Islam is the only religion that makes sense

He mean Science in the Islamic term of Science
Ahh yes because Islamic science trumps science today; horses can fly, dead birds can fly, the sun sets in murky waters, etc etc
  • JFL
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I have nothing against Muslim people as a whole.

I have a problem with people asserting they have the correct answer for the universe without evidence, then accrediting it to science.
Look, we agree in one thing, i don't like too much this science and islam thing too, i think it brings some kind of unecessary superiority feeling to us in this aspect, since i believe Islam doesn't change and is superior to every belief, and science is constantly changing
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you are jumping to the other gods,first try to see if you believe in an "entity"or "something" that created the universe.also there are other 300 ways?how so?we know the universe started which implies logically that at one point it didnt exist(right?) and when something is created there arent 3000 options its either created by something/someone or created from nothing and started on its own
I don’t believe an entity created the universe because there is no evidence for that.

There are 1000’s of options for a creator because there have been 1000’s of proposed creators over human history.
Look, we agree in one thing, i don't like too much this science and islam thing too, i think it brings some kind of unecessary superiority feeling to us in this aspect, since i believe Islam doesn't change and is superior to every belief, and science is constantly changing
As long as you believe Islam due to faith, i’m fine with that.
I don’t believe an entity created the universe because there is no evidence for that.

There are 1000’s of options for a creator because there have been 1000’s of proposed creators over human history.
np bro,you are not seeing my points and it could be that im not seeing yours,before i go i just want to ask you where did the universe come from in your opinion?there is more evidence of god existing than him not existing tho.we have predictions miracles and we have prophets meanwhile when we ask you guys where did the universe come from your go to reply is "we dont know"
This is honestly such a great bait thread to get replies. Nice job op
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Awesome Lebron James GIF

I wish I had come up with this idea
@FastBananaCEO Jesus Christ I knew this bait was good but how tf did it turn out THIS successful??? I didn't think it would get above 500 views
  • JFL
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np bro,you are not seeing my points and it could be that im not seeing yours,before i go i just want to ask you where did the universe come from in your opinion?
I know what you are saying, it’s just that there’s no evidence behind what you’re saying. I am completely fine with you believing Islam on faith, just don’t try to say that it’s scientifically the most rational choice.

I don’t know where the universe came from, it is a scientific conundrum that scientists are trying to solve to this day. Alongside the 1000’s of creator options and modern scientific theories, there are also an infinite number of options that our human brain simply cannot fathom right now i.e. future theories.
I know what you are saying, it’s just that there’s no evidence behind what you’re saying. I am completely fine with you believing Islam on faith, just don’t try to say that it’s scientifically the most rational choice.

I don’t know where the universe came from, it is a scientific conundrum that scientists are trying to solve to this day. Alongside the 1000’s of creator options and modern scientific theories, there are also an infinite number of options that our human brain simply cannot fathom right now i.e. future theories.
Jehovah’s witnesses have the most scientifically plausible explanation for the creation of the universe, I suggest you visit a Kingdom Hall near you and start attending the bible studies there to educate yourself further
Jehovah’s witnesses have the most scientifically plausible explanation for the creation of the universe, I suggest you visit a Kingdom Hall near you and start attending the bible studies there to educate yourself further
They believe in the Christian god so same problem as every other religion’s creation story.
  • JFL
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I know what you are saying, it’s just that there’s no evidence behind what you’re saying. I am completely fine with you believing Islam on faith, just don’t try to say that it’s scientifically the most rational choice.

