Honest rating, no 40yo indian virgin incels please

You look fine. If you were Indian people would call you a 6 and tell you to go to the gym.

Unfortunately it’s tough for white guys in the real world
indians as u mean dravadians?cuz where i live they wont touch this subhuman
  • JFL
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im ugly as fuck, started to looksmaxx at 30yo tho, I guess the collagen and hairloss pill is too much to swallow. Like wtf, according to that website im sean o pry but im max 3.5-4psl IRL lmao. Dont wanna dox sry
im ugly as fuck, started to looksmaxx at 30yo tho, I guess the collagen and hairloss pill is too much to swallow. Like wtf, according to that website im sean o pry but im max 3.5-4psl IRL lmao. Dont wanna dox sry
how oldd r u rn?i would give u my utmost respect cux ur my senior

how oldd r u rn?i would give u my utmost respect cux ur my senior
still 30yo, just discovered this blackpilled autist forum after 10 years long LTR im back to the dating market and I got shoved back to inceldom and looksmaxxing :lul::lul::lul:
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still 30yo, just discovered this blackpilled autist forum after 10 years long LTR im back to the dating market and I got shoved back to inceldom and looksmaxxing :lul::lul::lul:
Wish the best to you. Oldceldom is brutal (I'm 31).
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still 30yo, just discovered this blackpilled autist forum after 10 years long LTR im back to the dating market and I got shoved back to inceldom and looksmaxxing :lul::lul::lul:
lol,ur not incel big bro,how can u ltr for 10 years and still be incel.ur prolly above average to chadlite and undervaluing by listening to rettards here,i should be taking advice from you lmaoo
glad to see im not the only oldcel around this autistic forum :Comfy:
Wish the best to you. Oldceldom is brutal (I'm 31).
hello my senior sir,do want cofee or tea?u are prolly tired after lokksmaxxing for so long
lol,ur not incel big bro,how can u ltr for 10 years and still be incel.ur prolly above average to chadlite and undervaluing by listening to rettards here,i should be taking advice from you lmaoo
I never in my life looksmaxxed, dated HTB+ for 10 years, now im balding and shit collagen and I'm legit 3.5-4 psl max. I feel retarded for not looksmaxxing all thru my 20s and settling for normie life, LTRs are poison. Now im a fucking 30yo incel who is afraid to date because I havent done it in so many years lmao. I have already booked hairtransplant and looking into what surgeries can fix me but too much damage has been done lol
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You have to alter it manually, tick the box on the left and move them into the right position.
ye I did, so appereantly my propotions are godlike but I have shit collagen, balding, depleted undereye fatpads, boneless face and im 3.5 PSL :feelswhy: proportions are cope I guess
I never in my life looksmaxxed, dated HTB+ for 10 years, now im balding and shit collagen and I'm legit 3.5-4 psl max. I feel retarded for not looksmaxxing all thru my 20s and settling for normie life, LTRs are poison. Now im a fucking 30yo incel who is afraid to date because I havent done it in so many years lmao. I have already booked hairtransplant and looking into what surgeries can fix me but too much damage has been done lol
i feel for you but cant do anything about it unforutnately but u can still looksmaxx in ur 30s like amnesia did,if u dont mind me asking,what job you do?
ye I did, so appereantly my propotions are godlike but I have shit collagen, balding, depleted undereye fatpads, boneless face and im 3.5 PSL :feelswhy: proportions are cope I guess
They are if it is close to normal, only having something that is far off is bad. Doesnt chico have trash ratios on that calculator?
hello my senior sir,do want cofee or tea?u are prolly tired after lokksmaxxing for so long
I only leaked about this stuff this year. I'm actually uglier than OP, even have the game midface length.
Thread hijacked by oldcels. :Comfy:
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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I only leaked about this stuff this year. I'm actually uglier than OP, even have the game midface length.
Thread hijacked by oldcels. :Comfy:
View attachment 1775776
idk man but reading all of ur commentson interstellar music makes it seem 100x sad,man why did humans fucked or own lives with such superficial shit,i feel for you my g,there is sure a destiny for us but im losing hope ngl
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only leaked about this stuff this year. I'm actually uglier than OP, even have the game midface length.
Leaked > learned
Game > same
Over for Google keyboard's word recognition.
  • JFL
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He looks like a Jewish hook-nosed recessed horse with a megamind forehead
>Doesn’t have anything constructive to say

