Crimson Pill - You Guys are Not Ready For Hot Women

Are you ready to handle that all the attention she gets y'all go out to bars, nightclubs, social events
>thinking i'm gonna let her go outside :lul:
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Just need a warm hole to fuck for a little while and socialmax while moving onto the next broad my nigga, really simple.

I like your content though
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double post error apologies my brotha ✊
  • WTF
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Banger thread, 100% agree.

But you didnt tell us how to WIN in this scenario? whats the ideal outcome/thing to do in this scenario getting with a stacy? (good luck getting with one in the first place tho lmao)

In my experience getting and LASTING with a stacy like that, who usually are famous and well off on their own. You need to be lucky and/or be very high status and very good looking yourself, simple as that.

Welcome back students class is in session. Please take your seats. PSL autists to the back of the room as usual

basketball gathering GIF by South Park


Yep you heard it correct. I'm talking to you stacy sexuals...

Many of you are not ready to deal with hot women, baddies, stacies, dimes whatever you want to call it in casual & LTR situations. Too many of you think your looks are gonna save you JFL. No face for your insecurity & jealousy buddy boyo. Don't forget chads get cheated on too. We seem to forget :bluepill::bluepill: chads still exist

View attachment 1681987View attachment 1681988View attachment 1681990

This thread is a response to @LOST thread about how many of y'all are not ready to be good looking. If you haven't read it yet check it out.

Like Uncle Ben said

Spider Man Great Responsibility GIF

Insecurity / Neediness​

Once you're in the LTR with your dream stacy that's when the true work begins & and that means you're gonna have to be 100% tight on your game in order to maintain the relationship.

View attachment 1682007View attachment 1682006


Think about it like this. Your stacy gf is basically an exotic car (Lamborghini)

car GIF

Everyone turns their head & stares, they want to take pics, sometimes even ask for a ride.

You're gonna have to confident & be secure that she'll deny every guy who hits on her, asks for her number, etc.

Real players don't get mad at other guys for trying to get at their chick, it's all up to her to decide what's more important.

Is it more beneficial to cheat on my boyfriend in this moment or is it more beneficial to stay with him?
Do the cons outweigh the pros?

Ask Yourself​

Are you ready to handle that all the attention she gets y'all go out to bars, nightclubs, social events?

View attachment 1682010

Will you mate guard like a :redpill::redpill: bitch when you're at the bar & other guys are trying to hit on her?

View attachment 1682013

Are you gonna constantly ask to see her DMs like an abused dog?

View attachment 1682016

Or will you say fuck it & lock her up in the basement & Joseph Fritzl max :feelskek:

View attachment 1682019


Women want to be the better looking one in the relationship. And we know the majority of women are insecure as fuck. This is probably why you see so many hot chicks in LTRs with normies. And many "chads" with average (becky) chicks.

If she thinks you're better looking then her she'll get intimidated & start developing trust issues (cons of being too good looking).

I'm sure some of y'all have experienced this when talking to chicks. They assume you're a player, you get a lot of attention, you can get any girl you want so why choose me?

Therefore they settle with the normie who FEEL LUCKY TO HAVE HER

In her mind she thinks "he's lucky to have me'', "you ain't going anywhere or else you'd be sexless & struggle to get laid".

Now a woman with low confidence and self-esteem is more likely to brush off mate guarding. She'll feel secure knowing you're not willing to go anywhere. However, a woman who has quality options will lose respect and attraction from mate guarding.

This is all processed on a subconscious level and learning the ability to avoid mate guarding should be applied to all relationships (family, friends, business) as it shows confidence, options and value

Litmus Test

Ask any chick you know in a LTR. "Do you think your boyfriend is cheating on you / is capable of cheating on you?

If she answers: LOOOL Josh? No pfft.. doubt it lol he's always under me. He's too innocent haha
The guy is lucky to have her & she knows he has no options

If she answers: Kyle? idk tbh.. I hope he isn't :feelswhy:
She feels lucky to have him & he probably has options


Work your way up. Start with chicks you consider average (especially if you have little to no experience) & treat all of them the same no matter their looks level.

Remember having an LTR with a woman is a JOB. Part of the reason why guys get cheated on is because they don't check their girl on the red flags in the beginning.

Especially if the chick is super bad. The more good looking she is, the more guys let the disrespect slide. Subconsciously putting her on a pedestal without even knowing it.. you simps :ogre: So many of you lost in the vagina.

Once she sees you let shit slide, show weakness, etc she knows she has you wrapped around her pinky & can disrespect you anytime. When she disrespects you she feels EMPOWERED.

You as the leader, you have to manage EVERYTHING.

