Fortune article: 'Looksmaxxing' is a youth mental health crisis, psychologists say



Aug 19, 2022

After *************’s girlfriend dumped him during their junior year of high school, the then-17-year-old decided to invest in his appearance. He began spending hours daily in the gym, applying homemade skin care concoctions to his face like beef tallow moisturizer, and permed his hair to give it a tousled mop look. He says he felt and looked better.

Soon, Latham started posting tips on TikTok to inspire teen boys in similar situations. His videos are captioned with language like “this is making you ugly,” “stop ruining your skin,” and “get a smaller nose.” The makeover advice went, and continues to go, viral. To date, his TikTok clips have nearly 98 million likes and 1 billion views across social media. Latham, who is now selling his own brand of hairspray, says he’s making six figures in revenue monthly from sales and social media, leading him to skip college and be a full-time influencer.

Latham’s videos are part of a trend called “looksmaxxing” that capitalizes on the insecurities of young people, mostly boys, and tells them they can become attractive and masculine by toning their faces and bodies via rigid fitness, skin care, and hair care routines. In its mildest form, looksmax social media creators tell teen boys to wash their faces; in its most extreme, they tell boys to regularly pummel their jaws to induce microfractures, get surgery, and take steroids. Social media algorithms tend to amplify this content.

Psychologists interviewed by Fortune expressed concern about the trend. They assailed the potentially devastating effects of the online advice and criticism that make those seeking it feel inadequate and unattractive.

“Psychologically, it’s essentially an erosion of the sense of self,” says Tom Hildebrandt, a clinical psychologist who has studied eating disorders for 20 years as the chief and founder of the Hildebrandt Laboratory at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. “It’s like, ‘The more I get feedback that I’m not good enough, the more I consume it. And then I trade my attention, my time, and sometimes my money and resources to give up my current identity in pursuit of this other one.’”

Latham, too, says the negative content he posts attracts far more views and engagement than positive stuff. So the now 19-year-old continues to insult the appearances of his viewers, and in turn, sell more products, mostly via TikTok Shop.

He dismisses the critics, saying they should listen more closely to his advice. The negativity in his videos is mixed with positive messages, he argues. “People are really attracted to negative things because so many guys are insecure—so you pull them in with that in a way, and then try to help them.”
This negative feedback loop has also spurred a burgeoning looksmaxxing economy, including chewing gum meant to help with jaw exercises, personal care products, and clothing.

Meanwhile, a number of apps claim to evaluate the looks of users and their success in following the looksmaxxing message. The most popular app is Umax – Become Hot. Powered in part by OpenAI’s technology, Umax rates paying users’ faces on masculinity, their jawlines, and cheekbones, among other attributes. Though it launched in December, the app is already raking in about $500,000 in subscription revenue monthly, according to Blake Anderson, the app’s 23-year-old founder and CEO. The amount could not be independently verified.

Umax, which relies on users uploading headshot photos, costs $3.99 weekly. It scores users’ faces each week on a scale up to 100, and gives tips like “start a skin care routine” to increase their scores. Though the app says users can forgo the first weekly fee if they refer three friends, this feature didn’t work in Fortune’s test of the app.

Umax has over 7 million total downloads, according to Anderson, and climbed to No. 36 in the Apple App Store’s lifestyle chart, which ranks apps by downloads, app usage, and velocity of downloads. It ranked higher than the apps of Zillow Rentals and handyman service TaskRabbit. Anderson says 90% of users are males ages 16 to 45.

He credits Umax’s popularity to its social media presence, helped by users who often show screenshots of Umax’s app as a backdrop in their own social media videos in which they discuss their looksmaxxing journeys. He says Umax has garnered over 1 billion impressions across all social media platforms. A Umax competitor, LooksMax AI – Face Style Rater, is also among the top 100 lifestyle apps. (Its developer did not respond to Fortune’s interview request.)
“Social media, as a whole, is the greatest advertising channel to exist,” says Anderson, who wants to build a brand that “embodies male self-improvement.”

