Explain steroids like I’m a complete retard



Jun 9, 2022
Ok so you have to run “PCT” after doing a cycle because your natural testosterone production shuts down…

but who cares?

it’s only temporary right?

it’s not like you run a cycle for a few months and then forever for the rest of the 30 years you’re alive your body stops producing testosterone.

so wtf are the downsides all these copers saying steroids are bad for you?

sure you can die if you blast for 40 years or if you sit in a sauna and do coke like Zyzz.

why are normies so fucking retarded about steroids
  • JFL
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PCT is largely cope and the only valuable literature on the subject wasn't able to find a single positive impact on fertility and testosterone.

hardly anyone's natural production is shut down completely from a single cycle, and most people recover without any issues.

but most guys blast and cruise nowadays because test is literally cheaper than whey.
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Hairloss, acne and potential acne scars which are hard to get rid off

Gynecomastia, Collagen loss and faster aging

It mostly depends on how you respond though. If you have a moderate dose, steroids wont age you quicker. If you check your bloodwork and control your estrogen you wont get gyno. Severe acne outbreaks are not the norm either.

But you dont want to provoke the norwood reaper.

PCT is recommended to recover faster if you are shut down.

Generally I think steroids are worth it if you arent prone to hairloss
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Its not only about shut downing your natural testosterone, but about also other side-effects. Most of guys start roids after like few months of training when they didnt know a shit about training and eating and roiding, they start with hard roids at age 16 ( anavar etc ) which will probably only looksmin them

Explain steroids like I’m a complete retard​

You put a needle in your PooPoo...

PooPoo hurts! But Poopoo makes you GROW! Grow big-big Dicku!

Needle in PooPoo good! :Comfy:
PCT is largely cope and the only valuable literature on the subject wasn't able to find a single positive impact on fertility and testosterone.

hardly anyone's natural production is shut down completely from a single cycle, and most people recover without any issues.

but most guys blast and cruise nowadays because test is literally cheaper than whey.
do roíds actually affect fertility?
But you dont want to provoke the norwood reaper.

What if I'm 39, and like Norwood 1.5. Basically no one believes me when I say I'm losing my hair, but I can tell. Will steroids merely accelerate hair loss, or will they cause hair loss that wouldn't otherwise have occurred. Because I'm planning on getting transplant anyway, so it might actually be better to get the hair loss out of the way more quickly.
Its not only about shut downing your natural testosterone, but about also other side-effects. Most of guys start roids after like few months of training when they didnt know a shit about training and eating and roiding, they start with hard roids at age 16 ( anavar etc ) which will probably only looksmin them
Hair loss acne ED
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What if I'm 39, and like Norwood 1.5. Basically no one believes me when I say I'm losing my hair, but I can tell. Will steroids merely accelerate hair loss, or will they cause hair loss that wouldn't otherwise have occurred. Because I'm planning on getting transplant anyway, so it might actually be better to get the hair loss out of the way more quickly.
You accelerate hair loss, but dont underestimate it lol

If you are prone to androgens you are going to lose your hair

will they cause hair loss that wouldn't otherwise have occurred.
You accelerate hair loss, but dont underestimate it lol

If you are prone to androgens you are going to lose your hair

I mean, I don't think I am considering I'm 39 with more or less a full head of hair. And my point was I'm not that concerned with accelerated hair loss because I want a transplant anyway, but where I am right now, there's really not enough loss to get a transplant or I'd have to get another one in the future. If I only lose so much with a cycle then it might actually not matter.
  • Hmm...
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do roíds actually affect fertility?
certain compounds shut you down fast and others don't really.

but if you don't have a good base it's not worth it for most people, it is a gamble, and most don't win, all the amazing transformations you've seen are hyper-responders and the majority of people don't get that big.
I mean, I don't think I am considering I'm 39 with more or less a full head of hair. And my point was I'm not that concerned with accelerated hair loss because I want a transplant anyway, but where I am right now, there's really not enough loss to get a transplant or I'd have to get another one in the future. If I only lose so much with a cycle then it might actually not matter.
You cant really predict where you lose hair and how much..

