Organ-maxxing for optimum health and aesthetic benefit

Very interesting! I have three questions for you

  1. How do you eat on normal days?
  2. Don't these gallstones break down on their own in a healthy person?
  3. How do I know if I have gallstones?
I eat whatever I want since I started flushing with 0 problems. But if I am feeling picky I eat grass-fed meat and potatoes with some veg and rice occasionally. Fruit juices from time to time too.

The gallstones accumulate in all people when they are exposed to toxicity. Children as young as 7 can pass stones with a flush.

You most likely do.
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@TsarTsar444 tought
yeah honestly we all have some stones in the liver due to our fucked up diets and all the chemicals we are exposed to. They aren't gall stones, they are intra hepatic stones, not visible on ultra sound. im 26 I've flushed thousands of them out, with probably thousands to go too.
Wait so how the fuck do they flush out, through piss??
  • JFL
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Wait so how the fuck do they flush out, through piss??
literally this ^
how the fuck do you not know you’re dying pissing out green rocks wtf?
  • JFL
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You shit the stones out fellas
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Anyone gonna try this?
as someone who has spend thousands of hours researching health nutrition hormones attraction etc these past few years ( i will introduce myself properly soon, just signed up ) BOTB Tier thread, mirin hard, will try the flush asap
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Anyone gonna try this?
I tried this but lighter version and i can confirm that this is working. Ordering epsom salt today and waiting for next flush. This should be priority for all looksmaxers. Its change EVERYTHING. Literally life changer thread much more usefull than putting peppermint oil on your eyebrows.
interesting. i have epsom salts in my shithole. will it be nuff just 3 cups of salts through day or grapefruit/olive oil is a must also
I agree with EVERYTHING written in this post. Definitely deserves a BOTB.
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High IQ thread honestly. Touches grass that nobody ever will.
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interesting. i have epsom salts in my shithole. will it be nuff just 3 cups of salts through day or grapefruit/olive oil is a must also
Gotta follow the instructions down to a Tee. The Epsom salts and the grapefruit/olive oil
I agree with EVERYTHING written in this post. Definitely deserves a BOTB.
View attachment 1885286
Congrats man! Keep going, just because you flushed only a few stones on your first flush doesn't mean there are not hundreds more to come. Let me know how you feel this week and what improvements you notice after a few days pass.
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Congrats man! Keep going, just because you flushed only a few stones on your first flush doesn't mean there are not hundreds more to come. Let me know how you feel this week and what improvements you notice after a few days pass.
Better mood, better libido, better hair ( I was norwooding, now my hair are regrowing), I can freestyle ( better mind performacne ), also MUCH better digestion. The second photo is on full stack of oils, full suplements, saw palmetto. The next one is after flush and no oil, no supplements. Even my skin color changed. ( second photo vitamin A megadose btw ). I think that my gym performance will IMPROVE A LOT due to higher levels of hormones (testosterone, dihrydrotestrone, igf-1 and hgh).
I will do next flush for 4 day. Is it safe for me?


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  • JFL
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Better mood, better libido, better hair ( I was norwooding, now my hair are regrowing), I can freestyle ( better mind performacne ), also MUCH better digestion. The second photo is on full stack of oils, full suplements, saw palmetto. The next one is after flush and no oil, no supplements. Even my skin color changed. ( second photo vitamin A megadose btw ). I think that my gym performance will IMPROVE A LOT due to higher testosterone, dihrydrotestrone, igf-1 and hgh.
I will do next flush for 4 day. Is it safe for me?
My skin glows red and orange without any sun exposure. That's the best cosmetic benefit I have experienced along with no more dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis which I battled for 10 years. You should wait 2 weeks minimum in-between flushes, as the liver needs to heal itself after passing those stones. It needs a break. I personally wait 10 days in between flushes.

The effects of this flush on your androgens are huge if you had a lot of stones that need to come out. There is the sexual magnetism that guys on long nofap streaks talk about. the same magnetism comes after cleaning out your liver in my experience. And of course this improved androgen profile translates to better gym performance too. I wish I had before and after labs because the difference is so extreme.
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  • JFL
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ok going to try this next week. 750ml -4 portions + olive/grapefruit in between.

I 100% have bad microbiome. thanks to anti candida diet i got rid of social anxiety/suicidal depression and adhd but that thing is like in sleeping stage now. As soon as i divert from my diet it all comes back immediately.
ok going to try this next week. 750ml -4 portions + olive/grapefruit in between.

