Why white guys feel offended when they see bmwf couple?

Manu le coq

Manu le coq

Nov 20, 2021
I saw this thread

And i thing the point of the thread is to be «”hey black men look how we got your females aha you seething to see us together:lul:
The youtube chan’el linked to it is the same as well,i saw plenty of comments from none black men and black women putting down black men white women couples.

The point is it don’t even make me angry seeth or anything(i’d rathered a black woman everyday over a white woman btw), i absolutely don’t give a shit about it, it’s like seing a random uniracial random couple for me.

Why so much hate?
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I saw this thread

And i thing the point of the thread is to be «”hey black men look how we got your females aha you seething to see us together:lul:
The youtube chan’el linked to it is the same as well,i saw plenty of comments from none black men and black women putting down black men white women couples.

The point is it don’t even make me angry seeth or anything(i’d rathered a black woman everyday over a white woman btw), i absolutely don’t give a shit about it, it’s like seing a random uniracial random couple for me.

Why so much hate?
It’s just porn industry fault (Jews made bbc porn which resulted in racism)
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Why white guys feel offended when they see bmwf couple?
Most people in the world do not see us as humans. They see the black man in the relationship as a lesser subhuman beast. So they get offended that a woman in their race would even consider a beast. Having a relationship with a beast also makes that woman soiled and degenerate in their eyes, because to them she has to be mentally deranged or have a sick fetish to even consider such a thing, and she will suffer the consequences when times come to pay the toll.

To be fair with white men, men frustrated that their "sisters" would go with other men is not unique to them at all. Black American men can display the same behavior when referring to black women in wmbf relationships as "bedwenches". Maghrebi men in the French diaspora sometimes refer to Maghrebi women who date black men as "beurettes a khel". In general men can get offended if they feel as if another race of men is "taking" their women, and the offence is worse if it's a race of subhumans. Alternatively some men might not perceive black men as subhuman beasts and are just against miscegenation in general although that's rare.

And America especially the South has a very unique history with relationships between blacks and whites so it's even more convoluted there.
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It’s just porn industry fault (Jews made bbc porn which resulted in racism)
The "BBC" myth existed way before those porn companies were even founded. Frantz Fanon was already debunking and analyzing it in the 50s. Chapter 6 of Black Skin White Masks. All those porn companies did was exploit a myth that had existed in popular consciousness for a few centuries and cash in on it. And they were not even the first to do that, before them you also had plantation novels.
As I explained earlier, black men are seen as beasts and brutes with an aggressive sexuality. Beasts that were then assumed to be sexually proficient and have big genitals because sex is considered animalistic and base. Even the porn you talk about often depicts black men as beasts, with titles like "BLACK BULL DESTROYS BLONDE".
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Most people in the world do not see us as humans. They see the black man in the relationship as a lesser subhuman beast. So they get offended that a woman in their race would even consider a beast. Having a relationship with a beast also makes that woman soiled and degenerate in their eyes, because to them she has to be mentally deranged or have a sick fetish to even consider such a thing, and she will suffer the consequences when times come to pay the toll.

To be fair with white men, men frustrated that their "sisters" would go with other men is not unique to them at all. Black American men can display the same behavior when referring to black women in wmbf relationships as "bedwenches". Maghrebi men in the French diaspora sometimes refer to Maghrebi women who date black men as "beurettes a khel". In general men can get offended if they feel as if another race of men is "taking" their women, and the offence is worse if it's a race of subhumans. Alternatively some men might not perceive black men as subhuman beasts and are just against miscegenation in general although that's rare.

And America especially the South has a very unique history with relationships between blacks and whites so it's even more convoluted there.
Extremly high IQ taste. I don’t know why Africans when they migrate to the west or anywhere seem to be so oblivious to the fact that outside of the west they aren’t even considered humans JFL. They genuinely think they are human when they are not to the rest of the world. It’s sad tbh I feel for them as they are NT and therefore more mentally aware than other NPC races but due to their phenotype their lives will be hard
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Most people in the world do not see us as humans. They see the black man in the relationship as a lesser subhuman beast. So they get offended that a woman in their race would even consider a beast. Having a relationship with a beast also makes that woman soiled and degenerate in their eyes, because to them she has to be mentally deranged or have a sick fetish to even consider such a thing, and she will suffer the consequences when times come to pay the toll.

