Am I The Only One That Doesn’t Have Inferiority Complex Towards European Men?


Hulk Hogan

It’s Been Fun, But It’s Time To Move On…
Jul 3, 2024
I never even knew that “white men” were considered superior to other races of people until I started lurking on forums like these.

I mean even after finding out that this is what people supposedly feel in modern times I still don’t feel inferior, infact I actually look down on them.

I guess it must be my Macrobian+Arab blood in me that refuses to view anyone as superior to me
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I only feel inferior to those that are taller than me :feelswhy:
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Any non “whites” what’s your thoughts?
@rand anon @SomaliMax @Ricky212 @Looks234 @sportsmogger @Piratecel @SecularIslamist
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Any non “whites” what’s your thoughts?
@rand anon @SomaliMax @Ricky212 @Looks234 @sportsmogger @Piratecel @SecularIslamist
Can’t rly relate bhai, I do think my feeling of inferiority is justified though :feelsautistic:
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Can’t rly relate bhai, I do think my feeling of inferiority is justified though :feelsautistic:
Why is it justified bhai? Do u have any deficiencies?
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You will learn why jfl
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I only feel inferior to those that are taller than me :feelswhy:
Height pill is real. Whenever I see jacked manlets at gym I still feel better. I bet the tall dudes see us that way too
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Height pill is real. Whenever I see jacked manlets at gym I still feel better. I bet the tall dudes see us that way too
This might be controversial for org but a jacked manlet mog a tall lanklet.
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Why is it justified bhai? Do u have any deficiencies?
T50s, poopskin, not to mention all the historical achievements and conquests of whites compared to us poooooojeets
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  • JFL
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This might be controversial for org but a jacked manlet mog a tall lanklet.
But a tall lanklet has a way better mental health than the jacked Manlet. And if the tall lanklet has a normal frame he wins most of the times.
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that just means you aren't blackpilled
I never even knew that “white men” were considered superior to other races of people until I started lurking on forums like these.

I mean even after finding out that this is what people supposedly feel in modern times I still don’t feel inferior, infact I actually look down on them.

I guess it must be my Macrobian+Arab blood in me that refuses to view anyone as superior to me
wrestling goldberg GIF by WWE
Yeah i always felt the same.

I always perceived europeans as people who are easy to scam except for eastern europeans
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I am the son of gods and man
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T50s, poopskin,
Nothing wrong with having brown eyes and darkskin bhai. I have those features and never felt insecure about it.
But a tall lanklet has a way better mental health than the jacked Manlet. And if the tall lanklet has a normal frame he wins most of the times.
U have a point. But still a jacked Manlet could kill a lanklet if he wanted to.
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I can't relate. Not any white man though just those light haired light eyed giant viking motherfuckers they deserve to rule the world and I'm down to be a slave for them.
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  • JFL
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I can't relate. Not any white man though just those light haired light eyed giant viking motherfuckers they deserve to rule the world and I'm down to be a slave for them.
I live around those Viking types. I never felt mogged. But maybe it’s because I’m tall lol.
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Nothing wrong with having brown eyes and darkskin bhai. I have those features and never felt insecure about it.
They aren’t as attractive as white features though, everyone likes lighter skin. To compensate u hve to hve rly good bones and even then ur smv won’t be as high as a a white guy with similar psl

Plus the fact that my Dravidian ancestors were decimated by the Aryans will always solidify my inferiority
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They aren’t as attractive as white features though, everyone likes lighter skin.
That’s your opinion bro. I personally don’t care about lighter skin. Also Dravidians have “white features” tho?
Plus the fact that my Dravidian ancestors were decimated by the Aryans will always solidify my inferiority
Ok now I get why u feel some type of way lol. Thankfully that has never happened to my people. :feelsgood:

Also gotta say Dravidian girls are extremely underrated tbh. Tamil Sri Lankan types are fucking gorgeous with clear skin and the most beautiful hair.
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I live around those Viking types. I never felt mogged. But maybe it’s because I’m tall lol.
They are really rare though, most "nordics" are easily moggeable and nothing special. But when it's a real tall chad with blond hair blue eyes I cannot feel nothing but pure admiration, peak humanity in my opinion.
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Nothing wrong with having brown eyes and darkskin bhai. I have those features and never felt insecure about it.

