Blackpill is Toxic: Change my mind



Resident Professor
Sep 1, 2018
Blackpill is a form of digital self harm, similar to physical self harm, that turns communities toxic towards themselves and others, leading to a worse quality of life for those involved.

Keep in mind that Lookism and the Blackpill are not the same thing. Sending a study on attractive people doesn't validate the Blackpill, it validates Looksim.

Change my mind

Required reading:
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Blackpill is a form of digital self harm, similar to physical self harm, that turns communities toxic towards themselves and others, leading to a worse quality of life for those involved.

Keep in mind that Lookism and the Blackpill are not the same thing. Sending a study on attractive people doesn't validate the Blackpill, it validates Looksim.

Change my mind

Required reading:

It is toxic, (lookism/looksmax knowledge isn't), especially if you develop a "woe is me" mentality that is very easy to develop along with wasting time/productivity and not self improving or even doing the best of the situation you currently have tbh

Digesting the blackpill whilst not improving yourself can easily lead to depression and even insanity, which in turn leads to suicidal thoughts/suicide, a pattern that is easy to see among users in Lookism or other places, to name an example.
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just be gay theory
It is toxic, (lookism/looksmax knowledge isn't), especially if you develop a "woe is me" mentality that is very easy to develop along with wasting time/productivity and not self improving or even doing the best of the situation you currently have tbh

Digesting the blackpill whilst not improving yourself can easily lead to depression and even insanity, which in turn leads to suicidal thoughts/suicide, a pattern that is easy to see among users in Lookism or other places, to name an example.
i never thought i was ugly until I found out the blackpill, now all i do instead of studying trying to make money is fucking refresh lookism and this site all day reading through bullshit stories
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Digesting the blackpill whilst not improving yourself can easily lead to

Because the Blackpill follows the 80/20 rule, someone might never reach the top 20% of men, giving them two options. Rope, or LDAR.
Because the Blackpill follows the 80/20 rule, someone might never reach the top 20% of men, giving them two options. Rope, or LDAR.
The 80/20 rule is bullshit, the people who genuinely believe in that need to get out more.
i never thought i was ugly until I found out the blackpill, now all i do instead of studying trying to make money is fucking refresh lookism and this site all day reading through bullshit stories

I would in all honesty strongly advise you from visiting lookism, like ever from now on. The majority of the actual beneficial knowledge that exists there exists here and elsewhere, without all of the bullshit, crazy and lost causes of individuals that have basically lost it all and do not even have the decency to admit their vicious cycles, not to mention the staggering amount of trollers and weird users on there...

I also have been kind of addicted to this site, which is something i need to limit drastically from this day and forward, not that i won't be active or reading, it's just the fact that i need to prioritize THINGS that will actually pave the way to my ascension, like studying or hitting the gym.
Without studying and learning about things there is no way in hell i will be able to afford my Rhinoplasty nor will i maintain a good and sane mind/presence that people around me would be willing to approach and develop further connections with (Social circles/relationships).
Because the Blackpill follows the 80/20 rule, someone might never reach the top 20% of men, giving them two options. Rope, or LDAR.

In all honesty though, do users here or elsewhere that swallow the blackpill legitimately believe that even after surgeries, they would become chadlites or chads ? That's unfortunately not the case for the vast majority of us and it shouldn't keep you from enjoying your life.

That said, the majority of users here, provided they looksmax to a realistic and possible limit, won't have the excuse of neither LDAR or roping. The majority can ascend looks-wise to a good level, now if they aren't succeeding then it is definitely plausible (embrace yourselves) that their character and the aura they present haven't evolved to the same extent that their looks has, especially if they are dealing with PTSD or just general anxiety/depression due to the blackpill or even trauma earlier in life.
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I am not sure I fully understand the reasoning why the BlackPill is deemed toxic here? How can the truth about reality over ignorance be toxic?
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I am not sure I fully understand the reasoning why the BlackPill is deemed toxic here? How can the truth about reality over ignorance be toxic?
Because the truth hurts, some people can’t handle it.
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I am not sure I fully understand the reasoning why the BlackPill is deemed toxic here? How can the truth about reality over ignorance be toxic?

