Cold Approaching Uglier Women for Experience to Succeed with Hotter Women (Looks still matter)

Basically, what I am saying is that my face is not good looking enough to allow me to succeed on Tinder as a skinny guy.
Cold approaching.
Is for sure needed, if one fails with online/tinder/etc..

But you need to be normie and upwards in looks, for talking with randoms.

Cold aproaching makes sense, for dudes.
Whom are above average looks; but still to ugly to succeed online. That small range of men.
BY THE WAY, tall guys but with not good enough face for Tinder; Chatting with randoms is also a decent idea. The heightpill works best IRL.

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From my opinion is in short: the better looking you are, the better pictures you have, the taller you are, you will have to hit less numbers to get laid with a girl thats attractive to you.
For tinder/online dating in general, need looksmax, gymmaxx, pictureMAXXXX AF, also being in a decent city of 2+million or you have to drop your standards to get laid consistently or supplement with daygame/nightgame

Problem is i look like a player/fuckboi so i have to act like one,
Yeah. Tinder, etc.. Needs to be top tier in looks, for good results.
I think any guy, should try Tinder for sure,just to see where he stands.

Tinder, etc.. = most efficient way. But only do-able with top tier looks.

For the guy below that top tier looks, but above average. Than talking with randosm is the next best thing, considering wanting to saly and time.
Social circle is great for LTR, imo. But not for slaying muc. Usually to slow in meeting new women, and you don't want to be that guy in the group that no one trusts and hits on every girl in the group. Not cool.
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What you need i steroids dude. I did what you are trying to achieve. Was a neckcel who looked weak and pathetic. Im still ugly but due to my thick neck (normies literally point it out), thick tracps, upper back, shoulders etc. i look brutish and masculine
That is because the neck can only grow with direct work.

Steroids are not the solution because they don't provide permanent muscle gains, so even if you keep taking them, every time you are off cycle, you will look like a DYEL who never touched a weight in his life. The only people who can avoid this are those who can hide from the public when off cycle or those who never go off cycle (like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) or those who are on TRT.

And besides, you don't have to be on steroids to look like you lift, you just have to train consistently on a good program for 1 year on a lean bulk. And in 2 more years, you can get very close to your genetic max, so close to it even that injecting steroids at this point would not make women more attracted to you.

So, the only benefit that steroids have for the goal of attracting women is that it allows you to do in a few months what would have taken you 3 years to achieve usually, but that comes at the cost of your health and the gains are temporary and steroids eventually suppress your natural testosterone production, and you have to keep injecting to not lose everything, and you will remove at least 10 years off your life expectancy, which you will regret when you are very old. All just to get your dick wet.

When people on here claim that everyone should be doing whatever it takes to get laid, they are not aware that some solutions require extreme sacrifices and very bad consequences and when you weigh risk against reward, you quickly realize that it's not worth it, unless you're a moron who can't think before taking an important decision that affects your health.
That is because the neck can only grow with direct work.

Steroids are not the solution because they don't provide permanent muscle gains, so even if you keep taking them, every time you are off cycle, you will look like a DYEL who never touched a weight in his life. The only people who can avoid this are those who can hide from the public when off cycle or those who never go off cycle (like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) or those who are on TRT.

And besides, you don't have to be on steroids to look like you lift, you just have to train consistently on a good program for 1 year on a lean bulk. And in 2 more years, you can get very close to your genetic max, so close to it even that injecting steroids at this point would not make women more attracted to you.

So, the only benefit that steroids have for the goal of attracting women is that it allows you to do in a few months what would have taken you 3 years to achieve usually, but that comes at the cost of your health and the gains are temporary and steroids eventually suppress your natural testosterone production, and you have to keep injecting to not lose everything, and you will remove at least 10 years off your life expectancy, which you will regret when you are very old. All just to get your dick wet.

