Why test 500mg, 5AR inhibitor, Accutane and AI (if necessary) is the best looksmaxcycle. Nuance mogger thread

Remove accutane add Tretinoin and only use ai if getting sides
tret is cope, i've been on it for like 4 months now and nothing has changed, thankfully i'll be prob getting accutane on tuesday (prescription needed here, eurocels can't stop losing)
do you inject intra muscular or sub q
Is quad good?

i got recommended this stack:
200 mg mast e a week (monday and thursday)
300 mg test e a week (monday and thursday)

i think imma use a insulin needle for injection (1 ml). And inject both 0.5 ml of test and of mast on each of the days. does this sound good?

Also my man who helped me figure out the stack says neither mast or test needs to be refirigirated, is this true? Because i cant hide shit in fridge. Then ill just switch mast for low dose anavar or sum.
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Firstly, testosterone is a bio identical hormone (disregarding the esters, obv that's not bio identical), it has been researched for decades. The side effects are predictable, and not toxic.
- not liver toxic
- not kidney toxic
- not neurotoxic
- not hairsafe
- not skin safe

It's is hair safe because test itself does not cause hairloss, only it's metabolite DHT. DHT causes DHT-specific conformational changes of the androgen receptor, leading to DHT- specific gene transcription, that might cause hairloss, which depends on whether you have the genes or not. Also, if test itself causes hairloss, then why am i able to stop hairloss with dutasteride even though my systemic test is so much higher than systemic DHT. This can only conclude that reducing DHT is the biggest ROI for stopping hairloss.

This is the reason for the first ancillary on the list: A 5 Alpha Reductase Inhibitor. The only choices are finasteride and dutasteride. anything else is cope. If you think that these drugs are bad, then good luck being a slaphead. If you want more information and perhaps have doubts, which is okay, go watch some videos from the channel "haircafe". Also DHT is bad for skin, as DHT directly increase sebum production, which causes acne. 5ARI's are known for their anti ageing benefits.

The reason it's not skinsafe is because of the potential for hormonal fluctuations. Most often acne is the worst when you just start the cycle (very high increase compared to homeostasis) and when you end a cycle (rapid decrease compared to homeostasis (this depends on the ester used of course)). The other factor is, as mentioned, DHT. Therefore the only logical outcome is to use Accutane everyday. It's a wonderous drug that should be included in the starter kit. The dose you need depends on your own body. If you don't have the money for it, start the cycle, show the acne to your dermatologist, they will prescribe it to you, and if you live in a 1st world country you can get it from insurance. DON'T TELL THEM YOU'RE USING GEAR. When i told them i was using they refused to prescribe me any longer, so i had to source from only out of own pocket.

The best thing about accutane is that it's effect are bascially permanent. Once you''ve done an accutane cycle, The sebum glands in the skin become premanently deregulated, meaning after treatment you never have acne ever again. Or you can do higher dose for a while , then maintain on just 10mg per day, less dry skin, but still the anti acne and improved skin benefits.

For accutane you should use another ancillary namely, a moisturizer. Accutane sides are mostly just dry skin and lips, which can easily be negated by moisturizer and lip balm. Trust me, you're going to need lip balm.

For the last one: An Aromatase inhibitor. This might have a dual purpose when you're younger and cycling: increase height growth as well as lower test conversion to estradiol. Some people might not need an AI at all on 500mg (i didn't), while others are able to lactate from the gyno. If you're young I would recommend it, as you increase test (from normal endogenous production to 500mg exogenous source), it will increase the amount of estrogen in your body, meaning, even though you don't get gyno or other estrogen related side effects, you will still prematurely close your growth plates.

When should you increase or use the dose of x compound:

Firstly 5 ARI's, it you're very young, you probably shouldn't use 5ARI's, as DHT is only useful during puberty. However because of the amount of test you will have in your body, it might be able to compensate meaning that the overall effect of the DHT ON cycle with 5ARI is the same as off cyle without one.
Personal experience: I started finasteride at 18, at (18,8 years old I'm on dutasteride(it mogs finasteride to 5th dimension)), i still have mogger browridge and am able to growbeard to the point of looking ogre(some people think I'm like 22-26 year old) , so it doesn't seem to be that big of an issue, it's still person dependent. If you're a cutecel, you might wanna leave a 5ARI out.

Secondly Accutane, what i suggest you do (without doctor supervision, meaning you buy the drugs out of own pocket) is you first do a blood test before starting your own regimen, My dermatologist tested my intial blood (pre accutane) for: GAMMA- GT, ALT, triglycerides and cholesterol. Then after one month of 20mg treatment you test the same values again, if they are noticeable worse, then BP comes to collect, cuz your body cannot tolerate it. and continuing the use will DAMAGE YOUR LIVER. If the increase is minor, to non noticeable, you can maintain current does, or increase it slightly, maybe by 10-20mg increments.

