Organ-maxxing for optimum health and aesthetic benefit

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I have been on these forums since I was 19 (26 year old oldcel now). I have had a shit ton of surgery, derminated my face, applied all sorts of retinol, carotenoids, etc. Ate Peaty, ate animal organs for the mineral and fat soluble vitamin content.

I'm here to tell you that Chad literally doesn't have to do any of that. The age old adage that chad eats pizza and has 6 pack abs and glowing skin is TRUE. Why is it true? His genetics allow for the optimum uptake of the nutrition in the food he eats, and the expedient removal of the waste byproducts he consumes and is exposed to in our toxic modern world.

All of our organs are constantly working towards this same purpose, but some are less genetically blessed than others, and on top of that, others are stifled by their habits and environment. This thread is going to be about optimizing the function of the chief digestive and cleansing organs, the gallbladder, the liver, and the colon. But for now, I will start with the Liver.

It's very likely that your liver is extremely fucked up. Do you have skin problems? Constipation? IBS? candida? Dandruff or seb derm? All of these maladies are symptoms of a leaky gut. And when the digestion is suffering other problems like candida and sibo can arise.

However the leaky gut, candida, parasites, yeast etc, are just symptoms of poor digestion - congestion. All symptoms are survival responses - these critters are there because they have a very important purpose. Their evolutionary duty is to break up and consume the dirty, rotting congestion that has not be assimilated into or out of the body due to indigestion. They are secondary to the root cause, liver disfunction. Intra hepatic stones and cholesterol sludge literally prevents the liver from releasing bile into the digestive system so as to properly break down the food you consume. It bogs down the liver so that it can no longer effectively cleanse your blood. One can imagine that that removing these stones where they are present, would have tremendous implications for one's health and well being.

The main, root cause of indigestion and the other issues like leaky gut is poor bile output. If bile was being output at proper volumes, your colon would be surprisingly clean and the body would be in a state where it was strong and well enough to heal the leaky gut on it's own. There is an ancient Ayurvedic technique which flushes the bile ducts of this congestion, and optimizes digestion, which in turn increases the efficacy of all of your metabolic functions. And let me tell you after a long journey in looksmaxing- health and beauty are synonymous. Beauty without health is worthless and lacking, and health without beauty does not exist.

Here is how you can clean your liver so that bile flows freely, and digestion works optimally- and there are many sources online which you can read to gain more background on why it works: following quote taken from this link, and this is the flush I have used to rid myself of THOUSANDS of stones, which have improved my health 10 fold:

You don't need the ornithine or the black walnut tincture. You can just do the Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) from Whole Foods, and the grapefruit juice and olive oil.

This is what the stones look like.
View attachment 1874347

Get all of those fuckers out, it can take a few flushes. Our livers need an oil change once a year and if you have neglected this as all of modernity has, you are due, and the effects will be as if you have discovered a panacea. My experience is that Your hair will shine, your skin will glow, your eyes will light up, sleep deepen. Your energy will be boundless, and I haven't even passed all of my stones yet.

Start doing these flushes regularly, and see your entire physiology change/improve, and your outlook on life too. Soon you begin to hear life's music as you did when you were a child in your day to day life. Those feelings that you get; the vibrations of music being picked up clearly and being sensed throughout your body during the few days or a week after flushing is just a small taste of what it's going to be like every day when you're done flushing - but it will be magnified ten fold. By the time you're done flushing all of the stones, you'll be able to enjoy any artist and any song that has ever been played.

The nervous system is made up of electrical circuits and impulses that pick up vibrations from everything.

Many things happen that suppress the nervous system when congestion is present; from Ayurveda:

-The energy meridians running through the liver get blocked off, and get pent up in the liver. Certain emotions that are generated within the liver like anger as a result of congestion can't flow through the energy system and dissipate, so it just builds and builds and causes massive havoc on the organ.

-Neurotransmitters are required for proper brain chemistry; when toxicity backs up, congests the lymphatic system and interstitial fluid between cells, the neurotransmitters sending messages between each are compromised or disrupted. Most neurotransmitters are made up of enzymes as well that then need to be sacrificed to help carry this waste out of the system instead of act maintain the nervous system and brain function.

-Lack of bile storage and stagnation dramatically effects brain chemistry; for some reason, when bile storage has been compromised from bile duct congestion, the brain reflects this in the form of depression and just general suppression of the nervous system. This is why people who have their gallbladder removed have higher rates of depression. The brain will also lower dopamine production when bile has turned stagnant, due to blocked elimination channels and not being able to be renewed regularly.

-Bile back-washing in the bloodstream causes a "bilious" (bile-ous) / angry personality. The body tells us what's happening, especially to it's most cherished organ by becoming emotional when it's not able to do what it needs to. When bile back-washes into the bloodstream, the body becomes very angry, frustrated and depressed. It is impossible to enjoy music and feel the positive vibrations of it when the body is on a different frequency range, involving 4th dimensional emotions that involve survival responses, like anger. I have noticed that when the bile ducts are completely clear of congestion, it is almost impossible to get angry or frustrated. 95% of people's daily frustrations are caused by this, yet 95% of the population would probably call this quackery - too bad for them. The laws of nature, like the law of gravity remain in place whether you abide by them or not.

Once all congestion is removed, and the nervous system is able to function at it's prime, you will fee like you are literally one with nature, and will be able to smell and feel everything in the most pure and positive way.

You will be absolutely amazed at how you feel once you've complete the process or get to the stage where I am at now. Every time you flush, you will notice that your perception of life has changed, and it's become similar to how you felt as a kid - you were excited about everything.

The funny thing is that when you do become completely re-awoken, things actually become much less boring. You realize that even just having a cup of tea with your grandma can be exciting and so many things are actually happening. No matter what job you have, or where you go, you will MAKE it interesting. You will end up having a blast anywhere you work, and with whoever you meet ... but the extra energy and sense of success you will have will naturally attract better things in all ways - you will become so in tuned with everybody's emotions that you'll be able to land any job you want just by the way you tune in and talk with the HR roasties.

If you have less knowledge in a certain field but have 100% accurate emotional intelligence, you will go way further than someone with all the knowledge in the world but can't tune into the people around him.

It gives you an entirely new perspective, trust and respect for nature. Everything was designed perfectly and you'll want to live to 150 if you can.

I know a lot of you will dismiss this as quackery, but I have had insane success with this therapy and if even one person here finds what I have found in it, this thread will have been worth it. You want to be NT? Fix your health and commune with your natural state of thriving in nature and in the presence of others. You want to be beautiful? optimize the absorption of key nutrients and toxin disposal. This flush will do it all. God speed.
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Sorry for being low iq but does this hurt at all? Is this like passing kidney stones or do you shit it all out?

Btw will doing this prevent kidney stones?
Sorry for being low iq but does this hurt at all? Is this like passing kidney stones or do you shit it all out?