Be careful about what we're talking about here. Let's start by having you share your definition of the Blackpill so we can talk about the same thing
Be careful about what we're talking about here. Let's start by having you share your definition of the Blackpill so we can talk about the same thing
To me the Blackpill is the truth about what makes a man attractive which is back up by scientific evolutionary concepts. And it can extend a bit larger through the realization of his social implications, like the present skew state of the dating scene in favor of women.
Blackpill is the truth about what makes a man attractive which is back up by scientific evolutionary concepts. And it can extend a bit larger through the realization of his social implications.

Sorry man, but that's lookism. If you can't separate the Blackpill from Looksim, then there's nothing for is to talk about
Sorry man, but that's lookism. If you can't separate the Blackpill from Looksim, then there's nothing for is to talk about

What is the BlackPill for you?
Isn't the foundation of the BlackPill based on Lookism, that is the claim I am making.
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What is the BlackPill for you?

I'm using the definition created by Sarge.


What separates Lookism;

and the Blackpill are two different things.

1. The Blackpill argues that being "attractive" (which cripples self confidence, seeing as only the top 1% of males are deemed worthy by these sites, using Male models and Celeb's, ect) is more important than any other factor in relationships, and uses Social Media anecdotes and Studies done on photographs to "prove" that this is the case.

2. The Blackpill considers the vast majority of non-surgical actions that could be taken by individuals to improve appearance be "cope", such as going to the Gym.

This becomes an addictive cycle, where individuals who've been told that they're not good enough, they'll never be good enough until they become the top 1% of Men, and that even if they do enter a relationship, the girl will just leave them at a moment's notice. It's a form of "Digital Self-Harm", described in this article.

And guess what.

The Blackpill IS self harm.
I'm using the definition created by Sarge.

View attachment 3302

What separates Lookism;
View attachment 3303

and the Blackpill are two different things.

1. The Blackpill argues that being "attractive" (which cripples self confidence, seeing as only the top 1% of males are deemed worthy by these sites, using Male models and Celeb's, ect) is more important than any other factor in relationships, and uses Social Media anecdotes and Studies done on photographs to "prove" that this is the case.

2. The Blackpill considers the vast majority of non-surgical actions that could be taken by individuals to improve appearance be "cope", such as going to the Gym.

This becomes an addictive cycle, where individuals who've been told that they're not good enough, they'll never be good enough until they become the top 1% of Men, and that even if they do enter a relationship, the girl will just leave them at a moment's notice. It's a form of "Digital Self-Harm", described in this article.

And guess what.
View attachment 3304

The Blackpill IS self harm.

Ok so BlackPill is basically = It is over :feelsrope:
Ok so BlackPill is basically = It is over :feelsrope:

I'm going to assume you've been on .is and Truecels. Thread after thread of users being told that it's over, that they'll never be good enough. If that's not self harm, I don't know what is.
The blackpill destroyed me when I first discovered it. I was in bed for around 20 hours a day for 2 months. It paralyzed me.

However , it isn't toxic. It is like a winter of old. Not everyone makes it brah.

The blackpill is a radical mental change that changed my life for the better. Before the blsckpill i was redpilled which in retrospect is near to as makes no difference, bluepill IMO.
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Blackpill is harming me, i spend a day morphing myself on photoshop and looking up surgeries,
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It is toxic, (lookism/looksmax knowledge isn't), especially if you develop a "woe is me" mentality that is very easy to develop along with wasting time/productivity and not self improving or even doing the best of the situation you currently have tbh

Digesting the blackpill whilst not improving yourself can easily lead to depression and even insanity, which in turn leads to suicidal thoughts/suicide, a pattern that is easy to see among users in Lookism or other places, to name an example.
Pretty sure I went through the five stages of grief when I found out the blackpill ffs and I fully developed that mentality. Part of the reason I’m so thin now is that I wouldn’t eat to stop myself of ever achieving my goals as if I don’t deserve them. Now I look back, what the fuck was I thinking lmao. It’s like heroin, you destroy your entire wellbeing for a small piece of fulfilment
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The blackpill destroyed me when I first discovered it. I was in bed for around 20 hours a day for 2 months. It paralyzed me.

