Plant-based diet correlates with greater sperm mobility, density, and overall fertility

Lmao simvastatin. You should actually look up the drugs you cite. Simvastatin is used in treating people with smith-lemli opitz disease and the effect of the drug that is usually designed to lower cholesterol actually RAISES it. Another bullshit vegan misrepresentation of the facts as usual. Why are vegans so intellectually dishonest? Could it be because veganism is like a RELIGION to them or something?

From the linked study:
The lipid lowering drug simvastatin was chosen for this study because ED shares risk factors with cardiovascular disease (CVD) [711]. It is associated with high total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol [1214] and endothelial dysfunction.

Simvastatin is used together with diet, weight-loss, and exercise to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke and to decrease the chance that heart surgery will be needed in people who have heart disease or who are at risk of developing heart disease. Simvastatin is also used to decrease the amount of fatty substances such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (''bad cholesterol'') and triglycerides in the blood and to increase the amount of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (''good cholesterol'') in the blood. Simvastatin may also be used to decrease the amount of cholesterol and other fatty substances in the blood in children and teenagers 10 to 17 years of age who have familial heterozygous hypercholesterolemia (an inherited condition in which cholesterol cannot be removed from the body normally). Simvastatin is in a class of medications called HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins). It works by slowing the production of cholesterol in the body to decrease the amount of cholesterol that may build up on the walls of the arteries and block blood flow to the heart, brain, and other parts of the body.

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Nah I read this sentence of yours. Maybe u should read ur own title.
I only wrote that to trigger users into actually commenting. Otherwise, hardly anybody would comment on this post.
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Cock is vegan too maybe you would like to suck cock OP?

//Thomas DOM
Cock definitely isn't vegan and is for meat-eaters only.

//Reckless Turtle
I'm going to use the head main source summary to save time:

A ~60% increase from 4.2% to 7.3%.

They were already deemed unhealthy prior to adding even more unhealthy food to their diet (vegetable oil margarine). Certainly the control diet of "animal fats, common margarines, and shortenings" wasn't working well for them in the first place. Had they been consuming a whole-foods, plant-based diet (which doesn't contain vegetable oil margarine, by the way) instead of their initial diet, they may not have been suffering from cardiovascular problems.

Yet I was never arguing in favor of processed vegetable oils, because (as far as I'm concerned), they aren't included in a whole-foods, plant-based diet (except in small quantities).

Ironically, the OP study included vegetable oils in their healthy plant diet:

Yet, they still had greater fertility than animal product eaters, maybe because their lack of dietary cholesterol prevented harmful amounts of oxidized LDL.

Your argument is all over the place, seeing as I've directly refuted multiple claims of yours (including by using your own linked study), yet you have no follow-up to any of that. Who's the coper, exactly?
That summary said that vegetable oils are worse then saturated fat, you realize this right? They have lots of double bonds, and that directly causes more oxidative radicals that your body needs to put in work to get rid of every time cause more cell stress, reversible cell damage and speeding up aging.

Although when it comes to cholesterol, i can't actually argue on that cause im not sure, tbh im leaning on diatery cholesterol being bad for you simply because it also gets oxidised like PUFA in the human body. Carnivores saying how cholesterol is needed for muh hormone production don't realize that your body makes just enough cholesterol to cover every need, and dietary cholesterol is completely useless. But except eggs, red meat has very little of it. Its literally like 100mg per 100g of red meat which is nothing.

I don't have time to debate about this cause of my university studies, but there is simply no reason why animal products would be worse then plants when you can eat meat.

I believe humans are meant to eat lean meat and fruit, makes sense cause fruit is very enjoyable as is meat, while vegetables are not
That summary said that vegetable oils are worse then saturated fat, you realize this right?
Yes, and that could be due to vegetable oils being highly processed, condensed fat from plants in liquid form. I'm not even sure that lard is as fat-dense as some vegetable oils.

They have lots of double bonds, and that directly causes more oxidative radicals that your body needs to put in work to get rid of every time cause more cell stress, reversible cell damage and speeding up aging.
Source? If it's in that metanalysis, I don't want to spend 30 minutes looking for it when you can specifically and clearly reference it.

