It saddens me that my doctor is Muslim :(


Deleted member 51576

Nov 11, 2023
I love him. He’s an amazing family friend as well. He is a Pakistani Muslim and is the best doctor ever. He’s sooo kind and patient and has such great bedside manners.

I wish he was a Christian :( I would never in a million years try to convert him—primarily because it’s awkward and has the potential to complicate relationships.

I don’t want my best doctor friend to go to hell though :feelswhy: Perhaps I'll just pray that the power of the Holy Spirit works into his life, to guide and convict him to the true faith of Christianity.

Pakistan zindabad 🇵🇰💪🏻
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You miss 2014 don't you
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I love him. He’s an amazing family friend as well. He is a Pakistani Muslim and is the best doctor ever. He’s sooo kind and patient and has such great bedside manners.

I wish he was a Christian :( I would never in a million years try to convert him—primarily because it’s awkward and has the potential to complicate relationships.

I don’t want my best doctor friend to go to hell though :feelswhy: Perhaps I'll just pray that the power of the Holy Spirit works into his life, to guide and convict him to the true faith of Christianity.

Pakistan zindabad 🇵🇰💪🏻
Islam is degeneracy tell him to submit to Christ and that his parents and ancestors are burning in hell
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Islam is degeneracy tell him to submit to Christ and that his parents and ancestors are burning in hell
Oh really?

Glendale United Methodist Church Nashville LGBTQIA Pride Outside Building
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Do your parents talk like this at home as well?
I love him. He’s an amazing family friend as well. He is a Pakistani Muslim and is the best doctor ever. He’s sooo kind and patient and has such great bedside manners.

I wish he was a Christian :( I would never in a million years try to convert him—primarily because it’s awkward and has the potential to complicate relationships.

I don’t want my best doctor friend to go to hell though :feelswhy: Perhaps I'll just pray that the power of the Holy Spirit works into his life, to guide and convict him to the true faith of Christianity.

Pakistan zindabad 🇵🇰💪🏻
All you can do. How do you think I feel 90% of the women into my pheno where I live are Muslim foids . It’s fuck the infidel heathen or be treucel its beyond over for me. Or they are Hindu literally never began for me

Or maybe irreligious but same shit. If the girls Christian I’ll prob not appeal to her
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That’s a Fake church they are Heretics and are rebuked by any credible churche. Fuck the Church of England, and Catholicism it’s a heathen church without the mandate of god. Never use these heathens as examples of Christianity
Sadly I see it happening in cuckmerica and other parts of europe

I don't see much christians doing anything irl
Sadly I see it happening in cuckmerica and other parts of europe

I don't see much christians doing anything irl
What can we do other then rebuke it. We aren’t Muslims unlike them we face repercussions for our faith and actions. Muslims can ALLAHU ackbar all day and the liberals will ignore it but if we say we are agaisnt lgbtq we get cancled our shops shut down businesses destroyed and millions ruined.

So all we can do is rebuke any church that submits to this heresy. In the bible it does mention that many “churches” would have false preachers so we already were aware of this shit. And yes Islam has their own fucked up shit as well jsut not to the same degree but liberalism rot is effecting everywhere

“15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. (‭‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬‬:‭16‬ ‭NIV‬‬”
  • Hmm...
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What can we do other then rebuke it. We aren’t Muslims unlike them we face repercussions for our faith and actions. Muslims can ALLAHU ackbar all day and the liberals will ignore it but if we say we are agaisnt lgbtq we get cancled our shops shut down businesses destroyed and millions ruined.‬‬”
So you don't care about the bible? You obey humans?

Us muslims we don't give a fuck.

If we see something against our religion, we talk.

The quran > what any human says.
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So you don't care about the bible? You obey humans?

Us muslims we don't give a fuck.

If we see something against our religion, we talk.

The quran > what any human says.
Ofc I care about the bible im simply saying that the churches that accept this degeneracy are NOT CHURCHES they forfeited the right the moment they supported Sin.

Its not about what humans “SAY” its about oppression and silence, as I said Islam isn’t as persecuted as Christianity, many African nations are being hit with econ sanctions for not supporting LGBTQ rights and guess which ones they all are… CHRISTIAN ONES. Point is you Muslims think your oppressed but you fuckers have no idea how bad it could truly be when the liberals want you gone. we know the truth and do not fear it we just accept the way it is and fight back in our own way but we don’t expect to crush the liberal establishment when most “Christian’s” in the west are like warm white people who liberals with only the blacks and Latinos being Christian here

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. (‭‭‭John‬ ‭15‬‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬)
Ofc I care about the bible im simply saying that the churches that accept this degeneracy are NOT CHURCHES they forfeited the right the moment they supported Sin.