If you get it from the dermatologist, then just follow what they are doing, and never admit to test use, even if they ask, just lie.

Androgens (non 17 alpha alkylated ones, orals are a different story) and retinoids have no contra indication, so witholding the test use is no big deal. Maybe while you're on avoid excessive alcohol and 17-alpha alkylated steroids (aka: oral steroids, anavar, dianabol winstrol) or sarms these are drugs that mainly metabolize through the liver, meaning you increase the liver burden even further by using these in conjunction.

Thirdly Aromatase inhibitor, There are multiple drugs you can choose from: exemestane, letrozole and anastrazole. The one you can get for least amount of money is best, or which ever is your personal preference. There might be an objective answer in terms of body toxicity, but it's probably minor differences.

First off: DO NOT TAKE A LOT. Estrogen is still an important hormone, even in males. Crushing it to undetectable levels is horrlbe for your penis (no erections), horrible for your skin (just look at transgender, they have much better skin with e2 pills), horrible for you hair (estrogen is very hair protective), horrible for your state of mind (lethargic, no energy, no motivation), cardiotoxic (just aks GPT lol, it does too many things for bloodvessels, lipids and anti inflammation) and even NEUROTOXIC (which is even worse, considering your brain is still developing, making it even worse).

What you want to do is take the dose which you are able to tolerate without any side effects, lack of the things listed above, one of the best indicators is erection quality and existence lmao. There is no standard dose for everyone, you can search online for standard dose and start with that and increase or decrease depending on your own body. (if you need something to cut pills with, use a pill cutter)

If you are serious about starting a steroid cycle, i suggest reading the r/steroids wiki page, it has insanely in depth information about hormones, enzymes, blood pressure and all sorts of things.

What i find hilarious is that i see people on tiktok indoctrinated with the black or white mindset (steroids mean heart attack by 30), they think they're smarter, while in actuality, you can use: Lower doses, Shorter use, blood pressure meds, AI's, statins, beta blockers, lower caffeine intake and different compound selection. This idea that steroids are inherently going to result in you dying is wrong, IRRESPONSIBLE use is very dangerous. That's why you need to be knowledgeable on the subject and know what the outcomes are from doing x and the side effect profile of y and the potential use of ancillary z. You don't need high doses to get a great physique. If you want to add things to the cycle/stack, you need to know the drug, the side effects, metabolization, dosage, safety and duration. BE SMART

If you think: muh natural, unnatural bad, ok then don't take the drugs. If you're scared of needles, don't take the drugs, very simple mathematics here. You're not better or anything, you're just not prepared to do what it takes, and that's alright.

So while others are gymrotting and barely noticing any results, you can be done with your gymcelling and bulking within 2 years and maintain from there on. Imagine working out and barely anyone noticing your physique, brutal. Natural gymrotting is so useless.

If you have any questions, do ask.
DNR but DHT = Hairloss
Is quad good?

i got recommended this stack:
200 mg mast e a week (monday and thursday)
300 mg test e a week (monday and thursday)

i think imma use a insulin needle for injection (1 ml). And inject both 0.5 ml of test and of mast on each of the days. does this sound good?

Also my man who helped me figure out the stack says neither mast or test needs to be refirigirated, is this true? Because i cant hide shit in fridge. Then ill just switch mast for low dose anavar or sum.
Yeah my first injection were in the quads.
Use a standard needle 23g 1.25inch
They do not need to be stored in the fridge.
tret is cope, i've been on it for like 4 months now and nothing has changed, thankfully i'll be prob getting accutane on tuesday (prescription needed here, eurocels can't stop losing)
Tbh, it wasn't that hard for me to get for prescription
Yeah my first injection were in the quads.
Use a standard needle 23g 1.25inch
They do not need to be stored in the fridge.
23g? Are you a masochistic?
  • JFL
Reactions: halloweed
23g? Are you a masochistic?
I love the way the needle slides into me, the transition is as smooth as butter. Then I see the deep red droplets of blood slowly leave my body as the compounds substitute fluids. My strength increases. I am high testosterone.
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Is quad good?

i got recommended this stack:
200 mg mast e a week (monday and thursday)
300 mg test e a week (monday and thursday)

i think imma use a insulin needle for injection (1 ml). And inject both 0.5 ml of test and of mast on each of the days. does this sound good?

Also my man who helped me figure out the stack says neither mast or test needs to be refirigirated, is this true? Because i cant hide shit in fridge. Then ill just switch mast for low dose anavar or sum.
Test and mast and all other oil soluted anabolic steroids do not need to be refrigerated. Make sure to keep them out of the sun though.