I don’t know where the universe came from, it is a scientific conundrum that scientists are trying to solve to this day. Alongside the 1000’s of creator options and modern scientific theories, there are also an infinite number of options that our human brain simply cannot fathom right now i.e. future theories.
i will try one last time to make it clear,basically we both agree science is an observation made on the universe and the most rational option is the one used to describe phenomenons and it is backed up by "proofs" for gravity the proof is obtained from experiments and for the creator the proof for us is religion and miracles, how could bedouins know 1400 years ago things that science found out recently?these kind of things is what we consider the evidence now as every other thing you can believe or not in the evidence.and about why is islam the true message of god thats a completely different subject that is insanely long to get into cause i would need to disprove every other religion which i dont have the time to do but basically what it is is that when i did my reaserch on other religions and the ones of my parents(i was only born muslim but didnt know much about it,i still dont but im learning) and what i found is that while many things in the other religions didnt make too much sense i didnt have that with if you want evidence for god you need to go ahead and hear what the likes of muhhamad hijab say about the subject since they studied about it and they answer the type of questions you have
i will try one last time to make it clear,basically we both agree science is an observation made on the universe and the most rational option is the one used to describe phenomenons and it is backed up by "proofs" for gravity the proof is obtained from experiments and for the creator the proof for us is religion and miracles, how could bedouins know 1400 years ago things that science found out recently?these kind of things is what we consider the evidence now as every other thing you can believe or not in the evidence.and about why is islam the true message of god thats a completely different subject that is insanely long to get into cause i would need to disprove every other religion which i dont have the time to do but basically what it is is that when i did my reaserch on other religions and the ones of my parents(i was only born muslim but didnt know much about it,i still dont but im learning) and what i found is that while many things in the other religions didnt make too much sense i didnt have that with if you want evidence for god you need to go ahead and hear what the likes of muhhamad hijab say about the subject since they studied about it and they answer the type of questions you have
1. “Religion” isn’t evidence. Miracles also aren’t evidence, they are extremely random events which aren’t demonstrable and can’t be accredited to a specific creator.
2. Predicting some things correctly doesn’t make the whole thing correct, especially when there are many false and illogical claims in Islamic literature.
3. There is an implicit bias because your parents are Muslim. Your religious ideas are based off of faith, not science.
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As long as you believe Islam due to faith, i’m fine with that.
I believe on it, for several reasons, like the things Allah said that would be fullfilled especially in a time where it was really difficult for anyone to make this kind of statements without failing (preservation of Qur'an, battle beetwen the Romans and the persians, things stated about the human nature, a long etc), of course the prophecies of Muhammad about the end times and other things (alayhi a salat wa salam), maybe Isaiah 42 in the Bible too (it mentions the exact city from all the places of the world it could have mentioned, the people of Muhammad, some of his names and achievements, even an important number of jewish scholars recognize that the prophecy is about him but they reject him because he is not from their race, by the way i think this kind of attitude the jews adopted is somewhere mentioned in the Qur'an, they really don't like a prophet from a lineage that is not theirs), a long etc

I'm not believing just because of the sake of believing, i'm believing because of the clear cut evidence, believing just too believe... i dont agree with that kind of attitude since it is a very catholic way
1. “Religion” isn’t evidence. Miracles also aren’t evidence, they are extremely random events which aren’t demonstrable and can’t be accredited to a specific creator.
2. Predicting some things correctly doesn’t make the whole thing correct, especially when there are many false and illogical claims in Islamic literature.
3. There is an implicit bias because your parents are Muslim. Your religious ideas are based off of faith, not science.
agree to disagree,and if they are just random events then why were you trying to say that dead birds prove islam wrong could be just a random event, about predictions they are all correct and some are false in other religions and honestly i dont even feel like asking which illogical claims are made cause im tired tbh and this isnt going nowhere i gave you some points but you simply arent satisfied with them which i cant do anything about.the bias you are talking about is true but i dont know why that matters you were born and told the earth is round so now what?are you just biased?no, you made your reaserch and thought it was the truth and so did i with religion ideas are based of faith ofc cause i cant see god but thats not something bad,but also i believe god exist because of the reasoning i gave you not just dont know nothing about the creation of the universe yet you know for a fact it cant be god i dont see how that works tbh but ok i guess
I believe on it, for several reasons, like the things Allah said that would be fullfilled especially in a time where it was really difficult for anyone to make this kind of statements without failing (preservation of Qur'an, battle beetwen the Romans and the persians, things stated about the human nature, a long etc), of course the prophecies of Muhammad about the end times and other things (alayhi a salat wa salam), maybe Isaiah 42 in the Bible too (it mentions the exact city from all the places of the world it could have mentioned, the people of Muhammad, some of his names and achievements, even an important number of jewish scholars recognize that the prophecy is about him but they reject him because he is not from their race, by the way i think this kind of attitude the jews adopted is somewhere mentioned in the Qur'an, they really don't like a prophet from a lineage that is not theirs), a long etc