U have a point. But still a jacked Manlet could kill a lanklet if he wanted to.
Yeah but nowadays it’s not viable so the lanklets just looks down on the manlets
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That’s your opinion bro. I personally don’t care about lighter skin.
That’s 99% of people’s opinion broski

Also Dravidians have “white features” tho?
Yes, those of us who don’t hve as much Dravidian ancestry can hve caucasoid skulls, my only saving grace
Ok now I get why u feel some type of way lol. Thankfully that has never happened to my people. :feelsgood:
Also gotta say Dravidian girls are extremely underrated tbh. Tamil Sri Lankan types are fucking gorgeous with clear skin and the most beautiful hair.

I could never bro, would rather be khhv for life. They don’t like me anyways though so it works out :feelskek:
  • JFL
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I could never bro, would rather be khhv for life. They don’t like me anyways though so it works out :feelskek:
They seem to like me tbh. There’s always some sexual tension between me and Dravidian girls lol
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Ye I thought that jbw shit was a joke when I first got blackpilled
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I don’t feel inferior tbh. I feel like I should be on an equal footing, but tbh most white people in the US don’t see it that way. People who feel inferior are actually more likely to accept being treated badly by racist people.

Unironically I think that’s why there aren’t that many ricecels in this forum. Vast majority of them have just accepted their shitty treatment in the US and have completely given up.
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I couldn't be paid to fuck an Arab woman or any other ethnic woman for that matter because they are inferior to whites
If you have a desire to fuck a white woman as a non white you are by definition inferior to whites
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If you have a desire to fuck a white woman as a non white you are by definition inferior to whites
JFL so this is your new strategy of keeping non white guys off white women by telling them that they are inferior if they find white women attractive? This is pathetic :feelskek:

Dick don’t see race, it sees a fuckable woman, which could be any race of woman.
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Any non “whites” what’s your thoughts?
@rand anon @SomaliMax @Ricky212 @Looks234 @sportsmogger @Piratecel @SecularIslamist
yeh I feel the same way. Only ones non ethnic niggas who believe the "whites are superior" bullshit are self hating curries and ricecels.
99% of the time when u hear shit like this its cuz sub 5 whitecel posting about it while they secretly watch bbc plowing their woman
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Arabs are white, but idk European hate yall
Zizou is a white dude
Benzema a white dude

If u pick a white guy, he grow a beard shave his stach, and you make him wear a tunique
He basically Arab nah ?
T50s, poopskin, not to mention all the historical achievements and conquests of whites compared to us poooooojeets
I'm white but I think you are a cuck for just hitting on your own race like this. Imagine your ancestors just seeing you saying this shit.
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How the fuck are arabs white?
Come On What GIF by MOODMAN
Zidane il s’appellerait Aurélien Lenormand
Jamais tu vois à sa gueule il est arabe,

T’as des arabes la vérité c’est des blanc mais dès qu’il dit qu’il s’appelle mehdi ou Mohammed c’est foutu
Zidane il s’appellerait Aurélien Lenormand
Jamais tu vois à sa gueule il est arabe,

T’as des arabes la vérité c’est des blanc mais dès qu’il dit qu’il s’appelle mehdi ou Mohammed c’est foutu
Peut être parce que c'est un métis? Je te dis que la plupart des arabes ne sont pas blanc, et c'est pas parce que ton zidane a l'air dêtre blanc que tout les arabes sont blanc. Va au maroc et dit moi que c'est gens ont l'air européens.
Quand je dit "blanc" je parle des caucasiens européens, la couleur de peau veut clairement rien ici car c'est vrai que les arabes peuvent avoir la peau pale, mais ca ne les rend pas caucasiens.
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Peut être parce que c'est un métis? Je te dis que la plupart des arabes ne sont pas blanc, et c'est pas parce que ton zidane a l'air dêtre blanc que tout les arabes sont blanc. Va au maroc et dit moi que c'est gens ont l'air européens.
Quand je dit "blanc" je parle des caucasiens européens, la couleur de peau veut clairement rien ici car c'est vrai que les arabes peuvent avoir la peau pale, mais ca ne les rend pas caucasiens.
Je te met un grec, un italien, un bulgare cote a cote, je les habille pareil je leur fou la même coupe de cheveux.