Btw will doing this prevent kidney stones?
it just feels like diarrhea
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My personal favourite mentalmaxx and looksmax method. My 4th flush with succes. This thread should be BOTB.
View attachment 1909716
have u tried flushing with only Epsom Salt, Olive Oil, and Grapefruit Juice and for grapefruit juice can i use store bought or i have to squeeze my own?
Once I fully detox will I be able to avoid these in future?
Anger builds up on the livers meridians? Why is anyone taking this schizo ass thread seriously, the best way to detoxify is to eat a healthy diet and exercise while avoiding toxins in the environment and foods that cause inflammation.

You have to find foods that meet your needs that are also easy for you to digest, a lot of health issues are caused by diet induced chronic inflammation.

Also drinking lots of water and avoiding stressors in your life. If stress can’t be avoided then you should practice cognitive behavioural therapy to mitigate your reaction, an emotional reaction is also physical so gaslighting yourself is good since it’ll keep you in a stable state.
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Anger builds up on the livers meridians? Why is anyone taking this schizo ass thread seriously, the best way to detoxify is to eat a healthy diet and exercise while avoiding toxins in the environment and foods that cause inflammation.

You have to find foods that meet your needs that are also easy for you to digest, a lot of health issues are caused by diet induced chronic inflammation.

Also drinking lots of water and avoiding stressors in your life. If stress can’t be avoided then you should practice cognitive behavioural therapy to mitigate your reaction, an emotional reaction is also physical so gaslighting yourself is good since it’ll keep you in a stable state.
great advice man thanks for relaying basic common sense health advice you fucking loser
  • JFL
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Reactions: Anasurimbor, AsGoodAsItGets and Deleted member 27660
great advice man thanks for relaying basic common sense health advice you fucking loser
You believe emotions build up in your digestive system, bluepilled health advice makes more sense than the shit you’re saying
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You believe emotions build up in your digestive system, bluepilled health advice makes more sense than the shit you’re saying
The body is far more complex than you know. Hormones get trapped in stagnant non functional organs and when the organs are unclogged, you will experience a highly emotional state. When they are trapped they cause emotional havoc, stress, dis-ease and anger.

You come in here trying to give level 1 health advice, just try the flush and you will experience what I'm talking about. My DMs are full of users who have tried the flush thanking me for saving or improving their health by sharing this flush and guiding them through it.

Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it schizo, it simply means you are inexperienced.
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Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets and Deleted member 20631
anybody done this? :feelshmm:
Personally i dont believe this at all , especially because gallstones are not green
View attachment 1926948

However i will still try this cause why not, i have acne and lack of energy.
If there s no difference in how i feel next week then i ll flag this thread as absolute cope
any results?

"In the early 1980s, after recommending and teaching Robert's protocol, a PhD physiologist STRONGLY suggested that these "stones" were probably artifacts of the therapy. The next time someone passed some, I took them in a cooler to a local Santa Fe medical lab I had a working relationship with. They showed only traces of chenic and cholic bile salts, and had no discernable cholesterol content. Their educated guess was that they were saponified fatty acids...probably linoleic or oleic acid salts. They were DEFINITELY not "gallstones". I have not recommended this grim regimen since...

Robert's protocol seems to result in the consistent passing of "stones" consisting of saponified olive oil, acted on as well as possible by the stressed digestive apparatus.

That doesn't mean that the shocked pancreas and gall bladder don't, on occasion, vomit out a small cholesterol stone. But, as anyone who has worked with cholelithiasis will vouch, this is risky stuff, since an obstruction by a REAL stone of the biliary duct or common duct from the gall bladder spasms may be just as likely. Most gallstones exist WITHOUT symptoms. Most obstructions require surgery."
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He estado en estos foros desde que tenía 19 años (ahora tengo 26 años). Me sometí a una tonelada de cirugía, me dermité la cara, apliqué todo tipo de retinol, carotenoides, etc. Comí Peaty, comí órganos de animales por el contenido de vitaminas liposolubles y minerales.

Estoy aquí para decirles que Chad, literalmente, no tiene que hacer nada de eso. El antiguo adagio de que Chad come pizza y tiene abdominales marcados y una piel radiante es VERDADERO. ¿Por qué es cierto? Su genética permite la absorción óptima de la nutrición en los alimentos que come y la eliminación conveniente de los subproductos de desecho que consume y a los que está expuesto en nuestro tóxico mundo moderno.

Todos nuestros órganos están trabajando constantemente para este mismo propósito, pero algunos están menos bendecidos genéticamente que otros y, además, otros están sofocados por sus hábitos y su entorno. Este hilo tratará sobre la optimización de la función de los principales órganos digestivos y de limpieza, la vesícula biliar, el hígado y el colon. Pero por ahora, comenzaré con el hígado.

Es muy probable que tu hígado esté muy jodido. ¿Tienes problemas de piel? ¿Constipación? ¿SII? cándida? ¿Caspa o seb derm? Todas estas enfermedades son síntomas de un intestino permeable. Y cuando la digestión está sufriendo pueden surgir otros problemas como candidiasis y sibo.

Sin embargo, el intestino permeable, la cándida, los parásitos, la levadura, etc., son solo síntomas de mala digestión: congestión. Todos los síntomas son respuestas de supervivencia: estos bichos están ahí porque tienen un propósito muy importante. Su deber evolutivo es romper y consumir la congestión sucia y podrida que no ha sido asimilada dentro o fuera del cuerpo debido a la indigestión. Son secundarias a la causa raíz, la disfunción hepática. Los cálculos intrahepáticos y el lodo de colesterol literalmente evitan que el hígado libere bilis en el sistema digestivo para descomponer adecuadamente los alimentos que consume. Atasca el hígado para que ya no pueda limpiar su sangre de manera efectiva. Uno puede imaginar que quitar estas piedras donde están presentes tendría enormes implicaciones para la salud y el bienestar de uno.

La principal causa raíz de la indigestión y otros problemas como el intestino permeable es la producción deficiente de bilis. Si la bilis saliera en los volúmenes adecuados, su colon estaría sorprendentemente limpio y el cuerpo estaría en un estado en el que sería lo suficientemente fuerte y bien como para curar el intestino permeable por sí mismo. Existe una antigua técnica ayurvédica que limpia los conductos biliares de esta congestión y optimiza la digestión, lo que a su vez aumenta la eficacia de todas sus funciones metabólicas. Y déjame decirte que después de un largo viaje en busca de un look máximo, la salud y la belleza son sinónimos. La belleza sin salud carece de valor y carece de valor, y la salud sin belleza no existe.

Así es como puede limpiar su hígado para que la bilis fluya libremente y la digestión funcione de manera óptima, y hay muchas fuentes en línea que puede leer para obtener más información sobre por qué funciona: siguiente cita tomada de este enlace, y esta es la descarga He usado para deshacerme de MILES de piedras, que han mejorado mi salud 10 veces:

No necesitas la ornitina o la tintura de nuez negra. Solo puede hacer las sales de Epsom (sulfato de magnesio) de Whole Foods, y el jugo de toronja y el aceite de oliva.

