Why are curries so docile and cucked?



Not Knowledgeable
Nov 20, 2019
Almost everyone online always talks about how nice curries are, yet they still don't like them or want them here just showing how their docile nature gets them no favors at all. The only reason the subcontinent isn't still under British rule is because of pacifist resistance movements that were later mirrored successful in other areas, but of course curries were the first to exhibit non-violent resistance (since they would rather do anything except appease others).

Even the intelligent ones, which there are a sizable number of, are mostly known for being doctors and dominating the medical industry - a vastly underpaid service industry. Unlike Jews of similar intelligence , who dominate the financial industry and thus control large stakes of power, curries don't take any attempt to gain a foothold in society instead preferring to relegate themselves to upper classes' servants. A similar thing applies to all the the tech and service outsourcing.

Even on this forum, you never see curries standing up for themselves. Most are extremely self hating and post like german nazis, except they are from mumbai instead of munich.

Thoughts, fellow curries? @FailedNormieManlet @lutte @Preston @AcneScars
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Curries are in need for a master unlike Jews who has god, the cow ain't gonna cut it.
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Curries are in need for a master unlike Jews who has god, the cow ain't gonna cut it.
There's very few actually religious people (curries in particular) and the Jews that matter don't worship god but rather power
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Almost everyone online always talks about how nice curries are, yet they still don't like them or want them here just showing how their docile nature gets them no favors at all. The only reason the subcontinent isn't still under British rule is because of pacifist resistance movements that were later mirrored successful in other areas, but of course curries were the first to exhibit non-violent resistance (since they would rather do anything except appease others).

Even the intelligent ones, which there are a sizable number of, are mostly known for being doctors and dominating the medical industry - a vastly underpaid service industry. Unlike Jews of similar intelligence , who dominate the financial industry and thus control large stakes of power, curries don't take any attempt to gain a foothold in society instead preferring to relegate themselves to upper classes' servants. A similar thing applies to all the the tech and service outsourcing.

Even on this forum, you never see curries standing up for themselves. Most are extremely self hating and post like german nazis, except they are from mumbai instead of munich.

Thoughts, fellow curries? @FailedNormieManlet @lutte @Preston @AcneScars
Idk about you, but I did have a brief period where I geniunely disliked my skin, I was told from a young age my darker skin made me ugly and was mocked for it by relatives and family. Then at school I saw curries not being very popular and thus felt like maybe curries were somewhat inferior or something? I felt like something was wrong with me and thus disliked myself.

I obviously have now snapped out of it since I found supportive communities online and stopped listening to the bullshit plan/ideas my parents gave me and made my own path.

But what causes curries who were born and raised in the west to be so submissive and shit, are the above reasons I gave. Being told your skin colour is some sort of crime, seeing your peers being treated like shit, etc. It makes you accept defeat, you get mocked by others, but you don't fight back. Your parents tell you since young to avoid fights and even in some cases just to take the abuse to stay out of trouble and keep your head down, all these factos combined create a conflict adverse indvidual with a low self esteem and thus shy person - all of which are bad.

See in India this might be fine but in the west, being shy is bad.

I can also probably bring up the way curry family politics plays out too where everyone is passive aggressive and no one is upfront about anything - again adding to the issue of being conflict adverse.

All in all the culture and values of curry culture raises submissive people due to the strict hierarchal nature of the culture, even things like colourism were made to stratify society and create feelings of inferiorty so people would remain cogs in the machine.

I can probably write some more if anyone is interested, but writing anymore will make this seem like an essay
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cause most are severe malnourished
6 3 and 140 pounds
5 11 and 130 pounds
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Thoughts, fellow curries? FailedNormieManlet @lutte
Excited Bradley Cooper GIF
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Idk about you, but I did have a brief period where I geniunely disliked my skin, I was told from a young age my darker skin made me ugly and was mocked for it by relatives and family. Then at school I saw curries not being very popular and thus felt like maybe curries were somewhat inferior or something? I felt like something was wrong with me and thus disliked myself.

I obviously have now snapped out of it since I found supportive communities online and stopped listening to the bullshit plan/ideas my parents gave me and made my own path.