Its not about what humans “SAY” its about oppression and silence, as I said Islam isn’t as persecuted as Christianity, many African nations are being hit with econ sanctions for not supporting LGBTQ rights and guess which ones they all are… CHRISTIAN ONES. Point is you Muslims think your oppressed but you fuckers have no idea how bad it could truly be when the liberals want you gone. we know the truth and do not fear it we just accept the way it is and fight back in our own way but we don’t expect to crush the liberal establishment when most “Christian’s” in the west are like warm white people who liberals with only the blacks and Latinos being Christian here

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. (‭‭‭John‬ ‭15‬‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬)
Stop playing the victim card :lul::lul:

You literally said that if you guys said something against the LGBT your shops and shit are getting canceled, that sounds cucked as fuck. You're almost saying that the LGBTfags own your religion.

We literally don't care about what kaffirs say. You can kill us, burn our homes, kill our familie, we don't care.

We're not changing our true beliefs for some kaffirs.
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Stop playing the victim card :lul::lul:

You literally said that if you guys said something against the LGBT your shops and shit are getting canceled, that sounds cucked as fuck. You're almost saying that the LGBTfags own your religion.

We literally don't care about what kaffirs say. You can kill us, burn our homes, kill our familie, we don't care.

We're not changing our true beliefs for some kaffirs.
They don’t own shit it’s jsut that we have many illegitimate sects in Christianity many sects that practice heresies like modulism and many don’t even belive in the trinity and test Jesus like a prophet like you Muslims.

How can you expect me to cry when heretics who are false in their faith to god give into the world when they are of the world already? Once again they are REBUKED in the name of Christ but as I said UNLIKE YOU MUSLIMS we don’t have the benifit of fighting back as hard as you lot who can blow up yourself whenever you want and receive at most social backlash.

Meanwhile us Christian’s protesting get NOT just social backlash but economical backlash and establishment trying to destroy us. It’s not a victim complex if it’s true. Would you tell a black during segregation that he’d jsut got an victim complex despite all evidence pointing to it
They don’t own shit it’s jsut that we have many illegitimate sects in Christianity many sects that practice heresies like modulism and many don’t even belive in the trinity and test Jesus like a prophet like you Muslims.

How can you expect me to cry when heretics who are false in their faith to god give into the world when they are of the world already? Once again they are REBUKED in the name of Christ but as I said UNLIKE YOU MUSLIMS we don’t have the benifit of fighting back as hard as you lot who can blow up yourself whenever you want and receive at most social backlash.

Meanwhile us Christian’s protesting get just social backlash but economical backlash and establishment trying to destroy us.
But you can burn black people like the KKK who are christians???
But you can burn black people like the KKK who are christians???
What are you on abt @Eternal_ look @ this nigga man what’s he on, mans talking about BBQing blacks
What are you on abt @Eternal_ look @ this nigga man what’s he on

The KKK aren't christians, the same way how ISIS aren't muslims. They kill muslims, and we know that it's a major sin that gives you the death penalty in Islam. (Taking a life with no reason)

Also, big mistake tagging that guy
Screenshot 20240428 165429 Samsung Internet

Even @i_love_roosters (an actual christian) says that retard @Eternal_ Isn't a christian
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The KKK aren't christians, the same way how ISIS aren't muslims. They kill muslims, and we know that it's a major sin that gives you the death penalty in Islam. (Taking a life with no reason)

Also, big mistake tagging that guy
View attachment 2885706

Even @i_love_roosters (an actual christian) says that retard @Eternal_ Isn't a christian
@PrinceLuenLeoncur so stop calling ISIS muslims. They aren't.

Same as how the KKK claims to be christians while committing major sins.
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The KKK aren't christians, the same way how ISIS aren't muslims. They kill muslims, and we know that it's a major sin that gives you the death penalty in Islam. (Taking a life with no reason)

Also, big mistake tagging that guy
View attachment 2885706

Even @i_love_roosters (an actual christian) says that retard @Eternal_ Isn't a christian
Likes faggots but seethes at random nations (some even Christian)
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Likes faggots but seethes at random nations (some even Christian)
I'm literally cutting off my left testicle and donating it if he wasn't a shitskinned hindu pajeet behind the screen
That’s a Fake church they are Heretics and are rebuked by any credible churche. Fuck the Church of England, and Catholicism it’s a heathen church without the mandate of god. Never use these heathens as examples of Christianity
This is true, the protestant church I went to casually talked about how lgbt are 'faggots and are sinners'
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tries to explain to him that God is a man, the mystery of the Trinity, jfl

The KKK aren't christians, the same way how ISIS aren't muslims. They kill muslims, and we know that it's a major sin that gives you the death penalty in Islam. (Taking a life with no reason)

