Im so glad I am no longer Christian

“Extremely similar”. You dont know the slightest bit about them
I speak portuguese spanish french and english. I have belgian cousins who speak german dutch and french. They say its fucking common and everyone speaks it. U are NOT special. Talk to more people irl and you will notice that it isnt a flex. Even their german friends speak french english dutch german at the bare minimum.
PFFT so 4 of the “six” languages 😂😂😂😂😂😂 english is also similar to french ur so cooked and not smart for this shit
French and English aren’t idiot. U think this just because French took some words from English and integrated them.
Yeah I did copy from Reddit… how does that make anything wrong I copied the Hadiths you brainlet are you dumb? The Hadiths exist idiot don’t try to play this game with me as if you caught me in some lie. The fact remains that the HADITH SAYS EXACTLY WHAT IS WRITTEN THERE RESPOND TO THAT INSTEAD OF DEFLECTING
I was formulating a response and found out your a nigger who can't make his own arguments so why should I debunk some random high iq redditfags argument when I'm not even fucking arguing with him, only brainlet here is you jfl
Tagging muslimcels so they know not to debate with losers like you
@SecularIslamist @Gengar @shia.jihadist @ryuken
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: shia.jihadist, ryuken and SecularIslamist
French and English aren’t idiot. U think this just because French took some words from English and integrated them.
U think theyre different so u can feel better about ur iq. When u actually start learning languages that arent totally the same then flexing about it like its correlated to ur iq, u will see the similarities. But u speak clones of the same sort and pretend ur smart for it. Go learn an actual unique language that isnt super easy if u wanna flex cuz yes french and english are the same to an extent. Moreover these languages come together for people so many will speak the exact same four as u simply cuz of their region or culture. Ur not unique whatsoever its a basic for manyyyy
  • +1
Reactions: Sub5kang
I speak portuguese spanish french and english. I have belgian cousins who speak german dutch and french. They say its fucking common and everyone speaks it. U are NOT special. Talk to more people irl and you will notice that it isnt a flex. Even their german friends speak french english dutch german at the bare minimum.
Exactly, since in Belgium we speak those languages it’s officially our country’s spoken languages. I never said I am special butvyou are in a way that you are naive and dumb. And yes the last sentence is cus Europeans on average do that since they’re well educated
I was formulating a response and found out your a nigger who can't make his own arguments so why should I debunk some random high iq redditfags argument when I'm not even fucking arguing with him, only brainlet here is you jfl
Tagging muslimcels so they know not to debate with losers like you
@SecularIslamist @Gengar @shia.jihadist @ryuken
I've argued with @PrinceLuenLeoncur before on Islam on many things. We've taken an agree to disagree approach. Not worth wasting time over going back and forth.
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken, shia.jihadist and Sub5kang
I've argued with @PrinceLuenLeoncur before on Islam on many things. We've taken an agree to disagree approach. Not worth wasting time over going back and forth.
With his tactics I might as well find the Reddit thread he copied his argument from and fucking copy the replies :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: ryuken, try2beme and SecularIslamist
PFFT so ur either genetically european or an immigrant

Your iq amazes me
Yes you are. wtf if ur African and ar born in Europe you aren’t European what the fuck is this guy even thinking. “I was born a brown nigger in europe so now I’m European” @PsychoDsk @Gengar @NorwoodAscender
  • JFL
Reactions: Sub5kang and try2beme
I was formulating a response and found out your a nigger who can't make his own arguments so why should I debunk some random high iq redditfags argument when I'm not even fucking arguing with him, only brainlet here is you jfl
Tagging muslimcels so they know not to debate with losers like you
@SecularIslamist @Gengar @shia.jihadist @ryuken
gonna read that shit wait it's gonna take some time
  • +1
Reactions: Sub5kang
With his tactics I might as well find the Reddit thread he copied his argument from and fucking copy the replies :lul:
Its either putting words in my mouth or stealing from reddit or convincing themself theyre high iq for very basic shit
  • +1
Reactions: Sub5kang
With his tactics I might as well find the Reddit thread he copied his argument from and fucking copy the replies :lul:
Ive debated with him too

Just ended up not replying tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: Sub5kang
PFFT so ur either genetically european or an immigrant

Your iq amazes me
Iq amazes me you thik genetics is a joke it seems. european person = European genetics
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Yes you are. wtf if ur African and ar born in Europe you aren’t European what the fuck is this guy even thinking. “I was born a brown nigger in europe so now I’m European” @PsychoDsk @Gengar @NorwoodAscender
Its hilarious ur tagging racist people also im EQUALLY african and european.

