PNEUMO - Life Update, Advice, Uni, Nootropics, Protocols


Deleted member 16673

leave all this crazy stuff behind and be happy
Dec 20, 2021
You may have noticed that I don't post at all anymore.
I'll briefly explain why, now that the situation has died down.

Back in March, someone, I don't know who, found my gf's instagram account, and had the great idea of sending her all my slay stories.
Of course, you can imagine I was instantly dumped and humiliated. The stuff she had to read was bad. Those of you who happened to read some of my "slay stories" will understand how pathetic and cringe that stuff was.

Anyway, after losing my girlfriend in quite a painful way, I thought that my retribution was served.


The next morning, I get an unexpected message from a girl on my course, whom I wasn't too close to. She told me that she had been sent "shocking information" about me. I assume she was sent the same threads my gf had, since she didn't want to tell me what the "information" was.
How fucked.
Knowing the girl, she immediately shared the threads with all her friends and the people I know. It was so obvious too, cus when I would go on my old dead threads, I could see like 6 unregistered people viewing them.

I was completely fucked. I could not go back to uni.
So I rotted at home for 2 weeks, hoping people would not care anymore by the time i went back.

Whichever one of you who did this is kinda funny tbh, thank you for teaching me a lesson.

Other than that, I have a newfound interest for neurochemistry and endocrinology. I always knew I should have done medical studies instead of maths.

I have a lot of uni work, so I take and study quite a lot of nootropics. Leo & Longevity's channel is a goldmine for information. His series with Tony Huge was S-tier too. May he RIP.

I have already posted my studying stack on here, so here it is:

After waking up:
- 5mg donepezil (acetylcholinesterese inhibitor)
- 150mg armodafinil (stimulant and slight DRI)

Mini breakfast:
- 4 eggs to get approx 600mg of phosphatidylcholine (lipophilic choline)
- 500mg citicoline supplement (hydrophilic choline)

Before I study:
- caffeine megadose (500mg from coffee + monster energy)
- 200mg alpha-GPC for accute effect by promoting the release of the stored choline
- a few hundred mg of gingko biloba as another acetylcholinesterese inhibitor

When I start studying:
- weak strength snuss (slow-release nicotine binds to the nicotinic cholinergic receptors)
- this is when I’ll take adderall, Vyvanse, or methyphenidate, when i get some.
Avoid slow-release formulas.

While studying:
- water from time to time to avoid headache from caffeine

After studying:
- eat a meal.

Before bed:
- melatonin 2mg to counteract stimulation from armodafinil, if needed.

Still experimenting with this, but studying is actually enjoyable now, even as someone who HATES maths.

Watching Leo for a few months really has been inspiring. I want to be as erudite as he was.

On to looksmaxxing. What do I do now?

Well not much. I used to take 100mg of furosemide a few times a week, but now, my intakes of armodafinil (ARM) and donepezil (DP) induce diuresis enough for me to look very chiselled on a daily. I don't take furosemide anymore really, unless I find myself very bloated.


The ARM and DP dry my skin out, so it isn't as oily as it used to be when I was an acne-ridden teen.
I rarely get any acne, unless it's from ingrown hairs. Thank God I did IPL and no longer have to bother with those!

I stopped using The Ordinary Serums. Shit ingredients and they gave me acne more than anything. Fuck their matrixyl too tbh, I'll buy a higher quality one maybe one day.

My skincare is slim to none. La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of hyperpigmentation, then Erborian Centella Moisturiser.

Here is a tip for fellow CC/BB cream users.

Ever since I started mixing my tinted CC cream with my moisturiser, I get a better, more even application, that lasts longer.
I use CC cream now since I don't have that much hyperpigmentation to hide anymore. BB Cream's coverage is too strong for me.
My tinted CC cream gives me a natural goldiness.
This is the one I use and love:


Erborian CC Creme, Doré tint is ideal for my med pheno.
The price is mid range (45-ish USD) but a lot better than the ones I've seen be promoted here.

