Balding caused by DHT is lie ?



Dec 24, 2018

The frequency of subnormal values in SHBG, FSH, testosterone and epitestosterone (but not in free androgen index) was significant in the balding men. A borderline significant trend was recorded with respect to increased levels in 17OH-P and prolactin.

The hormonal pattern of a substantial number of men with premature balding resembles in some respects the hormonal pattern of women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
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Can you just fucking say what youre trying to bring to the table.
Cause Im not fucking reading that
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Low SHBG seems to be the main finding, which makes sense.
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DHT is a scapegoat. It is merely present in a balding follicle, the question you should ask is: why is DHT present in large quantities in a dying follicle?
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It is caused by testosterone and dht not just dht it got proven in clinical studies so even fin won't save someone predisposed to something like nw3 or 4
Lol estrogen PROMOTES hair growth
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balding is a low T and low psl thing on average. someone should look into that
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The frequency of subnormal values in SHBG, FSH, testosterone and epitestosterone (but not in free androgen index) was significant in the balding men. A borderline significant trend was recorded with respect to increased levels in 17OH-P and prolactin.

The hormonal pattern of a substantial number of men with premature balding resembles in some respects the hormonal pattern of women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
low SHBG = increased free T and free DHT = increased FAI (free androgen index) = more likely to suffer from androgen dependent conditions

but here it stats that "The frequency of subnormal values in SHBG ... was significant in the balding men"

now what you have to understand is that the normal range for SHBG is between 20-87nmol/l (this was my recent bloodtest btw)
Screen Shot 2019 11 16 at 20101 PM

so thats a 4-5fold difference in free androgen levels just going off of the "normal range"

and the quoting states that men with MPB have SUBnormal SHBG levels

so imagine what would happen to your hair if you took steroids and your total t and dht (hence fee t and free dht) went up 4-5fold above normal range

you would likely start experiencing some miniaturization because of increased free androgen index (measured by total T / SHBG level)

feel free to ask me anything else
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low IQ
he even included TLDR
And i didnt understand a single fucking word.
Wtf Am i?A professor?
Just tell me if it causes it or not dumbass.
Thats litterally what he wrote in the thread title.
Just a simple yes or no would have been enough
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17-Hydroxyprogesterone is a C-21 steroid hormone produced during the synthesis of glucocorticoids and sex steroids. As a hormone, 17-OHP also interacts with the progesterone receptor.

Measurements of 17-OHP levels are useful in the evaluation of patients with suspected congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) as the typical enzymes that are defective, namely 21-hydroxylase and 11β-hydroxylase, lead to a build-up of 17-OHP.

In contrast, the rare patient with 17α-hydroxylase deficiency will have very low or undetectable levels of 17-OHP. 17-OHP levels can also be used to measure contribution of progestational activity of the corpus luteum during pregnancy as progesterone but not 17-OHP is also contributed by the placenta.

The application of 17-OHP has been shown to be useful to delay premature labor in pregnancy.
And i didnt understand a single fucking word.
Wtf Am i?A professor?
Just tell me if it causes it or not dumbass.
Thats litterally what he wrote in the thread title.
Just a simple yes or no would have been enough
He wrote a question mark, so he automatically excluded low IQcels, sorry
Strange, 17-OHP is one of the hormones to form Cortisol, which is supposedly anti-inflammatory

But afterall it would make sense that they have high 17-OHP, because the Cortisol lowers circulating Testosterone

so, 17 OHP is not that important here
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It's caused by high estrogen prolactin, estrogen and an abnormal DHT to testosterone Ratio (upregulated 5 alpha reductase) This is why you see fat hairy bald short men
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  • WTF
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It's caused by high estrogen prolactin, estrogen and an abnormal DHT to testosterone Ratio (upregulated 5 alpha reductase) This is why you see fat hairy bald short men
And where is your study on this
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It's caused by high estrogen prolactin, estrogen and an abnormal DHT to testosterone Ratio (upregulated 5 alpha reductase) This is why you see fat hairy bald short men

Hormonal analysis discovered a significantly lower plasma level of sexual binding globulin (SHBG) and FSH and nearly significantly higher concentration of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone. These data resemble those in the hormonal pattern of women suffering from the syndrome of polycystic ovaries (PCOS). The finding of premature balding as the possible male phenotype hormonal equivalent of polycystic ovaries is in concordance with several pedigree studies in kindreds with PCOS, which have suggested a genetic basis of this syndrome in some families in which balding and pilosity was frequent in male members.