“The videos that tend to do really well are glow-up videos: ‘This is me before—maybe I had acne or wasn’t as good-looking, wasn’t taking care of myself—and now, this is me after.’ Umax scores help to quantify that change,” he says.

In response to critics who say that Umax may contribute to users’ negative self-perception, Anderson says, “We never want somebody to feel insecure to the point that it causes anxiety or significantly impacts their mental health…If we just tell everyone to just love who you are 100% and there’s never anything that needs any work—I think that’s a dangerous mindset…Self-improvement is extremely important and pays dividends over the course of one’s life.”

Another reason for the growth of the looksmaxxing economy is TikTok Shop.

Looksmax influencer Latham calls it an “insanely profitable” platform for his hair care brand because “you can literally just buy a product on the same screen that you watch the video.” He says the success of his brand on TikTok Shop is a reason he decided to forgo college to focus on his social media creator career.

TikTok did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

Mount Sinai’s Hildebrandt is deeply worried about the potentially devastating effects of negative content delivered through an algorithm, as he believes this could cause widespread and often-undetected male body dysmorphia. This phenomenon, he says, gained traction during Arnold Schwarzenegger’s muscular rise to fame in the 1980s. With the rise of social media, the problem has been supercharged and harder to detect. Now the disorder is often characterized by people spending excessive time consuming and thinking about online beauty and wellness content. On the surface, it’s largely indistinguishable from today’s norm of people scrolling on their phones for hours on end.

Hildebrandt is not surprised that Umax’s app and Latham’s hair care products have caught on. He believes the looksmaxxing economy takes advantage of men’s insecurities using methods that have minted trillions of dollars for female-focused cosmetics and wellness brands. “The producers of [looksmaxxing] content and products are figuring out that men are just as vulnerable as women to that negative feedback…If you make anyone feel insecure about their identities, they are willing to throw money after a solution for that.”

TikTok has cracked down on weight loss content, though psychologists say problematic content very much still exists. A search for “looksmax” on the platform returns a banner saying, “You are more than your weight.” The message is accompanied by a cartoon character hugging a heart and an option to click on a message that says, “If you or someone you know has questions about body image, food, or exercise—it is important to know that help is out there and you are not alone.” Users can follow links to TikTok’s own eating disorder resource center and But once users begin to scroll, the banner disappears.
Meta-owned Instagram and Facebook, Google’s YouTube, and Snapchat have no such warnings on looksmaxxing content.

Instagram, which CNN and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said in 2021 promoted eating disorder content to teens, has a page about eating disorders that focuses on how users should approach friends about the problem. Facebook has a similar page. A Meta spokesperson declined to comment for this story, but pointed Fortune to its policy on suicide, self-injury, and eating disorders.

Though the company says it removes “any content that encourages suicide, self-injury, or eating disorders,” it allows “people to discuss these topics because we want our services to be a space where people can share their experiences, raise awareness about these issues, and seek support from one another.”
Meta says that it has added pop-ups on searches related to suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, or body image issues that give users tips and ways to connect with relevant organizations, but it has no such warning on looksmax-related searches. When Fortune searched for “looksmax” on Instagram, it found a video of a user with a chiseled jaw who claimed to have obtained it by hitting his face with a hammer (a practice known as “bone smashing”). The video shows users how to do it, while warning of its dangers.

Snapchat provides users with no information about eating disorders. A spokesperson for the platform declined to comment for this article, directing Fortune to its guidelines about the kinds of posts its algorithm recommends, noting the company prohibits the promotion of self-injury, suicide, and disordered eating content. Despite the rules, under the #looksmax hashtag on Snapchat, Fortune found a number of posts that promote self-harm and violence. One video that begins with a selfie video of a looksmaxxer is captioned “when she says I’m going to party with my new friends,” followed by a sequence of people firing assault rifles. A caption on the clip then said “me after pulling up to that party.”

In response to looksmaxxing content on YouTube, a spokesperson for the platform told Fortune: “YouTube has extra safeguards in place for videos recommended to teens and younger viewers, developed in consultation with child development experts.” The spokesperson, who shared a link to the safeguards, says the company “limits repeated recommendations of content that compares physical features and idealizes specific fitness levels or body weights over others,” noting it has policies to remove content about disordered eating behaviors that “can be easily imitated.”

