Am I The Only One That Doesn’t Have Inferiority Complex Towards European Men?

Whites on average simply mog the average nonwestern not only physically and aesthetics but also and the most important one, verbal iq.
I swear to god the only place int the workd where white men are considered the most attractive in the world is this fucking forum 😂😂😂
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I swear to god the only place int the workd where white men are considered the most attractive in the world is this fucking forum 😂😂😂
Average euro mogs average person from any other continent ngl
Average euro mogs average person from any other continent ngl
South America ? 😂 fuck no, u think the random bitch from Finland or sm is more appealing then Amanda from Brazil
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Nigga we’re talking men I agree fingolians look alien tho
Ye same with men bro might not have the psl autism but Brazilian guys are better looking then any country in Europe let’s just be real only country that comes close is Italy
I never even knew that “white men” were considered superior to other races of people until I started lurking on forums like these.

I mean even after finding out that this is what people supposedly feel in modern times I still don’t feel inferior, infact I actually look down on them.

I guess it must be my Macrobian+Arab blood in me that refuses to view anyone as superior to me
wrestling goldberg GIF by WWE
Bro 99% of ethncis (specifically Arabs and Turks) and especially blacks consider Cumskins as inferior to us

Only gooks latins and curries think Cumskins are supper and that’s true to them they are superior those races are as useless as dog shit

No I don’t consider Cumskins supeieor to me fuck no. I’m bbc they are cumskin and their women are big whores why would I ever pity them
Ye I thought that jbw shit was a joke when I first got blackpilled
Same here. In school I used to cuck Cumskins I was genuinely taken a back once I found out the dating app stats and shit it went against eveything I saw irl from not only my own exp but from the niggas.

Des srs when I first saw JBWpill I thought it was a meme didn’t know curries gooks mongrels and spics had such self esteem issues with them. Thank god I’m bbc
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Ye same with men bro might not have the psl autism but Brazilian guys are better looking then any country in Europe let’s just be real only country that comes close is Italy
The best looking Brazilians are usually part European. Have you seen pardos?
Touché tbh I don’t even have a comeback lol.

At least you’re Caucasoid and can proudly say u mog Negroids Jfl
Negroids have higher smv than indians :LOL::LOL:
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It is 100% true in the west, or maybe even globally. I thought you were white btw
I think physically Negroids mog but socially curries have the advantage tbh.

Also I’m not white but I am caucasoid :feelsohh:
  • Hmm...
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I think physically Negroids mog but socially curries have the advantage tbh.

Also I’m not white but I am caucasoid :feelsohh:
Socially? They have the street shitter and scammer stereotypes here :LOL: @rand anon
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Negroids have higher smv than indians :LOL::LOL:
Everybody and their mother other then OP cos he’s a retard knows this lol
Socially? They have the street shitter and scammer stereotypes here :LOL: @rand anon
They don’t have the enslaved reputation and don’t have to worry about getting shot by a high inhib retard cop
I think physically Negroids mog but socially curries have the advantage tbh.

Also I’m not white but I am caucasoid :feelsohh:
No they don’t your just a retard. Literally no woman (thank god) agrees with you including curry foids. Thankfully we mogg all cuacasoids other than Cumskins including you Sandnigger animals learn your place beneath us
No they don’t your just a retard. Literally no woman (thank god) agrees with you including curry foids. Thankfully we mogg all cuacasoids other than Cumskins including you Sandnigger animals learn your place beneath us
Get off my thread u abeed monkey.
Ewwww wtf even are you disgusting same rat go get bombed by isreal you little bitch I am dancing every time your people get bombed and drown in the waters of the MED. Inshallaahaaha allacjhhuuuuuuu sncakkbarrre may more of your ilk you filthy piss skinned faggot get downed by bombs by IDF who enslave and rape your people for sport like the beats you are
Get off my thread u abeed monkey.

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