To be fair with white men, men frustrated that their "sisters" would go with other men is not unique to them at all. Black American men can display the same behavior when referring to black women in wmbf relationships as "bedwenches". Maghrebi men in the French diaspora sometimes refer to Maghrebi women who date black men as "beurettes a khel". In general men can get offended if they feel as if another race of men is "taking" their women, and the offence is worse if it's a race of subhumans. Alternatively some men might not perceive black men as subhuman beasts and are just against miscegenation in general although that's rare.

And America especially the South has a very unique history with relationships between blacks and whites so it's even more convoluted there.
Good post.

Please tell me, what does 'Beaurettes a khel' translate to in English?
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Good post.

Please tell me, what does 'Beaurettes a khel' translate to in English?
"Beurre" is French slang for Maghrebi/Arab/"Brown". It's the word "butter". Beurrette is a female beurre
"Khel" is a word used in Maghrebi Arab for "black", I think it comes from Berber because only Maghrebis use it no other Arabic speaker.

So it's basically like saying "brown coalburner".
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Burn the coal, pay the toll. :ogre:
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No one cares since most of them are ugly or white trash
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The "BBC" myth existed way before those porn companies were even founded. Frantz Fanon was already debunking and analyzing it in the 50s. Chapter 6 of Black Skin White Masks. All those porn companies did was exploit a myth that had existed in popular consciousness for a few centuries and cash in on it. And they were not even the first to do that, before them you also had plantation novels.
As I explained earlier, black men are seen as beasts and brutes with an aggressive sexuality. Beasts that were then assumed to be sexually proficient and have big genitals because sex is considered animalistic and base. Even the porn you talk about often depicts black men as beasts, with titles like "BLACK BULL DESTROYS BLONDE".
Never seen those titles of “black bull” but it does say “bbc destroys blond” world has come a long way but yeah still fucked up lol oh well at least it pumps their SMV higher. BBC myth isn’t really a myth though there is truth to it tbh, the myth is the differnce in size, blacks have bigger dicks but not by much. The Arabs and even Romans (Greek physicians) noted the general is differences if races cocks and said blacks had bigger ones so this goes back before slavery or anything of the sort.

The beast thing though is one that began with Arabs as they often mentioned blacks propensity to beasts but also noted that other races were also beats they views Europeans as beasts as well.
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because i dont want that black guys fuck my girls
that i should fuck i mean.. i would not fuck a black girl not because of her skincolor.. just because black girls are always fat
i mean those asses are too big :sick:
  • JFL
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Most people in the world do not see us as humans. They see the black man in the relationship as a lesser subhuman beast. So they get offended that a woman in their race would even consider a beast. Having a relationship with a beast also makes that woman soiled and degenerate in their eyes, because to them she has to be mentally deranged or have a sick fetish to even consider such a thing, and she will suffer the consequences when times come to pay the toll.

To be fair with white men, men frustrated that their "sisters" would go with other men is not unique to them at all. Black American men can display the same behavior when referring to black women in wmbf relationships as "bedwenches". Maghrebi men in the French diaspora sometimes refer to Maghrebi women who date black men as "beurettes a khel". In general men can get offended if they feel as if another race of men is "taking" their women, and the offence is worse if it's a race of subhumans. Alternatively some men might not perceive black men as subhuman beasts and are just against miscegenation in general although that's rare.

And America especially the South has a very unique history with relationships between blacks and whites so it's even more convoluted there.
Its funny to see a non retarded negro:ogre:.
Joking, its refreshing when somebody tries to make a proper point in this shithole.
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Because mercedesf couples are taxi drivers
"Beurre" is French slang for Maghrebi/Arab/"Brown". It's the word "butter". Beurrette is a female beurre
"Khel" is a word used in Maghrebi Arab for "black", I think it comes from Berber because only Maghrebis use it no other Arabic speaker.

So it's basically like saying "brown coalburner".
Beurre is already lowkey pejorative but came into the normal language thanks to the world cup 98, eventho its barely used now since it had a trend that was super short since right after discrimination went stronger.
Beurette is always a derogative term tho it means more than arab, especially nafri girls who are considered to be whores, usually smoking shisha, degenerates, fucking around with either other degen nafris, or blacks or whites.

Khel is a maghrebi term that means black basically yes. Non literal arabic is disgusting to hear im ngl.
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Never seen those titles of “black bull” but it does say “bbc destroys blond” world has come a long way but yeah still fucked up lol oh well at least it pumps their SMV higher. BBC myth isn’t really a myth though there is truth to it tbh, the myth is the differnce in size, blacks have bigger dicks but not by much. The Arabs and even Romans (Greek physicians) noted the general is differences if races cocks and said blacks had bigger ones so this goes back before slavery or anything of the sort.

