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Hi guys, just joined the forum. I've been redpill for a while and looksmaxing for a while without realising theres a community dedicated to it.

So I am going to give you guys everything I have worked out so far and what I am doing myself. (some of these are looks and status)

Also dont say that im 'coping' by doing all of these things. I'm simply improving myself like we all are.

Also apologies for the lack of writing effort, grammar, bad spelling etc. I hope the content makes up for it

Also (x3) These are the things that have been helpful to me, some things may not be for all of you. And maxing out on each aspect for years will give you the results.

1. Height -
Obviously not much you can do if your short. I've noticed most short men in my life get disrespected and less girls. A 5'4 guy I met that gets A LOT of girls & respect is my muay thai teacher, he sorted his looks out and puts on a masculine demeanour and is obviously very good at fighting. Would beat up most 6ft men. This is an example of someone who has made up for his DEFECIT.
Also height insoles are good. I've tried all different sizes. I noticed any more than 1.5 inches and it becomes REALLY obvious and embarrassing. Also don't wear them with shorts. I prefer to wear them when I'm wearing tracksuit bottoms/jeans that cover the ankle.

2. Tan
Obviously doesnt apply to people of colour. I think some people dont realise that being pale is very very ugly. I am naturally quite pale and I am a 6 without a tan. And with a dark tan I feel like a 9. I got my best looking girlfriends when I had a dark tan. But have you ever noticed a white person that should be pale due to lack of sun but still somehow has an attractive yellowy glow? That's because of them naturally getting b-carotene from a great diet or taking the supplement b-carotene. I take this and after a week or two it gets into your system and you look a lot healthier even if you are pale. Make sure you buy one that has near to the maximum daily dosage tablets. Glow from B-carotene supplement + Tan from sunbeds = you look fucking good. Personally I am low on money and don't like to pay so much at the sunbed shops so I spent £150 on a sunbed from ebay. It came with tubes that had almost ran out so I bought some more tubes for £100 and fit them myself(easy to do from youtube). With the sunbed you need to do it a lot at the start then just maintain obviously. Personally I just tan arms, face and back of neck as I like to be safe. It just makes you look like you've got a roofers tan which I don't mind. My face goes from a 5 to what feels like a 9 depending on how dark my tan is. I also use these scerlacontacts blindfold black contacts. These are instead of using goggles to protect eyes(as they leave ridiculous looking white circles round ur eyes) They're basically blacked out contacts that helps protect your eyes from the sunbed.

3. Clothing max
Noticed this from when I was about 12. Clothing is important. Designer is good. Everything doesn't need to be designer but a good combination is an unbranded fit with 1 designer item per outfit. Stand out designer pieces I've noticed are gucci/lv belts, gucci caps, etc. Also I get my clothes tailored and you should too. Get them to make your upper half clothes fit quite tight, showing off the v-taper, chest and arms. I personally hate skinny bottoms and they look gay as fuck. I keep all bottoms straight leg/cut but obviously not too wide and baggy. Just not skinny or slim bottoms. I get this done for £10 per item at a tailors 20 drive mins from me in a poorer area.

4. Eyebrows
Something that girls obsess over for good reason. The ideal brow is a slightly downward pointing brow like hunter eyes. Thick dark brows. If your brows are light like mine(im blonde) then dye them dark brown. If your eyebrows arent fully grown in and not thick. Use minoxidil and dermaroll them. I personally dont think plucking them looks good. I try to look as manly as possible and I think plucking is very obvious to everyone. Also there are exercises you can do to get the downwards hunter eyes brow. Dont squintmax its ridiculous and everyone can tell your doing it.

5. Beard/mustache
Important to look like a man. No neckbeards. If you have a neckbeard (i have a half neckbeard, but my cheeks are coming through) then please do not fucking grow it. See whether you prefer clean shaven or a bit of stuble. Also tash is good. mine was light blonde and since I dyed that light brown it has added so much more feature to my face. If you've got a neckbeard, you want to use minoxidil and dermaroll regularly, you can work this out yourself if you dont already know. You NEED a cheekbeard.