Although when it comes to cholesterol, i can't actually argue on that cause im not sure, tbh im leaning on diatery cholesterol being bad for you simply because it also gets oxidised like PUFA in the human body. Carnivores saying how cholesterol is needed for muh hormone production don't realize that your body makes just enough cholesterol to cover every need, and dietary cholesterol is completely useless. But except eggs, red meat has very little of it. Its literally like 100mg per 100g of red meat which is nothing.

Two recent guidelines, one for primary prevention and one for secondary prevention, have addressed the issue of dietary cholesterol. The “2019 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease” cited studies of the benefit of plant-based rather than animal-based protein and concluded, “A diet containing reduced amounts of cholesterol and sodium can be beneficial to decrease atherosclerotic CVD risk” without further distinction.9 The 2015 “National Lipid Association Recommendations for Patient-Centered Management of Dyslipidemia,” focused on individuals with established hypercholesterolemia, recommend limiting dietary cholesterol to <200 mg/d to lower LDL cholesterol and non–high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentrations.10 The National Lipid Association Expert Panel concluded that “dietary cholesterol modestly increases total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol on average, although hypo- and hyper-responders do exist in the population.”10

The CDC is also not budging on this, by the way (but I'm not saying I'm putting all my confidence in them):

Myth: Eating foods with a lot of cholesterol will not make my cholesterol levels go up.​

Fact: It can be complicated. We know that foods with a lot of cholesterol usually also have a lot of saturated fat. Saturated fats can make your cholesterol numbers higher, so it’s best to choose foods that are lower in saturated fats. Foods made from animals, including red meat, butter, and cheese, have a lot of saturated fats.

Instead, aim to eat foods with plenty of fiber, such as oatmeal and beans, and healthy unsaturated fats, such as avocados, olive oil, and nuts. Learn more about healthy diets and nutrition at CDC’s nutrition, physical activity, and obesity website.

red meat has very little of it. Its literally like 100mg per 100g of red meat which is nothing.
The obvious reason to not be eating red meat is its significant heme iron content, in addition to some cholesterol.

Yes, and that could be due to vegetable oils being highly processed, condensed fat from plants in liquid form. I'm not even sure that lard is as fat-dense as some vegetable oils.

Source? If it's in that metanalysis, I don't want to spend 30 minutes looking for it when you can specifically and clearly reference it.

The CDC is also not budging on this, by the way (but I'm not saying I'm putting all my confidence in them):

The obvious reason to not be eating red meat is its significant heme iron content, in addition to some cholesterol.

Heme iron is literally what your body needs, thats like saying water causes cancer, you sound incredibly soy. Even those studies show like 15% increase which is miniscule. Non of those studies are true, i can literally just send you studies which state otherwise, but in the end of the day countries with highest meat intake have longest life expectancy.
Heme iron is literally what your body needs
The body needs iron. Non-heme iron is just less well absorbed.

thats like saying water causes cancer
No, that's like saying that radiated water causes cancer.
There is an association between high intake of heme iron sourced from meat and increased risk of colon cancer.[46] The heme content of red meat is 10 times higher than that of white meat such as chicken.[47] A 2019 review found that heme iron intake is associated with increased breast cancer risk.[48]

Non of those studies are true, i can literally just send you studies which state otherwise

but in the end of the day countries with highest meat intake have longest life expectancy.
Heme iron is literally what your body needs, thats like saying water causes cancer, you sound incredibly soy. Even those studies show like 15% increase which is miniscule. Non of those studies are true, i can literally just send you studies which state otherwise, but in the end of the day countries with highest meat intake have longest life expectancy.
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this jew is desperate to make us believe in his meme diet JFL
The body needs iron. Non-heme iron is just less well absorbed.

No, that's like saying that radiated water causes cancer.


Im in the bus right now, can't write a huge essay, but just know that plants have tons of anti nutrients, low amino acid bioavability, low amino acid quality.

Also plants don't contain taurine, creatine, b12, K2, D3, DHA, EPA, collagen, and tons more nutrients.

