impossible to look impressive if youre natty

brad pitt under normal lighting or from a distance would look like a normal guy because hes not big enough JFL. if you actually go outside or to a gym, a body like that would NEVER stand out unless you have a massive natty frame and tall
what is big enough? By which standards?

Surely, he is enhanced, it's hollywood. Still, even the average gym goer ffs isn't nearly as good as he'd look without all the special effects and lightning. Most people hitting the gym are just average looking with average physiques trying to improve. Few people are actually commiting and have actual good physiques there, especially if you exclude the bloatlords who are "bulking up"

Idk where in hell you live but the numbers don't match, you live in a country where >40% is obese and the rest is either overweight to skinny fat and you saying pitt on roids would look "normal" just becuz he's in a shirt? jfl
what is big enough? By which standards?

Surely, he is enhanced, it's hollywood. Still, even the average gym goer ffs isn't nearly as good as he'd look without all the special effects and lightning. Most people hitting the gym are just average looking with average physiques trying to improve. Few people are actually commiting and have actual good physiques there, especially if you exclude the bloatlords who are "bulking up"

Idk where in hell you live but the numbers don't match, you live in a country where >40% is obese and the rest is either overweight to skinny fat and you saying pitt on roids would look "normal" just becuz he's in a shirt? jfl
you wouldnt even notice a physique like that in the gym.
second, nobody cares if hardly anyone is jacked. hardly anyone is 6'5+ and women dont give a fuck and will filter out sub 6'5cels
  • +1
Reactions: androgenic
Troy was released in 2004, filmed in 2003.
Brad Pitt in clothing in 2004 :
View attachment 1810046
In 2003 :
View attachment 1810049

Doesn't look remarkable imo.
yeah if you're wearing saggy clothes your physique won't stand out at all thats a no brainer, even tho he still probably was smaller than when he shot the movie. He's still looking pretty good.
  • +1
Reactions: Racky
go to a fucking gym in a tanktop and ask women if they think youre big, theyll barely called you toned JFL.
will drop every girls panties in the gym with one glare.
Your issue is that you only value the opinion of gym-going girls who are either into bodybuilding or into bodybuilders.
Obviously, they are going to have both a skewed view of what an average physique is, as well as skewed personal taste in men.

The gym isn't a reflection of the entire world; most normal, healthy girls look at physiques like these
How to gain muscle mass Thumbnail

And think they're fucking GROSS! They will absolutely think you lift even just by looking at you with a shirt on, but it won't make you look any better to them, quite the contrary.

On the other hand, the vast majority of normal girls (especially young ones) will still think Pitt's physique in Troy is very muscular; of course, gym-obsessed girls will think he's barely above average, but their opinion is based on the physiques they see in gyms.

Shit, I've had girls describe me as "muscular" when I weighed fucking 67kg (I'm 182cm tall) just because I have wide shoulders and am lean. And I had a shirt on!
  • +1
Reactions: Tenshi
well yes, extra small shirts will do that for you, but if you dont want to look like a try hard and have visible muscles in a normal shirt thats gonna be impossible for your 14 inch arms (natty limit)
still no issues in normal fitting clothes, I'm size xl.
still no issues in normal fitting clothes, I'm size xl.
dude youd look like a legit string bean in xl lol. im guessing youre like 6'5
Idk where in hell you live but the numbers don't match, you live in a country where >40% is obese and the rest is either overweight to skinny fat and you saying pitt on roids would look "normal" just becuz he's in a shirt? jfl
You are not :blackpill: pilled enough.
Even assuming you live in countries like America where 40% are fat, fat men don't even EXIST to women! Especially not to attractive women. muh 40% of the population is obese is a cope. That 40% is invisible on dating apps and not considered a viable dating option. You are not special because you mog that 40%, you are still unremarkable to the average foid.
  • +1
Reactions: Endocrinemaxxer, Oberyn and ManzareK
well yes, extra small shirts will do that for you, but if you dont want to look like a try hard and have visible muscles in a normal shirt thats gonna be impossible for your 14 inch arms (natty limit)
Gotta be careful with small shirts. It’s a very millenial thing to wear (instant 🚩 for zoomer girls) , maybe to clubs but otherwise everyone wears loose clothes nowadays, mostly homosexuals are the ones in super tight clothes
  • +1
Reactions: Racky
Natty or not the outcome is still the same