Social media companies are already facing scrutiny from federal and state officials for allegedly causing a youth mental health crisis with their addictive algorithms and features. A key accusation in these lawsuits and initiatives is that social media platforms incite body dysmorphia in users, especially young females.
But looksmaxxing may be evidence that young male users are just as affected by body dysmorphia.

Sera Lavelle, a clinical psychologist who treats eating disorders and disordered eating in New York City, says she now has an even split of male and female patients. When she started her practice in 2007, it was mostly women and girls. Lavelle says that over the last 10 years—concurrent with the rise of social media—the gender makeup of her patients has reached parity. “Society is now getting equally horrible for men as it has been for women for a long time,” says Lavelle.

Lavelle’s anecdote is consistent with national reports that show that diagnosed male eating disorders have increased with social media’s rise.

Sarah Davis, also a psychologist in New York who is focused on children’s eating disorders, notes that a few patients have engaged in a looksmaxxing exercise during therapy sessions called mewing, a belief that touching one’s tongue to top of mouth through clenched teeth can spur a defined jawline. She blames social media as her patients get “younger and younger,” with the youngest being 9 years old.

“We all want to be loved and accepted,” says Davis. “People think, ‘If I look a certain way, and I can throw money at that [to be loved and accepted,] then I’ll do it.’”
  • JFL
  • +1
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this article was written 5 years too late.
  • +1
Reactions: mathis, psychomandible, 1966Ford and 8 others
Not a single photon nigger, yes I’m mentally ill
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: mathis, psychomandible, Deleted member 61703 and 11 others
chatgpt shorter version:

After his breakup in high school, ************* focused intensely on his appearance. He hit the gym daily, experimented with DIY skincare, and styled his hair for a new look, feeling more confident as a result. Sharing grooming tips on TikTok, his videos advising on looks enhancement went viral, accumulating nearly 98 million likes and 1 billion views. This success propelled him to a six-figure monthly income from product sales and influencing, prompting him to forgo college.

His content is part of the "looksmaxxing" trend, targeting young males with promises of enhanced attractiveness through rigorous routines. Despite criticism from psychologists about potential negative impacts on self-esteem and body image, ************* defends his approach, citing its engagement and sales success. The trend has spurred a lucrative economy, including apps like Umax, which rates and advises users on facial features for a fee, amid growing concerns over social media's influence on mental health and self-perception
  • +1
  • Love it
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Allat to say men are starting to wake up at the reality of their treatment and how looks dictate your life
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This article reeks of bluepilled retardation. The reason men have to looksmax in the first place is because of hypergamy. But these cucks will never criticize hypergamy—they'll just bitch about men dealing with the situation our modern society put them in.
  • +1
  • Woah
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Western society is weak
  • +1
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I'm not reading all that
  • +1
Reactions: sb23, uglysub8male, 97baHater and 2 others
Pure bullshit per usual. I won’t allocate a single neuron to their bs
  • +1
Reactions: sb23, niqfan625, BladeRunner and 3 others
Water. They should not pretend to be surprised since it has been working like this for so long, looksmaxxing is only a recent vehicle
  • +1
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Psychologists are a means of channelling attention to channelled and fuelled issues
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 69862

After *************’s girlfriend dumped him during their junior year of high school, the then-17-year-old decided to invest in his appearance. He began spending hours daily in the gym, applying homemade skin care concoctions to his face like beef tallow moisturizer, and permed his hair to give it a tousled mop look. He says he felt and looked better.

Soon, Latham started posting tips on TikTok to inspire teen boys in similar situations. His videos are captioned with language like “this is making you ugly,” “stop ruining your skin,” and “get a smaller nose.” The makeover advice went, and continues to go, viral. To date, his TikTok clips have nearly 98 million likes and 1 billion views across social media. Latham, who is now selling his own brand of hairspray, says he’s making six figures in revenue monthly from sales and social media, leading him to skip college and be a full-time influencer.