The beast thing though is one that began with Arabs as they often mentioned blacks propensity to beasts but also noted that other races were also beats they views Europeans as beasts as well.
Muslims never saw blacks as beasts. Unironically the sole during history to not only consider blacks as humans as whole but also as their brothers, and the sole faith to promote brotherhood and equality. Yet, it still ingrained in the instincts and the culture when a black gets with a non black muslim girl, that it makes even some if them uncomfortable, but blacks are not innocent esp nowadays they play on those prejudice to get laid and act like beast or super beta cuck to keep their girls.
Notice how nice dressed and well behaving blacks are seen as worthless by the same ratchet girls - usually the sole into blacks - that crave the beast acting ones?

Now that i think of it, i think bmaf - black male asian female - is the one people are the most tolerant of, probably because anything that isnt caucasoid isnt seen as human by most people subconsciously and thus we have two other races, mongoloid and negroid.
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Everyone is racebaiting nowadays and it's beyond cringe, white guys unironically think they are being heavily discriminated against because feminists on twitter called them "unseasoned" but they'll never experience the feeling of being a black man entering a store and on a regular basis being automatically followed/watched until you leave. They're not used to anything significant so the smallest thing pushes them over the edge and radicalizes them.

You see it in a few on the posters here like @gamma constantly racebaiting and pushing for anti-black and racist sentiment. It's clear they want to sow and deepen racial division to get reactions out of black people then use those reactions to further radicalize people, rinse and repeat.
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Everyone is racebaiting nowadays and it's beyond cringe, white guys unironically think they are being heavily discriminated against because feminists on twitter called them "unseasoned" but they'll never experience the feeling of being a black man entering a store and ON A REGULAR BASIS being automatically followed/watched until you leave. They're not used to anything significant so the smallest thing pushes them over the edge and radicalizes them.

You see it in a few on the posters here like @gamma constantly racebaiting and pushing for anti-black and racist sentiment. It's clear they want to sow and deepen racial division to get reactions out of black people then use those reactions to further radicalize people, rinse and repeat.
Even if people were all equal and identical, lots of people with bad heart and intent would find ways to create tensions and divisions. Its ingrained in the human brain of some
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it dirts the white lineage. The kid is gonna be black
Lmao black men seethe as much (if not more) than white men do, and im not even saying it as a bad thing this should be somewhat natural i guess, ton of examples of this

you just see one side of the coin because of your perspective

the video in there its mainly black females who make those comments they are weird as fuck, they just like to see white men date black women because it gives them illusionary smv, just as femoids and males like to see the loser ugly end up w the gl one.

i would never date black women
Even if people were all equal and identical, lots of people with bad heart and intent would find ways to create tensions and divisions. Its ingrained in the human brain of some
Yes, humans are desperate to be part of an in-group and have an out-group to scapegoat. Especially when they have no greater purpose in life, that's why so many broken people flock to /pol/ and other neo nazi echo chambers. They need SOMETHING, ANYTHING to latch onto and be proud of for once in their life. Even if it was determined entirely by chance.
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Muslims never saw blacks as beasts. Unironically the sole during history to not only consider blacks as humans as whole but also as their brothers, and the sole faith to promote brotherhood and equality. Yet, it still ingrained in the instincts and the culture when a black gets with a non black muslim girl, that it makes even some if them uncomfortable, but blacks are not innocent esp nowadays they play on those prejudice to get laid and act like beast or super beta cuck to keep their girls.
Notice how nice dressed and well behaving blacks are seen as worthless by the same ratchet girls - usually the sole into blacks - that crave the beast acting ones?

Now that i think of it, i think bmaf - black male asian female - is the one people are the most tolerant of, probably because anything that isnt caucasoid isnt seen as human by most people subconsciously and thus we have two other races, mongoloid and negroid.
Black “thug” culture is a product from the 70s USA Before then there was no such thing and Arabs still treated them like shit but as I stated ARABS TREATED ALL NON ARBAS LIKE SHIT so it’s unfair to point st how Arabs treated blacks when they were so horrid they literally led to the Abbasid revolution due to how badly they treated the Persians/kurds/leventines/Berbers and Turks. Still theh did see them as lower look up Ibn khaldun but race mixing was common in the Middle East between all races and your considered Arab if your dad is or your grandad is so a black man would be 100% Arab even if it’s 10 generations removed (making him blacker than American negros btw) all due to a paternal lineage JFL :feelskek: arabs have a one drop rule but for themsleves
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1.The woman is saying to everyone that the black man is better than her own men to her

2.most nonblack men don ot see blacks as humans,but subhumans akin to simians or primal demonic figures.