But what causes curries who were born and raised in the west to be so submissive and shit, are the above reasons I gave. Being told your skin colour is some sort of crime, seeing your peers being treated like shit, etc. It makes you accept defeat, you get mocked by others, but you don't fight back. Your parents tell you since young to avoid fights and even in some cases just to take the abuse to stay out of trouble and keep your head down, all these factos combined create a conflict adverse indvidual with a low self esteem and thus shy person - all of which are bad.

See in India this might be fine but in the west, being shy is bad.

I can also probably bring up the way curry family politics plays out too where everyone is passive aggressive and no one is upfront about anything - again adding to the issue of being conflict adverse.

All in all the culture and values of curry culture raises submissive people due to the strict hierarchal nature of the culture, even things like colourism were made to stratify society and create feelings of inferiorty so people would remain cogs in the machine.

I can probably write some more if anyone is interested, but writing anymore will make this seem like an essay

5 5

and bengali
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There's very few actually religious people (curries in particular) and the Jews that matter don't worship god but rather power
I was kidding. in nature there are animals who can crush the lion but are boring and living of herbs. Still the lion is seen by us as the king because of his characteristics, aura, daring, natural predator which is interesting. Realistically speaking there're more high IQ Indians than Jews just because of the sheer numbers (1b+ to a few millions?) but then again, not in their nature.
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5 5

and bengali
my height never bothered me till I found places like this tbh. Before that, my height made no difference lol
my height never bothered me till I found places like this tbh. Before that, my height made no difference lol
yeah ok
your right
5 5 fine

but you being bengali
thats a whole diff story
I think it's the upbringing. Curries are never taught to fight back because of the caste system. Blacks in the US are able to fight back discrimination because it’s binary. You have blacks and whites. You are either treated nicely or you aren’t. The enemy is easy to identify.India on the other hand has thousands of castes and sub-castes. It's hard to call out discrimination and the vedas basically say everybody has a chosen place and it’s a bad idea to fight it so the lower castes just accept their fate and don't fight for their rights.
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yeah ok
your right
5 5 fine

but you being bengali
thats a whole diff story
Why would being bengali even make a difference? Whites can't even tell, at the end of the day we're both shit skins to them, so why bother trying to distinguish yourself?
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Why would being bengali even make a difference? Whites can't even tell, at the end of the day we're both shit skins to them, so why bother trying to distinguish yourself?
when the cope

this is you


this is me

The Office Lol GIF by NETFLIX
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It did, you just didn't notice :feelsgood:
Yeah probably tbh. I didn't mind being short before, tbh I enjoyed telling people to pick stuff up for me from the top shelves sometimes - felt nice bossing people around.

Even now, my height doesn't really bother me that much. I feel like a lot of looksmaxxers just have an unhealthy view of masculinity and thus feel awful about themselves 24/7
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but fr @FailedNormieManlet im fucking around jfl bro

but i always wondered how do you look
you seem to do good with girls
or decent?
but fr @FailedNormieManlet im fucking around jfl bro

but i always wondered how do you look
you seem to do good with girls
or decent?
I'm mid tier normie looking, I'm not repulsive or anything. I don't look creepy too, older women call me cute a lot and so do gays. So I guess I have a sort of cute look? I thought I was ugly before, but after showing my face to a few users, most say I look normal and have a sort of cute look.

I only seem to do well because I go out a lot and am actually very NT irl
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I'm mid tier normie looking, I'm not repulsive or anything. I don't look creepy too, older women call me cute a lot and so do gays. So I guess I have a sort of cute look? I thought I was ugly before, but after showing my face to a few users, most say I look normal and have a sort of cute look.

I only seem to do well because I go out a lot and am actually very NT irl
i can send you my pics if you want to see
send me yours
ion doxx
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U want to tell me you slay as a 5'5 cute curry? or what doing good means
I've dated girls, and had 2 gfs, kissed a few club and bar whores too. Nothing amazing, but I get invited out a lot. To most people this seems normal, but for some reason the people on this forum think I do well given my stats
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I think it's the upbringing. Curries are never taught to fight back because of the caste system. Blacks in the US are able to fight back discrimination because it’s binary. You have blacks and whites. You are either treated nicely or you aren’t. The enemy is easy to identify.India on the other hand has thousands of castes and sub-castes. It's hard to call out discrimination and the vedas basically say everybody has a chosen place and it’s a bad idea to fight it so the lower castes just accept their fate and don't fight for their rights.
Yeah they have been cucks to eachother and outsiders for over 5k years since the Aryan invasion