Latham’s videos are part of a trend called “looksmaxxing” that capitalizes on the insecurities of young people, mostly boys, and tells them they can become attractive and masculine by toning their faces and bodies via rigid fitness, skin care, and hair care routines. In its mildest form, looksmax social media creators tell teen boys to wash their faces; in its most extreme, they tell boys to regularly pummel their jaws to induce microfractures, get surgery, and take steroids. Social media algorithms tend to amplify this content.

Psychologists interviewed by Fortune expressed concern about the trend. They assailed the potentially devastating effects of the online advice and criticism that make those seeking it feel inadequate and unattractive.

“Psychologically, it’s essentially an erosion of the sense of self,” says Tom Hildebrandt, a clinical psychologist who has studied eating disorders for 20 years as the chief and founder of the Hildebrandt Laboratory at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. “It’s like, ‘The more I get feedback that I’m not good enough, the more I consume it. And then I trade my attention, my time, and sometimes my money and resources to give up my current identity in pursuit of this other one.’”

Latham, too, says the negative content he posts attracts far more views and engagement than positive stuff. So the now 19-year-old continues to insult the appearances of his viewers, and in turn, sell more products, mostly via TikTok Shop.

He dismisses the critics, saying they should listen more closely to his advice. The negativity in his videos is mixed with positive messages, he argues. “People are really attracted to negative things because so many guys are insecure—so you pull them in with that in a way, and then try to help them.”
This negative feedback loop has also spurred a burgeoning looksmaxxing economy, including chewing gum meant to help with jaw exercises, personal care products, and clothing.

Meanwhile, a number of apps claim to evaluate the looks of users and their success in following the looksmaxxing message. The most popular app is Umax – Become Hot. Powered in part by OpenAI’s technology, Umax rates paying users’ faces on masculinity, their jawlines, and cheekbones, among other attributes. Though it launched in December, the app is already raking in about $500,000 in subscription revenue monthly, according to Blake Anderson, the app’s 23-year-old founder and CEO. The amount could not be independently verified.

Umax, which relies on users uploading headshot photos, costs $3.99 weekly. It scores users’ faces each week on a scale up to 100, and gives tips like “start a skin care routine” to increase their scores. Though the app says users can forgo the first weekly fee if they refer three friends, this feature didn’t work in Fortune’s test of the app.

Umax has over 7 million total downloads, according to Anderson, and climbed to No. 36 in the Apple App Store’s lifestyle chart, which ranks apps by downloads, app usage, and velocity of downloads. It ranked higher than the apps of Zillow Rentals and handyman service TaskRabbit. Anderson says 90% of users are males ages 16 to 45.

He credits Umax’s popularity to its social media presence, helped by users who often show screenshots of Umax’s app as a backdrop in their own social media videos in which they discuss their looksmaxxing journeys. He says Umax has garnered over 1 billion impressions across all social media platforms. A Umax competitor, LooksMax AI – Face Style Rater, is also among the top 100 lifestyle apps. (Its developer did not respond to Fortune’s interview request.)
“Social media, as a whole, is the greatest advertising channel to exist,” says Anderson, who wants to build a brand that “embodies male self-improvement.”

“The videos that tend to do really well are glow-up videos: ‘This is me before—maybe I had acne or wasn’t as good-looking, wasn’t taking care of myself—and now, this is me after.’ Umax scores help to quantify that change,” he says.

In response to critics who say that Umax may contribute to users’ negative self-perception, Anderson says, “We never want somebody to feel insecure to the point that it causes anxiety or significantly impacts their mental health…If we just tell everyone to just love who you are 100% and there’s never anything that needs any work—I think that’s a dangerous mindset…Self-improvement is extremely important and pays dividends over the course of one’s life.”

Another reason for the growth of the looksmaxxing economy is TikTok Shop.

Looksmax influencer Latham calls it an “insanely profitable” platform for his hair care brand because “you can literally just buy a product on the same screen that you watch the video.” He says the success of his brand on TikTok Shop is a reason he decided to forgo college to focus on his social media creator career.

