Do we have a mental problem



Popo Crew
Aug 11, 2018
Are we all just (except for blackoutwhitein who is just plain ugly JFL) just lowteir normie to chadlite teir dudes with mental issues such as aspergers, autism, bdd and shut like locationcels. Are we all coping by being in this thread and shutting the "normie world" down so that we can statusmax in the eyes of other internet losers who hate themselves as much as we do?

There is no denying that autism is prevelent on this forum. Perhaps as much as 80% of regular users show signs of being aspie/autistic. Is autism/non-NT the reason why we are here? Is the blackpill autistic? Autism =high T.

This is a feminized world. Autistic men were seen as stoics and sages in times past. Now we are out of place.

I propose we infect and spread autism as far as we can. The more dudes that are infected bt autistic bacteria (microbiotamaxxing) the better our odds. Once we infect 2-5% of the population, it will spread by its own accord. But to do this we must try to engage with normies in normie behavior as autism is a self containing disease in the human species. that is how I would describe it and its the first time the concept has been proposed according to my knowledge.


I only became autistic once I began hanging around other autists and was infected by their non-NT bacteria. I previously did discuss the potentisl for curing it too.

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Tbh I probably have some kind of undiagnosed adhd/aspergers because I have a tendency to absolutely obsess over certain things from time to time. I am also extremely hyper-active at times and am a bit socially retarded but have gotten much better over a long period.
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  • JFL
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Are we all just (except for blackoutwhitein who is just plain ugly JFL) just lowteir normie to chadlite teir dudes with mental issues such as aspergers, autism, bdd and shut like locationcels. Are we all coping by being in this thread and shutting the "normie world" down so that we can statusmax in the eyes of other internet losers who hate themselves as much as we do?

There is no denying that autism is prevelent on this forum. Perhaps as much as 80% of regular users show signs of being aspie/autistic. Is autism/non-NT the reason why we are here? Is the blackpill autistic? Autism =high T.

This is a feminized world. Autistic men were seen as stoics and sages in times past. Now we are out of place.

I propose we infect and spread autism as far as we can. The more dudes that are infected bt autistic bacteria (microbiotamaxxing) the better our odds. Once we infect 2-5% of the population, it will spread by its own accord. But to do this we must try to engage with normies in normie behavior as autism is a self containing disease in the human species. that is how I would describe it and its the first time the concept has been proposed according to my knowledge.

I only became autistic once I began hanging around other autists and was infected by their non-NT bacteria
Wait are you guys all actually aspie I thought it was just the mewers and the bonesmashers
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No I'm just ugly
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  • JFL
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I'm slightly aspie, cause I often can't bite my tongue and always have to explain how things are exactly to people even if no one cares, but it doesn't really impair my socialization that much cause I'm low-inhib and appear as self-confident attention whore jester. What fucks me up is being a low initiative lazy cunt, who spends time on stupid activities like writing such posts just to pass time and avoid being productive...
I propose we infect and spread autism as far as we can.
that's just autistic :D
hey bro are u still microbiotamaxing?
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Autist chad gets all the bitches
PSL has always been lmao

just a bunch of frauds, mentally ill catalogue models and failure-to-launch sub normies who could all be cured by spending some time with whores, getting a job and moving out of mommy's house. Ironically, I think most truecels probably are in total denial about their truecelness, see: redditards
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I probaly cant get girls in the west because my face is 3 to 4/10. And i havent gotten diganosed with any mental illnes.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Extra Chromosome, ZyzzReincarnate, Autist and 1 other person
Yes, 80% of the people here are mentalcels.
PSL has always been lmao

just a bunch of frauds, mentally ill catalogue models and failure-to-launch sub normies who could all be cured by spending some time with whores, getting a job and moving out of mommy's house. Ironically, I think most truecels probably are in total denial about their truecelness, see: redditards
  • JFL
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Didn't read but you need a big dick to get IOIs
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I'm not autistic, just ugly. And you guys are too. You are ugly. It's either top 10% or nothing. Now that I'm getting slightly more attractive every day due to acnemaxx and hairmaxx (with lilke a dozen other things too) I feel better and my days are better