You have to be super confident in yourself & not show any sign of insecurity, jealousy, clinginess, neediness etc.

The more she feels handcuffed to you the more likely she will cheat or break up with you

The more influence you have over your chick the more she respects you & most likely stay

Any questions stay after class. Otherwise

season 6 miss hoover GIF

Join our server where we discuss ways to SMV max & help each other out dealing with chicks

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Many Men Are Taking Looksmaxxing Seriously
Being Good Looking Will Guarantee Only One Thing
Putting An End To ThugMax Copers
Cut Her Off Immediately If
The 3 Interest Levels of Women
My Full Ancestral DNA Results
Features That Halo Black Men
Final Nail in Coffin for Dating AppCels
PSL is overrated - Critique & Analysis
Sean Opry Spotted at My Gym :feelskek:
How To Change Location on Tinder (FREE)
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How To Prepare For a Night of Slaying
The Real LMS: Looks Masculinity Sex Appeal

@chadison @MoeZart @Prettyboy @fogdart @MentalcelTyronelite @LOST @Yliaster @Gestapo @Timelessbrah
@Salludon also kinda made a good thread on this.

The lambo analogy was good , beckies let alone stacies are getting hit up by thousands of HIGH smv males daily. So back to point one, GOOD LUCK getting one let alone keeping her, but if you insist on doing the latter

You gotta have some package of your own you bring to the table to keep her as well as fend off suitors.
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C237D0C6 3BF7 4802 BF2C E4A8553B55E6
  • JFL
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@Salludon also kinda made a good thread on this.

The lambo analogy was good , beckies let alone stacies are getting hit up by thousands of HIGH smv males daily. So back to point one, GOOD LUCK getting one let alone keeping her, but if you insist on doing the latter

You gotta have some package of your own you bring to the table to keep her as well as fend off suitors.
Jfl i swear i don’t even remember making that thread.
  • JFL
  • WTF
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Good thread. Yep, the first time I got with an actual Stacey/hot chick I was nervous as fuck. Like this bitch actually wants to date/sleep with me.
And yes, when you know she’s very good looking you will have to come to terms with the fact that she’ll get hit on by random guys. It sucks but just know your place and that at any moment of cheating you’ll leave her for an equally attractive woman if it comes to that.
But if you’re insecure af and can’t trust her (maybe she has cheated with other bfs so that’s not really insecurity on your part) then don’t bother with a super hot chick.
  • +1
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  • +1
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Interesting thread however I dont agree with one part.
You assume that the event of 'mate guarding' occurs due to insecurity in the male's ability to attract more mates if he loses the current one, however for me and likely many others, it is insecurity in the form of emasculation, generated by the other male who disregards our existence and indirectly shows he believes he is superior by interacting with our mate in our presence.
In such a case, me being filled with rage is not an indication of my inability to get another mate if the current leaves, it is a rational reaction to defend my masculinity, irregardless if what the subject of the argument is.
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another banging thread from tyronebro

send moooore
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How do you remember that? LOL
Recognised her face I busted 2 nutz to her and I don’t jack off to foids outside of porn much so it wasn’t hard to remember
  • +1
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This thread reads like a justification for porking fatties.
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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Kinda makes sense, after my surgery some girls told me I didn't act like my looks. Have in mind this was in the first few months of it.
  • +1
  • Woah
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This thread reads like a justification for porking fatties.
Nowhere did I mention fucking or settling for landwhales

Stick to girls you consider average facially. If you can deal with hot chicks more power to you
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: autistic_tendencies and oldcelloser
Interesting thread however I dont agree with one part.
You assume that the event of 'mate guarding' occurs due to insecurity in the male's ability to attract more mates if he loses the current one, however for me and likely many others, it is insecurity in the form of emasculation, generated by the other male who disregards our existence and indirectly shows he believes he is superior by interacting with our mate in our presence.
In such a case, me being filled with rage is not an indication of my inability to get another mate if the current leaves, it is a rational reaction to defend my masculinity, irregardless if what the subject of the argument is.
There are some situations where for ex: if guys are trying to touch your chick, get physical etc then of course you should step in & show your superiority / dominance (show other men you’re not a bitch)

But I’m talking in general. It ain’t that serious & me personally I can’t blame other guys for trying to get at her

One of my boys go out with his girl all the time & what he does is he lets other dudes talk to his girl, get them to buy her drinks & she goes back to my boy across the bar with free drinks

