NT-Pill DEBUNKED [Hard to Swallow Edition]

Then explain how do oofy doofies get GFs? And where are the giga chad harems and why are there so many normie couples I go out when people here are saying hypergamy is so high that 80% are incel? :feelsuhh:

Most of them are ugly and short, yet they are breeding while mentalcel 6'0 HTNs here rot. :feelsuhh:

NTpill gang, refute this coper! :feelsree:
@stevielake @Octillionaire @Nobagger @fjor2096 @Stopping@Nothing19

Just be 1 in decilion theory bs
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Bro is straight up posting incorrect advice
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  • Ugh..
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Wrong. There is a reason why there are so many spergs in PSL
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Wrong. There is a reason why there are so many spergs in PSL
American horror story murder house  1x10 Smoldering Childre

Dein Signatur gif ist die Krätze. Ich konnte mir nicht helfen und habe eine reinere Version auf der Basis der orginal Szene generiert.

Weiter im Kontext:

Es ist wahr und ein Fakt das sich auf diesen Foren deutlich mehr Autisten tummeln als in der regulären Bevölkerung.
In diesem Beitrag habe ich auch schon mehrfach mit Hilfe von Referenzmaterial aufgezeigt dass die negative Grundeinstellung von "NT" Personen gegenüber Autisten nicht auf dass Verhalten der Autisten, sondern auf deren Aussehen zurückzuführen ist.

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if the test was in German i would have gotten a perfect score
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Aber nachdem es keine Möglichkeit gibt die Quizfragen im Nachhinein anzusehen, habe ich die original Studie gefunden und die Antworten zu den jeweiligen Fragen per Hand ausgeschrieben. Dies war sehr notwendig denn das PDF das die Forscher zur Verfügung gestellt haben war kaum lesbar. Die Antworten standen nicht bei den Fragen, die Antworten waren nummeriert aber die Fragen nicht... - ganz abscheulich!

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Angesichts deiner Bewertung von 92.9% gehe Ich davon aus das es nicht mehr als zwei falsche Fragen gewesen sein können.

Danke für die Antwort auf meinen Beitrag, ich schätze es sehr!
00 featured marika katou pirate girl
i am weirded out by op he puts too much effort in his posts. adderall vibe
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i am weirded out by op he puts too much effort in his posts. adderall vibe
Ich nehme keine Rauschmittel! Du kannst mich gerne in einer Privatnachricht nach Haar-, Blut-, Speichel-, Samen oder Stuhlproben fragen und ich werde alles gewünschte kostenlos über die Post zukommen lassen!

Ich bin wahrscheinlich irgendwo auf dem autistischen Spektrum einzuordnen. Bemühungen zur Spezifizierung meiner genauen Position in diesem Spektrum sind im Gange. Diese Aussage beruhigt die meisten meiner Opfer.

Dennoch, vielen Dank für das Lesen meiner Beiträge und die netten Antworten!
Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Nacht und gute Träume!

Marika and Kanata
This should really be in BOTB
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Learned helplessness: The Post.

Case in point: Mr. Beast.

Screen Shot 2018 08 13 at 190039


Looks reflect life outcomes. Even before he was successful, he was in the top 4.2% of the male population. Looks equal wealth. If you are tall and you work any job, you will be promoted eventually. How many tall people do you see work in stores, stacking shelfs?
How many do you see at the car wash?

Mostly you wont see them at all because they are extremely rare in the first place.

A “genetically determined” single standard deviation in height of 6.3cm increases the odds of working in a skilled profession, and having a degree level education, by 12 and 25 times respectively, says the study. And it is associated with a £1,130 increase in annual household income.
12 AND 25 TIMES.

Being attractive tends to pay off. Studies suggest that good-looking people are more likely to get hired, promoted and elected to public office.
But new research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that attractive people may not always be better off.

Researchers from the London Business School conducted a study with over 750 participants who were each given a photo of an attractive person and a photo of a less attractive person and asked to theoretically “hire” one for a job. The study found that participants were less likely to choose attractive people for less desirable jobs.
The reason? Participants felt the good looking people were entitled to good jobs.

Mr.Beast completly relies on other people investing in his stuff, trusting him to make decisions etc...
Society is a particle system of sentient beings that react to other particles in the system (hobbesian model but stick with me). When they see someone like Mr.Beast, they automatically get the first impression that he has to be high status and a high earner. Since the same people also decide who gets hired, who gets loans etc... Mr.Beasts social standing will eventually equal out at the level where people want to see him at, based on their first impression.

Aka, Mr.Beast did not do shit. If he was average height, he would be grinding spreadsheets in an office right now, making 60k a year.
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I have autism too. Family. Uncle has 4 diagnosed kids.
Thank you for your reply, its one of the few constructive ones in this thread.

Regarding your first paragraph

1. Aspies are judged visually extremely quickly. Autism and ADHD and related disorders usually come alongside a huge list of co-morbid disorders which can be boiled down to being looks-impacting health issues, such as disturbed sleep patterns from hormonal issues, mineral deficiency, low muscle tone, respiratory issues, a huge amount of blind people also happen to have autism. It is a physical disease. You can not NT-Maxx yourself out of that, I am sorry.
People can spot an autistic person like you and me can spot a leper from a mile away, because it simply boils down to autistic people being unhealthy.


The bar on the far right. They showed NT people ONE FRAME of a video clip of an autistic person. Look at the red bar. That's how negatively they were rated based on one frame.

2. Regarding your second paragraph.
The study I cited even said that the entire field of reading body-language should be regarded as pseudoscience, and not just that the more unreliable aspects of body-language such as lie detection should be dropped.


Regarding what you say, "whether you want to or not you will read my body language" - that is completely visual. People form an impression of you in seconds and the ambiguity is huge. Chad farts = funny. You fart = disgusting.
Chad stands there not talking like a mute = mysterious
You stand there like a mute = creepy school shooter.

The ambivalence in these judgements has nothing to do with body language. The same body language can be interpreted differently.
Chad signal being uncomfortable in situation = he is asserting dominance and expressing discontent because hes confident and strong willed.
You do the same thing = you are an ungrateful cretin that doesn't know how good you have it and you should be thankful for what you have, you are prideful and entitled

Think about like animals. A big dog wags its tail. Intimidating. Could maybe move towards you because it shows interest.
A small dog does the same thing and its a joke, maybe even fun.
A cat purrs = cute.
A tiger purrs = intimidating.
Only difference is physical appearance.

Their body language is not the deciding factor.
Looks is the filter through which all perceptions must travel to receive their seasoning of bias.

3. Regarding your third paragraph:
I am sure because it makes no sense to loose social skills. If anything, human being become more experienced as they age and learn and refine their skillsets. Within the NT-Pill framework, this implies that old people should be better at socializing. Somehow this doesn't work though. The entire idea of forgetting how to socialize implies social isolation beforehand. First you get isolated, then your social skills decline. How would your social skills decline if you are constantly socializing? As the adage goes, "iron sharpens iron." But to get socially isolated first, something has to happen. Either the person self-isolates for no reason, which would be strange, or they are driven into isolation by another factor. It is simply no longer appropriate for a person of a certain age to hang out with younger people. Why? If the person was 200 years old but looked 24, it would be ok, right?
The only explanation is that old people are less desired by others because they no longer have the looks. Therefore they get pushed out of social life and get isolated, which leads to the perceived decline in social skills.

I am most certainly not NT.
I never suffered rejection because I never got to socialize in the first place. My bullies gave me a concussion in grade-school and I was driven into social isolation from a very early age.
I have never been to a party and I am going on 25 years old right now.
I used to be mute at my job and during xmas celebration at my job too, lots of people around. All it got me was people saying to my face that "they knew i hated them." I never offended anybody and I did my work to the best of my limited ability.

Regarding monotone voice: I have it. People have commented on it in past. I can literally not change it. You may ask, how is this possible and I do not know what to say. I have tried. I recorded myself over and over. I can not fake emotions, I am very emotionally dead and lack empathy to a degree. A psychologist once told me he would classify me as schizoid, as in schizoid personality disorder, not to be confused with schizophrenia, which is a completely different thing.
I have an extremely hard time faking my emotions, facial expressions and general behavior. NT-Pill is not an option for me.

When I interact with people in real life, I feel nothing. Their emotions don't reach me and I can not fake it, especially when stressed. It is like there is an invisible wall between us. Their expressions just look like muscle contractions to me. It's like looking at an anus that continually clenches and unclenches. Interestingly enough, there are only a few anus-style ring-muscles in the body, and most of them are in the face, around the eyes.
damn OP you are basically me but i wasn't really bullied

i've met aspies who slayed and who had lots of friends (i had lots of friends growing up despite all my eccentricities and my weird voice) but they weren't ugly like i was. my brother is very similar to me and kind of schizo and just rots all day now, but because his lower iq and better looks he mogged me completely with his social life. his social skills are actually worse too, he's extremely abrasive and narcy.

the consequences of being strange or aspie are overstated a lot i think. most aspies seem to put very little effort in their physical appearance or clothing so they shouldn't be considered representative of how aspie behavior makes you a loser because it's their appearance, lack of status, and indifference that creates this.

people just assume ur an inherently unlikeable bastard if ur aspie. i had tons of friends growing up but it didn't mean shit because i was subhuman and i was actively working against a huge ugly poverty halo. it doesn't mean shit. the most ill say is that not being nt made me far less conformist than anyone else and in general i have to fight against extreme indifference to get along with people on their terms.

an obvious counterpoint to what people claim against your post is how many extroverted men with passable social skills are incel as fuck including many people on this forum though they'll assume they lack some magical brain quality that makes them want to go outside and makes people like them jfl. maybe one day the nt copers will find this quality with advanced science and i'll be disproven. most people's social lives and dating success are extremely predictable before you even know anything about their personality and autistic rotfraud chads and these mythical popular slayer subhumans are outliers. your pattern recognition is terrible if you can't perceive this. i will say that it's possible to overcome this but most people aren't doing this, few people compensate to a significant degree with nt or charisma whatever. it is possible however.

anyway how much of being nt is really just being allowed to socialize and being included by other people??? the causality is wrong. ugly people are awkward and dedicated to introverted activities because people allow them little to no leeway in the social realm.
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anyway how much of being nt is really just being allowed to socialize and being included by other people??? the causality is wrong. ugly people are awkward and dedicated to introverted activities because people allow them little to no leeway in the social realm.

Fuck this is so true man it's awful. That's why I go to the gym everyday and I am paying for plastic surgery
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Absolutely agree and read the whole thread. Parts i liked:
Copers like to produce some sort of stupid "debunking" of okupid or tinder studies, ignoring the huge body of data outside of these studies that demonstrates that looks is what makes people (both genders) react positively to you
I hate when people think they’ve debunked the red/ blackpill with their lazy arguments and tired tropes of PERSONALITY.
Women control the economy and social life with absolute dominance. You are dogshit, you have no power. Nothing you can do will change this. Society IS women. If you don't provide value to women, you are barred from entering society.
Your options are bowing to the system and becoming a betabuxxer or being lonely and rejected. Having a social life is not a choice. You have very little choice about very few things in life.
Mouthbreathing causes ADHD and dental malocclusion and it depends on factors such as your mother breastfeeding you. Which you had no choice over
NT-Pill is for people that can not cope with the absolute and brutal reality of determinism.
Finally someone said it.
Even if looks were not real. Even if NT-Pill was 100% true, life would still be deterministic. You still don't choose your parents, place of birth, the time and politics, economy, what you are fed when young which drastically impacts your future health and mental function...
Yes, most foids are looksmatched with most guys, if you stop thinking with your cock, most foids are ugly, just like guys.
This also destroyed the "muh natural selection argument" since unlike men, most foids get to reproduce REGARDLESS OF SHIT GENES/HEALTH.

Old people are also consistently the most affected by social isolation. I am using the term "social isolation" as in the clinical definition.
If social skills matter so much, why is this the case? Shouldn't they get even better at "making friends" as they age and gain more experience, more "social skill?
How do you loose social skills in the first place? Are all these old people self-isolating on purpose because they are NEETs and play Genshin Impact all day? Is this the mysterious cause behind their sudden decline of social skills? NT-Copers step up, I want answers.