Indians are truly the real slave race. Blacks rebel due to it not being in their nature to be slaves, they were kidnapped and thus are angry and like in Africa would raid eachother the same instincts remain. South Asains have been bowing down to lightskins for ever even Turks mongols Arabs Greeks etc came in there and rules with ease due to this
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Yeah they have been cucks to eachother and outsiders for over 5k years since the Aryan invasion

Indians are truly the real slave race. Blacks rebel due to it not being in their nature to be slaves, they were kidnapped and thus are angry and like in Africa would raid eachother the same instincts remain. South Asains have been bowing down to lightskins for ever even Turks mongols Arabs Greeks etc came in there and rules with ease due to this
There's no unity amongst brown people, which in turn makes others think we are fair game. Look at any indian comedian, they will degrade themselves for cheap laughs
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That's what happens when you lose to every single empire thats entered asia physically and figuratively raped into submission
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But what causes curries who were born and raised in the west to be so submissive and shit, are the above reasons I gave. Being told your skin colour is some sort of crime, seeing your peers being treated like shit, etc. It makes you accept defeat, you get mocked by others, but you don't fight back. Your parents tell you since young to avoid fights and even in some cases just to take the abuse to stay out of trouble and keep your head down, all these factos combined create a conflict adverse indvidual with a low self esteem and thus shy person - all of which are bad.
Aren't there two different ways this could end up though?
1) become docile cuck like the vast majority of them are
2) become really hate filled and carry and immense disdain towards the people doing so

Why do almost all curries fall into category 1 instead of category 2, which is where Jews and East Asians fell into before?
I think it's the upbringing. Curries are never taught to fight back because of the caste system. Blacks in the US are able to fight back discrimination because it’s binary. You have blacks and whites. You are either treated nicely or you aren’t. The enemy is easy to identify.India on the other hand has thousands of castes and sub-castes. It's hard to call out discrimination and the vedas basically say everybody has a chosen place and it’s a bad idea to fight it so the lower castes just accept their fate and don't fight for their rights.
If this were the case, shouldn't it only be lower castes that were constantly subjugated who act as such?
This post was somewhat based off of what some irl experiences with curries were like, most of whom are upper caste ones who benefitted from being worshipped and demeaned the other ones. You would also expect them to feel "superior" to whites and blacks (and other races), but they do the exact opposite, no matter their position in the caste hierarchy.
I don't really think this is a valid rationale for their nature.
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@FailedNormieManlet weird quesiton
but what camera did you usre
aspect raito?
i ask everyone this jfl
I've dated girls, and had 2 gfs, kissed a few club and bar whores too. Nothing amazing, but I get invited out a lot. To most people this seems normal, but for some reason the people on this forum think I do well given my stats
Call bullshit tbh. I just pictured in my mind a 5'5 cute curry in the UK who managed to find looksmax on top of that. I'd have to lose my sanity to just believe that. can you PM proof?
There's no unity amongst brown people, which in turn makes others think we are fair game. Look at any indian comedian, they will degrade themselves for cheap laughs
@brbbrah i am almost completely atheist but Islam would save curries cuz it promotes their own higher cause and justified hatred for those who look down on them. The issue is that they just become docile cucks to Arabs and Persians instead, so many Pakistani people (and South Indian muslims) want to tie themselves to some Arab heritage, so they do the same thing except towards middle easterners instead of whites.
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Aren't there two different ways this could end up though?
1) become docile cuck like the vast majority of them are
2) become really hate filled and carry and immense disdain towards the people doing so

Why do almost all curries fall into category 1 instead of category 2, which is where Jews and East Asians fell into before?

If this were the case, shouldn't it only be lower castes that were constantly subjugated who act as such?
This post was somewhat based off of what some irl experiences with curries were like, most of whom are upper caste ones who benefitted from being worshipped and demeaned the other ones. You would also expect them to feel "superior" to whites and blacks (and other races), but they do the exact opposite, no matter their position in the caste hierarchy.
I don't really think this is a valid rationale for their nature.
Curries fall into 1 because when you rebel against the system, you are also rebelling against other curries and this is what is hard. At least with jews and east asians they aren't fighting their own culture, they are fighting outsiders. When you rebel as a curry you fight against everyone, your parents, aunts, cousins, etc. They all have these beliefs and you go against it, no one supports you, not even whites
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Curries fall into 1 because when you rebel against the system, you are also rebelling against other curries and this is what is hard. At least with jews and east asians they aren't fighting their own culture, they are fighting outsiders. When you rebel as a curry you fight against everyone, your parents, aunts, cousins, etc. They all have these beliefs and you go against it, no one supports you, not even whites
Brutal, you are right.

