fuck christianity.



Apr 22, 2024
If you haven´t noticed already, pay attention to the fact that Christianity ("Judaism for the Goyim") is being pushed massively on social media as a "solution" for us Europeans.You will, eventually, see that the people behind this PsyOp are NOT Europeans.

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Man I wish I could tag eternal in this thread if only he was still here
  • JFL
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Man I wish I could tag eternal in this thread if only he was still here
he was always btfo by me in our debate on topic of christianity

but in this case, there is nothing to discuss. he agreed pretty much that christianity isnt pro white and is foreign religion, therefore you cant be a nationalist and christian at the same time
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  • JFL
Reactions: Imretarded? and yeeyeeslayer
Another Low IQ Jewish thread about the only Religion that explicitly calls Jews "Synagogue of Satan" and that "their father is the devil" and explicitly can trace their bloodline to be completely separate from The Pale Aryan Race Jesus was a part of known as Galileans.

Keep falling for larpers on /pol/ who infiltrated from discord.
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  • JFL
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If you haven´t noticed already, pay attention to the fact that Christianity ("Judaism for the Goyim") is being pushed massively on social media as a "solution" for us Europeans.You will, eventually, see that the people behind this PsyOp are NOT Europeans.

It’s is the solution but ONLY EASTERN ORTHODOXY. You Europeans who despise Christianity forget that European history and culture revolved around Christianity prior to the faggotry called the enlightenment which is where the west fell and became what it is today

The more you hate on Christianity the more you despise European civilisation
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The only way for europeans is to embrace social darwinism and to create a religion based around the slaughter and oppression of the weak.:feelsgood:
  • JFL
Reactions: hopecel
Another Low IQ Jewish thread about the only Religion that explicitly calls Jews "Synagogue of Satan" and that "their father is the devil" and explicitly can trace their bloodline to be completely separate from The Pale Aryan Race Jesus was a part of known as Galileans.

Keep falling for larpers on /pol/ who infiltrated from discord.
View attachment 2995376
Yes this.

@yeeyeeslayer doednt even realise Islam takes a lot from Tamuldic Judaism lol which is fake modern revisionist Judaism so ironically being anti Zionist can only be possible if your Christian specifically Catholic and Orthodox. There’s a reason why Jews despise Christian’s more than Muslims religiously (ofc on an individual collective sense they hate Muslims but that’s due to modern conflicts and the case of the imminent threat needing to be addressed first)
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Reactions: k99, lastamericanvirgin and BrendioEEE
It’s is the solution but ONLY EASTERN ORTHODOXY. You Europeans who despise Christianity forget that European history and culture revolved around Christianity prior to the faggotry called the enlightenment which is where the west fell and became what it is today

The more you hate on Christianity the more you despise European civilisation
Bro, you're saying the west fell when they were taking over the entire planet and would only reach their zenith over a hundred years later
Yes this.

@yeeyeeslayer doednt even realise Islam takes a lot from Tamuldic Judaism lol which is fake modern revisionist Judaism so ironically being anti Zionist can only be possible if your Christian specifically Catholic and Orthodox. There’s a reason why Jews despise Christian’s more than Muslims religiously (ofc on an individual collective sense they hate Muslims but that’s due to modern conflicts and the case of the imminent threat needing to be addressed first)
Didn’t even read the thread ngl

Only said that based off of the title 🤣
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Bro, you're saying the west fell when they were taking over the entire planet and would only reach their zenith over a hundred years later
The enlightenment began as a pure school of thought but the issue is in their persuirt to connect with god which isn’t possible due to Catholic Protestant theology (ADS which Muslims also will ahev to face as they become more developed lol) they ended up nihilistic and gaytheist which culminated in the French Revolution. Europe prospered for a while but the end result was the same and would end up as what we have currently a liberal secularist humanitarian state that preaches tolerance and hedonism like Sodom.

