my INSANE bimax result

Was it put on your zygos or a different part of the malar area?

Do you think it is better than a custom zygo implant / more cost effective?
zygos. It boosted everything up to 35 but incl Genio etc. I think it s a good price. Also feels better cuz organic material that regrows with bone.
zygos. It boosted everything up to 35 but incl Genio etc. I think it s a good price. Also feels better cuz organic material that regrows with bone.
Also how was your infras before and after?
I have already recessed infraorbital rims and I worry their appearance will become yet more noticeable if I get bimax since as I understand it can leave the upper maxilla looking more deficient. So I am keen to treat this area at the same time as my trimax, perhaps with custom inframalar implants but idk if there any other good solutions.
  • +1
Reactions: anticel
God damn i love having a good forward growth
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: sipomado, Aero and temporomandibular32
Yea something doesnt look right. But we will see
Yeah I thought he looked dogmaxxed too, also it doesn’t help that he doesn’t seem to have a visible ramus.

people get dog maxxed if they don't get enough rotation.

If anything less lower third height would make you look dogmaxxed lol.
zygos. It boosted everything up to 35 but incl Genio etc. I think it s a good price. Also feels better cuz organic material that regrows with bone.
Did you calculate how your other ratios get affected by wider zygos especially your es ratio? You slapped on alot of zygos dude.
  • +1
Reactions: temporomandibular32 and Deleted member 20064
Yeah I thought he looked dogmaxxed too, also it doesn’t help that he doesn’t seem to have a visible ramus.


If anything less lower third height would make you look dogmaxxed lol.
Yeah I thought he looked dogmaxxed too, also it doesn’t help that he doesn’t seem to have a visible ramus.


If anything less lower third height would make you look dogmaxxed lol.
And if he added too much zygos it may cancel out the bimax mandible height and give him SFS again JFL
  • +1
Reactions: temporomandibular32
nah fr though this would be more interesting if we can see the before and after WITH FRONT PICS ...Otherwise it just looks like a
"story telling" format wich isn't very interesting
Often these types of surgeries for a better side profile affect the front's harmony so I am also curious.
  • +1
Reactions: justleavemealone
Also how was your infras before and after?
I have already recessed infraorbital rims and I worry their appearance will become yet more noticeable if I get bimax since as I understand it can leave the upper maxilla looking more deficient. So I am keen to treat this area at the same time as my trimax, perhaps with custom inframalar implants but idk if there any other good solutions.
good idea. my infras arent the best. zygos was actually good but bimax always fucks zygos. I do not want to plan ahead before seeing final result
13° Rotation, nearly 30mm advancement of the Mandible (Bimax+Genio). Some minor mid face enhancements were also done. Paid 35k.


Pre-Surgical simulation which mirrors my result 1:1:


I was the perfect candidate for this surgery since I am just downgrown but otherwise have good proportions. In his youth my dad looked like a model and now I look really close to him.
Will post final result and more pictures after the recovery and with the swelling gone, make sure to follow on Instagram to be updated:

The surgeon, or maestro I should say, who has provided me with this insane result is relatively unknown. His name is Dr. Safi, he practices in Bern and operates in Zürich. His prices start at around 25k.
He is already experienced as he was the senior surgeon at Sailerklinik for a few years now; he opened his own office very recently.
I basically got Sailer movement for 1/3 of the price; and Sailer doesn't even operate himself anymore; people who went to Sailer in the last few years got operated by the same guy but paid much more. :lul:😅
I am sure that in a few years his prices will spiral upwards as Dr. Safi is able to provide these insane results with big movements on a regular basis. For this reason I would personally already put him up there with the other top surgeons such as Raffani. I was debating between Safi and Raffaini but ultimately the time and care that was put into the (pricey) consult convinced me of Safi even though I had not seen a single result of his at that time. He was able to meet most of my personal wishes and together we composed the perfect plan for the surgery.
Another thing I have to add is that this was a minimally invasive procedure. 5 days post-surgery and I am already walking through Bern with some minor swelling. Yes, I still have trouble talking and am drooling but thanks to painkillers it is basically painless and people don't even realize I had surgery if they don't look twice.