Like I said before it’s all about her respecting you & not crossing those boundaries. But I understand your point
  • +1
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well why the hell would you name it crimson pill in the first place :)? because it sounds better than brownpill? :lul:
its true though that the red pill can apply to HTN and above although dont listen to the PUAs as they dont speak from experience
you have to have POWER over your woman its all about POWER in LTR the more you power mogg her the better for you therefore you NEVER can/will have a Stacy model gf because it will turn you insane and you need to act like a clown constantly; why would i elevate my cortisol to such high lvls? :forcedsmile:
LTRs are increasingly not worth it today because you are very very likely to NOT find that submissiveness, especially in the west, no ,matter if Chad its just their slutty programming

Theres so much to write, i could write a novel here, but im too tired rn and conclude by suggesting you reconsider LTRing Stacies, even if you could, and micromanaging everything as the PUA/red pillers teach :feelsuhh: because it will drive you insane; you will learn as you get older
good luck though, @tyronelite boyo :lul::Comfy:
  • JFL
Reactions: tyronelite

Welcome back students class is in session. Please take your seats. PSL autists to the back of the room as usual

basketball gathering GIF by South Park


Yep you heard it correct. I'm talking to you stacy sexuals...

Many of you are not ready to deal with hot women, baddies, stacies, dimes whatever you want to call it in casual & LTR situations. Too many of you think your looks are gonna save you JFL. No face for your insecurity & jealousy buddy boyo. Don't forget chads get cheated on too. We seem to forget :bluepill::bluepill: chads still exist

View attachment 1681987View attachment 1681988View attachment 1681990

This thread is a response to @LOST thread about how many of y'all are not ready to be good looking. If you haven't read it yet check it out.

Like Uncle Ben said

Spider Man Great Responsibility GIF

Insecurity / Neediness​

Once you're in the LTR with your dream stacy that's when the true work begins & and that means you're gonna have to be 100% tight on your game in order to maintain the relationship.

View attachment 1682007View attachment 1682006


Think about it like this. Your stacy gf is basically an exotic car (Lamborghini)

car GIF

Everyone turns their head & stares, they want to take pics, sometimes even ask for a ride.

You're gonna have to confident & be secure that she'll deny every guy who hits on her, asks for her number, etc.

Real players don't get mad at other guys for trying to get at their chick, it's all up to her to decide what's more important.

Is it more beneficial to cheat on my boyfriend in this moment or is it more beneficial to stay with him?
Do the cons outweigh the pros?

Ask Yourself​

Are you ready to handle that all the attention she gets y'all go out to bars, nightclubs, social events?

View attachment 1682010

Will you mate guard like a :redpill::redpill: bitch when you're at the bar & other guys are trying to hit on her?

View attachment 1682013

Are you gonna constantly ask to see her DMs like an abused dog?

View attachment 1682016

Or will you say fuck it & lock her up in the basement & Joseph Fritzl max :feelskek:

View attachment 1682019


Women want to be the better looking one in the relationship. And we know the majority of women are insecure as fuck. This is probably why you see so many hot chicks in LTRs with normies. And many "chads" with average (becky) chicks.

If she thinks you're better looking then her she'll get intimidated & start developing trust issues (cons of being too good looking).

I'm sure some of y'all have experienced this when talking to chicks. They assume you're a player, you get a lot of attention, you can get any girl you want so why choose me?

Therefore they settle with the normie who FEEL LUCKY TO HAVE HER

In her mind she thinks "he's lucky to have me'', "you ain't going anywhere or else you'd be sexless & struggle to get laid".

Now a woman with low confidence and self-esteem is more likely to brush off mate guarding. She'll feel secure knowing you're not willing to go anywhere. However, a woman who has quality options will lose respect and attraction from mate guarding.

This is all processed on a subconscious level and learning the ability to avoid mate guarding should be applied to all relationships (family, friends, business) as it shows confidence, options and value

Litmus Test

Ask any chick you know in a LTR. "Do you think your boyfriend is cheating on you / is capable of cheating on you?

If she answers: LOOOL Josh? No pfft.. doubt it lol he's always under me. He's too innocent haha
The guy is lucky to have her & she knows he has no options

If she answers: Kyle? idk tbh.. I hope he isn't :feelswhy:
She feels lucky to have him & he probably has options


Work your way up. Start with chicks you consider average (especially if you have little to no experience) & treat all of them the same no matter their looks level.

Remember having an LTR with a woman is a JOB. Part of the reason why guys get cheated on is because they don't check their girl on the red flags in the beginning.

Especially if the chick is super bad. The more good looking she is, the more guys let the disrespect slide. Subconsciously putting her on a pedestal without even knowing it.. you simps :ogre: So many of you lost in the vagina.

Once she sees you let shit slide, show weakness, etc she knows she has you wrapped around her pinky & can disrespect you anytime. When she disrespects you she feels EMPOWERED.

