I want to start cold approaching but I have extreme sensitivity to rejection

By yourself not really fun. When you get the inevitable rejections you feel demotivated and wonder why your doing this on the first place.

Well most of the time roasties are almost always with their friends often large . But other times You'll find that their with a group of 2. Any women that will be going out themselves is gonna be more receptive tbh then the rest. But it's incredibly rare to find that. Most of the time if they are looking like they by themselves their actually just temporarily alone and waiting for a fiend . So this means you have to get used to approaching groups . You don't have to engage the whole group, just one or two foids at once.

The ideal set up for going solo is 2 foids. They will be chill.
Yep I see I think I may be lucky because I don't have a problem with rejection, being demotivated or feeling awkward because Im a sociopath so I dont really feel that to the extent that other people do.

I would say probably a 7/10
This is unsettling, from the responses you got like your percentage points for how you were treated I was expecting high LTN or low MTN. It's pretty brutal if you're GL and it's still that difficult. Can't imagine what it's like for avg/below avg guys. I'd objectively say Im the same rating (not rated by Mum and Grandma I've been rated by random ppl here and IRL treatment)

Night game in general is super flaky especially now days.
Have you tried just approaching random girls on the street you like? You may meet girls who don't go to clubs which can actually be a benefit. Do you think this is better/equal? Like because I don't care about feeling awkward from what you wrote about night game I may be better off just doing this.

So in the end of the day is a lot harder now vs before as women go to bars and clubs for the most part not even to meet men while before they did.
I was hoping it wouldnt be this bad because Tinder is ass even if you're GL in my experience because the ratio of men to women is so fucked. Like most girls don't even want to ever meet up with anyone they just use it for ego boost. I thought at least actually going out must be better but JFL everything is against us.
I don't really care anymore, I don't even see why pursue them. I'm not even gonna hardmaxx cause i know these whores are not worth it, neither is mogging. I hate them at this point it's repulsive to see them every single day.

Think of cold approach as a bonus tool to get whores. The primary should be a good social circle and then given the lack of respect men have, finding some bi chick that likes you and then having her be a wingwoman and approach roasties for you ( just her introducing roasties to you ).

Normal social circle would also work. Could find some groups with like minded interests like outdoor oriented groups, swimming , hiking, etc. Flirt with foids their and then see what happens. The cold approach and online dating apps are the icing on the cake and you cant' really take seriously.

Their is a reason we are all here, and its cause we desire women, and just rotting away with out any action plan will result in huge regret later down the road.
Yep I see I think I may be lucky because I don't have a problem with rejection, being demotivated or feeling awkward because Im a sociopath so I dont really feel that to the extent that other people do.

This is unsettling, from the responses you got like your percentage points for how you were treated I was expecting high LTN or low MTN. It's pretty brutal if you're GL and it's still that difficult. Can't imagine what it's like for avg/below avg guys. I'd objectively say Im the same rating (not rated by Mum and Grandma I've been rated by random ppl here and IRL treatment)

Have you tried just approaching random girls on the street you like? You may meet girls who don't go to clubs which can actually be a benefit. Do you think this is better/equal? Like because I don't care about feeling awkward from what you wrote about night game I may be better off just doing this.

I was hoping it wouldnt be this bad because Tinder is ass even if you're GL in my experience because the ratio of men to women is so fucked. Like most girls don't even want to ever meet up with anyone they just use it for ego boost. I thought at least actually going out must be better but JFL everything is against us.
Most of the MTN and LTN get strikes out immediately , anywhere from 6-7 just gets entertained with the bullshit 30 minute convos to nowhere and some physical touching and a make out from time to time. But in the end the numbers and snapchats either get no response or die down. This is in the night time btw

I feel that a number int he day time would be less flaky tbh.

When I went out consistently a few years ago I was able to get a few lays in the course of several months and having very high standards ( basically only slim white foids,and sometimes slim latina foid ). And in cuckmerica where the obesity rate is really high it definetly reduces a lot of options, and considering a lot of states are half or more hispanic and black it cuts down a lot also when going for the white foids.
Most of the MTN and LTN get strikes out immediately , anywhere from 6-7 just gets entertained with the bullshit 30 minute convos to nowhere and some physical touching and a make out from time to time. But in the end the numbers and snapchats either get no response or die down. This is in the night time btw

I feel that a number int he day time would be less flaky tbh.

When I went out consistently a few years ago I was able to get a few lays in the course of several months and having very high standards ( basically only slim white foids,and sometimes slim latina foid ). And in cuckmerica where the obesity rate is really high it definetly reduces a lot of options, and considering a lot of states are half or more hispanic and black it cuts down a lot also when going for the white foids.
Going out night just seems like a good way to get blue balls and slay rarely from what you said even if youre GL which is brutal

Ill try it still when I have the opportunity but this is good to know so I can manage my expectations, I actually want a LTR so maybe day is better esp since they would flake less but I think zoomer girls might be scared to death of being approached but thats their problem
Most of the MTN and LTN get strikes out immediately , anywhere from 6-7 just gets entertained with the bullshit 30 minute convos to nowhere and some physical touching and a make out from time to time. But in the end the numbers and snapchats either get no response or die down. This is in the night time btw

I feel that a number int he day time would be less flaky tbh.