How is NT-Real when they say that between 60-90% of communication is based on body language, aka visual?
Most NT People interact with each other based on pure self interest. To that end they put on a facade of agreeableness (virtue signaling) which they often mistake for being virtuous. This is why people get pissed when you deny them, when they are trying to do you a "favor." - their anger indicates that their intention was self-gratification.
So this further complicates the matter of learning to be NT, reading others and signalling correctly. It becomes a game of scoundrels where everyone is out for himself. Your "LTR" gf is with you because it benefits her, and she has vastly more power than you, financially, socially. And you are going to compromise for her, you have to, you have less or no power, even if you are chad. So even here, "being NT" just comes down to being an agreeable simp
Their affection is disingenuous and conditional, aka it is not affection at all. They hang out with you because it gives them pleasure. And you do the same. This is the basis for "NT." If they don't benefit from your presence, you are rejected.
I am telling you this, you have no friends in this world. And if you ever had one, you will only know once that motherfucker truly and sincerely lays down his life for you. Then you know what he was.
There is nothing you can do here. Nothing at all. You are trapped in your looks prison.
You can not make people like you.
(which is another retarded assertion of NT-Pill. People are not machines that you press a button on and they suddenly feel affection for you
1. It is GIVEN (by looks present since birth, mothers treat ugly baby worse right away), leading to shit bonding and mental health issues.
Ugly people often report people fearing them in public, crossing the street to avoid them etc... the above study confirms that, people feel viscerally threatened by your cripple ass
ive personally experienced this almost on a regular basis. But it’s not bc im so hideous (even though darkskin and negro pheno is deem less attractive) but i think it has more to do with black male villainy ( boogyman) propaganda.
Again, NT-copers BTFO. Even if you are extremely nice to others, they can not help but judge you based on your looks. Even if they know its wrong. Even if they know you are actually a good person. You are making them feel guilty for existing lmfao. And so they don't want to be around you
If you have to work for it, it's not worth it. If you have work for something others get for free, you are already lower status, you are signalling it, you are admitting it. You will never get to the point where it feels natural. As you age your looks decline and magically and for no reason at all, so will your "social skills." People will suddenly be rude to you, whereas before they were not. The only acceptable behavior left will be to rot at home (thus leading to the social isolation epidemic among old people.) NT-Pill will not save you from this.
A80A9B76 2239 4612 9835 0DAD4F48DDD9

Ive been saying this but niggas dont wanna listen
C7C33632 10FE 4FBB 9EE3 62D99F9F79C6
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Read like 70%, good thread.
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damn OP you are basically me but i wasn't really bullied

i've met aspies who slayed and who had lots of friends (i had lots of friends growing up despite all my eccentricities and my weird voice) but they weren't ugly like i was. my brother is very similar to me and kind of schizo and just rots all day now, but because his lower iq and better looks he mogged me completely with his social life. his social skills are actually worse too, he's extremely abrasive and narcy.

the consequences of being strange or aspie are overstated a lot i think. most aspies seem to put very little effort in their physical appearance or clothing so they shouldn't be considered representative of how aspie behavior makes you a loser because it's their appearance, lack of status, and indifference that creates this.

people just assume ur an inherently unlikeable bastard if ur aspie. i had tons of friends growing up but it didn't mean shit because i was subhuman and i was actively working against a huge ugly poverty halo. it doesn't mean shit. the most ill say is that not being nt made me far less conformist than anyone else and in general i have to fight against extreme indifference to get along with people on their terms.

an obvious counterpoint to what people claim against your post is how many extroverted men with passable social skills are incel as fuck including many people on this forum though they'll assume they lack some magical brain quality that makes them want to go outside and makes people like them jfl. maybe one day the nt copers will find this quality with advanced science and i'll be disproven. most people's social lives and dating success are extremely predictable before you even know anything about their personality and autistic rotfraud chads and these mythical popular slayer subhumans are outliers. your pattern recognition is terrible if you can't perceive this. i will say that it's possible to overcome this but most people aren't doing this, few people compensate to a significant degree with nt or charisma whatever. it is possible however.

anyway how much of being nt is really just being allowed to socialize and being included by other people??? the causality is wrong. ugly people are awkward and dedicated to introverted activities because people allow them little to no leeway in the social realm.
  1. Exactly, Aspies are judged based on looks, not behavior, and we have numerous studies now supporting this, aside from the one I posted in this thread. Regarding your brother - I have the same experience. My brother has no personality, eats his own toenails and is fucked up in general. Yet, people would come to the door or knock on the window to hang out. You dont choose social life, social life chooses you. More on that later.
  2. What you said about people having no pattern recognition: Literally true. Most people think that the exception disproves the rule when the opposite is true. The exception proves the rule. The fact that there are only a few successful Aspies proves that most are not successful. Now, think about it, how common is this fallacy among normies? They almost only look at outlier people to get motivated. This has always been the case. See appendix.
  3. Thirdly: I have also posted evidence in this thread that socially isolated people actually display better social judgement than regular people, contrary to popular belief, which has it upside down, i.e. lonely people are alone because they choose loneliness over socializing, thus leading to a lack of "social skills." In reality people always pick the path of the least resistance (duh) and thus end up isolated because thats the most sensible and least painful option. Again, study in appendix.

  • "Actually, when fathers convince their children to study sciences, you can hear in the course of their conversation none other than the following words: So-and-so, they say, is a low-born man of meager means, who perfected himself in eloquent speech and received a very high position, acquired a large property, took a rich wife, built a marvelous house, and has become fearsome and famous to all. Another says: So-and-so learned Latin, shines in the royal court and wields great influence there." - St. John Chrysostom, 4th Century. Source

  • Aspergers People learn from the particular to the general - trees first, then the forest. Normies learn Forest first, trees second. They have a tendency to see one insignificant thing and extrapolate an entire worldview from that. Autistic people have a lesser tendency to take these mental shortcuts, see here.
  • Study showing that Lonely, Depressed People have better social judgement: Link

Absolutely agree and read the whole thread. Parts i liked:

I hate when people think they’ve debunked the red/ blackpill with their lazy arguments and tired tropes of PERSONALITY.


Finally someone said it.


ive personally experienced this almost on a regular basis. But it’s not bc im so hideous (even though darkskin and negro pheno is deem less attractive) but i think it has more to do with black male villainy ( boogyman) propaganda.

View attachment 1953097

Ive been saying this but niggas dont wanna listen
View attachment 1953105
@Amexmaxx Thank you for the reply, appreciate it!

I want to respond to what you said:
ive personally experienced this almost on a regular basis. But it’s not bc im so hideous (even though darkskin and negro pheno is deem less attractive) but i think it has more to do with black male villainy ( boogyman) propaganda.
Someone on page 1 of this threat actually has made a similar observation:



Ive also heard of other cases where people thought a dude was kidnapping his gf because he was black and she was white and they were walking home at night. Shit like that.

Its funny though how leftists are secretly the most racist. Black people say that when they go to leftist parts of the city, people clutch their purses and change to the other side of the street and stuff. I guess left leaning people project their guilt onto the world.

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Ive also heard of other cases where people thought a dude was kidnapping his gf because he was black and she was white and they were walking home at night. Shit like that.

Its funny though how leftists are secretly the most racist. Black people say that when they go to leftist parts of the city, people clutch their purses and change to the other side of the street and stuff. I guess left leaning people project their guilt onto the world.
Jfl at that video. But yeah i have a delivery job and often i see people walking in my direction see me and turn around, crossed the road, look scared, speed walk, clutch their children, walk back into the house etc. like bro i dont know if i should be flattered or offended that people are so afraid of me. I’ve literally never done anything to anyone. Over for nigcels.
  • So Sad
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Jfl at that video. But yeah i have a delivery job and often i see people walking in my direction see me and turn around, crossed the road, look scared, speed walk, clutch their children, walk back into the house etc. like bro i dont know if i should be flattered or offended that people are so afraid of me. I’ve literally never done anything to anyone. Over for nigcels.
The only upside is that you wont get robbed ever :lul::lul::lul:
Ngl Nixon did your people dirty. They deliberately nuked the black family.
Malcom X was also beyond based, called out the jews for destroying black neighborhoods, wanted a separatist black state because he realized lookism would never end.

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The only upside is that you wont get robbed ever :lul::lul::lul:
Ngl Nixon did your people dirty. They deliberately nuked the black family.
Malcom X was also beyond based, called out the jews for destroying black neighborhoods, wanted a separatist black state because he realized lookism would never end.

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I took everything from you. Your old account, your trust, even your privacy. That's why I know, I can't leave yet. Lend me your strength.
  • So Sad
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I took everything from you. Your old account, your trust, even your privacy. That's why I know, I can't leave yet. Lend me your strength.
Ok, what do you want to do?
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hey @Aladin what do you say, we team up?
just lol at this awful retarded thread having 176 replies. all of the slayers i know irl are uglier than me and most are shorter than me yet they get stacies while i am rotting here on this forum. NT will always be the most important thing
  • JFL
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just lol at this awful retarded thread having 176 replies. all of the slayers i know irl are uglier than me and most are shorter than me yet they get stacies while i am rotting here on this forum. NT will always be the most important thing
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Not a molecule but High iq post
Whats coming next ? Face and height arent important ?
Good thread ngl come back to visit it sometimes
not a single molecule
Low iq NTpill mogs
NT-Pill is absolute cope. This thread should be the most water-wet shit but there's been too many NT-Pill spreading Propaganda here lately.
1. Looks form peoples first impression of you, even if told not to judge by looks
2. social skills are not real. Most of communication is body language and body language is pseudoscience

3."muh most people are average, looks only apply at extremes"
- 50% of population (foids) are extremely looks biased. NT-Copers like to produce some sort of stupid "debunking" of okupid or tinder studies, ignoring the huge body of data outside of these studies that demonstrates that looks is what makes people (both genders) react positively to you. Then you have to include the percentage of men that are obedient slaves to foids, which is huge. Ive seen this at my job, where simps joined foids in their campaign to bully a man out of his job because he was ugly.
This reduces the amount of people that you can apply your aquired NT-skills on even further than 50%. Women are doing 85-90% of all customer spending. Have been for long time (relevant book, "Generation of Vipers" from 1940s, already talked about women being 70% of customers).

This data implies that a HUGE amount of men are giving HUGE amounts of their money to foids. Around 40% of the money women are spending has to come from men, aka simps. I want you to consider this. The vast majority of men are simps and will go along with foids judgement of other people. Women control the economy and social life with absolute dominance. You are dogshit, you have no power. Nothing you can do will change this. Society IS women. If you don't provide value to women, you are barred from entering society. Even when average looking, not having a gf or wife will exclude you from a lot of man-only activities because most dudes are dogs on the leash of their gfs/wifes.

The above information implies this: The argument that looks only matter at the extremes of society, aka for chads and ugly people, is false because all foids are looks-biased to an extreme. This removes 50% of the population from the pool of people you can "NT-maxx" on. Now, as I have shown, most guys are giga-simps, and or effeminate, further reducing this pool of people.
These "men" only interact with other men for the sake of mogging them and acquiring brownie points with women. Your NT-Skills wont work on them unless you mog them status wise or with looks. Their lives revolve around foids to an extreme degree.

How much are we left with? I can not tell you but lets say, 20% of men. Maybe. So basically the only people you can apply your "social skills" on will be ugly men, incels and autists. Which is why this forum exists in the first place. Boom, so we have come full circle and this is just provides further credence to determinism.

To bring this around to NT-Pill. It simply does not work. Your options are bowing to the system and becoming a betabuxxer or being lonely and rejected. Having a social life is not a choice. You have very little choice about very few things in life. You did not choose your place or time of birth. The skull grows to 90% of its adult mass in the first 5 years of life. Mouthbreathing causes ADHD and dental malocclusion and it depends on factors such as your mother breastfeeding you. Which you had no choice over.
NT-Pill is for people that can not cope with the absolute and brutal reality of determinism. One thing I have observed about life: Most things in life are really simple. It's just volume and presentation. And when something is not simple, its usually just because copers like psychologists develop INSANE levels of lore to not accept the inevitable. They create an entire body of "theories" that amounts to high fiction and then they start citing each others fiction and it turns into pseudo-scientific racket, where people start producing books upon books on shit, none of which help anybody. That's why the self-help market exists, thats why theres so many YT videos on being charismatic or how to have good body language. If there was a solution, there would be no market. Supply-Demand. By that alone, you can deduce that they can not possibly be telling the truth. The truth is really simple and usually devastatingly sobering. And NT-Copers cant deal with this. They would rather fall for just-world-fallacy instead of accepting that its all factors outside of their control, like looks.
Even if looks were not real. Even if NT-Pill was 100% true, life would still be deterministic. You still don't choose your parents, place of birth, the time and politics, economy, what you are fed when young which drastically impacts your future health and mental function...