One thing I have to add, is that another reason for this great result is the research and knowledge I accumulated. Since I joined here I spent 100s of hours doing research and learning how to actually effectively turn your life around. At the start things seem very confusing and it is almost impossible to get a full grasp of things, especially with all the bad information out there. Day after day I see wrong and potentially dangerous advise being given.
This is the reason why to this day so many people still get botched. Even many surgeons do not know what kind of movement is needed or do not have the aesthetic eye. They are still able to provide relatively good results from time to time but going into a surgery without ever personally hearing all the options out there might be a huge mistake - unless you go with a god like Sailer, Raffini, Safi, etc. But even then, to get the best result possible having a good plan is still necessary.

For this reason I plan to offer professional consults which contain all of the information you need or could ask for. It will provide looksmaxxers with a detailed analysis and an in depth discussion about all options available. Prices for this will start at 50€. In the last few weeks I have already tested myself on a few users via dms and it showed me that I can be of great help. I am yet to set up a website for this where I will list all services provided. I have spoken and done research on most of the top surgeons so I know what is possible and what isn't.

If you are interested dm me here or on my Instagram and make sure to leave a follow to stay updated:
  • +1
Reactions: anticel
For this reason I plan to offer professional consults which contain all of the information you need or could ask for. It will provide looksmaxxers with a detailed analysis and an in depth discussion about all options available. Prices for this will start at 50€. In the last few weeks I have already tested myself on a few users via dms and it showed me that I can be of great help. I am yet to set up a website for this where I will list all services provided. I have spoken and done research on most of the top surgeons so I know what is possible and what isn't.

If you are interested dm me here or on my Instagram and make sure to leave a follow to stay updated:
What a jew!
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22627, AsGoodAsItGets and anticel
Also tbf these surgical bed photos never tell you anything, cos it could just be that your head is tilted up in the after compared to before, which it appears to be. Also the morph looks like an underbite
  • +1
Reactions: m0ss26, basedblackpiller, toolateforme and 2 others
Also tbf these surgical bed photos never tell you anything, cos it could just be that your head is tilted up in the after compared to before, which it appears to be. Also the morph looks like an underbite
nah I had a good bite which is quite funny and rare. just insanely downgrown.
nah I had a good bite which is quite funny and rare. just insanely downgrown.
Nah I mean the simulation goes too far and looks like an underbite and too protruded chin, and u said it's the same movement as the surgery. But on the photo it doesn't look like this tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 24789
13° Rotation, nearly 30mm advancement of the Mandible (Bimax+Genio). Some minor mid face enhancements were also done. Paid 35k.


Pre-Surgical simulation which mirrors my result 1:1:


I was the perfect candidate for this surgery since I am just downgrown but otherwise have good proportions. In his youth my dad looked like a model and now I look really close to him.
Will post final result and more pictures after the recovery and with the swelling gone, make sure to follow on Instagram to be updated:

The surgeon, or maestro I should say, who has provided me with this insane result is relatively unknown. His name is Dr. Safi, he practices in Bern and operates in Zürich. His prices start at around 25k.
He is already experienced as he was the senior surgeon at Sailerklinik for a few years now; he opened his own office very recently.
I basically got Sailer movement for 1/3 of the price; and Sailer doesn't even operate himself anymore; people who went to Sailer in the last few years got operated by the same guy but paid much more. :lul:😅
I am sure that in a few years his prices will spiral upwards as Dr. Safi is able to provide these insane results with big movements on a regular basis. For this reason I would personally already put him up there with the other top surgeons such as Raffani. I was debating between Safi and Raffaini but ultimately the time and care that was put into the (pricey) consult convinced me of Safi even though I had not seen a single result of his at that time. He was able to meet most of my personal wishes and together we composed the perfect plan for the surgery.
Another thing I have to add is that this was a minimally invasive procedure. 5 days post-surgery and I am already walking through Bern with some minor swelling. Yes, I still have trouble talking and am drooling but thanks to painkillers it is basically painless and people don't even realize I had surgery if they don't look twice.

