Black race mogs the white race

Relax your race is cool, very good population size and the culture is better than the west.
no for real though ive noticed white liberals being like "oh no you cant say nigga even though youre rapping along to a song" meanwhile they make "bob and vagene" jokes and laugh at it. it happens time and time again, they claim to be against racism & then be racist towards asians (whether east or south), fucking hate those faggots, thats why i respect conservatives more since theyre fair in their racism, they hate everyone whos not white and i can appreciate that (y)
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honestly id say bbc is nothing but propaganda

I've watched a lot of pornography and whites and blacks seem similar size:bigbrain:

Asians are like three inches:feelskek:
What about the higher testosterone? I feel like a man’s testosterone levels are the highest SMV boost.
They are actually not. It’s counter intuitive but it is what it is
but whites did not steal anything, they conquered it by subjugating an entire continent
yeah and blacks dont steal bikes either, they conquered it :feelsuhh:
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  • JFL
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What about the higher testosterone? I feel like a man’s testosterone levels are the highest SMV boost.
F7F5D716 203B 4CC9 B9F3 2D776A8971FA
The difference in test level does exist but it's tiny.
  • JFL
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yeah and blacks dont steal bikes either, they conquered it :feelsuhh:
do they fight for it? or do they just sneak up and snag it? You can hardly call the latter one "conquering"
do they fight for it? or do they just sneak up and snag it? You can hardly call the latter one "conquering"
does it matter? your argument is retard :feelskek:
I only see black girls with black men but white girls with black men most days if I leave the house
Race bait coper. you should be banned

I've watched a lot of pornography and whites and blacks seem similar size:bigbrain:

Asians are like three inches:feelskek:
btw from what i read, whites and blacks and similar in dick size; whites have slightly longer length and blacks have slightly bigger girth (on average)
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Thread was posted less than an hour ago and it already has over a 100 replies. Nice bait OP. Good job. You are a future forum megastar I can tell
  • JFL
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no for real though ive noticed white liberals being like "oh no you cant say nigga even though youre rapping along to a song" meanwhile they make "bob and vagene" jokes and laugh at it. it happens time and time again, they claim to be against racism & then be racist towards asians (whether east or south), fucking hate those faggots, thats why i respect conservatives more since theyre fair in their racism, they hate everyone whos not white and i can appreciate that (y)
Yeah its a double standard for sure. I think it’s probably because slavery was a very tense time for black people so the n word is really bad and is linked to slavery while bobs and vegene jokes aren’t linked to something bad but instead a racist joke. Then again though I definitely see the world treats south Asians really bad compared to whites and blacks. Plenty of anti black racism campaigns but no anti asian racism campaigns. I wonder what the agenda with that is. There should be more anti asian racism campaigns.
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no literally like go to its just propaganda man:bigbrain::ROFLMAO:
I never went to that site.

I've seen enough pornography of all races.

I think the average for whites and blacks are like 5 inches. My member is usually larger.

Asians are tiny 100% of the time.
you claim that gen z whites have recessed mandibles

this might be true, but its a scientific fact that in relation to maxilla black maxillas are much further back. the appearance of a recessed chin is much more popular among the bike stealing population
It’s so weird, and I don’t know how to explain it, but the more recessed a white kid is the more like a black person in his personality he is.

I don’t know if this is just a UK thing
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  • JFL
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btw from what i read, whites and blacks and similar in dick size; whites have slightly longer length and blacks have slightly bigger girth (on average)
Yep, that lines up with what I've seen.:soy:
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  • JFL
Reactions: Gengar and Bipedal Dog
btw from what i read, whites and blacks and similar in dick size; whites have slightly longer length and blacks have slightly bigger girth (on average)
Lifefuel if true
  • +1
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Thread was posted less than an hour ago and it already has over a 100 replies. Nice bait OP. Good job. You are a future forum megastar I can tell
Half of this is due to me rotting and being active on the thread rather than slaying.
It’s so weird, and I don’t know how to explain it, but the more recessed a white kid is the more like a black person in his personality he is.

I don’t know if this is just a UK thing
It's like that in Aus too.