You guys are ugly thats why nobody likes you. You can be attractive and autistic and you'll have tons of friends.
Of course. People on here see the world as a place where only looks matter, but this two-dimensional look on the world is completely wrong. Social media makes us believe that if you want to be successful you must be good looking because the only thing images on lets say on Instagram can show you is the looks of a person. Most of the users on here are young men and are still struggling to find their personallity (who they want to be) and place in the world. By setting the looks of youself as the basic rule of how the world works, that can explain what happens to you, you get a tunnle vision and see the world 2d instead of 3d.
Getting "Blackpilled" is just the moment you realize that you are "not enough" bacause you have been rejected (mostly by women). You guys always blame it on one reason: Looks. And while the looks CAN be a reason there are millions of other possible ones: Personallity, Vibes or things that aren't even in your control like for example the mood of the person that rejected you. Don't blame yourself (or expecially your looks) for rejection, there are literally millions of other possible reasons. But because of social media and the seemingly great lifes these people life you always compare and then blame yourself.
You guys need to grow up, find out who you truly are and then you will realize that looks are NOT everything. You can basically blame everything on looks but you could do the same thing with religion for example: Why is this person succesful? Well its because he is christian and...
As you can see there are many things you can use to interpret the world and things that happen to you but it is multi-dimensional and not only based on one thing. Yes, looks matter but it's only a fraction of what matters in life.
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I'm not autistic, just ugly. And you guys are too. You are ugly. It's either top 10% or nothing. Now that I'm getting slightly more attractive every day due to acnemaxx and hairmaxx (with lilke a dozen other things too) I feel better and my days are better

You guys are ugly thats why nobody likes you. You can be attractive and autistic and you'll have tons of friends.

youre in tunnle vision
youre in tunnle vision
Man my personality still is pretty good irl but honestly if it doesn't come to you naturally its not hard to become funny. Just watch standup and retell jokes and you'll become funny naturally. Being "interesting" is stupid just be funny and high t.

But if you really are ugly (sub 7psl) then there's no point in being that. Now that I'm ascended girls laugh even when I'm not trying to be funny.
Man my personality still is pretty good irl but honestly if it doesn't come to you naturally its not hard to become funny. Just watch standup and retell jokes and you'll become funny naturally. Being "interesting" is stupid just be funny and high t.

But if you really are ugly (sub 7psl) then there's no point in being that. Now that I'm ascended girls laugh even when I'm not trying to be funny.
Ugly is 1-3 psl but if you are not below that you have no reason to blame your looks on things that happen to you. Also I dont say looks don't matter for dating, it is obviously easier for gl guys to get girls than for normal looking ones. But It is perfectly possible to date someone in your range. Also one night stands and dating aren't everything in life, but many young men on here don't realize than.
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if ur NT ur a fakecel
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Ugly is 1-3 psl but if you are not below that you have no reason to blame your looks on things that happen to you. Also I dont say looks don't matter for dating, it is obviously easier for gl guys to get girls than for normal looking ones. But It is perfectly possible to date someone in your range. Also one night stands and dating aren't everything in life, but many young men on here don't realize than.
Yes but this is a blackpill psl forum. We've spent our entire lives being told what you are talking about right now. We already know this. This forum is the counter to that.
You guys don't have a real personality yet you don't know where you stand in life. Fix that instead of "blackpilling" yourself etc it won't help you at all.
Why are you on this forum?
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Ugly+anxiety+bad sense of identity is why I'm on here bro.
Why are you on this forum?
I found out about it on Reddit by chance when I was looking for tips on a new haircut. Also I must say that I like the idea of looksmaxxing because it is always good to get the best out of you. But being so extreme as many on this forum is not helpful nor is it right.
I found out about it on Reddit by chance when I was looking for tips on a new haircut. Also I must say that I like the idea of looksmaxxing because it is always good to get the best out of you. But being so extreme as many on this forum is not helpful nor is it right.
reddit. Makes sense.
reddit. Makes sense.
you literally have nothing to say against what i said and now you try to make it look like I bluepill by getting me into the "reddit stupid normie" group. Yes there are many stupid people on reddit and bluepillers but you are no better than them. Youre in tunnle vision without a personallity and a sense where you stand in life.
you literally have nothing to say against what i said and now you try to make it look like I bluepill by getting me into the "reddit stupid normie" group. Yes there are many stupid people on reddit and bluepillers but you are no better than them.
Holy shit retard I literally admitted that what you said was true but doesn't belong on this forum. We already know that personality matters. We've been told that our whole fucking life, it is literally the normiest of the normie of advice. You're ugly? Just have a good personality and talk to her bro! THAT kind of thinking is much more narrow than thinking it's all about looks, because, as with tinder experiments, being JUST good looking is enough, and the attention you will get from that will probably eventually develop into having a good personality anyway.