>Goes to posts

>6’2 and obsessed with height, thinks 5’11 is manlet

>Obsessed with mog battles, Tyler Maher, thinks David laid is ugly

>Talks about “normies”, being non NT and staying in room for past 2 years

OP please leave this place before you become like him, you have a lot of good traits and potential with simple changes in habits
>Doesn’t have anything constructive to say

>Goes to posts

>6’2 and obsessed with height, thinks 5’11 is manlet

>Obsessed with mog battles, Tyler Maher, thinks David laid is ugly

>Talks about “normies”, being non NT and staying in room for past 2 years

OP please leave this place before you become like him, you have a lot of good traits and potential with simple changes in habits
no offense but the gy in ur avi is literally a dickhead
  • JFL
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>Doesn’t have anything constructive to say

>Goes to posts

>6’2 and obsessed with height, thinks 5’11 is manlet

>Obsessed with mog battles, Tyler Maher, thinks David laid is ugly

>Talks about “normies”, being non NT and staying in room for past 2 years

OP please leave this place before you become like him, you have a lot of good traits and potential with simple changes in habits
You seem to have read all my posts and I don't even know who you are.
How do you explain I already got woman?
U come to this site to ask for a rating and are being extremely rude to users just for being honest. If u can’t handle the way we interact here then gtfo
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White, therefore, 8 PSL and infinite SMV
Ltn, grow your hair out and your facial hair, that's the best advice I can give
Unfortunately you have nct and might have narrow face so idk of 5 psl is possible
3.5/10 ltn face but you look tall and your white so if u live in a big American city ur more like 4.5-5/10
Like 5 people have already said that lens distortion might be fucking your face and I haven't seen you do anything about it, maybe you are pissed at low ratings because it's a bad picture so you got rated lower than expected?
Dude you are the 40 year old Indian virgin.
this is brutal midafce ratio of 0.88.
Ideal is 1.05 imo.
I already hate my 0.95 orso midface, and feel I'm a horse because of it.

View attachment 1775331 View attachment 1775332
If he gets better brows, bimax and malar implants, together with a gym body (since he looks tall af) would make him definitely above average.

I said bimax because from what I know, his midface can be fixed with CCW, right? I think a lip lift would look uncanny too
  • JFL
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If he gets better brows, bimax and malar implants, together with a gym body (since he looks tall af) would make him definitely above average.

I said bimax because from what I know, his midface can be fixed with CCW, right? I think a lip lift would look uncanny too
Just break open your skull bro
Just break open your skull bro
Not the best situation but you gotta do what u gotta do, otherwise, you would not be on looksmax, right?
  • JFL
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Not the best situation but you gotta do what u gotta do, otherwise, you would not be on looksmax, right?
no i don't think he wants to break open his skull he is tall white fag and young numerious other options for him
no i don't think he wants to break open his skull he is tall white fag and young numerious other options for him
Yeah, I know what you mean, but in my opinion, a bimax and malar implants are not the end of the world. That is most likely what I am gonna do in case softmaxxing doesn't help me at all.

The thing is, just look at the replies: probably some frustrated curries telling him to rope when he is literally white and (looks) tall - which might be already enough for him to get a gf. There are niggas saying that he can't even have a social circle, like what the fuck? This is a rate me thread, and also, you can have a social circle despite being ugly (unlike what some niggas that never had any friends in their lives say). But if OP doesn't want surgery it's up to him
If I can get to 6/10 then yes of course
no i don't think he wants to break open his skull he is tall white fag and young numerious other options for him
If I can get to 6/10 then yes of course
No even with that it's not possible it will just make you looks normal
Man you have uneven eyes 👀 that's brutal
No even with that it's not possible it will just make you looks normal
Man you have uneven eyes 👀 that's brutal
It just looks that way in picture
Not possible to get to 6/10 with surgery?
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It just looks that way in picture
Not possible to get to 6/10 with surgery?
No it doesn't the whole left side of your face is bigger than the right
No it doesn't the whole left side of your face is bigger than the right
he is coping too hard, and no amount of truth will make him believe otherwise just say "you are a psl god and move on"

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