Americans, is there a reason why Negrophilia is so present in the US beside the fact that most porn companies are jew owned ?

It’s only present due to media allowing it to be. This actually trying to answer racism. Europe and even South America are way more racist. Argentina, Brazil some of the most racist white wannabe shit heads I’ve seen. Europe is still somewhat naziish. It’s not prevalent there because no one in their media allows it to be and there aren’t many blacks there besides France.
yeah here in france there are a lot of blacks but it makes sense,
france still has control over some african countries economy

but like my main concern is, why do congoids fail to realize how harmful it is to them and keep feeding these ill minded white sluts twisted desires
yeah here in france there are a lot of blacks but it makes sense,
france still has control over some african countries economy

but like my main concern is, why do congoids fail to realize how harmful it is to them and keep feeding these ill minded white sluts twisted desires
How is that a concern. It’s Jew propaganda. It’s been since history. Jews lived in ghettos and needed a way to make it out. The Hasidic ones typically still live near black ppl and use them for money. It’s pretty obvious especially in the nyc area.
interracial dating is such a weird topic, are two white people fucking each other necessarily engaging in race mixing?
what if one is slavic and the other is anglo/germanic?
That's intercultural, not interracial. But it's tricky because "Whiteness" is more of a New World or American concept than a European one.

That's intercultural, not interracial. But it's tricky because "Whiteness" is more of a New World or American concept than a European one.
Ok yes that's intercultural, but why should we accept america's cultural categorizations of race than europe's? A pure pole and pure german is race mixing in the eyes of europeans, not in the eyes of amerimutts
People acting like whites cucking for BBC is some kind've jew created phenomenon when white men were literally fucking their black slaves back during slavery, and i bet a few cuck slave owners had their wives fuck their black slaves in order to get off. Literally your average african american has european ancestry FOR A REASON.

Jews do own pornography, but that wont stop white cuckholdry or whites fucking black guys/girls.
  • +1
Reactions: 8uAte
Music industry: Hip Hop
Porn industry: BBC
Movement: Black Lives Matter
Media: "Racism"
Sports: Lebron James, Michael Jordan, etc

No wonder they are Negrosick.
  • +1
Reactions: Madridista
Jews don’t just own porn they own over 95% the mainstream media
  • +1
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People acting like whites cucking for BBC is some kind've jew created phenomenon when white men were literally fucking their black slaves back during slavery, and i bet a few cuck slave owners had their wives fuck their black slaves in order to get off. Literally your average african american has european ancestry FOR A REASON.

Jews do own pornography, but that wont stop white cuckholdry or whites fucking black guys/girls.
okay but you're talking about slaves having sex with their owners how the fuck does that turn into the fetishization of a whole ethnic group ?
People acting like whites cucking for BBC is some kind've jew created phenomenon when white men were literally fucking their black slaves back during slavery, and i bet a few cuck slave owners had their wives fuck their black slaves in order to get off. Literally your average african american has european ancestry FOR A REASON.

Jews do own pornography, but that wont stop white cuckholdry or whites fucking black guys/girls.
jews were the slaves owners jfl

IMG 3885
It's harmful to the men in question i'm just tryna help other men (black ones in this case) realize that
How the fuck is it harmful if it helps them slay? Stupid asf. Don't act like u care about blacks, nigger.
How the fuck is it harmful if it helps them slay? Stupid asf. Don't act like u care about blacks, nigger.
I usually don't waste energy trying to nourish peas sized brains but for you i'll do an exception

the goal isn't to cum in as many pussies as possible because you will never outsex a woman anyways might as well stick with one and live a happy life
hell nah ill never deny my berberid heritage
Berbers are one of the biggest groups promoting negrophilia all thru the ghettos of Europe
Berbers are one of the biggest groups promoting negrophilia all thru the ghettos of Europe
You don't know what you're talking about
you're talking about the arabized amazigh who live in europe and most of them had a bad education and are just plain whores.

