Im so glad I am no longer Christian

western immigration takeover and great reset also is in the Bible and it says its because we did not obey the Word of God.
Sounds about right, im afraid we wont be able to return after this point. Revelations is truly happening right now, or at least the beginning.
Go immigrate to Russia or sum then bhai
  • +1
Reactions: try2beme
Most muslims aren't that religous they have sex, they smoke and etc. even you op have sex before marriage.

Muslims are just a little more religous then christians
You are right but I still am muslim
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken and Sub5kang
Many retards make points for me without any evidence or words i said… what the fuck is ur problem dude ur being weird @PsychoH you can disagree with me but agreeing with made up arguments spoken on my behalf while im sleeping is fucking lame and sad. Stop being desperate
I would but it’s a long read and I doubt you’d bother

IMG 0549

IMG 0550
Most muslims aren't that religous they have sex, they smoke and etc. even you op have sex before marriage.

Muslims are just a little more religous then christians
I don't think it's most since there's 1.9bn of us but I do believe it's most in the west (y)
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken
Islam claims to be many firsts such as the first abrahamic book with unaltered teachings since it's founding so just an angel strangling someone for the first time isn't very indicative of a fake religion, also it wasn't so much that he was choked, he was just forced to read
The angel came to him and asked him to read. The Prophet replied, "I do not know how to read. The Prophet added, "The angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read and I replied, 'I do not know how to read.' Thereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read but again I replied, 'I do not know how to read (or what shall I read)?' Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me
Gabriel would never since he is described to be very kind and suddenly he chokes someone almost dead lmao,
also nice of "God" waiting 600 years to tell people Jesus didnt die on the cross. Noy 300, not 400, not 500 but 600 jfl.
Weird of him to have eleven wives while the rest can only have four too.
Go follow your childfucker "prophet" piss be upon him and fuck little kids. Also not a single respectable religion would ever teach polygamie.
Bring as much "evidence" as you like but these things can never be justified.
Dirty little muhamed also killed people. How can the most important man of your religion be so worshipped though he is a mass murderer and child fucker. But sure im schizo for not following this pedophile shit...
You're clearly low iq since you said that Muhammad pbuh got strangled proceeded to give no sources and @PrinceLuenLeoncur can easily be misled if he just believed without fact checking :forcedsmile::lul:
its in your stupid book loser, but sure laugh about it
western immigration takeover and great reset also is in the Bible and it says its because we did not obey the Word of God.
Sounds about right, im afraid we wont be able to return after this point. Revelations is truly happening right now, or at least the beginning.
Notice how @Sub5kang tells you to go to Russia (an EASTERN ORTHODOX NATION :lul::lul::lul::lul: CANT MAKE THIS UP) to avoid the degeneracy of heterodox western Christianity spawned from the Papist Roman Catholics and their retarded minions called Protestants.

Literally do research into the early church find out what the first Christian’s believed in how we worshiped how we prayed our traditions our beliefs and you’ll find all other churches have errored all are incorporating falsehood BUT THE EO CHURCH REMAINS TRUE AND IS IDENTIAL TO THE ORGINAL CHURCH. I can go back in time 1.5k years ago and MY EO church is identical in architecture liturgy tradition and beliefs no Roman Catholic can do that and Protestantism is only 500 years old LOL 😂
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Sub5kang and PsychoH
Gabriel would never since he is described to be very kind and suddenly he chokes someone almost dead lmao,
Again your being delusional and handing 0 sources
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken and try2beme
Most muslims aren't that religous they have sex, they smoke and etc. even you op have sex before marriage.

Muslims are just a little more religous then christians
Also its interesting a lot of people think im saying muslims are perfect but i never said that i also call out muslims theres still a disparity
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken and Sub5kang
See Sam shamoun = instant dnrd he's a schizo autist
Then don’t watch his video I used him as an example and he’s not a schiitzo autist he exposes Islam defeated their greatest apologists in debates all the time for fun. You may not like him but that doesn’t detract from reality
  • +1
Reactions: Sub5kang
Go immigrate to Russia or sum then bhai
no, europe is for europeans, you will all get deported or killed. Belgium and Germany have had enough. Whole of native europe is done with your kind. But yes Russians do protect Germans by killing immigrants
  • JFL
Reactions: ryuken, sportsmogger and Sub5kang
also nice of "God" waiting 600 years to tell people Jesus didnt die on the cross. Noy 300, not 400, not 500 but 600 jfl.
Weird that your god waited 1.5k years after moses :lul::lul: retard logic and the rest was just hateful bs so dnrd
  • JFL
Reactions: ryuken and try2beme
no, europe is for europeans, you will all get deported or killed. Belgium and Germany have had enough. Whole of native europe is done with your kind. But yes Russians do protect Germans by killing immigrants
My sister was very alive in Russia
  • +1
Reactions: Sub5kang
Notice how @Sub5kang tells you to go to Russia (an EASTERN ORTHODOX NATION :lul::lul::lul::lul: CANT MAKE THIS UP) to avoid the degeneracy of heterodox western Christianity spawned from the Papist Roman Catholics and their retarded minions called Protestants.