Also get an electric shaver and shape up your beard and mustache. The first few times is difficult but you get used creating the right shape through trial and error.

6. Instagram profile maxing.
I had 800 followers a few months ago. I have 10k now. Status has increased massively. There is a massive different in DMing girls while I had 800 followers to 10k. It increases my status, they know more girls are gonna want me just due to pure numbers. & girls even message me sometimes if I'm posting good pictures/good lifestyle/ something funny. A girl being on your instagram is like a marketing funnel. You can nurture your 10k girls to think of you a good looking, muscley, popular, funny guy. Even if your not 100%.

HOW I GREW TO 10K: Instas follow limit is 200 per day. DO NOT GO OVER THAT AS YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND ON THEIR RADAR FOR WEEKS AFTER. I follow 100 in the morning and 100 at night. I find girls in my area and go on their followers and follow hundreds of their friends, also I've noticed girls mostly follow boys and boys mostly follow girls so: go on a girls insta, find a decent looking boy, follow his likes and followers.
From following 200 girls in 1 day, I will get 70-110 followers back(depending on luck) I also split test which profile pictures get the most follows back. (proper nerded this shit out). When I accept these new followers I like 1 picture of each girl, if they like back (roughly 20 will) I will DM the ones I like the most. Also if I do this, I will usually get 1 girl DM and try to talk to me first just because of pure numbers. Once I hit 7k followING, I'll unfollow 4000 manually - 100 per day. and repeat.
I did this until I got to about 7k active girl instagram followers. I just botted 3k followers from a site called smmfollows to get myself to 10k. I will now continue following girls and no one will notice the 3k botted as 1. no one cares 2. new girls who have followed me are at the top of my following list 3. my account is still very active and my likes on pictures are high.

7. Dating maxing
To be honest the last few months I have been focusing hard on gym and business so not much time for girls. But when I do want to find a girl, I will. (even being not the best looking guy)
Personally I dont cold approach as I dont go out much and not got the confidence yet. But online cold approach is just fine. I believe it is 1. a CONSISTENT numbers game. DM 5 girls per day for a year and try to NOT have a girlfriend. 2. being socially calibrated/funny 3. actually put effort into these girls conversations. if they are giving 1 word replies. get the hint. but if theyre answering questions well but maybe not asking about yourself. I've noticed they will start doing that after a long conversation OR lets say you asked where theyre from and they just said florida, you can say speak about it for a sec and then say- 'are you not going to ask me where im from?' 4. one thing ive noticed is due to the pure amount of DMs average looking girls get, a lot will give you 1 word replies to shit-test you as low confidence guys wouldnt continue persueing. but you also need to try to get their attention straight away, try to avoid the basic 'how are you, where u from, what u do from work' conversations. maybe use some of those questions + make observations about her profile and tease her. I've attached a good example below from the other day. 5. TINDER: make a female profile first and realise the dynamic and how girls see tinder. Scroll through profiles and find the best bios & read your messages and see the best lines guys have used on this fake girl, and steal them. Also buy the premium tinder membership to get boosts. 6. dont try to meet them straight away. its weird imo. maybe meet after a week of speaking. Also they wont go on a date with you IF YOU DONT ASK. so try. if it doesnt work, try again, maybe shes resisting because she doesnt want to be easy. but you have to be calibrated enough to realise if its because shes not into you. 6. FACETIME. I think facetime or a phone call makes it more real for her, she realises you are a person. shes replying to loads of DMs, but not every boy is facetiming her, she will put more effort into the convo over the phone and you can let eachothers personalities shine a lot more.

8. Hair maxing
Most looksmaxers ive seen in a discord chat I'm in dont have a skinfade or a good haircut. Wtf. this is one of the most important things. You NEED to be getting regular skinfades. Not fades. Skinfades. It can make your face go from a 5 to a 7 somehow, it just changes you. I am so addicted to having the fade that over the last year, I bought clippers and a 360 mirror and skinfade myself once per week. Learning from youtube & trial and error. I'd genuinely say I can now do a better fade than my barber and I can do it exactly how I like it. I would recommend going to the barbers every few months just to perfect the top.

