Islam is the only religion that makes sense

the harm principle huh?that way of thinking is obsolete.humans need rules in their life otherwise degeneracy takes over.a man and his mom want to have sex and they take all the precautions in the world,should we allow them to do that freely?they arent hurting anyone and nobody is gonna know about it anyway,does that make it less wrong?
What I said was a simplified version of “have good morals”. It can be agreed that sleeping with your mum is morally wrong.

Yes, humans need rules, which is why we have laws in place. But stuff like “don’t eat pork” and many other Islamic rules, just retarded.

Tbf, that example is still harming the relationship between the man and his mum. “Harm” isn’t just physical.
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So many replies and I don't understand what a single one of them is even talking about
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What demons?
These fools talking bad about islam smh, @Baldingman1998 and the others

Also islam is pretty simple, if someone tells you about sects or madhabs don't listen to them, and its pretty easy tbh
atheist cucks seething
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No it isn’t, it’s called being a decent person with morals. Morals existed way before the Abrahamic religions.
That depends on your belief, i mean, why human beings have morals to begin with? Why we are not just hunter-prey creatures without morals? As muslims we believe they were given to the first human creation by Allah
These fools talking bad about islam smh, @Baldingman1998 and the others

Also islam is pretty simple, if someone tells you about sects or madhabs don't listen to them, and its pretty easy tbh
why ?? , he has to choose a madhab to follow
I don't know what the story of their god is but all their rules actually make sense. You know unlike in Christianity where it's a sin to wank n stuff. It's obvious Christianity was made up just to keep society in order.

All the stuff about how it's haram to gamble or whatever and it's halal to eat meat or somthn unless you're starving.

Their rules actually make sense.
Op, all jokes aside. Read the Quran and hadith for yourself and hopefully you will come to realisation of the truth.
The critisism that is posted on your thread have no real validity. The Quran is written in a manner that it is understandible for a Human being in the 7 century and 21st century.
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  • JFL
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Op, all jokes aside. Read the Quran and hadith for yourself and hopefully you will come to realisation of the truth.
The critisism that is posted on your thread have no real validity. The Quran is written in a manner that it is understandible for a Human being in the 7 century and 21st century.
Yeah it is because human iq didnt changed so much like 3000 years
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  • JFL
Reactions: Ocelot, Baldingman1998, Deleted member 5189 and 1 other person
What I said was a simplified version of “have good morals”. It can be agreed that sleeping with your mum is morally wrong.

Yes, humans need rules, which is why we have laws in place. But stuff like “don’t eat pork” and many other Islamic rules, just retarded.

Tbf, that example is still harming the relationship between the man and his mum. “Harm” isn’t just physical.
Look, this "sleep with your mom" thing, in reality, even in muslim vs atheist debates, the atheist has to come to the conclusion that incest and that kind of stuff can be moral and not immoral, because if he recognizes that it is an immorality, that would completely shake his belief in no creator
What I said was a simplified version of “have good morals”. It can be agreed that sleeping with your mum is morally wrong.

Yes, humans need rules, which is why we have laws in place. But stuff like “don’t eat pork” and many other Islamic rules, just retarded.

Tbf, that example is still harming your relationship between the man and his mum.
the thing about laws and your own morals is that they change with time and the environment you are in,couple of years ago being gay and trans was universally morally wrong ,fast forward to 2021 and without rules from an all knowing being the laws and society's rules have become very different,the point is that we cant have absolute morality as human beings. we do have natural inclination but we need guidance from what we believe is god otherwise what happens is that with time all morals completely change and if your morals change with time then that would make them very questionable
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Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease."
based tbh gotta train the immune system
  • JFL
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why ?? , he has to choose a madhab to follow
Proof? its not obligatory

Also if someone is a convert, dont confuse them swith stuff like that, saajid lipham who converted years ago got really confused with that stuff until he went and studied in madina, as if fastbananaceo can do that rn

dont confuse the bro, make it simple, madhabs are a choice, none of the sahaba companions of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a madhab