However , it isn't toxic. It is like a winter of old. Not everyone makes it brah.

The blackpill is a radical mental change that changed my life for the better. Before the blsckpill i was redpilled which in retrospect is near to as makes no difference, bluepill IMO.

How can something that causes you to be a bed 20 hours a day for several months NOT be toxic? If I told you about this new type of physical pill that caused that result, you'd be telling everyone you love to avoid taking it unless it was life or death. Why should a mental pill be treated any different?
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i never thought i was ugly until I found out the blackpill, now all i do instead of studying trying to make money is fucking refresh lookism and this site all day reading through bullshit stories
there's no coming back believe

once you digest the blackpill you can't vomit it, it is a radical change as @Afrikancel has said. What I did instead of letting it consume me (which it did for 1 and half month or so) is agreeing on a personal compromise. You need to use it to your personal advantage. It's a change in your life and you need to do it progressively.

You spend too much time here? Make a compromise and slowly spend less amount of time here.

I myself have started to make change in my life 2 weeks ago. Everyday I study and work a little bit more, I began gymcelling this week and I'm trying to be more disciplined each day. You just need to throw some balls in; the blackpill isn't going away anytime soon but you need to actively combat it or it will inevitably happen.
Why should a mental pill be treated any different?
Anyway tricky, once swallowed there's no coming back as I said above.
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black pill is for ugly ppl like @blackopstruecel
How can something that causes you to be a bed 20 hours a day for several months NOT be toxic? If I told you about this new type of physical pill that caused that result, you'd be telling everyone you love to avoid taking it unless it was life or death. Why should a mental pill be treated any different?
It led me to a self improvement journey that I am currently on. My suicidal thoughts have stopped. Im healthier. I look better. I have more friends. My relationship with women has improved. What more could I say
Anyway tricky, once swallowed there's no coming back as I said above.

No, that's where I disagree. There is a way out for every mental illness. It might not be easy or simple, but it's possible to come out out the other side and "see the light"
The realization of determinism/free will being an illusion is what fuck me up the most, once I was passed this and read about the BlackPill subsequently, the BlackPill was easy to absorb. Being determined by your looks or your personality is still being determined by forces outside your control from a deterministic perspective, you didn't choose your look but you haven't wired your brain as well. I was also already pretty deep in evolutionary psychology.
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It led me to a self improvement journey that I am currently on. My suicidal thoughts have stopped. Im healthier. I look better. I have more friends. My relationship with women has improved. What more could I say

So you'd recommend that others do the same? You support a system that causes such harm, in the hopes that people make it through? This isn't a joke, self harm is a big fucking deal, especially for Men. Maybe you're better now, but I don't think it takes 2 months of hell to make more friends and get healthier.
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So you'd recommend that others do the same? You support a system that causes such harm, in the hopes that people make it through? This isn't a joke, self harm is a big fucking deal, especially for Men. Maybe you're better now, but I don't think it takes 2 months of hell to make more friends and get healthier.
You don't recommend the blackpill. You don't talk about the blackpill. You can't force people to find the blackpill.

When you are ready, the blackpill finds you.

Not everyone makes it but its worth it if you survive. If you die then at least die a Saint.
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You don't recommend the blackpill. You don't talk about the blackpill. You can't force people to find the blackpill.

When you are ready, the blackpill finds you.

Not everyone makes it but its worth it if you survive. If you die then at least die a Saint.

This is where I stop. Sorry man, I made a deal with myself to not argue with religious people a while ago.
This is where I stop. Sorry man, I made a deal with myself to not argue with religious people a while ago.
You can't argue with staunch blackpill extremists such as myself
1. The Blackpill argues that being "attractive" (which cripples self confidence, seeing as only the top 1% of males are deemed worthy by these sites, using Male models and Celeb's, ect) is more important than any other factor in relationships, and uses Social Media anecdotes and Studies done on photographs to "prove" that this is the case.