Do you use finasteride? Im sure you could go on a cycle if you use finasteride + a topical anti-androgen (for example ru58841)

Should protect your hair for the time being

If I only lose so much with a cycle
Most people dont stop at one lol
certain compounds shut you down fast and others don't really.

but if you don't have a good base it's not worth it for most people, it is a gamble, and most don't win, all the amazing transformations you've seen are hyper-responders and the majority of people don't get that big.
Swear you said you was natty but seems like you know the most out of everyone when it comes to roids.
I would only do a cycle once you have been hitting it naturally for quite a while and are kind of stuck. Don't make the mistake of getting addicted to it where you keep doing it. Just expect to lose some of the gains after you come off but you will have some extra muscle you wouldn't have got naturally and you wont mess yourself up by doing it multiple times.
Swear you said you was natty but seems like you know the most out of everyone when it comes to roids.
all of my friends are roiders, and I got invited to numerous private communities because they thought I was on.

that's also why I know most people that use look like shit.
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all of my friends are roiders, and I got invited to numerous private communities because they thought I was on.

that's also why I know most people that use look like shit.
can you maintain some of the gains after getting off?

and what do u mean look like shit? bloated ogres? idc I'm ugly anyway I'd rather be a bloated wide ogre than a skinynfat narrow ogre.
can you maintain some of the gains after getting off?

and what do u mean look like shit? bloated ogres? idc I'm ugly anyway I'd rather be a bloated wide ogre than a skinynfat narrow ogre.
you can maintain most of the raw muscle you gain, but it'll look like a lot less, water and glycogen is the majority of gains and you lose all of them when you're off.

I mean they barely look like they even lift at all, most people do not respond overwhelmingly and don't gain that much raw size, they need several prolonged cycles to even look like they go to the gym.
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Ok so you have to run “PCT” after doing a cycle because your natural testosterone production shuts down…

but who cares?

it’s only temporary right?

it’s not like you run a cycle for a few months and then forever for the rest of the 30 years you’re alive your body stops producing testosterone.

so wtf are the downsides all these copers saying steroids are bad for you?

sure you can die if you blast for 40 years or if you sit in a sauna and do coke like Zyzz.

why are normies so fucking retarded about steroids
Needle goes into your vein because you were too much of a retarded faggot to try hard in your workout and lifestyle, balls go ⬇️ erection goes ↘️ mental illnesses go 📈 and your organs go 🔥🔥🔥 natural testosterone production says:"hey look at this faggot injecting artificial T like he doesn't have his own pair of balls! lets fuck him over and stop making natural testosterone!" and eventually your sperm also decides to become infertile. you're still alone, without children and bald. the end.
Needle goes into your vein because you were too much of a retarded faggot to try hard in your workout and lifestyle, balls go ⬇️ erection goes ↘️ mental illnesses go 📈 and your organs go 🔥🔥🔥 natural testosterone production says:"hey look at this faggot injecting artificial T like he doesn't have his own pair of balls! lets fuck him over and stop making natural testosterone!" and eventually your sperm also decides to become infertile. you're still alone, without children and bald. the end.
you don't inject it into your veins, retard
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Needle goes into your vein because you were too much of a retarded faggot to try hard in your workout and lifestyle, balls go ⬇️ erection goes ↘️ mental illnesses go 📈 and your organs go 🔥🔥🔥 natural testosterone production says:"hey look at this faggot injecting artificial T like he doesn't have his own pair of balls! lets fuck him over and stop making natural testosterone!" and eventually your sperm also decides to become infertile. you're still alone, without children and bald. the end.
lmfaolmfaolmfao inject into veins, holy shit metallll bruh
There really are no downsides except when you start running retarded cycles with massive amounts of shit like mast and tren. Just stick to 300-400mg test, take some fin to minimize balding, take ai as needed, get to where you want to be physique wise and lower your dose to cruise levels to maintain. Inb4 fucked hpta, infertile for life. NO, that’s all bullshit, won’t happen if you stick to test only.
Jfl at doing fuckin pct why even bother to fuck your hormones and then try to get them to baseline again by using muh HCG and your natty test levels would never return back to high levels
If you are serious about taking steroids blast and cruise is the only way to go while doing pct you will literally lose 50% of your gains @LOST
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Steroids are moslty safe. Maybe if you abuse like a pro bodybuilder (which is stoopid) for 10-15+ years...You will end up habing big problems
But for most people moderate doses, some supplements to help general health, and eating healthy...and u re g2g
Lets say doing it properly you die 2 years younger...WORTH IT

Doing cycles is just senseless if you are serious about it. PCT a perfect way to have mental instability and suffer from depression and 0 desire to be social, no sex drive, bad erections, losing your gains....
If you are serious about this...blast and cruise. Better in every aspect and we could debate if also is healthier overal..

If you are worried about fertility there is NO HUMAN BEING that completely lost fertility after using roids. Not even big ass bodybuilders, some of em even make pregnant their wives during hard cycles.
If you have more problems having kids trhere are really protocols that will make u have recover ur fertility.

People wanna ascend, but dont wanna put a needle in the ass by themselves. Wanna ascend but they have no balls to approach a hoe in a club. Wanna ascend but they re literally willing to sacrifice NOTHING.
Steroids well done...will make you ascend like a lil motherfucker.
Star low, increase lil by little.
Dont use a lot of AIS (they fuck up ur skin) or huge amounts of DHT derivates because of hair and it can fuck ur skin while u re on them.
You will have overall better mood, drive and u will be more manly.

