Islam is the only religion that makes sense

the thing about laws and your own morals is that they change with time and the environment you are in,couple of years ago being gay and trans was universally morally wrong ,fast forward to 2021 and without rules from an all knowing being the laws and society's rules have become very different,the point is that we cant have absolute morality as human beings. we do have natural inclination but we need guidance from what we believe is god otherwise what happens is that with time all morals completely change and if your morals change with time then that would make them very questionable
A morality based on suffering would be timeless.
They're allowed to jerk off? I didnt know
There is difference of opinion among scholar, majority says it is prohibited, then a big number says it is makruh (discouraged but not prohibited), a lot of scholars from the firat opinion allow it if you fear you could fall into illegal sexual intercourse
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Unlikely. Any chad is too busy fucking to come up with these things
This is a modern thing. He always described handsome and she married a very rich 40 year old lady while he was 25. Also he had suicidal thoughts etc.
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This is a modern thing. He always described handsome and she married a very rich 40 year old lady while he was 25. Also he had suicidal thoughts etc.

This is a modern thing. He always described handsome and she married a very rich 40 year old lady while he was 25. Also he had suicidal thoughts etc.
Jfl I would bet Alexander's mod rank that he was a subhuman by PSL standard.

I can tell you've been brainwashed by religion too
Jfl I would bet Alexander's mod rank that he was a subhuman by PSL standard.

I can tell you've been brainwashed by religion too
My family isnt muslim and i am not muslim too islam didnt influnced us so much i learned all of that at school
All religions are decimated if you analyse them with a blackpill mindset. It can never make sense, at least not the one they are trying to demonstrate.

That's not to say God doesn't exist. I do believe he does but I most likely won't ever understand so many things
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The only god I will worship is big chungus
All religions are decimated if you analyse them with a blackpill mindset. It can never make sense, at least not the one they are trying to demonstrate.

That's not to say God doesn't exist. I do believe he does but I most likely won't ever understand so many things
In reality, the mistake is to assume that your era and lifespan on earth has the access to the complete truth of how the universe and all what it contains works, that is one of the biggest mistakes a person could commit, we don't really have even 0,1% of the knowledge of all that sourrounds us, to think that some hadith or verse of the Qur'an is supposedly wrong using the basis of actual science despite all the prophecies and miracles stated on them, it is a very grave mistake to do

Our belief is in an All Powerful, All Mighty, capable of all things creator, he can do what he wills, all space and time, and creation is his property, he has all the knowledge of it
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  • +1
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All religions are decimated if you analyse them with a blackpill mindset. It can never make sense, at least not the one they are trying to demonstrate.

That's not to say God doesn't exist. I do believe he does but I most likely won't ever understand so many things
I think god exist too there is a reason for everything so there should be a reason for universe too (maybe this is not that basic though) but even the god exists there is zero effect for us because we are here because of evolution and stuff and there is no afterlife
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That depends on your belief, i mean, why human beings have morals to begin with? Why we are not just hunter-prey creatures without morals? As muslims we believe they were given to the first human creation by Allah
Morals existed way before abrahamic religions and exist today within people who don’t believe in Islam. Even people on the other side of the planet in those days who believed in other deities or none had moral values.

You may believe Allah gave it to us but that’s circular logic, now you must prove Allah exists.
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Look, this "sleep with your mom" thing, in reality, even in muslim vs atheist debates, the atheist has to come to the conclusion that incest and that kind of stuff can be moral and not immoral, because if he recognizes that it is an immorality, that would completely shake his belief in no creator
Stuff like this is just bullshit reasoning used by believers to words in people’s mouths.

I think a man having sex with his mum is wrong therefore I believe an all-powerful being created the universe? Give me a break
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  • +1
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Morals existed way before abrahamic religions and exist today within people who don’t believe in Islam. Even people on the other side of the planet in those days who believed in other deities or none had moral values.

You may believe Allah gave it to us but that’s circular logic, now you must prove Allah exists.
Dude not being offensive but your religion and culture is worlds most pathetic culture and main reason of suffering of india
  • JFL
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This is a modern thing. He always described handsome and she married a very rich 40 year old lady while he was 25. Also he had suicidal thoughts etc.
@streege is that you
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the thing about laws and your own morals is that they change with time and the environment you are in,couple of years ago being gay and trans was universally morally wrong ,fast forward to 2021 and without rules from an all knowing being the laws and society's rules have become very different,the point is that we cant have absolute morality as human beings. we do have natural inclination but we need guidance from what we believe is god otherwise what happens is that with time all morals completely change and if your morals change with time then that would make them very questionable
You made some good points, but pointing out the flaws in what I think is correct doesn’t make the Islamic belief correct. It’s pretty easy to see how retarded most Islamic rules are.

