This isn’t a looksmaxxing forum anymore

This is a forum for narcissists and braggers tbh

Narcies wanting to fuck 8/10 Stacies even though it's not their looksmatch

Braggers aka look muh lays "my gf...", "I got a bj" blabla

It's just shit

Only few people are alright here
who is that alien in ur pp
In reality your black friends only associate with you to mock your subhumanity

you are the bottom of the bottom. You dont even have arguments. The only thing you can do is call someone subhuman

Caged at low IQ
Caged at your sub humanity. @ImprovLoser life and PSL mogs you into the grave
In reality your black friends only associate with you to mock your subhumanity

you are the bottom of the bottom. You dont even have arguments. The only thing you can do is call someone subhuman

Caged at low IQ
Take that I'd call you low IQ

Wow I'm so smart, tee hee
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackout.xl
yes bro im definetely trying to sound edgy for a bunch of random autists in the internet :feelstastyman:
You’re edgy asf and you’re tryharding too. Don’t try and cope around this son we got you cornered

ok whatever makes you happy
  • JFL
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 2597 and Blackout.xl
You’re edgy asf and you’re tryharding too. Don’t try and cope around this son we got you cornered

ok whatever makes you happy
You make me
Happy son
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2597
you are the bottom of the bottom. You dont even have arguments. The only thing you can do is call someone subhuman

Caged at low IQ
Take that I'd call you low IQ

Wow I'm so smart, tee hee

have you ever consider that my intelligence level, being low or high, doesnt affect the fact that you cant argue and is quite dumb? Ofc not
Take that I'd call you low IQ

Wow I'm so smart, tee hee

have you ever consider that my intelligence level, being low or high, doesnt affect the fact that you cant argue and is quite dumb? Ofc not
Meanwhile a BBC is fucking ur oneitis
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackout.xl
have you ever consider that my intelligence level, being low or high, doesnt affect the fact that you cant argue and is quite dumb? Ofc not
Meanwhile a BBC is fucking ur oneitis

never had an oneitis.

> thread
its funny cuz u keep spamming this gif but u dont even know the meaning behind it. only @Tony knows
Tony is a fag with a negative ratio. I’ll bully him
  • +1
Reactions: OOGABOOGA
all I want is LTR with a cute looksmatch that is all
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
@SirGey was completely right. This isn’t a looksmaxxing site. It’s just an inel circle jerk where people yell cope at any thing that they can use to improve themselves.

Gymcelling? Many people here claim its cope

Chewing? Seen as cope

Facepuller? Seen as cope

Posturemaxxing? Seen as cope

Skin maxxing? Seen as cope

Everything is seen as cope. Truecels just call everything cope so they have an excuse to LDAR. The days of this place being a looksmaxxing site are long over. The types have taken over
many pessimistic people with the mindset of .co on this forum calling cope absolutely everything
good at least there are people like you
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
I've never read about posture maxxing. Sounds like cope but gonna check to see
  • +1
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