This is your fucking fifth or more assumption about me, u never ask questions u just assume. Im equally european as i am african DNA wise. I dont give a fuck about either because its not my main race
PFFT so 4 of the “six” languages 😂😂😂😂😂😂 english is also similar to french ur so cooked and not smart for this shit
Dude your the one who converted to Islam :lul::lul::lul: you have no right to be critiquing others intellect my guy. Like bro did you know in Islam satan rests in your nose when you sleep or when you have a nightmare you have to do dry spits over your shoulder 3 times or that Mohammed bathed and did Wudu in dirty water with mental fluid or how in Islam they believe the sun sets in a muddy puddle. There’s so many Hadiths I can bring up and even things from the Quran which they get wrong like for instance it says Christians worship Mary (if you were Christian you’d know we don’t worship Mary we venerate her as in respect her but not worship) or how the Quran claims humans can only have one heart but Siamese twins have 2 or how the bones are made first in an embryo when that isn’t true the cartilage is made at the same time as the flesh lol

  • Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 87, Number 124: Narrated Abu Qatada: The Prophet said, A good dream is from Allah, and a bad dream is from Satan. So whoever has seen (in a dream) something he dislike, then he should spit without saliva, thrice on his left and seek refuge with Allah from Satan, for it will not harm him, and Satan cannot appear in my shape.

  • Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 21, Number 245: Narrated Abdullah : A person was mentioned before the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) and he was told that he had kept on sleeping till morning and had not got up for the prayer. The Prophet said, Satan urinated in his ears.

Narrated AbuSa'id al-Khudri:

I heard that the people asked the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ): Water is brought for you from the well of Buda'ah. It is a well in which dead dogs, menstrual clothes and excrement of people are thrown. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) replied: Verily water is pure and is not defiled by anything.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) صحيح (الألباني) حكم : Reference : Sunan Abi Dawud 67 In-book reference : Book 1, Hadith 67 English translation : Book 1, Hadith 67

FYI as a new Muslim Sahih == 100% credible
Iq amazes me you thik genetics is a joke it seems. european person = European genetics
He’s European in appearance but has the IQ of a sand roach
  • JFL
Reactions: PsychoH
U think theyre different so u can feel better about ur iq. When u actually start learning languages that arent totally the same then flexing about it like its correlated to ur iq, u will see the similarities. But u speak clones of the same sort and pretend ur smart for it. Go learn an actual unique language that isnt super easy if u wanna flex cuz yes french and english are the same to an extent. Moreover these languages come together for people so many will speak the exact same four as u simply cuz of their region or culture. Ur not unique whatsoever its a basic for manyyyy
Swedish is unique. Nordic languages aren’t similar to any of the others I stated at all. And no, not similar to Germanic.
Iq amazes me you thik genetics is a joke it seems. european person = European genetics
Some ethnics are born there you utter retard. Its so obvious youre an outcast u have no real world knowledge AT ALL. You are extremely clearly undersocialised
Its either putting words in my mouth or stealing from reddit or convincing themself theyre high iq for very basic shit
And constantly changing the argument, I was debunking @PsychoH bullshit and he came up with a random unrelated Reddit thread to back him up and even uses my own sources and the exact same things I said as a haha gotcha moment because this fag doesn't read my fkn replies
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken
Swedish is unique. Nordic languages aren’t similar to any of the others I stated at all. And no, not similar to Germanic.
You didnt even say you spoke swedish but the others are all extremely similar and people speak a combination of those in many countries so no ur not special buddy
Its hilarious ur tagging racist people also im EQUALLY african and european.

This is your fucking fifth or more assumption about me, u never ask questions u just assume. Im equally european as i am african DNA wise. I dont give a fuck about either because its not my main race
“Racist” Gengar is brown. What do you even know about @NorwoodAscender being “racist”?
I've argued with @PrinceLuenLeoncur before on Islam on many things. We've taken an agree to disagree approach. Not worth wasting time over going back and forth.
With you yes but I’m Not arguing with you bro 😢 did an idiot tag you here?

