Entire "Blackpill TV" Channel Dedicated to Spreading Kpopmaxx / AMWF Propaganda - *Ricefuel* for Gooks - [Suifuel] for JBW copers?



May 3, 2020
Jfl this niggers entire channel is dedicated just to posting AMWF and passing it off as "blackpill" content cause he knows his audience

Which one of you is this?
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Pikabro, Skywalker, ROTTING and 13 others
Jfl almost forgot...

Which one of you is behind this?

  • JFL
Reactions: ROTTING, justinzayn, pardocel and 5 others
Stop tagging me in gook threads you albino ape (so-called subhuman race)

I am propaganda minister of Kinh penis white womb, not amwf gook chink

I dont give a fuck about chinks gooks japs sea jungle gooks etc getting white girls

I only want Kinh men to get white girls

Insectoid faggot, welcome to my ignore list
  • JFL
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: Samsonpilled, Trilogy, fjor2096 and 9 others
Stop tagging me in gook threads you albino ape (so-called subhuman race)

I am propaganda minister of Kinh penis white womb, not amwf gook chink

I dont give a fuck about chinks gooks japs sea jungle gooks etc getting white girls

I only want Kinh men to get white girls

Insectoid faggot, welcome to my ignore list
I honestly can't even tell the difference aside from the fact that some of your males are literally more yellow skinned compared to other gooks
So that's the difference? I still didn't get it - Funny | Korean people,  Human face drawing, Japanese face
Average Vietnamese Male
Average Vietnamese Female
  • +1
Reactions: justinzayn
@Cheesyrumble alt
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Truecel14, justinzayn, pardocel and 2 others
Dnw but water. It’s well known East Asian men are the biggest cuckers in the world if you look outside of the west, and this guy proves Asian SMV is blowing up even in the west. This will only increase at an exponential rate since East Asians are improving in height, physicality, wealth, status, and cultural influence at a faster rate than any other race. They also have the highest skill cap in terms of SMV and Changs mog any other race, especially for HQNP appeal. Literally everything below is copy pasted, so bare with me here.

East Asians and East Asian countries are improving at the fastest rate of any race and country by far, in terms of wealth, influence, SMV, economy, military, technology, height, nutrition, living standards, and athletics. The fact is, IQ is one of the most important aspects for a human, and it's only becoming increasingly more important. It's how the Jews dominate the west. It's why the two most dominant races in the world today (Europeans and East Asians) have the highest IQs on average by far. We evolved from monkeys which were tens of times stronger than us, but look where we are now and where the other primates are now. Although Southeast Asians and South Asians can be very low IQ in their home countries, high IQ immigrants easily outearn other races along with the East Asians. When given the same conditions and living in the same country, wealth almost directly correlates with IQ for a race, as you can see below. Brutal IQpill.





East Asian men are the biggest cuckers outside of America, where western media and propaganda hard forces negative stereotypes onto them (While some other minorities like niggers get completely uplifted by western media) due to the fact that they are the only race which truly challenges western dominance, and their countries are the only countries which truly challenge western countries. They vastly out earn white people in their own countries, and the gap between them and the other races is only getting bigger and bigger. They fuck more much white women than white men fuck Asian women worldwide as seen in Eastern Europe, they fuck much more black women than black men fuck Asian women worldwide as seen in Africa, they fuck much more Southeast Asian women and South Asian women and MENA than the other way around, and the list just goes on and on. The apparent East Asian SMV in the West is vastly due to negative stereotypes forced onto them by western media, but stereotypes are improving for them extremely quickly.

The top tier East Asian men have higher SMV than the top tier men of any other race. East Asians have the most collagen and the healthiest and best looking skin which never wrinkles. They have the strongest and thickest hair which never falls out or stops growing. They experience wrinkling and balding the least of any race. They have been proven to age much better and stay in their prime much longer than any other race, which is part of the reason why they live the longest lives. They are the wealthiest and have the highest status on average. Kpop Asians are the only demographic of race that can pull with only their faces specifically, showing that East Asians have the most aesthetic and attractive faces of any race. Asian men and women are the most attractive men and women in the world, which is why western media vehemently brings down the former which threatens them, yet uplifts and fetishizes the latter which doesn’t threaten them. If an East Asian man is tall and well built with an aesthetic masculine face, they completely gigamog every other race of man. If you look at Chads of every race, look who women want the most. The least women chose the Asian Chang to go out compared to other races, and the same pattern occurs in pretty much every TikTok video like this you can find. Prove me wrong if you can.