Even if we made all these acknowledgements to NT-Copers, saying hands down it's all NT, it would not change the ultimate reality of life being deterministic.
You chose nothing. You are at the mercy of fate/God, whatever you choose to cope with. There is no reason to be proud of anything, no reason to have confidence in yourself. Your so called achievements have prospered from a soil you did not provide. Someone else might have had the same potential but his circumstance did not allow him to become anything.

I will not pretend to have a solution. Just like with everything else, the solution will find you when and if the time comes.



The evidence for looks mattering above everything, in every single aspect of life, is overwhelming.
Both anecdotes and the scientific literature confirm this. The amount of research data is stunning.

For instance, take the confirmed fact that 90% of CEO's in America are above average height.

Think about what this means for you if you are below average height.
And anyone here who has ever held a job that wasn't playing minesweeper in the Gaza strip knows that tall people get promoted quickly,
that everyone in management and the upper echelon of the corporate structure is usually above average height, even in small companies.
People simply do not trust average to below-average height people with responsibility.

Your looks literally anchor you in life. It even works both ways. Yes, bad looking people can't get higher-tier jobs because people can't see an ugly person having high status (study below), BUT - good looking people also have a harder time applying for low-tier jobs!

fucking kill me.

Now, we could go on listing supporting studies here, we could probably accumulate hundreds of papers if necessary.
Just from a really really sloppy google search that took me half an hour, I came up with THIRTY-THREE relevant links:

As one can see, looks create a sort of "rubber-band" effect for your life. Aka, you can move up and down with some freedom, but it is like a rubber band that is attached to your back and no matter what you do, eventually you get pulled back to your natural, looks-determined social status level.
This applies to relationships with other people and of course your overall success (if defined materially) as well.

Now, this being established, I want to say a things regarding the NT-Pill.
Most NT-copers try to be agreeable which makes me vomit.
They say shit like "oh, Looks only matter at the extremes bro." "if you are normie looking it doesnt apply. Most people are average."
This is fucking retarded. Yes, most foids are looksmatched with most guys, if you stop thinking with your cock, most foids are ugly, just like guys.
This also destroyed the "muh natural selection argument" since unlike men, most foids get to reproduce REGARDLESS OF SHIT GENES/HEALTH.
However, foids being foids and having insane selection bias, this does not even matter. We all know how they rate most guys.
So this excludes 50% of the population from being factored into NT-Pill already, good riddance.

Now, how many guys are influenced by foids and shit and can be added to that 50%? I am sure you can imagine a number. Add that to the 50% of population (foids) that are judging extremely harsh based on looks. The pool of viable targets for your NT-Cope is shrinking drastically.

Or rather, only subhumans are left. Aka, this forum.

Of course the researchers here conflate looks with social skills. You put a bunch of looksmatched people together, they communicate easier. However, even in this context, the "communication" comes down to who-mogs-who and social hierarchy games, simply because looks are not sufficient to establish the pecking order in this environment. More on this and "friendships" and "LTR" later.

Also, I'd like NT-Copers to explain shit like this (thx for pointing this @rightfulcel):


Old people are also consistently the most affected by social isolation. I am using the term "social isolation" as in the clinical definition.
If social skills matter so much, why is this the case? Shouldn't they get even better at "making friends" as they age and gain more experience, more "social skill?"

How do you loose social skills in the first place? Are all these old people self-isolating on purpose because they are NEETs and play Genshin Impact all day? Is this the mysterious cause behind their sudden decline of social skills? NT-Copers step up, I want answers.

How is NT-Real when they say that between 60-90% of communication is based on body language, aka visual?

"OH!" goes the NT-coper, "got it, you gotta learn body language!"
Hold on there little pipsqueak, not so fast.
The "science" behind body language is very feeble. In fact, studies have found that people are shit at reading others, especially when it comes to detecting lies and deception. This goes as far as some people advocating to drop the use of body-language cues when it comes to law-enforcement investigations.

Reading body language is a pseudoscience and has no real life application. It's ripe to the brim with ambiguity, depending on culture, circumstance, personal history of the person being "read" etc...
If you were to acknowledge some weird universal lawcode for body language, people would have to be machines reacting to simplified cues. Even if we exclude the impact of culture (in india for example, making eye contact can be taken as very rude), the mood and mental state of the person you are talking to absolutely impacts how they will judge your "body language."

Which brings us full circle to looks of course. First impressions in particular. This is what decides how the content of your communication (word content + body language) will be judged. Its an aggregate of your targets current mental state, mood and your looks. What you actually do or say comes very very very last in this list of factors.

Additional information regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:
I will start with this article and add my comments to first 2 points made in it:

This intersects with Normie thinking. Most people are prone to falling back on heuristics when making judgements, meaning, they make big picture conclusions based on very limited data. This is where shit like oofy-doofy comes from. They see one ethnic with a white woman in public and suddenly "ETHNICS ARE SLAYERS BRO I SWEAR." This is Forest-First thinking. See the forest, not the trees. Or rather, see one tree and conclude there is a forest.

Autistic people do not do this. They do tree-first thinking and after having seen enough trees, they conclude that there is a forest. This is why autistic people are right on many things more often than not, when it comes to certain conclusions. Unlike the NT, they assemble a data cloud of details that forms a big picture, and not start with the big picture and fill in the details.

Important point. Most NT People interact with each other based on pure self interest. To that end they put on a facade of agreeableness (virtue signaling) which they often mistake for being virtuous. This is why people get pissed when you deny them, when they are trying to do you a "favor." - their anger indicates that their intention was self-gratification.

So this further complicates the matter of learning to be NT, reading others and signalling correctly. It becomes a game of scoundrels where everyone is out for himself. Your "LTR" gf is with you because it benefits her, and she has vastly more power than you, financially, socially. And you are going to compromise for her, you have to, you have less or no power, even if you are chad. So even here, "being NT" just comes down to being an agreeable simp.

How many of your friends would stay loyal if you committed a murder. Would your mother hide you in the trunk of your car and drive you to the border to hide you from police? Their affection is disingenuous and conditional, aka it is not affection at all. They hang out with you because it gives them pleasure. And you do the same. This is the basis for "NT." If they don't benefit from your presence, you are rejected. How do they benefit? From you talking about anime? The shit you brag about? What is your shared purpose that makes up the foundation of that relationship? Talking about soccer? I am telling you this, you have no friends in this world. And if you ever had one, you will only know once that motherfucker truly and sincerely lays down his life for you. Then you know what he was.

This is the crux of the NT-Pill. It shatters on every level. Looks, the lack of any skill you can learn to improve your "social skills," the ambiguity and pseudo-science of body-language. There is nothing you can do here. Nothing at all. You are trapped in your looks prison.
You can not make people like you.
(which is another retarded assertion of NT-Pill. People are not machines that you press a button on and they suddenly feel affection for you.)

Moving on to my next points regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:


Below are more links on the speed of first impressions.
This goes into my final point regarding Personality:

1. It is GIVEN (by looks present since birth, mothers treat ugly baby worse right away), leading to shit bonding and mental health issues.
2. People judge your personality based on looks RAPIDLY, within microseconds.
3. Unless you looskmax you, can't change these things.

Ugly people often report people fearing them in public, crossing the street to avoid them etc... the above study confirms that, people feel viscerally threatened by your cripple ass.

This next study goes into this even deeper and says people literally can not help themselves in their visual judgement of others,

Again, NT-copers BTFO. Even if you are extremely nice to others, they can not help but judge you based on your looks. Even if they know its wrong. Even if they know you are actually a good person. You are making them feel guilty for existing lmfao. And so they don't want to be around you.

Slightly unrelated but even being dark triad just backfires if you are ugly:

I can already here them coming, "this doesn't apply, most people are average not ugly."
1. Then why are you on looksmax you cumgobbler? Go to reddit or watch some yt videos about being confident and charismatic.
2. Even if average, I just highlighted that you can't change anything significant about your life without looksmaxing. This applies to job opportunities, whether people like you and judge you as competent on first impression etc... You can not make people like you. And society is people. We all are at the mercy of others 24/7. Also, relationships are the biggest indicator of happiness.

The thing is, if you are average, you will not stand out. You are positively neutral in a crowd of nobodies, aka invisible, unless you make yourself stand out by being pathetic - jestermaxxing, putting in all the effort into maintaining friendships/relationships (simping), etc... And you can not change that. Again, even with average looks, NT-Coping comes down to pleasuring other men to receive conditional validation from them. Gay.

If you have to work for it, it's not worth it. If you have work for something others get for free, you are already lower status, you are signalling it, you are admitting it. You will never get to the point where it feels natural. As you age your looks decline and magically and for no reason at all, so will your "social skills." People will suddenly be rude to you, whereas before they were not. The only acceptable behavior left will be to rot at home (thus leading to the social isolation epidemic among old people.) NT-Pill will not save you from this. It's not gonna make you immortal, sorry. Even if it was true, these last points i just made would still be true.
Very true OP. But this is a "no shit" post. Obviosuly as a man you have to improve every single aspect of your life. Cool that you put in the effort to educate the plebs but this was clear as day already. I have a telegram channel where we discuss this kind of shit and there arent fagtards like on here. If your interest pm me on telegram @nefarian9 and ill throw you an invite
NT-Pill is absolute cope. This thread should be the most water-wet shit but there's been too many NT-Pill spreading Propaganda here lately.
1. Looks form peoples first impression of you, even if told not to judge by looks
2. social skills are not real. Most of communication is body language and body language is pseudoscience

3."muh most people are average, looks only apply at extremes"
- 50% of population (foids) are extremely looks biased. NT-Copers like to produce some sort of stupid "debunking" of okupid or tinder studies, ignoring the huge body of data outside of these studies that demonstrates that looks is what makes people (both genders) react positively to you. Then you have to include the percentage of men that are obedient slaves to foids, which is huge. Ive seen this at my job, where simps joined foids in their campaign to bully a man out of his job because he was ugly.
This reduces the amount of people that you can apply your aquired NT-skills on even further than 50%. Women are doing 85-90% of all customer spending. Have been for long time (relevant book, "Generation of Vipers" from 1940s, already talked about women being 70% of customers).

This data implies that a HUGE amount of men are giving HUGE amounts of their money to foids. Around 40% of the money women are spending has to come from men, aka simps. I want you to consider this. The vast majority of men are simps and will go along with foids judgement of other people. Women control the economy and social life with absolute dominance. You are dogshit, you have no power. Nothing you can do will change this. Society IS women. If you don't provide value to women, you are barred from entering society. Even when average looking, not having a gf or wife will exclude you from a lot of man-only activities because most dudes are dogs on the leash of their gfs/wifes.

The above information implies this: The argument that looks only matter at the extremes of society, aka for chads and ugly people, is false because all foids are looks-biased to an extreme. This removes 50% of the population from the pool of people you can "NT-maxx" on. Now, as I have shown, most guys are giga-simps, and or effeminate, further reducing this pool of people.
These "men" only interact with other men for the sake of mogging them and acquiring brownie points with women. Your NT-Skills wont work on them unless you mog them status wise or with looks. Their lives revolve around foids to an extreme degree.

How much are we left with? I can not tell you but lets say, 20% of men. Maybe. So basically the only people you can apply your "social skills" on will be ugly men, incels and autists. Which is why this forum exists in the first place. Boom, so we have come full circle and this is just provides further credence to determinism.

To bring this around to NT-Pill. It simply does not work. Your options are bowing to the system and becoming a betabuxxer or being lonely and rejected. Having a social life is not a choice. You have very little choice about very few things in life. You did not choose your place or time of birth. The skull grows to 90% of its adult mass in the first 5 years of life. Mouthbreathing causes ADHD and dental malocclusion and it depends on factors such as your mother breastfeeding you. Which you had no choice over.
NT-Pill is for people that can not cope with the absolute and brutal reality of determinism. One thing I have observed about life: Most things in life are really simple. It's just volume and presentation. And when something is not simple, its usually just because copers like psychologists develop INSANE levels of lore to not accept the inevitable. They create an entire body of "theories" that amounts to high fiction and then they start citing each others fiction and it turns into pseudo-scientific racket, where people start producing books upon books on shit, none of which help anybody. That's why the self-help market exists, thats why theres so many YT videos on being charismatic or how to have good body language. If there was a solution, there would be no market. Supply-Demand. By that alone, you can deduce that they can not possibly be telling the truth. The truth is really simple and usually devastatingly sobering. And NT-Copers cant deal with this. They would rather fall for just-world-fallacy instead of accepting that its all factors outside of their control, like looks.
Even if looks were not real. Even if NT-Pill was 100% true, life would still be deterministic. You still don't choose your parents, place of birth, the time and politics, economy, what you are fed when young which drastically impacts your future health and mental function...

