Just tested my testosterone and estradiol levels... How the fuck do I get my shit fixed



Aug 10, 2023
16,62 nmol/l testosteron (479ng/dL)
0,13 nmol/l estradiol (35pg/mL)

What the fuck can I do besides injecting (and saying goodbye to my balls) and ropemaxxing.... Let alone when I was in my puberty and my lifestyle was 10x as bad. No wonder everyone says I look feminine bruh.
cut out endorcrine disruptors (estrogenic chemicals in plastics and hygiene products), gym, vit D(3) and omega 3 (enough macro and micro nutrients in general, especially protein) and competition.
Might have missed some things but these will make the largest difference I think.
Only thing I would add is getting 8-10 hours of high quality sleep.
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It is very relevant
I dont actually have ED btw, but the GPs here are difficult when you ask them for tests so I had to give a valid reason. Ended up saying I have erectile dysfunction and that I wanted to get my shit tested, she said ok we'll do test & estradiol, I asked whether I could get SHBG, LH & FSH tested too and she said that it's not relevant for my issues if the testosteron and estradiol end up fine.

Skip forward, I got my immensely disappointing results (assumed 700-800ng would be average) and she told me that it's healthy and there's not any more researching needed..
Only thing I would add is getting 8-10 hours of high quality sleep.
Tbh I literally don't have the time for this. When I do I always make sure to get 8-10, but 5 days out of the week I'm just too busy wage slaving + university + interning + programming side projects... I do take melatonin.

Any other advice to maybe still end up not making too much losses from sleep? I make sure to have everything dark & take 4mg of melatonin every day, not sure how else I can assure high quality sleep
Aromatase inhibitors solves all your problems.
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Can u try aajonus vonderplanitz diet or atleast what im gonna tell because i have too much testosterone if i eat specific food and combinations it would make your too horny i had zero testosterone felt weak so i know how it feel to have high without even testing symptoms high energy,wanting to fight or high vibe like wanting listen metal clear vision strong muscles i had all this thejn i was eating surplus specific food now lost weight low amount of food and all testosterone gone
16,62 nmol/l testosteron (479ng/dL)
0,13 nmol/l estradiol (35pg/mL)

What the fuck can I do besides injecting (and saying goodbye to my balls) and ropemaxxing.... Let alone when I was in my puberty and my lifestyle was 10x as bad. No wonder everyone says I look feminine bruh.
Aromatase inhibitors solves all your problems.
I purchased 100 tabs of aromasin yesterday, will probably arrive in like 2 weeks. Any advice on how to avoid the side effects? I read take vit D + calcium to minimize loss of bone mineralisation. Anything else?
Can u try aajonus vonderplanitz diet or atleast what im gonna tell because i have too much testosterone if i eat specific food and combinations it would make your too horny i had zero testosterone felt weak so i know how it feel to have high without even testing symptoms high energy,wanting to fight or high vibe like wanting listen metal clear vision strong muscles i had all this thejn i was eating surplus specific food now lost weight low amount of food and all testosterone gone
sounds based... send me the URL brotha.
I purchased 100 tabs of aromasin yesterday, will probably arrive in like 2 weeks. Any advice on how to avoid the side effects? I read take vit D + calcium to minimize loss of bone mineralisation. Anything else?
No side effects imo I just stop taking it for a few days when i feel bad
Also yes perma run d3 u should be taking it no matter what
Tbh I literally don't have the time for this. When I do I always make sure to get 8-10, but 5 days out of the week I'm just too busy wage slaving + university + interning + programming side projects... I do take melatonin.

Any other advice to maybe still end up not making too much losses from sleep? I make sure to have everything dark & take 4mg of melatonin every day, not sure how else I can assure high quality sleep
I take collagen peptides before bed, which have glycine in them. Very helpful for sleep. Make sure your room is cool, I sleep with a fan pointed at my bed. You can also use mouth tape and nasal strips to breathe well during sleep. But you should really find a way to get 8 hours of sleep every night
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Link? Couldn't find anything about it

GP rejected me when I asked about SHBG, she said it's not relevant if I have ED.. I've just bought some aromasin so I'm planning to hop on that once it's in, thoughts?
YT mark iron method. Bro turns 40y+ to 800 test
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I take collagen peptides before bed, which have glycine in them. Very helpful for sleep. Make sure your room is cool, I sleep with a fan pointed at my bed. You can also use mouth tape and nasal strips to breathe well during sleep. But you should really find a way to get 8 hours of sleep every night
Alright thanks

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