Besides the stereotypes and propaganda, an average Asian might struggle because the clever Asian government and competent leaders produce IQcels that actually benefit their country. Asians tend to be shorter (Though that's changing very quickly) and more high inhib, focusing on education rather than socialization, so a white normie might mog an Asian normie in terms of SMV in the west. However, Asians are the definition of high skill cap and succeed more as Changs than any other race, partly due to wealth and status and partly due to having the best skin/collagen/hair/face/aging. As long as an Asian is tall and well built and good at socializing, he’s well above any other race, and East Asians are getting taller and stronger at a faster rate than any other race due to quickly improving nutrition, economy, and living conditions. China and South Korea are growing in height faster than any other country, while certain western countries like the United States and the Netherlands are getting shorter or staying stagnant.





East Asians are also increasing in strength the most, seeing as how China has won the last 6 Olympic weightlifting championships when no other country has done so. The Chinese are a naturally tall and strong race if they didn't have so many malnourished peasants and subpar nutrition, and if they don't hard focus their culture on education. That's why since they're increasing in economic power and GDP so rapidly and improving their nutrition so much, they're the fastest growing race in height bar none. Pacific Islanders are descended from Chinese and they're the biggest and physically strongest race in the world bar none, since they adapted to an environment where they couldn't develop their intelligence as much and had to rely on physicality and unending warfare. The Chinese are a naturally strong race seeing as how they're much stronger than countries they're poorer than, as you can see in the chart below. Although China is low-mid income, the males have a stronger grip strength than almost all the males from countries with mid income and mid-high income, and as their income improves, they're going to become even stronger.



DISCLAIMER: A country/race having mostly education focused intellectuals is a good thing, because they benefit society and the top echelon a lot more. Intelligence dominates physicality every single time for a human, and this fact is only becoming increasingly true as technology becomes stronger and more advanced and everything becomes automated. Eastern European Slavs and sub-Saharan Africans are the two most prominent races in the UFC, but they got cucked and fucked and raped and enslaved for thousands of years by more intelligent races and are the two most prominent slave races in all of history. Humans are some of the weakest animals pound for pound and the best of us would get eviscerated by a malnourished wolf, but we dominate every other bigger and stronger animal so hard we have to protect them from extinction. All Presidents since 1953 are very high IQ and have gotten a Bachelor's degree. Even though they would get merked in a fist fight by some random hooligan on the street (Especially since they're so old by the time they acquire their presidency), they're the most powerful individuals in the country bar none, and have influence and power over 300 million people. Even though a Roman emperor would get eviscerated by a competent gladiator, he can order the deaths of thousands of that gladiator because he has true power. Xi Jinping is well known as the most powerful man in the world for a reason. Chinese students most often want to become engineers, scientists, and astronauts while western students most often want to become entertainers, influencers, and athletes (And it's getting even worse), and the former brings trillions times more economic and military power to the country and advances the country much more as a whole. Physicality is becoming less and less important as intelligence becomes more and more important as technology becomes more advanced and strengthens exponentially, especially with the advent of artificial technology. The deadliest sniper of all time with 429 confirmed kills was a tiny 5’3 manlet named Simo Hayha. Physicality can’t do jack shit against guns, let alone drone strikes and atomic bombs that don’t even require manpower or soldiers.




On topic again. An East Asian man will also age far better and stay attractive for a much longer period of time and still be able to slay in elderly age. They bald the least and wrinkle the least, unlike white men who tend to age like milk. The Asian girls that intermarry with other races tend to be unattractive by Asian standards and would be considered as such in their home countries. That’s why you often see white Chads and subhumans marrying Asian Beckies and below, creating hapa abominations. The Asian men who date white women usually only date the attractive high quality ones, in stark contrast to the black men who date white women. If you search up the best looking Asian celebrities in both the West and in their home countries, it’s clear that the top tier Asian women almost exclusively date top tier Asian men and do not intermix in with any other race, although there are exceptions. In places other than the West where western propaganda and artificial negative stereotypes don't affect them or positive stereotypes may even help East Asians, they are much better off. In Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe for example, East Asian men are the highest SMV race. Not only that, their SMV and influence over pop culture in the west is increasing at the fastest rate of any race, with stuff like anime, Kpop, TikTok, the gaming industry, etc. becoming more and more mainstream. This is a deliberate effort, and the west is getting easternized.


