impossible to look impressive if youre natty

No shit but at 6’ and 200lbs+ lean you’ll be still massive. Ideal to be a fuckboy
what are your stats? you look great but not massively "big"

would you consider hopping on roids to become an ogre to appeal to mostly low class women and end up dating something like this?
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  • JFL
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rather be lean and look good when naked than be a bloated up ogre that burps all day because of all the protein shakes he drinks and dies at 40
lol ok lanklet incel
what are your stats? you look great but not massively "big"

would you consider hopping on roids to become an ogre to appeal to mostly low class women and end up dating something like this?
View attachment 1809746
youre a legit fucking idiot dyel if you think youll end up with these freaks and they like actual mass monster freaks
rather be lean and look good when naked than be a bloated up ogre that burps all day because of all the protein shakes he drinks and dies at 40
"the bloated ogre who burps all day from protein"
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Oberyn, Mateusz74, Danish_Retard and 2 others
High-tier natty probably looks something like this:

Guy looks like he does 2 plate bench for reps, which is what most natties will never exceed.

Can look slightly better than him with better insertions and better lifts tho, but not much better.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Luke9 and fogdart
High-tier natty probably looks something like this:

Guy looks like he does 2 plate bench for reps, which is what most natties will never exceed.

Can look slightly better than him with better insertions and better lifts tho, but not much better.
invisible in a shirt
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
High-tier natty probably looks something like this:

Guy looks like he does 2 plate bench for reps, which is what most natties will never exceed.

Can look slightly better than him with better insertions and better lifts tho, but not much better.
B463D715 367E 4B38 83F0 68EB0D448ACB
  • JFL
Reactions: Oberyn, subhuman to mtn, Mateusz74 and 8 others
"the bloated ogre who burps all day from protein"
View attachment 1809776:soy::soy::soy::soy:
i can see him burping all day. and he's too big to appeal to high quality girls. Once you made it out of the ghetto girls look for other things than "who's the biggest ugh ugh" caveman logic
when a giga twink uses the most nonsensically hyperbolic language and mental gymnastics to cope with his own subhumanity…
I'm 175lbs at 6'1ft. jfl if you build your whole life around the gym.

You'll rot in some 2 room apartment working as a bouncer and cope with "I'm big tough"
High-tier natty probably looks something like this:

Guy looks like he does 2 plate bench for reps, which is what most natties will never exceed.

Can look slightly better than him with better insertions and better lifts tho, but not much better.
I don't think even this is achievable natty, especially the chest.
  • JFL
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I'm 175lbs at 6'1ft. jfl if you build your whole life around the gym.

You'll rot in some 2 room apartment working as a bouncer and cope with "I'm big tough"
let me guess, and you appeal to high quality women with such broad appeal.
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard, Racky and Baldingman1998
i can see him burping all day. and he's too big to appeal to high quality girls. Once you made it out of the ghetto girls look for other things than "who's the biggest ugh ugh" caveman logic
nice try, but the black dude who slayed the mom and her daughter was an upper middle class white girl who flew him out for a vacation fuck.
  • JFL
Reactions: Corleone and Baldingman1998
You literally have as much muscle mass as zyzz probably. Just shoelifts+air force to 6f2-6ft3 now and you're set. go slay chad
He has way more muscle mass than zyzz
I don't think even this is achievable natty, especially the chest.
youre setting the natty bar too low. im like a 24.8 ffmi here or so i think