Also, how do your expect humans to progress if they hold on to every word from a book written more than a 1000 years ago? With that logic we’d still believe the sun orbits the earth or lightning comes from Thor.
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It existed in a fashion that our geography defined your morals. In early Turkish history even pissing in the water would result in your death sentence. This is because of the scarcity.
If someone does undecend things to you will you act decend yourself?
The thing with morals is that human can only know it not define it.
Divine intervention was nessecary for humans to be what we call moral, hence there where prophets sent to humanity for guidence.
You’re right, in history divine intervention was used for power and to control civilisation. The rules were different depending on where you were on the planet. Also 1000’s of gods have been proposed over human history, which one if any is correct?

In present times we don’t need religion anymore to make a good society. The 1000’s of other religions died and so will the main ones today when people finally realise we don’t need them anymore.
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  • +1
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Dude not being offensive but your religion and culture is worlds most pathetic culture and main reason of suffering of india
Oh and what religion is that? You’re a mind reader are you? I’m an atheist.
Why do these dumb threads gather always so much replies jfl
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Stuff like this is just bullshit reasoning used by believers to words in people’s mouths.

I think a man having sex with his mum is wrong therefore I believe an all-powerful being created the universe? Give me a break
Man, i didn't watch the entire debate, it was just one of the conclusion some analyst gived about it, i don't know how they reached it exactly

Im sure somehow ot shaked all the basis of his atheist ideology and its logics so he had to reject that idea or something on the middle of the debate
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Why do these dumb threads gather always so much replies jfl
Religion is a very serious matter at the end of the day in any context you, for us muslims it is the most beautiful and important thing we have and what make us not genocide (believe it or not, middle easterns and north africans tend to get angry easily) beetwen ourselves, it is what makes the most rich king to be side to side with the most poor begger in prayer and both of them bowing their head to their Only Creator in prayer, recognizing their real true value in front of him despite of all the differences beetwen them because of the empty materialism in this world

People in the west hear just a part or Prophet Muhammad (alayhi a salat wa salam) without reflecting on it and thinking in another kind of context, they don't see the part where he saved lives where he supported torture and misery just because of holding into his beliefs, the part where he helped the needed and the orphan, the man and the woman, the part where he forgave, etc etc etc

You cant judge people in the optics of today, what is correct for you, it is totally wrong for any decent person of just 60-70 years ago, thats where Islam makes the difference, same morality 1400 years supporting all the hate of alm the different cultures and religions, and still the strongest religion and most practiced one
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Religion is a very serious matter at the end of the day in any context you, for us muslims it is the most beautiful and important thing we have and what make us not genocide (believe it or not, middle easterns and north africans tend to get angry easily) beetwen ourselves, it is what makes the most rich king to be side to side with the most poor begger in prayer and both of them bowing their head to their Only Creator in prayer, recognizing their real true value in front of him despite of all the differences beetwen them because of the empty materialism in this world
Nazism brought all Nazis together too
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
Abrahamism in general doesn't really make sense.

Go explore the original Vedic religion and you'll be mindblown.
You made some good points, but pointing out the flaws in what I think is correct doesn’t make the Islamic belief correct. It’s pretty easy to see how retarded most Islamic rules are.

Also, how do your expect humans to progress if they hold on to every word from a book written more than a 1000 years ago? With that logic we’d still believe the sun orbits the earth or lightning comes from Thor.
in reality it does because what i am implying is that objective morality can only be achieved from an all knowing entity that created us and not by ourselves,you could argue that its not islam in particular but thats when your own research on the matter comes into play.and the fact that book is from 1400 ago only helps the religious argument as many things that were recently discovered where there 1400 years ago and also many predictions were made aswell.the comparison you made about thor is not exactly right cause it has been proven by science to be untrue meanwhile things about the universe in islam have not.i would like you to elaborate on the progress point you made cause its pretty interesting however i do believe that progress is too big of a word to use we are in 2021 and to me it doesent look like we are progressing so perhaps the old and conservative rules would help big time
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Abrahamism in general doesn't really make sense.

Go explore the original Vedic religion and you'll be mindblown.
If i decided to believe something that would be islam and this wont happen too tbh
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Stuff like this is just bullshit reasoning used by believers to words in people’s mouths.