"The number of marriages between Russian women and East Asian men beats all records.
East Asian men over the past decade have become the most eligible suitors for 'Russian wives.'
If throughout the entire post-Soviet period until 2012, Turkish men held the leadership among foreign suitors for our compatriots by a wide margin, then since 2012 the situation has changed dramatically.
So, the number of marriages where the wife is Russian and the groom is Chinese, concluded in 2019, for the first time exceeded 5 thousand, where the groom is from South Korea - 3.5 thousand. In the last 5 years, the annual growth in the number of such marriages has exceeded 15%. And all indications are that the trend will only intensify.
Recall that the number of Russian wives living in Turkey in 2016 exceeded 100 thousand. At the same time, the number of children from such mixed marriages was slightly more than 240 thousand.
In East Asia, the number of Russian wives is approaching the 50,000 mark, and there are already more than 110,000 mixed descendants. It is noted at the same time that a large number of Russian women have children from Asian men, not being legally married to the latter.
The main feature of Russian women with an East Asian groom is their young age. The average age of a Russian wife is 22 years, the average age of having a child in a joint marriage is 23.7 years. By comparison, Turkish men are especially popular with women who already have children from previous marriages.
Russian women note that in East Asian men they are attracted to family orientation, reliability and loyalty; at the same time, in Turkish men it repels - a large number of prohibitions for a wife; and in domestic - laziness and a high percentage of divorces. Marriages with East Asian men break up after 3 years only in 17% of cases, while marriages with Russian men break up more than 70%."

East Asian men are completely cucking the fuck out of Eastern European men, and Eastern European men aren't doing anything remotely close with East Asian women. Despite white men taking much more Asian wives than the other way around in the west, there are more Chinese men + Russian women couples than all WMAF couples combined in all of the West combined. Not only the Chinese either, other East Asians are doing this as well. Their relationships are much higher quality and last longer too, JUST like their relationships in the west. Divorce rates of 17% vs 70%, that's an insane number. And that's only Russia. Chinese men are taking even more wives from Ukraine, Poland, and other Eastern European countries, and the rate is only increasing. Even today, Chinese men by themselves fuck more white women than white men fuck every single type of Asian women. Asian men completely cuck Eastern European men, and it's only getting better from here too. Western women are increasingly going to South Korea for Korean men due to the exponentially increasing Korean influence in the west. No high tier Asian struggles to date outside of the west, and it's only getting exponentially better for them from here in the west. Also, it's not getting better in terms of GDP or economy for western countries as compared to East Asia, it's the other way around, just like how the Olympics is only getting better and better for East Asian countries as they improve their economy, living conditions, nutrition, vastly improving their physicality in terms of both size and strength.



Chinese men are abusing and oppressing black men in their own countries and fucking their women on top of it, and AMBF likely outnumbers BMAF by hundreds of times. Pretty much every single race worldwide gets cucked by East Asians at a much higher rate than the other way around, especially if you look at other countries in Asia that aren't East Asian. Africans are extremely worried about the millions of Chinese in Africa either marrying their women or pumping and dumping them and leaving them with Blasian babies. However, the Chinese are helping them evolve from mud huts and spear chucking, greatly improving their countries, drastically lowering their sky high poverty rates and death rates, and overall civilizing them as their superiors. It's a symbiotic relationship that benefits both groups.