One thing I have to add, is that another reason for this great result is the research and knowledge I accumulated. Since I joined here I spent 100s of hours doing research and learning how to actually effectively turn your life around. At the start things seem very confusing and it is almost impossible to get a full grasp of things, especially with all the bad information out there. Day after day I see wrong and potentially dangerous advise being given.
This is the reason why to this day so many people still get botched. Even many surgeons do not know what kind of movement is needed or do not have the aesthetic eye. They are still able to provide relatively good results from time to time but going into a surgery without ever personally hearing all the options out there might be a huge mistake - unless you go with a god like Sailer, Raffini, Safi, etc. But even then, to get the best result possible having a good plan is still necessary.

For this reason I plan to offer professional consults which contain all of the information you need or could ask for. It will provide looksmaxxers with a detailed analysis and an in depth discussion about all options available. Prices for this will start at 50€. In the last few weeks I have already tested myself on a few users via dms and it showed me that I can be of great help. I am yet to set up a website for this where I will list all services provided. I have spoken and done research on most of the top surgeons so I know what is possible and what isn't.

If you are interested dm me here or on my Instagram and make sure to leave a follow to stay updated:
"For this reason I plan to offer professional consults which contain all of the information you need or could ask for. It will provide looksmaxxers with a detailed analysis and an in depth discussion about all options available. Prices for this will start at 50€. In the last few weeks I have already tested myself on a few users via dms and it showed me that I can be of great help. I am yet to set up a website for this where I will list all services provided. I have spoken and done research on most of the top surgeons so I know what is possible and what isn't."

Dont even posted ur entirely face so one can judge results and still want to charge to information you had access for free, fuck u kys
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceofDarkness
Nah I mean the simulation goes too far and looks like an underbite and too protruded chin, and u said it's the same movement as the surgery. But on the photo it doesn't look like this tbh

my bad. I should have mentioned that the simulation literally puts your whole skull in 3D and lets you move everything at will. The simulation after is just to visualize what happens in the planning. Maybe it looks like that because of the Genio. (I believe in the picture its 11° only).
  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets and optimisticzoomer
View attachment 2311864
my bad. I should have mentioned that the simulation literally puts your whole skull in 3D and lets you move everything at will. The simulation after is just to visualize what happens in the planning. Maybe it looks like that because of the Genio. (I believe in the picture its 11° only).
Ok, looks good if that's the movement
  • +1
Reactions: anticel
Dont even posted ur entirely face so one can judge results and still want to charge to information you had access for free, fuck u kys
Because I do not want to leak my entire existence - I will post better results as soon as the swelling is gone.
I have helped countless of people on this forum for free. I have better things to do than to rot on this forum so it's necessary to charge something. I am studying and need to pay for my things. If people do not want to pay for quality consults that is their choice and then I will have to spend my time somehow else to make money. Not like I m getting rich from this or forcing anyone. I believe it is an extremely fair price for the input I can provide.
  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets and Deleted member 8758
if I had a penny for everyone who says it here (or other variations with the model mother) I'd be a millionaire in a year

yeah bro thats why u ended up here and even from the bimax side i can tell that its not true
Its true, my mother says I look like Brad Pitt.

No mother would tell their sons they look like him, r-right?
going to wait for post recovery pics…
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 29581 and anticel
Very good results, the fact this guy was the senior at Sailer and now opened his own place but with "low rep" to the public is like a 1 in a million possibility to ascend insanely well at a decent price.
besides the fact that he is very blackpilled
  • +1
Reactions: HarrierDuBois
Looks like from Sailer himself, perfect result. Dr Safi seems to be very skilled. Do you plan any other operations with him?
  • +1
Reactions: malicieusss and anticel
Congrats bro! 💎
besides the fact that he is very blackpilled
How did the rest of your face change in the front?
Did the lips, nose, lower lid tightness, nasolabial folds improve?
  • +1
Reactions: anticel and Deleted member 24789
Also tbf these surgical bed photos never tell you anything, cos it could just be that your head is tilted up in the after compared to before, which it appears to be. Also the morph looks like an underbite
Screenshot 20230711 134243 Samsung Internet
Screenshot 20230711 134421 Samsung Internet