I 100% have bad microbiome. thanks to anti candida diet i got rid of social anxiety/suicidal depression and adhd but that thing is like in sleeping stage now. As soon as i divert from my diet it all comes back immediately.
Yeah it's no way to live. Humans should be able to eat some sugar every now and then with no ill effects. Candida diet is treating a symptom not the cause. I've been there. Candida diet does help but it will never ever ever solve the problem. Same with antibiotics and antifungals. Candida are in our body naturally for a very specific purpose, and this organism coevolved with us symbiotically to carry out this purpose when our digestive organs fail us. That candida overgrown and multiplying to help you stay alive in the absence of functional digestion, (bad liver/galbladder) ultimately aiding you break down waste product in the digestive tract even though it is making you feel like shit.
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Op is darktriad trolling, this will kill you dont actually try it
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  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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I tried this but lighter version and i can confirm that this is working. Ordering epsom salt today and waiting for next flush. This should be priority for all looksmaxers. Its change EVERYTHING. Literally life changer thread much more usefull than putting peppermint oil on your eyebrows.
Can you go into more details on what you used for the lighter version?
Can you go into more details on what you used for the lighter version?
I dry fasted and then I did just oil ( 130 ml ) + grapefruit ( 130) at night, but I didnt shit out my stones, I guess they stacked in my bowel movement.
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This is some shit your mom finds on facebook and tells her whatsapp group about. On the same level as facebook covid-19 ‘cures’ like taking ivermectin and garlic or some shit :lul: No end to human stupidity fr
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I dry fasted and then I did just oil ( 130 ml ) + grapefruit ( 130) at night, but I didnt shit out my stones, I guess they stacked in my bowel movement.
I'm planning to do it like you without epsom salt, were you able to get the stones out without the epsom salt?
I'm planning to do it like you without epsom salt, were you able to get the stones out without the epsom salt?
Yes but they stuck inside me I guess. When I used epsom salt my all stones went out around 100~.
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ok going to try this next week. 750ml -4 portions + olive/grapefruit in between.

I 100% have bad microbiome. thanks to anti candida diet i got rid of social anxiety/suicidal depression and adhd but that thing is like in sleeping stage now. As soon as i divert from my diet it all comes back immediately.
I have the same issue causing me to limit my diet extremely strictly. Can you provide an update when you do your first cleanse?
Op is darktriad trolling, this will kill you dont actually try it
This is my first time hearing of this. Some of the comments had me interested. Could you explain how this would kill a person?
I have the same issue causing me to limit my diet extremely strictly. Can you provide an update when you do your first cleanse?
yh sure. definetely will try next week either on wednesday or saturday.
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This is my first time hearing of this. Some of the comments had me interested. Could you explain how this would kill a person?
Try it and you will die
I just met a kid whom reminded me of the days when i was a kid too....

When i was a kid i decided i won't be boring and dead inside when i grow up, but here am i acting cold af and dead inside just like how adults treated me when i was a kid.

I hope cleaning my liver will bring make me full of life again.

I still enjoy life but not like how that kid was enjoying it, i want to run instead of walking
  • JFL
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I have the same issue causing me to limit my diet extremely strictly. Can you provide an update when you do your first cleanse?
ok did it yesterday. x2- 180ml of water with pure epsom salt, then ( 120 ml olive oil+ 150ml fresh grapfruit)
and on the next day again x2. I feel like i messed up with 3rd step ( oil/grape) where you are supposed to lie down and sleep. I lied down but could not get into sleep, thus was reading a book until 4am.

Dont know if i pushed any stones because i went to shit like 8 times during whole course but it was all liquid. Still on next day i felt like... i dunno. If you ever experienced mdma/psylocibin shrooms afterglow this feelign is close to it- higher awareness, more focus, better mood and ext. Changes are subtle but they are definetely there. In terms of candida cant really say because im sure it wont go away just from a single flush.

Planning to try it again in 10-14 days.
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  • JFL
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ok did it yesterday. x2- 180ml of water with pure epsom salt, then ( 120 ml olive oil+ 150ml fresh grapfruit)
and on the next day again x2. I feel like i messed up with 3rd step ( oil/grape) where you are supposed to lie down and sleep. I lied down but could not get into sleep, thus was reading a book until 4am.

