Watching Love Island = ropefuel. So many blackpills in the starter episode.

The black women's faces were so disappointed when they were paired with the black men. The white women were giddy with joy and glee when they were paired with the white men, all chads.
Black women wish they were white and just want to bleach their ugly features.

main topic of LI convo is that twitter is Blowing UP with the age gap of that handsome 27 year old picking the teenager to couple up with.

It's going mad on there. Memes. offcom complaints. Pedo accusations. Boycotting. Non stop chat about it lol.
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alex bowen was the original RTT and even now girls talk about him

That Terry dude was a weird one as I always thought he looked like Ed Milliband a bit! lol. But he was saved by being super tall with a ripped body and tats of course

I was insanely jealous of him banging that super hot 18 year old girl. Emma. He was like 30 and he was balls deep inside of this hot teene on the first night of meeting her lol

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View attachment 1720206
Terry had a strong and tall chin. Robust lower third was enough for him.
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Roasties seething because Davide wouldn't give them a second look irl.
Deffo. Although an alarming number of fellow 19 year old girls too. Check twitter and you'll find a tonne of teen girls saying how wrong it is etc
I just think the worlds gone nuts in the last few years.
When Terry smashed Emma, nobody cared. Even then just a few years ago the world was different and it even that was before chicks had dicks and there were like 50 genders and everything was getting 'cancelled' etc etc
It's gonna be mad in like 4 years time. Actors in films from pre 2010 will be cancelled for portraying a racist or whatever. And a 6 month age gap will be the new 'wrong' etc
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For starters, I wouldn't fit in the villa as a soft non-primal autist.

Secondly, there are so many blackpills in that show.

The public chose the couples (no interracial couples) and there already was disappointment in the black contestants' faces.

One white woman complained that her white chad she was paired with wasn't tall enough as he was 5'8

Another guy (Luca) who is a chad fisherman with total fuckboy energy already started talking about sex within 2 minutes. He also boasted about his multiple hookups at a young age in his intro section, saying "9/10 times when I talk to a woman, we end up in bed"

One Italian guy with a Michele Morrone pheno (Davide) came in and all the women crowded around him :lul::lul::lul::lul:

Muh "italians are fit", they all started saying that including the black women.

No STEM jobs could save the black men.

@Predeterminism made a thread about observations from tonight's episode:

I’d prefer if they let the contestants choose instead? More black pills that way and you can observe the female gaze in action
I'm watching it now and here are my notes as i watch it.

1: The guys don't have great bodies. See a lot of gyno and post steroid bloated physiques.

2: JFL at the racial pairings.

3: The first guys I've seen aren't that good looking. They look fake as fuck with their solarium tans, veneers and douche hair. They all share that bullshit made up mannerism that guys think they need to have to be a player. Not a real man in the bunch.

4: The women are ok but I'm not that picky. My gf mogs some of them.

5: So far I'm not impressed.

6: The Italian guy is ok but he has a chin implant. Life fuel they think he is hot despite major prey eyes.

7: Italy guy has a good body.

That was it.
How do you know he has an implant?
One day i will buy my own love island and populate it with young women who will obey me
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  • JFL
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Real Heights of all male contestants:

Ikenna 6'0
Dami 5'9
Andrew 5'7
Davide 5'6 1/4
Jacques 5'6
Luca 5'5 1/2
Liam 5'4 3/4
  • Hmm...
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Dont really know whats happening cuz I'm a Canadacel but anything that makes roasties and cucks on twitter seethe is based:feelskek:
This girl who just turned 19:

was paired up with some Italian 27 year old who is trying to bang her now


People are all calling him a pedo and to go for girls his own age. It's not even JUST roasties though. Everyone calling him a groomer, taking advantage and trying to bang a 'child' etc

But it's getting even better now, because a new gigachad has entered teh villa. That girls ex


It turns out he was banging her when she was 16 and he was 21. That's legal here in the UK (We don't have age gap laws), but nobody on twitter seems to know the law in their own country and so there's mass complaints to the police and the offcom and stuff trying to get him arrested and put on the sex register lol
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  • JFL
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Xangsane I thought you wanted high IQ HQNP women for LTR not ONS's and blonde party girl bimbos

why do you care
Xangsane I thought you wanted high IQ HQNP women for LTR not ONS's and blonde party girl bimbos

why do you care
Nothing about that. It's just that I know why I sometimes find it hard to make lots of friends. It's my lack of NT.
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What fags watches Love islands?

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