Also I'm using ketoconizil shampoo to prevent balding the best I can as I'm prone to it as my dad is bald.

9. Business/money maxing
(ignore if you already have a good job/business) Best business to be in right now is ecommerce. can work from anywhere, booming market, easy to get into. Just start a microbrand learn basic structure of the business from Samir Chibane and then use youtube to learn dropshipping methods or source the products yourself. I have a brand myself and I enjoy every day perfecting the product, sms marketing, instagram, google shopping ads, fb retargetting ads, email marketing. Easiest business to scale to high numbers. Peoples lives can change within 1 month. But it may take a year + to get that 1 month where you get winning products and make a lot of money

10. Natural testosterone maxing
I've heard icing your testicles for 20 mins 3x per day increases test by 20%. Makes you more manly and you can lift more at the gym+ more muscle. I dont do this yet but when i get less busy I'm going to put this into my dail schedule. (youtube & google for more info on this)

11. Gym
Obvious - personally I'm on a few year long bulk as I used to be a broomstick looking ass. I eat high cals, high protein, focus on compound movements and lift heavy.

12. bad man maxing
I'd say girls like a more bad looking man. To do this, you need to be not pale, have the hunter eyes, wear intimidating clothes, know how to fight, maybe a masculine short haircut, tattoos etc. If it isn't you then dont worry

13. Martial arts maxing
Essential for every man to have the ability for violence. "its better to be a warrior in a garden, than be a gardener in a war". Join a boxing/mma/muay thai/kickboxing gym. You meet friends there, more masculine personalities rub off on you etc.

14. surgery
Dont do it. It's weird. No face surgery has ever looked good apart from a minor nose job. That is the 1 thing that I believe is a cope. I guarantee you can get to at least a 7 with all of the things in this thread maxed out.

15. jewellery
A nice gold chain, gold ring, gold bracelet I feel like adds to your personality. Also a nice pair of sunglasses is essential. Makes you look cool.

16. Tattoos
Another thing that adds personality. I recommend a full body realism piece and look at paying £700+ per day to the best artist within a 2 hour drive from you. You only get 1 chance. Also most of the ASOS models are fully tatted head to toe, I think that shows that it is a good style. It may not be for everyone though. Personally I have a realism lion on my hand, realism forearm. A small cross tattoo on my face just under my eye and a script writing tattoo on the side of my head.
Good tattoos DEFINITELY increase your status massively imo.

Now skim over all of these points and imagine yourself maxed out on each one and tell me you wont look good and have high status.
Hope this helps.
stopped reading at 'bad man maxxing'

'girls like a more bad looking man'

op is curry confirmed

  • JFL
Reactions: Ponder
Read every word ngl its correct.
Too many bone copers on this shitty site thnx for keeping it real.
  • +1
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r/incelexit tier guide
  • Love it
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godlike guide. your welcome guys
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
Decent first thread although I disagree with a lot of points.

1/3 of the forum probably stopped reading by now or are expecting you to deliver something of value to subhumans. The problem with this thread is that at most you will go from normie -> HTN, or HTN -> Chadlite. in terms of SMV. Non of these things will do anything for subhumans.

Stulp et al (2013) used a sample of 5782 North American speed-daters making 128,104 choices to determine preferences for partner height and how height influenced the formation of a match.

Their findings demonstrated the cutoffs at which women consider a man too short or too tall:

  • 90% of women will reject a man who is 5'4" based solely on his height.
  • 65% of women will reject a man who is 5'7" based solely on his height.
  • 50% of women will reject a man who is 5'8" based solely on his height.
  • 14% of women will reject a man who is 5'10" based solely on his height.
  • 1.5% of women will reject a man who is 6' based solely on his height.
  • Past 6'2", women begin to increase rejections of men for being too tall.
  • 30% of women believe there is no such thing as a man being "too tall."
  • Over 94% of women will reject a man solely for him being too short.
View attachment 1224870
The percent of women willing to accept a man as a potential partner based solely on his height.

I find it unlikely that your friend is actually slaying and isn't just keeping up a demeanour to keep being seen in a positive light.