All you have to do is believe 1 god and muhammad is his messenger

and prayer etc. and so on and so forth pretty simple
No it isn’t, it’s called being a decent person with morals. Morals existed way before the Abrahamic religions.
It existed in a fashion that our geography defined your morals. In early Turkish history even pissing in the water would result in your death sentence. This is because of the scarcity.
If someone does undecend things to you will you act decend yourself?
The thing with morals is that human can only know it not define it.
Divine intervention was nessecary for humans to be what we call moral, hence there where prophets sent to humanity for guidence.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Baldingman1998, ThatDjangoWalk and Deleted member 4696
Proof? its not obligatory

Also if someone is a convert, dont confuse them swith stuff like that, saajid lipham who converted years ago got really confused with that stuff until he went and studied in madina, as if fastbananaceo can do that rn

dont confuse the bro, make it simple, madhabs are a choice, none of the sahaba companions of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a madhab

All you have to do is believe 1 god and muhammad is his messenger

and prayer etc. and so on and so forth pretty simple
where do you get your hokm from ? , and there weren't madhabs at the time of the sahaba , and the 4 madhabs agree on alot of stuff . but they disagree on some . so you need to choose
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Mohammed was legit 200 iq tbh insane ascension
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  • +1
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where do you get your hokm from ? , and there weren't madhabs at the time of the sahaba , and the 4 madhabs agree on alot of stuff . but they disagree on some . so you need to choose
Please stop you are spreading fitnah and misinformation. madhab isn't obligatory, you are making everything hard on OP, even i dont have a madhab are you saying im not muslim? now stop talking about what you have no knowledge of

your pfp is literally ninja
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5189
where do you get your hokm from ? , and there weren't madhabs at the time of the sahaba , and the 4 madhabs agree on alot of stuff . but they disagree on some . so you need to choose
Besides, there was this convert named saajid lipham with a youtube channel, he got confused with madhabs too, so dont confuse the bro, he doesnt even know how to say shahada yet you should be embarrassed
It existed in a fashion that tour geography defined your morals. In early Turkish history even pissing in the water would result in your death sentence. This is because of the scarcity.
If someone does undecend things to you will you act decend yourself?
The thing with morals is that human can only know it not define it.
Devine intervention was nessecary for humans to be what we call moral, hence there where prophets sent to humanity for guidence.
brb gonna go pray but i missed you bro
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Nice, do you know where in Central Asia? I am 25 percent central Asian
Region is not over populated and turkics were nomads so i dont know also 25 is so high most anotolian turks get like 5-10
Region is not over populated and turkics were nomads so i dont know also if 25 is so high most anotolian turks get like 5-10
Yeah most Turks have very little central Asian. Ogguz Turks were mixed to begin with
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Please stop you are spreading fitnah and misinformation. madhab isn't obligatory, you are making everything hard on OP, even i dont have a madhab are you saying im not muslim? now stop talking about what you have no knowledge of

your pfp is literally ninja
then how will you get your ahkam and fiqh if not from madhabs , and you don't have to follow one madhab .
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Yeah it is because human iq didnt changed so much like 3000 years
Well yea it never really changed imo but putting that aside, the understanding of reality and language changed.
We have a passage in the Quran, forgive me if i get it wrong but it seems to go like that the world was layed out like a mat. Many atheist critisize this as "unnatural" however if we look at the earliest meaning of this sentence it talks about Arab hospitality.
For reasons like this perserving religious books in their original language is foremost important. The christian bible did not only change by the hands of someone, it also changed when the original language of the gospel changed. How mamy christians do know about the earliest bibles like the aramaic or even the greek bible? None i'd guess. The argument can be made that they're maybe entirely diffrent. Perservation of language is the perservation of religion. This is why many reforms in the early republican periods in Turkey where challanged, by the reactionary garde.
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Anyone who wants to really learn about our religion, first of all visit an imam of you locality or something, and i leave you some links
All around
Science stuff
Clearing misconception