You as the leader, you have to manage EVERYTHING.

You have to be super confident in yourself & not show any sign of insecurity, jealousy, clinginess, neediness etc.

The more she feels handcuffed to you the more likely she will cheat or break up with you

The more influence you have over your chick the more she respects you & most likely stay

Any questions stay after class. Otherwise

season 6 miss hoover GIF

Join our server where we discuss ways to SMV max & help each other out dealing with chicks

Check out my other threads
Many Men Are Taking Looksmaxxing Seriously
Being Good Looking Will Guarantee Only One Thing
Putting An End To ThugMax Copers
Cut Her Off Immediately If
The 3 Interest Levels of Women
My Full Ancestral DNA Results
Features That Halo Black Men
Final Nail in Coffin for Dating AppCels
PSL is overrated - Critique & Analysis
Sean Opry Spotted at My Gym :feelskek:
How To Change Location on Tinder (FREE)
Worst Black Aesthetic Models
Best Black Aesthetic Models
Upcoming Threads
How To Prepare For a Night of Slaying
The Real LMS: Looks Masculinity Sex Appeal

@chadison @MoeZart @Prettyboy @fogdart @MentalcelTyronelite @LOST @Yliaster @Gestapo @Timelessbrah
I can relate to this. I am very good looking (6t2 central asian chang mogger with final fantasy looks).


I frequently attract very attractive women and the relationship fails due to me being "selfish" because I don't worship women like a typical man.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Endocrinemaxxer, autistic_tendencies, alriodai and 3 others
Nowhere did I mention fucking or settling for landwhales

Stick to girls you consider average facially. If you can deal with hot chicks more power to you
It's a slippery slope.
  • JFL
Reactions: mulattomaxxer

Welcome back students class is in session. Please take your seats. PSL autists to the back of the room as usual

basketball gathering GIF by South Park


Yep you heard it correct. I'm talking to you stacy sexuals...

Many of you are not ready to deal with hot women, baddies, stacies, dimes whatever you want to call it in casual & LTR situations. Too many of you think your looks are gonna save you JFL. No face for your insecurity & jealousy buddy boyo. Don't forget chads get cheated on too. We seem to forget :bluepill::bluepill: chads still exist

View attachment 1681987View attachment 1681988View attachment 1681990

This thread is a response to @LOST thread about how many of y'all are not ready to be good looking. If you haven't read it yet check it out.

Like Uncle Ben said

Spider Man Great Responsibility GIF

Insecurity / Neediness​

Once you're in the LTR with your dream stacy that's when the true work begins & and that means you're gonna have to be 100% tight on your game in order to maintain the relationship.

View attachment 1682007View attachment 1682006


Think about it like this. Your stacy gf is basically an exotic car (Lamborghini)

car GIF

Everyone turns their head & stares, they want to take pics, sometimes even ask for a ride.

You're gonna have to confident & be secure that she'll deny every guy who hits on her, asks for her number, etc.

Real players don't get mad at other guys for trying to get at their chick, it's all up to her to decide what's more important.

Is it more beneficial to cheat on my boyfriend in this moment or is it more beneficial to stay with him?
Do the cons outweigh the pros?

Ask Yourself​

Are you ready to handle that all the attention she gets y'all go out to bars, nightclubs, social events?

View attachment 1682010

Will you mate guard like a :redpill::redpill: bitch when you're at the bar & other guys are trying to hit on her?

View attachment 1682013

Are you gonna constantly ask to see her DMs like an abused dog?

View attachment 1682016

Or will you say fuck it & lock her up in the basement & Joseph Fritzl max :feelskek:

View attachment 1682019


Women want to be the better looking one in the relationship. And we know the majority of women are insecure as fuck. This is probably why you see so many hot chicks in LTRs with normies. And many "chads" with average (becky) chicks.

If she thinks you're better looking then her she'll get intimidated & start developing trust issues (cons of being too good looking).

I'm sure some of y'all have experienced this when talking to chicks. They assume you're a player, you get a lot of attention, you can get any girl you want so why choose me?

Therefore they settle with the normie who FEEL LUCKY TO HAVE HER

In her mind she thinks "he's lucky to have me'', "you ain't going anywhere or else you'd be sexless & struggle to get laid".

Now a woman with low confidence and self-esteem is more likely to brush off mate guarding. She'll feel secure knowing you're not willing to go anywhere. However, a woman who has quality options will lose respect and attraction from mate guarding.

This is all processed on a subconscious level and learning the ability to avoid mate guarding should be applied to all relationships (family, friends, business) as it shows confidence, options and value

Litmus Test

Ask any chick you know in a LTR. "Do you think your boyfriend is cheating on you / is capable of cheating on you?