Even if we made all these acknowledgements to NT-Copers, saying hands down it's all NT, it would not change the ultimate reality of life being deterministic.
You chose nothing. You are at the mercy of fate/God, whatever you choose to cope with. There is no reason to be proud of anything, no reason to have confidence in yourself. Your so called achievements have prospered from a soil you did not provide. Someone else might have had the same potential but his circumstance did not allow him to become anything.

I will not pretend to have a solution. Just like with everything else, the solution will find you when and if the time comes.



The evidence for looks mattering above everything, in every single aspect of life, is overwhelming.
Both anecdotes and the scientific literature confirm this. The amount of research data is stunning.

For instance, take the confirmed fact that 90% of CEO's in America are above average height.

Think about what this means for you if you are below average height.
And anyone here who has ever held a job that wasn't playing minesweeper in the Gaza strip knows that tall people get promoted quickly,
that everyone in management and the upper echelon of the corporate structure is usually above average height, even in small companies.
People simply do not trust average to below-average height people with responsibility.

Your looks literally anchor you in life. It even works both ways. Yes, bad looking people can't get higher-tier jobs because people can't see an ugly person having high status (study below), BUT - good looking people also have a harder time applying for low-tier jobs!

fucking kill me.

Now, we could go on listing supporting studies here, we could probably accumulate hundreds of papers if necessary.
Just from a really really sloppy google search that took me half an hour, I came up with THIRTY-THREE relevant links:

As one can see, looks create a sort of "rubber-band" effect for your life. Aka, you can move up and down with some freedom, but it is like a rubber band that is attached to your back and no matter what you do, eventually you get pulled back to your natural, looks-determined social status level.
This applies to relationships with other people and of course your overall success (if defined materially) as well.

Now, this being established, I want to say a things regarding the NT-Pill.
Most NT-copers try to be agreeable which makes me vomit.
They say shit like "oh, Looks only matter at the extremes bro." "if you are normie looking it doesnt apply. Most people are average."
This is fucking retarded. Yes, most foids are looksmatched with most guys, if you stop thinking with your cock, most foids are ugly, just like guys.
This also destroyed the "muh natural selection argument" since unlike men, most foids get to reproduce REGARDLESS OF SHIT GENES/HEALTH.
However, foids being foids and having insane selection bias, this does not even matter. We all know how they rate most guys.
So this excludes 50% of the population from being factored into NT-Pill already, good riddance.

Now, how many guys are influenced by foids and shit and can be added to that 50%? I am sure you can imagine a number. Add that to the 50% of population (foids) that are judging extremely harsh based on looks. The pool of viable targets for your NT-Cope is shrinking drastically.

Or rather, only subhumans are left. Aka, this forum.

Of course the researchers here conflate looks with social skills. You put a bunch of looksmatched people together, they communicate easier. However, even in this context, the "communication" comes down to who-mogs-who and social hierarchy games, simply because looks are not sufficient to establish the pecking order in this environment. More on this and "friendships" and "LTR" later.

Also, I'd like NT-Copers to explain shit like this (thx for pointing this @rightfulcel):


Old people are also consistently the most affected by social isolation. I am using the term "social isolation" as in the clinical definition.
If social skills matter so much, why is this the case? Shouldn't they get even better at "making friends" as they age and gain more experience, more "social skill?"

How do you loose social skills in the first place? Are all these old people self-isolating on purpose because they are NEETs and play Genshin Impact all day? Is this the mysterious cause behind their sudden decline of social skills? NT-Copers step up, I want answers.

How is NT-Real when they say that between 60-90% of communication is based on body language, aka visual?

"OH!" goes the NT-coper, "got it, you gotta learn body language!"
Hold on there little pipsqueak, not so fast.
The "science" behind body language is very feeble. In fact, studies have found that people are shit at reading others, especially when it comes to detecting lies and deception. This goes as far as some people advocating to drop the use of body-language cues when it comes to law-enforcement investigations.

Reading body language is a pseudoscience and has no real life application. It's ripe to the brim with ambiguity, depending on culture, circumstance, personal history of the person being "read" etc...
If you were to acknowledge some weird universal lawcode for body language, people would have to be machines reacting to simplified cues. Even if we exclude the impact of culture (in india for example, making eye contact can be taken as very rude), the mood and mental state of the person you are talking to absolutely impacts how they will judge your "body language."

Which brings us full circle to looks of course. First impressions in particular. This is what decides how the content of your communication (word content + body language) will be judged. Its an aggregate of your targets current mental state, mood and your looks. What you actually do or say comes very very very last in this list of factors.

Additional information regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:
I will start with this article and add my comments to first 2 points made in it:

This intersects with Normie thinking. Most people are prone to falling back on heuristics when making judgements, meaning, they make big picture conclusions based on very limited data. This is where shit like oofy-doofy comes from. They see one ethnic with a white woman in public and suddenly "ETHNICS ARE SLAYERS BRO I SWEAR." This is Forest-First thinking. See the forest, not the trees. Or rather, see one tree and conclude there is a forest.

Autistic people do not do this. They do tree-first thinking and after having seen enough trees, they conclude that there is a forest. This is why autistic people are right on many things more often than not, when it comes to certain conclusions. Unlike the NT, they assemble a data cloud of details that forms a big picture, and not start with the big picture and fill in the details.

Important point. Most NT People interact with each other based on pure self interest. To that end they put on a facade of agreeableness (virtue signaling) which they often mistake for being virtuous. This is why people get pissed when you deny them, when they are trying to do you a "favor." - their anger indicates that their intention was self-gratification.

So this further complicates the matter of learning to be NT, reading others and signalling correctly. It becomes a game of scoundrels where everyone is out for himself. Your "LTR" gf is with you because it benefits her, and she has vastly more power than you, financially, socially. And you are going to compromise for her, you have to, you have less or no power, even if you are chad. So even here, "being NT" just comes down to being an agreeable simp.

How many of your friends would stay loyal if you committed a murder. Would your mother hide you in the trunk of your car and drive you to the border to hide you from police? Their affection is disingenuous and conditional, aka it is not affection at all. They hang out with you because it gives them pleasure. And you do the same. This is the basis for "NT." If they don't benefit from your presence, you are rejected. How do they benefit? From you talking about anime? The shit you brag about? What is your shared purpose that makes up the foundation of that relationship? Talking about soccer? I am telling you this, you have no friends in this world. And if you ever had one, you will only know once that motherfucker truly and sincerely lays down his life for you. Then you know what he was.

This is the crux of the NT-Pill. It shatters on every level. Looks, the lack of any skill you can learn to improve your "social skills," the ambiguity and pseudo-science of body-language. There is nothing you can do here. Nothing at all. You are trapped in your looks prison.
You can not make people like you.
(which is another retarded assertion of NT-Pill. People are not machines that you press a button on and they suddenly feel affection for you.)

Moving on to my next points regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:


Below are more links on the speed of first impressions.
This goes into my final point regarding Personality:

1. It is GIVEN (by looks present since birth, mothers treat ugly baby worse right away), leading to shit bonding and mental health issues.
2. People judge your personality based on looks RAPIDLY, within microseconds.
3. Unless you looskmax you, can't change these things.

Ugly people often report people fearing them in public, crossing the street to avoid them etc... the above study confirms that, people feel viscerally threatened by your cripple ass.

This next study goes into this even deeper and says people literally can not help themselves in their visual judgement of others,

Again, NT-copers BTFO. Even if you are extremely nice to others, they can not help but judge you based on your looks. Even if they know its wrong. Even if they know you are actually a good person. You are making them feel guilty for existing lmfao. And so they don't want to be around you.

Slightly unrelated but even being dark triad just backfires if you are ugly:

I can already here them coming, "this doesn't apply, most people are average not ugly."
1. Then why are you on looksmax you cumgobbler? Go to reddit or watch some yt videos about being confident and charismatic.
2. Even if average, I just highlighted that you can't change anything significant about your life without looksmaxing. This applies to job opportunities, whether people like you and judge you as competent on first impression etc... You can not make people like you. And society is people. We all are at the mercy of others 24/7. Also, relationships are the biggest indicator of happiness.

The thing is, if you are average, you will not stand out. You are positively neutral in a crowd of nobodies, aka invisible, unless you make yourself stand out by being pathetic - jestermaxxing, putting in all the effort into maintaining friendships/relationships (simping), etc... And you can not change that. Again, even with average looks, NT-Coping comes down to pleasuring other men to receive conditional validation from them. Gay.

If you have to work for it, it's not worth it. If you have work for something others get for free, you are already lower status, you are signalling it, you are admitting it. You will never get to the point where it feels natural. As you age your looks decline and magically and for no reason at all, so will your "social skills." People will suddenly be rude to you, whereas before they were not. The only acceptable behavior left will be to rot at home (thus leading to the social isolation epidemic among old people.) NT-Pill will not save you from this. It's not gonna make you immortal, sorry. Even if it was true, these last points i just made would still be true.
Very true OP. But this is a "no shit" post. Obviosuly as a man you have to improve every single aspect of your life. Cool that you put in the effort to educate the plebs but this was clear as day already. I have a telegram channel where we discuss this kind of shit and there arent fagtards like on here. If your interest pm me on telegram @nefarian9 and ill throw you an invite
I posted this a while back.

Sometimes you have to be patient with the idiots.

@Acne Victim said it best “Just don’t be nonverbal”
NT-Pill is absolute cope. This thread should be the most water-wet shit but there's been too many NT-Pill spreading Propaganda here lately.
1. Looks form peoples first impression of you, even if told not to judge by looks
2. social skills are not real. Most of communication is body language and body language is pseudoscience

3."muh most people are average, looks only apply at extremes"
- 50% of population (foids) are extremely looks biased. NT-Copers like to produce some sort of stupid "debunking" of okupid or tinder studies, ignoring the huge body of data outside of these studies that demonstrates that looks is what makes people (both genders) react positively to you. Then you have to include the percentage of men that are obedient slaves to foids, which is huge. Ive seen this at my job, where simps joined foids in their campaign to bully a man out of his job because he was ugly.
This reduces the amount of people that you can apply your aquired NT-skills on even further than 50%. Women are doing 85-90% of all customer spending. Have been for long time (relevant book, "Generation of Vipers" from 1940s, already talked about women being 70% of customers).

This data implies that a HUGE amount of men are giving HUGE amounts of their money to foids. Around 40% of the money women are spending has to come from men, aka simps. I want you to consider this. The vast majority of men are simps and will go along with foids judgement of other people. Women control the economy and social life with absolute dominance. You are dogshit, you have no power. Nothing you can do will change this. Society IS women. If you don't provide value to women, you are barred from entering society. Even when average looking, not having a gf or wife will exclude you from a lot of man-only activities because most dudes are dogs on the leash of their gfs/wifes.

The above information implies this: The argument that looks only matter at the extremes of society, aka for chads and ugly people, is false because all foids are looks-biased to an extreme. This removes 50% of the population from the pool of people you can "NT-maxx" on. Now, as I have shown, most guys are giga-simps, and or effeminate, further reducing this pool of people.
These "men" only interact with other men for the sake of mogging them and acquiring brownie points with women. Your NT-Skills wont work on them unless you mog them status wise or with looks. Their lives revolve around foids to an extreme degree.

How much are we left with? I can not tell you but lets say, 20% of men. Maybe. So basically the only people you can apply your "social skills" on will be ugly men, incels and autists. Which is why this forum exists in the first place. Boom, so we have come full circle and this is just provides further credence to determinism.