Dont know if i pushed any stones because i went to shit like 8 times during whole course but it was all liquid. Still on next day i felt like... i dunno. If you ever experienced mdma/psylocibin shrooms afterglow this feelign is close to it- higher awareness, more focus, better mood and ext. Changes are subtle but they are definetely there. In terms of candida cant really say because im sure it wont go away just from a single flush.

Planning to try it again in 10-14 days.
Lmao should look like this sorry everyone


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  • JFL
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My 3th flush with succesfull. Already passed around ~300 stones. Highly reccomending to everyone.
  • JFL
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Is this legit? I can't tell.
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ok did it yesterday. x2- 180ml of water with pure epsom salt, then ( 120 ml olive oil+ 150ml fresh grapfruit)
and on the next day again x2. I feel like i messed up with 3rd step ( oil/grape) where you are supposed to lie down and sleep. I lied down but could not get into sleep, thus was reading a book until 4am.

Dont know if i pushed any stones because i went to shit like 8 times during whole course but it was all liquid. Still on next day i felt like... i dunno. If you ever experienced mdma/psylocibin shrooms afterglow this feelign is close to it- higher awareness, more focus, better mood and ext. Changes are subtle but they are definetely there. In terms of candida cant really say because im sure it wont go away just from a single flush.

Planning to try it again in 10-14 days.
I missed seeing the update until just now. Did your mental benefits turn out to be long term? I remember feeling something similar from passing candida in the past after doing carnivore + MCT oil for a while. It's one resilient bastard though so seriously good luck getting rid of it. It almost requires a perfect regimen. Recently I read something about it possibly being tied to oxalate overload, but I'm still looking into that though to determine if it's bs or not. I'm almost willing to try anything though to get rid of it.
I missed seeing the update until just now. Did your mental benefits turn out to be long term? I remember feeling something similar from passing candida in the past after doing carnivore + MCT oil for a while. It's one resilient bastard though so seriously good luck getting rid of it. It almost requires a perfect regimen. Recently I read something about it possibly being tied to oxalate overload, but I'm still looking into that though to determine if it's bs or not. I'm almost willing to try anything though to get rid of it.
hard to say because i felt close to perfect before. Now its just slightly better. I also microdose magic mushrooms occasionally so im pretty sure im like top 1-5% in terms of mental stability. The problem is that i feel ok as long as i adhere to diet and its super annoying when all of my daily ration consist of vegetables salads/no lactose milk/almonds and buckwheat.

That candida was living in my body for 15 years and 13 of those were hell mixed with missed opportunities/constant mood swings and suicidal thoughts+ adhd and minus 1/1.5 points of looks cause of 24/7 bloating lol.

For the past 2 months i actually decided to hop on 20/4 intermetting fasting because few doctors say that authopagy also clears that shit.
that+ diet+ that cleansing ( im planning to do it at least 6-8 times)- hope it will finally get rid of that.

If it wont, im planning to visit specialised gut clinic where they gonna analyze my body and prescribe antifungals specifially for me. i allready tried a few antigunfals/antibiotics myself - not asingle one of them worked.

If even all of these fails - well then i guess im going to stick to anti candida diet for life which is quite ironic because i wanted to live beyond 100 and look like chuando tan at 50-60. And one the best anti aging regiment for that is very strickt diet+fasting which is literally embodiment of anti candida diet. God probably decided to troll me.
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Not that I think this does not work and help your overall health, but I would think twice before doin this regularly. Those green thing you pass? Apparantly those are just the bile salts. Found an interesting article about this subject, link below

On the one hand the article claims the flush doesn't work/ there is nothing to be flushed, on the other it says

We have received two cases reports of gall bladder crisis required emergency cholecystectomy, induced by a liver flush flushing a stone into the gall duct and causing its blockage.

So which is it? either the flush doesn't work/ there is nothing to flush, or it does work and there is the risk of getting stones stuck. Can't have it both ways, sorry shills.

Also nobody ever claimed they were gallstones, although you can pass those too with this flush. Galstones are just calcified versions of the green cholesterol sludge that gets flushed out of the intra hepatic ducts.

Beyond that, if it was the case these stones were created in the GI tract from saponification of the oil and acids, you would get stones out every time you did the flush. Not the case at all. Conversely, you can reach such a state of wellness that you will never again produce a stone no matter how much fat you consume.

Many people have taken these stones to labs to find out they are in fact composed of cholesterol and are crystalline in structure internally.