If she answers: LOOOL Josh? No pfft.. doubt it lol he's always under me. He's too innocent haha
The guy is lucky to have her & she knows he has no options

If she answers: Kyle? idk tbh.. I hope he isn't :feelswhy:
She feels lucky to have him & he probably has options


Work your way up. Start with chicks you consider average (especially if you have little to no experience) & treat all of them the same no matter their looks level.

Remember having an LTR with a woman is a JOB. Part of the reason why guys get cheated on is because they don't check their girl on the red flags in the beginning.

Especially if the chick is super bad. The more good looking she is, the more guys let the disrespect slide. Subconsciously putting her on a pedestal without even knowing it.. you simps :ogre: So many of you lost in the vagina.

Once she sees you let shit slide, show weakness, etc she knows she has you wrapped around her pinky & can disrespect you anytime. When she disrespects you she feels EMPOWERED.

You as the leader, you have to manage EVERYTHING.

You have to be super confident in yourself & not show any sign of insecurity, jealousy, clinginess, neediness etc.

The more she feels handcuffed to you the more likely she will cheat or break up with you

The more influence you have over your chick the more she respects you & most likely stay

Any questions stay after class. Otherwise

season 6 miss hoover GIF

Join our server where we discuss ways to SMV max & help each other out dealing with chicks

Check out my other threads
Many Men Are Taking Looksmaxxing Seriously
Being Good Looking Will Guarantee Only One Thing
Putting An End To ThugMax Copers
Cut Her Off Immediately If
The 3 Interest Levels of Women
My Full Ancestral DNA Results
Features That Halo Black Men
Final Nail in Coffin for Dating AppCels
PSL is overrated - Critique & Analysis
Sean Opry Spotted at My Gym :feelskek:
How To Change Location on Tinder (FREE)
Worst Black Aesthetic Models
Best Black Aesthetic Models
Upcoming Threads
How To Prepare For a Night of Slaying
The Real LMS: Looks Masculinity Sex Appeal

@chadison @MoeZart @Prettyboy @fogdart @MentalcelTyronelite @LOST @Yliaster @Gestapo @Timelessbrah
I was never ready I need a total reprogrammation to switch to enjoying the yes life NT lifestyle and invest in it, the thing than foids desperately seeking in s guy named statut and fame by normies
Good thread but I think you need some clarification of mate guarding. Mate guarding and jealously is innate. If you have a GF and you have no desire to mate guard her there is something wrong with you.

One of the "downsides" of being good looking. If your girlfriend is a stacy all your male friends will want to fuck her. If your chad all her female friends will want to fuck you.

Do's of Mate Guarding

- Shut down anyone clearly hitting on your girl. Either its a misunderstanding or they don't respect you. Depending on the situation depends on how you should react. React nicely if its a misunderstanding. E.g. a stranger is hitting on your girl while your not there. Confront them if they should know better. E.g. somebody who knows you are both together is hitting on your girl. Don't tolerate that.

Dont's of Mate Guarding
- Being overly controlling. This is the most common form of mate guarding I see. It always ends poorly. Not letting her go out, no interaction with over guys etc. If she wants to cheat she will cheat. You can't control this.
- Constantly checking her DM's. I'm suprised people actually do this ngl.
- Getting aggressive when other men interact with your girl.
- Getting upset if somebody gives your girl a compliment on their appearance.
If a girl did the same you wouldn't think twice.
  • +1
Reactions: alriodai, Oberyn, Mewton and 1 other person
DN rd this redpill cope or whatever it was
Server link doesn’t work ? Is there a new link
mogging strat won't work because there's always a bigger fish in the sea and stacies have so much options they may tend to go for guys with a lot money to secure a great future so you need to be well set. also you prob need to be high t as well so you don't look vulnerable :soy:
Elite thread
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@wollet2 Go ahead explain what you disagree with :ogre:
  • Woah
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Lol @ even accepting female talking to non family guys for no reason. Females do not need male friends

It all gives her dopamine and oxytocin.

Talk should be only direct and task related(if work need talk). If guy hits on her irl, she should politely reject. Afterward, she should be aggressive and reject hard.

Lol @ accepting muh damsel in distress spineless foid.

If she wants to stay loyal, she needs to make sacrifices, take precautions and shut down any potential form of temptations.

There are foids that love showing they are "nice" "friendly" forcefully. Do it for your family members.
  • +1
  • JFL
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  • +1
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I don’t need a Stacy girlfriend for these reasons exactly too much work and stress for me. Big booty mtb/htb that sucks and fucks consistently and is loyal is all I ask for!
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