The reality is that Muslim has been able to refute my statements that’s what’s worrying every Islamic claim Muslims make about Christianity I’m able to refute but somehow it didn’t work vice versa 🤷‍♂️
Not for me bro ngl

My irl friends arent even muslim either
I say sin as much you want , I.e adultery with foids , drink alcohol, go club.
But plz take your shahada and pray atleast man I feel sad when people like you left islam ..
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: try2beme, ryuken and sportsmogger
“Racist” Gengar is brown. What do you even know about @NorwoodAscender being “racist”?
Yeah when i rated Norwood mtn and he started being racist, insulting me and another for saying. Mtn yeah hes a racist faghot. Keep tagging random people after making blanket assumptions about me. Its a dead giveaway ur low iq when u never ask questions and make shit up about me then ask others to validate it. Truly fucking weird behaviour

Keep making lies about me coming from ur schizo brain then seeking approval from faggots for ur blanket lies when u dont know me at all. Lying about my race, my opinions and my quotes is fucking lame
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoH
Some ethnics are born there you utter retard. Its so obvious youre an outcast u have no real world knowledge AT ALL. You are extremely clearly undersocialised
That doesn’t make them European though though you’re so dumb actually. Undersocialised or not doesn’t change simple facts about genetic
And constantly changing the argument, I was debunking @PsychoH bullshit and he came up with a random unrelated Reddit thread to back him up and even uses my own sources and the exact same things I said as a haha gotcha moment because this fag doesn't read my fkn replies
You’re bombing me with them I got like 20 notifications
  • JFL
Reactions: Sub5kang
I was formulating a response and found out your a nigger who can't make his own arguments so why should I debunk some random high iq redditfags argument when I'm not even fucking arguing with him, only brainlet here is you jfl
Tagging muslimcels so they know not to debate with losers like you
@SecularIslamist @Gengar @shia.jihadist @ryuken
I used the Hadiths… you think I have the Hadiths to hand I know them and grabbed them. They are authentic your not smart or slick keep deflecting and tagging in @Gengar @shia.jihadist both of whom don’t even follow Sunni Hadiths :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: nice try but I know you follow Sunni Islam so answer the argument of your Hadiths stop suing the genetic Fallacy argument on where I got the Hadiths from the fact is they are AUTHENTIC SUNNI HADITHS.

But you can’t argue with it because you know deep down it’s true and nothing i wrote was wrong but keep attacking the source rather than what it says to be smart :feelshah: it won’t work you brain let
You didnt even say you spoke swedish but the others are all extremely similar and people speak a combination of those in many countries so no ur not special buddy
I did say that nigger go back read it.
That doesn’t make them European though though you’re so dumb actually. Undersocialised or not doesn’t change simple facts about genetic
I didnt say i was european you fucking moron. Leave my thread asap youre braindead. Again putting words in my mouth. Holy fuck
I say sin as much you want , I.e fuck with foids , drink alcohol, go club.
But plz take your shahada and pray atleast man I feel sad when people like you left islam ..
Ur muslim?

Nah i wont do allat degen shit

I like nasheeds tho they get me fired up

Last time i prayed was when i was 6 and i used to always peek up whenever everyone bowed down in my masjid
  • So Sad
Reactions: SomethingIsWrong
I did say that nigger go back read it.
Youre putting words in my mouth at every response or lying about me. Youre the most insufferable person here holy fuck. This is true clown behaviour just lying nonstop
Yeah when i rated Norwood mtn and he started being racist, insulting me and another for saying. Mtn yeah hes a racist faghot. Keep tagging random people after making blanket assumptions about me. Its a dead giveaway ur low iq when u never ask questions and make shit up about me then ask others to validate it. Truly fucking weird behaviour

