Why do i look so weird/ugly

Ngl i hope ur not stage 4 OP hop on aromasian ASAP liek ur life depends on it because it literally does.....
Im 5’9 now and im still growing extremely quickly. Height isnt an issue anymore
My friends were like 5’9 in this pic lmao. This was last year and some months ago
Your bidel looks legit ten in this holy fuck

looks like me in 8th grade going into 9th your def a late bloomer be happy
Your bidel looks legit ten in this holy fuck

looks like me in 8th grade going into 9th your def a late bloomer be happy
Ok tell me what i should hop on, preferably pills for now since my parents will literally disown me if they see me injecting anything
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Ok tell me what i should hop on, preferably pills for now since my parents will literally disown me if they see me injecting anything
And obviously nothing that can mess with my development since itll be over if my puberty gets stunted
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OP, I used to look similar (girly eyes), minus the recession problem. Best thing that happened to me was that I started developing facial hair and I started working out. My eyelashes have always be a lot longer, which really helps, if you can do anything to bring out your lashes and your eyebrow thickness, that would be best. Do you get any attention from girls? When I looked like that at around 15 years of age, older women and even men would tell me I was attractive or handsome but girls only ever called me cute, it was until I started developing masculine traits that I started really attracting girls of my age group.

Based on what I have seen in here, you should just Michael B Jordan max, that should be your goal, don't lean into the girly look. But you are soon to be out of school so it probably won't impact you much, but that look is pure food for boys that will be jealous of you.
And obviously nothing that can mess with my development since itll be over if my puberty gets stunted
an AI keeps your growth plates open aka so u grow taller and also get wide clavicles since your plates are open asf rn if u already grew 5 inches THIS YEAR than u will be 6 foot min prob 6 2

U need an AI
an AI keeps your growth plates open aka so u grow taller and also get wide clavicles since your plates are open asf rn if u already grew 5 inches THIS YEAR than u will be 6 foot min prob 6 2

U need an AI
Im gonna buy aromasin and mk when i get my job. When i leave for college i can start injecting.
OP, I used to look similar (girly eyes), minus the recession problem. Best thing that happened to me was that I started developing facial hair and I started working out. My eyelashes have always be a lot longer, which really helps, if you can do anything to bring out your lashes and your eyebrow thickness, that would be best. Do you get any attention from girls? When I looked like that at around 15 years of age, older women and even men would tell me I was attractive or handsome but girls only ever called me cute, it was until I started developing masculine traits that I started really attracting girls of my age group.

Based on what I have seen in here, you should just Michael B Jordan max, that should be your goal, don't lean into the girly look. But you are soon to be out of school so it probably won't impact you much, but that look is pure food for boys that will be jealous of you.
Girls rate me higher than every boys except for my chad friends ofc. I dont get approached tho, i think i get some looks but thatd be the most interest i get.
OP, I used to look similar (girly eyes), minus the recession problem. Best thing that happened to me was that I started developing facial hair and I started working out. My eyelashes have always be a lot longer, which really helps, if you can do anything to bring out your lashes and your eyebrow thickness, that would be best. Do you get any attention from girls? When I looked like that at around 15 years of age, older women and even men would tell me I was attractive or handsome but girls only ever called me cute, it was until I started developing masculine traits that I started really attracting girls of my age group.

Based on what I have seen in here, you should just Michael B Jordan max, that should be your goal, don't lean into the girly look. But you are soon to be out of school so it probably won't impact you much, but that look is pure food for boys that will be jealous of you.
How can i michael b jordan max
Girls rate me higher than every boys except for my chad friends ofc. I dont get approached tho, i think i get some looks but thatd be the most interest i get.
I didn't start getting approached until I was out of HS. Honestly, lean into anything that is going to make you more masculine in appearance, I'm serious about the Michael B Jordan appearance. You are likely a late bloomer like I was, I was really girly looking until the age of 16 when I started lifting. That likely did well for my testosterone and as I was coming into a more masculine appearance with everything and my facial hair, that was when I started to slay.