And source look up Hong Kong meat consumption per capita. We already discussed this, you were coping how this is because the country is wealthy, high gdp etc. But i made the contra argument how a country with the same gdp and higher then Hong Kong and higher rated Healthcare but way less meat consumption, has lower life expectancy. So how do you cope then that its because of gdp or hdi?
I know about these studies bro, i just don't have time to argue with retarded vegans like OP when studying cortisol inducing uni subjects all day
you in uni ?
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It controls for obvious important factors:
Partial correlation of Pearson’s moment-product approach was performed to identify the worldwide correlations between meat intake and life expectancy/mortality independent of the potential confounding variables, energy intake, urbanization, GDP PPP and obesity.

However, the authors note the lack of control for nutrition, which is arguably the most important factor:
The relationship between total energy intake, rather than that of particular nutrients in the diet, and life span has been debated in animal and human models36–38 so it needed to be controlled for.
Of course, nutritional variations among countries include many more variables than those included into this study. Diet composition, food preparation methods, cultural dietary constraints, availability of some nutrients and a number of other variables should have been considered to obtain a complete picture of meat’s importance in human diet. However, even with these possible analytical inadequacies, our statistical analyses indicate a significant role that meat plays in influencing variation of survival and mortality.
this jew is desperate to make us believe in his meme diet JFL
I'm not even remotely Jewish. Certified schizo moment.
but just know that plants have tons of anti nutrients, low amino acid bioavability, low amino acid quality.

Also plants don't contain taurine, creatine, b12, K2, D3, DHA, EPA, collagen, and tons more nutrients.
Maybe when you're off the bus you can argue here:

And source look up Hong Kong meat consumption per capita. We already discussed this, you were coping how this is because the country is wealthy, high gdp etc. But i made the contra argument how a country with the same gdp and higher then Hong Kong and higher rated Healthcare but way less meat consumption, has lower life expectancy. So how do you cope then that its because of gdp or hdi?
The study linked controlled for GDP, so I'm arguing about a lack of nutritional control now.

It controls for obvious important factors:

However, the authors note the lack of control for nutrition, which is arguably the most important factor:
i just don't have time to argue with retarded vegans like OP when studying cortisol inducing uni subjects all day
Ironic. You've had time to argue since 19 hours ago. Also:
Your argument is all over the place, seeing as I've directly refuted multiple claims of yours (including by using your own linked study), yet you have no follow-up to any of that. Who's the coper, exactly?
Maybe when you're off the bus you can argue here:

The study linked controlled for GDP, so I'm arguing about a lack of nutritional control now.
"However, even with these possible analytical inadequacies, our statistical analyses indicate a significant role that meat plays in influencing variation of survival and mortality."

Im sorry you need to cope this hard OP, its okay to admit you are wrong
So you admit that meat is significantly raises life quality/extension?
No, I admit that meat intake correlates with increased life expectancy and lower childhood mortality when controlling for caloric intake, socioeconomic status (GDP PPP), obesity, urbanization (lifestyle), and education.

However, I don't admit that meat intake correlates with increased life expectancy and lower childhood mortality when controlling for nutrition because nobody's linked a study indicating so.

>mfw the 2 autists are still writing essays arguing with eachother over sperm potentiation​
  • JFL
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No, I admit that meat intake correlates with increased life expectancy and lower childhood mortality when controlling for caloric intake, socioeconomic status (GDP PPP), obesity, urbanization (lifestyle), and education.

However, I don't admit that meat intake correlates with increased life expectancy and lower childhood mortality when controlling for nutrition because nobody's linked a study indicating so.
Well meat doesn't have positive linear correlation to life expectancy because eating too much protein is directly linked with cellular stress.

And even though it wasn't controlled for nutrition, hdi which is controlled in the study is correlated to better nutrition, cause more educated people make smarter choices.

The study also has alot of info on how we are evolved to eat meat, how our brains have developed from eating meat and allowing a reduction of the gastrointestinal system and increase in brain size. We only started eating way more plant food 10k years ago.