You are literally as bluepilled as anybody else on reddit
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Holy shit retard I literally admitted that what you said was true but doesn't belong on this forum. We already know that personality matters. We've been told that our whole fucking life, it is literally the normiest of the normie of advice. You're ugly? Just have a good personality and talk to her bro! THAT kind of thinking is much more narrow than thinking it's all about looks, because, as with tinder experiments, being JUST good looking is enough, and the attention you will get from that will probably eventually develop into having a good personality anyway.

You are literally as bluepilled as anybody else on reddit
I‘m not saying „just talk to girls“. Also what is your point? Life is unfair because some other people have it easier than me and get girls with less effort? Yes life is unfair, deal with it. But blaming it all on the way you look and focusing that much on it, that you do nothing else in your life is stupid.
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friendly reminder that @SirHiss thinks that genetics play no role in gymcelling, this alone shows how retarded he is.

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friendly reminder that @SirHiss thinks that genetics play no role in gymcelling, this alone shows how retarded he is.

Lol of course genetics play a role. But I do not agree with the guy who said he can‘t get ANY buff because of his genetics. Thats retarded
Lol of course genetics play a role. But I do not agree with the guy who said he can‘t get ANY buff because of his genetics. Thats retarded

if u dont make progress there are only 3 possible reasons:
  1. you don't train hard enough (8-12 max reps per excercise, always to the limit)
  2. You don't eat enough kcal and protein
  3. 1+2 combined
Here you have your problem, don't blame it on genetics.
So you actually think some people have a magic gene defect which makes it impossible for them to build muscle? Youre the retard here bro
there is people who respond poorly to weight training, its in genetics btw
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If you want to maintain autistic powers but get rid of neuroticism just stop eating plants.
I'm not autistic but I'm definitely non-NT.
The lack of social experience made me develop social anxiety etc.
there is people who respond poorly to weight training, its in genetics btw
Yes respond poorly. But you will still be able to build a decent amount of muscle over the time.
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Man my personality still is pretty good irl but honestly if it doesn't come to you naturally its not hard to become funny. Just watch standup and retell jokes and you'll become funny naturally. Being "interesting" is stupid just be funny and high t.

But if you really are ugly (sub 7psl) then there's no point in being that. Now that I'm ascended girls laugh even when I'm not trying to be funny.
COPE. In my case girls also laugh even though I'm not trying to be funny. They are laughing because I come across as an autistic clown (because I'm ugly).
i am ugly, short, ethnic, small framed AND autistic.
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I'm not autistic, just ugly. And you guys are too. You are ugly. It's either top 10% or nothing. Now that I'm getting slightly more attractive every day due to acnemaxx and hairmaxx (with lilke a dozen other things too) I feel better and my days are better

You guys are ugly thats why nobody likes you. You can be attractive and autistic and you'll have tons of friends.

You are not ugly.
nah. i'm just simply subhuman, that's why i'm here. and to gain looksmaxxing knowledge of course.
I'm not autistic, just ugly. And you guys are too. You are ugly. It's either top 10% or nothing. Now that I'm getting slightly more attractive every day due to acnemaxx and hairmaxx (with lilke a dozen other things too) I feel better and my days are better

You guys are ugly thats why nobody likes you. You can be attractive and autistic and you'll have tons of friends.


As ridiculous as this sounds, it's the truth. I know Chads with aspergers and they still have healthy social lives with lots of friends and girlfriends. Chad can get away with virtually anything. The only thing that hurts Chad is having autism that is so low functioning that you can't capitalize off your looks like that drooling austistic Chad that hurts himself on youtube.
contagious autism sounds like a good idea so foids can get on our level, which is 100 IQ points above theirs.
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Good looks overcome all.

But PSLers do have a non NT brain certainly
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