@Racky 208lbs i believe
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: KING REIDYZ, Oberyn, MikeMew'sBitch and 4 others
Capped delts, I guarantee that guy is on steroids too.
You are stupid or have bad genetics or both. Getting this natty is possible for most people
  • +1
Reactions: fogdart and Racky
He has way more muscle mass than zyzz
depends. sometimes i feel like downsizing, sometimes i just like to play size game for fun. ill probably get big + tattoos and see where bbc game gets me
nice try, but the black dude who slayed the mom and her daughter was an upper middle class white girl who flew him out for a vacation fuck.
Where was the cuck father or was he divorced and the mom took half his money?
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
youre setting the natty bar too low. im like a 24.8 ffmi here or so i think
View attachment 1809841
@Racky 208lbs i believe
Yeah in no way is this comparable to a zyzz physique JFL - you have at least 20lbs more lean mass than him relative to height
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackgymmax
he never mentioned any husband so she probably just never told him
So the daughter knew her mother was cheating and still got fucked by him(and didn't stop it or tell the father)? 😹😹🤙🤙 over for americucks
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Danish_Retard and Blackgymmax
Yeah in no way is this comparable to a zyzz physique JFL - you have at least 20lbs more lean mass than him relative to height
i remember those days with the straps. i was in planet fitness lunking out doing deadlifts with all the plates on the bar kek. my friends mom texted him cuz she was on the tread mill and said "is that guy on steroids?"
  • JFL
Reactions: Racky
let me guess, and you appeal to high quality women with such broad appeal.
I'm mostly surrounded by high-class people, and none of the rich girls / career stacies have some bloated up gym hulk as a boyfriend/husband. literally not a single one.
  • JFL
Reactions: fogdart
I'm mostly surrounded by high-class people, and none of the rich girls / career stacies have some bloated up gym hulk as a boyfriend/husband. literally not a single one.
oh yes and youre the beta buxx career maxxer? nice bro!
  • JFL
Reactions: Pikabro, forevergymcelling, Danish_Retard and 2 others
oh yes and youre the beta buxx career maxxer? nice bro!
I balance it out, I wouldn't want to live in a shed, and also don't want to be unfit. Life isn't about the extremes. Also the perk of being with rich girls is that you don't have to betabuxx them to begin with, they have enough money of their own.
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard and Blackgymmax
I balance it out, I wouldn't want to live in a shed, and also don't want to be unfit. Life isn't about the extremes.
eh to each their own. im not trying to career max onto a high class girl. i have rich asf friends and other ways to make it and im ok with lower class women given theyre good people
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard and Corleone
let me tell you about the biggest fucking slayer i ever knew irl. roided lightskin w green eyes ripped as fuck 5'11. motherfucker his phone was always blowing up from women 24/7 going to the gym with him having literally every girl orbit him and stare him down. holy fuck it was an entirely new dimension he was living in
You friends with the Hodgetwins :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackgymmax
Clavicles are all that matter.
jfl, even "jacked" natties are perceived as looking normal asf irl to normies esp in a shirt. its literally impossible to look like you lift unless you take gear. muh too big, meanwhile irl some of the biggest slayers i know are 230lbs huge mf dudes. remember asking some midget white girl to point out a sexy guy and it was this 6'2 240+lbs jacked roided looking dude. muh too big, fuck you lanklets
@Tenshi @BucketCrab @Rupert Pupkin need to read this thread they are like the biggest copers when it comes to topics of body and muscle
@BucketCrab says pitt in troy is ideal even though Pitt would looks dyel in a shirt
like how do these retards rationalize their stupid theories?
  • +1
Reactions: Racky and Blackgymmax
@Tenshi @BucketCrab @Rupert Pupkin need to read this thread they are like the biggest copers when it comes to topics of body and muscle
@BucketCrab says pitt in troy is ideal even though Pitt would looks dyel in a shirt
like how do these retards rationalize their stupid theories?
jfl at this "look like your lift in a shirt" bs

be lean and wear fitting clothes and watch people asking if you're lifting or doing sports, it's literally that easy.

But yeah if you want to impress other meathead gym retards yeah, then it won't look like you lift, even they with their big baloon roided muscles don't think so of themselves because they all have BDD. Only someone with no touch with reality and huge BDD would think this:

"Pitt in troy would look dyel in a shirt"


JFL at this one, if anything he not only looks like he lifts, it looks like he's roided too (I'm pretty sure achilles wasn't this fit lmao). How can you even walk around being this dense? :feelsuhh:

you want impressiveness or you want to look good? Is this even something you should be striving for? A lot of things impress me, stupidity is one of them.
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: softlysoftly and Racky
Clavicles are all that matter.
definitely, but the black dude i was talking about had a shit frame but just got huge and it still worked for him as in a shirt he basically looked wide as fuck with big arms. say all you want but im the one seeing it with my own eyes
  • +1
Reactions: Racky
jfl at this "look like your lift in a shirt" bs

be lean and wear fitting clothes and watch people asking if you're lifting or doing sports, it's literally that easy.

But yeah if you want to impress other meathead gym retards yeah, then it won't look like you lift, even they with their big baloon roided muscles don't think so of themselves because they all have BDD. Only someone with no touch with reality and huge BDD would think this:

"Pitt in troy would look dyel in a shirt"


JFL at this one, if anything he not only looks like he lifts, it looks like he's roided too (I'm pretty sure achilles wasn't this fit lmao). How can you even walk around being this dense? :feelsuhh:

you want impressiveness or you want to look good? Is this even something you should be striving for? A lot of things impress me, stupidity is one of them.
yes sure, but did i not tell you about the other black dude who was his best friend who was at my job who basically didnt get shit being the same face level as the slayer guy despite having a physique something like this but bigger but was dyel in a shirt? cope harder kid
  • +1
Reactions: softlysoftly and Racky
jfl at this "look like your lift in a shirt" bs

be lean and wear fitting clothes and watch people asking if you're lifting or doing sports, it's literally that easy.