Literally do research into the early church find out what the first Christian’s believed in how we worshiped how we prayed our traditions our beliefs and you’ll find all other churches have errored all are incorporating falsehood BUT THE EO CHURCH REMAINS TRUE AND IS IDENTIAL TO THE ORGINAL CHURCH. I can go back in time 1.5k years ago and MY EO church is identical in architecture liturgy tradition and beliefs no Roman Catholic can do that and Protestantism is only 500 years old LOL 😂
Because orthodox is the only "based" Christian sect I said that in my OG response to you Bhai :Comfy:
Again your being delusional and handing 0 sources
the Bible is my source. @PrinceLuenLeoncur he just doesnt want to hear it. Just wants a justifyable way to fuck several women and minors and breed like a fucking rabbit.
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Russia is asia not europe idiot
Its considered both idiot. One quick google search

I can add more european countries to the list because she travels often
  • +1
Reactions: Sub5kang
its in your stupid book loser, but sure laugh about it
No, what you're talking about is a hadith retard which is completely separate from the Qur'an dumbass
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken
no, europe is for europeans, you will all get deported or killed. Belgium and Germany have had enough. Whole of native europe is done with your kind. But yes Russians do protect Germans by killing immigrants
Alright then go cry about your great replacement bag while your great grandkids are black Bhai
  • +1
Reactions: try2beme
the Bible is my source. @PrinceLuenLeoncur he just doesnt want to hear it. Just wants a justifyable way to fuck several women and minors and breed like a fucking rabbit.
The bible has sources about Muhammad pbuh being strangled by jibreel? What kinda fucking schizo r U nigga
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ryuken and try2beme
Again your being delusional and handing 0 sources

Sahih Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 1, Number 3 (Link)

The angel came to him and asked him to read. The Prophet replied, "I do not know how to read. The Prophet added, "The angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read and I replied, 'I do not know how to read.' Thereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read but again I replied, 'I do not know how to read (or what shall I read)?' Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me and said, 'Read in the name of your Lord, who has created (all that exists) has created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous."
Note how violent the supposed interaction between the angel and Muhammad is described as having been, and note that the being never identifies itself (neither as Gabriel nor as an angel in general).

Now, consider how differently the interactions that Gabriel is believed to have had with other individuals is described in the following passages.

Daniel 8:16-19

15. Now it came to pass when I, Daniel, perceived that vision, that I sought understanding, and behold, there stood before me one who appeared like a man.
16. And I heard the voice of a man in the midst of the Ulai, and he called and said, "Gabriel, enable this one to understand the vision."
17. And he came beside the place where I was standing, and when he came, I became frightened, and I fell upon my face. Then he said to me, "Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the time of the end."
18. Now, when he spoke to me, I fell into a sound sleep upon my face to the ground, and he touched me and stood me up where I had been standing.
19. And he said to me, "Behold I am letting you know what will be at the end of the fury, for it is the end of the time.
Note that in contrast to Muhammad's experience, Gabriel is identified by name in the presence of Daniel and Gabriel does not inflict pain on Daniel when interacting him but merely touches him in order to rouse him back to consciousness after her fainted due to seeing Gabriel.

Sahih Muslim, no.5765 (Link)

'A'isha reported that Harith b. Hisham asked Allah's Apostle ﷺ: How does the the wahi (inspiration) come to you? He said: *At times it comes to me like the ringing of a bell and that is most severe for me* and when it is over I retain that (what I had received in the form of wahi), and at times an Angel in the form of a human being comes to me (and speaks) and I retain whatever he speaks.
Sahih Muslim, no. 5279 (Link)

Abu Huraira reported Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: The bell is the musical instrument of the Satan.