When people on here claim that everyone should be doing whatever it takes to get laid, they are not aware that some solutions require extreme sacrifices and very bad consequences and when you weigh risk against reward, you quickly realize that it's not worth it, unless you're a moron who can't think before taking an important decision that affects your health.
When you go off steroids you will still keep a lot of muscle. You will just be at your natural limit for how much you can hold.
When you go off steroids you will still keep a lot of muscle. You will just be at your natural limit for how much you can hold.
No, you are really misinformed.

You will only stay at your natural limit for how much you can hold if you're on TRT.
But when people do cycles, they may go on TRT for recovery but it doesn't allow them to keep all their gains, they still lose at least half of what they gained.

Steroids usually work like this: You do a 2-3 month cycle for gains and then a 1-2 month recovery PCT cycle.

But during the recovery period, you're going to lose most of your gains.

Also, you won't reach your natty limit in 1 cycle, it will take many cycles to get there and then you'll have to do more cycles and steroids still require you to have perfect consistency with training, diet, and sleep in order to make progress.

So, yes you get faster results but it's not an instant solution either, it still takes some time to get there and meanwhile, you'll have periods of time where you look huge, and other times where you look tiny.

Meanwhile, natural lifters will just look better and better over time, so instead of quickly gaining and losing self confidence, they will only gain it. Yes the gains are slow, but at least you can't lose muscle as a natural. If you stop training for a long time, you can lose muscle yes, but naturals have muscle memory, which makes it very quick to regain lost muscle. Steroid users don't have muscle memory, so if they stop, they have to start over from scratch.
No, you are really misinformed.

You will only stay at your natural limit for how much you can hold if you're on TRT.
But when people do cycles, they may go on TRT for recovery but it doesn't allow them to keep all their gains, they still lose at least half of what they gained.

Steroids usually work like this: You do a 2-3 month cycle for gains and then a 1-2 month recovery PCT cycle.

But during the recovery period, you're going to lose most of your gains.

Also, you won't reach your natty limit in 1 cycle, it will take many cycles to get there and then you'll have to do more cycles and steroids still require you to have perfect consistency with training, diet, and sleep in order to make progress.

So, yes you get faster results but it's not an instant solution either, it still takes some time to get there and meanwhile, you'll have periods of time where you look huge, and other times where you look tiny.

Meanwhile, natural lifters will just look better and better over time, so instead of quickly gaining and losing self confidence, they will only gain it. Yes the gains are slow, but at least you can't lose muscle as a natural. If you stop training for a long time, you can lose muscle yes, but naturals have muscle memory, which makes it very quick to regain lost muscle. Steroid users don't have muscle memory, so if they stop, they have to start over from scratch.
Please, please for the love of god dont talk about things you know nothing about. Theres so much fucking bullshit in your posts i dont even feel like refuting everything. Just stop dude.
Holy fuck
  • JFL
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Reading through this tbread, man do I wish I was taller or less South Asian looking for any of this to work :lul:
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Reading through this read, man do I wish I was taller or less South Asian looking for any of this to work :lul:
Only take imo, the info from dudes that ACTUALLY DID chat up randoms.
The amount of cope beleives, from guys whom never did it, but have all kinds of ideas about it, is not good.
Anywhere basically:

Random Events (found on Facebook or in your city)
Coffee Shops
College (even if you're not a student there)
Busy City Streets
Shopping Malls
Farmer's Markets
The Bus or bus stop

The possibilities are endless.

And you'll probably just think that it will be cringe if people see you doing it but that is only because the antisocial behaviour of being glued to our cellphones instead of talking to people in real life has been normalized over the past few decades, but before that, it wasn't a normal thing. It feels weird to approach women because nobody does it, not because it's somehow wrong.

If it really was wrong, then women wouldn't react so positively when they get approached by a guy that they are interested in.