This is why we have kids not knowing their genders and Muslims brave enough to kill and bully non Muslims in non Islamic countries in the west. This is why the media promotes a degenerate lifestyle etc etc etc. the reality is if they kept hold of what they had and the Catholic Church never deviated from the true apostolic church Eastern Orthodoxy which is based and never compromises to the world then we’d not have an issue of incels an issue of single motherhood and more
  • JFL
Reactions: Imretarded?
Not really
Yes, really. European civilisation post 200AD is Christianity focused and much of the science these retarded gaytheists love to toute was discovered by Christian’s. Christianity made the world a better place thanks to it Europeans went on a worldwide crusade to prevent slavery worldwide that the MUDSLIMES were still doing as an example. European ideals of liberation, freedom of thought and legalistic codes were due to Christianity

No other religion has left such an indelible impact on the world than this. And Muslims agree that’s why Muslims woudl slaughter eachother to enter Christendom because they even know deep down sharia law is no way for man to live
  • +1
Reactions: Matzz
If you haven´t noticed already, pay attention to the fact that Christianity ("Judaism for the Goyim") is being pushed massively on social media as a "solution" for us Europeans.You will, eventually, see that the people behind this PsyOp are NOT Europeans.

first good take i've seen from you
Yes, really. European civilisation post 200AD is Christianity focused and much of the science these retarded gaytheists love to toute was discovered by Christian’s. Christianity made the world a better place thanks to it Europeans went on a worldwide crusade to prevent slavery worldwide that the MUDSLIMES were still doing as an example. European ideals of liberation, freedom of thought and legalistic codes were due to Christianity

No other religion has left such an indelible impact on the world than this. And Muslims agree that’s why Muslims woudl slaughter eachother to enter Christendom because they even know deep down sharia law is no way for man to live
drop discord in PMs , i want to debate you on my youtube channel
why write endless amounts of words ONCE AGAIN . lets just talk it out on livestream
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drop discord in PMs , i want to debate you on my youtube channel
why write endless amounts of words ONCE AGAIN . lets just talk it out on livestream
Aight snm what’s your channel? Ok me and I’ll send my shit
Aight snm what’s your channel? Ok me and I’ll send my shit
  • +1
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Holy shit how you got so many subs dude…. Also how am I gonna even debate you when you speak Russian
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on livestreams i debate in english a lot
Ok fair enough. Now your Russian so I presume your of EO background. What made you leave the bueaty of EO for Paganism? Do you know what pagans used to do to the Russians? You know what the Vikings used to do to the Slavs and made your people Slav(e)/s in English
Ok fair enough. Now your Russian so I presume your of EO background. What made you leave the bueaty of EO for Paganism? Do you know what pagans used to do to the Russians? You know what the Vikings used to do to the Slavs and made your people Slav(e)/s in English
i said , i will not write essays. rather talk

now lets set up time and day
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He merely wants to farm you for views on his channel to his primarily Russian audience, many of whom likely do not even speak English, and thus will never really be convinced of anything you say.

Pagans are disingenuous, hedonistic, narcissistic scum, this is why he will not address any points or any facts or arguments directly and wants you to go on his channel.

I am not Orthodox or Catholic, but i'm sure we both have a love for Christ, and if you want to convert people to Christ or the truth in general, this isn't the way.
  • +1
Reactions: karpeltunnel, Matzz and PrinceLuenLeoncur

He merely wants to farm you for views on his channel to his primarily Russian audience, many of whom likely do not even speak English, and thus will never really be convinced of anything you say.

Pagans are disingenuous, hedonistic, narcissistic scum, this is why he will not address any points or any facts or arguments directly and wants you to go on his channel.

I am not Orthodox or Catholic, but i'm sure we both have a love for Christ, and if you want to convert people to Christ or the truth in general, this isn't the way.
Yeah I have sent him my discord so he can add me and I’ll debate him in a couple months once I learn more about philosophy and theology. I know enough abt history to fuck this pagan but if he is an experienced debater online he may try some nonsense I dunno how to defend hence why I won’t debate him and look stupid. If he thinks he’s so good why doesn’t he debate Sam shamoun? Jay dyer etc I’ll tell you why. Because he’s scared. And whilst western Christendom is heretical and in error I do considered them Christian’s and their salvation isn’t effected by their sect as long as they adhere to the nicene creed

I wanna debate him cos he’s Russian aka my sect of Christendom so I wanna understand his psyche
ded srs? mirin subscriber count
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the only Religion that explicitly calls Jews "Synagogue of Satan" and that "their father is the devil"
no it doesn't. all it takes to deboonk this is consciously reading the verse again and you will see that not only is it not doing that, it's defending jews even more jfl
It's irrelevant, because in 150-200 years, the whole of human civilization will be close to extinction, since no one is and will be having kids in the future, given automation, and insufficient chads and staicys for everyone :incel: :what:
turn the other cheek when i strike you stupid goy
Yeah I have sent him my discord so he can add me and I’ll debate him in a couple months once I learn more about philosophy and theology. I know enough abt history to fuck this pagan but if he is an experienced debater online he may try some nonsense I dunno how to defend hence why I won’t debate him and look stupid. If he thinks he’s so good why doesn’t he debate Sam shamoun? Jay dyer etc I’ll tell you why. Because he’s scared. And whilst western Christendom is heretical and in error I do considered them Christian’s and their salvation isn’t effected by their sect as long as they adhere to the nicene creed