Keep making lies about me coming from ur schizo brain then seeking approval from faggots for ur blanket lies when u dont know me at all. Lying about my race, my opinions and my quotes is fucking lame
How did I lie about your race you are African right? Or was it the other guy. And about Norwood I didn’t know mb. Lower paragraph cope though.
Yes you are. wtf if ur African and ar born in Europe you aren’t European what the fuck is this guy even thinking. “I was born a brown nigger in europe so now I’m European” @PsychoDsk @Gengar @NorwoodAscender
Eventually whether you like it or not minorities will be the majority, I mean take a look at London, it's a combination of low white birth rate and white women going for ethnics, unless you find a like-minded white woman which chances are slim and then them being attractive which is even lower and have white kids, how do you know they'll be successful in their dating life, unless you kick all ethnics out which is impossible, your only fate is extinction, buh bye, Bhai 😁
I used the Hadiths… you think I have the Hadiths to hand I know them and grabbed them. They are authentic your not smart or slick keep deflecting and tagging in @Gengar @shia.jihadist both of whom don’t even follow Sunni Hadiths :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: nice try but I know you follow Sunni Islam so answer the argument of your Hadiths stop suing the genetic Fallacy argument on where I got the Hadiths from the fact is they are AUTHENTIC SUNNI HADITHS.

But you can’t argue with it because you know deep down it’s true and nothing i wrote was wrong but keep attacking the source rather than what it says to be smart :feelshah: it won’t work you brain let
yeah sorry @Sub5kang i would help you debate but i cant as the hadith hes mentioning is not considered authentic in shia islam
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken, Sub5kang and PrinceLuenLeoncur
I didnt say i was european you fucking moron. Leave my thread asap youre braindead. Again putting words in my mouth. Holy fuck
I am not talking about you “fucking moron” but about the idea of immigrant becoming ‘European’ just through being born there “braindead”.
How did I lie about your race you are African right? Or was it the other guy. And about Norwood I didn’t know mb. Lower paragraph cope though.
You cant say im african then pretend i identify as european. Im 10% african and 10% european and i identify with neither. If anything i identify more with my african side so dont push the narrative i identify as a fucking eurocuck . Before you make another shit up about me yes i have my reasons for it, i was raised with black people. However born in europe

Secondly its fine that faggot has no place discussing this
  • +1
Reactions: SomethingIsWrong
Its either putting words in my mouth or stealing from reddit or convincing themself theyre high iq for very basic shit
Nobody stole from Reddit you brianlet I simply asked for the Hadiths into google and grabbed the first one that came up. I have used these Hadiths in debates before and they are verified by the imam and Sunnah so attack the actual argument which is the Hadith but you can’t because that’s your new religion. You follow a pedophile prophet who was 53 and fucked a 9yr old this is what you now follow. You’re an IMBECILE.
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoH
Eventually whether you like it or not minorities will be the majority, I mean take a look at London, it's a combination of low white birth rate and white women going for ethnics, unless you find a like-minded white woman which chances are slim and then them being attractive which is even lower and have white kids, how do you know they'll be successful in their dating life, unless you kick all ethnics out which is impossible, your only fate is extinction, buh bye, Bhai 😁
Never. Europe will never be taken over. History is already repeating itself with Europe becoming extreme far right. This will never happen. As for London, thanks for filtering out the dumb foids.
  • JFL
Reactions: Sub5kang
You cant say im african then pretend i identify as european. Im 10% african and 10% european and i identify with neither. If anything i identify more with my african side so dont push the narrative i identify as a fucking eurocuck . Before you make another shit up about me yes i have my reasons for it, i was raised with black people. However born in europe

Secondly its fine that faggot has no place discussing this
“Eurocuck” as if being a nigger is better. Europeans invented 97% of everything in the world.
I used the Hadiths… you think I have the Hadiths to hand I know them and grabbed them. They are authentic your not smart or slick keep deflecting and tagging in @Gengar @shia.jihadist both of whom don’t even follow Sunni Hadiths :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: nice try but I know you follow Sunni Islam so answer the argument of your Hadiths stop suing the genetic Fallacy argument on where I got the Hadiths from the fact is they are AUTHENTIC SUNNI HADITHS.