Así lucen las piedras.
View attachment 1874347

Saca a todos esos hijos de puta, puede tomar algunas descargas. Nuestros hígados necesitan un cambio de aceite una vez al año y si lo has descuidado como ha hecho toda la modernidad, estás a tiempo, y los efectos serán como si hubieras descubierto una panacea. Mi experiencia es que Tu cabello brillará, tu piel brillará, tus ojos se iluminarán, el sueño será más profundo. Tu energía será ilimitada y aún no he pasado todas mis piedras.

Comience a hacer estos lavados regularmente y vea cómo cambia/mejora toda su fisiología, y también su perspectiva de la vida. Pronto comienzas a escuchar la música de la vida como lo hacías cuando eras niño en tu día a día. Esos sentimientos que te dan; las vibraciones de la música que se captan claramente y se sienten en todo el cuerpo durante los días o una semana después de la descarga es solo una pequeña muestra de cómo será todos los días cuando termine de descargar la cadena, pero se magnificará diez doblar. Cuando termines de tirar todas las piedras, podrás disfrutar de cualquier artista y cualquier canción que haya tocado alguna vez.

El sistema nervioso está formado por circuitos eléctricos e impulsos que captan vibraciones de todo.

Suceden muchas cosas que suprimen el sistema nervioso cuando hay congestión; de Ayurveda:

-Los meridianos de energía que atraviesan el hígado se bloquean y quedan retenidos en el hígado. Ciertas emociones que se generan dentro del hígado, como la ira como resultado de la congestión, no pueden fluir a través del sistema de energía y disiparse, por lo que solo aumentan y aumentan y causan estragos masivos en el órgano.

-Los neurotransmisores son necesarios para la química cerebral adecuada; cuando la toxicidad retrocede, congestiona el sistema linfático y el líquido intersticial entre las células, los neurotransmisores que envían mensajes entre cada uno se ven comprometidos o interrumpidos. La mayoría de los neurotransmisores también están compuestos de enzimas que luego deben sacrificarse para ayudar a eliminar estos desechos del sistema en lugar de actuar para mantener el sistema nervioso y la función cerebral.

-La falta de almacenamiento de bilis y el estancamiento afectan dramáticamente la química cerebral; por alguna razón, cuando el almacenamiento de bilis se ve comprometido por la congestión de los conductos biliares, el cerebro refleja esto en forma de depresión y supresión general del sistema nervioso. Esta es la razón por la que las personas a las que se les extirpa la vesícula biliar tienen tasas más altas de depresión. El cerebro también reducirá la producción de dopamina cuando la bilis se haya estancado, debido a que los canales de eliminación están bloqueados y no se puede renovar regularmente.

-El retrolavado de bilis en el torrente sanguíneo provoca una personalidad "biliosa" (biliosa) / enojada. El cuerpo nos dice lo que está pasando, especialmente a su órgano más preciado al volverse emocional cuando no puede hacer lo que necesita. Cuando la bilis regresa al torrente sanguíneo, el cuerpo se enfada mucho, se frustra y se deprime. Es imposible disfrutar de la música y sentir sus vibraciones positivas cuando el cuerpo está en un rango de frecuencia diferente, involucrando emociones de 4ª dimensión que involucran respuestas de supervivencia, como la ira. He notado que cuando los conductos biliares están completamente libres de congestión, es casi imposible enojarse o frustrarse. El 95% de las frustraciones diarias de las personas son causadas por esto, sin embargo, el 95% de la población probablemente llamaría a esto charlatanería, muy mal para ellos. Las leyes de la naturaleza,

Una vez que se elimine toda la congestión y el sistema nervioso pueda funcionar en su mejor momento, se sentirá como si fuera literalmente uno con la naturaleza y podrá oler y sentir todo de la manera más pura y positiva.

Te sorprenderá absolutamente cómo te sientes una vez que hayas completado el proceso o llegues a la etapa en la que me encuentro ahora. Cada vez que tire de la cadena, notará que su percepción de la vida ha cambiado y se ha vuelto similar a cómo se sentía cuando era niño: estaba entusiasmado con todo.

Lo curioso es que cuando vuelves a despertar por completo, las cosas se vuelven mucho menos aburridas. Te das cuenta de que incluso tomar una taza de té con tu abuela puede ser emocionante y que en realidad están sucediendo muchas cosas. No importa qué trabajo tengas o adónde vayas, HARÁS que sea interesante. Terminarás divirtiéndote mucho en cualquier lugar donde trabajes y con quienquiera que conozcas... pero la energía adicional y la sensación de éxito que tendrás naturalmente atraerán mejores cosas en todos los sentidos: estarás tan en sintonía con las emociones de todos que podrá conseguir cualquier trabajo que desee simplemente por la forma en que sintoniza y habla con los asados de recursos humanos.

Si tiene menos conocimiento en un campo determinado pero tiene una inteligencia emocional 100% precisa, llegará mucho más lejos que alguien con todo el conocimiento del mundo pero que no puede sintonizar con las personas que lo rodean.

Te da una perspectiva completamente nueva, confianza y respeto por la naturaleza. Todo fue diseñado a la perfección y querrás vivir hasta los 150 si puedes.

Sé que muchos de ustedes descartarán esto como charlatanería, pero he tenido un éxito increíble con esta terapia y si una sola persona aquí encuentra lo que yo encontré, este hilo habrá valido la pena. ¿Quieres ser NT? Repara tu salud y comunícate con tu estado natural de prosperar en la naturaleza y en la presencia de los demás. ¿Quieres ser hermosa? optimizar la absorción de nutrientes clave y la eliminación de toxinas. Esta descarga lo hará todo. Velocidad de Dios.
Hello, do I have to comply on day 2 all day in bed and resting, or can I move around and do my normal routine?
what you think about 24 hours fast
I have been on these forums since I was 19 (26 year old oldcel now). I have had a shit ton of surgery, derminated my face, applied all sorts of retinol, carotenoids, etc. Ate Peaty, ate animal organs for the mineral and fat soluble vitamin content.

I'm here to tell you that Chad literally doesn't have to do any of that. The age old adage that chad eats pizza and has 6 pack abs and glowing skin is TRUE. Why is it true? His genetics allow for the optimum uptake of the nutrition in the food he eats, and the expedient removal of the waste byproducts he consumes and is exposed to in our toxic modern world.

All of our organs are constantly working towards this same purpose, but some are less genetically blessed than others, and on top of that, others are stifled by their habits and environment. This thread is going to be about optimizing the function of the chief digestive and cleansing organs, the gallbladder, the liver, and the colon. But for now, I will start with the Liver.

It's very likely that your liver is extremely fucked up. Do you have skin problems? Constipation? IBS? candida? Dandruff or seb derm? All of these maladies are symptoms of a leaky gut. And when the digestion is suffering other problems like candida and sibo can arise.