I made an account to help where I can but to also help black guys when I can. I can tell you right now, you have an outlier black guy apperance, you need to take advantage of that, as bad as it sounds. Don't lean into any thug nonsense, lean into a healthy masculinity, become well read and well spoken and watch how appealing you become across the board.
How can i michael b jordan max
Get big like him, grow your facial hair like him, keep your facial hair trimmed and groomed like him. This might sound crazy but legit work to carbon copy that guy. Speak well like him, be smart (appear smart) like him. Just go look at early photos of him, look at how girly he looked, that is why he was called corny, because black girls call you that when you are cute but don't carry yourself like man. If Michael B Jordan didn't start leaning into masculinity, he would still look frail, weak, and girly, just like I would have if I didn't start lifting. Lifting during puberty is major, imo. Or, it's a quick cheat to inducing more test during puberty, test that wouldn't happen if you aren't playing sports and just playing games all day.

Also, note the way MBJ carries himself, as a black man, carry yourself like that, it kills across the board when you combine it with looks and physique.
Khv and im 17 so no tinder. 2 girls i asked rated me a 5 (she rated all my other friends 2 and shits despite them being normies so) and the other one a 6.
youre 17 i thought youre legit like 13 bro
an AI keeps your growth plates open aka so u grow taller and also get wide clavicles since your plates are open asf rn if u already grew 5 inches THIS YEAR than u will be 6 foot min prob 6 2

U need an AI
I just did the taner stage thing. I had to skip testicle measurement shit. Im 3.8-3.9 on taner stage. Though its weird since i put in mostly pre pubescent boy features. The penis section raised it by alot. Anyways is that good or bad
I didn't start getting approached until I was out of HS. Honestly, lean into anything that is going to make you more masculine in appearance, I'm serious about the Michael B Jordan appearance. You are likely a late bloomer like I was, I was really girly looking until the age of 16 when I started lifting. That likely did well for my testosterone and as I was coming into a more masculine appearance with everything and my facial hair, that was when I started to slay.

I made an account to help where I can but to also help black guys when I can. I can tell you right now, you have an outlier black guy apperance, you need to take advantage of that, as bad as it sounds. Don't lean into any thug nonsense, lean into a healthy masculinity, become well read and well spoken and watch how appealing you become across the board.
Thanks bro




I'm not sure what he did with his chin of if he did anything but just having facial hair, at least on your face, should be enough to hide most of it as you grow. But in that first picture, that's why I never grew my hair out, because I knew I would get mistaken for a girl. Follow the way he does his hair now, long and short, that's more masculine for the face. I have high cheekbones, so I style my facial hair a different way to accentuate that, I don't much about styling the facial hair for his face type but he has a stylist, so copy what he does.

On another note, I'm going to put something together that is comprehensive for younger black guys, should benefit everyone but black men definitely need responsible guidance wherever they can get it.

In the meantime, I would suggest adding this channel to your subscription feed, he is the kind of black guy you want around you at the bare minimum:

Just an example video, but all of his channels are worth following, especially at your age. Due to my appearance and size, I was bullied a lot. I didn't come into form until after HS, I honestly didn't know what to do what the female attention I was getting and I was basically an autist, men like the guy above would have been a major help for me, luckily I managed to come out somewhat good. lol




I'm not sure what he did with his chin of if he did anything but just having facial hair, at least on your face, should be enough to hide most of it as you grow. But in that first picture, that's why I never grew my hair out, because I knew I would get mistaken for a girl. Follow the way he does his hair now, long and short, that's more masculine for the face. I have high cheekbones, so I style my facial hair a different way to accentuate that, I don't much about styling the facial hair for his face type but he has a stylist, so copy what he does.

On another note, I'm going to put something together that is comprehensive for younger black guys, should benefit everyone but black men definitely need responsible guidance wherever they can get it.

In the meantime, I would suggest adding this channel to your subscription feed, he is the kind of black guy you want around you at the bare minimum:

Just an example video, but all of his channels are worth following, especially at your age. Due to my appearance and size, I was bullied a lot. I didn't come into form until after HS, I honestly didn't know what to do what the female attention I was getting and I was basically an autist, men like the guy above would have been a major help for me, luckily I managed to come out somewhat good. lol