Even in the west, above average East Asians and Changs elevate themselves above other races, even without a status or wealth advantage. The ones who get to marry women of other races tend to be one of those Asians. As you can see from the data above, AMs in AMWF only earn $10K more than WFs. Compare that to the WMs in WMAF who make a whopping $35K more than AFs. Despite the fact that Asian males are the highest earning group in America by far (East Asians, Southeast Asians, and South Asians even though the last isn't really Asian), they still make less money in comparison their white wives than white males in comparison to their Asian wives. The data also shows that AMWF has a higher rate where the wife makes more than the husband than WMAF. 31.3% of white wives make more than their Asian husbands, compared to 24.6% of Asian wives making more than their white husbands. Who are the real betabuxxers? Not to mention, they have better and higher quality relationships than other races as well as lower divorce rates, JUST like their relationships in Eastern Europe. Asian men that go for white women also tend to go for wealthier, higher quality, and more attractive white women than white men and other races tend to go for.



View attachment 2081601


East Asian men are the biggest cuckers in the world outside of the western sphere of influence. Even in the west, although an Asian normie is at disadvantage, Asians have the highest skill cap in terms of SMV and Changs rise above all the rest, and it's only getting better for them from here. It's clear that East Asians and East Asian countries are improving at the fastest rate of any race and country by far, in terms of wealth, influence, SMV, economy, military, technology, height, nutrition, living standards, and athletics. East Asians were always a dominant power during North African dominance, Middle Eastern dominance, Mediterranean dominance, and Western European dominance, the only race that stayed consistent throughout all of history. Now that technology and globalization has reached all these new heights, when China rises up to the top, it will be the dominant country forever, and East Asians will be the dominant race for all time.
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  • +1
  • JFL
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Reactions: Samsonpilled, KingCartierrr23, Deleted member 29393 and 3 others
Dnw but water. It’s well known East Asian men are the biggest cuckers in the world if you look outside of the west, and this guy proves Asian SMV is blowing up even in the west. This will only increase at an exponential rate since East Asians are improving in height, physicality, wealth, status, and cultural influence at a faster rate than any other race. They also have the highest skill cap in terms of SMV and Changs mog any other race, especially for HQNP appeal. Literally everything below is copy pasted, so bare with me here.

East Asians and East Asian countries are improving at the fastest rate of any race and country by far, in terms of wealth, influence, SMV, economy, military, technology, height, nutrition, living standards, and athletics. The fact is, IQ is one of the most important aspects for a human, and it's only becoming increasingly more important. It's how the Jews dominate the west. It's why the two most dominant races in the world today (Europeans and East Asians) have the highest IQs on average by far. We evolved from monkeys which were tens of times stronger than us, but look where we are now and where the other primates are now. Although Southeast Asians and South Asians can be very low IQ in their home countries, high IQ immigrants easily outearn other races along with the East Asians. When given the same conditions and living in the same country, wealth almost directly correlates with IQ for a race, as you can see below. Brutal IQpill.





East Asian men are the biggest cuckers outside of America, where western media and propaganda hard forces negative stereotypes onto them (While some other minorities like niggers get completely uplifted by western media) due to the fact that they are the only race which truly challenges western dominance, and their countries are the only countries which truly challenge western countries. They vastly out earn white people in their own countries, and the gap between them and the other races is only getting bigger and bigger. They fuck more much white women than white men fuck Asian women worldwide as seen in Eastern Europe, and they fuck much more black women than black men fuck Asian women worldwide as seen in Africa (Already showed this above so I won't go into detail about it). The apparent East Asian SMV in the West is vastly due to negative stereotypes forced onto them by western media, but stereotypes are improving for them extremely quickly. The top tier East Asian men have higher SMV than the top tier men of any other race. East Asians have the most collagen and the healthiest and best looking skin which never wrinkles. They have the strongest and thickest hair which never falls out or stops growing. They experience wrinkling and balding the least of any race. They have been proven to age much better and stay in their prime much longer than any other race, which is part of the reason why they live the longest lives. They are the wealthiest and have the highest status on average. Kpop Asians are the only demographic of race that can pull with only their faces specifically, showing that East Asians have the most aesthetic and attractive faces of any race. Asian men and women are the most attractive men and women in the world, which is why western media vehemently brings down the former which threatens them, yet uplifts and fetishizes the latter which doesn’t threaten them. If an East Asian man is tall and well built with an aesthetic masculine face, they completely gigamog every other race of man. If you look at Chads of every race, look who women want the most. The least women chose the Asian Chang to go out compared to other races, and the same pattern occurs in pretty much every TikTok video like this you can find. Prove me wrong if you can.