However the leaky gut, candida, parasites, yeast etc, are just symptoms of poor digestion - congestion. All symptoms are survival responses - these critters are there because they have a very important purpose. Their evolutionary duty is to break up and consume the dirty, rotting congestion that has not be assimilated into or out of the body due to indigestion. They are secondary to the root cause, liver disfunction. Intra hepatic stones and cholesterol sludge literally prevents the liver from releasing bile into the digestive system so as to properly break down the food you consume. It bogs down the liver so that it can no longer effectively cleanse your blood. One can imagine that that removing these stones where they are present, would have tremendous implications for one's health and well being.

The main, root cause of indigestion and the other issues like leaky gut is poor bile output. If bile was being output at proper volumes, your colon would be surprisingly clean and the body would be in a state where it was strong and well enough to heal the leaky gut on it's own. There is an ancient Ayurvedic technique which flushes the bile ducts of this congestion, and optimizes digestion, which in turn increases the efficacy of all of your metabolic functions. And let me tell you after a long journey in looksmaxing- health and beauty are synonymous. Beauty without health is worthless and lacking, and health without beauty does not exist.

Here is how you can clean your liver so that bile flows freely, and digestion works optimally- and there are many sources online which you can read to gain more background on why it works: following quote taken from this link, and this is the flush I have used to rid myself of THOUSANDS of stones, which have improved my health 10 fold:

You don't need the ornithine or the black walnut tincture. You can just do the Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) from Whole Foods, and the grapefruit juice and olive oil.

This is what the stones look like.
View attachment 1874347

Get all of those fuckers out, it can take a few flushes. Our livers need an oil change once a year and if you have neglected this as all of modernity has, you are due, and the effects will be as if you have discovered a panacea. My experience is that Your hair will shine, your skin will glow, your eyes will light up, sleep deepen. Your energy will be boundless, and I haven't even passed all of my stones yet.

Start doing these flushes regularly, and see your entire physiology change/improve, and your outlook on life too. Soon you begin to hear life's music as you did when you were a child in your day to day life. Those feelings that you get; the vibrations of music being picked up clearly and being sensed throughout your body during the few days or a week after flushing is just a small taste of what it's going to be like every day when you're done flushing - but it will be magnified ten fold. By the time you're done flushing all of the stones, you'll be able to enjoy any artist and any song that has ever been played.

The nervous system is made up of electrical circuits and impulses that pick up vibrations from everything.

Many things happen that suppress the nervous system when congestion is present; from Ayurveda:

-The energy meridians running through the liver get blocked off, and get pent up in the liver. Certain emotions that are generated within the liver like anger as a result of congestion can't flow through the energy system and dissipate, so it just builds and builds and causes massive havoc on the organ.

-Neurotransmitters are required for proper brain chemistry; when toxicity backs up, congests the lymphatic system and interstitial fluid between cells, the neurotransmitters sending messages between each are compromised or disrupted. Most neurotransmitters are made up of enzymes as well that then need to be sacrificed to help carry this waste out of the system instead of act maintain the nervous system and brain function.

-Lack of bile storage and stagnation dramatically effects brain chemistry; for some reason, when bile storage has been compromised from bile duct congestion, the brain reflects this in the form of depression and just general suppression of the nervous system. This is why people who have their gallbladder removed have higher rates of depression. The brain will also lower dopamine production when bile has turned stagnant, due to blocked elimination channels and not being able to be renewed regularly.

-Bile back-washing in the bloodstream causes a "bilious" (bile-ous) / angry personality. The body tells us what's happening, especially to it's most cherished organ by becoming emotional when it's not able to do what it needs to. When bile back-washes into the bloodstream, the body becomes very angry, frustrated and depressed. It is impossible to enjoy music and feel the positive vibrations of it when the body is on a different frequency range, involving 4th dimensional emotions that involve survival responses, like anger. I have noticed that when the bile ducts are completely clear of congestion, it is almost impossible to get angry or frustrated. 95% of people's daily frustrations are caused by this, yet 95% of the population would probably call this quackery - too bad for them. The laws of nature, like the law of gravity remain in place whether you abide by them or not.

Once all congestion is removed, and the nervous system is able to function at it's prime, you will fee like you are literally one with nature, and will be able to smell and feel everything in the most pure and positive way.

You will be absolutely amazed at how you feel once you've complete the process or get to the stage where I am at now. Every time you flush, you will notice that your perception of life has changed, and it's become similar to how you felt as a kid - you were excited about everything.

The funny thing is that when you do become completely re-awoken, things actually become much less boring. You realize that even just having a cup of tea with your grandma can be exciting and so many things are actually happening. No matter what job you have, or where you go, you will MAKE it interesting. You will end up having a blast anywhere you work, and with whoever you meet ... but the extra energy and sense of success you will have will naturally attract better things in all ways - you will become so in tuned with everybody's emotions that you'll be able to land any job you want just by the way you tune in and talk with the HR roasties.

If you have less knowledge in a certain field but have 100% accurate emotional intelligence, you will go way further than someone with all the knowledge in the world but can't tune into the people around him.

It gives you an entirely new perspective, trust and respect for nature. Everything was designed perfectly and you'll want to live to 150 if you can.

I know a lot of you will dismiss this as quackery, but I have had insane success with this therapy and if even one person here finds what I have found in it, this thread will have been worth it. You want to be NT? Fix your health and commune with your natural state of thriving in nature and in the presence of others. You want to be beautiful? optimize the absorption of key nutrients and toxin disposal. This flush will do it all. God speed.
is this viable during puberty? i’ve lived a pretty shit lifestyle for 15 and a bit years and i imagine this could probably improve my hormones (and therefore my growth) a lot, assuming it wouldn’t just kill me
  • JFL
Reactions: Mrinfinityx
is this viable during puberty? i’ve lived a pretty shit lifestyle for 15 and a bit years and i imagine this could probably improve my hormones (and therefore my growth) a lot, assuming it wouldn’t just kill me
Totally viable and safe. Kids as young as toddlers can start accruing gunk in the liver.
  • +1
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Hello, do I have to comply on day 2 all day in bed and resting, or can I move around and do my normal routine?
You can do your normal routine but you may feel fatigued and you will need to stay near a toilet for most of the day
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¡Muy interesante! tengo tres preguntas para ti

  1. ¿Cómo comes en días normales?
  2. ¿Estos cálculos biliares no se descomponen solos en una persona sana?
  3. ¿Cómo sé si tengo cálculos biliares?
From what I understood, we all have calculations in this modern world
do you need to do paracleanse or kidney cleanse first?

context - i eat 95% healthy now but i still have occasional hives, muscle soreness, and hormonal imbalance. i fully trust this and will start once i have the materials
Tbh I don't track my hairline anymore, but since I started flushing my hairline is much better than before. I did already like 8 flushes, but I changed much more things due my beliefs, which could have also have a huge impact on it.
Did you keep going?
I have been on these forums since I was 19 (26 year old oldcel now). I have had a shit ton of surgery, derminated my face, applied all sorts of retinol, carotenoids, etc. Ate Peaty, ate animal organs for the mineral and fat soluble vitamin content.

