who actually show signs of brain activity: @Squirtle @pneumocystosis

shit i literally can't think of anyone else. Whoops.

good threat, but can you expand more on
1) "Pick a slayer you know IRL and then LARP as them." This is not my advice but I found that it works quite well. Here's the guy I got it from. (RIP User Vic Mackey):
I thought most of this was very very obvious lmao
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yeah well if it was up to me i would just listen to jazz or sum shit but jbs dont like it
listening to nigger rap music is just as revolting to me as watching gay porn.

Gay porn is scientifically less gay than worshipping niggers and women
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