Also, big mistake tagging that guy
View attachment 2885706

Even @i_love_roosters (an actual christian) says that retard @Eternal_ Isn't a christian
@Eternal_ @i_love_roosters is this true… I mean homosexuality is a sin but we must love the man not the sin. Gays are to be rehabilitated to remove the curse of Jezebel that way they can think clearly

No Isis are Muslims your fucking religious book calls the the subjugation and death for infidels and non believers don’t give me that grox shit. The Jihadisrs are unironically following Islam more fervently than liberal Muslims who pick and choose what they wanna listen 2

In Christianity New Testament which is what we follow nothing justifies the wickedness that Europeans participated in. The bible even rebukes slavery. Essentially the evils done by Muslims are backed up BY YOUR BOOK and/OR HADITHS. The evil done by Christian’s are NOT BACKED UP by our book. Do you see the difference so miss me with that bullshit. Isis kill Muslims because to them you guys ARENT real Muslims which is allowed in Islam as your heretics in their eyes and won’t pay Jizya

“18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, (‭‭‭Luke‬ ‭4‬‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬)”
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This is true, the protestant church I went to casually talked about how lgbt are 'faggots and are sinners'
They are correct. Lgbr are Faghots and sinners. But we are all sinners that’s why I said to love the faggot but hate the faggotry. We wanna save the faggot from being a faggor
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@Eternal_ @i_love_roosters is this true…

No Isis are Muslims your fucking religious book calls the the subjugation and death for infidels and non believers don’t give me that grox shit. The Jihadisrs are unironically following Islam more fervently than liberal Muslims who pick and choose what they wanna listen 2

In Christianity New Testament which is what we follow nothing justifies the wickedness that Europeans participated in. The bible even rebukes slavery. Essentially the evils done by Muslims are backed up BY YOUR BOOK and/OR HADITHS. The evil done by Christian’s are NOT BACKED UP by our book. Do you see the difference so miss me with that bullshit. Isis kill Muslims because to them you guys ARENT real Muslims which is allowed in Islam as your heretics in their eyes and won’t pay Jizya

“18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, (‭‭‭Luke‬ ‭4‬‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬)”
It's true, isis is islam. Muzzy niggas should stop coping
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Atheism and agnosticism mog
It's true, isis is islam. Muzzy niggas should stop coping
Then why are they killing muslims?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

By that logic then the KKK are christians despite them killing black people and being racist
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@Eternal_ @i_love_roosters is this true… I mean homosexuality is a sin but we must love the man not the sin. Gays are to be rehabilitated to remove the curse of Jezebel that way they can think clearly

No Isis are Muslims your fucking religious book calls the the subjugation and death for infidels and non believers don’t give me that grox shit. The Jihadisrs are unironically following Islam more fervently than liberal Muslims who pick and choose what they wanna listen 2

In Christianity New Testament which is what we follow nothing justifies the wickedness that Europeans participated in. The bible even rebukes slavery. Essentially the evils done by Muslims are backed up BY YOUR BOOK and/OR HADITHS. The evil done by Christian’s are NOT BACKED UP by our book. Do you see the difference so miss me with that bullshit. Isis kill Muslims because to them you guys ARENT real Muslims which is allowed in Islam as your heretics in their eyes and won’t pay Jizya

“18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, (‭‭‭Luke‬ ‭4‬‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬)”
Educate yourself.
Then why are they killing muslims?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

By that logic then the KKK are christians despite them killing black people and being racist
Keep seething for ISIS and KKK moggers. They fuck your onetis with their hateful cum every night
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Then why are they killing muslims?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

By that logic then the KKK are christians despite them killing black people and being racist
They kill Muslims because they are lukewarm and fake.

Kkk beliefs are nowhere in the Bible, one of the first converts to Christianity was an Ethiopian man
@PrinceLuenLeoncur you're just another hypocrite.

Defending those in your religion who sin, instead of trying to fix the problem.
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They kill Muslims because they are lukewarm and fake.

Kkk beliefs are nowhere in the Bible, one of the first converts to Christianity was an Ethiopian man
Nigga how the fuck have you concluded that they were fake?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

They kill sunnis, shias, EVERYONE.

Tell me why arab muslim countries are clashing with ISIS while cuckmerica watches?
  • JFL
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Nigga how the fuck have you concluded that they were fake?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

They kill sunnis, shias, EVERYONE.

Tell me why arab muslim countries are clashing with ISIS while cuckmerica watches?
Makes sense cuckmerica would watch. Ofc they'd sit in the cuck chair while everyone has fun.
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Nigga how the fuck have you concluded that they were fake?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

They kill sunnis, shias, EVERYONE.