You have these chinlet whites with sub 80IQ and they act like thugs.
  • +1
Reactions: Bipedal Dog and Canwefixit
Yeah its a double standard for sure. I think it’s probably because slavery was a very tense time for black people so the n word is really bad and is linked to slavery while bobs and vegene jokes aren’t linked to something bad but instead a racist joke. Then again though I definitely see the world treats south Asians really bad compared to whites and blacks. Plenty of anti black racism campaigns but no anti asian racism campaigns. I wonder what the agenda with that is. There should be more anti asian racism campaigns.
well im glad that you see it at least(y) i understand the history behind it but lets be honest its not like you can be blamed for what your ancestors did. i noticed ethnic women also do this,they will do the same, be against racism towards blacks but against their own kind they dont say a word. so idk what their deal is considering their ancestors werent involved with slavery lol. i guess its just women being women and they follow a trend.
  • +1
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It’s so weird, and I don’t know how to explain it, but the more recessed a white kid is the more like a black person in his personality he is.

I don’t know if this is just a UK thing
Im in the UK but never noticed this. Maybe the recessed whites are tryna compensate for their ugly face.
  • +1
Reactions: Bipedal Dog
Hate seeing these pathetic white cucks coping with JBW. Being white is on a similar level to curries and east asians. Massive testosterone failo for whites. I notice the Gen Z white guys are all skinny, submissive, cant fight for shit, recessed mandibles and soy voices. Meanwhile black men are seen as cool, low inhib, high t, great facial bone structure etc. Black men have bigger dicks aswell and build muscle faster. AI hate it when cumskins cope by saying blacks have ugly noses. Blacks have a chad nose as it allows more oxygen which means they are more athletic than whites who get tired after walking up some stairs and lose their hairline in the process. Also whites are seen as autistic while blacks are NT.

Arabs and latinos are fairly chad too. They come second. But black men mog the most especially darkskin. Lightskin do well but not as good as darkskin.

Back to black guys ultimately their mogging comes from the higher androgen receptor sensitivity they have. This makes them more masculine. Also dark skin is a masculine trait and white skin is feminising. Women want men with sexy dark skin unless they are curry. Whites are only being carried by their history cope. I hate these high ego white guys who think whites are Chad because whites enslaved blacks 300 years ago. Tbh I dunno how slavery even happened considering how soy the white man is. Maybe the jews ruined the white mans testosterone. A 3/10, 5’9 black guy would do better with pumping women than a 5/10 6’2 white guy. Women only want the white guy for the LTR.

Black girls want black men. They only get a white guy when they feel entitled to a betabux and want a mixed race kid cause they hate theirselves. Asian women do like white guys so there is one coping route available. Most white girls want black men. Whities cope by saying these white girls wont wanna be seen with black men. While thats true and white girls avoid being seen with a black man, the black man claps her cheeks in secret. Who tf wants an LTR with a foid anyways. Id rather be the Tyrone who pumps and dumps foids than some white betabux who is controlled by some entitled whore in an LTR. Women are only good for sex thanks to feminism. Andrew Tate said it best “no such thing as a black incel”. If I was 5’11, 4/10 face and black id be getting laid tonight for a fact.

Source: 5’11, 4/10 face, 20 year old blonde hair blue eyes white incel
you're just really ugly
it has nothing to do with being white or not
if you were black, arab, asian, indian, australian aboriginal, doesn't matter you'd still be incel
  • +1
Reactions: Canwefixit
I never went to that site.

I've seen enough pornography of all races.

I think the average for whites and blacks are like 5 inches. My member is usually larger.