Is my hair fine?
Is my hair fine?
Don't cut your hair, but I don't think it is fine for your current appearance. So what I mean is, it would be fine if you were more masculine appearing, but right now it currently adds girly points. As you start lifting, you will grow into that hair just fine. But learn to do more with your hair, get some professional opinions eventually. Also, work on the neck. I was in a sport that naturally made my neck larger. Do don't anything drastic with your neck, take the safest approach. My big neck, caused by wrestling, gave me sleep apnea :lul:, that gets worse if you start packing on muscle.
@Faxed Are you playing sports?
it's amazing how i could turn this guy into a tyrone if i were him but i can't figure out what to do with myself, the third person view is absurd. It's so simple for you lil boy, even if you're khv and don't want thugmaxx and have responsible parents you have to understand that you're black and that's the best way to rise in the west, bro just join a gym, gymaxx, neckmaxx and stylemaxx get some tattoos and look for ways of you thugmaxx asap, i promise you that if you do everything right you will succeed, if you have less than 7 inch dick that will be a big failo for you as it would be much easier to succeed going to bbc niche but still you will succeed.
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Not sure if you have a year left, but get into some physical sport. Wrestling if you can. You want the natural test boost for your developmental years but part of carrying yourself like a man is being physical like a man, so do something sports wise beyond just the gym. If I didn't have wrestling, I would have went with BJJ and Thai/Boxing.
Zero sexual dimorphism
Do not thug max, no serious black man that does well with women would ever tell you to thug max. Thug max if you want to lock yourself to women that made it out of the ghetto, but I'm going to tell you this, so long as you aren't boring as fuck, women, even black women, don't care about thugs. They just want men, if you are attractive, you will do fine. I was fucking square, oreo as fuck, I attract all black women, from the most hood to the most bougie.

Now, do thugmax if you are ugly as a black man. LOL Stupid as fuck but yeah, if you are an ugly black man you will need money and some clout, whether upper class clout or thug appeal. But if you are an attractive black man, as in, attracting all races, NEVER thug max.
Almost no brow ridge, receded chin, receded jawline, its over for you
If you had any of those you could tyronemaxx but nah
African americans are such dysgenic low T mutts, cannot compare to full blooded high T niggers from Africa
Looks like that @n0rth guys brother. Both subhumans. God blacks are so ugly JFL. @TRUE_CEL dont give me a warning cuz OPs unfixable
4 pages? I can already this thread is just a shitshow, I’m gonna pretend I didn’t even see this.
Correction, ugly and average black me should bookmax, schoolmax like crazy, go for a post-graduate profession. Then clean up your appearance and hit the gym, never be fat, only be slightly chubby with muscle if being chubby adds points to your face when groomed, some women like average black men with the husky look, think that Luke Cage actor. Only thugmax if thugmaxing is going to get you a record deal.
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Do not thug max, no serious black man that does well with women would ever tell you to thug max. Thug max if you want to lock yourself to women that made it out of the ghetto, but I'm going to tell you this, so long as you aren't boring as fuck, women, even black women, don't care about thugs. They just want men, if you are attractive, you will do fine. I was fucking square, oreo as fuck, I attract all black women, from the most hood to the most bougie.

Now, do thugmax if you are ugly as a black man. LOL Stupid as fuck but yeah, if you are an ugly black man you will need money and some clout, whether upper class clout or thug appeal. But if you are an attractive black man, as in, attracting all races, NEVER thug max.
no bro you don't understand, he's not like the guy in the picture blackgymaxx posted:
3412616 donny43

the guy in the photo is a true tyrone who doesn't need any niche to ascend, the op is an ltn but he is saved by all the niches a black person can go, for example a white ltn doesn't have many niches to go if he is ugly he's just ugly rarely a white ltn would succeed after thugmaxx because for white thugmaxx would only work like htn/chad, now blacks with all stereotype society put about them, they have a unique niche to go, it wouldn't do well for him to try all these things you told him to get along because op will still have no girls, here is his choice, remain an incel without any girls or become a tattooed thug with dozens of girls, obviously it won't be just stacys but he will have many options and success on tinder and its better than nothing, im not saying to him start to selling drugs or kill gang members just to look like a high t dark triad Jhamal.
no bro you don't understand, he's not like the guy in the picture blackgymaxx posted:
View attachment 2204920

the guy in the photo is a true tyrone who doesn't need any niche to ascend, the op is an ltn but he is saved by all the niches a black person can go, for example a white ltn doesn't have many niches to go if he is ugly he's just ugly rarely a white ltn would succeed after thugmaxx because for white thugmaxx would only work like htn/chad, now blacks with all stereotype society put about them, they have a unique niche to go, it wouldn't do well for him to try all these things you told him to get along because op will still have no girls, here is his choice, remain an incel without any girls or become a tattooed thug with dozens of girls, obviously it won't be just stacys but he will have many options and success on tinder and its better than nothing, im not saying to him start to selling drugs or kill gang members just to look like a high t dark triad Jhamal.