Look bro, there's a big difference between the morph and the reality of your pic.

the only really successful ope for me is your genio
Its noticeable from the front. You look like a funky dog. Im pretty confident OP fucked up or hes gonna have to somehow move his upper third forward. Even with his eyes blurred out you can tell its abnormal jfl

  • JFL
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: SonOfDarkseid, Pumanator, poopoohead and 1 other person
13° Rotation, nearly 30mm advancement of the Mandible (Bimax+Genio). Some minor mid face enhancements were also done. Paid 35k.


Pre-Surgical simulation which mirrors my result 1:1:


I was the perfect candidate for this surgery since I am just downgrown but otherwise have good proportions. In his youth my dad looked like a model and now I look really close to him.
Will post final result and more pictures after the recovery and with the swelling gone, make sure to follow on Instagram to be updated:

The surgeon, or maestro I should say, who has provided me with this insane result is relatively unknown. His name is Dr. Safi, he practices in Bern and operates in Zürich. His prices start at around 25k.
He is already experienced as he was the senior surgeon at Sailerklinik for a few years now; he opened his own office very recently.
I basically got Sailer movement for 1/3 of the price; and Sailer doesn't even operate himself anymore; people who went to Sailer in the last few years got operated by the same guy but paid much more. :lul:😅
I am sure that in a few years his prices will spiral upwards as Dr. Safi is able to provide these insane results with big movements on a regular basis. For this reason I would personally already put him up there with the other top surgeons such as Raffani. I was debating between Safi and Raffaini but ultimately the time and care that was put into the (pricey) consult convinced me of Safi even though I had not seen a single result of his at that time. He was able to meet most of my personal wishes and together we composed the perfect plan for the surgery.
Another thing I have to add is that this was a minimally invasive procedure. 5 days post-surgery and I am already walking through Bern with some minor swelling. Yes, I still have trouble talking and am drooling but thanks to painkillers it is basically painless and people don't even realize I had surgery if they don't look twice.

One thing I have to add, is that another reason for this great result is the research and knowledge I accumulated. Since I joined here I spent 100s of hours doing research and learning how to actually effectively turn your life around. At the start things seem very confusing and it is almost impossible to get a full grasp of things, especially with all the bad information out there. Day after day I see wrong and potentially dangerous advise being given.
This is the reason why to this day so many people still get botched. Even many surgeons do not know what kind of movement is needed or do not have the aesthetic eye. They are still able to provide relatively good results from time to time but going into a surgery without ever personally hearing all the options out there might be a huge mistake - unless you go with a god like Sailer, Raffini, Safi, etc. But even then, to get the best result possible having a good plan is still necessary.

For this reason I plan to offer professional consults which contain all of the information you need or could ask for. It will provide looksmaxxers with a detailed analysis and an in depth discussion about all options available. Prices for this will start at 50€. In the last few weeks I have already tested myself on a few users via dms and it showed me that I can be of great help. I am yet to set up a website for this where I will list all services provided. I have spoken and done research on most of the top surgeons so I know what is possible and what isn't.

If you are interested dm me here or on my Instagram and make sure to leave a follow to stay updated:
how long did you spend saving up for it and how did you get the money?
  • +1
Reactions: anticel

good to see some actual surgerymaxxing
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead and anticel
Just get surgery bro :soy: what's after surgery? Rope?
Ive seen people get fucked up so much. Idk why i post on it. Its just a constant cycle. Ops gonna need another bimax to correct this Lol
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: poopoohead, Anchor_Ship, VenatorLuparius and 1 other person
Ive seen people get fucked up so much. Idk why i post on it. Its just a constant cycle. Ops gonna need another bimax to correct this Lol
It will take multiple surgeries and years for me to increase 1 psl
to be able to get 30mm at pogonion mean u must have low set gonial

Nice result
  • +1
Reactions: anticel
Ive seen people get fucked up so much. Idk why i post on it. Its just a constant cycle. Ops gonna need another bimax to correct this Lol
How many you seen? I'll assume ppl pm you privately?
Ive seen people get fucked up so much. Idk why i post on it. Its just a constant cycle. Ops gonna need another bimax to correct this Lol
you fucking fucking idiot. you have been really embarrassing yourself here. i hope you are just shitposting or trolling. your posts are the lowest iq i have ever seen. I got 13° fucking rotation and you talk of dogmaxxing. dogmaxxing happens when there is bimaxillary advancement without the rotation. literally kys retard.