But yeah if you want to impress other meathead gym retards yeah, then it won't look like you lift, even they with their big baloon roided muscles don't think so of themselves because they all have BDD. Only someone with no touch with reality and huge BDD would think this:

"Pitt in troy would look dyel in a shirt"


JFL at this one, if anything he not only looks like he lifts, it looks like he's roided too (I'm pretty sure achilles wasn't this fit lmao). How can you even walk around being this dense? :feelsuhh:

you want impressiveness or you want to look good? Is this even something you should be striving for? A lot of things impress me, stupidity is one of them.
you are delusional if you think a woman will see you in person and think this is big. they will straight up think you just do push ups. go to a fucking gym in a tanktop and ask women if they think youre big, theyll barely called you toned JFL.
meanwhile mike thurston looking dudes (will mog these twinks into oblivion having good psl and physique) will drop every girls panties in the gym with one glare.
women are looking at dudes with a brad pitt physique (5ft women btw) and telling themselves "did this guy start working out last week?"
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  • JFL
Reactions: Oberyn, fogdart and Racky
you are delusional if you think a woman will see you in person and think this is big. they will straight up think you just do push ups. go to a fucking gym in a tanktop and ask women if they think youre big, theyll barely called you toned JFL.
meanwhile mike thurston looking dudes (will mog these twinks into oblivion having good psl and physique) will drop every girls panties in the gym with one glare
Honestly I really don't care, I don't want to be big, if anything this is a failo in my book.

yes sure, but did i not tell you about the other black dude who was his best friend who was at my job who basically didnt get shit being the same face level as the slayer guy despite having a physique something like this but bigger but was dyel in a shirt? cope harder kid
you can't assume that was the reason he ''didn't get anything'', there are plenty of gl guys with good physiques in this site who are virgins or underachieving for a myriad of reasons
"Pitt in troy would look dyel in a shirt"


JFL at this one, if anything he not only looks like he lifts, it looks like he's roided too (I'm pretty sure achilles wasn't this fit lmao). How can you even walk around being this dense? :feelsuhh:
Note that while he might indeed look very good, movie directors do a lot to make him look even better in the movie.
You walking around in fitting clothes is very different from a shirtless actor enhanced by perfect lighting, good angles, video editing, oiling, dehydration, etc... so yeah he might look less impressive irl than in the movie and especially in a t-shirt even fitting.
  • +1
Reactions: softlysoftly
jfl, even "jacked" natties are perceived as looking normal asf irl to normies esp in a shirt. its literally impossible to look like you lift unless you take gear. muh too big, meanwhile irl some of the biggest slayers i know are 230lbs huge mf dudes. remember asking some midget white girl to point out a sexy guy and it was this 6'2 240+lbs jacked roided looking dude. muh too big, fuck you lanklets
Anything above an FFMI of 22/23 with a good frame u risk being nichemaxxed, for broad appeal (slaying) 22/23 should be the goal for most. Tbh most guys need steroids to get to 22/23 tho.
Lol what kinda do you go to? I'm natty AF and my physique is impressive. In fact, I'm usually the biggest or one of the biggest dudes at my gym. I get dudes approaching me often to ask about my bench max, lifting advice etc. I get comments about my body very often. I look a bit normal in big shirts but the move I wear my V neck or tank top, it's over.
  • +1
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Lol what kinda do you go to? I'm natty AF and my physique is impressive. In fact, I'm usually the biggest or one of the biggest dudes at my gym. I get dudes approaching me often to ask about my bench max, lifting advice etc. I get comments about my body very often. I look a bit normal in big shirts but the move I wear my V neck or tank top, it's over.
Planet fitness, world gym and LA
  • +1
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Note that while he might indeed look very good, movie directors do a lot to make him look even better in the movie.
You walking around in fitting clothes is very different from a shirtless actor enhanced by perfect lighting, good angles, video editing, oiling, dehydration, etc... so yeah he might look less impressive irl than in the movie and especially in a t-shirt even fitting.
he still would look athletic and big

I think you all don't leave the basement enough, have you seen the average person? Especially in america where a lot of people are overweight, any guy with this physique would stand out regardless.

I think you all should stop watching these gay ass freak bodybuilding competition shows and take a look at the real world.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Racky
High-tier natty probably looks something like this:

Guy looks like he does 2 plate bench for reps, which is what most natties will never exceed.

Can look slightly better than him with better insertions and better lifts tho, but not much better.
I don't think even this is achievable natty, especially the chest.
are you joking? I'm natty and almost size mog this dude lol.
  • +1
Reactions: Racky
I've never had issues looking like I lift in clothing and most of my measurements aren't even that impressive.
he still would look athletic and big

I think you all don't leave the basement enough, have you seen the average person? Especially in america where a lot of people are overweight, any guy with this physique would stand out regardless.

I think you all should stop watching these gay ass freak bodybuilding competition shows and take a look at the real world.
brad pitt under normal lighting or from a distance would look like a normal guy because hes not big enough JFL. if you actually go outside or to a gym, a body like that would NEVER stand out unless you have a massive natty frame and tall
  • +1
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I've never had issues looking like I lift in clothing and most of my measurements aren't even that impressive.
well yes, extra small shirts will do that for you, but if you dont want to look like a try hard and have visible muscles in a normal shirt thats gonna be impossible for your 14 inch arms (natty limit)
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: Oberyn and Racky
he still would look athletic and big

I think you all don't leave the basement enough, have you seen the average person? Especially in america where a lot of people are overweight, any guy with this physique would stand out regardless.

I think you all should stop watching these gay ass freak bodybuilding competition shows and take a look at the real world.
Troy was released in 2004, filmed in 2003.
Brad Pitt in clothing in 2004 :

In 2003 :

Doesn't look remarkable imo.
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