@PsychoH don’t worry I got you covered on Mohammed being bullied by the demon
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoH
Alright then go cry about your great replacement bag while your great grandkids are black Bhai
Hes doing nothing to stop it. Besides argue with muslims on a niche internet forum and endorse @PrinceLuenLeoncur made up quoted found nowhere in my post history to feel strong about their crumbling faith
  • +1
Reactions: Sub5kang
the Bible is my source. @PrinceLuenLeoncur he just doesnt want to hear it. Just wants a justifyable way to fuck several women and minors and breed like a fucking rabbit.
Islam appeals to the young male flesh. It’s a satanic religion made by the devil his magnum opus of deceiving the world the devil tried to replicate it with Mormonism and Jehovah witnesses but failed miserably. But Islam is the devil grand master piece it single handhelds is leading 1.9-2billion ppl to hell :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: PsychoH and try2beme
It’s considered both idiot. One quick google search
“Idiot” jfl you don’t even life there. No one considers Russia European besides dumb Americans and Jewish google which is where you probs got this from. Not a single European with an average iq and above considers Russia European.
Hes doing nothing to stop it. Besides argue with muslims on a niche internet forum and endorse @PrinceLuenLeoncur made up quoted found nowhere in my post history to feel strong about their crumbling faith
Bro…. Literally google and ask any imam about the Hadiths I just stated they will tell you it’s all true :hnghn::hnghn::hnghn: these aren’t “random quotes” these are DOGMATIC SUNNAH FROM ISLAMIC SOURCES IF YOUR GOING TO BE A FUCKING MUSLIM FOLLOW YOUR RELIGION YOU RETARD.

Sahih Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 1, Number 3 (Link)

Note how violent the supposed interaction between the angel and Muhammad is described as having been, and note that the being never identifies itself (neither as Gabriel nor as an angel in general).

@PsychoH don’t worry I got you covered on Mohammed being bullied by the demon
Nigga are you fucking autistic, the link you sourced said the exact same thing I said in my og post and was also fucking linked, you didn't back him up for shit and you didn't read what I wrote either, @PsychoH is a retard and you can't read and follow the masses
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken and try2beme
“Idiot” jfl you don’t even life there. No one considers Russia European besides dumb Americans and Jewish google which is where you probs got this from. Not a single European with an average iq and above considers Russia European.
I literally have russians ukrainians in my fucking classes and they call themself europeans. Go fucking talk to one instead of extremeist weirdos in the internet like yourself

I also admire how u and ur christian friend made this such an insulting convo when the thread started peacefully. You guys are freaks
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken
Alright then go cry about your great replacement bag while your great grandkids are black Bhai
They will never. History will repeat itself. 1928
  • JFL
Reactions: Sub5kang
The bible has sources about Muhammad pbuh being strangled by jibreel? What kinda fucking schizo r U nigga
No loser. It says Gabriel is very kind. So from that I take conclusion he wouldn’t strange a random guy.
Bro…. Literally google and ask any imam about the Hadiths I just stated they will tell you it’s all true :hnghn::hnghn::hnghn: these aren’t “random quotes” these are DOGMATIC SUNNAH FROM ISLAMIC SOURCES IF YOUR GOING TO BE A FUCKING MUSLIM FOLLOW YOUR RELIGION YOU RETARD.
I said you put words in MY MOUTH not the fucking hadith
  • +1
Reactions: Sub5kang

Sahih Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 1, Number 3 (Link)

Note how violent the supposed interaction between the angel and Muhammad is described as having been, and note that the being never identifies itself (neither as Gabriel nor as an angel in general).

Now, consider how differently the interactions that Gabriel is believed to have had with other individuals is described in the following passages.

Daniel 8:16-19

Note that in contrast to Muhammad's experience, Gabriel is identified by name in the presence of Daniel and Gabriel does not inflict pain on Daniel when interacting him but merely touches him in order to rouse him back to consciousness after her fainted due to seeing Gabriel.

Sahih Muslim, no.5765 (Link)

Sahih Muslim, no. 5279 (Link)

Abu Huraira reported Messenger of Allah ﷺ as saying: The bell is the musical instrument of the Satan.