To bring this around to NT-Pill. It simply does not work. Your options are bowing to the system and becoming a betabuxxer or being lonely and rejected. Having a social life is not a choice. You have very little choice about very few things in life. You did not choose your place or time of birth. The skull grows to 90% of its adult mass in the first 5 years of life. Mouthbreathing causes ADHD and dental malocclusion and it depends on factors such as your mother breastfeeding you. Which you had no choice over.
NT-Pill is for people that can not cope with the absolute and brutal reality of determinism. One thing I have observed about life: Most things in life are really simple. It's just volume and presentation. And when something is not simple, its usually just because copers like psychologists develop INSANE levels of lore to not accept the inevitable. They create an entire body of "theories" that amounts to high fiction and then they start citing each others fiction and it turns into pseudo-scientific racket, where people start producing books upon books on shit, none of which help anybody. That's why the self-help market exists, thats why theres so many YT videos on being charismatic or how to have good body language. If there was a solution, there would be no market. Supply-Demand. By that alone, you can deduce that they can not possibly be telling the truth. The truth is really simple and usually devastatingly sobering. And NT-Copers cant deal with this. They would rather fall for just-world-fallacy instead of accepting that its all factors outside of their control, like looks.
Even if looks were not real. Even if NT-Pill was 100% true, life would still be deterministic. You still don't choose your parents, place of birth, the time and politics, economy, what you are fed when young which drastically impacts your future health and mental function...

Even if we made all these acknowledgements to NT-Copers, saying hands down it's all NT, it would not change the ultimate reality of life being deterministic.
You chose nothing. You are at the mercy of fate/God, whatever you choose to cope with. There is no reason to be proud of anything, no reason to have confidence in yourself. Your so called achievements have prospered from a soil you did not provide. Someone else might have had the same potential but his circumstance did not allow him to become anything.

I will not pretend to have a solution. Just like with everything else, the solution will find you when and if the time comes.



The evidence for looks mattering above everything, in every single aspect of life, is overwhelming.
Both anecdotes and the scientific literature confirm this. The amount of research data is stunning.

For instance, take the confirmed fact that 90% of CEO's in America are above average height.

Think about what this means for you if you are below average height.
And anyone here who has ever held a job that wasn't playing minesweeper in the Gaza strip knows that tall people get promoted quickly,
that everyone in management and the upper echelon of the corporate structure is usually above average height, even in small companies.
People simply do not trust average to below-average height people with responsibility.

Your looks literally anchor you in life. It even works both ways. Yes, bad looking people can't get higher-tier jobs because people can't see an ugly person having high status (study below), BUT - good looking people also have a harder time applying for low-tier jobs!

fucking kill me.

Now, we could go on listing supporting studies here, we could probably accumulate hundreds of papers if necessary.
Just from a really really sloppy google search that took me half an hour, I came up with THIRTY-THREE relevant links:

As one can see, looks create a sort of "rubber-band" effect for your life. Aka, you can move up and down with some freedom, but it is like a rubber band that is attached to your back and no matter what you do, eventually you get pulled back to your natural, looks-determined social status level.
This applies to relationships with other people and of course your overall success (if defined materially) as well.

Now, this being established, I want to say a things regarding the NT-Pill.
Most NT-copers try to be agreeable which makes me vomit.
They say shit like "oh, Looks only matter at the extremes bro." "if you are normie looking it doesnt apply. Most people are average."
This is fucking retarded. Yes, most foids are looksmatched with most guys, if you stop thinking with your cock, most foids are ugly, just like guys.
This also destroyed the "muh natural selection argument" since unlike men, most foids get to reproduce REGARDLESS OF SHIT GENES/HEALTH.
However, foids being foids and having insane selection bias, this does not even matter. We all know how they rate most guys.
So this excludes 50% of the population from being factored into NT-Pill already, good riddance.

Now, how many guys are influenced by foids and shit and can be added to that 50%? I am sure you can imagine a number. Add that to the 50% of population (foids) that are judging extremely harsh based on looks. The pool of viable targets for your NT-Cope is shrinking drastically.

Or rather, only subhumans are left. Aka, this forum.

Of course the researchers here conflate looks with social skills. You put a bunch of looksmatched people together, they communicate easier. However, even in this context, the "communication" comes down to who-mogs-who and social hierarchy games, simply because looks are not sufficient to establish the pecking order in this environment. More on this and "friendships" and "LTR" later.

Also, I'd like NT-Copers to explain shit like this (thx for pointing this @rightfulcel):


Old people are also consistently the most affected by social isolation. I am using the term "social isolation" as in the clinical definition.
If social skills matter so much, why is this the case? Shouldn't they get even better at "making friends" as they age and gain more experience, more "social skill?"

How do you loose social skills in the first place? Are all these old people self-isolating on purpose because they are NEETs and play Genshin Impact all day? Is this the mysterious cause behind their sudden decline of social skills? NT-Copers step up, I want answers.

How is NT-Real when they say that between 60-90% of communication is based on body language, aka visual?

"OH!" goes the NT-coper, "got it, you gotta learn body language!"
Hold on there little pipsqueak, not so fast.
The "science" behind body language is very feeble. In fact, studies have found that people are shit at reading others, especially when it comes to detecting lies and deception. This goes as far as some people advocating to drop the use of body-language cues when it comes to law-enforcement investigations.

Reading body language is a pseudoscience and has no real life application. It's ripe to the brim with ambiguity, depending on culture, circumstance, personal history of the person being "read" etc...
If you were to acknowledge some weird universal lawcode for body language, people would have to be machines reacting to simplified cues. Even if we exclude the impact of culture (in india for example, making eye contact can be taken as very rude), the mood and mental state of the person you are talking to absolutely impacts how they will judge your "body language."

Which brings us full circle to looks of course. First impressions in particular. This is what decides how the content of your communication (word content + body language) will be judged. Its an aggregate of your targets current mental state, mood and your looks. What you actually do or say comes very very very last in this list of factors.

Additional information regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:
I will start with this article and add my comments to first 2 points made in it:

This intersects with Normie thinking. Most people are prone to falling back on heuristics when making judgements, meaning, they make big picture conclusions based on very limited data. This is where shit like oofy-doofy comes from. They see one ethnic with a white woman in public and suddenly "ETHNICS ARE SLAYERS BRO I SWEAR." This is Forest-First thinking. See the forest, not the trees. Or rather, see one tree and conclude there is a forest.

Autistic people do not do this. They do tree-first thinking and after having seen enough trees, they conclude that there is a forest. This is why autistic people are right on many things more often than not, when it comes to certain conclusions. Unlike the NT, they assemble a data cloud of details that forms a big picture, and not start with the big picture and fill in the details.

Important point. Most NT People interact with each other based on pure self interest. To that end they put on a facade of agreeableness (virtue signaling) which they often mistake for being virtuous. This is why people get pissed when you deny them, when they are trying to do you a "favor." - their anger indicates that their intention was self-gratification.

So this further complicates the matter of learning to be NT, reading others and signalling correctly. It becomes a game of scoundrels where everyone is out for himself. Your "LTR" gf is with you because it benefits her, and she has vastly more power than you, financially, socially. And you are going to compromise for her, you have to, you have less or no power, even if you are chad. So even here, "being NT" just comes down to being an agreeable simp.

How many of your friends would stay loyal if you committed a murder. Would your mother hide you in the trunk of your car and drive you to the border to hide you from police? Their affection is disingenuous and conditional, aka it is not affection at all. They hang out with you because it gives them pleasure. And you do the same. This is the basis for "NT." If they don't benefit from your presence, you are rejected. How do they benefit? From you talking about anime? The shit you brag about? What is your shared purpose that makes up the foundation of that relationship? Talking about soccer? I am telling you this, you have no friends in this world. And if you ever had one, you will only know once that motherfucker truly and sincerely lays down his life for you. Then you know what he was.

This is the crux of the NT-Pill. It shatters on every level. Looks, the lack of any skill you can learn to improve your "social skills," the ambiguity and pseudo-science of body-language. There is nothing you can do here. Nothing at all. You are trapped in your looks prison.
You can not make people like you.
(which is another retarded assertion of NT-Pill. People are not machines that you press a button on and they suddenly feel affection for you.)

Moving on to my next points regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:


Below are more links on the speed of first impressions.
This goes into my final point regarding Personality:

1. It is GIVEN (by looks present since birth, mothers treat ugly baby worse right away), leading to shit bonding and mental health issues.
2. People judge your personality based on looks RAPIDLY, within microseconds.
3. Unless you looskmax you, can't change these things.

Ugly people often report people fearing them in public, crossing the street to avoid them etc... the above study confirms that, people feel viscerally threatened by your cripple ass.

This next study goes into this even deeper and says people literally can not help themselves in their visual judgement of others,

Again, NT-copers BTFO. Even if you are extremely nice to others, they can not help but judge you based on your looks. Even if they know its wrong. Even if they know you are actually a good person. You are making them feel guilty for existing lmfao. And so they don't want to be around you.

Slightly unrelated but even being dark triad just backfires if you are ugly:

I can already here them coming, "this doesn't apply, most people are average not ugly."
1. Then why are you on looksmax you cumgobbler? Go to reddit or watch some yt videos about being confident and charismatic.
2. Even if average, I just highlighted that you can't change anything significant about your life without looksmaxing. This applies to job opportunities, whether people like you and judge you as competent on first impression etc... You can not make people like you. And society is people. We all are at the mercy of others 24/7. Also, relationships are the biggest indicator of happiness.

The thing is, if you are average, you will not stand out. You are positively neutral in a crowd of nobodies, aka invisible, unless you make yourself stand out by being pathetic - jestermaxxing, putting in all the effort into maintaining friendships/relationships (simping), etc... And you can not change that. Again, even with average looks, NT-Coping comes down to pleasuring other men to receive conditional validation from them. Gay.

If you have to work for it, it's not worth it. If you have work for something others get for free, you are already lower status, you are signalling it, you are admitting it. You will never get to the point where it feels natural. As you age your looks decline and magically and for no reason at all, so will your "social skills." People will suddenly be rude to you, whereas before they were not. The only acceptable behavior left will be to rot at home (thus leading to the social isolation epidemic among old people.) NT-Pill will not save you from this. It's not gonna make you immortal, sorry. Even if it was true, these last points i just made would still be true.
No NT for your bones INCEL
  • +1
Reactions: NECK&VOICE
NT-Pill is absolute cope. This thread should be the most water-wet shit but there's been too many NT-Pill spreading Propaganda here lately.
1. Looks form peoples first impression of you, even if told not to judge by looks
2. social skills are not real. Most of communication is body language and body language is pseudoscience

3."muh most people are average, looks only apply at extremes"
- 50% of population (foids) are extremely looks biased. NT-Copers like to produce some sort of stupid "debunking" of okupid or tinder studies, ignoring the huge body of data outside of these studies that demonstrates that looks is what makes people (both genders) react positively to you. Then you have to include the percentage of men that are obedient slaves to foids, which is huge. Ive seen this at my job, where simps joined foids in their campaign to bully a man out of his job because he was ugly.
This reduces the amount of people that you can apply your aquired NT-skills on even further than 50%. Women are doing 85-90% of all customer spending. Have been for long time (relevant book, "Generation of Vipers" from 1940s, already talked about women being 70% of customers).

This data implies that a HUGE amount of men are giving HUGE amounts of their money to foids. Around 40% of the money women are spending has to come from men, aka simps. I want you to consider this. The vast majority of men are simps and will go along with foids judgement of other people. Women control the economy and social life with absolute dominance. You are dogshit, you have no power. Nothing you can do will change this. Society IS women. If you don't provide value to women, you are barred from entering society. Even when average looking, not having a gf or wife will exclude you from a lot of man-only activities because most dudes are dogs on the leash of their gfs/wifes.

The above information implies this: The argument that looks only matter at the extremes of society, aka for chads and ugly people, is false because all foids are looks-biased to an extreme. This removes 50% of the population from the pool of people you can "NT-maxx" on. Now, as I have shown, most guys are giga-simps, and or effeminate, further reducing this pool of people.
These "men" only interact with other men for the sake of mogging them and acquiring brownie points with women. Your NT-Skills wont work on them unless you mog them status wise or with looks. Their lives revolve around foids to an extreme degree.

How much are we left with? I can not tell you but lets say, 20% of men. Maybe. So basically the only people you can apply your "social skills" on will be ugly men, incels and autists. Which is why this forum exists in the first place. Boom, so we have come full circle and this is just provides further credence to determinism.

