GTFIH Paki-Somalian Terrorist Tinder Experiment

I would’ve killed myself if I was a gook :feelsrope:

na I don’t cope. People hate Muslims irl, even tho they mog Indians and Asians

ask @goat2x
You're either a duplicitous gook or an angry cumskin that swarthy ethnikks are fucking the hottest women of your race. Which is it you junkyard dog.
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You're either a duplicitous gook or an angry cumskin that swarthy ethnikks are fucking the hottest women of your race. Which is it you junkyard dog.
Bruh I’ve said before that I have nothing against brown people, but I don’t see them slaying anything irl. I just don’t like how bluepilled ethnics are on this forum

only ethnics I see slaying are blacks, that’s fucking it.
Bruh I’ve said before that I have nothing against brown people, but I don’t see them slaying anything irl. I just don’t like how bluepilled ethnics are on this forum

only ethnics I see slaying are blacks, that’s fucking it.
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Bruh I’ve said before that I have nothing against brown people, but I don’t see them slaying anything irl. I just don’t like how bluepilled ethnics are on this forum

only ethnics I see slaying are blacks, that’s fucking it.
99% of your posts are about brown ppl though
you even showed me what you considered "white passing" brown people to look like and they just looked ethnic to me
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99% of your posts are about brown ppl though
you even showed me what you considered "white passing" brown people to look like and they just looked ethnic to me
Na he can pass as a Greek, most Iranians/arabs look way more ethnic

what else is there to post here anyways ? Race threads are more fun
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You fucking kike stop posting that video I told you many times tinder matches from Africa aren’t comparable to matches in the West eg Salludons matches
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You fucking kike stop posting that video I told you many times tinder matches from Africa aren’t comparable to matches in the West eg Salludons matches
Salludon is gigachad
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Salludon is gigachad
Will never understand why @Biggdink uses white matches in ethnic 3rd world countries to prove white normie > ethnic chad
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Will never understand why @Biggdink uses white matches in ethnic 3rd world countries to prove white normie > ethnic chad
So ethnic women are useless ? Ok got it
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This guy would clearly slay in the West too.

Dunno why everyone hear is losing their shit, he's tall and muscular, no bad looking either (no-homo).
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This guy would clearly slay in the West too.

Dunno why everyone hear is losing their shit, he's tall and muscular, no bad looking either (no-homo).
Majority of this site are either virgins or white supremacists. more than likely they are both.
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This guy would clearly slay in the West too.

Dunno why everyone hear is losing their shit, he's tall and muscular, no bad looking either (no-homo).

Because the results don’t fit the narrative that all ethnics are incels
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Good looking ethnics have it easiest in Nordic/EE countries, much easier than North America, which is isn't too bad to begin with, but the tier of women in Nordic countries that are receptive to Ethnics is insane. Will probably end around 80-100 matches in the day which is amazing considering my distance is over 3k miles away and that I'm not receiving much of a body halo despite this guy being roided since i don't have it as the first pic.
I know this white girl in Europe and one in Australia and they both said goodlooking ethnics do well in Europe and do bad in North America and Australia
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He looks like a high T bad boy slayer.
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I know this white girl in Europe and one in Australia and they both said goodlooking ethnics do well in Europe and do bad in North America and Australia
Tales from the basement. This didn't happen.
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I know this white girl in Europe and one in Australia and they both said goodlooking ethnics do well in Europe and do bad in North America and Australia

Terrorist failo too strong for ethnics in USA
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He is good looking and have high sex appeal due to beard, muscles and good style

No surprise tbh, the sole reason why there's people arguing over this experiment is because it doesnt fit the forum narrative that only white chad slays
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He is good looking and have high sex appeal due to beard, muscles and good style

No surprise tbh, the sole reason why there's people arguing over this experiment is because it doesnt fit the forum narrative that only white chad slays
well chad ethnic is getting something at the end of the day, but its likely the same as what a white normie is getting

white chad mogs ethnic chad into cyberspace in terms of SMV
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well chad ethnic is getting something at the end of the day, but its likely the same as what a white normie is getting

white chad mogs ethnic chad into cyberspace in terms of SMV
He is not chad, apparently he is slightly above average with a nice shirt and "clock" on.
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He is not chad, apparently he is slightly above average with a nice shirt and "clock" on.
hes wayyy better looking than me man
well chad ethnic is getting something at the end of the day, but its likely the same as what a white normie is getting

white chad mogs ethnic chad into cyberspace in terms of SMV
No youre wrong
This guy did way better than a normie white
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So ethnic women are useless ? Ok got it
No it’s that matches in poor third world countries are not comparable to the west
As bluepilled as t sounds he probably got matches because hes white and they tend to be rich and in Africa
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Was his name on tinder Tyrone or Abdul ?
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This guy would clearly slay in the West too.