I would not use an insuline syringe. The problem i had was that the oil was too thick for the needle and it would barely draw it in, just use 23g to pull out and then switch to 27 gauge to inject.

Mast made me shed hair like crazy though, even on dutasteride.
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should I use the stack and no dht blocker for a few months for dimorphism? 15,16 in a month and bone age is the same
Yeah my first injection were in the quads.
Use a standard needle 23g 1.25inch
They do not need to be stored in the fridge.
ehh would insulin needles do tho? i have used them previously
I'd hop on an AI and hgh only, you really need to grow more. If i were in your situation i wouldn't tocuh anabolics. Cuz the height is just too important.
ehh would insulin needles do tho? i have used them previously
In my experience the needle was too thin to suck up the oil. So they wouldn't work. But they are cheap so you could try.
I'd hop on an AI and hgh only, you really need to grow more. If i were in your situation i wouldn't tocuh anabolics. Cuz the height is just too important.
Got u,so not even a lower dose (250ish) of test along with this ?
Got u,so not even a lower dose (250ish) of test along with this ?
You could, you might want to check e2 with bloodwork to see where its at
  • +1
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Got u,so not even a lower dose (250ish) of test along with this ?
You should check it after being on cycle for a while, so after about 8 weeks. Also don't immediately start AI when you cycle. Because the test takes a while to kick in, the e2 isn't very high after the first week
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tret is cope, i've been on it for like 4 months now and nothing has changed, thankfully i'll be prob getting accutane on tuesday (prescription needed here, eurocels can't stop losing)
yes, tret is cope
Mirin post. I wish I had started dutasteride when I first started roids. Now im running GHK-cu and just started dut while on cruise. After a few weeks im gonna crank back up and start putting on size xD.

what does ghk-cu do? is it for anti aging?
high IQ thread good to see some real looksmaxxing bhai
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Bro I am planning on doing a test cruise and have a source ready. my goal is to enhance my last 1-2 years of puberty im just concerned about shutting down my test forever and also fucking up my brain development. what do you think.

its gonna be 350test/week split into EOD, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD and i might thrown in some anavar or masteron for dht gains
Bro I am planning on doing a test cruise and have a source ready. my goal is to enhance my last 1-2 years of puberty im just concerned about shutting down my test forever and also fucking up my brain development. what do you think.

its gonna be 350test/week split into EOD, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD and i might thrown in some anavar or masteron for dht gains
Dht gains don't exist boyo. Dht is not necessary for bone growth and dht also doesn't increase muscle mass, as metabllized by 3 alpha hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase. The reason why anavar is a DHT derivative, but it's still considered anabolic, is because it has been specifically synthesized to prevent the metabolization by 3aHSD.

DHT is only for facial/body hair development as well as penis growth. Just the DHT from 350mg per week would be sufficient.

Also masteron raped my hair bro. It caused me to stop androgens for a while and wait till i grt an increase in my duta dose and i want a prescription for minoxidil.

Normal testosterone is not bad for Brain development, the neurotoxic steroids are mainly 19nor testosterone derivatives like trenbolone and deca, and a few oral steroid.

You can run hCG in conjuction to maintain testicular function, preventing permanent shutdown.

Also it might be better to split it up in cruises of 20-25 weeks, and then hop off for 10 weeks. This will further minimize shutdown risk.
Dht gains don't exist boyo. Dht is not necessary for bone growth and dht also doesn't increase muscle mass, as metabllized by 3 alpha hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase. The reason why anavar is a DHT derivative, but it's still considered anabolic, is because it has been specifically synthesized to prevent the metabolization by 3aHSD.

DHT is only for facial/body hair development as well as penis growth. Just the DHT from 350mg per week would be sufficient.

Also masteron raped my hair bro. It caused me to stop androgens for a while and wait till i grt an increase in my duta dose and i want a prescription for minoxidil.

Normal testosterone is not bad for Brain development, the neurotoxic steroids are mainly 19nor testosterone derivatives like trenbolone and deca, and a few oral steroid.

You can run hCG in conjuction to maintain testicular function, preventing permanent shutdown.

Also it might be better to split it up in cruises of 20-25 weeks, and then hop off for 10 weeks. This will further minimize shutdown risk.
i was wondering about doing 200 mg mast e and 300 mg test e for dimorphism gains, but i am not trynna rape my hair. should i switch mast e for low dosed anavar? then i would also need some ai tho
Dht gains don't exist boyo. Dht is not necessary for bone growth and dht also doesn't increase muscle mass, as metabllized by 3 alpha hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase. The reason why anavar is a DHT derivative, but it's still considered anabolic, is because it has been specifically synthesized to prevent the metabolization by 3aHSD.

DHT is only for facial/body hair development as well as penis growth. Just the DHT from 350mg per week would be sufficient.