I'm not believing just because of the sake of believing, i'm believing because of the clear cut evidence, believing just too believe... i dont agree with that kind of attitude since it is a very catholic way
For something to be true, it must be demonstrable like gravity for example. Islam has some truths, in the say way other religions have some truths. But it also has a lot of illogical and false claims, therefore invalidating is as the one true religion.
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reject degeneration convert islam
For something to be true, it must be demonstrable like gravity for example. Islam has some truths, in the say way other religions have some truths. But it also has a lot of illogical and false claims, therefore invalidating is as the one true religion.
ok nice demostrate how god isnt real now, the demostration for god is simple math 0+0=1 is wrong 0+1 can = 1 and that 1 that is added to 0 we believe as being god
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  • JFL
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For something to be true, it must be demonstrable like gravity for example. Islam has some truths, in the say way other religions have some truths. But it also has a lot of illogical and false claims, therefore invalidating is as the one true religion.
Look, my man, this is where our ways divide and the barrier of our criteria is made, so better we leave the conversation here
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agree to disagree,and if they are just random events then why were you trying to say that dead birds prove islam wrong could be just a random event, about predictions they are all correct and some are false in other religions and honestly i dont even feel like asking which illogical claims are made cause im tired tbh and this isnt going nowhere i gave you some points but you simply arent satisfied with them which i cant do anything about.the bias you are talking about is true but i dont know why that matters you were born and told the earth is round so now what?are you just biased?no, you made your reaserch and thought it was the truth and so did i with religion ideas are based of faith ofc cause i cant see god but thats not something bad,but also i believe god exist because of the reasoning i gave you not just dont know nothing about the creation of the universe yet you know for a fact it cant be god i dont see how that works tbh but ok i guess
1. The dead birds thing was to show how Islam makes false and illogical claims which go against science.
2. All religions make both true and false claims.
3. I believe the earth is round because it’s demonstrable. Islam isn’t demonstrable.
4. I’m not saying “I know for fact it isn’t god”. Technically everything is an option but god is one option out of potentially infinite future theories. Then on top of that you have to determine which god. In order to get over this hurdle, you HAVE to have faith in order to chose a god, faith being something which completely goes against science.
5. You’ve already admitted your basis for Islam religion is faith which I’m fine with. The fact that some predictions and statements were true in Islamic literature doesn’t make the whole religion true.
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@FastBananaCEO Jesus Christ I knew this bait was good but how tf did it turn out THIS successful??? I didn't think it would get above 500 views
How is this bait? I don't even know anything about religion Im not even reading the replies I have no idea what anyone's talking about
  • JFL
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ok nice demostrate how god isnt real now, the demostration for god is simple math 0+0=1 is wrong 0+1 can = 1 and that 1 that is added to 0 we believe as being god
1. I never claimed I can prove that god isn’t real, just like how I can’t prove my nephew’s imaginary friend isn’t real.
2. You are the one making the god claim. You must now prove that your specific god is the only option out of potentially infinite, because if you can prove Allah with a simple 1+1 equation you should be well on your way towards a Nobel prize.
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1. The dead birds thing was to show how Islam makes false and illogical claims which go against science.
2. All religions make both true and false claims.
3. I believe the earth is round because it’s demonstrable. Islam isn’t demonstrable.
4. I’m not saying “I know for fact it isn’t god”. Technically everything is an option but god is one option out of potentially infinite future theories. Then on top of that you have to determine which god. In order to get over this hurdle, you HAVE to have faith in order to chose a god, faith being something which completely goes against science.
5. You’ve already admitted your basis for Islam religion is faith which I’m fine with. The fact that some predictions and statements were true in Islamic literature doesn’t make the whole religion true.
go against science?bro thats the definition of a miracle lol if it goes against science and it happened for real that can only prove god more.we believe islam make no false claims.if you dont see believing in god as a factual fallacy then why are you up in here trying to prove us wrong?just stay loyal to your way of thinking which is "we dont know" and if someone tells you why god exists instead of saying no thats not true just say "could be true or couldnt".the basis of islam is not only faith i thought i made this pretty clear
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@Gargantuan Hi.
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1. I never claimed I can prove that god isn’t real, just like how I can’t prove my nephew’s imaginary friend isn’t real.
2. You are the one making the god claim. You must now prove that your specific god is the only option out of potentially infinite, because if you can prove Allah with a simple 1+1 equation you should be well on your way towards a Nobel prize.
bro why do i keep reading this tbh?"you must now prove that your specific god is the only option out of potentially infinite"we already agreed that thats not how you prove something,all i did was tell you why i believe god is the "most likely option"(and never that it is the absolute truth as i wasnt there when universe began).about the equation it is just a demostration as to why it HAS TO BE SOMETHING OR SOMEONE that created the universe it may or might not be god but for you to believe the universe came from nothing thats one hell of a fallacy,if you can believe in the "1" its already a good start and from there you can go ahread and try to understand what that "1" is and again from our perspective the most likely option is simply god