Isn't your extended family muslim though? They are still the same way??
@FailedNormieManlet weird quesiton
but what camera did you usre
aspect raito?
i ask everyone this jfl
Erm, I have an iphone x, but for the other pic. No clue tbh, I can't really remember
@brbbrah i am almost completely atheist but Islam would save curries cuz it promotes their own higher cause and justified hatred for those who look down on them. The issue is that they just become docile cucks to Arabs and Persians instead, so many Pakistani people (and South Indian muslims) want to tie themselves to some Arab heritage, so they do the same thing except towards middle easterners instead of whites.
arent you agnostic
Jack Nicholson Ugh GIF
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Erm, I have an iphone x, but for the other pic. No clue tbh, I can't really remember
sory i meant the selfie jfl
what phone did you use
also can you go into cama nd check aspect ratio
im doing this thing where seeing is aspect ratios truly matter indeed
Call bullshit tbh. I just pictured in my mind a 5'5 cute curry in the UK who managed to find looksmax on top of that. I'd have to lose my sanity to just believe that. can you PM proof?
ask @brbbrah if I am ugly. I look like a totally normal guy. I'm not going to post pics of me and girls I've dated jfl. I'm not some gigaslayer or anything dude
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ask @brbbrah if I am ugly. I look like a totally normal guy. I'm not going to post pics of me and girls I've dated jfl. I'm not some gigaslayer or anything dude
@Sphinx yeah looks normal average dude
mogs average bnrgali
but yeah pretty much normal
lokos nt too sitting with his bros tbh ngl
  • +1
Reactions: FailedNormieManlet
sory i meant the selfie jfl
what phone did you use
also can you go into cama nd check aspect ratio
im doing this thing where seeing is aspect ratios truly matter indeed
Idk about the aspect ratio, it was srs just taken on an iphone x lol
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arent you agnostic
Jack Nicholson Ugh GIF
its the same shit to me jfl, ion know what all these weird reddit words mean. muhhh agnostic muhhh atheist muhh scientific proof etc etc.
ask @brbbrah if I am ugly. I look like a totally normal guy. I'm not going to post pics of me and girls I've dated jfl. I'm not some gigaslayer or anything dude
You're 5'5 bro being not ugly isn't enough, you didn't even say good looking.
There's no unity amongst brown people, which in turn makes others think we are fair game. Look at any indian comedian, they will degrade themselves for cheap laughs
There’s no unity amougst any race though

And why do curries act as if “brown” is a race when Arabs and Latinos are refered to “brown” as well lmfao

there’s three brown races and even mullatos are labeled as “brown” sometimes
You're 5'5 bro being not ugly isn't enough, you didn't even say good looking.
I'm very NT and have a lot of friends. I mog the avg bengali and have hobbies too. I'm not some super slayer in clubs. I literally go out with friends and just have fun, I enjoy talking to people a lot and talk to everyone a night out, men and women.

Some girls find my looks cute, others not a fan.
@Sphinx yeah looks normal average dude
mogs average bnrgali
but yeah pretty much normal
lokos nt too sitting with his bros tbh ngl
5'5 / curry (In the UK) / average face.

I'm really curious what kind of girls he dated ngl. @FailedNormieManlet at the end of the day good for you but you can see why I'm having a hard time here not that you owe me anything.
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I'm very NT and have a lot of friends. I mog the avg bengali and have hobbies too. I'm not some super slayer in clubs. I literally go out with friends and just have fun, I enjoy talking to people a lot and talk to everyone a night out, men and women.