I'm here to tell you that Chad literally doesn't have to do any of that. The age old adage that chad eats pizza and has 6 pack abs and glowing skin is TRUE. Why is it true? His genetics allow for the optimum uptake of the nutrition in the food he eats, and the expedient removal of the waste byproducts he consumes and is exposed to in our toxic modern world.

All of our organs are constantly working towards this same purpose, but some are less genetically blessed than others, and on top of that, others are stifled by their habits and environment. This thread is going to be about optimizing the function of the chief digestive and cleansing organs, the gallbladder, the liver, and the colon. But for now, I will start with the Liver.

It's very likely that your liver is extremely fucked up. Do you have skin problems? Constipation? IBS? candida? Dandruff or seb derm? All of these maladies are symptoms of a leaky gut. And when the digestion is suffering other problems like candida and sibo can arise.

However the leaky gut, candida, parasites, yeast etc, are just symptoms of poor digestion - congestion. All symptoms are survival responses - these critters are there because they have a very important purpose. Their evolutionary duty is to break up and consume the dirty, rotting congestion that has not be assimilated into or out of the body due to indigestion. They are secondary to the root cause, liver disfunction. Intra hepatic stones and cholesterol sludge literally prevents the liver from releasing bile into the digestive system so as to properly break down the food you consume. It bogs down the liver so that it can no longer effectively cleanse your blood. One can imagine that that removing these stones where they are present, would have tremendous implications for one's health and well being.

The main, root cause of indigestion and the other issues like leaky gut is poor bile output. If bile was being output at proper volumes, your colon would be surprisingly clean and the body would be in a state where it was strong and well enough to heal the leaky gut on it's own. There is an ancient Ayurvedic technique which flushes the bile ducts of this congestion, and optimizes digestion, which in turn increases the efficacy of all of your metabolic functions. And let me tell you after a long journey in looksmaxing- health and beauty are synonymous. Beauty without health is worthless and lacking, and health without beauty does not exist.

Here is how you can clean your liver so that bile flows freely, and digestion works optimally- and there are many sources online which you can read to gain more background on why it works: following quote taken from this link, and this is the flush I have used to rid myself of THOUSANDS of stones, which have improved my health 10 fold:

You don't need the ornithine or the black walnut tincture. You can just do the Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) from Whole Foods, and the grapefruit juice and olive oil.

This is what the stones look like.
View attachment 1874347

Get all of those fuckers out, it can take a few flushes. Our livers need an oil change once a year and if you have neglected this as all of modernity has, you are due, and the effects will be as if you have discovered a panacea. My experience is that Your hair will shine, your skin will glow, your eyes will light up, sleep deepen. Your energy will be boundless, and I haven't even passed all of my stones yet.

Start doing these flushes regularly, and see your entire physiology change/improve, and your outlook on life too. Soon you begin to hear life's music as you did when you were a child in your day to day life. Those feelings that you get; the vibrations of music being picked up clearly and being sensed throughout your body during the few days or a week after flushing is just a small taste of what it's going to be like every day when you're done flushing - but it will be magnified ten fold. By the time you're done flushing all of the stones, you'll be able to enjoy any artist and any song that has ever been played.

The nervous system is made up of electrical circuits and impulses that pick up vibrations from everything.

Many things happen that suppress the nervous system when congestion is present; from Ayurveda:

-The energy meridians running through the liver get blocked off, and get pent up in the liver. Certain emotions that are generated within the liver like anger as a result of congestion can't flow through the energy system and dissipate, so it just builds and builds and causes massive havoc on the organ.

-Neurotransmitters are required for proper brain chemistry; when toxicity backs up, congests the lymphatic system and interstitial fluid between cells, the neurotransmitters sending messages between each are compromised or disrupted. Most neurotransmitters are made up of enzymes as well that then need to be sacrificed to help carry this waste out of the system instead of act maintain the nervous system and brain function.

-Lack of bile storage and stagnation dramatically effects brain chemistry; for some reason, when bile storage has been compromised from bile duct congestion, the brain reflects this in the form of depression and just general suppression of the nervous system. This is why people who have their gallbladder removed have higher rates of depression. The brain will also lower dopamine production when bile has turned stagnant, due to blocked elimination channels and not being able to be renewed regularly.

-Bile back-washing in the bloodstream causes a "bilious" (bile-ous) / angry personality. The body tells us what's happening, especially to it's most cherished organ by becoming emotional when it's not able to do what it needs to. When bile back-washes into the bloodstream, the body becomes very angry, frustrated and depressed. It is impossible to enjoy music and feel the positive vibrations of it when the body is on a different frequency range, involving 4th dimensional emotions that involve survival responses, like anger. I have noticed that when the bile ducts are completely clear of congestion, it is almost impossible to get angry or frustrated. 95% of people's daily frustrations are caused by this, yet 95% of the population would probably call this quackery - too bad for them. The laws of nature, like the law of gravity remain in place whether you abide by them or not.

Once all congestion is removed, and the nervous system is able to function at it's prime, you will fee like you are literally one with nature, and will be able to smell and feel everything in the most pure and positive way.

You will be absolutely amazed at how you feel once you've complete the process or get to the stage where I am at now. Every time you flush, you will notice that your perception of life has changed, and it's become similar to how you felt as a kid - you were excited about everything.

The funny thing is that when you do become completely re-awoken, things actually become much less boring. You realize that even just having a cup of tea with your grandma can be exciting and so many things are actually happening. No matter what job you have, or where you go, you will MAKE it interesting. You will end up having a blast anywhere you work, and with whoever you meet ... but the extra energy and sense of success you will have will naturally attract better things in all ways - you will become so in tuned with everybody's emotions that you'll be able to land any job you want just by the way you tune in and talk with the HR roasties.

If you have less knowledge in a certain field but have 100% accurate emotional intelligence, you will go way further than someone with all the knowledge in the world but can't tune into the people around him.

It gives you an entirely new perspective, trust and respect for nature. Everything was designed perfectly and you'll want to live to 150 if you can.

I know a lot of you will dismiss this as quackery, but I have had insane success with this therapy and if even one person here finds what I have found in it, this thread will have been worth it. You want to be NT? Fix your health and commune with your natural state of thriving in nature and in the presence of others. You want to be beautiful? optimize the absorption of key nutrients and toxin disposal. This flush will do it all. God speed.
.org users > Want to be NT, but rot forever
Also > Too high inhib to try one day of this cleanse.