My Ramus got rotated slightly forward a la Coceancig and got made a bit wider. Also now my wisdom teeth have space to come out which means that I will potentially even get more forward growth because growing wisdom teeth simulate bone growth as well. This might be the highest iq thing about this surgery.

how long did you spend saving up for it and how did you get the money?
1 year. I had to pay around 20k rn and will have to pay 15k more. Saved up some money and asked friends. Went into this without parents knowing. Ofc they are hella mad rn but they cover the rest and when they see the result and see the life quality changes with improved airway they ll be more than happy.
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Aero, bugeye, extremchange628181 and 4 others
Look bro, there's a big difference between the morph and the reality of your pic.

the only really successful ope for me is your genio
Duuuuude, how hard are you coping. I got 13 degree rotation lmaooo. Show me one instance where someone got as much as me. You are a bit schizo friend but don't fear and look at the scans I posted above.
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  • +1
Reactions: Pumanator and Deleted member 24789
How did the rest of your face change in the front?
Did the lips, nose, lower lid tightness, nasolabial folds improve?
My front looked good pre surgery tbh. Sharp lines and everything. Mostly because of head posture tho. Profile and 2/3 view where problematic and looked uncanny. Harmony was off, all I needed was rotation.
Nasiolabal folds seem to be gone rn. Lips are actually the same as before, just some asymmetry that was there got fixed since slightly asymmetrical maxilla got fixed which caused it. Lower lid tightness improved. My nose looks completely different besides being untouched. It looked crooked and hooked but now fits my face perfectly and looks masc (besides tip being slightly too big).

Also my hyoid was in such a bad position. It s already up and my head posture also changed already.

Pic of me pre-bimax. I was clenching a bit there but on this pic it doesn't seem like I am a candidate for Bimax at all. Even when I told my friends they were confused ("bro what you already are good looking and get girls") but the fact is that my downgrowth destroyed some harmony which is mostly visible from the side.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Marelago, poopoohead and HarrierDuBois
I apologize beforehand for a lot of questions but most people nowadays on here are 1. Not getting surgeries and 2. Knows nothing. So I'm curious to just get some anecdotes from an actual well read blackpiller since I'm pursuing trimax.
My front looked good pre surgery tbh. Sharp lines and everything. Mostly because of head posture tho. Profile and 2/3 view where problematic and looked uncanny. Harmony was off, all I needed was rotation.
Alright I understand.
Nasiolabal folds seem to be gone rn.
Did you have them before or just slightly?
Are they 100% gone now?
Lips are actually the same as before, just some asymmetry that was there got fixed since slightly asymmetrical maxilla got fixed which caused it.
Interesting, in my personal case my lips are very unappealing due to them being forced into a froglike position mainly by 2 things.
Recessed chin, downgrown maxilla/gummy smile. Bascially this video along with a recessed chin is what makes my lips quite unattractive:

Interesting as well since my lips in pictured as a kid were ideally positioned, my lip seal was straight, and my lip ratio perfect.
Lower lid tightness improved.
Were they droopy before? How tight are they now? Mind sharing pictures in private messages? I will not spread any pictures further.

My nose looks completely different besides being untouched. It looked crooked and hooked but now fits my face perfectly and looks masc (besides tip being slightly too big).
Interesting as well, my nose is straight but I wonder if it will change shape from lefort 1 then as I need bsso + lefort 1 impaction with most likely CCW, and a genioplasty although would preferably desire a chin wing.