Beyond that anecdotal reports of success with this method are far and wide, and when medical science has been corrupted as it has so obviously been with the vaccine bullshit, anecdote is all we have to go on really. Finally you can try it yourself and reap the benefits. It costs nothing.
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On the one hand the article claims the flush doesn't work/ there is nothing to be flushed, on the other it says

We have received two cases reports of gall bladder crisis required emergency cholecystectomy, induced by a liver flush flushing a stone into the gall duct and causing its blockage.

So which is it? either the flush doesn't work/ there is nothing to flush, or it does work and there is the risk of getting stones stuck. Can't have it both ways, sorry shills.

Also nobody ever claimed they were gallstones, although you can pass those too with this flush. Galstones are just calcified versions of the green cholesterol sludge that gets flushed out of the intra hepatic ducts.

Beyond that, if it was the case these stones were created in the GI tract from saponification of the oil and acids, you would get stones out every time you did the flush. Not the case at all. Conversely, you can reach such a state of wellness that you will never again produce a stone no matter how much fat you consume.

Many people have taken these stones to labs to find out they are in fact composed of cholesterol and are crystalline in structure internally.

Beyond that anecdotal reports of success with this method are far and wide, and when medical science has been corrupted as it has so obviously been with the vaccine bullshit, anecdote is all we have to go on really. Finally you can try it yourself and reap the benefits. It costs nothing.
Good reply. Im actually surprised myself that Ive never heard about this liver flushing method before, since Im fairly intrested about health-maxxing in general.
anecdote is all we have to go on really
This forum in a nutshell tbh
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Good reply. Im actually surprised myself that Ive never heard about this liver flushing method before, since Im fairly intrested about health-maxxing in general.

This forum in a nutshell tbh
I have been interested in improving my health for years and only recently stumbled upon this flush this past year. I have read all of the counter arguments to the flush and can disprove them, but honestly as I said the best way to disprove them is to see for yourself how good you feel after a flush. I am not a big olive oil or grapefruit industry plant out here trying to boost revenue. I have seen insane health benefits from the flush and want to share what I have found with other health conscious people.
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13580539 975929605852856 2268382886668989993 o
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The epsom salt arrived today!!

At what time i am suppossed to go to the toilet and get my stones out ? Everytime i drink epsom salt?
proper liver function allows for optimum hormone profiles to signal robust bone growth as well as proper assimilation of fat soluble nutrients to build and upkeep those bones
craniofacial development ≠ bone mass
  • Hmm...
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i read a lot about flushing. this week i just did the flush and dropped hundreds of these stones, let's see what happens, but shitting at least felt like a cleanse, no effort at all.
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The epsom salt arrived today!!

At what time i am suppossed to go to the toilet and get my stones out ? Everytime i drink epsom salt?
Read the link that posted in OP and follow the directions to a tee
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craniofacial development ≠ bone mass
you don’t need to/can’t maintain a proper craniofacial structure with whatever your organ shit has planned

and its one of the most important pieces to health, aging, etc.
you don’t need to/can’t maintain a proper craniofacial structure with whatever your organ shit has planned

and its one of the most important pieces to health, aging, etc.
no-one claimed that. fuck off retard.

Bone mass is half of good CF development, you can move the bones wherever you want with surgery or Mew coping but if there isn't enough mass there you are still going to look like shit.

Bone mass development is influenced by nutrition which involves the digestion which is dependent on?

the liver and gallbladder
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no-one claimed that. fuck off retard.

Bone mass is half of good CF development, you can move the bones wherever you want with surgery or Mew coping but if there isn't enough mass there you are still going to look like shit.

Bone mass development is influenced by nutrition which involves the digestion which is dependent on?

the liver and gallbladder
it’s not important to be focused on.

anyone with a normal diet can have the adequate bone mass to have good bones just based off the splanchocranium projection

and that simply isn’t fixable without surgery

any additional bone mass gain isn’t gonna improve it

also imagine insulting me when im trying to help your desperate ass JFL
it’s not important to be focused on.

anyone with a normal diet can have the adequate bone mass to have good bones just based off the splanchocranium projection

and that simply isn’t fixable without surgery

any additional bone mass gain isn’t gonna improve it

also imagine insulting me when im trying to help your desperate ass JFL
pretty weird understanding of the human body and development you've got there

and also just annoying semantic thing to point out where nobody asked. You come in here saying craniofacial development is unrelated to diet and organ health. It's ludicrous

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