Not everyone can be a winner and the percentiles of high inhib ITT reinforces that.
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  • Woah
Reactions: Abhorrence and Deleted member 19064
is this thread legit guys
these guys are shitting green rocks
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 23558
your liver is fucked, you need to clean it, cleaning it will make you feel and look better than anything else you slap on your skin and on your hair ever will
Bro what do you think of sarasvati lehyam mansamrita vati and cbd oil?
  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets
it is probably something made when the oil and the other stuff mix. a respectable user on this forum has done it 13 years ago on this forum:
he says he has got the seeds of the food he ate a few days ago after he shitted his stones. therefore the stones in this method are not produced in the gallbladder but in some other part of the body. allthough it is true that this method can stimulate the gallbladder to produce bile, because when oil/fat is consumed the body produces bile and consuming many of those should produce many bile, but the things these people shit are not gallstones but instead some other stuff produced in the body caused by these materials in the recipe. also real gallstones are very hard to release from the gallbladder tube because the stones are around 1 to 1.5 cms meanwhile the gallbladder tube diameter is on average 0.35 cms. even when the gallbladder organ is removed the tube size reaches the maximum size, it reaches only 1 cm. therefore those big stones it is not possible for them to leave body from the tubes. only possible thing this method can do is remove 0.1 - 0.2 cm stones but even then it is very hard as the tube is very small
Bile duct size research:
The mean age of the study participants was 39.4 (range 18–87). The mean diameter of the CBD was 3.64mm 95%CI (3.52, 3.77), which ranges from 1.8 to 5.9 mm, with 65% of the participant having CBD diameter less than 4mm. The diameter of CBD significantly associated with age with a linear trend. The mean diameter in a rural area was greater than subjects living in an urban area. Independent t-test showed no statistically significant difference in CBD diameter between male and female subjects

TLDR this method is probably shit and harmful and doesnt remove gallstones but a other material created with the potion with the olive oil and other ingredients. it is possible it can remove very small gallstones(0.1 cm or so) howver those pictures are very likely not gallstones because its not possible to remove gallstones more than 0.3 cm through the gallbladder tube because tube is very small

the good feeling these retards feel is probably the body finally saying im free from this shit
  • +1
Reactions: Mrinfinityx
it is probably something made when the oil and the other stuff mix. a respectable user on this forum has done it 13 years ago on this forum:
he says he has got the seeds of the food he ate a few days ago after he shitted his stones. therefore the stones in this method are not produced in the gallbladder but in some other part of the body. allthough it is true that this method can stimulate the gallbladder to produce bile, because when oil/fat is consumed the body produces bile and consuming many of those should produce many bile, but the things these people shit are not gallstones but instead some other stuff produced in the body caused by these materials in the recipe. also real gallstones are very hard to release from the gallbladder tube because the stones are around 1 to 1.5 cms meanwhile the gallbladder tube diameter is on average 0.35 cms. even when the gallbladder organ is removed the tube size reaches the maximum size, it reaches only 1 cm. therefore those big stones it is not possible for them to leave body from the tubes. only possible thing this method can do is remove 0.1 - 0.2 cm stones but even then it is very hard as the tube is very small
Bile duct size research:
The mean age of the study participants was 39.4 (range 18–87). The mean diameter of the CBD was 3.64mm 95%CI (3.52, 3.77), which ranges from 1.8 to 5.9 mm, with 65% of the participant having CBD diameter less than 4mm. The diameter of CBD significantly associated with age with a linear trend. The mean diameter in a rural area was greater than subjects living in an urban area. Independent t-test showed no statistically significant difference in CBD diameter between male and female subjects

TLDR this method is probably shit and harmful and doesnt remove gallstones but a other material created with the potion with the olive oil and other ingredients. it is possible it can remove very small gallstones(0.1 cm or so) howver those pictures are very likely not gallstones because its not possible to remove gallstones more than 0.3 cm through the gallbladder tube because tube is very small

the good feeling these retards feel is probably the body finally saying im free from this shit
Nah it’s definitely stagnant bile getting flushed out. Some stones may be formed out of the stagnant bile in the GI tract after flushing which would incorporate anything else you’ve eaten. Finally those bile ducts can dilate and stretch to accommodate things passing through. They dilate by just taking magnesium salts alone.

From my own anecdotal POV there’s nothing else I’ve tried that replicates the good feelings and alertness following a flush. It’s highly effective.
Nah it’s definitely stagnant bile getting flushed out. Some stones may be formed out of the stagnant bile in the GI tract after flushing which would incorporate anything else you’ve eaten. Finally those bile ducts can dilate and stretch to accommodate things passing through. They dilate by just taking magnesium salts alone.

From my own anecdotal POV there’s nothing else I’ve tried that replicates the good feelings and alertness following a flush. It’s highly effective.
the gallbladder is 10x4 cm and those stones are around 1 cm. At most there can be around 30 stones yet these people shit more than that. Also there is no evidence those are gallstones. Just trust me bro is not an enough evidence
the gallbladder is 10x4 cm and those stones are around 1 cm. At most there can be around 30 stones yet these people shit more than that. Also there is no evidence those are gallstones. Just trust me bro is not an enough evidence
They come from the liver not just the gallbladder. Also I never claimed they are traditional gallstones but they are most certainly comprised of bile. Whether the stones are formed after being flushed or while they are in the liver it’s of no concern to me.
So basically cleanse your liver?
Did this for real clear your seb derm? Also im trying this very soon do I need HCL?
ancient Ayurvedic technique
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv
  • +1
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I tried this, shat my guts out and now a few days later: no benefits but a strange continuous pressure in my left abdomen. Now im paranoid about my health
  • +1
Reactions: Mrinfinityx
Chad can have gut problem and still slay its all bones
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Mrinfinityx and AsGoodAsItGets
I tried this, shat my guts out and now a few days later: no benefits but a strange continuous pressure in my left abdomen. Now im paranoid about my health
Sorry to hear. Is the pain in the liver/gallbladder area? Maybe you have a stone stuck.
Don’t know for sure what part it is. Well what would one do if a stone got stuck?
Doing the Liver Flush today. I will keep you guys updated (y)
this shit originates from 4chud and has 0 evidence of working whatsoever
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Mrinfinityx and Deleted member 19064
My family members have bad liver, how do I fix it when they are above 40
Update: so this actually does work. I just got rid of a few large stones and quite a bit of mini ones and the feeling you receive afterwards is phenomenal. Better mental clarity, more energy, better mood, and it’s only after just finishing the Liver Flush. I will keep you guys updated this following week.
  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets and Deleted member 19064
  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets
I have been on these forums since I was 19 (26 year old oldcel now). I have had a shit ton of surgery, derminated my face, applied all sorts of retinol, carotenoids, etc. Ate Peaty, ate animal organs for the mineral and fat soluble vitamin content.

I'm here to tell you that Chad literally doesn't have to do any of that. The age old adage that chad eats pizza and has 6 pack abs and glowing skin is TRUE. Why is it true? His genetics allow for the optimum uptake of the nutrition in the food he eats, and the expedient removal of the waste byproducts he consumes and is exposed to in our toxic modern world.