Gotta be careful with small shirts. It’s a very millenial thing to wear (instant 🚩 for zoomer girls) , maybe to clubs but otherwise everyone wears loose clothes nowadays, mostly homosexuals are the ones in super tight clothes
im still leanmaxxing, but i plan on solely wearing crop-tops and/or tank-tops next summer

the more skin you show, the better imo
  • +1
Reactions: Prettyboy
Note that while he might indeed look very good, movie directors do a lot to make him look even better in the movie.
You walking around in fitting clothes is very different from a shirtless actor enhanced by perfect lighting, good angles, video editing, oiling, dehydration, etc... so yeah he might look less impressive irl than in the movie and especially in a t-shirt even fitting.
@Tenshi is a stupid idiot that know like next to nothing about lifting he sees a super lean person with definition and thinks its big but irl we all know super lean guys look big in pictures but super small in person only the top ifbb roided guys look super lean and defined while also maintainng large overall size
failo in my book.
yes only in your retarded book
not in womens book so unless you plan on dating yourself like a autosexual its best you start getting as big and as lean as possible
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: MikeMew'sBitch and Racky
yeah if you're wearing saggy clothes your physique won't stand out at all thats a no brainer, even tho he still probably was smaller than when he shot the movie. He's still looking pretty good.
Ok here is him in less saggy clothes in 2003-2004. Though I couldn't find fitting or small shirts.

Even in that pic from Troy he doesn't look remarkable at all :

That pic is from the set outside of filming, on a phone call :

and you saying pitt on roids would look "normal"
Note that the goal of using roids if he did, in this case wouldn't be size, but maintaining that pumped up look, leanness while still retaining some muscle easily at a low bodyfat percentage. Not the same as a bodybuilder chasing size. For Troy I don't think the movie directors actually wanted him to have a lot of size. Roids can be used for different goals.
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cringe as fuck. ive seen it irl, and in my own life. cope hard as F U C K if you dont think girls dont love seeing a dude who look like they could crush them. i cant tell you the amount of choke me and random shit i hear about my arms from women when my arms are around 18+inches
Women are weird though. One girl told me that she finds it hot that I can choke her to death if I wanted to, but I choose not to. Size/muscle pill is legit. The only caveat is that you need to be at a decent body fat %(around 14 - 16%) for it to work well, else you'll up attracting roasties and fat women.
  • +1
Reactions: gymmaxedhorse, Blackgymmax and Racky
It's all about proportions.

I will see the rare lightly gymcel guy with top tier shoulders and tiny hips and he will live rent free in my mind.

EE is filled with roided gymcels and they all look like complete retards.
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  • JFL
Reactions: zeshama and Prettyboy
@/data/avatars/s/8/8177.jpg?1593975620 @Tenshi is a stupid idiot that know like next to nothing about lifting he sees a super lean person with definition and thinks its big but irl we all know super lean guys look big in pictures but super small in person only the top ifbb roided guys look super lean and defined while also maintainng large overall size
you're just proving my point that all this gymcelling is unnatural, if you can't get big without bloating (without roiding) that means you aren't supposed to be big. Being "big" serves no purpose, it's actually a bad thing.

@Tenshi is a stupid idiot that know like next to nothing about lifting he sees a super lean person with definition and thinks its big but irl we all know super lean guys look big in pictures but super small in person only the top ifbb roided guys look super lean and defined while also maintainng large overall size

yes only in your retarded book
not in womens book so unless you plan on dating yourself like a autosexual its best you start getting as big and as lean as possible
I see more women gazing scrawny prettyboys or even guys like pitt who according to you all isn't "big enough" than I see doing so over these big ogres you all like.

In fact, I NEVER see it, because it's ugly.

you just said you can't get big and lean at the same time and now you're promoting it. "Just hop on drugs to look like something you aren't meant to bro"

the only guys I see being ''autosexual'' are these gym obsessed fags with BDD jerking off to their own muscles jfl
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
  • +1
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jfl, even "jacked" natties are perceived as looking normal asf irl to normies esp in a shirt. its literally impossible to look like you lift unless you take gear. muh too big, meanwhile irl some of the biggest slayers i know are 230lbs huge mf dudes. remember asking some midget white girl to point out a sexy guy and it was this 6'2 240+lbs jacked roided looking dude. muh too big, fuck you lanklets
>Asks a girl to point out a sexy guy

>She doesn't point at you

Fucking over. Anyways, post your physique you gay ass nigga
  • JFL
Reactions: Oberyn
you're just proving my point that all this gymcelling is unnatural, if you can't get big without bloating (without roiding) that means you aren't supposed to be big. Being "big" serves no purpose, it's actually a bad thing.
you are very stupid like did you ever get a mental evaluation check? I think you should
Being "big" serves no purpose, it's actually a bad thing.
bullshit on bullshit strikes again
so much research on how body size is beneficial in various aspects of life

The Influence of Body Composition Effects on Male Facial Masculinity and Attractiveness

Body size has an impact on a variety of social judgments including attractiveness, strength, dominance, leadership and employment.