go against science?bro thats the definition of a miracle lol if it goes against science and it happened for real that can only prove god more.we believe islam make no false claims.if you dont see believing in god as a factual fallacy then why are you up in here trying to prove us wrong?just stay loyal to your way of thinking which is we dont know and if someone tells you why god exists instead of saying no thats not true just say "could be true or couldnt".the basis of islam is not only faith i thought i made this pretty clear
1. Miracles have no way of being accredited to a god. Can you prove that they were performed by Allah? They are unexplainable random events which humans accredited to the god that happened to be the main proposed deity of their geographical location and time period.
2. Every religion is an option, including Islam, I’m not claiming to be able to disprove them. No proposed option has been proven. To believe an option is the right one, you have to take it on faith. I’m arguing that your opinion that Islam is the true option is an opinion based on faith. You can say that there scientific truths Islam but there are also false and illogical claims. Faith is needed to bridge that gap.
bro why do i keep reading this tbh?"you must now prove that your specific god is the only option out of potentially infinite"we already agreed that thats not how you prove something,all i did was tell you why i believe god is the "most likely option"(and never that it is the absolute truth as i wasnt there when universe began).about the equation it is just a demostration as to why it HAS TO BE SOMETHING OR SOMEONE that created the universe it may or might not be god but for you to believe the universe came from nothing thats one hell of a fallacy,if you can believe in the "1" its already a good start and from there you can go ahread and try to understand what that "1" is and again from our perspective the most likely option is simply god
You’re saying it has to something or someone that created the universe. You need to prove this claim because there are potentially infinite reasons for the universe that our brains can’t fathom. If all the options aren’t on the table, you can’t assert which is correct.
1. Miracles have no way of being accredited to a god. Can you prove that they were performed by Allah? They are unexplainable random events which humans accredited to the god that happened to be the main proposed deity of their geographical location and time period.
2. Every religion is an option, including Islam, I’m not claiming to be able to disprove them. No proposed option has been proven. To believe an option is the right one, you have to take it on faith. I’m arguing that your opinion that Islam is the true option is an opinion based on faith. You can say that there scientific truths Islam but there are also false and illogical claims. Faith is needed to bridge that gap.
once again we dont believe there are fallacies in islam and once again ofc you need faith in islam cause even tho god can be the most rational option for you you still need to "believe" because you cant experience god with none of your 5 senses.and about miracles being not credited to god it seems you are using the randomness argument which i also believe to be partially flawed just like the harm principle argument everything has a scheme in the universe and nothing is truly random,there is always some type of parameter even if it may seem completely random
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once again we dont believe there are fallacies in islam and once again ofc you need faith in islam cause even tho god can be the most rational option for you you still need to "believe" because you cant experience god with none of your 5 senses.and about miracles being not credited to god it seems you are using the randomness argument which i also believe to be partially flawed just like the harm principle argument everything has a scheme in the universe and nothing is truly random,there is always some type of parameter even if it may seem completely random
1. You may assert there are no fallacies but there are indeed scientific fallacies in a Islam literature. Horse can’t fly, bird can’t fly if they are dead, the sun doesn’t set into murky water, etc etc.
2. Prove that the universe has a scheme.
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You’re saying it has to something or someone that created the universe. You need to prove this claim because there are potentially infinite reasons for the universe that our brains can’t fathom. If all the options aren’t on the table, you can’t assert which is correct.
bro listen carefully i beg you,we know for a fact universe started right?it it did then it implies it didnt exist at one point correct?so universe came to existence and nothing can come to existence from nothing thats just rational reasoning(0+0 will never =1) you keep using the "unknown options" argument and the "i dont know argument" but you need to be intellectually active for a conversation to be made and not avoid it.if you talk to me i could just say well this conversation isnt taking place because it could be that we are just in an illusion and we dont know about it.this is not how rational discussions are made
  • JFL
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bro listen carefully i beg you,we know for a fact universe started right?it it did then it implies it didnt exist at one point correct?so universe came to existence and nothing can come to existence from nothing thats just rational reasoning(0+0 will never =1) you keep using the "unknown options" argument and the "i dont know argument" but you need to be intellectually active for a conversation to be made and not avoid it.if you talk to me i could just say well this conversation isnt taking place because it could be that we are just in an illusion and we dont know about it.this is not how rational discussions are made
I’m not arguing how the universe was created because I don’t know myself.