@PsychoH don’t worry I got you covered on Mohammed being bullied by the demon
Okay in the other interactions sure Gabriel wasn't violent, what does that change, my initial argument was against @PsychoH explicitly saying that he was choked, also the angel could've done that if god wills it :feelsokman:
No loser. It says Gabriel is very kind. So from that I take conclusion he wouldn’t strange a random guy.
If god wills it he will
Nigga are you fucking autistic, the link you sourced said the exact same thing I said in my og post and was also fucking linked, you didn't back him up for shit and you didn't read what I wrote either, @PsychoH is a retard and you can't read and follow the masses
Gabriel pressed and hurt Mohammed lol your prophet was squeezed lmfao

You and @try2beme i wish well continue to live your life you’ll have to answer to god for your deception. A Muslim born into the cult of Islam I can forgive but one who knew the truth who left it for satan (Islam) I cannot fuck that guy
Islam appeals to the young male flesh. It’s a satanic religion made by the devil his magnum opus of deceiving the world the devil tried to replicate it with Mormonism and Jehovah witnesses but failed miserably. But Islam is the devil grand master piece it single handhelds is leading 1.9-2billion ppl to hell :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Exactly, every single fleshy desire is in Islam. In “heaven” you will fuck .. amount of virgins. Sounds about right this is what God would say.
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Man this is reminding me of my r/ex Muslim debating days how nostalgic :love:
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken and try2beme
Gabriel pressed and hurt Mohammed lol your prophet was squeezed lmfao

You and @try2beme i wish well continue to live your life you’ll have to answer to god for your deception. A Muslim born into the cult of Islam I can forgive but one who knew the truth who left it for satan (Islam) I cannot fuck that guy
I didnt ask to be fucked buddy but thanks for the offer
  • JFL
Reactions: ryuken
Exactly, every single fleshy desire is in Islam. In “heaven” you will fuck .. amount of virgins. Sounds about right this is what God would say.
Putting words and beliefs in our mouths again. Ur both schizos and its not helping ur case
I literally have russians ukrainians in my fucking classes and they call themself europeans. Go fucking talk to one instead of extremeist weirdos in the internet like yourself

I also admire how u and ur christian friend made this such an insulting convo when the thread started peacefully. You guys are freaks
No wonder when you talk so much bs. Russians and Ukrainians aren’t European just cus they call themselves that. How dumb could you be to even use this as an argument.
Okay in the other interactions sure Gabriel wasn't violent, what does that change, my initial argument was against @PsychoH explicitly saying that he was choked, also the angel could've done that if god wills it :feelsokman:
He did get choked. Jesus Christ wouldn’t hurt an innocent man. Not Gods will.
Gabriel pressed and hurt Mohammed lol your prophet was squeezed lmfao

You and @try2beme i wish well continue to live your life you’ll have to answer to god for your deception. A Muslim born into the cult of Islam I can forgive but one who knew the truth who left it for satan (Islam) I cannot fuck that guy

Indeed I did respond to you in the beginning but alright sure my prophet got squeezed? Doesn't mean nun and I send my regards to you, a Christian born into the cult of Christianity I can forgive Bhai :feelsokman: I'll ask Allah SWT to guide you :feelstrash:
No wonder when you talk so much bs. Russians and Ukrainians aren’t European just cus they call themselves that. How dumb could you be to even use this as an argument.
Youre probably not even russian getting this worked up over bs intricacies

Most of the land is in asia and some is in europe . Get over this blatantly obvious fact that the whole world including natives agree on that only raging incels are combative about
  • +1
Reactions: Sub5kang
Both are stupid asf but I respect islam more tbh, christians need resurgance
  • WTF
Reactions: Sub5kang
He did get choked. Jesus Christ wouldn’t hurt an innocent man. Not Gods will.
You fucking nigger all you can do is parrot some bullshit you heard online and not back it bup, be quiet you uppitly low iq fag
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken and try2beme
Exactly, every single fleshy desire is in Islam. In “heaven” you will fuck .. amount of virgins. Sounds about right this is what God would say.
It’s so obviously from the devil :lul::lul::lul:

The devil is the nigga who tries to alure you with temptations of the flesh and surprise surprise that’s what “allah” Baal as ima call him for now on does he says “wallahi Akhi come die for me and you’ll get bare naked stacies in heaven inshallah just remain on your Deen and your good”

So obviously from satan, Islam preys on Low IQ individuals like OP :lul::lul::lul: so don’t be surprise many will fall for this farce they lack the iq to do research. I almost converted to Islam myself but unlike low IQ people I research stuff before taking a leap and that’s when i discovered Islam is a false religion and not the god if the prophets @Sub5kang and @try2beme that’s why I know so much about Islam because I almost became Muslim but my IQ is too high to fall for the lies
  • JFL
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