If you think women dont approach kys

we drive LHD here, prices are much higher, UKcels have those prices because export market of the cars is nearly 0 because of the steering
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wtf same haircut u got style :^)
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i get approached once a week at best and its never as blatant as this. killing myself asap
  • JFL
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  • Woah
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell, datboijj, AscendingHero and 5 others
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My life is pretty much over reading this
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Fact: if you are at least 5psl facially and are over 6’5” you can become chad through gymcelling.
Amnesia is 6.5 Psl tho
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I havent even been posting lately cause so many stories just like this been happening to me recently you guys wouldnt even believe me.

This is the third 2+ women sex session I have had in the last month. Im on the biggest streak of my life. I get approached every night at work by women wanting to fuck me

I work at a night club

Its all just looks. Once you are GL women will literally grab you or approach you straight up and tell you you're gl and they want you
Interesting. And how nt or sociable are you? Is a basic amount of social presence/awareness required or at your level of looks it doesn’t even matter ?
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Reactions: AcneScars, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6400 and 2 others
Thinking that it is 100% about looks is wrong.

Women would also "approach" a guy who they think is rich or has high status.

Truth is that it would be 100% over for a random 10/10 if a guy like Ronaldo or Dwayne Johnson enters a random nightclub.

If a group of girls in a nightclub "magically" find out through a waiter you are extremely rich, the same principle applies.

Hint: befriend the 'waiter' and let him subtly hint to groups of girls you are rich/famous whatever.
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Reactions: GreenHat500, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 5 others
Thinking that it is 100% about looks is wrong.

Women would also "approach" a guy who they think is rich or has high status.

Truth is that it would be 100% over for a random 10/10 if a guy like Ronaldo or Dwayne Johnson enters a random nightclub.

If a group of girls in a nightclub "magically" find out through a waiter you are extremely rich, the same principle applies.

Hint: befriend the 'waiter' and let him subtly hint to groups of girls you are rich/famous whatever.
Being rich will get them attracted to your wallet. You’ll get starfish sex
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Reactions: datboijj, Deleted member 11604, Averagecel and 17 others
Women dont approach jfl
correct. espacially in more social places.

Like in this studie.
Of the total of 26 approaches that happened in that venue.
20 were done by men; and 6 were done by women.
Aka: 23% by women, and 77% by men. So men do it way more often, but still.

Also I think, women that don't approach will at least send invitation signals if she likes what she sees and is open for it.
Women sending invitation signals, still reject the apporach of men 33% of the time; but won't 67% of the time. So it's still decent-ish odds; if you get invitation signals.

source of my waffle: https://www.researchgate.net/public...ects_of_nonverbal_courtship_behavior_in_women

Or in this study.
At a bar setting in 1 hours time: out of the 49 appraoches. 38 were done by men, and 11 were done by women (aka again: 77% by men; and 23% by women)
At a snackbar setting: out of the 8 appraoches. 4 were done by men, and 4 were done by women (aka : 50% by men; and 50% by women).
At a library setting: out of the 5 appraoches. 4 were done by men, and 1were done by women (aka : 75% by men; and 25% by women)
at a womens conventiom, nothing happened.

So women do approach men. But much less. And elsewise, they will give signals like: direct eye-gaze (either with or without ime intervals) with extra blinking; smile, eyebrow lift; hair flick, neck display/tilt, etc..

study link: https://www.researchgate.net/public...ip_patterns_in_women_Context_and_consequences
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Reactions: Richard_Hungwell, Deleted member 11604, AscendingHero and 4 others
for sex to happen, its always the femoid that apporaches. jfl at the redpill cope "men are hunter hurrdurrr. gotta chase pusy LIKE A REAL MAN"
this is the true black pill. girls get uncontrollably horny when they see a pretty guy and will try to win him over.
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:chad: :chad::chad:
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brb using
  • JFL
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Reactions: Richard_Hungwell, datboijj, Dommaxxer and 2 others
Does it also depend on how low trust or high trust you look?
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  • JFL
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell, Dommaxxer, Deleted member 906 and 1 other person
Is op really 30yrs old? Would be pure life fuel for oldcels to ascend asap.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 1 other person
Is op really 30yrs old? Would be pure life fuel for oldcels to ascend asap.
OP was always chad with good bones, if you dont have the bones youll never be chad
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Reactions: j05, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 6 others
Does it also depend on how low trust or high trust you look?
i would imagine looking higher trust is better for these situations. op doesn’t look low trust to me
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne, IndianJock and 2 others
you are best looking guy on site btw,widest appeal
@Rugged is by far the best looking guy on this site.
OP was always chad with good bones, if you dont have the bones youll never be chad
Maybe not a chad, but with osteotomies and implants high tier normie is possible.
Has op made any surgeries?
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne and 2 others
any guy who claim women dont approach says it bc he never experienced such thing

post more stories, i want motivation.

you are best looking guy on site btw,widest appeal
cope, i mog him to death
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Mmmm wow surprising indeed. How do you do when you have to take off your shoes?
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: j05, court monarch777, Deleted member 906 and 4 others
@Rugged is by far the best looking guy on this site.