Asians are tiny 100% of the time.
i dont agree that asians are tiny 100% of the time, remember there are 2,4 billion east asians and they are too concerned with office jobs than to go into porn so id say the averages are skewed in that regard. yeah average for whites and blacks is around 5 inches. whats your size? feel free to pm me, ill share my size with you too if you are interested
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17791
you're just really ugly
it has nothing to do with being white or not
if you were black, arab, asian, indian, australian aboriginal, doesn't matter you'd still be incel
he is 4/10 according to himself, hes not "really ugly" just a bit below average
  • +1
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It is what it is
he is 4/10 according to himself, hes not "really ugly" just a bit below average
every bluepilled person/greycel overrates themselves hard
now I want you to imagine what a guy who OVERRATES HIMSELF to 4/10 looks like
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17791
i dont agree that asians are tiny 100% of the time, remember there are 2,4 billion east asians and they are too concerned with office jobs than to go into porn so id say the averages are skewed in that regard. yeah average for whites and blacks is around 5 inches. whats your size? feel free to pm me, ill share my size with you too if you are interested
I'm 6.4 inches. Covid temp shrank it to 5.3 inch. My size pre covid was 6.5 inch. So I lost like 0.1 inch of length permanently.
  • Woah
Reactions: Gengar
It's like that in Aus too.

You have these chinlet whites with sub 80IQ and they act like thugs.
Lmfao. Im kinda recessed myself and while I dont go out of my way to act black as its cringe for a white guy, but I definitely have my use of black lingo but it gets watered down as 90% is me talking white. I think I got my black talk from lots of black Redpill youtubers like stephiscold, AMS, Darius M when I was in my redpill cope phase.
  • Woah
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every bluepilled person/greycel overrates themselves hard
now I want you to imagine what a guy who OVERRATES HIMSELF to 4/10 looks like
idk i rate myself a 2/10 and i think im realistic in that, imagine if im overrating myself at 2/10 :feelskek:
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  • So Sad
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well im glad that you see it at least(y) i understand the history behind it but lets be honest its not like you can be blamed for what your ancestors did. i noticed ethnic women also do this,they will do the same, be against racism towards blacks but against their own kind they dont say a word. so idk what their deal is considering their ancestors werent involved with slavery lol. i guess its just women being women and they follow a trend.
Its women being women and following trends for sure.
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
It's like that in Aus too.

You have these chinlet whites with sub 80IQ and they act like thugs.
It’s probably something related to bad nutrition, which parts of the Anglo gene pool still had until 100 years ago. and obviously black people have had bad nutrition through their whole history 😂

also could be to do with black admixture
Im in the UK but never noticed this. Maybe the recessed whites are tryna compensate for their ugly face.
Which part of UK?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17791
idk i rate myself a 2/10 and i think im realistic in that, imagine if im overrating myself at 2/10 :feelskek:
you're not a greycel and probably not bluepilled
I'm 6.4 inches. Covid temp shrank it to 5.3 inch. My size pre covid was 6.5 inch. So I lost like 0.1 inch of length permanently.
can covid-19 shrink penis sizes? fuck, then i definitely had covid. i was 6.9" and now im 6.5" :feelsrope:
btw what about girth?
  • So Sad
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Lmfao. Im kinda recessed myself and while I dont go out of my way to act black as its cringe for a white guy, but I definitely have my use of black lingo but it gets watered down as 90% is me talking white. I think I got my black talk from lots of black Redpill youtubers like stephiscold, AMS, Darius M when I was in my redpill cope phase.
Being a bit recessed shouldn't matter if your chin is tall.

Blacks also have big lips which give the illusion of being recessed when they're actually not.
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you're not a greycel and probably not bluepilled
oh yeah? personality matters! dick size is cope! women love confidence!
  • +1
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can covid-19 shrink penis sizes? fuck, then i definitely had covid. i was 6.9" and now im 6.5" :feelsrope:
btw what about girth?
Im not sure about my girth, I think it's 4.9 or something.

Yeah, covid can shrink your dick.
  • +1
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what counts is the relation between mandible and maxilla, which is much more recessed among blacks
Agreed but that’s because their maxilla is forward grown and their mandible didn’t catch up.
Its women being women and following trends for sure.
yeah lol explains why even islamic women attended blm protests, meanwhile you dont see the same energy for other protests lead by these islamic people :feelskek: (like for palestina and stuff)
  • +1
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oh yeah? personality matters! dick size is cope! women love confidence!
so blackpilled you can't even deliver a convincing bluepill
  • JFL
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Agreed but that’s because their maxilla is forward grown and their mandible didn’t catch up.

thats what I have been saying from the beginning :)
I also think that a recessed chin hurts whites more than blacks, but I simply reacted to the argument OP made, which is not true at all
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