This one for rulings of Islam, opinions of scholars, especially recommended to muslim brothers and black americans who might find themselves identified more with this man

Please stop you are spreading fitnah and misinformation. madhab isn't obligatory, you are making everything hard on OP, even i dont have a madhab are you saying im not muslim? now stop talking about what you have no knowledge of

your pfp is literally ninja
Without madhab you are however lost. These are the rulings
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Yeah most Turks have very little central Asian. Ogguz Turks were mixed to begin with
Real turks like %10 of population doesnt matter anymore though
Please stop you are spreading fitnah and misinformation. madhab isn't obligatory, you are making everything hard on OP, even i dont have a madhab are you saying im not muslim? now stop talking about what you have no knowledge of

your pfp is literally ninja
alot of people don't have time to study the quran , hadith and the sunah . Its much easier for the normal person to follow a madhab
and these madhabs were inherited from imams like "abe hanifa" , "Al shafi" , "Malk" and "al hanbli"
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Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease."
There's also tons and tons of other narrations that are just as ridiculous as this
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Btw Islam also forbids masturbation
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Btw Islam also forbids masturbation
Dont directly forbid it but they say it is so bad fore mind and sexual power etc. also you have to take a ablution
Also peak of human civilization was abbasids along with rome too bad we destroyed the islamic golden age with mongols
i think its Makroh
I personally don't believe it is completely haram like eating pork or gambling, but i'm no scholar, just my opinion, there is no unanimity on that regard, some scholars say it is makruh, others haram, etc, it is a widely debated subject
In reality, there is a large difference of opinion about it, even Zakir Naik believes it is not haram
It is Haram man. There isn't much diffrence in opinion. Zakir naik is respectable but is he in thr position to define what is lawfull and what not?
It is Haram man. There isn't much diffrence in opinion. Zakir naik is respectable but is he in thr position to define what is lawfull and what not?
i hear different opinions about it , so i believe its either makroh or haram
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Islam is the only religion that supports incels/genetically losers rights, imagine that every woman who doesn't accept a man because of his looks will go to Jahnnam (Hell in Islam). And every woman who refuses to have sex with their husband (at any time) will go there too. It basically suppresses their natural selection by making them fear Jahnnam.
  • +1
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It is Haram man. There isn't much diffrence in opinion. Zakir naik is respectable but is he in thr position to define what is lawfull and what not?
I don't believe it is haram, just my opinion, im not saying Zakir Naik opinion is superior, just giving an example since he is the most famous muslim personslity nowadays and he doesn't believe it is haram

We don't have clear cut evidence in my opinion, to me personlly, i believe if it was haram, it would be easy for the prophet (alayhi a salat wa salam) to have stated it clearly, instead, he just said somethin like "fast, because it diminishes sexual power"
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i hear different opinions about it , so i believe its either makroh or haram
I believe that the consensus in my home country is that it is haram. I don't know for certain tbh
Islam is the only religion that supports incels/genetically losers rights, imagine that every woman who doesn't accept a man because of his looks will go to Jahnnam (Hell in Islam). And every woman who refuses to have sex with their husband (at any time) will go there too. It basically suppresses their natural selection by making them fear Jahnnam.
Mohammed was a chad himself though and he was white skinned
  • JFL
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Islam is the only religion that supports incels/genetically losers rights, imagine that every woman who doesn't accept a man because of his looks will go to Jahnnam (Hell in Islam). And every woman who refuses to have sex with their husband (at any time) will go there too. It basically suppresses their natural selection by making them fear Jahnnam.
not really , islam gives the bride the choice to refuse marrying you , and it tells you to choose based on looks, money, family(not sure about this one) and virtue
They're allowed to jerk off? I didnt know
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