TikTok did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

Mount Sinai’s Hildebrandt is deeply worried about the potentially devastating effects of negative content delivered through an algorithm, as he believes this could cause widespread and often-undetected male body dysmorphia. This phenomenon, he says, gained traction during Arnold Schwarzenegger’s muscular rise to fame in the 1980s. With the rise of social media, the problem has been supercharged and harder to detect. Now the disorder is often characterized by people spending excessive time consuming and thinking about online beauty and wellness content. On the surface, it’s largely indistinguishable from today’s norm of people scrolling on their phones for hours on end.

Hildebrandt is not surprised that Umax’s app and Latham’s hair care products have caught on. He believes the looksmaxxing economy takes advantage of men’s insecurities using methods that have minted trillions of dollars for female-focused cosmetics and wellness brands. “The producers of [looksmaxxing] content and products are figuring out that men are just as vulnerable as women to that negative feedback…If you make anyone feel insecure about their identities, they are willing to throw money after a solution for that.”

TikTok has cracked down on weight loss content, though psychologists say problematic content very much still exists. A search for “looksmax” on the platform returns a banner saying, “You are more than your weight.” The message is accompanied by a cartoon character hugging a heart and an option to click on a message that says, “If you or someone you know has questions about body image, food, or exercise—it is important to know that help is out there and you are not alone.” Users can follow links to TikTok’s own eating disorder resource center and But once users begin to scroll, the banner disappears.
Meta-owned Instagram and Facebook, Google’s YouTube, and Snapchat have no such warnings on looksmaxxing content.

Instagram, which CNN and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said in 2021 promoted eating disorder content to teens, has a page about eating disorders that focuses on how users should approach friends about the problem. Facebook has a similar page. A Meta spokesperson declined to comment for this story, but pointed Fortune to its policy on suicide, self-injury, and eating disorders.

Though the company says it removes “any content that encourages suicide, self-injury, or eating disorders,” it allows “people to discuss these topics because we want our services to be a space where people can share their experiences, raise awareness about these issues, and seek support from one another.”
Meta says that it has added pop-ups on searches related to suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, or body image issues that give users tips and ways to connect with relevant organizations, but it has no such warning on looksmax-related searches. When Fortune searched for “looksmax” on Instagram, it found a video of a user with a chiseled jaw who claimed to have obtained it by hitting his face with a hammer (a practice known as “bone smashing”). The video shows users how to do it, while warning of its dangers.

Snapchat provides users with no information about eating disorders. A spokesperson for the platform declined to comment for this article, directing Fortune to its guidelines about the kinds of posts its algorithm recommends, noting the company prohibits the promotion of self-injury, suicide, and disordered eating content. Despite the rules, under the #looksmax hashtag on Snapchat, Fortune found a number of posts that promote self-harm and violence. One video that begins with a selfie video of a looksmaxxer is captioned “when she says I’m going to party with my new friends,” followed by a sequence of people firing assault rifles. A caption on the clip then said “me after pulling up to that party.”

In response to looksmaxxing content on YouTube, a spokesperson for the platform told Fortune: “YouTube has extra safeguards in place for videos recommended to teens and younger viewers, developed in consultation with child development experts.” The spokesperson, who shared a link to the safeguards, says the company “limits repeated recommendations of content that compares physical features and idealizes specific fitness levels or body weights over others,” noting it has policies to remove content about disordered eating behaviors that “can be easily imitated.”

Social media companies are already facing scrutiny from federal and state officials for allegedly causing a youth mental health crisis with their addictive algorithms and features. A key accusation in these lawsuits and initiatives is that social media platforms incite body dysmorphia in users, especially young females.
But looksmaxxing may be evidence that young male users are just as affected by body dysmorphia.

Sera Lavelle, a clinical psychologist who treats eating disorders and disordered eating in New York City, says she now has an even split of male and female patients. When she started her practice in 2007, it was mostly women and girls. Lavelle says that over the last 10 years—concurrent with the rise of social media—the gender makeup of her patients has reached parity. “Society is now getting equally horrible for men as it has been for women for a long time,” says Lavelle.