Already covered in detail here multiple times.

If being tan matters that much to you why arent you on melanotan-2? Vastly more effective than spending hours in a tanning bed hoping you don't get cancer.

Good advice, underrated on this forum. Then again this depends on your body type and a decent amount of subhumans are subhuman due to low test which means their body will also show signs of low test. This means subhumans will have wider hips and narrower shoulders. In this case I think it's more important for them to wear baggy clothing overall.

I doubt anyone with more than 5 hours on this site doesn't know all of this or more.

Depends on age and facial shape.

Great advice but not applicable to subhumans.

Online dating doesn't work for subhumans. Even normies have a hard time.

Shit advice.

What haircut you should get depends on your facial shape, age and what girls you're trying to attract.

Depends on location. Most normies know about e-commerce and I wouldn't say it's worth the time. Unless I got really lucky I'd easily earn more just taking more hours at my job.

This has already been covered extensively multiple times.

Good advice.

Extremely shit advice.

Especially for the subhumans this thread is targeted towards.
View attachment 1224858View attachment 1224859

I can't be bothered to find more examples but perhaps you will learn. There are so many things you can gain from surgery, lower voice, lower hairline, beard transplant, eyebrow transplant... the list goes fucking on and on. Absolutely retarded to ignore surgery because society has taught you that it's wrong to cheat your genetics.

Depends on the person, class of said person and location.

Would do nothing for the subhumans. It could help normies get low tier women.
What a mogGER reply

Boneless versus bonefull face
Hi guys, just joined the forum. I've been redpill for a while and looksmaxing for a while without realising theres a community dedicated to it.

So I am going to give you guys everything I have worked out so far and what I am doing myself. (some of these are looks and status)

Also dont say that im 'coping' by doing all of these things. I'm simply improving myself like we all are.

Also apologies for the lack of writing effort, grammar, bad spelling etc. I hope the content makes up for it

Also (x3) These are the things that have been helpful to me, some things may not be for all of you. And maxing out on each aspect for years will give you the results.

1. Height -
Obviously not much you can do if your short. I've noticed most short men in my life get disrespected and less girls. A 5'4 guy I met that gets A LOT of girls & respect is my muay thai teacher, he sorted his looks out and puts on a masculine demeanour and is obviously very good at fighting. Would beat up most 6ft men. This is an example of someone who has made up for his DEFECIT.
Also height insoles are good. I've tried all different sizes. I noticed any more than 1.5 inches and it becomes REALLY obvious and embarrassing. Also don't wear them with shorts. I prefer to wear them when I'm wearing tracksuit bottoms/jeans that cover the ankle.

2. Tan
Obviously doesnt apply to people of colour. I think some people dont realise that being pale is very very ugly. I am naturally quite pale and I am a 6 without a tan. And with a dark tan I feel like a 9. I got my best looking girlfriends when I had a dark tan. But have you ever noticed a white person that should be pale due to lack of sun but still somehow has an attractive yellowy glow? That's because of them naturally getting b-carotene from a great diet or taking the supplement b-carotene. I take this and after a week or two it gets into your system and you look a lot healthier even if you are pale. Make sure you buy one that has near to the maximum daily dosage tablets. Glow from B-carotene supplement + Tan from sunbeds = you look fucking good. Personally I am low on money and don't like to pay so much at the sunbed shops so I spent £150 on a sunbed from ebay. It came with tubes that had almost ran out so I bought some more tubes for £100 and fit them myself(easy to do from youtube). With the sunbed you need to do it a lot at the start then just maintain obviously. Personally I just tan arms, face and back of neck as I like to be safe. It just makes you look like you've got a roofers tan which I don't mind. My face goes from a 5 to what feels like a 9 depending on how dark my tan is. I also use these scerlacontacts blindfold black contacts. These are instead of using goggles to protect eyes(as they leave ridiculous looking white circles round ur eyes) They're basically blacked out contacts that helps protect your eyes from the sunbed.