significantly higher 17a hydroxyprogesterone here

17-Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) is an intermediate steroid in the adrenal biosynthetic pathway from cholesterol to cortisol and is the substrate for steroid 21-hydroxylase. An inherited deficiency of 21-hydroxylase leads to greatly increased serum concentrations of 17-OHP, while the absence of cortisol synthesis causes an increase in adrenocorticotrophic hormone. The classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) presents usually with virilisation of a girl at birth. Affected boys and girls can have renal salt loss within a few days if aldosterone production is also compromised. Diagnosis can be delayed in boys. A non-classical form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NC-CAH) presents later in life usually with androgen excess. Moderately raised or normal 17-OHP concentrations can be seen basally but, if normal and clinical suspicion is high, an ACTH stimulation test will show 17-OHP concentrations (typically >30 nmol/L) above the normal response. NC-CAH is more likely to be detected clinically in females and may be asymptomatic particularly in males until families are investigated.
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DHT has to be one of the main factors, otherwise why do 5AR inhibitors even work? So many men have delayed balding by 10-20 years or more using fin or dut.
I do think obviously balding is multifaceted though and there isn't one specific cause. Interestingly enough, balding men are also at a much higher risk for heart disease, which imo plays into the diet/inflammation aspect.
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And where is your study on this
DHT has to be one of the main factors, otherwise why do 5AR inhibitors even work? So many men have delayed balding by 10-20 years or more using fin or dut.
I do think obviously balding is multifaceted though and there isn't one specific cause. Interestingly enough, balding men are also at a much higher risk for heart disease, which imo plays into the diet/inflammation aspect.
dht isn't only a hair affecting hormone. It's a form of testosterone important for brain function as libido
DHT has to be one of the main factors, otherwise why do 5AR inhibitors even work? So many men have delayed balding by 10-20 years or more using fin or dut.
I do think obviously balding is multifaceted though and there isn't one specific cause. Interestingly enough, balding men are also at a much higher risk for heart disease, which imo plays into the diet/inflammation aspect.
Lookup fisasteride ruined my life or saw palmetto ruined my life. both of these affect 5ar

dht isn't only a hair affecting hormone. It's a form of testosterone important for brain function as libido

Lookup fisasteride ruined my life or saw palmetto ruined my life. both of these affect 5ar
Then why do some men experience no side effects on dut?
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Only if your dht sensitive
Then why do some men experience no side effects on dut?
Most people experience some sides. It's how much DHT is blocked and the sensitivity of hair to DHT
Most people experience some sides. It's how much DHT is blocked and the sensitivity of hair to DHT
Sure, but that's not the question. If DHT is truly necessary, then why do some men experience 0 sides even on dutasteride, which nukes over 90% of your DHT? Meanwhile some men take fin and get permafucked. It seems as though for whatever reason, some men are much more sensitive to the effects of a 5AR inhibitor than others. To me, this indicates the result of a complex interaction involving DHT, not just DHT itself.
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Sure, but that's not the question. If DHT is truly necessary, then why do some men experience 0 sides even on dutasteride, which nukes over 90% of your DHT? Meanwhile some men take fin and get permafucked. It seems as though for whatever reason, some men are much more sensitive to the effects of a 5AR inhibitor than others. To me, this indicates the result of a complex interaction involving DHT, not just DHT itself.
Only white males get side effects from finasteride. Seriously they’re genetically fucked in terms of masculinity so the extra estrogen is overkill for white males
  • Ugh..
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Only white males get side effects from finasteride. Seriously they’re genetically fucked in terms of masculinity so the extra estrogen is overkill for white males
Plenty of white males haven't got sides from fin or dut, and statistically blacks tend to have higher estrogen IIRC.
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Estrogen also kills dht, does it reverse hair loss?
What about others antiandrogens?
Yeah E does help reverse hair loss afaik. There are mixed reports about androgen blockers.
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It’s due to low test

That’s why older males go bald more commonly, test drops
  • Hmm...
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It’s due to low test

That’s why older males go bald more commonly, test drops
Can't be true otherwise roiding would help your hair loss. But it doesn't, it fries your scalp.
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I think all this shit is correlated with IGF 1
Can't be true otherwise roiding would help your hair loss. But it doesn't, it fries your scalp.
old men drop in pretty much every hormone

Progesterone (typical beer belly)
Growth hormones

We shouldnt really take them as an example
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Can't be true otherwise roiding would help your hair loss. But it doesn't, it fries your scalp.
Increases estrogen in body if you don’t take right stuff to counter act it leading to gyno(bitch tits)for example
not a single cause
estrogen theory is also bullshit, lowering DHT and increasing estrogen promotes hair growth

my theory is that immune system issues and increased androgen sensitivity on the scalp are to blame
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Increases estrogen in body if you don’t take right stuff to counter act it leading to gyno(bitch tits)for example
With all due respect, you have your shit completely backwards mate. Even on a good AI roids will make a sensitive person lose hair. Many people use androgen blockers just for this - to avoid hair loss on a cycle. Also, high estrogen is protective for hair, if its "good estrogen". The most desperate men purposefully completely feminize themselves to avoid hair loss, running basically MtF hormone stacks, and it works. Why do you think women don't lose their hair until after menopause? Hair loss is a masculine trait, not a feminine one.
I think all this shit is correlated with IGF 1