I think a man having sex with his mum is wrong therefore I believe an all-powerful being created the universe? Give me a break
no it doesent work like that,its more like "ok clearly we cant get morality on our own since the harm principle which is the basics of modern morality is obsolete,so where do we get morality from?two options from there 1 we dont know from where we get it it could be within us for no reason just like the universe came to existence for no reason OR we could argue that morality comes from a being that knows us the best since he created us and the universe and the 0+0=1 theory isnt the right one.the fact that the way you view morality is flawed shouldnt immediatly make you believe in god obviously but it should make you a bit more humble in trying to find the truth elsewhere if at that point you still dont agree with religion then thats your choice at the end of the day.but listening to people that actuallly know about religion is very eye opening,muhammed hijab has a very nice yt channel where he talks to atheist with similar ideas as yours and they are very interesting to listen to even from an intellectual point of view
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in reality it does because what i am implying is that objective morality can only be achieved from an all knowing entity that created us and not by ourselves,you could argue that its not islam in particular but thats when your own research on the matter comes into play.and the fact that book is from 1400 ago only helps the religious argument as many things that were recently discovered where there 1400 years ago and also many predictions were made aswell.the comparison you made about thor is not exactly right cause it has been proven by science to be untrue meanwhile things about the universe in islam have not.i would like you to elaborate on the progress point you made cause its pretty interesting however i do believe that progress is too big of a word to use we are in 2021 and to me it doesent look like we are progressing so perhaps the old and conservative rules would help big time
I could go quite deep into this, fact of the matter is that I’m denying Islam being a good set of rules to follow. There are a lot of rules that are harmful and also don’t make sense. No human on this planet knows the truth or has the best answer. By enforcing your belief as the correct one, you are implying that you know the secrets of the universe, which is absurd.

Also, there are plenty of things in Islamic scripture that are false, pretty sure there’s talk of a flying horse or dead birds being able to fly for example. Just because SOME predictions were proven to be true, doesn’t mean that the WHOLE religion is correct.

All comes down to this, out of the 1000’s of religions that have been proposed over human history, what makes Islam the correct one?
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no it doesent work like that,its more like "ok clearly we cant get morality on our own since the harm principle which is the basics of modern morality is obsolete,so where do we get morality from?two options from there 1 we dont know from where we get it it could be within us for no reason just like the universe came to existence for no reason OR we could argue that morality comes from a being that knows us the best since he created us and the universe and the 0+0=1 theory isnt the right one.the fact that the way you view morality is flawed shouldnt immediatly make you believe in god obviously but it should make you a bit more humble in trying to find the truth elsewhere if at that point you still dont agree with religion then thats your choice at the end of the day.but listening to people that actuallly know about religion is very eye opening,muhammed hijab has a very nice yt channel where he talks to atheist with similar ideas as yours and they are very interesting to listen to even from an intellectual point of view
But there aren’t just two choices are there? There are 1000’s, because there have been 1000’s of proposed gods over human history.

I’m not proclaiming to know the true answer, no one does. By enforcing a religious idea you are basically saying you know the true answer.
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  • Hmm...
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I could go quite deep into this, fact of the matter is that I’m denying Islam being a good set of rules to follow. There are a lot of rules that are harmful and also don’t make sense. No human on this planet knows the truth or has the best answer. By enforcing your belief as the correct one, you are implying that you know the secrets of the universe, which is absurd.

Also, there are plenty of things in Islamic scripture that are false, pretty sure there’s talk of a flying horse or dead birds being able to fly for example. Just because SOME predictions were proven to be true, doesn’t mean that the WHOLE religion is correct.

All comes down to this, out of the 1000’s of religions that have been proposed over human history, what makes Islam the correct one?
first of all im not enforcing islam upon you far from it im just trying my best to give my opinion,also the islamic understanding is the exact opposite of what you just said,as a muslim you understand that somethings cant be understood on your own like the creation of the universe and objective morality and thats exactly why you have to go with religion that is supposed to be from the entity that created the universe muslim will ever claim he understands fully the misteries of the universe or how morality is defined.with that being said there are indeed examples that can be surreal like the flying birds you mentioned but you need to realize that if we believe an infinity being exists and he created all this enormous universe from scratch with everything working so perfectly it wouldnt be hard to believe in miracles at all in fact the creation and beauty of the universe is a pretty big miracle in of itself,how can a dead bird flying be hard to believe when we believe that an infinite being created a perfect universe we live in?about what makes islam correct and not the other religions is that there are some logical flaws in other religions that we dont find in islam.
But there aren’t just two choices are there? There are 1000’s, because there have been 1000’s of proposed gods over human history.

