Muh muh france is beneficial to africa

Manu le coq

Manu le coq

Nov 20, 2021
Niger is the biggest source of uranium in the world. And france is a nuclear power. Yet niger is top 10 pourrdt country in the world how strange?

>Nigger yu stupid black nigger, it iz bicoz you blak baboun can't deal with zez ressources, you 2 stupid to use it correctly. U should br thankfull we help you. You are a burdencto us, u would waste it all.

Niger after a coup d'etat decide to kick out france of its country entirely, get rid of the military bases, french companies, french mining companies, politicians banks, and will officially change its money from a french controlled "franc cfa" to a local one.
But strangely, France this savior all good country. instead of being happy for them want to wage war? And cease all aids to the? How strange?

> AJAH U stupid nigger, believing soviet lies, u stupid nigg nigg basstard niger is nothingue wizout France, let them 6 months and they will come bak beggin. For uss. Less burden for the french republic. Aha

6 months later, Niger is reported as the fastest growing state of the world, before, China, India and all the brics, economy have never looked that good, they are getting excellent prices for their ressources by plenty of countries. Even tho they aRe in state of war, and have to fight the talibans (i suppose france is funding) without any french aids.
And france is currently struggling with their energy production

>Bu buh buh buh, my friendzs onnlaine on twitter and 4chan sed it to me, buh buh nigers are dumb and we help them stop lying.:(

Why are you like this ?
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Sub Saharan Africa will never be a world leader in anything. They simply lack the intelligence to make something out of their countries
  • Hmm...
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Sub Saharan Africa will never a world leader in anything. They simply lack the intelligence to make something out of their countries
Have you read my thread, retard?
As soon as niger got rid of france they litterally became the world fastest growing economy.
You chud poster are so retardee you can't even read before posting.
Go kill yourself you son of rape'
  • +1
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Have you read my thread, retard?
As soon as niger got rid of france they litterally became the world fastest growing economy.
You chud poster are so retardee you can't even read before posting.
Go kill yourself you son of rape'
I read it.

Africa always was thousands of years behind in terms of economy and technology compared to other continents, why should it suddenly be different ?
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I read it.

Africa always was thousands of years behind in terms of economy and technology compared to other continents, why should it suddenly be different ?
Europenhas always been behind asia and middle east in advancement for most of history, they just catched up in the mid 1000. Thanks to colonisation.

Beside this is not the question, i'm talking to you about geopolitic, you change subject to history. With something that has nothing to do with my point.
I told you that france is a negative influence for africa, and showed you that as doon as they got kicked out the country thrived. And you're unable to prove me wrong.
Try to cope with another subject lmao
What is blud yapping about?? 💀
I think it's more of the instability within Nkger and other African nations.
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Meanwhile in Africa:

Never listen to stormfront fascists on anything.

Communism and national liberation was always the solution.

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