Some girls find my looks cute, others not a fan.
Sorry mate but at 5’5 your alwyas going to have issues with women unless your rich or status maxxed

on the bright side avg south Asian man is like 5’7 In the west so your lucky. Try being 5’5 and white lmfao when avg Whire guy is like 5’10
If this were the case, shouldn't it only be lower castes that were constantly subjugated who act as such?
This post was somewhat based off of what some irl experiences with curries were like, most of whom are upper caste ones who benefitted from being worshipped and demeaned the other ones. You would also expect them to feel "superior" to whites and blacks (and other races), but they do the exact opposite, no matter their position in the caste hierarchy.
I don't really think this is a valid rationale for their nature.
British people before independence always held positions of power.

“white” countries tend to have better standards of living and lifestyle. Also people who have emigrated are held in high regard and their stories are shared among the locals. Add some classic Hollywood propaganda and general history and Indian people have this hierarchy in their mind. White superior. The average Indian has close to no personal contact with an actual white person, so these misconceptions are further solidified.
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Brutal, you are right.

Isn't your extended family muslim though? They are still the same way??
Yup my extended family and everyone is muslim. They are all the same, they all believe in the weird colouring shit. We might be muslim but we will ofc be influenced by indian/hindu culture and things such as colourism and castes are still sort of present - colourism more so.

And yeah my extended family have weird colourist beliefs, but it is those beliefs which hurt a lot of south asian guys dating chances too I think. What ends up happening is, is you have these lighter skinned curries with inflanted egos who are confused/hurt when women aren't worshipping them in the west when they were told all their lives they are handsome for being light skinned. And dark skinned dudes who feel awful for being darker.

It's a mess really
5'5 / curry (In the UK) / average face.

I'm really curious what kind of girls he dated ngl. @FailedNormieManlet at the end of the day good for you but you can see why I'm having a hard time here not that you owe me anything.
Not offended in the slightest fella. I date very avg white girls. Like pic rel tier

Not stacies, but not like repulsive demons. You guys only ever here cool stuff, I've had girls say weird shit to me before. Like I was on tinder once and this one chick messaged me asking if I wanted to be dommed by her LMAO. I've dated girls taller than me too by like 2 inches.

Sorry mate but at 5’5 your alwyas going to have issues with women unless your rich or status maxxed

on the bright side avg south Asian man is like 5’7 In the west so your lucky. Try being 5’5 and white lmfao when avg Whire guy is like 5’10
Oh yeah for sure man. My height is massive failio and gets in the way a lot, it even affects how people treat me lol. I am lucky because I facially mog most south asian men so most indian girls have a sort of soft spot for me lol
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There’s no unity amougst any race though

And why do curries act as if “brown” is a race when Arabs and Latinos are refered to “brown” as well lmfao

there’s three brown races and even mullatos are labeled as “brown” sometimes
There is no unity true, but you don't see africans tearing each other down the way curries do. Indian/curry culture is toxic in that regard, if you do well others will literally want to tear you down and fuck you over - srs.
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Yup my extended family and everyone is muslim. They are all the same, they all believe in the weird colouring shit. We might be muslim but we will ofc be influenced by indian/hindu culture and things such as colourism and castes are still sort of present - colourism more so.

And yeah my extended family have weird colourist beliefs, but it is those beliefs which hurt a lot of south asian guys dating chances too I think. What ends up happening is, is you have these lighter skinned curries with inflanted egos who are confused/hurt when women aren't worshipping them in the west when they were told all their lives they are handsome for being light skinned. And dark skinned dudes who feel awful for being darker.

It's a mess really

Not offended in the slightest fella. I date very avg white girls. Like pic rel tier
View attachment 1485136

Not stacies, but not like repulsive demons. You guys only ever here cool stuff, I've had girls say weird shit to me before. Like I was on tinder once and this one chick messaged me asking if I wanted to be dommed by her LMAO. I've dated girls taller than me too by like 2 inches.

Oh yeah for sure man. My height is massive failio and gets in the way a lot, it even affects how people treat me lol. I am lucky because I facially mog most south asian men so most indian girls have a sort of soft spot for me lol
British people before independence always held positions of power.

“white” countries tend to have better standards of living and lifestyle. Also people who have emigrated are held in high regard and their stories are shared among the locals. Add some classic Hollywood propaganda and general history and Indian people have this hierarchy in their mind. White superior. The average Indian has close to no personal contact with an actual white person, so these misconceptions are further solidified.
basically repeat this but for the entire planet

white SMV is also directly effected by this but idiots ignore this simple fact
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