I wanna debate him cos he’s Russian aka my sect of Christendom so I wanna understand his psyche
Sam Shamoun would nuke him yeah.
turn the other cheek when i strike you stupid goy
Even though the context of that was a provocation in context not pacifism, read The Bible to know more.
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Sam Shamoun would nuke him yeah.
Jay dyer is even better at debating athiests imo as he uses philosophy far better. Sam shamoun is a theological powerhouse prob the best Christian apologist online tbh.

But to crush athiests and pagans your better off using somebody like Bob from speakers corner or Jay dyer

Most apologists even admit eastern orthodixy is the truest form of Christianity. Protestantism is by default heretical even if they are Christian’s their fault is abandoning the church and using Sola scripture which leads to endless schism that’s why you now have Mormons and JW two downright blasphemous groups that are not Christian anymore
no it doesn't. all it takes to deboonk this is consciously reading the verse again and you will see that not only is it not doing that, it's defending jews even more jfl
In what possible context could Revelations 2:9 and 3:9, where he is referring to a group persecuting The Church "who say they are Jews and are not".

Could be defending The Jews in any way shape or form? You realize in this context, "Jew" when used in this way means "A Follower of God" or "Someone of the original 12 tribes bloodline" which these subhuman mongrel stock was not in either aspect, and they are not now either.

They are descendants of Babylonians and Caananites, and Babylonian Talmudism (which is The Religion that they followed even at that time, prior to when it was written) blatantly was Satanic in nature.

You know absolutely nothing about what Jews are or the context of these verses, for if you did, you would be BEGGING God for forgiveness, and attacking his enemies, who are The Jews.
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Could be defending The Jews in any way shape or form? You realize in this context, "Jew" when used in this way means "A Follower of God" or "Someone of the original 12 tribes bloodline" which these subhuman mongrel stock was not in either aspect, and they are not now either.

They are descendants of Babylonians and Caananites, and Babylonian Talmudism (which is The Religion that they followed even at that time, prior to when it was written) blatantly was Satanic in nature.
View attachment 2995542

You know absolutely nothing about what Jews are or the context of these verses, for if you did, you would be BEGGING God for forgiveness, and attacking his enemies, who are The Jews.
The first Ka’baala book :forcedsmile::ROFLMAO:.

Yep Judaism stopped being gods religion once they rejected Christ and turned to Satan in rebellion to create the Talmud. And normies think Judaism (modern) is older than Christianity when it is a 6th century cult only 100 years before the Pedophile profit known as Mo mo

Babylonian talmudism came around in Baghdad in 500s and talmudismnis a mix of another one from the 200s so it combined 2 demonic scripts to create a new religion.
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Christianity was doomed the moment it strayed from the true path and tried to appease the Romans. They ended up mixing Roman paganism into it and forced the remaining sensible Christians to either accept that Jesus was God, as decreed in the Council of Nicaea, or face death. Out of fear for their lives, they complied. Now, modern Christianity doesn't even make sense on the most basic level of the definition of God.

Butthurt Christians, out of jealousy for Islam, will always bring it into a discussion, even when it has nothing to do with Islam, just like what happened in this thread. Their fear is evident, and the only way they try to paint Christianity in a good light is by comparing it to Islam, about which they've spread false narratives and use arguments that have been debunked repeatedly. They claim 'without lies, Islam dies,' but the truth is, without modern Christianity, there would still be some sanity.
Christianity was doomed the moment it strayed from the true path and tried to appease the Romans. They ended up mixing Roman paganism into it and forced the remaining sensible Christians to either accept that Jesus was God, as decreed in the Council of Nicaea, or face death. Out of fear for their lives, they complied. Now, modern Christianity doesn't even make sense on the most basic level of the definition of God.