Besides the stereotypes and propaganda, an average Asian might struggle because the clever Asian government and competent leaders produce IQcels that actually benefit their country. Asians tend to be shorter (Though that's changing very quickly) and more high inhib, focusing on education rather than socialization, so a white normie might mog an Asian normie in terms of SMV in the west. However, Asians are the definition of high skill cap and succeed more as Changs than any other race, partly due to wealth and status and partly due to having the best skin/collagen/hair/face/aging. As long as an Asian is tall and well built and good at socializing, he’s well above any other race, and East Asians are getting taller and stronger at a faster rate than any other race due to quickly improving nutrition, economy, and living conditions. China and South Korea are growing in height faster than any other country, while certain western countries like the United States and the Netherlands are getting shorter or staying stagnant.





East Asians are also increasing in strength the most, seeing as how China has won the last 6 Olympic weightlifting championships when no other country has done so. The Chinese are a naturally tall and strong race if they didn't have so many malnourished peasants and subpar nutrition, and if they don't hard focus their culture on education. That's why since they're increasing in economic power and GDP so rapidly and improving their nutrition so much, they're the fastest growing race in height bar none. Pacific Islanders are descended from Chinese and they're the biggest and physically strongest race in the world bar none, since they adapted to an environment where they couldn't develop their intelligence as much and had to rely on physicality and unending warfare. The Chinese are a naturally strong race seeing as how they're much stronger than countries they're poorer than, as you can see in the chart below. Although China is low-mid income, the males have a stronger grip strength than almost all the males from countries with mid income and mid-high income, and as their income improves, they're going to become even stronger.





DISCLAIMER: A country/race having mostly education focused intellectuals is a good thing, because they benefit society and the top echelon a lot more. Intelligence dominates physicality every single time for a human, and this fact is only becoming increasingly true as technology becomes stronger and more advanced and everything becomes automated. Eastern European Slavs and sub-Saharan Africans are the two most prominent races in the UFC, but they got cucked and fucked and raped and enslaved for thousands of years by more intelligent races and are the two most prominent slave races in all of history. Humans are some of the weakest animals pound for pound and the best of us would get eviscerated by a malnourished wolf, but we dominate every other bigger and stronger animal so hard we have to protect them from extinction. All Presidents since 1953 are very high IQ and have gotten a Bachelor's degree. Even though they would get merked in a fist fight by some random hooligan on the street (Especially since they're so old by the time they acquire their presidency), they're the most powerful individuals in the country bar none, and have influence and power over 300 million people. Even though a Roman emperor would get eviscerated by a competent gladiator, he can order the deaths of thousands of that gladiator because he has true power. Xi Jinping is well known as the most powerful man in the world for a reason. Chinese students most often want to become engineers, scientists, and astronauts while western students most often want to become entertainers, influencers, and athletes (And it's getting even worse), and the former brings trillions times more economic and military power to the country and advances the country much more as a whole. Physicality is becoming less and less important as intelligence becomes more and more important as technology becomes more advanced and strengthens exponentially, especially with the advent of artificial technology. The deadliest sniper of all time with 429 confirmed kills was a tiny 5’3 manlet named Simo Hayha. Physicality can’t do jack shit against guns, let alone drone strikes and atomic bombs that don’t even require manpower or soldiers.



On topic again. An East Asian man will also age far better and stay attractive for a much longer period of time and still be able to slay in elderly age. They bald the least and wrinkle the least, unlike white men who tend to age like milk. The Asian girls that intermarry with other races tend to be unattractive by Asian standards and would be considered as such in their home countries. That’s why you often see white Chads and subhumans marrying Asian Beckies and below, creating hapa abominations. The Asian men who date white women usually only date the attractive high quality ones, in stark contrast to the black men who date white women. If you search up the best looking Asian celebrities in both the West and in their home countries, it’s clear that the top tier Asian women almost exclusively date top tier Asian men and do not intermix in with any other race, although there are exceptions. In places other than the West where western propaganda and artificial negative stereotypes don't affect them or positive stereotypes may even help East Asians, they are much better off. In Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe for example, East Asian men are the highest SMV race. Not only that, their SMV and influence over pop culture in the west is increasing at the fastest rate of any race, with stuff like anime, Kpop, TikTok, the gaming industry, etc. becoming more and more mainstream. This is a deliberate effort, and the west is getting easternized.