Also masteron raped my hair bro. It caused me to stop androgens for a while and wait till i grt an increase in my duta dose and i want a prescription for minoxidil.

Normal testosterone is not bad for Brain development, the neurotoxic steroids are mainly 19nor testosterone derivatives like trenbolone and deca, and a few oral steroid.

You can run hCG in conjuction to maintain testicular function, preventing permanent shutdown.

Also it might be better to split it up in cruises of 20-25 weeks, and then hop off for 10 weeks. This will further minimize shutdown risk.
I think dht will grow my clavicles for sure. anyways i will see how testosterone effects me ill only run masteron for a 6 week cut. By DHT gains i dont mean muscular i mean penis, voice deepening, frame, confidence etc. also DHT makes you look way leaner
  • JFL
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I think dht will grow my clavicles for sure. anyways i will see how testosterone effects me ill only run masteron for a 6 week cut. By DHT gains i dont mean muscular i mean penis, voice deepening, frame, confidence etc. also DHT makes you look way leaner
No, ask chatgpt if dht is necessary for bone growth. It's mainly test and estrogen that are the mediators of bone growth. This is also observed in populations with genetic mutations that make them produce less or no viable 5 alpha reductase, this means their dht is undetectable levels, they had normal male bone growth, but had small penises, lacked body hair and they had full head of hair.

In the end you decide. I personally think the test itself would be enough, but you do you.
i was wondering about doing 200 mg mast e and 300 mg test e for dimorphism gains, but i am not trynna rape my hair. should i switch mast e for low dosed anavar? then i would also need some ai tho
I think you should up the test dose to 500mg, or go for something like 300 test and 20 mg anavar per day. Those are great cycles. If you go for 500mg, you might have to use an AI
I think you should up the test dose to 500mg
wont that be a bit much, for me in puberty? how often do you recommend injecting
what kind of pct should i do?
i read that you should do 0.1/0.2 mg per kilo of bodyweight and that would be around 10 mg for me (i weight 60)
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wont that be a bit much, for me in puberty? how often do you recommend injecting
what kind of pct should i do?
i read that you should do 0.1/0.2 mg per kilo of bodyweight and that would be around 10 mg for me (i weight 60)
nigga if you weigh 60kg you need to learn how to diet and train first before you ruin this cycle by not having those in check
nigga if you weigh 60kg you need to learn how to diet and train first before you ruin this cycle by not having those in check
shut up nigga + kys + i know how to train and diet but i dont go gym (i have done previously). also im not doing it for stupid cope gains, i am doing it for dimorphism and face gains.
shut up nigga + kys + i know how to train and diet but i dont go gym (i have done previously). also im not doing it for stupid cope gains, i am doing it for dimorphism and face gains.
you still need to eat in a surplus to build bone dude no matter what anabolic you’re on
you still need to eat in a surplus to build bone dude no matter what anabolic you’re on
are you a tard? you can grow from being in deficit when on anabolics... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: also how is it hard to eat more? :forcedsmile: i am 8 to 10 bodyfat which means ill react pretty good to roids because im not fat
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are you a tard? you can grow from being in deficit when on anabolics... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: also how is it hard to eat more? :forcedsmile: i am 8 to 10 bodyfat which means ill react pretty good to roids because im not fat
Yeah nigga GL getting facial gains eating at maint 60kg
would you recommend a pct or to just cruise through the rest of puberty? :Found ur answer to similar question
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I'd hop on an AI and hgh only, you really need to grow more. If i were in your situation i wouldn't tocuh anabolics. Cuz the height is just too important.
heightmaxxing is cope
muh chondrocyte numbers are capped

also not a single success story that cant be attribued to normal growth

@NZb6Air or @N1666 can explain moar
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muh chondrocyte numbers are capped

also not a single success story that cant be attribued to normal growth

@NZb6Air or @N1666 can explain moar
its about responsiveness to the exogenous gh too, a mature chondrocyte won't respond to an increase in gh compared to a younger one (which is why the growth reported in studies is from kids). You are just dumping gh into your body thinking it will increase your height, but what is actually happening:

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its about responsiveness to the exogenous gh too, a mature chondrocyte won't respond to an increase in gh compared to a younger one (which is why the growth reported in studies is from kids). You are just dumping gh into your body thinking it will increase your height, but what is actually happening:

View attachment 3340642
Why does bro never rep me 😞
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  • JFL
Reactions: natralrivers, Deleted member 16636 and ryuken
Yeah nigga GL getting facial gains eating at maint 60kg
nigga who tf ever told you i was gonan eat maint. ofc im gonna eat more tard, but it would still be possible idiot
high iq thread. Can i DM you about a potential cycle?
u cant use test and accutane at the same time
  • JFL
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