I think if you re decently tall and you dont take steroids you just dont want the best out of ur appearance.

And for the retardeds who say that "no women wanna be with people like CBUM:
  • First thats a lie
  • Second, u dont use roids to look like him. That requires overdoses for a long time. You use roids to look way better than any natural, faster, and for most tall guys, the only way to truly fill their frame
Needle goes into your vein because you were too much of a retarded faggot to try hard in your workout and lifestyle, balls go ⬇️ erection goes ↘️ mental illnesses go 📈 and your organs go 🔥🔥🔥 natural testosterone production says:"hey look at this faggot injecting artificial T like he doesn't have his own pair of balls! lets fuck him over and stop making natural testosterone!" and eventually your sperm also decides to become infertile. you're still alone, without children and bald. the end.
this kind of people are ignorants with a lot of stupidity inside.
Fuck ur natty ass damn phag. I mog you and all ur friends together with my needles in my ass

And please, dont spread nonsense and lies about this. Let people make a FREE decision by offering them the truth MOTHERFUCKER

They’re legit harmless they’ll give you acne and hair loss, both of which easily avoidable, and that’s about it. There’s no reason not to take them JFL JFL at this world, you see the difference between low IQ and high IQ immediate when the discussion comes up with steroids.

Ppl love to throw the Zyzz card he was taking coke, in a sauna, on clen, and even had a heart defect he had so much going wrong for him.

Steroids are an IQ test lmfao tbh tbh you need to be at least 120 IQ to ignore the world and just take them tbh tbh
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They’re legit harmless they’ll give you acne and hair loss, both of which easily avoidable, and that’s about it. There’s no reason not to take them JFL JFL at this world, you see the difference between low IQ and high IQ immediate when the discussion comes up with steroids.

Ppl love to throw the Zyzz card he was taking coke, in a sauna, on clen, and even had a heart defect he had so much going wrong for him.

Steroids are an IQ test lmfao tbh tbh you need to be at least 120 IQ to ignore the world and just take them tbh tbh
Steroids can be good but you have to try your natty potential first. Some people respond well to exercise
Steroids can be good but you have to try your natty potential first. Some people respond well to exercise
Man you falling for all the memes!!!!


Breh I’m about to drop a 190 IQ blueprint on you get ready:

Take insulin, IGF-1, HGH, roids, clen, and T3…
Eat like a pig
Train like an animal

Claim full natty and say you workout once a week
Get a career
Get rich

Get bitches

Breh you got 190 IQ blueprint for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucky fuck I worked hard for that blueprint Kys fgt for taking my shit nigga 💥
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Man you falling for all the memes!!!!


Breh I’m about to drop a 190 IQ blueprint on you get ready:

Take insulin, IGF-1, HGH, roids, clen, and T3…
Eat like a pig
Train like an animal

Claim full natty and say you workout once a week
Get a career
Get rich

Get bitches

Breh you got 190 IQ blueprint for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucky fuck I worked hard for that blueprint Kys fgt for taking my shit nigga 💥
How many schools have you shot in the past year?
Ok so you have to run “PCT” after doing a cycle because your natural testosterone production shuts down…

but who cares?

it’s only temporary right?

it’s not like you run a cycle for a few months and then forever for the rest of the 30 years you’re alive your body stops producing testosterone.

so wtf are the downsides all these copers saying steroids are bad for you?

sure you can die if you blast for 40 years or if you sit in a sauna and do coke like Zyzz.

why are normies so fucking retarded about steroids

You don't *have* to do PCT, I never did it and it was really started by early internet steroid dealers trying to make more money.

It's temporary, when you come off you will go back to looking how you looked before you started depending on your diet and training when you are clean.

The health downsides are usually minor and temporary for most people. Bloat, bad skin, bad lipid profile, injection soreness are all very common. Less common would be hair loss, gyno, acne. Quite rare would be developing heart problems, permanent infertility, abcesses, liver/kidney damage.

So no, unless you really take the piss with roids you aren't going to die and you probably won't even have any long term sides. Most people just bounce right back after a few months. But then you have to ask yourself is it worth it to you to spend X hundred dollars just to be right back where you started 6 months later? That's why so many roiders can't stop cycling, they can't go back to being normal. It's a mental illness.
Man you falling for all the memes!!!!


Breh I’m about to drop a 190 IQ blueprint on you get ready:

Take insulin, IGF-1, HGH, roids, clen, and T3…
Eat like a pig
Train like an animal

Claim full natty and say you workout once a week
Get a career
Get rich

Get bitches

Breh you got 190 IQ blueprint for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucky fuck I worked hard for that blueprint Kys fgt for taking my shit nigga 💥
The costs for running that will be insane. Would give half my life for me to be able to run all of those year round tho.

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