I’m arguing that you’re basing your belief of Islam on faith because scientifically speaking it doesn’t explain the universe.

If you don’t want to continue, feel free not to. You’re the one who began the conversation
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1. You may assert there are no fallacies but there are indeed scientific fallacies in a Islam literature. Horse can’t fly, bird can’t fly if they are dead, the sun doesn’t set into murky water, etc etc.
2. Prove that the universe has a scheme.
prove the universe has a scheme?just look around you bro everything is in place perfectly the earth moving in a predictable way and whatnot.also those example you gave could very well be miracles now if you dont believe in miracles thats your problem but that doesent prove shit,there have been miracles in the past that completely defy the laws of science but thats the whole point of a miracle
I’m not arguing how the universe was created because I don’t know myself.

I’m arguing that you’re basing your belief of Islam on faith because scientifically speaking it doesn’t explain the universe.

If you don’t want to continue, feel free not to. You’re the one who began the conversation
how do you explain something scientifically?and its ok if you dont know but do you believe there needs to be something outside the universe for the universe to begin?
prove the universe has a scheme?just look around you bro everything is in place perfectly the earth moving in a predictable way and whatnot.also those example you gave could very well be miracles now if you dont believe in miracles thats your problem but that doesent prove shit,there have been miracles in the past that completely defy the laws of science but thats the whole point of a miracle
Saying “look at the earth, it’s perfect” is not an argument because it literally isn’t perfect. It was by chance that this rock in space had good living conditions and not the other trillions and trillions of rocks.

Other religions talk about miracles and you can’t discern which deity performed so-called miracle. The argument of miracles is TOTALLY based on faith.
Saying “look at the earth, it’s perfect” is not an argument because it literally isn’t perfect. It was by chance that this rock in space had good living conditions and not the other trillions and trillions of rocks.

Other religions talk about miracles and you can’t discern which deity performed so-called miracle. The argument of miracles is TOTALLY based on faith.
yes because we cant process them rationally i dont disagree on that. and that is totally an argument btw if universe didnt have a scheme then why is it that we can predict exactly at what hour the sun will raise?and why can we predict how the earth moves?
how do you explain something scientifically?and its ok if you dont know but do you believe there needs to be something outside the universe for the universe to begin?
1. Using the scientific method; the phenomena which we named gravity is demonstrable, repeatable and has set parameters.
2. It’s possible that something outside of the universe caused the universe.
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I will now vote for @JamesHowlett in all upcoming curry mog battles because he is based and high iq like myself
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yes because we cant process them rationally i dont disagree on that. and that is totally an argument btw if universe didnt have a scheme then why is it that we can predict exactly at what hour the sun will raise?and why can we predict how the earth moves?
They are scientifically-proven principles.
They are scientifically-proven principles.
aka they have a scheme. if the earth moved randomly and without any scheme what so ever do you think we would be able to tell exaclty at which time of the day the sun will raise?
  • JFL
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aka they have a scheme. if the earth moved randomly and without any scheme what so ever do you think we would be able to tell exaclty at which time of the day the sun will raise?
No it doesn’t, do you know how low iq you sound right now? It doesn’t move randomly, it’s moved at the same speed and path because it’s in a vacuum and no opposing force has acted upon it.
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No it doesn’t, do you know how low iq you sound right now? It doesn’t move randomly, it’s moved at the same speed and path because it’s in a vacuum and no opposing force has acted upon it.
i never said it moves randomly im claiming the complete opposite, im saying that it moves following a scheme that is created by other laws of physics which is why we can tell exactly at what point will the sun raise
Yes sure if it makes you sleep better at night
following islam is solely a a leap of faith in believing that its the correct doctrine out of all the vast ones that have been proposed thru human history (theres nothing inherently wrong w that)

claiming that there's a logical argument or any type of modernly upholding statements in any islamic literature is completely wrong & disingenuous to claim tho
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i never said it moves randomly im claiming the complete opposite, im saying that it moves following a scheme that is created by other laws of physics which is why we can tell exactly at what point will the sun raise
Scheme implies conflictive thought, the laws of physics have none. It acts in exactly the same way every single time.
following islam is solely a a leap of faith in believing that its the correct doctrine out of all the vast ones that have been proposed thru human history (theres nothing inherently wrong w that)

claiming that there's a logical argument or any type of upholding statements in any islamic literatures is completely wrong & disingenuous to claim tho
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Scheme implies conflictive thought, the laws of physics have none. It acts in exactly the same way every single time.
the laws of physics that are applied to the thing together are what make the scheme and the universe has schemes or otherwise "patterns"
following islam is solely a a leap of faith in believing that its the correct doctrine out of all the vast ones that have been proposed thru human history (theres nothing inherently wrong w that)

claiming that there's a logical argument or any type of modernly upholding statements in any islamic literature is completely wrong & disingenuous to claim tho
what is so unlogical about understanding that the universe cant come from nothing and that something outside of it has to create it or otherwise make it begin?
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I don't know what the story of their god is but all their rules actually make sense. You know unlike in Christianity where it's a sin to wank n stuff. It's obvious Christianity was made up just to keep society in order.

All the stuff about how it's haram to gamble or whatever and it's halal to eat meat or somthn unless you're starving.

Their rules actually make sense.
i think if you are white then becoming a muslim will make you look like a nut job. I'd rather become catholic or christian.
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