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals

They wanted to estimate women’s and men’s size preferences for each muscle. They found that overall, men and women think bigger muscles are more attractive than smaller ones.

I see more women gazing scrawny prettyboys or even guys like pitt who according to you all isn't "big enough" than I see doing so over these big ogres you all like.

In fact, I NEVER see it, because it's ugly.
you never see it because it takes lots of work time and genetics
you rarely come across a billionaire not because it is like bad or ugly but because they are so rare and hard to become you dumbass
  • +1
Reactions: MikeMew'sBitch
Biggest slayer I knew was this roided 5’9 Italian guy with htn face, but that was just before tiktok (2019)

Girls these days prefer tall skinny guys with noodle arms
  • JFL
Reactions: Oberyn and Ethniframementalcel
>Asks a girl to point out a sexy guy

>She doesn't point at you

Fucking over. Anyways, post your physique you gay ass nigga
my face was like a 4/10 at the time so she said i looked decent. pretty sure she actually thought i was okay looking because i remember one time i ended up rating myself a 4 and she was like "why do you rate yourself that low? youre atleast a 7" but that just means barely passable so its worthless, especially knowing ill have to put in loads of work after seeing other moggers slay her with 0 effort
Ok here is him in less saggy clothes in 2003-2004. Though I couldn't find fitting or small shirts.
View attachment 1810074
Even in that pic from Troy he doesn't look remarkable at all :
View attachment 1810083
That pic is from the set outside of filming, on a phone call :
View attachment 1810087

Note that the goal of using roids if he did, in this case wouldn't be size, but maintaining that pumped up look, leanness while still retaining some muscle easily at a low bodyfat percentage. Not the same as a bodybuilder chasing size. For Troy I don't think the movie directors actually wanted him to have a lot of size. Roids can be used for different goals.
You have to take into consideration that most people, even those freak bodybuilders don't look all pumped up as they do when taking pictures or in those competitions, irl when outside the gym they don't look as big or as shredded.

either way it doesn't matter, for the average person pitt does look like he lift and is pretty muscular in all those pics. You all just have this bodybuilding warped view on that so you all can't resonate with what the average person sees.
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: nofap, softlysoftly, BucketCrab and 1 other person
You have to take into consideration that most people, even those freak bodybuilders don't look all pumped up as they do when taking pictures or in those competitions, irl when outside the gym they don't look as big or as shredded.

either way it doesn't matter, for the average person pitt does look like he lift and is pretty muscular in all those pics. You all just have this bodybuilding warped view on that so you all can't resonate with what the average person sees.
exactly, thats why guys who look "huge" in pictures actaually look like womens expectations irl
  • +1
Reactions: androgenic and Racky
well yes, extra small shirts will do that for you, but if you dont want to look like a try hard and have visible muscles in a normal shirt thats gonna be impossible for your 14 inch arms (natty limit)
After reading this I just measured my arm and was surprised it was 14.3 inches. I thought it would be 12 inches or something.
I almost never train my biceps, my arms are all triceps. Probably why they only look half-decent in 3/4 or side and from the front they look 404.
I'm going to start taking biceps more seriously this year and the next. Do you think if my biceps catch up with my triceps I can get to 17-18 inches natty?
  • So Sad
Reactions: Blackgymmax
Biggest slayer I knew was this roided 5’9 Italian guy with htn face, but that was just before tiktok (2019)

Girls these days prefer tall skinny guys with noodle arms
What about Filipinos?:forcedsmile:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7580
After reading this I just measured my arm and was surprised it was 14.3 inches. I thought it would be 12 inches or something.
I almost never train my biceps, my arms are all triceps. Probably why they only look half-decent in 3/4 or side and from the front they look 404.
I'm going to start taking biceps more seriously this year and the next. Do you think if my biceps catch up with my triceps I can get to 17-18 inches natty?
18 lean = roids unless youre 6'1+
After reading this I just measured my arm and was surprised it was 14.3 inches. I thought it would be 12 inches or something.
I almost never train my biceps, my arms are all triceps. Probably why they only look half-decent in 3/4 or side and from the front they look 404.
I'm going to start taking biceps more seriously this year and the next. Do you think if my biceps catch up with my triceps I can get to 17-18 inches natty?
18 lean = roids unless youre 6'1+
  • +1
Reactions: Racky
you are very stupid like did you ever get a mental evaluation check? I think you should

bullshit on bullshit strikes again
so much research on how body size is beneficial in various aspects of life

The Influence of Body Composition Effects on Male Facial Masculinity and Attractiveness

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals

you never see it because it takes lots of work time and genetics
you rarely come across a billionaire not because it is like bad or ugly but because they are so rare and hard to become you dumbass
let's just throw in some bs study with ambiguous terms (bcuz surely, a good body comp means you have to be an overgrown gross ogre right?)

how big are talking about? Bigger than themselves? I bet your didn't even read this shit

Women’s reported preferences provided only partial support for our hypotheses that women will prefer muscles that most reliably differentiate between potential mates to be larger; men tended to prefer larger upper-body muscles.