To bring this around to NT-Pill. It simply does not work. Your options are bowing to the system and becoming a betabuxxer or being lonely and rejected. Having a social life is not a choice. You have very little choice about very few things in life. You did not choose your place or time of birth. The skull grows to 90% of its adult mass in the first 5 years of life. Mouthbreathing causes ADHD and dental malocclusion and it depends on factors such as your mother breastfeeding you. Which you had no choice over.
NT-Pill is for people that can not cope with the absolute and brutal reality of determinism. One thing I have observed about life: Most things in life are really simple. It's just volume and presentation. And when something is not simple, its usually just because copers like psychologists develop INSANE levels of lore to not accept the inevitable. They create an entire body of "theories" that amounts to high fiction and then they start citing each others fiction and it turns into pseudo-scientific racket, where people start producing books upon books on shit, none of which help anybody. That's why the self-help market exists, thats why theres so many YT videos on being charismatic or how to have good body language. If there was a solution, there would be no market. Supply-Demand. By that alone, you can deduce that they can not possibly be telling the truth. The truth is really simple and usually devastatingly sobering. And NT-Copers cant deal with this. They would rather fall for just-world-fallacy instead of accepting that its all factors outside of their control, like looks.
Even if looks were not real. Even if NT-Pill was 100% true, life would still be deterministic. You still don't choose your parents, place of birth, the time and politics, economy, what you are fed when young which drastically impacts your future health and mental function...

Even if we made all these acknowledgements to NT-Copers, saying hands down it's all NT, it would not change the ultimate reality of life being deterministic.
You chose nothing. You are at the mercy of fate/God, whatever you choose to cope with. There is no reason to be proud of anything, no reason to have confidence in yourself. Your so called achievements have prospered from a soil you did not provide. Someone else might have had the same potential but his circumstance did not allow him to become anything.

I will not pretend to have a solution. Just like with everything else, the solution will find you when and if the time comes.



The evidence for looks mattering above everything, in every single aspect of life, is overwhelming.
Both anecdotes and the scientific literature confirm this. The amount of research data is stunning.

For instance, take the confirmed fact that 90% of CEO's in America are above average height.

Think about what this means for you if you are below average height.
And anyone here who has ever held a job that wasn't playing minesweeper in the Gaza strip knows that tall people get promoted quickly,
that everyone in management and the upper echelon of the corporate structure is usually above average height, even in small companies.
People simply do not trust average to below-average height people with responsibility.

Your looks literally anchor you in life. It even works both ways. Yes, bad looking people can't get higher-tier jobs because people can't see an ugly person having high status (study below), BUT - good looking people also have a harder time applying for low-tier jobs!

fucking kill me.

Now, we could go on listing supporting studies here, we could probably accumulate hundreds of papers if necessary.
Just from a really really sloppy google search that took me half an hour, I came up with THIRTY-THREE relevant links:

As one can see, looks create a sort of "rubber-band" effect for your life. Aka, you can move up and down with some freedom, but it is like a rubber band that is attached to your back and no matter what you do, eventually you get pulled back to your natural, looks-determined social status level.
This applies to relationships with other people and of course your overall success (if defined materially) as well.

Now, this being established, I want to say a things regarding the NT-Pill.
Most NT-copers try to be agreeable which makes me vomit.
They say shit like "oh, Looks only matter at the extremes bro." "if you are normie looking it doesnt apply. Most people are average."
This is fucking retarded. Yes, most foids are looksmatched with most guys, if you stop thinking with your cock, most foids are ugly, just like guys.
This also destroyed the "muh natural selection argument" since unlike men, most foids get to reproduce REGARDLESS OF SHIT GENES/HEALTH.
However, foids being foids and having insane selection bias, this does not even matter. We all know how they rate most guys.
So this excludes 50% of the population from being factored into NT-Pill already, good riddance.

Now, how many guys are influenced by foids and shit and can be added to that 50%? I am sure you can imagine a number. Add that to the 50% of population (foids) that are judging extremely harsh based on looks. The pool of viable targets for your NT-Cope is shrinking drastically.

Or rather, only subhumans are left. Aka, this forum.

Of course the researchers here conflate looks with social skills. You put a bunch of looksmatched people together, they communicate easier. However, even in this context, the "communication" comes down to who-mogs-who and social hierarchy games, simply because looks are not sufficient to establish the pecking order in this environment. More on this and "friendships" and "LTR" later.

Also, I'd like NT-Copers to explain shit like this (thx for pointing this @rightfulcel):


Old people are also consistently the most affected by social isolation. I am using the term "social isolation" as in the clinical definition.
If social skills matter so much, why is this the case? Shouldn't they get even better at "making friends" as they age and gain more experience, more "social skill?"

How do you loose social skills in the first place? Are all these old people self-isolating on purpose because they are NEETs and play Genshin Impact all day? Is this the mysterious cause behind their sudden decline of social skills? NT-Copers step up, I want answers.

How is NT-Real when they say that between 60-90% of communication is based on body language, aka visual?

"OH!" goes the NT-coper, "got it, you gotta learn body language!"
Hold on there little pipsqueak, not so fast.
The "science" behind body language is very feeble. In fact, studies have found that people are shit at reading others, especially when it comes to detecting lies and deception. This goes as far as some people advocating to drop the use of body-language cues when it comes to law-enforcement investigations.

Reading body language is a pseudoscience and has no real life application. It's ripe to the brim with ambiguity, depending on culture, circumstance, personal history of the person being "read" etc...
If you were to acknowledge some weird universal lawcode for body language, people would have to be machines reacting to simplified cues. Even if we exclude the impact of culture (in india for example, making eye contact can be taken as very rude), the mood and mental state of the person you are talking to absolutely impacts how they will judge your "body language."

Which brings us full circle to looks of course. First impressions in particular. This is what decides how the content of your communication (word content + body language) will be judged. Its an aggregate of your targets current mental state, mood and your looks. What you actually do or say comes very very very last in this list of factors.

Additional information regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:
I will start with this article and add my comments to first 2 points made in it:

This intersects with Normie thinking. Most people are prone to falling back on heuristics when making judgements, meaning, they make big picture conclusions based on very limited data. This is where shit like oofy-doofy comes from. They see one ethnic with a white woman in public and suddenly "ETHNICS ARE SLAYERS BRO I SWEAR." This is Forest-First thinking. See the forest, not the trees. Or rather, see one tree and conclude there is a forest.

Autistic people do not do this. They do tree-first thinking and after having seen enough trees, they conclude that there is a forest. This is why autistic people are right on many things more often than not, when it comes to certain conclusions. Unlike the NT, they assemble a data cloud of details that forms a big picture, and not start with the big picture and fill in the details.

Important point. Most NT People interact with each other based on pure self interest. To that end they put on a facade of agreeableness (virtue signaling) which they often mistake for being virtuous. This is why people get pissed when you deny them, when they are trying to do you a "favor." - their anger indicates that their intention was self-gratification.

So this further complicates the matter of learning to be NT, reading others and signalling correctly. It becomes a game of scoundrels where everyone is out for himself. Your "LTR" gf is with you because it benefits her, and she has vastly more power than you, financially, socially. And you are going to compromise for her, you have to, you have less or no power, even if you are chad. So even here, "being NT" just comes down to being an agreeable simp.

How many of your friends would stay loyal if you committed a murder. Would your mother hide you in the trunk of your car and drive you to the border to hide you from police? Their affection is disingenuous and conditional, aka it is not affection at all. They hang out with you because it gives them pleasure. And you do the same. This is the basis for "NT." If they don't benefit from your presence, you are rejected. How do they benefit? From you talking about anime? The shit you brag about? What is your shared purpose that makes up the foundation of that relationship? Talking about soccer? I am telling you this, you have no friends in this world. And if you ever had one, you will only know once that motherfucker truly and sincerely lays down his life for you. Then you know what he was.

This is the crux of the NT-Pill. It shatters on every level. Looks, the lack of any skill you can learn to improve your "social skills," the ambiguity and pseudo-science of body-language. There is nothing you can do here. Nothing at all. You are trapped in your looks prison.
You can not make people like you.
(which is another retarded assertion of NT-Pill. People are not machines that you press a button on and they suddenly feel affection for you.)

Moving on to my next points regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:


Below are more links on the speed of first impressions.
This goes into my final point regarding Personality:

1. It is GIVEN (by looks present since birth, mothers treat ugly baby worse right away), leading to shit bonding and mental health issues.
2. People judge your personality based on looks RAPIDLY, within microseconds.
3. Unless you looskmax you, can't change these things.

Ugly people often report people fearing them in public, crossing the street to avoid them etc... the above study confirms that, people feel viscerally threatened by your cripple ass.

This next study goes into this even deeper and says people literally can not help themselves in their visual judgement of others,

Again, NT-copers BTFO. Even if you are extremely nice to others, they can not help but judge you based on your looks. Even if they know its wrong. Even if they know you are actually a good person. You are making them feel guilty for existing lmfao. And so they don't want to be around you.

Slightly unrelated but even being dark triad just backfires if you are ugly:

I can already here them coming, "this doesn't apply, most people are average not ugly."
1. Then why are you on looksmax you cumgobbler? Go to reddit or watch some yt videos about being confident and charismatic.
2. Even if average, I just highlighted that you can't change anything significant about your life without looksmaxing. This applies to job opportunities, whether people like you and judge you as competent on first impression etc... You can not make people like you. And society is people. We all are at the mercy of others 24/7. Also, relationships are the biggest indicator of happiness.

The thing is, if you are average, you will not stand out. You are positively neutral in a crowd of nobodies, aka invisible, unless you make yourself stand out by being pathetic - jestermaxxing, putting in all the effort into maintaining friendships/relationships (simping), etc... And you can not change that. Again, even with average looks, NT-Coping comes down to pleasuring other men to receive conditional validation from them. Gay.

If you have to work for it, it's not worth it. If you have work for something others get for free, you are already lower status, you are signalling it, you are admitting it. You will never get to the point where it feels natural. As you age your looks decline and magically and for no reason at all, so will your "social skills." People will suddenly be rude to you, whereas before they were not. The only acceptable behavior left will be to rot at home (thus leading to the social isolation epidemic among old people.) NT-Pill will not save you from this. It's not gonna make you immortal, sorry. Even if it was true, these last points i just made would still be true.

Tales from Mumbai basement

NT is bare minimum for sub-chadlite
NT-Pill is absolute cope. This thread should be the most water-wet shit but there's been too many NT-Pill spreading Propaganda here lately.
1. Looks form peoples first impression of you, even if told not to judge by looks
2. social skills are not real. Most of communication is body language and body language is pseudoscience

3."muh most people are average, looks only apply at extremes"
- 50% of population (foids) are extremely looks biased. NT-Copers like to produce some sort of stupid "debunking" of okupid or tinder studies, ignoring the huge body of data outside of these studies that demonstrates that looks is what makes people (both genders) react positively to you. Then you have to include the percentage of men that are obedient slaves to foids, which is huge. Ive seen this at my job, where simps joined foids in their campaign to bully a man out of his job because he was ugly.
This reduces the amount of people that you can apply your aquired NT-skills on even further than 50%. Women are doing 85-90% of all customer spending. Have been for long time (relevant book, "Generation of Vipers" from 1940s, already talked about women being 70% of customers).

This data implies that a HUGE amount of men are giving HUGE amounts of their money to foids. Around 40% of the money women are spending has to come from men, aka simps. I want you to consider this. The vast majority of men are simps and will go along with foids judgement of other people. Women control the economy and social life with absolute dominance. You are dogshit, you have no power. Nothing you can do will change this. Society IS women. If you don't provide value to women, you are barred from entering society. Even when average looking, not having a gf or wife will exclude you from a lot of man-only activities because most dudes are dogs on the leash of their gfs/wifes.

The above information implies this: The argument that looks only matter at the extremes of society, aka for chads and ugly people, is false because all foids are looks-biased to an extreme. This removes 50% of the population from the pool of people you can "NT-maxx" on. Now, as I have shown, most guys are giga-simps, and or effeminate, further reducing this pool of people.
These "men" only interact with other men for the sake of mogging them and acquiring brownie points with women. Your NT-Skills wont work on them unless you mog them status wise or with looks. Their lives revolve around foids to an extreme degree.

How much are we left with? I can not tell you but lets say, 20% of men. Maybe. So basically the only people you can apply your "social skills" on will be ugly men, incels and autists. Which is why this forum exists in the first place. Boom, so we have come full circle and this is just provides further credence to determinism.