Maybe not a chad, but with osteotomies and implants high tier normie is possible.
Has op made any surgeries?
cope, i mog him to death
2 copers. all that matters is IRL validation. you can mog on this site on you want for your ego but what matters is how you are treated irl and @Amnesia has stories out of his ass
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Reactions: Richard_Hungwell, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 5 others
@Rugged is by far the best looking guy on this site.

Maybe not a chad, but with osteotomies and implants high tier normie is possible.
Has op made any surgeries?
Where are photos of Rugged?
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne and Deleted member 2846
Fuarkkk, haven't seen a face pic of you until now.

You're really goodlooking my guy, probably mog this entire forum.
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Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and TheAscendedOne
Fuck I need to ascend to 6 Psl or death

They will get the gay bartender to come up to you but when you walk over to them they will see your height and tell you to go back...

Not just to your table...but to Gujarat
my gf told me if a girl really wants you she will make it extremely obvious.


Gym won't take you there unless you are already getting serious attention

Face (eyes most important)
Yeah my curry gf would compliment me in class Like every class before we got into a relationship about my outfit style and those looksmin glasses I got that you all said look bad on me. If a girl wants you she will let you know
When she gave you this look, you just knew
Images 8
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  • JFL
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The next that this happens, can you make a pic with you and the other 2-3 girls in the bed? You can cover their face


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  • +1
Reactions: CANI, Deleted member 906 and TheAscendedOne
i never had a strong approach like that but i had girls ask for my number before. i guess u need to be chad tier like u to get sex offers like that
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I want to die
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  • JFL
Reactions: Dommaxxer, Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne and 1 other person
At dinner. My male waiter says I'm cute and that we should grab a drink sometime. Say thanks but I'm actually straight. he responds ok cause I was just asking because that table of ladies over there wanted me to ask if you were gay cause they think you're gl. I go join their table and they ask if I am a model or something. They invite me up to their hotel room where they wanna shower me in expensive champagne.

They all say how rich they are and have boring husbands/ bfs, even though they're all multi millionaires and that every millionaire is a swinger anyway so it doesnt matter if I fuck all 3 of them their partners wouldnt mind

They are all between late 20s to late 30s very gl, trophy wive types. Have a 4sum

Women dont approach jfl

For unawares, recent shitty bathroom selfie

Your gigachad foids don't approach unless their minimum your level

The guy is a human god you are coping if you think he don't get approached
OP was always chad with good bones, if you dont have the bones youll never be chad

Op is a human god don't confuse that with chad
i never had a strong approach like that but i had girls ask for my number before. i guess u need to be chad tier like u to get sex offers like that

Cause your good looking I seen your pics mainly not gigachad but chad irl standards and I've seen the subhumans here
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@Roping Subhuman thoughts?
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Nothing new to me, what would've really surprised me is if the husband's wanted to watch.

Amnesia is an actual 6.5 not that moggingmachine guy just lol

He. Mogs. Mogging machine into another dimension the guy is in the tier of the human gods
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 906 and TheAscendedOne
for sex to happen, its always the femoid that apporaches. jfl at the redpill cope "men are hunter hurrdurrr. gotta chase pusy LIKE A REAL MAN"
i’ve had to pursue all my slays. At least I had to pursue them until I had them interested enough to pursue me, so yeah most men will have to make the first move. trust me lol
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: alex569, Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne and 2 others
They will get the gay bartender to come up to you but when you walk over to them they will see your height and tell you to go back...

Not just to your table...but to Gujarat

Gym won't take you there unless you are already getting serious attention

Face (eyes most important)

When she gave you this look, you just knew
View attachment 217422
I would fuck her
  • +1
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For unawares, recent shitty bathroom selfie
You was always such good looking? Or did you start from looking bad to looskaxxing to this kind of looks-level?
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Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and TheAscendedOne
Literally no one thinks women don’t approach. This is just an excuse to brag. There’s nothing wrong with bragging but that doesn’t mean this isn’t a useless thread.

As usual, even on this forum, just like the rest of society, good looking people get worshipped despite shitty threads like this.
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Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, TheAscendedOne and 7 others
You was always such good looking? Or did you start from looking bad to looskaxxing to this kind of looks-level?
He always had good bone base obviously. Don't cope with ascension. It doesn't exist.
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@Newone @Maxillacel @tylerhunter97

alın ropefuel amk
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  • JFL
Reactions: Baban, Deleted member 906 and TheAscendedOne
Posts like these motivate the fuck out of me. Post more stories OP.
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@Newone @Maxillacel @tylerhunter97

alın ropefuel amk
su ıslaktır

more chance of getting approached in EU/US but its obvious that if you’re GL enough you’ll get approached

if you don’t get approached life is life, go approach yourself don’t be a bitch
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IRL chad > PSL chad, indeed he is a chad
psl chad is a skinny twink like chico lmao. irl chad is just a guy with muscles, height and strong bones
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