What factors in relationships are you talking about? There's only looks, money and status, no amount of "self-confidence" will help you lol.

2. The Blackpill considers the vast majority of non-surgical actions that could be taken by individuals to improve appearance be "cope", such as going to the Gym.

I agree with this, any non-surgical looksmaxxing and lifting without steroids is pure cope(if you're incel-tier looks). There's no denying this.

This becomes an addictive cycle, where individuals who've been told that they're not good enough, they'll never be good enough until they become the top 1% of Men, and that even if they do enter a relationship, the girl will just leave them at a moment's notice.

You can trick a girl to enter a relationships with you due to virtue signaling and you being a normalfag, but do you seriously think that will last?

She'll leave you 100% once a Chad comes along. If you enter relationship as a sub8 male expect to be cucked. Your best bet is to moneymaxx and fuck hookers.

I consider myself whitepilled, I haven't given up on life yet cuz I believe in surgeries and steroids. However, if I can't reach 8/10 in looks I'll rope there's no other option. Moneymaxxing then Surgerymaxxing/Steroidmaxxing, and if I fail in any of that, there's not point in living.
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if I can't reach 8/10 in looks I'll rope there's no other option.

Thanks for agreeing with me. My premise was that the Blackpill is toxic, and look at the way you treat yourself. "If I don't meet a girl's attraction standards, I'm going to kill myself."
So you'd recommend that others do the same? You support a system that causes such harm, in the hopes that people make it through? This isn't a joke, self harm is a big fucking deal, especially for Men. Maybe you're better now, but I don't think it takes 2 months of hell to make more friends and get healthier.
it's mostly through suffering that you become self aware of your problems and what you have to change. That's also why we learn by making mistakes, we try to avoid suffering and that's what motivates us. The problem with the black pill is that a lot of people will not make it out of the suffering phase because the black pill offers no solution, but once you understand the truth and you accept to live with it and make the best of what you have got the black pill becomes beneficial.
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What factors in relationships are you talking about? There's only looks, money and status, no amount of "self-confidence" will help you lol.

I agree with this, any non-surgical looksmaxxing and lifting without steroids is pure cope(if you're incel-tier looks). There's no denying this.

You can trick a girl to enter a relationships with you due to virtue signaling and you being a normalfag, but do you seriously think that will last?

She'll leave you 100% once a Chad comes along. If you enter relationship as a sub8 male expect to be cucked. Your best bet is to moneymaxx and fuck hookers.

I consider myself whitepilled, I haven't given up on life yet cuz I believe in surgeries and steroids. However, if I can't reach 8/10 in looks I'll rope there's no other option. Moneymaxxing then Surgerymaxxing/Steroidmaxxing, and if I fail in any of that, there's not point in living.
yea a female might dump you for reasons like a better guy.
Does that mean stop, this is what I despise about most users here. They are all about negative and not improving which I thought the purpose was. I don’t even know why the blackpill exists. If there is something you can do to improve yourself and be happy, then you should do it. Don’t wallow in your self pity because nobody cares.
it's mostly through suffering that you become self aware of your problems and what you have to change. That's also why we learn by making mistakes, we try to avoid suffering and that's what motivates us. The problem with the black pill is that a lot of people will not make it out of the suffering phase because the black pill offers no solution, but once you understand the truth and you accept to live with it and make the best of what you have got the black pill becomes beneficial.
agreed. all about a balanced diet
it's mostly through suffering that you become self aware of your problems and what you have to change. That's also why we learn by making mistakes, we try to avoid suffering and that's what motivates us. The problem with the black pill is that a lot of people will not make it out of the suffering phase because the black pill offers no solution, but once you understand the truth and you accept to live with it and make the best of what you have got the black pill becomes beneficial.

We agree then, the Blackpill is Toxic. It offers no solution, traps the minds of the people inside through the cycle of self harm I spoke about before. Maybe you support that system, but when I see suffering, I fight against it.
Thanks for agreeing with me. My premise was that the Blackpill is toxic, and look at the way you treat yourself. "If I don't meet a girl's attraction standards, I'm going to kill myself."