To bring this around to NT-Pill. It simply does not work. Your options are bowing to the system and becoming a betabuxxer or being lonely and rejected. Having a social life is not a choice. You have very little choice about very few things in life. You did not choose your place or time of birth. The skull grows to 90% of its adult mass in the first 5 years of life. Mouthbreathing causes ADHD and dental malocclusion and it depends on factors such as your mother breastfeeding you. Which you had no choice over.
NT-Pill is for people that can not cope with the absolute and brutal reality of determinism. One thing I have observed about life: Most things in life are really simple. It's just volume and presentation. And when something is not simple, its usually just because copers like psychologists develop INSANE levels of lore to not accept the inevitable. They create an entire body of "theories" that amounts to high fiction and then they start citing each others fiction and it turns into pseudo-scientific racket, where people start producing books upon books on shit, none of which help anybody. That's why the self-help market exists, thats why theres so many YT videos on being charismatic or how to have good body language. If there was a solution, there would be no market. Supply-Demand. By that alone, you can deduce that they can not possibly be telling the truth. The truth is really simple and usually devastatingly sobering. And NT-Copers cant deal with this. They would rather fall for just-world-fallacy instead of accepting that its all factors outside of their control, like looks.
Even if looks were not real. Even if NT-Pill was 100% true, life would still be deterministic. You still don't choose your parents, place of birth, the time and politics, economy, what you are fed when young which drastically impacts your future health and mental function...

Even if we made all these acknowledgements to NT-Copers, saying hands down it's all NT, it would not change the ultimate reality of life being deterministic.
You chose nothing. You are at the mercy of fate/God, whatever you choose to cope with. There is no reason to be proud of anything, no reason to have confidence in yourself. Your so called achievements have prospered from a soil you did not provide. Someone else might have had the same potential but his circumstance did not allow him to become anything.

I will not pretend to have a solution. Just like with everything else, the solution will find you when and if the time comes.



The evidence for looks mattering above everything, in every single aspect of life, is overwhelming.
Both anecdotes and the scientific literature confirm this. The amount of research data is stunning.

For instance, take the confirmed fact that 90% of CEO's in America are above average height.

Think about what this means for you if you are below average height.
And anyone here who has ever held a job that wasn't playing minesweeper in the Gaza strip knows that tall people get promoted quickly,
that everyone in management and the upper echelon of the corporate structure is usually above average height, even in small companies.
People simply do not trust average to below-average height people with responsibility.

Your looks literally anchor you in life. It even works both ways. Yes, bad looking people can't get higher-tier jobs because people can't see an ugly person having high status (study below), BUT - good looking people also have a harder time applying for low-tier jobs!

fucking kill me.

Now, we could go on listing supporting studies here, we could probably accumulate hundreds of papers if necessary.
Just from a really really sloppy google search that took me half an hour, I came up with THIRTY-THREE relevant links:

As one can see, looks create a sort of "rubber-band" effect for your life. Aka, you can move up and down with some freedom, but it is like a rubber band that is attached to your back and no matter what you do, eventually you get pulled back to your natural, looks-determined social status level.
This applies to relationships with other people and of course your overall success (if defined materially) as well.

Now, this being established, I want to say a things regarding the NT-Pill.
Most NT-copers try to be agreeable which makes me vomit.
They say shit like "oh, Looks only matter at the extremes bro." "if you are normie looking it doesnt apply. Most people are average."
This is fucking retarded. Yes, most foids are looksmatched with most guys, if you stop thinking with your cock, most foids are ugly, just like guys.
This also destroyed the "muh natural selection argument" since unlike men, most foids get to reproduce REGARDLESS OF SHIT GENES/HEALTH.
However, foids being foids and having insane selection bias, this does not even matter. We all know how they rate most guys.
So this excludes 50% of the population from being factored into NT-Pill already, good riddance.

Now, how many guys are influenced by foids and shit and can be added to that 50%? I am sure you can imagine a number. Add that to the 50% of population (foids) that are judging extremely harsh based on looks. The pool of viable targets for your NT-Cope is shrinking drastically.

Or rather, only subhumans are left. Aka, this forum.

Of course the researchers here conflate looks with social skills. You put a bunch of looksmatched people together, they communicate easier. However, even in this context, the "communication" comes down to who-mogs-who and social hierarchy games, simply because looks are not sufficient to establish the pecking order in this environment. More on this and "friendships" and "LTR" later.

Also, I'd like NT-Copers to explain shit like this (thx for pointing this @rightfulcel):


Old people are also consistently the most affected by social isolation. I am using the term "social isolation" as in the clinical definition.
If social skills matter so much, why is this the case? Shouldn't they get even better at "making friends" as they age and gain more experience, more "social skill?"

How do you loose social skills in the first place? Are all these old people self-isolating on purpose because they are NEETs and play Genshin Impact all day? Is this the mysterious cause behind their sudden decline of social skills? NT-Copers step up, I want answers.

How is NT-Real when they say that between 60-90% of communication is based on body language, aka visual?

"OH!" goes the NT-coper, "got it, you gotta learn body language!"
Hold on there little pipsqueak, not so fast.
The "science" behind body language is very feeble. In fact, studies have found that people are shit at reading others, especially when it comes to detecting lies and deception. This goes as far as some people advocating to drop the use of body-language cues when it comes to law-enforcement investigations.

Reading body language is a pseudoscience and has no real life application. It's ripe to the brim with ambiguity, depending on culture, circumstance, personal history of the person being "read" etc...
If you were to acknowledge some weird universal lawcode for body language, people would have to be machines reacting to simplified cues. Even if we exclude the impact of culture (in india for example, making eye contact can be taken as very rude), the mood and mental state of the person you are talking to absolutely impacts how they will judge your "body language."

Which brings us full circle to looks of course. First impressions in particular. This is what decides how the content of your communication (word content + body language) will be judged. Its an aggregate of your targets current mental state, mood and your looks. What you actually do or say comes very very very last in this list of factors.

Additional information regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:
I will start with this article and add my comments to first 2 points made in it:

This intersects with Normie thinking. Most people are prone to falling back on heuristics when making judgements, meaning, they make big picture conclusions based on very limited data. This is where shit like oofy-doofy comes from. They see one ethnic with a white woman in public and suddenly "ETHNICS ARE SLAYERS BRO I SWEAR." This is Forest-First thinking. See the forest, not the trees. Or rather, see one tree and conclude there is a forest.

Autistic people do not do this. They do tree-first thinking and after having seen enough trees, they conclude that there is a forest. This is why autistic people are right on many things more often than not, when it comes to certain conclusions. Unlike the NT, they assemble a data cloud of details that forms a big picture, and not start with the big picture and fill in the details.

Important point. Most NT People interact with each other based on pure self interest. To that end they put on a facade of agreeableness (virtue signaling) which they often mistake for being virtuous. This is why people get pissed when you deny them, when they are trying to do you a "favor." - their anger indicates that their intention was self-gratification.

So this further complicates the matter of learning to be NT, reading others and signalling correctly. It becomes a game of scoundrels where everyone is out for himself. Your "LTR" gf is with you because it benefits her, and she has vastly more power than you, financially, socially. And you are going to compromise for her, you have to, you have less or no power, even if you are chad. So even here, "being NT" just comes down to being an agreeable simp.

How many of your friends would stay loyal if you committed a murder. Would your mother hide you in the trunk of your car and drive you to the border to hide you from police? Their affection is disingenuous and conditional, aka it is not affection at all. They hang out with you because it gives them pleasure. And you do the same. This is the basis for "NT." If they don't benefit from your presence, you are rejected. How do they benefit? From you talking about anime? The shit you brag about? What is your shared purpose that makes up the foundation of that relationship? Talking about soccer? I am telling you this, you have no friends in this world. And if you ever had one, you will only know once that motherfucker truly and sincerely lays down his life for you. Then you know what he was.

This is the crux of the NT-Pill. It shatters on every level. Looks, the lack of any skill you can learn to improve your "social skills," the ambiguity and pseudo-science of body-language. There is nothing you can do here. Nothing at all. You are trapped in your looks prison.
You can not make people like you.
(which is another retarded assertion of NT-Pill. People are not machines that you press a button on and they suddenly feel affection for you.)

Moving on to my next points regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:


Below are more links on the speed of first impressions.
This goes into my final point regarding Personality:

1. It is GIVEN (by looks present since birth, mothers treat ugly baby worse right away), leading to shit bonding and mental health issues.
2. People judge your personality based on looks RAPIDLY, within microseconds.
3. Unless you looskmax you, can't change these things.

Ugly people often report people fearing them in public, crossing the street to avoid them etc... the above study confirms that, people feel viscerally threatened by your cripple ass.

This next study goes into this even deeper and says people literally can not help themselves in their visual judgement of others,

Again, NT-copers BTFO. Even if you are extremely nice to others, they can not help but judge you based on your looks. Even if they know its wrong. Even if they know you are actually a good person. You are making them feel guilty for existing lmfao. And so they don't want to be around you.

Slightly unrelated but even being dark triad just backfires if you are ugly:

I can already here them coming, "this doesn't apply, most people are average not ugly."
1. Then why are you on looksmax you cumgobbler? Go to reddit or watch some yt videos about being confident and charismatic.
2. Even if average, I just highlighted that you can't change anything significant about your life without looksmaxing. This applies to job opportunities, whether people like you and judge you as competent on first impression etc... You can not make people like you. And society is people. We all are at the mercy of others 24/7. Also, relationships are the biggest indicator of happiness.

The thing is, if you are average, you will not stand out. You are positively neutral in a crowd of nobodies, aka invisible, unless you make yourself stand out by being pathetic - jestermaxxing, putting in all the effort into maintaining friendships/relationships (simping), etc... And you can not change that. Again, even with average looks, NT-Coping comes down to pleasuring other men to receive conditional validation from them. Gay.

If you have to work for it, it's not worth it. If you have work for something others get for free, you are already lower status, you are signalling it, you are admitting it. You will never get to the point where it feels natural. As you age your looks decline and magically and for no reason at all, so will your "social skills." People will suddenly be rude to you, whereas before they were not. The only acceptable behavior left will be to rot at home (thus leading to the social isolation epidemic among old people.) NT-Pill will not save you from this. It's not gonna make you immortal, sorry. Even if it was true, these last points i just made would still be true.
Nigga posted a bunch of random studies including ones with no causation

As if that disproves not being mentally ill won’t positively affect your life

“People will judge you by your looks”

Yeah hopefully no one’s telling 5”2 truecels to “just be NT bro”, and obv its better to look better

How tf does that disprove that not being mentally ill and having social skills will positively affect your life


Yeah dude like NT partying and having social circle isn’t 80% of your slays as a MTN

Keep saving your Indian janitor wage to look like some gay alien, then u can slay at 30 bro!
I posted this a while back.

Sometimes you have to be patient with the idiots.

@Acne Victim said it best “Just don’t be nonverbal”
i know you didn't post this thread as you are pinkwell and this account was given to you by whoever this "aladin" idiot was
but this thread is beyond retarded
i know you didn't post this thread as you are pinkwell and this account was given to you by whoever this "aladin" idiot was
but this thread is beyond retarded
How’d you know the account wasn’t originally mine?
How’d you know the account wasn’t originally mine?
the typing style is insanely different and "aladin" claimed to be from eastern europe while you are american
NT-Pill is absolute cope. This thread should be the most water-wet shit but there's been too many NT-Pill spreading Propaganda here lately.
1. Looks form peoples first impression of you, even if told not to judge by looks
2. social skills are not real. Most of communication is body language and body language is pseudoscience

3."muh most people are average, looks only apply at extremes"
- 50% of population (foids) are extremely looks biased. NT-Copers like to produce some sort of stupid "debunking" of okupid or tinder studies, ignoring the huge body of data outside of these studies that demonstrates that looks is what makes people (both genders) react positively to you. Then you have to include the percentage of men that are obedient slaves to foids, which is huge. Ive seen this at my job, where simps joined foids in their campaign to bully a man out of his job because he was ugly.
This reduces the amount of people that you can apply your aquired NT-skills on even further than 50%. Women are doing 85-90% of all customer spending. Have been for long time (relevant book, "Generation of Vipers" from 1940s, already talked about women being 70% of customers).

This data implies that a HUGE amount of men are giving HUGE amounts of their money to foids. Around 40% of the money women are spending has to come from men, aka simps. I want you to consider this. The vast majority of men are simps and will go along with foids judgement of other people. Women control the economy and social life with absolute dominance. You are dogshit, you have no power. Nothing you can do will change this. Society IS women. If you don't provide value to women, you are barred from entering society. Even when average looking, not having a gf or wife will exclude you from a lot of man-only activities because most dudes are dogs on the leash of their gfs/wifes.