While muscles that were rated as hardest to build were indeed preferred to be proportionately larger (e.g., the abdominal and oblique muscles), there was no robust linear association between muscle-building difficulty and size preferences. The lack of a strong association is understandable since all muscles revealed a rating of attractiveness around the middle of the scale, a pattern which may be consistent with the inverted-U hypothesis of masculine traits (Frederick & Haselton, 2007).

Wow it seems like it doesn't prove none of the shit you talking about
  • Hmm...
Reactions: softlysoftly
  • +1
Reactions: Oberyn
let's just throw in some bs study with ambiguous terms (bcuz surely, a good body comp means you have to be an overgrown gross ogre right?)

how big are talking about? Bigger than themselves? I bet your didn't even read this shit

Wow it seems like it doesn't prove none of the shit you talking about
you have shit ability to comprehend studies truly shit like what is your education or background mate I'd like to know?
you have shit ability to comprehend studies truly shit like what is your education or background mate I'd like to know?
It's just some crappy paper on online reports (I don't even think we can see the pictures they used), not much information, still I find it amusing how you seemed to not have noticed how unconsistent were the results from the females (some women prefered larger lower bodies than upper bodies, this studywas made judging muscle separately) and the only thing they could really assess is how males always preferred bigger muscles than what women did, which is exactly what this thread is about.

If we could see the material I could say with propriety, but it seems like regardless, muscles within normal range of fitness (not too small nor too big) scored the best, afterall.

It must fucking suck being a roid head.
It's just some crappy paper on online reports (I don't even think we can see the pictures they used), not much information, still I find it amusing how you seemed to not have noticed how unconsistent were the results from the females (some women prefered larger lower bodies than upper bodies, this studywas made judging muscle separately) and the only thing they could really assess is how males always preferred bigger muscles than what women did, which is exactly what this thread is about.

If we could see the material I could say with propriety, but it seems like regardless, muscles within normal range of fitness (not too small nor too big) scored the best, afterall.

It must fucking suck being a roid head.
what is your education or background mate I'd like to know?
It must fucking suck being a roid head.
it really sucks having a bodycount of 59 and mogging most other men I meet
I should've just stuck to being a skinny virgin like you
ITT: A lot of bullshit thrown around by twinks who’ve never hit the gym or who’ve trained for less than a year.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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DE22B84A CF70 459F A83D 105EFAF7EA21

I look good natty, you all just have subhuman genetics
  • JFL
Reactions: Pikabro, Oberyn, Racky and 1 other person
alright bro, if you wanna go down that road fine, just don't try to drag down with you other people who aren't interesting in being a gross ogre just to please some fantasy standards a bunch of borderline gay gym maniacs online have.

I think people here who are serious are smart enough to decide for themselves
alright bro, if you wanna go down that road fine, just don't try to drag down with you other people who aren't interesting in being a gross ogre just to please some fantasy standards a bunch of borderline gay gym maniacs online have.

I think people here who are serious are smart enough to decide for themselves
You made a smart decision bro idk how I can like ever thank you enough! I just love when guys take themselves out of the competition :p
  • +1
Reactions: MikeMew'sBitch
Sounds like cope for bad genes

NFL players are all natty and still mog cause they have top tier genetics

EE8D0A66 9CBC 43C0 99DA 6E1E79C96354
  • JFL
Reactions: Tenshi
Probably because you're over 6' tall. People 5'9"-6' get massive with natty lifting. You're just over ideal height.
You made a smart decision bro idk how I can like ever thank you enough! I just love when guys take themselves out of the competition :p
yeah bro sure, keep grinding to catch that gay male gaze jfl

have you put oil on your body yet? Don't forget the tiny thong :forcedsmile:
yeah bro sure, keep grinding to catch that gay male gaze jfl
yeah I haven't like fucked a single guy but I have fucked 59 different women so I think Im doing alright for the female gaze
have you put oil on your body yet? Don't forget the tiny thong
this is for like stage competitions genius
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21620
steroid pig abusers arent impressive anw

starving 6'4 big skulled chad is
  • +1
Reactions: Ethniframementalcel
steroid pig abusers arent impressive anw
neither are you why don't you like go lick @prettyboislime toilet you fucking janitor
  • JFL
  • +1
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neither are you why don't you go lick @prettyboislime toilet you fucking janitor
have i fucked your whore of a subhuman mother and i dont remember?

who the fk are u. random subhuman :lul:

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