Lavelle’s anecdote is consistent with national reports that show that diagnosed male eating disorders have increased with social media’s rise.

Sarah Davis, also a psychologist in New York who is focused on children’s eating disorders, notes that a few patients have engaged in a looksmaxxing exercise during therapy sessions called mewing, a belief that touching one’s tongue to top of mouth through clenched teeth can spur a defined jawline. She blames social media as her patients get “younger and younger,” with the youngest being 9 years old.

“We all want to be loved and accepted,” says Davis. “People think, ‘If I look a certain way, and I can throw money at that [to be loved and accepted,] then I’ll do it.’”
It's a good thing the media is giving a shit about this stuff. It means that they will pressure social media companies to stopping the spread of it, which will reduce the spread of the blackpill.

Less competition=better.
  • +1
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Not reading that Jewish article
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: EdgyFashionist, BrokenCharm, rg1235 and 1 other person

After *************’s girlfriend dumped him during their junior year of high school, the then-17-year-old decided to invest in his appearance. He began spending hours daily in the gym, applying homemade skin care concoctions to his face like beef tallow moisturizer, and permed his hair to give it a tousled mop look. He says he felt and looked better.

Soon, Latham started posting tips on TikTok to inspire teen boys in similar situations. His videos are captioned with language like “this is making you ugly,” “stop ruining your skin,” and “get a smaller nose.” The makeover advice went, and continues to go, viral. To date, his TikTok clips have nearly 98 million likes and 1 billion views across social media. Latham, who is now selling his own brand of hairspray, says he’s making six figures in revenue monthly from sales and social media, leading him to skip college and be a full-time influencer.

Latham’s videos are part of a trend called “looksmaxxing” that capitalizes on the insecurities of young people, mostly boys, and tells them they can become attractive and masculine by toning their faces and bodies via rigid fitness, skin care, and hair care routines. In its mildest form, looksmax social media creators tell teen boys to wash their faces; in its most extreme, they tell boys to regularly pummel their jaws to induce microfractures, get surgery, and take steroids. Social media algorithms tend to amplify this content.

Psychologists interviewed by Fortune expressed concern about the trend. They assailed the potentially devastating effects of the online advice and criticism that make those seeking it feel inadequate and unattractive.

“Psychologically, it’s essentially an erosion of the sense of self,” says Tom Hildebrandt, a clinical psychologist who has studied eating disorders for 20 years as the chief and founder of the Hildebrandt Laboratory at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. “It’s like, ‘The more I get feedback that I’m not good enough, the more I consume it. And then I trade my attention, my time, and sometimes my money and resources to give up my current identity in pursuit of this other one.’”

Latham, too, says the negative content he posts attracts far more views and engagement than positive stuff. So the now 19-year-old continues to insult the appearances of his viewers, and in turn, sell more products, mostly via TikTok Shop.

He dismisses the critics, saying they should listen more closely to his advice. The negativity in his videos is mixed with positive messages, he argues. “People are really attracted to negative things because so many guys are insecure—so you pull them in with that in a way, and then try to help them.”
This negative feedback loop has also spurred a burgeoning looksmaxxing economy, including chewing gum meant to help with jaw exercises, personal care products, and clothing.

Meanwhile, a number of apps claim to evaluate the looks of users and their success in following the looksmaxxing message. The most popular app is Umax – Become Hot. Powered in part by OpenAI’s technology, Umax rates paying users’ faces on masculinity, their jawlines, and cheekbones, among other attributes. Though it launched in December, the app is already raking in about $500,000 in subscription revenue monthly, according to Blake Anderson, the app’s 23-year-old founder and CEO. The amount could not be independently verified.

Umax, which relies on users uploading headshot photos, costs $3.99 weekly. It scores users’ faces each week on a scale up to 100, and gives tips like “start a skin care routine” to increase their scores. Though the app says users can forgo the first weekly fee if they refer three friends, this feature didn’t work in Fortune’s test of the app.

Umax has over 7 million total downloads, according to Anderson, and climbed to No. 36 in the Apple App Store’s lifestyle chart, which ranks apps by downloads, app usage, and velocity of downloads. It ranked higher than the apps of Zillow Rentals and handyman service TaskRabbit. Anderson says 90% of users are males ages 16 to 45.