There's no other option tbh. I can't LDAR because every time I go outside I want to die when I see all those happy young couples. There's maybe another option of taking a large amount of drugs to numb my mind, and that's it.

Honestly, I don't know what is there in this world outside of getting girls? Like can you explain it to me? And please don't say: 'Muh hobbies'.
We agree then, the Blackpill is Toxic. It offers no solution, traps the minds of the people inside through the cycle of self harm I spoke about before. Maybe you support that system, but when I see suffering, I fight against it.
you can't grow without suffering. I know a few people who went though impressive transformations and the thing they all had in common is that they suffered and felt miserable for a longer period of time before they changed. That's what motivates us. Suffering isn't always bad however I agree that the black ca pill can be harmful because it doesn't offer a solution and people can get trapped in it.
you can't grow without suffering. I know a few people who went though impressive transformations and the thing they all had in common is that they suffered and felt miserable for a longer period of time before they changed. That's what motivates us. Suffering isn't always bad however I agree that the black ca pill can be harmful because it doesn't offer a solution and people can get trapped in it.
you can't build something already built. The blackpill destroys you (what is already built), making free space to build a new oneself
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There's no other option tbh. I can't LDAR because every time I go outside I want to die when I see all those happy young couples. There's maybe another option of taking a large amount of drugs to numb my mind, and that's it.

Honestly, I don't know what is there in this world outside of getting girls? Like can you explain it to me? And please don't say: 'Muh hobbies'.

Ask yourself. Is this the life you want to live? Has the Blackpill improved your quality of life?

People at your level can't just pick up a hobby and be happy, it's going to be a struggle to reach a better place mentally. Maybe that's with the help of a Psychologist, or with a friend online. Deep down, you know that it'll never be enough. We already know that Body image disorders don't fix themselves. Rich Piana never thought he was big enough, anorexic people never think they're skinny enough, ect. If you want to get out, don't hesitate to DM me.
you can't grow without suffering. I know a few people who went though impressive transformations and the thing they all had in common is that they suffered and felt miserable for a longer period of time before they changed. That's what motivates us. Suffering isn't always bad however I agree that the black ca pill can be harmful because it doesn't offer a solution and people can get trapped in it.

Suffering in the pursuit of a goal isn't the same as the cycle of self harm we see demonstrated in the Blackpill. The Blackpill has no goal to better oneself, it only exists to perpetuate a system of harm that hurts insecure Men.
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I agree.

The Blackpill causes everyone to think they are a Truecel, (which do exist), when they really just have it a slight bit harder than most people. A large percentage of Incels are "fakecels", and an even larger percentage of Truecels are just Incels.

The entire Idealogy of Truecel can be a Coping mechanism or "cope" in its own right depending on the individual at question. How so?

A person may potentially be a 4/10. With 1.5 PSL point to gain via non-surgical looksmaxxing. This requires work, which this lazy individual (as many incels are) does not want to put in this work. However, said "truecel" feels guilty for not putting in this effort into looksmaxxing which is the cause of his misery. Hence, he "copes" by saying its okay hes not looksmaxxing, becauae that stuff is just a waste of time anyways, and wouldnt help him.

He may even convince himself of this to the point where he genuinley thinks stopping other people from looksmaxxing is doing them a favour by saving them time and depression.

Others simply want to take others down with them, and the spreading of perceived trueceldom continues.

Its also possible, that the signifigance and magnitude of lookism is overestimated by some individuals. Yes, looks are Important. This is the #1 concept of Lookism. But its "cope" to say that factors like; Money/ Status/ Peronality/ Preferences/ Culture/ Location/ ect are not components in determining an individuals SMV. Somones SMV isn't Intrinsic, and can change using the following variables. There could be even more factors than I've listed.

I'm only in highschool so allow my retarded maths.

SMV = a(Money) + b(status) + c(Personality).... add the rest of them.