And it's not illegal as long as you are able to accept getting rejected and move on. It only becomes harassment if you persist even after getting rejected or if you touch her. Some PUAs used to do light physical contact in the past, but nowadays that is something to be avoided at all costs, because of the metoo movement.

The only places where you should not approach are at funerals (obviously) and at work, because if you see the girl again every day after getting rejected, after going on a date or after having sex with her, it will be extremely awkward, especially if you sometimes have to work with her.
This strategy requires you to be at least HTN+
Only take imo, the info from dudes that ACTUALLY DID chat up randoms.
The amount of cope beleives, from guys whom never did it, but have all kinds of ideas about it, is not good.

What are you saying?
Seems kinda immoral. But I flirt a lot & already have a GF. So I’m not one to judge you.
This post is peak autism.
This strategy requires you to be at least HTN+
It took me many years but I found the solution.

Facebook events related to interests that you have. Through that, it's possible to make friends and acquaintances, and then, through those social circles, you can go to exclusive events like house parties where you can meet women that trust you due to the connections that you have, and by doing this you can date many women, get laid a lot, get some friends with benefits and eventually a relationship if you want that.

It's the best technique to get both a social life and a sex life if you have no friends and have never managed to find women to date before. And it is foolproof unless you're fat or disabled. Most guys could do it if they tried and it works. It is how most normie men get laid after all.
It took me many years but I found the solution.

Facebook events related to interests that you have. Through that, it's possible to make friends and acquaintances, and then, through those social circles, you can go to exclusive events like house parties where you can meet women that trust you due to the connections that you have, and by doing this you can date many women, get laid a lot, get some friends with benefits and eventually a relationship if you want that.

It's the best technique to get both a social life and a sex life if you have no friends and have never managed to find women to date before. And it is foolproof unless you're fat or disabled. Most guys could do it if they tried and it works. It is how most normie men get laid after all.
Well that sucks because I'm blacklisted from Facebook.
  • JFL
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Well that sucks because I'm blacklisted from Facebook.
You can easily make a new account. Back when I was a kid, I made so many different accounts with my name on them, just to cheat on the facebook games by adding myself as a friend to get free stuff.

You just need a new email, and gmail lets you make lots of emails before forcing you to verify your phone number to make a new account. And your account doesn't need to have 500 fake friends to be recognized as real by people, I know some people who have only 50 facebook friends and some who have even less than that, so it doesn't matter if your account is new.

The great thing about facebook is that it's used by a lot of people around the world, and it's better than because the events are much bigger, more interesting and there are more of them, and you can join a group that makes events often.

I could have started doing this 6 years ago, but I didn't know about it back then, I knew that there were groups and events, but I never realized that there were groups that made events where I could meet new people. I wish I had found this solution sooner, it would have helped me a lot back then, I have only ever had 2 friends for many years because I didn't know where to go out to meet new people, now I do.
You can easily make a new account. Back when I was a kid, I made so many different accounts with my name on them, just to cheat on the facebook games by adding myself as a friend to get free stuff.

You just need a new email, and gmail lets you make lots of emails before forcing you to verify your phone number to make a new account. And your account doesn't need to have 500 fake friends to be recognized as real by people, I know some people who have only 50 facebook friends and some who have even less than that, so it doesn't matter if your account is new.

The great thing about facebook is that it's used by a lot of people around the world, and it's better than because the events are much bigger, more interesting and there are more of them, and you can join a group that makes events often.

I could have started doing this 6 years ago, but I didn't know about it back then, I knew that there were groups and events, but I never realized that there were groups that made events where I could meet new people. I wish I had found this solution sooner, it would have helped me a lot back then, I have only ever had 2 friends for many years because I didn't know where to go out to meet new people, now I do.
I've made like 5 new accounts and each gets banned within a few days.
I've made like 5 new accounts and each gets banned within a few days.
Maybe because you did bad stuff on those accounts. I never got banned. As a kid, I did get warnings or suspension of friend requests but that's it. Now I just use facebook to talk to friends and family, so I use it mostly for messenger.
This thread is exactly why prostitution needs to be legal. Imagine putting in this much effort. Foids should just be paid, mounted, coomed in & left. But nah we gotta join the circus and dance and smile.
This thread is exactly why prostitution needs to be legal.
It is decriminalized in Canada, where I live (legal to sell, illegal to buy, but police rarely arrest people who do buy so it's very low risk).