When I went out consistently a few years ago I was able to get a few lays in the course of several months and having very high standards ( basically only slim white foids,and sometimes slim latina foid ). And in cuckmerica where the obesity rate is really high it definetly reduces a lot of options, and considering a lot of states are half or more hispanic and black it cuts down a lot also when going for the white foids.
Also wanted to ask you,

how bad is it to not use Insta/Snapchat? Like Im very non NT so nothing interests me on there but can pretend to be normal IRL. Is it ok to add on messenger or just phone number or is that weird and do people not do that?

Like I think if they are interested they will give you number/messenger but if they are not I think they just offer insta to blow a guy off
Also wanted to ask you,

how bad is it to not use Insta/Snapchat? Like Im very non NT so nothing interests me on there but can pretend to be normal IRL. Is it ok to add on messenger or just phone number or is that weird and do people not do that?

Like I think if they are interested they will give you number/messenger but if they are not I think they just offer insta to blow a guy off
Most of them would have a messenger set up but like instagram they have to accept a message request, so they can just send a friend request and never accept to talk.

Instagram is only good if you have a really elite tier body and lot of followers, or your just famous like at least 100k+ followers.

You won't really get a falio by not having a instagram or snapchat. You can just ask for the foid's number, But the reason I like snapchat more is you can send the best pics of yourself in a introduction when talking to foids you added so the foids know who you are, vs with a text if she gave her number out to like 10-15 dudes, she won't remember what you look like and then not reply subsequently after because of that fact ( she basically has no idea how the fuck you are, reducing the willingness to engage ).

Think about it , do a thought experiment. If you had no clue. what the foid looked like who was texting you , you probably wouldn't be that interestied in replying. But if you know the foid is hot and then you text her then you can always connect that visual image with you.

If you ask for a number, and only offered a insta, then your right, the foid is just trying to be nice and make it seem like a victory but blowing you off. Or if the foid asks for you to give your number, then she just will store it in the contact and then delete immediately.
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Most of them would have a messenger set up but like instagram they have to accept a message request, so they can just send a friend request and never accept to talk.

Instagram is only good if you have a really elite tier body and lot of followers, or your just famous like at least 100k+ followers.

You won't really get a falio by not having a instagram or snapchat. You can just ask for the foid's number, But the reason I like snapchat more is you can send the best pics of yourself in a introduction when talking to foids you added so the foids know who you are, vs with a text if she gave her number out to like 10-15 dudes, she won't remember what you look like and then not reply subsequently after because of that fact ( she basically has no idea how the fuck you are, reducing the willingness to engage ).

Think about it , do a thought experiment. If you had no clue. what the foid looked like who was texting you , you probably wouldn't be that interestied in replying. But if you know the foid is hot and then you text her then you can always connect that visual image with you.

If you ask for a number, and only offered a insta, then your right, the foid is just trying to be nice and make it seem like a victory but blowing you off. Or if the foid asks for you to give your number, then she just will store it in the contact and then delete immediately.
I think messenger is ok for me then because like you said they'll see your face when you message while number they won't and since I dont want to use snap I think its a good way to get the looks halo and not need to use snap or insta.

Messenger is also more personal so I think its better because I dont see a point in collectioning instagrams that you never get replys from
Thing about tinder is that you're one among many options. If you approach, at that particular moment, you're the only option so you stand out more than you would on tinder.
The key is that you need to be able to get some ioi consistently if you want success with cold approach, otherwise it will just end up like tinder.
I think messenger is ok for me then because like you said they'll see your face when you message while number they won't and since I dont want to use snap I think its a good way to get the looks halo and not need to use snap or insta.

Messenger is also more personal so I think its better because I dont see a point in collectioning instagrams that you never get replys from
Interesting our boy clavicular said that he found numbers most effective, but then again as he's a 6ft 2 wasp muscular chad pretty sure any social media would work.

I would say that even If you have 5k+ followers on insta , and your above the women, then you would be fine using insta to communicate as it shows your high status
My main problem with insta is it can basically be the same as a rejection, e.g. you get to be her follower like a little good boy

Number, Snap, Messenger are personal enough that if she doesn't want to talk to you she prob won't add you

But overall tho I agree it doesnt really matter. If youre chad enough she'll send you emails and be happy
My main problem with insta is it can basically be the same as a rejection, e.g. you get to be her follower like a little good boy

Number, Snap, Messenger are personal enough that if she doesn't want to talk to you she prob won't add you

But overall tho I agree it doesnt really matter. If youre chad enough she'll send you emails and be happy
You could do both then

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