"The number of marriages between Russian women and East Asian men beats all records.
East Asian men over the past decade have become the most eligible suitors for 'Russian wives.'
If throughout the entire post-Soviet period until 2012, Turkish men held the leadership among foreign suitors for our compatriots by a wide margin, then since 2012 the situation has changed dramatically.
So, the number of marriages where the wife is Russian and the groom is Chinese, concluded in 2019, for the first time exceeded 5 thousand, where the groom is from South Korea - 3.5 thousand. In the last 5 years, the annual growth in the number of such marriages has exceeded 15%. And all indications are that the trend will only intensify.
Recall that the number of Russian wives living in Turkey in 2016 exceeded 100 thousand. At the same time, the number of children from such mixed marriages was slightly more than 240 thousand.
In East Asia, the number of Russian wives is approaching the 50,000 mark, and there are already more than 110,000 mixed descendants. It is noted at the same time that a large number of Russian women have children from Asian men, not being legally married to the latter.
The main feature of Russian women with an East Asian groom is their young age. The average age of a Russian wife is 22 years, the average age of having a child in a joint marriage is 23.7 years. By comparison, Turkish men are especially popular with women who already have children from previous marriages.
Russian women note that in East Asian men they are attracted to family orientation, reliability and loyalty; at the same time, in Turkish men it repels - a large number of prohibitions for a wife; and in domestic - laziness and a high percentage of divorces. Marriages with East Asian men break up after 3 years only in 17% of cases, while marriages with Russian men break up more than 70%."

East Asian men are completely cucking the fuck out of Eastern European men, and Eastern European men aren't doing anything remotely close with East Asian women. Despite white men taking much more Asian wives than the other way around in the west, there are more Chinese men + Russian women couples than all WMAF couples combined in all of the West combined. Not only the Chinese either, other East Asians are doing this as well. Their relationships are much higher quality and last longer too, JUST like their relationships in the west. Divorce rates of 17% vs 70%, that's an insane number. And that's only Russia. Chinese men are taking even more wives from Ukraine, Poland, and other Eastern European countries, and the rate is only increasing. Even today, Chinese men by themselves fuck more white women than white men fuck every single type of Asian women. Asian men completely cuck Eastern European men, and it's only getting better from here too. Western women are increasingly going to South Korea for Korean men due to the exponentially increasing Korean influence in the west. No high tier Asian struggles to date outside of the west, and it's only getting exponentially better for them from here in the west. Also, it's not getting better in terms of GDP or economy for western countries as compared to East Asia, it's the other way around, just like how the Olympics is only getting better and better for East Asian countries as they improve their economy, living conditions, nutrition, vastly improving their physicality in terms of both size and strength.



The Chinese are abusing and oppressing black men in their own countries and fucking their women on top of it, and AMBF likely outnumbers BMAF by hundreds of times. Pretty much every single race worldwide gets cucked by East Asians at a much higher rate than the other way around, especially if you look at other countries in Asia that aren't East Asian. Africans are extremely worried about the millions of Chinese in Africa either marrying their women or pumping and dumping them and leaving them with Blasian babies. However, the Chinese are helping them evolve from mud huts and spear chucking, greatly improving their countries, drastically lowering their sky high poverty rates and death rates, and overall civilizing them as their superiors. It's a symbiotic relationship that benefits both groups.

Even in the west, above average East Asians and Changs elevate themselves above other races, even without a status or wealth advantage. The ones who get to marry women of other races tend to be one of those Asians. As you can see from the data above, AMs in AMWF only earn $10K more than WFs. Compare that to the WMs in WMAF who make a whopping $35K more than AFs. Despite the fact that Asian males are the highest earning group in America by far (East Asians, Southeast Asians, and South Asians even though the last isn't really Asian), they still make less money in comparison their white wives than white males in comparison to their Asian wives. The data also shows that AMWF has a higher rate where the wife makes more than the husband than WMAF. 31.3% of white wives make more than their Asian husbands, compared to 24.6% of Asian wives making more than their white husbands. Who are the real betabuxxers? Not to mention, they have better and higher quality relationships than other races as well as lower divorce rates, JUST like their relationships in Eastern Europe. Asian men that go for white women also tend to go for wealthier, higher quality, and more attractive white women than white men and other races tend to go for.