He credits Umax’s popularity to its social media presence, helped by users who often show screenshots of Umax’s app as a backdrop in their own social media videos in which they discuss their looksmaxxing journeys. He says Umax has garnered over 1 billion impressions across all social media platforms. A Umax competitor, LooksMax AI – Face Style Rater, is also among the top 100 lifestyle apps. (Its developer did not respond to Fortune’s interview request.)
“Social media, as a whole, is the greatest advertising channel to exist,” says Anderson, who wants to build a brand that “embodies male self-improvement.”

“The videos that tend to do really well are glow-up videos: ‘This is me before—maybe I had acne or wasn’t as good-looking, wasn’t taking care of myself—and now, this is me after.’ Umax scores help to quantify that change,” he says.

In response to critics who say that Umax may contribute to users’ negative self-perception, Anderson says, “We never want somebody to feel insecure to the point that it causes anxiety or significantly impacts their mental health…If we just tell everyone to just love who you are 100% and there’s never anything that needs any work—I think that’s a dangerous mindset…Self-improvement is extremely important and pays dividends over the course of one’s life.”

Another reason for the growth of the looksmaxxing economy is TikTok Shop.

Looksmax influencer Latham calls it an “insanely profitable” platform for his hair care brand because “you can literally just buy a product on the same screen that you watch the video.” He says the success of his brand on TikTok Shop is a reason he decided to forgo college to focus on his social media creator career.

TikTok did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

Mount Sinai’s Hildebrandt is deeply worried about the potentially devastating effects of negative content delivered through an algorithm, as he believes this could cause widespread and often-undetected male body dysmorphia. This phenomenon, he says, gained traction during Arnold Schwarzenegger’s muscular rise to fame in the 1980s. With the rise of social media, the problem has been supercharged and harder to detect. Now the disorder is often characterized by people spending excessive time consuming and thinking about online beauty and wellness content. On the surface, it’s largely indistinguishable from today’s norm of people scrolling on their phones for hours on end.

Hildebrandt is not surprised that Umax’s app and Latham’s hair care products have caught on. He believes the looksmaxxing economy takes advantage of men’s insecurities using methods that have minted trillions of dollars for female-focused cosmetics and wellness brands. “The producers of [looksmaxxing] content and products are figuring out that men are just as vulnerable as women to that negative feedback…If you make anyone feel insecure about their identities, they are willing to throw money after a solution for that.”

TikTok has cracked down on weight loss content, though psychologists say problematic content very much still exists. A search for “looksmax” on the platform returns a banner saying, “You are more than your weight.” The message is accompanied by a cartoon character hugging a heart and an option to click on a message that says, “If you or someone you know has questions about body image, food, or exercise—it is important to know that help is out there and you are not alone.” Users can follow links to TikTok’s own eating disorder resource center and But once users begin to scroll, the banner disappears.
Meta-owned Instagram and Facebook, Google’s YouTube, and Snapchat have no such warnings on looksmaxxing content.

Instagram, which CNN and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said in 2021 promoted eating disorder content to teens, has a page about eating disorders that focuses on how users should approach friends about the problem. Facebook has a similar page. A Meta spokesperson declined to comment for this story, but pointed Fortune to its policy on suicide, self-injury, and eating disorders.

Though the company says it removes “any content that encourages suicide, self-injury, or eating disorders,” it allows “people to discuss these topics because we want our services to be a space where people can share their experiences, raise awareness about these issues, and seek support from one another.”
Meta says that it has added pop-ups on searches related to suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, or body image issues that give users tips and ways to connect with relevant organizations, but it has no such warning on looksmax-related searches. When Fortune searched for “looksmax” on Instagram, it found a video of a user with a chiseled jaw who claimed to have obtained it by hitting his face with a hammer (a practice known as “bone smashing”). The video shows users how to do it, while warning of its dangers.