Dunno why everyone hear is losing their shit, he's tall and muscular, no bad looking either (no-homo).

he looks like he retired from Al Qaeda .... seeing the Osama Bin Laden-tier beard? “Slay in West.” He’d only slay because of his body. Also he doesn’t look that tall at all. 5’10-11” max which is average in most Western countries.
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he looks like he retired from Al Qaeda .... seeing the Osama Bin Laden-tier beard? “Slay in West.” He’d only slay because of his body. Also he doesn’t look that tall at all. 5’10-11” max which is average in most Western countries.
Dude your trolling, he barely gained any matches with his body it's not the profile pic.
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@ArabIncel Do you seriously think over 150 girls all swiped and saw his body picture in the second picture and only swiped right because of that or more likely they saw the first picture saw a DOM wide framed high T ethnic and swiped right and only later saw his body pic or never saw it.
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@ArabIncel Do you seriously think over 150 girls all swiped and saw his body picture and only swiped right because of that or more likely they saw the first picture saw a DOM wide framed high T ethnic and swiped right and only later saw his body pic or never saw it.

probably a mix of both. Like seeing the first picture for some girls maybe got them interested so they perhaps decided to see one or two more and so seeing the body as in the second picture “sealed the deal.” For others they probably just swiped right based on the first picture. Only way to test it I guess is to run another experiment without including any shirtless picture and see how much of a difference, if any, is made.
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probably a mix of both. Like seeing the first picture for some girls maybe got them interested so they perhaps decided to see one or two more and so seeing the body as in the second picture “sealed the deal.” For others they probably just swiped right based on the first picture. Only way to test it I guess is to run another experiment without including any shirtless picture and see how much of a difference, if any, is made.
I will be trying this in Finland next I think.
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probably a mix of both. Like seeing the first picture for some girls maybe got them interested so they perhaps decided to see one or two more and so seeing the body as in the second picture “sealed the deal.” For others they probably just swiped right based on the first picture. Only way to test it I guess is to run another experiment without including any shirtless picture and see how much of a difference, if any, is made.
Nigga stop coping he slays period
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tfw you hate nordic stacies
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ugly sfcel coping ITT as usual
this guys is nowhere near chad and yet he is slaying more than white chadlites
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well chad ethnic is getting something at the end of the day, but its likely the same as what a white normie is getting

white chad mogs ethnic chad into cyberspace in terms of SMV
nigga he matched with literal nordic stacies. HOW MUCH FURTHER YOU CAN GO? this normie abdul is out slaying looksmatched whites for sure.
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nigga he matched with literal nordic stacies. HOW MUCH FURTHER YOU CAN GO? this normie abdul is out slaying looksmatched whites for sure.
Screen Shot 2020 09 06 at 50750 AM
yeah bro personality=everything
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The more u act and dress as nordics the more the girls will like you
what's the difference between "acting and dressing Nordic" and "acting Australian" - from a Paki who grew up in Australia and still lives here...
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what's the difference between "acting and dressing Nordic" and "acting Australian" - from a Paki who grew up in Australia and still lives here...
Will probaly be alike

My point is that acting and dressing more western will make you do better with western girls
Oh without doubt he would, yep. You're a bit slow & clearly don't understand the dynamics at play. Liberal white women (which is basically all of them) believe the lie that ethnics are experiencing lots of racism in day-to-day life. They take pity on them & their natural instinct to care & nurture comes out as well. They want to side with the underdog. Why is this so difficult to understand? It's never been easier for ethnics to get laid.
You're fucking retarded.

Just lmao at swallowing his bait.

Sometimes I wonder if Chinese international students even fuck their own Chinese international student girlfriends or if the relationship's just a sham because the dude realized it wouldn't be proper to white society to appear as a completely sexless Asian robot.

3 PSL ethnics rot on incel forums like this. 6 PSL ones might do well depending on location. 8 PSL ethnics fuck prime JBs until their dick loses all sensitivity.

I'm not even sure why you're so mad. Might have something to do with the lack of meaningful activities when you're a subhuman white male.
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@goat2x take the ethnic pill
JBE is legit af
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