I am actually far more surprised with her death

Seems like she was academically excelling and had a life ahead of her. One mistake of her probably affiliating with the wrong folks and deciding to do drugs most likely under pressure at a party killed her otherwise promising future.

I know this forum isn't very serious but fuck me this is quite sobering.
If they were in a hotel together doing met they were definitely having marathon binge sex.
  • JFL
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View attachment 3031648

Yeah seems to be true. This blond dude he's pictured with had an account here too. He reached out to me one time asking for advice on how to get past the long-term withdrawals from quitting meth.

Too young and too dumb.
That was mirin on an alt account pretending to be him I'm pretty sure, mirin came here on alts a few times after he deleted his original acc
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What the fuck
Image 1
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I know him he used to rant about his family especially his father and how much he hated him
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bro ded srs, i legit think master put some sort of spell under his forums to keep you grounded to them
its not some spell its just you have no one else to interact with, anyone with friends can leave this without a second thought
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Wtf I used to talk to him all the time
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I am actually far more surprised with her death

Seems like she was academically excelling and had a life ahead of her. One mistake of her probably affiliating with the wrong folks and deciding to do drugs most likely under pressure at a party killed her otherwise promising future.

I know this forum isn't very serious but fuck me this is quite sobering.
U think shebwas with him because of their combined love of drugs???

Do u think she found him good looking? Maybe that is the hack for us low value men to get a decent girl , just get into drugs and find a girl also into drugs
  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Smartass and AlexBrown84
U think shebwas with him because of their combined love of drugs???

Do u think she found him good looking? Maybe that is the hack for us low value men to get a decent girl , just get into drugs and find a girl also into drugs
I’m not gonna post it out of respect but the last pics of himself he sent me he was looking a lot better. Good skin tone and he was training for some army thing he was in shape easy HTN imo
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Anyone remember @Mirin2234?
View attachment 3031106

Deleted member 6572

The one I had the ''Mog Battle of the Decade'' with?

The one who called me ''Bilbo Faggins''?
View attachment 3031110
The one who laid down the final verdict that it was over for me and that my genetics never wanted me to reproduce?
View attachment 3031123
There's been an update
View attachment 3031145
View attachment 3031131

@oatmeal @Marsiere214 @Short Ugly and Brown @eyearea @goat2x @sytyl @streege @Squirtoutmabooty @kuroro @RecessedPrettyboy @Sikkunt23 @Introvertednarc @000 @justadude @buckchadley31 @Kmscurry @Copeful @NarcyChadlite @Hozay @St. Wristcel @Looks234 @Britishlooksmaxxer
Last edited:
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I’m not an OG even I knew who he was

Damn what the fuck that’s crazy so 2 confirmed deaths from this community
there’s alot more than that

i can confirm 2 other guys i’ve met up with who are both dead

@dimorphism and @GuyFromSingapore
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Girl he died in that hotel with seems hot

not a bad way to go if we’re being quite frank

overdosing on meth next to a sexy asian ting

but yea rip
I think he has little brother

@Chinacurry when you die give me the exclusive rights to post your death thread for easy reps
Damn I just checked… guess he overdosed in the end. Weird I remember me and him used to talk a lot, and he told me abt going to uni and getting clean
I talked to him last year and tried to help him. He was addicted to meth. And wanted to suicide daily (couldn't stop or live without it). Don't do meth kids it's 10x more deadly than any other drug.
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We all die in the end, then we are forgotten shortly and turn into some fucking dust and disappear
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there’s alot more than that

i can confirm 2 other guys i’ve met up with who are both dead

@dimorphism and @GuyFromSingapore
Maybe you can change the name of this thread since lots of people will probably miss it with this title (dont know if mods are able to)
What would you like me to change it into?
We all die in the end, then we are forgotten shortly and turn into some fucking dust and disappear
Good post. We are all going to die, he just left earlier than all of us. Sad, but true.
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this site now has at least 4 bodies could be dozens that we don't know off
you guys need a body count somewhere
4? I thought it was 2. This is very unsettling.
  • JFL
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i went to the online obituary and saw some of the comments.

also yeah this is pretty sad, but something about the drug addiction and his abusive parents was lowkey kinda fucked looking back like 4 years ago.

there are some people ik from discord and here who have just kinda completely disappeared, and i still have no idea what happened to them. Idk if they died or just quit because of some sort of fear, who knows really.

A lot of people have left away you know, but sometimes you'll see them again and again. i've seen some old pslers on /soc/ and stuff like that, or see the alts of certain users come up again, etc.

also honestly the world has become so much of a fucked schizophrenic nonsensical nightmare that it makes the blackpill shit look like a joke in comparison frankly. idk if the teens on this site would understand but yeah at 20 yo its kinda fucked to see.
Higher ups want u in my server, we have all the ogs dm me if u want in
I remember that guy. One of the noisy spergs that come and go. He is not OG, not part of my story, yet psl is all I have. When that mr bean looking guy (imperative?) on lookism said about fatmano that if he died he'd be like "oh rly..." and go on with his day. Thats how most of us are like. Get it?
What would you like me to change it into?
I was thinking something related to the fact mirin died but maybe him/his family wouldn't want to bring it more attention here after a second thought
I was thinking something related to the fact mirin died but maybe him/his family wouldn't want to bring it more attention here after a second thought
It’s already posted by someone else now.
  • JFL
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Yeah, that's why I would never touch any hard drug in this country. Fentanyl is in EVERYTHING.

Can't believe that dude died from it. Didn't know he lived in Michigan too.
Only born in Michigan. Grew up in Atlanta and moved to Ohio now as an adult
  • +1
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Different guy I don't think that was him. He stated his dad molested him as a kid.
brutal, poor kid didn’t even get a normal shot at life, I loathe those born neurotypical with loving financially stable parents, especially when they are good looking aswell, they will never truly understand how fortunate they are. Rest in peace
@Kristin @karbo @Baldingman1998 @Entschuldigung @NotAMogger @Vermilioncore @StrangerDanger @Looks234 @Clavicular @Lebgfinal opinions
JFL, i told him about Bobby's death in the GC, i knew rode would make a thread about it on here
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Lefty Rankin shoots up school 2025

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