The letters (a/b/c...) are variable multipliers which make up a numerical SMV which would correspond to a given percentile of the population.

a could = [(376x^2 - 76x/2.5x]^2 and b could equal [(12+x)^2 - 16x]^-1/3 ... for all the other variables.

Notice the value x, which would project greater/lower gradients and values for increases/decreases in y.

Also, one variable could affect others. So Status, could be modeled by y=x^2 for example. So a guy making $10,000 a year adds x SMV point. But a man making $1,000,000 a year wouldnt add 1,000,000/10,000x or 1000x, but 1000x times another variable which in this case would be more than proportional.

Infact, most graphs will be variants of y=x^3 as the lowest and highest values of a factor mean less as they do not come close to meeting requirements of a woman or exceed them greatly to the point it no longer matters.

The graphs also correspond with eachother and fluxuate.

I suppose, a theory could state that the Integral of all the graphs, or the area of the graphs are all limited to a constand of k. This constant K would be the maxmimum value a persons SMV could be. The area underneath all of the lines of factors modeled would be your SMV.


The point is; nobody knows anything about these numerical correlations, relationships, critical regions, magnitudes, sensitivity, ect ect. Because no one has the subjecg knowledge of lookism to apply, the mathematical knowledge to carry out, or the data to analise such a theory.

If no scientist on Earth could do this, do I blame a procalimed "truecel" who is actually a "fakecel/incel" for not being able to calibrate their SMV? No. I dont. But that doesnt change the fact that their wrong.

SMV =/= PSL.

There are too many factors to consider. People who really are truecels dont know they're truecels by any method you could conplete now. They know by trial and error.

For example: Set x to z and is y < or > than a.
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This requires work, which this lazy individual (as many incels are) does not want to put in this work.

I don't like calling groups of people "lazy individual(s)".
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Blackpill is a form of digital self harm, similar to physical self harm, that turns communities toxic towards themselves and others, leading to a worse quality of life for those involved.

Keep in mind that Lookism and the Blackpill are not the same thing. Sending a study on attractive people doesn't validate the Blackpill, it validates Looksim.

Change my mind

Required reading:
Yeah, the truth fucking hurts. No shit, but ignoring it is even worse.
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For me the :blackpill: in it's purest form is desolation & destitution. Ultimately defeat & death.

Many Incels subconsciously whilst preach the :blackpill: follow the :redpill: in terms of looksmaxing (aka here), at IS (yes they do talk about running this game or that game) & I believe the :whitepill: acceptance & moving onwards & upwards for the sake of yourself alone. Not for everybody or anybody else.

As for me. I preach the :blackpill: on IS. However that is a weaponised form of cynicism & scepticism against SJW's, Normies & Cucks etc. It's not just to be a Lazy Bastard & LDAR or NEET if you can do otherwise. I also believe in self improvement to close the expectation gap which is the :redpill:. Finally I also love & I mean love 1 of my favourite copes of all time which I hope to get back to which is Escortcelling & finally accept my situation & being happy within myself BUT still focusing on self improvement even if I go up by 1 PSL I'd still be happy. I've been told supposedly I can go up by 3 PSL (who knows) which is off the charts but again it's self improvement for myself alone to make living that little bit more enjoyable.

Agreed the :blackpill: in it's purest form is suicide however those Incels who love to prescribe this for other Incels & cuss their Copes (although their copes don't affect those other Incels) I feel are LARPers who are self improving behind the seen & bettering themselves so they don't have any competition. I find that quite heinous tbh ngl.
Yeah, the truth fucking hurts. No shit, but ignoring it is even worse.

Truth is subjective, but that's besides the point. Look at what the Blackpill does. It's not just hurt, it's a cycle of self harm that damages insecure Men. I'm sorry, but when I see suffering, I don't support the root cause.
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The point is; nobody knows anything about these numerical correlations, relationships, critical regions, magnitudes, sensitivity, ect ect.

High IQ post. I am working on it though, I am compelling the scientific related researches and combining them with the relevant evolutionary concepts. Won't be perfect, by I'll try to postulate the most accurate scientific understanding possible of how those different variables interact with one another.

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