Butthurt Christians, out of jealousy for Islam, will always bring it into a discussion, even when it has nothing to do with Islam, just like what happened in this thread. Their fear is evident, and the only way they try to paint Christianity in a good light is by comparing it to Islam, about which they've spread false narratives and use arguments that have been debunked repeatedly. They claim 'without lies, Islam dies,' but the truth is, without modern Christianity, there would still be some sanity.
fuck off with your islam

i stand with death kike worshipers like @BrendioEEE if we talk christianity vs islam
fuck off with your islam

i stand with death kike worshipers like @BrendioEEE if we talk christianity vs islam
I didn't make the comment to you, dumbass. I was responding to the clown who commented above me. But as an atheist, you're even worse than the Jews themselves. How can anyone take a person seriously who believes they came from nothing?
I didn't make the comment to you, dumbass. I was responding to the clown who commented above me. But as an atheist, you're even worse than the Jews themselves. How can anyone take a person seriously who believes they came from nothing?
im pagan , idiot

fuck off you are sheepfucker and if you truly follow islam leave this thread . i talk only to white people
  • JFL
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I didn't make the comment to you, dumbass. I was responding to the clown who commented above me. But as an atheist, you're even worse than the Jews themselves. How can anyone take a person seriously who believes they came from nothing?
Atheism doesn’t presuppose we came from nothing dumb dumb we deny the existence of a creator God that created with intention
Atheism doesn’t presuppose we came from nothing dumb dumb we deny the existence of a creator God that created with intention
But the absence of belief in a deity automatically implies you believe everything came from nothing, which is impossible since everything has a beginning. So how can the cause anything be nothing?
im pagan , idiot

fuck off you are sheepfucker and if you truly follow islam leave this thread . i talk only to white people
Sorry, nature worshipper, but I hold the power here. I'm the mod, and you're just ranting about other religions like a schizo. You call yourself a debater, but all you can do is use ad hominem attacks.
I didn't make the comment to you, dumbass. I was responding to the clown who commented above me. But as an atheist, you're even worse than the Jews themselves. How can anyone take a person seriously who believes they came from nothing?
religious slaves can't understand it

atheism = freedom
Sorry, nature worshipper, but I hold the power here. I'm the mod, and you're just ranting about other religions like a schizo. You call yourself a debater, but all you can do is use ad hominem attacks.
you dont hold power bitch , shitskin. i dont even call myself a debater, i dont fucking talk with brown sheepfuckers like you

i will have discussion with normal guys, despite our views being different like @PrinceLuenLeoncur
fuck off with your islam

i stand with death kike worshipers like @BrendioEEE if we talk christianity vs islam
I'm really not a fan of Islam, believe me, but I would side with Islam over paganism or atheism.
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@Gargantuan why the fuck this islamic cunt trying to abuse his mod power? who the fuck he thinks he is
But the absence of belief in a deity automatically implies you believe everything came from nothing, which is impossible since everything has a beginning. So how can the cause anything be nothing?
Well your assumption is already wrong because as an Atheist I can be agnostic about what caused our existence but a firm denier in the existence of a designer God
I'm really not a fan of Islam, believe me, but I would side with Islam over paganism or atheism.
i know you are traitor of white race, hold on you are not even white hahaa. rodriguez
Man I wish I could tag eternal in this thread if only he was still here
He is here, he has at least 4 ALT‘s here trying to advertise Christianity
  • JFL
Reactions: sweetheart
i know you are traitor of white race, hold on you are not even white hahaa. rodriguez
It's no surprise that someone with no moral foundation would also lie about a white man such as myself, but you lie about Jesus aswell so it's no surprise.
It's not surprise that someone with no moral foundation would also lie about a white man such as myself, but you lie about Jesus aswell so it's no surprise.
i always thought you are mexican . you dont look white to me but i havent seen your face in years
i always thought you are mexican . you dont look white to me but i havent seen your face in years
You realize the same pagans who would call someone like me Non-White even though I have 100% European lineage, are the same who would call you Non-White for having European lineage, because you are Slavic right? And because you have dark hair and dark eyes?

Are you sure you want to be on the side of people who don't even know what Europeans are? Your own side has been brainwashed into hating you, even though you're European.

Christianity actually uses Mongrelization, as a concept, in a negative light. It recognizes that there are different races, IE, nations, and mongrelizing these nations is a bad thing.

Sure it doesn't necessarily say one race is inferior or superior, but it clearly has value of races because of this fact.

As for what I look like this is me in various lighting:
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Snapchat 30328395

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