old men drop in pretty much every hormone

Progesterone (typical beer belly)
Growth hormones

We shouldnt really take them as an example
Yes, lack of growth might be a bigger reason for hair loss in the old rather than androgen sensitivity. There was a strange case a while back of an old man who fell headfirst into his lit fireplace and suffered bad burns to his scalp. Miracorously, as he healed, he sprouted a full head of hair again.
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Its over for norwoodcels like me
I am on fin for like 7 months tho lol
Androgen receptors are probably a genetic thing too
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low SHBG = increased free T and free DHT = increased FAI (free androgen index) = more likely to suffer from androgen dependent conditions

but here it stats that "The frequency of subnormal values in SHBG ... was significant in the balding men"

now what you have to understand is that the normal range for SHBG is between 20-87nmol/l (this was my recent bloodtest btw)View attachment 165773

so thats a 4-5fold difference in free androgen levels just going off of the "normal range"

and the quoting states that men with MPB have SUBnormal SHBG levels

so imagine what would happen to your hair if you took steroids and your total t and dht (hence fee t and free dht) went up 4-5fold above normal range

you would likely start experiencing some miniaturization because of increased free androgen index (measured by total T / SHBG level)

feel free to ask me anything else
how can you increase shbg?
how can you increase shbg?
Honestly this actually makes sense
"A low SHBG level means that more of the total testosterone is bioavailable and not bound to SHBG. "
So you have more available androgens circulating in your blood. For someone who is sensitive to androgens in terms of hair loss, this is a fucking nightmare. I'm reading how to increase it:
-reduce sugar, increase fiber
Other than that not much of use.
Honestly this actually makes sense
"A low SHBG level means that more of the total testosterone is bioavailable and not bound to SHBG. "
So you have more available androgens circulating in your blood. For someone who is sensitive to androgens in terms of hair loss, this is a fucking nightmare. I'm reading how to increase it:
-reduce sugar, increase fiber
Other than that not much of use.
i will look into it also and let you know if i find anything useful dude
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Thanks bro same here
quick research shows you're right. high fibre sugar is good, also protein intake lowers shbg too - so its a a double edges sword.
quick research shows you're right. high fibre sugar is good, also protein intake lowers shbg too - so its a a double edges sword.
Side effects of low SHBG includes muscle gain and acne. Which makes sense, as those things are associated with balding as well to a certain degree.
I know not a rigorous af source but doing quick research here. This IMO is yet another link between inflammatory diet and balding.
and why dont we lose hair at the back of the head?
Honestly this actually makes sense
"A low SHBG level means that more of the total testosterone is bioavailable and not bound to SHBG. "
So you have more available androgens circulating in your blood. For someone who is sensitive to androgens in terms of hair loss, this is a fucking nightmare. I'm reading how to increase it:
-reduce sugar, increase fiber
Other than that not much of use.

metformin increases sghb and i also anti ageing
After metformin administration, there was a significant increase in serum level of sex hormone binding globulin (p=0.009) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (P=0.0008). Serum levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone showed no significant changes. Similarly, there were no changes in fasting plasma glucose, fasting serum insulin, weight, or blood pressure."

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  • Hmm...
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The frequency of subnormal values in SHBG, FSH, testosterone and epitestosterone (but not in free androgen index) was significant in the balding men. A borderline significant trend was recorded with respect to increased levels in 17OH-P and prolactin.

The hormonal pattern of a substantial number of men with premature balding resembles in some respects the hormonal pattern of women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Theres other factors such as calcification and lack of vitamin k2 + d3 that can cause balding as well our cavemen ancestors had THICK hair and much higher DHT levels than us
DHT is a scapegoat. It is merely present in a balding follicle, the question you should ask is: why is DHT present in large quantities in a dying follicle?
due to excessive scalp tension that inhibits blood flow, leading to that buildup.

see this, you'll like it.
It’s crazy something so common can’t be cured
Androgen sensitivity
End of story
even low t beta cucks aka numales and soyboys go bald at 15. it's all about androgen sensitivity at the scalp. some people are genetically shit tier and it signals forth from the top of their skull down
due to excessive scalp tension that inhibits blood flow, leading to that buildup.

see this, you'll like it.
Yeah that is what I suspect too. I remember seeing a video in which a piece of metal was stretched out and then the resulting stress pattern was mapped & colorized, it was exactly what norwooding would look like if the scalp was laid out on a 2D plane. The plane had the receding temples and the circular stress spot of a balding dome both in the corresponding areas of the metal. Craniofacial recession likely stretches the scalp in similar way,
Yeah that is what I suspect too. I remember seeing a video in which a piece of metal was stretched out and then the resulting stress pattern was mapped & colorized, it was exactly what norwooding would look like if the scalp was laid out on a 2D plane. The plane had the receding temples and the circular stress spot of a balding dome both in the corresponding areas of the metal. Craniofacial recession likely stretches the scalp in similar way,
this this this. followed you:feelsgah:

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