I understand, my assumption was that he will develop physically and facially into a more masculine appearance by partaking in things that will boost his test, assuming he is a late bloomer like I was. And yeah, in my last post, I basically agree with what you are getting at. But I don't agree with the tattoos, a black man should never get tattoos unless his profession depends on it. But yeah, average and lower black men definitely need a niche, I just say don't do one that you can't recover from.
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When i say good physique i mean if my body got bigger id look good. Damian kater type of physique.
ngl bro, if I had 30lbs more of muscle in the right areas I'd probably have a good physique, I guess that means my physique is amazing then
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ngl bro, if I had 30lbs more of muscle in the right areas I'd probably have a good physique, I guess that means my physique is amazing then
Its not hard to understand dumbass. 30lbs of muscle in good places doesnt just make you bigger it changes your build. I have a good build its just scaled down.
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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I'm not sure what he did with his chin of if he did anything but just having facial hair, at least on your face, should be enough to hide most of it as you grow. But in that first picture, that's why I never grew my hair out, because I knew I would get mistaken for a girl. Follow the way he does his hair now, long and short, that's more masculine for the face. I have high cheekbones, so I style my facial hair a different way to accentuate that, I don't much about styling the facial hair for his face type but he has a stylist, so copy what he does.

On another note, I'm going to put something together that is comprehensive for younger black guys, should benefit everyone but black men definitely need responsible guidance wherever they can get it.

In the meantime, I would suggest adding this channel to your subscription feed, he is the kind of black guy you want around you at the bare minimum:

Just an example video, but all of his channels are worth following, especially at your age. Due to my appearance and size, I was bullied a lot. I didn't come into form until after HS, I honestly didn't know what to do what the female attention I was getting and I was basically an autist, men like the guy above would have been a major help for me, luckily I managed to come out somewhat good. lol

he has the same chin just a different angle lol
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Its not hard to understand dumbass. 30lbs of muscle in good places doesnt just make you bigger it changes your build. I have a good build its just scaled down.
not gonna change your twinkcel frame, bone is bone
  • JFL
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not gonna change your twinkcel frame, bone is bone
Im aware, all i was saying was that i built a decent physique in the year i was at the gym
  • JFL
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Its not hard to understand dumbass. 30lbs of muscle in good places doesnt just make you bigger it changes your build. I have a good build its just scaled down.
OP i don't dislike u but ur being dumb rn your bideltoid is literally that of a grown women maybe a bit worse
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Im aware, all i was saying was that i built a decent physique in the year i was at the gym
@LowTrust im crying rn he is 5 9 115 and says he has a decent build bruh
  • JFL
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Nigga never tell anyone u were in the gym for a year irl tell them u have never went a day in your life
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also the weight u associate with the gym is from puberty jfl u prob just stood in the gym for 365 days son
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OP i don't dislike u but ur being dumb rn your bideltoid is literally that of a grown women maybe a bit worse
Its not hard to understand what i mean by decent physique. 🤣🤣🤣. Anyways i measured it and it 18inches i think.
  • JFL
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an you show me what a 17 year old is supposed to look like.
definitely not like you im 15 and look like 10x more masculine than you
also the weight u associate with the gym is from puberty jfl u prob just stood in the gym for 365 days son
Also i did the height calculator with taner stage and it said 6’2 so at least i have that

@Blackgymmax rate curry doppelgänger
Im pretty sure i have mostly good features like high cheekbones and good forward growth yet i look like a mtn at best. I know i look neotenous but it still confuses me.

Can someone help me?
You look like a baby you need to just wait and gymmaxx, testestotone, dht maxx and u should be fine
Yeh like selfies just make your face a bit longer and thats about it
for horsefaces, a little bit of added length can be the difference between being ltn and being a subhuman creature. so we are the only ones who can claim we look better irl 💪
Leave blackpill forums and go live your life
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