The above information implies this: The argument that looks only matter at the extremes of society, aka for chads and ugly people, is false because all foids are looks-biased to an extreme. This removes 50% of the population from the pool of people you can "NT-maxx" on. Now, as I have shown, most guys are giga-simps, and or effeminate, further reducing this pool of people.
These "men" only interact with other men for the sake of mogging them and acquiring brownie points with women. Your NT-Skills wont work on them unless you mog them status wise or with looks. Their lives revolve around foids to an extreme degree.

How much are we left with? I can not tell you but lets say, 20% of men. Maybe. So basically the only people you can apply your "social skills" on will be ugly men, incels and autists. Which is why this forum exists in the first place. Boom, so we have come full circle and this is just provides further credence to determinism.

To bring this around to NT-Pill. It simply does not work. Your options are bowing to the system and becoming a betabuxxer or being lonely and rejected. Having a social life is not a choice. You have very little choice about very few things in life. You did not choose your place or time of birth. The skull grows to 90% of its adult mass in the first 5 years of life. Mouthbreathing causes ADHD and dental malocclusion and it depends on factors such as your mother breastfeeding you. Which you had no choice over.
NT-Pill is for people that can not cope with the absolute and brutal reality of determinism. One thing I have observed about life: Most things in life are really simple. It's just volume and presentation. And when something is not simple, its usually just because copers like psychologists develop INSANE levels of lore to not accept the inevitable. They create an entire body of "theories" that amounts to high fiction and then they start citing each others fiction and it turns into pseudo-scientific racket, where people start producing books upon books on shit, none of which help anybody. That's why the self-help market exists, thats why theres so many YT videos on being charismatic or how to have good body language. If there was a solution, there would be no market. Supply-Demand. By that alone, you can deduce that they can not possibly be telling the truth. The truth is really simple and usually devastatingly sobering. And NT-Copers cant deal with this. They would rather fall for just-world-fallacy instead of accepting that its all factors outside of their control, like looks.
Even if looks were not real. Even if NT-Pill was 100% true, life would still be deterministic. You still don't choose your parents, place of birth, the time and politics, economy, what you are fed when young which drastically impacts your future health and mental function...

Even if we made all these acknowledgements to NT-Copers, saying hands down it's all NT, it would not change the ultimate reality of life being deterministic.
You chose nothing. You are at the mercy of fate/God, whatever you choose to cope with. There is no reason to be proud of anything, no reason to have confidence in yourself. Your so called achievements have prospered from a soil you did not provide. Someone else might have had the same potential but his circumstance did not allow him to become anything.

I will not pretend to have a solution. Just like with everything else, the solution will find you when and if the time comes.



The evidence for looks mattering above everything, in every single aspect of life, is overwhelming.
Both anecdotes and the scientific literature confirm this. The amount of research data is stunning.

For instance, take the confirmed fact that 90% of CEO's in America are above average height.

Think about what this means for you if you are below average height.
And anyone here who has ever held a job that wasn't playing minesweeper in the Gaza strip knows that tall people get promoted quickly,
that everyone in management and the upper echelon of the corporate structure is usually above average height, even in small companies.
People simply do not trust average to below-average height people with responsibility.

Your looks literally anchor you in life. It even works both ways. Yes, bad looking people can't get higher-tier jobs because people can't see an ugly person having high status (study below), BUT - good looking people also have a harder time applying for low-tier jobs!

fucking kill me.

Now, we could go on listing supporting studies here, we could probably accumulate hundreds of papers if necessary.
Just from a really really sloppy google search that took me half an hour, I came up with THIRTY-THREE relevant links:

As one can see, looks create a sort of "rubber-band" effect for your life. Aka, you can move up and down with some freedom, but it is like a rubber band that is attached to your back and no matter what you do, eventually you get pulled back to your natural, looks-determined social status level.
This applies to relationships with other people and of course your overall success (if defined materially) as well.

Now, this being established, I want to say a things regarding the NT-Pill.
Most NT-copers try to be agreeable which makes me vomit.
They say shit like "oh, Looks only matter at the extremes bro." "if you are normie looking it doesnt apply. Most people are average."
This is fucking retarded. Yes, most foids are looksmatched with most guys, if you stop thinking with your cock, most foids are ugly, just like guys.
This also destroyed the "muh natural selection argument" since unlike men, most foids get to reproduce REGARDLESS OF SHIT GENES/HEALTH.
However, foids being foids and having insane selection bias, this does not even matter. We all know how they rate most guys.
So this excludes 50% of the population from being factored into NT-Pill already, good riddance.

Now, how many guys are influenced by foids and shit and can be added to that 50%? I am sure you can imagine a number. Add that to the 50% of population (foids) that are judging extremely harsh based on looks. The pool of viable targets for your NT-Cope is shrinking drastically.

Or rather, only subhumans are left. Aka, this forum.

Of course the researchers here conflate looks with social skills. You put a bunch of looksmatched people together, they communicate easier. However, even in this context, the "communication" comes down to who-mogs-who and social hierarchy games, simply because looks are not sufficient to establish the pecking order in this environment. More on this and "friendships" and "LTR" later.

Also, I'd like NT-Copers to explain shit like this (thx for pointing this @rightfulcel):


Old people are also consistently the most affected by social isolation. I am using the term "social isolation" as in the clinical definition.
If social skills matter so much, why is this the case? Shouldn't they get even better at "making friends" as they age and gain more experience, more "social skill?"

How do you loose social skills in the first place? Are all these old people self-isolating on purpose because they are NEETs and play Genshin Impact all day? Is this the mysterious cause behind their sudden decline of social skills? NT-Copers step up, I want answers.

How is NT-Real when they say that between 60-90% of communication is based on body language, aka visual?

"OH!" goes the NT-coper, "got it, you gotta learn body language!"
Hold on there little pipsqueak, not so fast.
The "science" behind body language is very feeble. In fact, studies have found that people are shit at reading others, especially when it comes to detecting lies and deception. This goes as far as some people advocating to drop the use of body-language cues when it comes to law-enforcement investigations.

Reading body language is a pseudoscience and has no real life application. It's ripe to the brim with ambiguity, depending on culture, circumstance, personal history of the person being "read" etc...
If you were to acknowledge some weird universal lawcode for body language, people would have to be machines reacting to simplified cues. Even if we exclude the impact of culture (in india for example, making eye contact can be taken as very rude), the mood and mental state of the person you are talking to absolutely impacts how they will judge your "body language."

Which brings us full circle to looks of course. First impressions in particular. This is what decides how the content of your communication (word content + body language) will be judged. Its an aggregate of your targets current mental state, mood and your looks. What you actually do or say comes very very very last in this list of factors.

Additional information regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:
I will start with this article and add my comments to first 2 points made in it:

This intersects with Normie thinking. Most people are prone to falling back on heuristics when making judgements, meaning, they make big picture conclusions based on very limited data. This is where shit like oofy-doofy comes from. They see one ethnic with a white woman in public and suddenly "ETHNICS ARE SLAYERS BRO I SWEAR." This is Forest-First thinking. See the forest, not the trees. Or rather, see one tree and conclude there is a forest.

Autistic people do not do this. They do tree-first thinking and after having seen enough trees, they conclude that there is a forest. This is why autistic people are right on many things more often than not, when it comes to certain conclusions. Unlike the NT, they assemble a data cloud of details that forms a big picture, and not start with the big picture and fill in the details.

Important point. Most NT People interact with each other based on pure self interest. To that end they put on a facade of agreeableness (virtue signaling) which they often mistake for being virtuous. This is why people get pissed when you deny them, when they are trying to do you a "favor." - their anger indicates that their intention was self-gratification.

So this further complicates the matter of learning to be NT, reading others and signalling correctly. It becomes a game of scoundrels where everyone is out for himself. Your "LTR" gf is with you because it benefits her, and she has vastly more power than you, financially, socially. And you are going to compromise for her, you have to, you have less or no power, even if you are chad. So even here, "being NT" just comes down to being an agreeable simp.

How many of your friends would stay loyal if you committed a murder. Would your mother hide you in the trunk of your car and drive you to the border to hide you from police? Their affection is disingenuous and conditional, aka it is not affection at all. They hang out with you because it gives them pleasure. And you do the same. This is the basis for "NT." If they don't benefit from your presence, you are rejected. How do they benefit? From you talking about anime? The shit you brag about? What is your shared purpose that makes up the foundation of that relationship? Talking about soccer? I am telling you this, you have no friends in this world. And if you ever had one, you will only know once that motherfucker truly and sincerely lays down his life for you. Then you know what he was.

This is the crux of the NT-Pill. It shatters on every level. Looks, the lack of any skill you can learn to improve your "social skills," the ambiguity and pseudo-science of body-language. There is nothing you can do here. Nothing at all. You are trapped in your looks prison.
You can not make people like you.
(which is another retarded assertion of NT-Pill. People are not machines that you press a button on and they suddenly feel affection for you.)

Moving on to my next points regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:


Below are more links on the speed of first impressions.
This goes into my final point regarding Personality:

1. It is GIVEN (by looks present since birth, mothers treat ugly baby worse right away), leading to shit bonding and mental health issues.
2. People judge your personality based on looks RAPIDLY, within microseconds.
3. Unless you looskmax you, can't change these things.

Ugly people often report people fearing them in public, crossing the street to avoid them etc... the above study confirms that, people feel viscerally threatened by your cripple ass.

This next study goes into this even deeper and says people literally can not help themselves in their visual judgement of others,

Again, NT-copers BTFO. Even if you are extremely nice to others, they can not help but judge you based on your looks. Even if they know its wrong. Even if they know you are actually a good person. You are making them feel guilty for existing lmfao. And so they don't want to be around you.

Slightly unrelated but even being dark triad just backfires if you are ugly:

I can already here them coming, "this doesn't apply, most people are average not ugly."
1. Then why are you on looksmax you cumgobbler? Go to reddit or watch some yt videos about being confident and charismatic.
2. Even if average, I just highlighted that you can't change anything significant about your life without looksmaxing. This applies to job opportunities, whether people like you and judge you as competent on first impression etc... You can not make people like you. And society is people. We all are at the mercy of others 24/7. Also, relationships are the biggest indicator of happiness.

The thing is, if you are average, you will not stand out. You are positively neutral in a crowd of nobodies, aka invisible, unless you make yourself stand out by being pathetic - jestermaxxing, putting in all the effort into maintaining friendships/relationships (simping), etc... And you can not change that. Again, even with average looks, NT-Coping comes down to pleasuring other men to receive conditional validation from them. Gay.

If you have to work for it, it's not worth it. If you have work for something others get for free, you are already lower status, you are signalling it, you are admitting it. You will never get to the point where it feels natural. As you age your looks decline and magically and for no reason at all, so will your "social skills." People will suddenly be rude to you, whereas before they were not. The only acceptable behavior left will be to rot at home (thus leading to the social isolation epidemic among old people.) NT-Pill will not save you from this. It's not gonna make you immortal, sorry. Even if it was true, these last points i just made would still be true.
My autistic friend:
It’s def cope.

I was short and ugly and got bullied n isolated so much for it up until 22, where I magically became NT, made friends and was more outgoing…because I looksmaxxed and ascended.

It was because I got better positive reinforcement…people literally approached me to be my friend for no reason, people at work were nicer, people would just compliment me randomly, friends kept saying I was a handsome guy, girls would approach me. This naturally led to me being a better conversationalist in general because I had positive reinforcement finally…due to LOOKS.

I will always be an abused dog tbh bc I was isolated so bad in middle and high school. But this thread is real shit

What’s funny is im a very strong MTN potentially weak HTN. I couldn’t imagine what life would be like as a real chadlite.
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It’s def cope.

I was short and ugly and got bullied n isolated so much for it up until 22, where I magically became NT, made friends and was more outgoing…because I looksmaxxed and ascended.

It was because I got better positive reinforcement…people literally approached me to be my friend for no reason, people at work were nicer, people would just compliment me randomly, friends kept saying I was a handsome guy, girls would approach me. This naturally led to me being a better conversationalist in general because I had positive reinforcement finally…due to LOOKS.

I will always be an abused dog tbh bc I was isolated so bad in middle and high school. But this thread is real shit

What’s funny is im a very strong MTN potentially weak HTN. I couldn’t imagine what life would be like as a real chadlite.
i'm literally rated as high htn - low chadlite on average and i am completely isolated and still a kissless virgin. NT is way more important than you think it is, think of all the ugly normies with girls while this site has htn rotters

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