3. Clothing max
Noticed this from when I was about 12. Clothing is important. Designer is good. Everything doesn't need to be designer but a good combination is an unbranded fit with 1 designer item per outfit. Stand out designer pieces I've noticed are gucci/lv belts, gucci caps, etc. Also I get my clothes tailored and you should too. Get them to make your upper half clothes fit quite tight, showing off the v-taper, chest and arms. I personally hate skinny bottoms and they look gay as fuck. I keep all bottoms straight leg/cut but obviously not too wide and baggy. Just not skinny or slim bottoms. I get this done for £10 per item at a tailors 20 drive mins from me in a poorer area.

4. Eyebrows
Something that girls obsess over for good reason. The ideal brow is a slightly downward pointing brow like hunter eyes. Thick dark brows. If your brows are light like mine(im blonde) then dye them dark brown. If your eyebrows arent fully grown in and not thick. Use minoxidil and dermaroll them. I personally dont think plucking them looks good. I try to look as manly as possible and I think plucking is very obvious to everyone. Also there are exercises you can do to get the downwards hunter eyes brow. Dont squintmax its ridiculous and everyone can tell your doing it.

5. Beard/mustache
Important to look like a man. No neckbeards. If you have a neckbeard (i have a half neckbeard, but my cheeks are coming through) then please do not fucking grow it. See whether you prefer clean shaven or a bit of stuble. Also tash is good. mine was light blonde and since I dyed that light brown it has added so much more feature to my face. If you've got a neckbeard, you want to use minoxidil and dermaroll regularly, you can work this out yourself if you dont already know. You NEED a cheekbeard.

Also get an electric shaver and shape up your beard and mustache. The first few times is difficult but you get used creating the right shape through trial and error.

6. Instagram profile maxing.
I had 800 followers a few months ago. I have 10k now. Status has increased massively. There is a massive different in DMing girls while I had 800 followers to 10k. It increases my status, they know more girls are gonna want me just due to pure numbers. & girls even message me sometimes if I'm posting good pictures/good lifestyle/ something funny. A girl being on your instagram is like a marketing funnel. You can nurture your 10k girls to think of you a good looking, muscley, popular, funny guy. Even if your not 100%.

HOW I GREW TO 10K: Instas follow limit is 200 per day. DO NOT GO OVER THAT AS YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND ON THEIR RADAR FOR WEEKS AFTER. I follow 100 in the morning and 100 at night. I find girls in my area and go on their followers and follow hundreds of their friends, also I've noticed girls mostly follow boys and boys mostly follow girls so: go on a girls insta, find a decent looking boy, follow his likes and followers.
From following 200 girls in 1 day, I will get 70-110 followers back(depending on luck) I also split test which profile pictures get the most follows back. (proper nerded this shit out). When I accept these new followers I like 1 picture of each girl, if they like back (roughly 20 will) I will DM the ones I like the most. Also if I do this, I will usually get 1 girl DM and try to talk to me first just because of pure numbers. Once I hit 7k followING, I'll unfollow 4000 manually - 100 per day. and repeat.
I did this until I got to about 7k active girl instagram followers. I just botted 3k followers from a site called smmfollows to get myself to 10k. I will now continue following girls and no one will notice the 3k botted as 1. no one cares 2. new girls who have followed me are at the top of my following list 3. my account is still very active and my likes on pictures are high.