But again in the end of the day, people from Hong Kong eat an insane amount of meat (670g daily) and have the highest life expectancy
View attachment 1921262
>mfw the 2 autists are still writing essays arguing with eachother over sperm potentiation​
I've been averaging only a few novel sentences per post. Most of the text is copied directly from studies, unlike some users'.
Maybe when you're off the bus you can argue here:

The study linked controlled for GDP, so I'm arguing about a lack of nutritional control now.
That thread is dumh for the simple reason that those compounds that our body can make on their own that you listed, are just enough for normal baseline functionality.

Mine and your body also produces testosterone but the guy that injects testosterone has significantly more benefits in muscle building. This is also the case for the stuff you mentioned like creatine, taurine, carnitine.

Also how do you expect do be taken seriously when mentioning vit D from mushrooms which is laughably miniscule and fucking moss? Why did you even mention vit D is beyond me cause both animal and plant sources contain shit amounts.

And there is no plant source for DHA and EPA unless you unironically say the algae that fish get their DHA and EPA from that in no way and shape has been the way humans have taken this absolutely essential nutrient. Whole point is that it's clear we have evolved to eat animal products especially marine ones for Omega 3 from the reason that humans have always mostly lived close to water sources. ALA has only 3-5% conversion rate to DHA and EPA jfl.
Kill yourself, Monsanto shill.
meat doesn't have positive linear correlation to life expectancy because eating too much protein is directly linked with cellular stress.
It's only quadratic in SEA. It's nearly linear (very slightly logarithmic in some) everywhere else.

cause more educated people make smarter choices.
Such as eating meat?

We only started eating way more plant food 10k years ago.
...and have evolved accordingly (smaller jaws, notably), resulting in population explosion as well.

But again in the end of the day, people from Hong Kong eat an insane amount of meat (670g daily) and have the highest life expectancy
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It's only quadratic in SEA. It's nearly linear everywhere else.

Such as eating meat?

...and have evolved accordingly (smaller jaws, notably), resulting in population explosion as well.

Yes and women prefer men with a bigger jaw which came from us chewing meat while receased jaw is a subhuman trait. Why don't women prefer recessed jaws which are caused from us eating slave grain diets?

And the population exploding thing is just low iq, bigger population =/= better life quality. The rich aristocratic classes would keep on eating meat while slaves would be the ones eating more grains and reproducing like rabbits.

Most popular meat every country 2
Mine and your body also produces testosterone but the guy that injects testosterone has significantly more benefits in muscle building. This is also the case for the stuff you mentioned like creatine, taurine, carnitine.
And there are plant-based supplements for those...

Also how do you expect do be taken seriously when mentioning vit D from mushrooms which is laughably miniscule and fucking moss?
You ought to click the link.

And there is no plant source for DHA and EPA unless you unironically say the algae that fish get their DHA and EPA from that in no way and shape has been the way humans have taken this absolutely essential nutrient.
Neither is considered essential. You're making an appeal to nature fallacy as well.

Whole point is that it's clear we have evolved to eat animal products especially marine ones for Omega 3 from the reason that humans have always mostly lived close to water sources.
You already answered this yourself:
the algae that fish get their DHA and EPA from

ALA has only 3-5% conversion rate to DHA and EPA jfl.
Yes and women prefer men with a bigger jaw which came from us chewing meat while receased jaw is a subhuman trait. Why don't women prefer recessed jaws which are caused from us eating slave grain diets?
Because occlusal issues worsen breathing and can result in infection (overcrowding leading to plaque buildup). Most modern humans have some amount of facial recession and crowding, suggesting that their ancestors were probably surviving primarily on soft plant foods.

And the population exploding thing is just low iq, bigger population =/= better life quality. The rich aristocratic classes would keep on eating meat while slaves would be the ones eating more grains and reproducing like rabbits.
You're making assumptions about my statement that was simply observing that agricultural plants led to exponential reproduction that the vast majority of modern humans are derived from.