All of our organs are constantly working towards this same purpose, but some are less genetically blessed than others, and on top of that, others are stifled by their habits and environment. This thread is going to be about optimizing the function of the chief digestive and cleansing organs, the gallbladder, the liver, and the colon. But for now, I will start with the Liver.

It's very likely that your liver is extremely fucked up. Do you have skin problems? Constipation? IBS? candida? Dandruff or seb derm? All of these maladies are symptoms of a leaky gut. And when the digestion is suffering other problems like candida and sibo can arise.

However the leaky gut, candida, parasites, yeast etc, are just symptoms of poor digestion - congestion. All symptoms are survival responses - these critters are there because they have a very important purpose. Their evolutionary duty is to break up and consume the dirty, rotting congestion that has not be assimilated into or out of the body due to indigestion. They are secondary to the root cause, liver disfunction. Intra hepatic stones and cholesterol sludge literally prevents the liver from releasing bile into the digestive system so as to properly break down the food you consume. It bogs down the liver so that it can no longer effectively cleanse your blood. One can imagine that that removing these stones where they are present, would have tremendous implications for one's health and well being.

The main, root cause of indigestion and the other issues like leaky gut is poor bile output. If bile was being output at proper volumes, your colon would be surprisingly clean and the body would be in a state where it was strong and well enough to heal the leaky gut on it's own. There is an ancient Ayurvedic technique which flushes the bile ducts of this congestion, and optimizes digestion, which in turn increases the efficacy of all of your metabolic functions. And let me tell you after a long journey in looksmaxing- health and beauty are synonymous. Beauty without health is worthless and lacking, and health without beauty does not exist.

Here is how you can clean your liver so that bile flows freely, and digestion works optimally- and there are many sources online which you can read to gain more background on why it works: following quote taken from this link, and this is the flush I have used to rid myself of THOUSANDS of stones, which have improved my health 10 fold:

You don't need the ornithine or the black walnut tincture. You can just do the Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) from Whole Foods, and the grapefruit juice and olive oil.

This is what the stones look like.
View attachment 1874347

Get all of those fuckers out, it can take a few flushes. Our livers need an oil change once a year and if you have neglected this as all of modernity has, you are due, and the effects will be as if you have discovered a panacea. My experience is that Your hair will shine, your skin will glow, your eyes will light up, sleep deepen. Your energy will be boundless, and I haven't even passed all of my stones yet.

Start doing these flushes regularly, and see your entire physiology change/improve, and your outlook on life too. Soon you begin to hear life's music as you did when you were a child in your day to day life. Those feelings that you get; the vibrations of music being picked up clearly and being sensed throughout your body during the few days or a week after flushing is just a small taste of what it's going to be like every day when you're done flushing - but it will be magnified ten fold. By the time you're done flushing all of the stones, you'll be able to enjoy any artist and any song that has ever been played.

The nervous system is made up of electrical circuits and impulses that pick up vibrations from everything.

Many things happen that suppress the nervous system when congestion is present; from Ayurveda:

-The energy meridians running through the liver get blocked off, and get pent up in the liver. Certain emotions that are generated within the liver like anger as a result of congestion can't flow through the energy system and dissipate, so it just builds and builds and causes massive havoc on the organ.

-Neurotransmitters are required for proper brain chemistry; when toxicity backs up, congests the lymphatic system and interstitial fluid between cells, the neurotransmitters sending messages between each are compromised or disrupted. Most neurotransmitters are made up of enzymes as well that then need to be sacrificed to help carry this waste out of the system instead of act maintain the nervous system and brain function.

-Lack of bile storage and stagnation dramatically effects brain chemistry; for some reason, when bile storage has been compromised from bile duct congestion, the brain reflects this in the form of depression and just general suppression of the nervous system. This is why people who have their gallbladder removed have higher rates of depression. The brain will also lower dopamine production when bile has turned stagnant, due to blocked elimination channels and not being able to be renewed regularly.

-Bile back-washing in the bloodstream causes a "bilious" (bile-ous) / angry personality. The body tells us what's happening, especially to it's most cherished organ by becoming emotional when it's not able to do what it needs to. When bile back-washes into the bloodstream, the body becomes very angry, frustrated and depressed. It is impossible to enjoy music and feel the positive vibrations of it when the body is on a different frequency range, involving 4th dimensional emotions that involve survival responses, like anger. I have noticed that when the bile ducts are completely clear of congestion, it is almost impossible to get angry or frustrated. 95% of people's daily frustrations are caused by this, yet 95% of the population would probably call this quackery - too bad for them. The laws of nature, like the law of gravity remain in place whether you abide by them or not.

Once all congestion is removed, and the nervous system is able to function at it's prime, you will fee like you are literally one with nature, and will be able to smell and feel everything in the most pure and positive way.

You will be absolutely amazed at how you feel once you've complete the process or get to the stage where I am at now. Every time you flush, you will notice that your perception of life has changed, and it's become similar to how you felt as a kid - you were excited about everything.

The funny thing is that when you do become completely re-awoken, things actually become much less boring. You realize that even just having a cup of tea with your grandma can be exciting and so many things are actually happening. No matter what job you have, or where you go, you will MAKE it interesting. You will end up having a blast anywhere you work, and with whoever you meet ... but the extra energy and sense of success you will have will naturally attract better things in all ways - you will become so in tuned with everybody's emotions that you'll be able to land any job you want just by the way you tune in and talk with the HR roasties.

If you have less knowledge in a certain field but have 100% accurate emotional intelligence, you will go way further than someone with all the knowledge in the world but can't tune into the people around him.

It gives you an entirely new perspective, trust and respect for nature. Everything was designed perfectly and you'll want to live to 150 if you can.

I know a lot of you will dismiss this as quackery, but I have had insane success with this therapy and if even one person here finds what I have found in it, this thread will have been worth it. You want to be NT? Fix your health and commune with your natural state of thriving in nature and in the presence of others. You want to be beautiful? optimize the absorption of key nutrients and toxin disposal. This flush will do it all. God speed.
Water thread

I have been on these forums since I was 19 (26 year old oldcel now). I have had a shit ton of surgery, derminated my face, applied all sorts of retinol, carotenoids, etc. Ate Peaty, ate animal organs for the mineral and fat soluble vitamin content.

I'm here to tell you that Chad literally doesn't have to do any of that. The age old adage that chad eats pizza and has 6 pack abs and glowing skin is TRUE. Why is it true? His genetics allow for the optimum uptake of the nutrition in the food he eats, and the expedient removal of the waste byproducts he consumes and is exposed to in our toxic modern world.

All of our organs are constantly working towards this same purpose, but some are less genetically blessed than others, and on top of that, others are stifled by their habits and environment. This thread is going to be about optimizing the function of the chief digestive and cleansing organs, the gallbladder, the liver, and the colon. But for now, I will start with the Liver.