Berberids barely mix with any other ethnic group
The goal isn't to cum in as many pussies as possible because you will never outsex a woman anyways might as well stick with one and live a happy life
The fact that media favors them is literally a positive for them dumb fuck. It means they have more options. If the niggers want to jump from pussy to pussy how the fuck do you blame the females for that? Muhh muh just tryna look out for other men. Stupid nigger.
title. Negrophilia is a plague imo
Blacks are phsycallly supeieor to all other races. Kind of common sense tbh
  • Hmm...
Reactions: lemonnz
Blacks are phsycallly supeieor to all other races. Kind of common sense tbh
apology original gangsta
they kinda built the pyramids and were at the head of the roman empire too from what I know so it does make sense
apology original gangsta
they kinda built the pyramids and were at the head of the roman empire too from what I know so it does make sense
No. Just Egypt, the romans were MED Cumskins
The fact that media favors them is literally a positive for them dumb fuck. It means they have more options. If the niggers want to jump from pussy to pussy how the fuck do you blame the females for that? Muhh muh just tryna look out for other men. Stupid nigger.
it's positive on the short term lol
niggas be getting accepted in big schools because they get bonus points for being black but it would be top tier retardation to think this is a good thing it's more insulting than anything
No. Just Egypt, the romans were MED Cumskins
Do you have a source for that ? I'm pretty sure there's a lot of sun in mediterranea I'm pretty sure they were black,
the whites back then were living in the north and mediterranean were black
Do you have a source for that ? I'm pretty sure there's a lot of sun in mediterranea I'm pretty sure they were black,
the whites back then were living in the north and mediterranean were black

They were meds not black no normal reasonable black perosn claims any of these Civs only retards like you do

They were meds not black no normal reasonable black perosn claims any of these Civs only retards like you do
the fact that you're mad proves me right
black people are the superior humans
and I'm sure they were at the head of many other empires
we don't have a single picture or painting of ottoman leaders and the regions of ancient turkey was pretty sunny it's safe to assume the ottomans were black and that explains why there are some black people in turkey, they are the descendant of real ottomans
the fact that you're mad proves me right
black people are the superior humans
and I'm sure they were at the head of many other empires
we don't have a single picture or painting of ottoman leaders and the regions of ancient turkey was pretty sunny it's safe to assume the ottomans were black and that explains why there are some black people in turkey, they are the descendant of real ottomans
I’m bbc myself I’m just sick and tired of afrocentrist cucks like you trying to claim everything as BBC due to your insecurities. The Egyptians were mostly black during the new kingdom and only got light and ayrab looking once the Persians took over
I’m bbc myself I’m just sick and tired of afrocentrist cucks like you trying to claim everything as BBC due to your insecurities. The Egyptians were mostly black during the new kingdom and only got light and ayrab looking once the Persians took over
you're not black bro stop it
black people wouldnt be on this website bc they dont need to ascend

you're just a piece of shit who claims black inventions were made by whites

whether it is the transistor, internet, phones, cars prototypes or even ketchup
these inventions were all made by black people.

Now cope or seethe, you're not part of the genetically superior people bro
you will never be part of their history
never get their attention either they only breed high quality women while you're here typing nonsense online xD
it's positive on the short term lol
niggas be getting accepted in big schools because they get bonus points for being black but it would be top tier retardation to think this is a good thing it's more insulting than anything
Doesn't matter if it's insulting, if they're getting bonus points and still are at the bottom, how do you think it'd be better for them otherwise? On paper, in reality, in every aspect it literally favors THEM. So it wouldn't make sense for you to be "looking out for the brothas" when they're not being disadvantaged or being taken advantage of by this negrophiliac system. It'd be bad for everyone else yes, but the way u said "just looking out for the black men" sounds pretentious and pissed me the fuck off.
Doesn't matter if it's insulting, if they're getting bonus points and still are at the bottom, how do you think it'd be better for them otherwise? On paper, in reality, in every aspect it literally favors THEM. So it wouldn't make sense for you to be "looking out for the brothas" when they're not being disadvantaged or being taken advantage of by this negrophiliac system. It'd be bad for everyone else yes, but the way u said "just looking out for the black men" sounds pretentious and pissed me the fuck off.
you can suck my cock ngl
women are the issue and idrc what you say
these congoids think women actually love them for what they are but they're just penises for them that's why i lot of ir couples end with divorce and an abnormal looking creature they call a child

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