3.racial tension-the black man knows he is cucking the men of that race and is prideful because some whore has sex with him and the men feel that the women are totally traitorous against a enemy noone really wants around but are forced to live with due to the jews,democrats,globalists constantly shoving the black male propoganda down their throats.

4.nonblack men have a visceral disgust towards black men that they dont have for any other race except dravidians with dark skin like the weddids .but even somalis and dravidian men do not like to see bantuid men with their women,because they consider them closer to apes than humans.

hope I didn't offend anyone,not my intention I feel these things but i try to be rational and empathetic to the black race.its just the truth of 'why'.

caucasoids we consider ourselves mini gods kind of and as one poster said also the only real humans.this si subconscious,we are NOT thinking this out of malice or bad intent.its probabely learned behaviour as babies are not racist until about 6 months,and even then toddlers do not consider such things.
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it just goes against the caucasoid man's instincts.I assure you those same coalburners get just as offended if a gigachad caucasoid says he prefers black women and they know he isnt bluffing or sayin that insicnerely.theres just a feeling of 'no,how can someone prefer a ugly subhuman beast over a god like us ;this causes confusion on a visceral level to the perciever.

similarly to if someone were to pick paul beckwith over tyler maher.
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it just goes against the caucasoid man's instincts.I assure you those same coalburners get just as offended if a gigachad caucasoid says he prefers black women and they know he isnt bluffing or sayin that insicnerely.theres just a feeling of 'no,how can someone prefer a ugly subhuman beast over a god like us ;this causes confusion on a visceral level to the perciever.

similarly to if someone were to pick paul beckwith over tyler maher.
Funnily enough, i think you have more visceral systematic racism toward everyone among blacks - or not give a fuckingsm - than anybody else, and those who tolerate it the most.
Like, i may be biased but im talking from people here, nobody is so much into offing their own race than blacks like @Frank Jack, who said to be black, and yet only want white girls. Others members not gonna quote also dont give a fuck about their women being racemixed if blacks cuz they see their own black women as ugly asf.
I’m ngl, truth is the more a girl is white passing without necessarily being fully white - cuz it comes with some typical facial flaws- the more she is beautiful this is just nature, i understand asians who find their women repulsive and same for blacks. But they lack pride i would never call my women ugly and im ethnic but white passing enough so easier to say but even if they were not attractive i always associate myself with that ethnicity and look like one so if i insult them its like insulting myself.
all southerners are quadroons obessed with blacks
Happens to every race
People should just stick to their own really
What I never got is why they complain if most black men can only get the landwhales these white men despises most. The same whites make fun of it

and then these same white men prefer ugly ass gooks instead a big titted, Becky face white BBW gyal




And for the ones who say miscegination. That shit is actually rare and white demographics have been decreasing in America because Mexicans. Black people have remained more or less the same.
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it doesn't if she wants to be a single mum to a mudshark be my guest.
They promote miscegenation and then get angry when white women miscegenate. Muh pay the coal:soy::soy::feelswhy:. I don’t take it seriously, whenever I date blonde qts I see a few visible seething but I ignore it. But most men don’t want to be cucked by other races in general so
  • JFL
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Everyone is racebaiting nowadays and it's beyond cringe, white guys unironically think they are being heavily discriminated against because feminists on twitter called them "unseasoned" but they'll never experience the feeling of being a black man entering a store and on a regular basis being automatically followed/watched until you leave. They're not used to anything significant so the smallest thing pushes them over the edge and radicalizes them.

You see it in a few on the posters here like @gamma constantly racebaiting and pushing for anti-black and racist sentiment. It's clear they want to sow and deepen racial division to get reactions out of black people then use those reactions to further radicalize people, rinse and repeat.
They understand that Cumskin holes fetishize ethnic males. They are not capable of connecting with them mentally.

because it's dysgenetic

when a black man lands in colombia for sex tourism, the locals dislike him, he brings shit genes

when a white man lands in colombia for sex tourism, the locals like him and even try to hook him up with his daugthers, sisters and friends or just brag about the local women to him, he brings good genes

it is innate for humans to recognize superior and inferior genes, nb4 something about blacks mogging everyone but whites, keep dreaming incel, blacks are desperate to date latinas, whites, MENA, arab, you name it they want it, anything but black, they recognize their own inferiority innately and wish to date up by dating outside their race
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As a Balkan man im happy seeing ugly People ascend
Cause they wish white women would pay attention to them instead. Pretty obvious answer, OP.
It's a downgrade and whites consider it to be bestiality

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