Also my hyoid was in such a bad position. It s already up and my head posture also changed already.
Did your hyoid from the side profile and overrall submental get straighter even when not having tongue on roof of mouth? I see people who talk and still have straight tight hyoid and submental which is a very attractive feature to have.

View attachment 2313037

Pic of me pre-bimax. I was clenching a bit there but on this pic it doesn't seem like I am a candidate for Bimax at all. Even when I told my friends they were confused ("bro what you already are good looking and get girls") but the fact is that my downgrowth destroyed some harmony which is mostly visible from the side.
Did you say it was for cosmetic reasons? Personally I will tell people who ask that it is for medial reasons. I don't know how old you are but for social aspects did you and if so how did you present and talk to your parents about getting bimax?
you fucking fucking idiot. you have been really embarrassing yourself here. i hope you are just shitposting or trolling. your posts are the lowest iq i have ever seen. I got 13° fucking rotation and you talk of dogmaxxing. dogmaxxing happens when there is bimaxillary advancement without the rotation. literally kys retard.
View attachment 2313007
My Ramus got rotated slightly forward a la Coceancig and got made a bit wider. Also now my wisdom teeth have space to come out which means that I will potentially even get more forward growth because growing wisdom teeth simulate bone growth as well. This might be the highest iq thing about this surgery.

1 year. I had to pay around 20k rn and will have to pay 15k more. Saved up some money and asked friends. Went into this without parents knowing. Ofc they are hella mad rn but they cover the rest and when they see the result and see the life quality changes with improved airway they ll be more than happy.
you got a financing option to pay 20k first and then 15k later? will the 15k be spread out
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead
you fucking fucking idiot. you have been really embarrassing yourself here. i hope you are just shitposting or trolling. your posts are the lowest iq i have ever seen. I got 13° fucking rotation and you talk of dogmaxxing. dogmaxxing happens when there is bimaxillary advancement without the rotation. literally kys retard.
View attachment 2313007
My Ramus got rotated slightly forward a la Coceancig and got made a bit wider. Also now my wisdom teeth have space to come out which means that I will potentially even get more forward growth because growing wisdom teeth simulate bone growth as well. This might be the highest iq thing about this surgery.

1 year. I had to pay around 20k rn and will have to pay 15k more. Saved up some money and asked friends. Went into this without parents knowing. Ofc they are hella mad rn but they cover the rest and when they see the result and see the life quality changes with improved airway they ll be more than happy.
Youre going to embarrass yourself when you show your face and you look terrible. You look like that botched dude wannabe chad posted and your killed your ratios w the zygo implants. Anyone with 2 eyes can see you look horrible. But feel free to post your face if im wrong. I dont need your scans.
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  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead
How many you seen? I'll assume ppl pm you privately?
Alot lmao
People just dm me on here or on disc and sometimes fb w their procedures in fear of trash talking on here
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead
Youre going to embarrass yourself when you show your face and you look terrible. You look like that botched dude wannabe chad posted and your killed your ratios w the zygo implants. Anyone with 2 eyes can see you look horrible. But feel free to post your face if im wrong. I dont need your scans.
Not talking about the zygo implant you can still agree the trimax itself was fantastic.
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead
Not talking about the zygo implant you can still agree the trimax itself was fantastic.
I need to actually see the soft tissues on his face to really make judgement because from what we have all seen he just looks weird and we're just assuming that it looks good.
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead and tinderhacker
I need to actually see the soft tissues on his face to really make judgement because from what we have all seen he just looks weird and we're just assuming that it looks good.
Considering Sailer it has to be good, but we must wait for swelling to go down first.
Looks really good tbh, thankyou for sharing its not like you had to.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 23391, Saturn and anticel
Considering Sailer it has to be good, but we must wait for swelling to go down first.
Then whats the point of this thread when we have no idea if it even went well. And his on table pics looks off somehow. When did op even have surgery. I really hate when people show scans and on table shit. It literally means nothing. We need to see how your soft tissues have been impacted which is what everyone actually sees. Im not putting names out there but im pessimistic because ive basically seen threads like these or early success parties before the storm hits tbh.
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  • +1
Reactions: Pumanator

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