Tell me why arab muslim countries are clashing with ISIS while cuckmerica watches?
Same reason why you see gay "Christian churches". They subvert the original idea to match their lifestyle, thus they become lukewarm. Og islam is all about violence.
  • JFL
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Same reason why you see gay "Christian churches". They subvert the original idea to match their lifestyle, thus they become lukewarm. Og islam is all about violence.
I wonder why hamas isn't destroying churches while israel does the opposite :feelswat:

Or is it because they're muslims and the jews are white..? :feelsohgod:
  • JFL
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Makes sense cuckmerica would watch. Ofc they'd sit in the cuck chair while everyone has fun.
JFL at how they "declared war on terrorism" while they're probably funding ISIS in secret
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I wonder why hamas isn't destroying churches while israel does the opposite :feelswat:

Or is it because they're muslims and the jews are white..? :feelsohgod:
Both worship the same god and are anti-Christian. One of them just wants to present themselves as victims on tv
"there is not a single verse in the Quran that calls for an unmitigated, unqualified, or unreserved obligation to fight the unbelievers."

@i_love_roosters @PrinceLuenLeoncur educate yourselves instead of being like sheep
Both worship the same god and are anti-Christian. One of them just wants to present themselves as victims on tv
The jews don't worship allah tf are you on?

And we aren't anti-christian JFL.
"there is not a single verse in the Quran that calls for an unmitigated, unqualified, or unreserved obligation to fight the unbelievers."

@i_love_roosters @PrinceLuenLeoncur educate yourselves instead of being like sheep
Dude don’t try to debate me on this YOU WILL LOSE
Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …"

Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)."

Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"

Pay up your Jiziya Kuffair then you may live in our segregated apartheid society as a Dhimmi
The jizyah is described in the Qurʾān as a tax that is imposed on a certain erring faction from among the People of the Book (Ahl al-Kitāb; non-Muslim groups such as Christians and Jews recognized in the Qurʾān as possessing a divine scripture) who violate their own religious and ethical principles (9:29)
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The jews don't worship allah tf are you on?

And we aren't anti-christian JFL.
You both worship...

Devil by kolokas dec4x5s 375w

"there is not a single verse in the Quran that calls for an unmitigated, unqualified, or unreserved obligation to fight the unbelievers."

@i_love_roosters @PrinceLuenLeoncur educate yourselves instead of being like sheep
Jfl at showing Wikipedia when it's unreliable and everyone can edit it

Dude don’t try to debate me on this YOU WILL LOSE
Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …"

Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)."

Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"
The context of that surah is war you fucking christian retard :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Holy fucking shit look at this @Narcissus🥀
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And JFL at christians realizing that their book has been edited for 1000s of times over the years.
It's has not, it's the opposite actually and Yasir Qhadi, one of the best muzzy scholars, admitted it

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The context of that surah is war you fucking christian retard :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Holy fucking shit look at this @Narcissus🥀
Hmmm 🤔 yes so after war we must pay jizyaa tax yep completely fair so you get your cum in my Christian women but I can’t fuck a big assed hijabi. Hmm you guys get to promote your religion but we must keep ours hidden and to churches and synagogues. Yep very fair seems fair.

@i_love_roosters did you know under their law a Christian’s life is worth less than theirs. If a Muslim killed you they’d pay LESS compensation payment to your family than if they killed a Muslim because you’re not Muslim. And they try and justify this shit

They cannot because they lose. Then they have the nerve to use idiots like the KKK as examples of Christian brutality when NOTHING IN OUR BOOKS condone it
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It's has not, it's the opposite actually and Yasir Qhadi, one of the best muzzy scholars, admitted it

3rd caliph Ufman gathered all 33 Quran’s and got Zayd bin something best renown Islamic scholar in the caliphs opinion to decide which Quran is correct and to burn all other qurans.

Meanwhile our bible has reminded the same since inception with any changes being simple translation changes but THE CONTEXT remaining the same for example
IMG 8403

Notice how they all say basically the same thing @Autismcel

Listen dude I’m not attacking your religion (it does that on its own enough without me needing 2 JFL) but do not compare your Wahhabist brothers who interpret the hadiths different to yourself as the same as sinners going against my bible like the KKK together they ARE NOT THE SAME
Hmmm 🤔 yes so after war we must pay jizyaa tax yep completely fair so you get your cum in my Christian women but I can’t fuck a big assed hijabi. Hmm you guys get to promote your religion but we must keep ours hidden and to churches and synagogues. Yep very fair seems fair.

@i_love_roosters did you know under their law a Christian’s life is worth less than theirs. If a Muslim killed you they’d pay LESS compensation payment to your family than if they killed a Muslim because you’re not Muslim. And they try and justify this shit

They cannot because they lose. Then they have the nerve to use idiots like the KKK as examples of Christian brutality when NOTHING IN OUR BOOKS condone it
Same as how nothing in our books condones killiing the non believers. Stop talking from your asshole

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