Snapchat provides users with no information about eating disorders. A spokesperson for the platform declined to comment for this article, directing Fortune to its guidelines about the kinds of posts its algorithm recommends, noting the company prohibits the promotion of self-injury, suicide, and disordered eating content. Despite the rules, under the #looksmax hashtag on Snapchat, Fortune found a number of posts that promote self-harm and violence. One video that begins with a selfie video of a looksmaxxer is captioned “when she says I’m going to party with my new friends,” followed by a sequence of people firing assault rifles. A caption on the clip then said “me after pulling up to that party.”

In response to looksmaxxing content on YouTube, a spokesperson for the platform told Fortune: “YouTube has extra safeguards in place for videos recommended to teens and younger viewers, developed in consultation with child development experts.” The spokesperson, who shared a link to the safeguards, says the company “limits repeated recommendations of content that compares physical features and idealizes specific fitness levels or body weights over others,” noting it has policies to remove content about disordered eating behaviors that “can be easily imitated.”

Social media companies are already facing scrutiny from federal and state officials for allegedly causing a youth mental health crisis with their addictive algorithms and features. A key accusation in these lawsuits and initiatives is that social media platforms incite body dysmorphia in users, especially young females.
But looksmaxxing may be evidence that young male users are just as affected by body dysmorphia.

Sera Lavelle, a clinical psychologist who treats eating disorders and disordered eating in New York City, says she now has an even split of male and female patients. When she started her practice in 2007, it was mostly women and girls. Lavelle says that over the last 10 years—concurrent with the rise of social media—the gender makeup of her patients has reached parity. “Society is now getting equally horrible for men as it has been for women for a long time,” says Lavelle.

Lavelle’s anecdote is consistent with national reports that show that diagnosed male eating disorders have increased with social media’s rise.

Sarah Davis, also a psychologist in New York who is focused on children’s eating disorders, notes that a few patients have engaged in a looksmaxxing exercise during therapy sessions called mewing, a belief that touching one’s tongue to top of mouth through clenched teeth can spur a defined jawline. She blames social media as her patients get “younger and younger,” with the youngest being 9 years old.

“We all want to be loved and accepted,” says Davis. “People think, ‘If I look a certain way, and I can throw money at that [to be loved and accepted,] then I’ll do it.’”
Jfl at that nigger master allowing this subhuman grifter to capitalize on the content here and make six figures monthly.
  • JFL
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I mean, they are fucking right.
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  • JFL
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tells them they can become attractive and masculine by toning their faces and bodies via rigid fitness, skin care, and hair care routines. In its mildest form, looksmax social media creators tell teen boys to wash their faces; in its most extreme, they tell boys to regularly pummel their jaws to induce microfractures, get surgery, and take steroids. Social media algorithms tend to amplify this content.
So it’s not okay to try and look our best? 40 year old LTN wrote that article I guess
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19442 and BladeRunner
This article reeks of bluepilled retardation. The reason men have to looksmax in the first place is because of hypergamy. But these cucks will never criticize hypergamy—they'll just bitch about men dealing with the situation our modern society put them in.
Its simple with advancment in tech and dating apps/online dating 50 percent of short-term/long term relationships come from that. Women are able to have casual sex with men 1-3 points more physically attractive. You end up with 90 percent of the women swiping yes to only 12 percent of the men. It has gotten worse when the dating apps/online started women swipped yes on only 30 percent of men, now in 2024 they only swipe yes on 12 percent of men.

So for men to keep up they have to looks-max or get no pussy at all or bang women -2 points below them, and if a man is slim and basic looking a 5/10 that means he has to sleep with a fat/obese 2/10-3/10 women.
And they don’t know some people here take hgh test and other drug
It's a good thing the media is giving a shit about this stuff. It means that they will pressure social media companies to stopping the spread of it, which will reduce the spread of the blackpill.

Less competition=better.
It's already to late, the blackpill is the norm soon. It's spreading like wildfire, many people already know about gonial angles, maxilla forward growth etc. And you bet there are many foids lurking around here. Because they are more blackpilled then guys in general. It's over, that's also why tinder and many apps have spiked down even more likely due to the spread of lookmax this past year on TikTok etc
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