7. Dating maxing
To be honest the last few months I have been focusing hard on gym and business so not much time for girls. But when I do want to find a girl, I will. (even being not the best looking guy)
Personally I dont cold approach as I dont go out much and not got the confidence yet. But online cold approach is just fine. I believe it is 1. a CONSISTENT numbers game. DM 5 girls per day for a year and try to NOT have a girlfriend. 2. being socially calibrated/funny 3. actually put effort into these girls conversations. if they are giving 1 word replies. get the hint. but if theyre answering questions well but maybe not asking about yourself. I've noticed they will start doing that after a long conversation OR lets say you asked where theyre from and they just said florida, you can say speak about it for a sec and then say- 'are you not going to ask me where im from?' 4. one thing ive noticed is due to the pure amount of DMs average looking girls get, a lot will give you 1 word replies to shit-test you as low confidence guys wouldnt continue persueing. but you also need to try to get their attention straight away, try to avoid the basic 'how are you, where u from, what u do from work' conversations. maybe use some of those questions + make observations about her profile and tease her. I've attached a good example below from the other day. 5. TINDER: make a female profile first and realise the dynamic and how girls see tinder. Scroll through profiles and find the best bios & read your messages and see the best lines guys have used on this fake girl, and steal them. Also buy the premium tinder membership to get boosts. 6. dont try to meet them straight away. its weird imo. maybe meet after a week of speaking. Also they wont go on a date with you IF YOU DONT ASK. so try. if it doesnt work, try again, maybe shes resisting because she doesnt want to be easy. but you have to be calibrated enough to realise if its because shes not into you. 6. FACETIME. I think facetime or a phone call makes it more real for her, she realises you are a person. shes replying to loads of DMs, but not every boy is facetiming her, she will put more effort into the convo over the phone and you can let eachothers personalities shine a lot more.

8. Hair maxing
Most looksmaxers ive seen in a discord chat I'm in dont have a skinfade or a good haircut. Wtf. this is one of the most important things. You NEED to be getting regular skinfades. Not fades. Skinfades. It can make your face go from a 5 to a 7 somehow, it just changes you. I am so addicted to having the fade that over the last year, I bought clippers and a 360 mirror and skinfade myself once per week. Learning from youtube & trial and error. I'd genuinely say I can now do a better fade than my barber and I can do it exactly how I like it. I would recommend going to the barbers every few months just to perfect the top.

Also I'm using ketoconizil shampoo to prevent balding the best I can as I'm prone to it as my dad is bald.

9. Business/money maxing
(ignore if you already have a good job/business) Best business to be in right now is ecommerce. can work from anywhere, booming market, easy to get into. Just start a microbrand learn basic structure of the business from Samir Chibane and then use youtube to learn dropshipping methods or source the products yourself. I have a brand myself and I enjoy every day perfecting the product, sms marketing, instagram, google shopping ads, fb retargetting ads, email marketing. Easiest business to scale to high numbers. Peoples lives can change within 1 month. But it may take a year + to get that 1 month where you get winning products and make a lot of money

10. Natural testosterone maxing
I've heard icing your testicles for 20 mins 3x per day increases test by 20%. Makes you more manly and you can lift more at the gym+ more muscle. I dont do this yet but when i get less busy I'm going to put this into my dail schedule. (youtube & google for more info on this)

11. Gym
Obvious - personally I'm on a few year long bulk as I used to be a broomstick looking ass. I eat high cals, high protein, focus on compound movements and lift heavy.

12. bad man maxing
I'd say girls like a more bad looking man. To do this, you need to be not pale, have the hunter eyes, wear intimidating clothes, know how to fight, maybe a masculine short haircut, tattoos etc. If it isn't you then dont worry

13. Martial arts maxing
Essential for every man to have the ability for violence. "its better to be a warrior in a garden, than be a gardener in a war". Join a boxing/mma/muay thai/kickboxing gym. You meet friends there, more masculine personalities rub off on you etc.

14. surgery
Dont do it. It's weird. No face surgery has ever looked good apart from a minor nose job. That is the 1 thing that I believe is a cope. I guarantee you can get to at least a 7 with all of the things in this thread maxed out.

15. jewellery
A nice gold chain, gold ring, gold bracelet I feel like adds to your personality. Also a nice pair of sunglasses is essential. Makes you look cool.

16. Tattoos
Another thing that adds personality. I recommend a full body realism piece and look at paying £700+ per day to the best artist within a 2 hour drive from you. You only get 1 chance. Also most of the ASOS models are fully tatted head to toe, I think that shows that it is a good style. It may not be for everyone though. Personally I have a realism lion on my hand, realism forearm. A small cross tattoo on my face just under my eye and a script writing tattoo on the side of my head.
Good tattoos DEFINITELY increase your status massively imo.

Now skim over all of these points and imagine yourself maxed out on each one and tell me you wont look good and have high status.
Hope this helps.
Good thread bhai

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