And for Hong Kong's life expectancy ranking...?
Here are more similar results:

Obtained results showed that total sperm count (224.7 [117–369] vs. 119.7 [64.8–442.8]; P = 0.011) and the percentage of rapid progressively motile sperm were significantly higher in the vegan group compared with the non-vegan group (1 [0–7] vs. 17.5 [15–30]; P < 0.0001). Furthermore, the oxidation-reduction potential (0.4 [0.3–0.9] vs. 1.5 [0.6–2.8]; P < 0.0001) and the proportion of spermatozoon with DNA damage (14.7 [7–33.5] vs. 8.2 [3–19.5]; P = 0.05) were significantly higher in the non-vegan group in comparison to the vegan group.

There was an inverse relation between processed red meat intake and total sperm count. The adjusted relative differences in total sperm counts for men in increasing quartiles of processed meat intake were 0 (ref), −3 (95% confidence interval = −67 to 37), −14 (−82 to 28), and −78 (−202 to −5) million (test for trend, P = 0.01). This association was strongest among men with abstinence time less than 2 days and was driven by a strong inverse relation between processed red meat intake and ejaculate volume (test for trend, P = 0.003).

We found that intake of full-fat dairy was inversely related to sperm motility and morphology. These associations were driven primarily by intake of cheese and were independent of overall dietary patterns.
Patients who have died from sudden cardiac death have more linoleic acid and less omega-3 polyunsaturated fats in their coronary arteries versus control patients who died mostly from traffic accidents.61
The study they referenced says:

In conclusion, this study showed increased percentages of saturated and reduced percentages of polyunsaturated fatty acids, except linoleic acid, in total phospholipids of human coronary arteries in cases of sudden cardiac death.

It's over for saturatedfatscels.
It's over for spermcel animal product eaters.

what a load of bullshit. The reason this correlation exists is that most ppl who eat plant based are health nuts and most omnivores eat trash.
what a load of bullshit. The reason this correlation exists is that most ppl who eat plant based are health nuts and most omnivores eat trash.
In the crude model, there was a significant association between total motility and uPDI, and participants in the highest uPDI tertile had a lower risk of sperm motility (OR=0.34, 95% CI: 0.16, 0.72, P=0.005). After adjustment for potential confounders including age, energy intake, BMI, physical activity, marriage time, educational status, smoking, and alcohol history, the association was significant and participants in the highest uPDI tertile had a lower risk (OR=0.34, 95% CI: 0.16, 0.72, P=0.005 and OR=0.39, 95% CI: 0.18, 0.85, P=0.01).
Tbh I notice my mind is clearer and I feel better when I limit grains and red meat and only eat vegetables + fish.
Pescatarian diet seems ideal for daily life and longevity, that's why the Japanese live so long
Wasn’t vegetables and fish the Jesus diet
Not only is this study completely irrelevant for the simple reason that people who eat more unprocessed plant food have way healthier habits (lower bmi, less smoking, less alcohol, better sleep hygiene, higher income, education etc etc.) But the uPDI includes stuff like hamburgers, fries, artifical fruit juices, deep fried foods (you get the point). Animal products are included into the uPDI but that means nothing cause the study doesn't control for isolated animal stuff.

*guy 1: 300kcal of hazelnuts, 500kcal of boiled vegetables, 700kcal of soaked legumes, 350kcal oatmeal, 350kcal fruit

*guy 2: 700kcal hamburger, 700kcal pizza, 500kcal white bread, 140kcal eggs, 250kcal beef

Notice the problem? The guy 2 has shittier sperm quality right? But in what shape and form does it have to do with the actually pure animal products he ate and not the garbage PUFA filled food + white yeast made bread completely devoid of nutrients?

Tldr: legumes, fruits, vegetables are healthier then pufa processed bread Frankenstein meat foods where health deterioration links are strongly established, which are part of the uPDI.
Healthy user bias isnt real
"You have to adjust bmi btw even though bmi = health, bmi = diabetes"
@8PSLcel is vego :sneaky:
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@8PSLcel is vego :sneaky:
It depends on your genes.

Some people are genetically barbarians, those are the types that get fat from eating carbs and whatnot. A true farmer can eat nothing but wheat based products and stay fit.
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just ditch highly processed foods and refined grains, eat enough vegetables but still keep meat and dairy imo.

balanced diet
Grains and vegetables are shit.

Meat Dairy Fruit >>>
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