But I don't do it because it's just too expensive for the amount of money that I make and I would rather have sex with women who like me. Paying prostitutes is only worth it if that's your only option, like if you're an old man who doesn't want to be a sugar daddy.

At my age, with my looks, I could date different women at the same time and get laid, it's just that as a normie, it would require some effort on my part, by making lots of friends and acquaintances regularly, to get many opportunities with women within those exclusive social circles, and I could date lots of women by doing this but it takes time and it doesn't give me sex instantly, unlike Chad who can literally order it to his door without putting in much effort thanks to dating apps.
It took me many years but I found the solution.

Facebook events related to interests that you have. Through that, it's possible to make friends and acquaintances, and then, through those social circles, you can go to exclusive events like house parties where you can meet women that trust you due to the connections that you have, and by doing this you can date many women, get laid a lot, get some friends with benefits and eventually a relationship if you want that.

It's the best technique to get both a social life and a sex life if you have no friends and have never managed to find women to date before. And it is foolproof unless you're fat or disabled. Most guys could do it if they tried and it works. It is how most normie men get laid after all.
Would never work for me. Nigga, women don't even want to befriend me. Neither do men. If I were to go to those events, I'd just get ignored and overlooked. Even in high school/uni, I NEVER got invited to any cool parties. Even when it comes to looksmaxxing, my starting point is MUCH WORSE than yours. Rotting is my only viable option.
so its just a video game now ok lol
Would never work for me. Nigga, women don't even want to befriend me. Neither do men. If I were to go to those events, I'd just get ignored and overlooked. Even in high school/uni, I NEVER got invited to any cool parties. Even when it comes to looksmaxxing, my starting point is MUCH WORSE than yours. Rotting is my only viable option.
Like I said, you need events that focus on the things that interest you the most, not fake friends like in high school.

Also, the adult world is more welcoming and more forgiving than high school, especially when you participate in activities involving things that interest you. And there isn't just one kind of person or one kind of woman. And although people here put people in a looks hierarchy, it doesn't always work like that in the real world. It is possible to be a comicbook fan for example, and get friends there who would introduce you to a woman who is also a comicbook fan, same thing applies to weebs and basically any other type of thing that could interest you.

Not everyone is plain and boring, there are women out there who would be your perfect match, but you'll never meet them randomly on the street, so you have to go to events that interest you to meet women who like similar things as you, so you have things to talk about, to build a relationship from.

Even when I was really ugly, I still could have gotten laid by following that advice. It's not that hard to get laid once you get into the real world of relationships, and not all relationships have to be serious committed relationships, you can have friends with benefits. But my point is that most people nowadays think that what they see online is all there is but there is so much more. Online dating is terrible for most guys.
Seems like getting those kind of numbers would only work in a big city. The problem I have, is that if I were to try this, where I am, I would burn locations, I'd get banned from wallmart, and banned from campus by campus police, the only two places here where you could maybe rack up those kind of numbers over a few months/years.

I like the idea of only cold approaching girls that smile at me, as that lowers the risk of burning locations. But Girls do not smile at me, or even give me eye contact.
Seems like getting those kind of numbers would only work in a big city. The problem I have, is that if I were to try this, where I am, I would burn locations, I'd get banned from wallmart, and banned from campus by campus police, the only two places here where you could maybe rack up those kind of numbers over a few months/years.

I like the idea of only cold approaching girls that smile at me, as that lowers the risk of burning locations. But Girls do not smile at me, or even give me eye contact.
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