View attachment 2081601


East Asian men are the biggest cuckers in the world outside of the western sphere of influence. Even in the west, although an Asian normie is at disadvantage, Asians have the highest skill cap in terms of SMV and Changs rise above all the rest, and it's only getting better for them from here. It's clear that East Asians and East Asian countries are improving at the fastest rate of any race and country by far, in terms of wealth, influence, SMV, economy, military, technology, height, nutrition, living standards, and athletics. East Asians were always a dominant power during North African dominance, Middle Eastern dominance, Mediterranean dominance, and Western European dominance, the only race that stayed consistent throughout all of history. Now that technology and globalization has reached all these new heights, when China rises up to the top, it will be the dominant country forever, and East Asians will be the dominant race for all time.

Donald Trump Reaction GIF

but impressed with stats nonetheless

even if it's an archived copypasta to use for later [cause I do the same ngl]

you people are smart for a reason after all

but tell me do you consider:
to be your fellow asian brothers?

or no
  • +1
Reactions: Informationcapitali and justinzayn
Donald Trump Reaction GIF

but impressed with stats nonetheless

even if it's an archived copypasta to use for later [cause I do the same ngl]

you people are smart for a reason after all

but tell me do you consider:

to be your fellow asian brothers?

or no

Yeah I do. The Chinese might be superior to all other Asians but in general, Asians as a whole are superior to all other races. They will all be Chinese once they're assimilated into China in the future anyways, even if they aren't Han. I fw the Vietnamese. But that jungle nigger has a clear inferiority complex from the Chinese conquering and intermixing his race for over a thousand years and basically being an offshoot of the Chinese because we forced our religions and cultures onto them for all of history. He even blatantly copies his Chinese master here despite shitting on us every day

But yeah in general, Kinh are moggers.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Samsonpilled, ElBastardo and pardocel
Not a single
Media creates fantasy attraction. Once i got hooked to korean drama, i never went back to western dramas. Never. Its just boring and stale compared to the korean dramas. This is also how i started to become more attracted to asian girls in general.
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
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Reactions: Skywalker, Prettyboy, Cheesyrumble and 1 other person
Lol how do you even find this shit?
Nah, @chinksupremacy alt, I was never that aspie

You constantly post Kpop propaganda, I have never done so. Don’t lie dawg we all know that’s you behind the acc
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You constantly post Kpop propaganda, I have never done so. Don’t lie dawg we all know that’s you behind the acc
Says the guy spam posting the same copy and pasted walls of text.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 25663
Jfl @GuyFromSingapore almost forgot about this nigga

idk if you're korean or whatever but ur still asian so here you go...
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker and Qazqa
Jfl this niggers entire channel is dedicated just to posting AMWF and passing it off as "blackpill" content cause he knows his audience

Which one of you is this?

JBW is true but to a extent
dumbass deathnigs always ruining the white man's creation. blackpill went from forbidden knowledge on the nature of females and sex to reality itself, to now being filled with rampant coping by muh asian aescension muh gay bbc porn muh twink pretty boy. everyone just appropriating it to push their own copes
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I unironically have no idea what this video is about or if it even somehow relates to the thread tbh, and I only put it here cause of the tile but it was too long for me to watch so I gave up after less than 10 seconds ngl

Jfl there's no fucking way I'm watching all 30 minutes of this shit I waste enough time here as is, but if you wanna do it then go right ahead and be my guest to waste your own time
Jfl almost forgot...

Which one of you is behind this?

JFL at this coping subhuman
everyone knows the truth and asian men are not even liked by their owna sian women JFL
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Reactions: pentamogged9000 and emeraldglass
legit take over
  • Woah
Reactions: chaddyboi66
legit take over

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Reactions: traveler
Uhhhhhhhhh JBB mogs!
  • +1
Reactions: pentamogged9000

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