I’m not proclaiming to know the true answer, no one does. By enforcing a religious idea you are basically saying you know the true answer.
no thats the thing,it doesent imply i know the absolute answer it implies that i believe i have the most likely answer and thats what rational thinking is all about even science works that way,science doesent know the "true reality"it knows the most likely answer and explanation of a phenomenon thought observation and thats why even science can be corrected with time
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Dont directly forbid it but they say it is so bad fore mind and sexual power etc. also you have to take a ablution
Is IS forbidden my friend. All 4 Sunni schools forbid it and every Shia scholar forbids it too. It's a sin. Only except is a few shia scholars who for some reason said it's OK for girls to masturbate.
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@werty1457 can you have an arguement with someone here to get the thread to 4 pages?
first of all im not enforcing islam upon you far from it im just trying my best to give my opinion,also the islamic understanding is the exact opposite of what you just said,as a muslim you understand that somethings cant be understood on your own like the creation of the universe and objective morality and thats exactly why you have to go with religion that is supposed to be from the entity that created the universe muslim will ever claim he understands fully the misteries of the universe or how morality is defined.with that being said there are indeed examples that can be surreal like the flying birds you mentioned but you need to realize that if we believe an infinity being exists and he created all this enormous universe from scratch with everything working so perfectly it wouldnt be hard to believe in miracles at all in fact the creation and beauty of the universe is a pretty big miracle in of itself,how can a dead bird flying be hard to believe when we believe that an infinite being created a perfect universe we live in?about what makes islam correct and not the other religions is that there are some logical flaws in other religions that we dont find in islam.
Your argument’s main basis is the existence of Allah which you’d need to prove.

There are logical flaws in all religions including Islam. Your reason for the logical flaws in Islam is due to the belief in an all-powerful being, this reasoning can be used for all other religions.

So again it comes down to this; out of the 1000’s of gods that have been proposed over human history, what makes Allah the correct one?
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  • Hmm...
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Is IS forbidden my friend. All 4 Sunni schools forbid it and every Shia scholar forbids it too. It's a sin. Only except is a few shia scholars who for some reason said it's OK for girls to masturbate.
Dude i am from a muslim country and it is controversial
no thats the thing,it doesent imply i know the absolute answer it implies that i believe i have the most likely answer and thats what rational thinking is all about even science works that way,science doesent know the "true reality"it knows the most likely answer and explanation of a phenomenon thought observation and thats why even science can be corrected with time
I agree, that is how science works and the most plausible theory science has at the moment for the start of the universe is the Big Bang theory, it’s not Allah. And yes science is corrected all the time by OTHER science.

You think Islam is the most likely answer, why? If you say “because Allah” you must prove he exists.
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Your argument’s main basis is the existence of Allah which you’d need to prove.

There are logical flaws in all religions including Islam. Your reason for the logical flaws in Islam is due to the belief in an all-powerful being, this reasoning can be used for all other religions.

So again it comes down to this; out of the 1000’s of gods that have been proposed over human history, what makes Allah the correct one?
again,the existance of allah is proven by observation,its a very deep reasoning that muhammed hijab explains much better than i ever will so you seriously need to check it out if you are interested in this discussion.basically what it is is that the existence of the universe is easier to explain by the fact that an entity out of our space and time concept has created time and with it the universe rather than believing that the universe was created from nothing and it works so well from nothing,the sun being at the perfect distance from the earth and all those connections were created out of nothing is way harder for me to believe than to believe that an outside being made all this work perfectly especially when other factors in islam make so much sense.i would really advice you to watch the channel i suggested cause they have studied religion and philosophy and science and they really make incredible arguments and points
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I agree, that is how science works and the most plausible theory science has at the moment for the start of the universe is the Big Bang theory, it’s not Allah. And yes science is corrected all the time by OTHER science.

You think Islam is the most likely answer, why? If you say “because Allah” you must prove he exists.
yes but i could ask you where did the big bang come from?i think islam is the most likely answer cause when the question about where big bang came from we have no possible answer while if you ask me where did god come from i can tell you that in islam we believe allah,god is outside of our space and time and thats why he can create the universe without having to be created by someone else.and since out of the 2 options the godly option is the most likely to make sense and has an answer thats why i believe it to be true
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Muslim CHADS unite
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