Pas sûr que tu trouve,

À quel moment le mec il doit se sentir inférieur à toi sil a legit la même gueule que toi .
Je te met un grec, un italien, un bulgare cote a cote, je les habille pareil je leur fou la même coupe de cheveux.

Pas sûr que tu trouve,

À quel moment le mec il doit se sentir inférieur à toi sil a legit la même gueule que toi .
Encore ca veut rien dire. Un arabe n'est pas caucasien car il n'a pas les même ancetres génétiques. Va pas me dire que c'est les même races car c'est se mentir à soi même. Je peut reconnaitre un mahgrébien a un allemand, et même la, ca change rien que génétiquement c'est ce qui détermine ta race.
Encore ca veut rien dire. Un arabe n'est pas caucasien car il n'a pas les même ancetres génétiques. Va pas me dire que c'est les même races car c'est se mentir à soi même. Je peut reconnaitre un mahgrébien a un allemand, et même la, ca change rien que génétiquement c'est ce qui détermine ta race.
Je te parle pas d’un blond au yeux,

Je te parle d’un yeux noir au cheveux bouclé cheveux noir avec de la barbe’

Ce gars là est juste méditerranéen il peut me dire le pays qu’il veut ça passe
Je te parle pas d’un blond au yeux,

Je te parle d’un yeux noir au cheveux bouclé cheveux noir avec de la barbe’

Ce gars là est juste méditerranéen il peut me dire le pays qu’il veut ça passe
Encore "arabes" n'est pas une race, donc oui probablement que tu peut trouver des populations en europe qui sont très similaire à des pays en afrique. Mais c'est pas mon point, car quand je parle d'un européen je parle d'un francais, d'un anglais. Des pays européens.
Quand je parle arabes je pense maroc, tunisie. Et la plupart du temps la division génétique est différente. Mais encore, arabes n'est pas une race je généralise.
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I'm white but I think you are a cuck for just hitting on your own race like this. Imagine your ancestors just seeing you saying this shit.
My haplogroup is r1a despite me being mostly Dravidian. In other words, since we hve twice as many female ancestors as we do male, the majority of my ancestors were jbw obsessed whores, so they prob would agree with me :feelskek:
My haplogroup is r1a despite me being mostly Dravidian. In other words, since we hve twice as many female ancestors as we do male, the majority of my ancestors were jbw obsessed whores, so they prob would agree with me :feelskek:
Bro in all honesty u need better self esteem. What happened in past history is irrelevant. Don’t even identify yourself with your race and try to accomplish something as an individual that u can be proud over.

All this “race” talk is useless for the most part.
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No. Todays whytoids are not the same what they used to be.
  • JFL
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I never even knew that “white men” were considered superior to other races of people until I started lurking on forums like these.

I mean even after finding out that this is what people supposedly feel in modern times I still don’t feel inferior, infact I actually look down on them.

I guess it must be my Macrobian+Arab blood in me that refuses to view anyone as superior to me
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i think u hate whites are u indian?
Bro in all honesty u need better self esteem. What happened in past history is irrelevant. Don’t even identify yourself with your race and try to accomplish something as an individual that u can be proud over.

All this “race” talk is useless for the most part.
Nah bro, race is such a defining part of life. Even u urself said ur thankful that ur race never went through what mines did

Ok now I get why u feel some type of way lol. Thankfully that has never happened to my peo
  • JFL
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Nah bro, race is such a defining part of life. Even u urself said ur thankful that ur race never went through what mines did
Touché tbh I don’t even have a comeback lol.

At least you’re Caucasoid and can proudly say u mog Negroids Jfl
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@watah screw u for jfl reacting at my misery faaaaaagot:feelsree:
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