It's very likely that your liver is extremely fucked up. Do you have skin problems? Constipation? IBS? candida? Dandruff or seb derm? All of these maladies are symptoms of a leaky gut. And when the digestion is suffering other problems like candida and sibo can arise.

However the leaky gut, candida, parasites, yeast etc, are just symptoms of poor digestion - congestion. All symptoms are survival responses - these critters are there because they have a very important purpose. Their evolutionary duty is to break up and consume the dirty, rotting congestion that has not be assimilated into or out of the body due to indigestion. They are secondary to the root cause, liver disfunction. Intra hepatic stones and cholesterol sludge literally prevents the liver from releasing bile into the digestive system so as to properly break down the food you consume. It bogs down the liver so that it can no longer effectively cleanse your blood. One can imagine that that removing these stones where they are present, would have tremendous implications for one's health and well being.

The main, root cause of indigestion and the other issues like leaky gut is poor bile output. If bile was being output at proper volumes, your colon would be surprisingly clean and the body would be in a state where it was strong and well enough to heal the leaky gut on it's own. There is an ancient Ayurvedic technique which flushes the bile ducts of this congestion, and optimizes digestion, which in turn increases the efficacy of all of your metabolic functions. And let me tell you after a long journey in looksmaxing- health and beauty are synonymous. Beauty without health is worthless and lacking, and health without beauty does not exist.

Here is how you can clean your liver so that bile flows freely, and digestion works optimally- and there are many sources online which you can read to gain more background on why it works: following quote taken from this link, and this is the flush I have used to rid myself of THOUSANDS of stones, which have improved my health 10 fold:

You don't need the ornithine or the black walnut tincture. You can just do the Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) from Whole Foods, and the grapefruit juice and olive oil.

This is what the stones look like.
View attachment 1874347

Get all of those fuckers out, it can take a few flushes. Our livers need an oil change once a year and if you have neglected this as all of modernity has, you are due, and the effects will be as if you have discovered a panacea. My experience is that Your hair will shine, your skin will glow, your eyes will light up, sleep deepen. Your energy will be boundless, and I haven't even passed all of my stones yet.

Start doing these flushes regularly, and see your entire physiology change/improve, and your outlook on life too. Soon you begin to hear life's music as you did when you were a child in your day to day life. Those feelings that you get; the vibrations of music being picked up clearly and being sensed throughout your body during the few days or a week after flushing is just a small taste of what it's going to be like every day when you're done flushing - but it will be magnified ten fold. By the time you're done flushing all of the stones, you'll be able to enjoy any artist and any song that has ever been played.

The nervous system is made up of electrical circuits and impulses that pick up vibrations from everything.

Many things happen that suppress the nervous system when congestion is present; from Ayurveda:

-The energy meridians running through the liver get blocked off, and get pent up in the liver. Certain emotions that are generated within the liver like anger as a result of congestion can't flow through the energy system and dissipate, so it just builds and builds and causes massive havoc on the organ.

-Neurotransmitters are required for proper brain chemistry; when toxicity backs up, congests the lymphatic system and interstitial fluid between cells, the neurotransmitters sending messages between each are compromised or disrupted. Most neurotransmitters are made up of enzymes as well that then need to be sacrificed to help carry this waste out of the system instead of act maintain the nervous system and brain function.

-Lack of bile storage and stagnation dramatically effects brain chemistry; for some reason, when bile storage has been compromised from bile duct congestion, the brain reflects this in the form of depression and just general suppression of the nervous system. This is why people who have their gallbladder removed have higher rates of depression. The brain will also lower dopamine production when bile has turned stagnant, due to blocked elimination channels and not being able to be renewed regularly.

-Bile back-washing in the bloodstream causes a "bilious" (bile-ous) / angry personality. The body tells us what's happening, especially to it's most cherished organ by becoming emotional when it's not able to do what it needs to. When bile back-washes into the bloodstream, the body becomes very angry, frustrated and depressed. It is impossible to enjoy music and feel the positive vibrations of it when the body is on a different frequency range, involving 4th dimensional emotions that involve survival responses, like anger. I have noticed that when the bile ducts are completely clear of congestion, it is almost impossible to get angry or frustrated. 95% of people's daily frustrations are caused by this, yet 95% of the population would probably call this quackery - too bad for them. The laws of nature, like the law of gravity remain in place whether you abide by them or not.

Once all congestion is removed, and the nervous system is able to function at it's prime, you will fee like you are literally one with nature, and will be able to smell and feel everything in the most pure and positive way.

You will be absolutely amazed at how you feel once you've complete the process or get to the stage where I am at now. Every time you flush, you will notice that your perception of life has changed, and it's become similar to how you felt as a kid - you were excited about everything.

The funny thing is that when you do become completely re-awoken, things actually become much less boring. You realize that even just having a cup of tea with your grandma can be exciting and so many things are actually happening. No matter what job you have, or where you go, you will MAKE it interesting. You will end up having a blast anywhere you work, and with whoever you meet ... but the extra energy and sense of success you will have will naturally attract better things in all ways - you will become so in tuned with everybody's emotions that you'll be able to land any job you want just by the way you tune in and talk with the HR roasties.

If you have less knowledge in a certain field but have 100% accurate emotional intelligence, you will go way further than someone with all the knowledge in the world but can't tune into the people around him.

It gives you an entirely new perspective, trust and respect for nature. Everything was designed perfectly and you'll want to live to 150 if you can.

I know a lot of you will dismiss this as quackery, but I have had insane success with this therapy and if even one person here finds what I have found in it, this thread will have been worth it. You want to be NT? Fix your health and commune with your natural state of thriving in nature and in the presence of others. You want to be beautiful? optimize the absorption of key nutrients and toxin disposal. This flush will do it all. God speed.
Basically just drink water, don't over consume fructose and ethanol while minimizing the supplements intake, dont smoke, cleanse toxins with sweat and exercise, carry some enough adipose fat to safely stock some deleterious residuals with less risk of organs stockage as in the liver, consume enough magnesium to up-regulate your intestinal transit and minimize toxins accumulation

Basically mimic an ancestor primal diet that s all that is needed

Sadly also there isn't anything u can do against endocrine disruptors because we are exposed to them no matter what autistics say here even when breathing in our rooms

Nicholas cage funny
Better mood, better libido, better hair ( I was norwooding, now my hair are regrowing), I can freestyle ( better mind performacne ), also MUCH better digestion. The second photo is on full stack of oils, full suplements, saw palmetto. The next one is after flush and no oil, no supplements. Even my skin color changed. ( second photo vitamin A megadose btw ). I think that my gym performance will IMPROVE A LOT due to higher levels of hormones (testosterone, dihrydrotestrone, igf-1 and hgh).
I will do next flush for 4 day. Is it safe for me?
Vitamin A megadose and pretend to discern what is an high IQ thread, no wonder why u need to flush ur concerns

Nicholas cage funny

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