But you can’t argue with it because you know deep down it’s true and nothing i wrote was wrong but keep attacking the source rather than what it says to be smart :feelshah: it won’t work you brain let
You retard I'm not arguing the authenticity of the argument and I tagged them solely off of the basis they're my brothers in islam, you think idk @shia.jihadist is a Shia??? :lul::lul::lul::lul: wasn't a try just telling them not to waste their fun time on this curry forum with a nigger who can't come up with his own argument, I'm not gonna waste my time arguing someone by proxy and waste time formulating a response when you just copy shit In a millisecond, not gonna waste my time on you Bhai, only brainlet is the oldcel who has to copy arguments against a 17 y/o who creates his own :feelshah: brainlet.
  • +1
Reactions: try2beme and shia.jihadist
yeah sorry @Sub5kang i would help you debate but i cant as the hadith hes mentioning is not considered authentic in shia islam
He called you to defend him :lul: because as you can tell the Sunni Muslim is in an tight spot he can’t defend his perfected sunnah of Mohammed in his sect :lul: he’s shaken and now begging for any other Muslim to bail him out (none can though as all the high IQ Muslims are Shia unironically and they love seeing Sunnis getting clapped)
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Sub5kang and PsychoH
Anyways this is pointless and for what it’s worth i hope you all have a nice day. I’m gonna do something else.
  • +1
Reactions: try2beme
You retard I'm not arguing the authenticity of the argument and I tagged them solely off of the basis they're my brothers in islam, you think idk @shia.jihadist is a Shia??? :lul::lul::lul::lul: wasn't a try just telling them not to waste their fun time on this curry forum with a nigger who can't come up with his own argument, I'm not gonna waste my time arguing someone by proxy and waste time formulating a response when you just copy shit In a millisecond, not gonna waste my time on you Bhai, only brainlet is the oldcel who has to copy arguments against a 17 y/o who creates his own :feelshah: brainlet.
I used my own argument… it was the Hadiths… are you dumb once again ATTACK THE ARGUMENT BUT YOU CANNOT YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT THAT YOUR BOOK SAYS THIS YOUR SUNNAH SAYS THIS YOUR MOHAMED DID THIS LOL. Your prophet was bullied by Demon larping Gabriel
“Eurocuck” as if being a nigger is better. Europeans invented 97% of everything in the world.
Id rather be a basketball player than an inventor anyway have a nice day
The west isn’t the world… in the west sure most Christian’s are dogshit (Jews and Hindus are even more luke warm)

And this is due to Protestants being gay and retarded their heresy removed the traditions of Christianity and now these idiots believe in sola Fide that ANYBODY goes to heaven based upon MEARLY uttering “Jesus is lord” ofc your going to be like warm when your Protestant retardation tells you that you can live in sin be a disgusting degenerate and still to go heaven for uttering a phrase.

Convert to eastern orthodoxy and witness how the first Christians worshipped and how god ordained himself to be worshiped witness the traditions and learn to pray 2 times a week (yes Christian’s ALL ARE SUPPOSED TO FAST 2 DAYS A WEEK)

I defend the truth. Islam claims to be a continuation of revelation from Abraham. But the bible makes it clear in Luke 16:6 that revelation stopped after John the Baptist meaning Mohammed couldn’t be a prophet. As @PsychoH even mentioned Mohammed was strangled by an “angel” hmm strange nobody else was strangled by angles only him 🤔

Hell is a place humans choose, the gods of Christianity (Abraham) isn’t an shadier hell is an state of being which reflects how you view and exp a place it’s your denial of god that makes you exp hell your tormenting yourself god doesn’t do it to you you do it to yourself. Islamic god tortures people.

You sound Protestant, salvation isn’t granted by merely uttering words you must LIVE THE FAITH. The issue with Protestants like @try2beme is that they have an inaccurate view of Christianity based upon heretical interpretations, no Christian of the early days apostles and church fathers supported anything Protestants do or their nonsensical beliefs which have perverted the faith and leading to Gaythiesm. Christianity is stroll strong and many Protestants and Roman Catholics are converting to Eastern Orthodoxy for this very reason

Sura 76:4 Indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers chains, shackles, and a blazing Fire.

Sura 40:71
when shackles will be around their necks and chains ˹on their legs˺. They will be dragged
Protestants are not really Christians. Even its name "Protest" speaks for itself.
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Reactions: PsychoH, PrinceLuenLeoncur and try2beme

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