Then I put on an under-eye moisturiser. I won't name the (expensive) brand I use cus the product is shit tbh.
After that, I put concelear on my under eye area.

Why do I insist so much on my under eyes?
Because having a well hydrated, plumped, healthy-seeming under-eye area is vital.

This dude would be chad if not for eyebags.
Eyebags are a low-class, poor hygiene, low-T trait. They are not edgy or "niche", but just painful to look at.
They descend your SMV a lot more than you think.

Every runway model has a routine to specifically get rid of eyebags, and that's for a reason.

That's all for my skin really. Fuck retinol, fuck accutane, fuck "face mists" (JFL), fuck serums, fuck "oligopeptide complexes", fuck every fad you guys fell for.
Keep it simple brah.
I spent thousands on skincare, just to let 99% of my products rot in my cupboard.

Hair loss?

I take topical minox 5% foam every day. Didn't do much for my hair after 6 months, but it went systemic and grew my eyelashes substantially, so no complaints.

On the other hand, I will never touch finasteride. I will never touch oral dutasteride.

However, I may take topical Dutasteride soon. The difference is that Topical Dutasteride has been shown in studies to have substantially less systemic side effects.

I would kill myself if ever "contracted" Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) or some shit like gyno.


I don't work out anymore, shame on me.
I will definitely train my neck, arms and shoulders before summer though.

I am staying skinny, but I refuse to have a pencil neck and 17" bidelt.


Hopefully this year I won't fail uni again.

And I've secured my first ever summer job.
I'll be working in a bar/restaurant on the sea shore, with my friend. I could not have found better tbh.
Nothing tops being a bartender/server during summer.

If you don't have a summer job yet and you are fairly good looking, read this for a bit of motivation:

Summer Holiday?

I will meet a few friends and travel across Europe with EuroRail. Mogger concept for young adults.

Will also play some golf in the Algarve and finish a personal project.

Advice to the younger gen on this forum?

Don't share personal info on here, or info about people close to you.

Do not post your face if you have written racist, homophobic, hateful things. (i haven't, just advising you not to)

Imagine a close-friend / your crush reading your slay story before you decide to post it on here.

Wear lifts ASAP if too late/too poor for AI and HGH megadose.

Don't ever confess to your crush. If you are not 100% sure she likes you, then she definitely doesn't. Remember the last time a girl had a crush on you? Wasn't it so obvious? Well this is the same thing.

As soon as you know you're not gonna marry your gf, break up. Save your time, money, brainpower for the next one, rather than being stuck in a shitty relationship.

All the highest-achieving men had/have multiple wives. It is evolutionarily logical for men to want multiple women, but nowadays, only the most powerful men are allowed to fulfil such a desire. Keep that in mind next time betacucks try to convince you of muh "monogamy", muh "i love my wife she is all i need".

Don't ever bother with politics or geopolitics or social issues. Don't engage in debates or conversations surrounding those topics. This is obvious ragebait and you are smarter than that. It would be a shame to get blocked by your oneitis because you said the wage gap doesn't exist. But muh "i read studies", muh "jordan peterson said...", muh "facts don't care about your feelings".
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson, are no people to look up to, to talk about, or to be associated with.
Just ignore it all.
98% of women are liberal left-wing feminists and the other 2% just want attention. Deal with it.
Don't whine about the game rules, just adapt your strategy.

Good looking prettyboy = appeal to women but no respect from men
Yes this is water by now but respect from men is a lot more important than you can imagine.
I'm not just talking about random men you meet on the street, but also your friends. Your friends will be more likely to pick on you, put you in awkward situations, lowkey bully you because, unconsciously, they have no respect for you. They won't necessarily bully you for being more feminine/skinny, they'll just feel more at ease disresepecting you.
Here is my experience with this:

NEVER TELL ANYONE you like to slay. Never tell anyone your kiss count. Never say you want to "pull". Boys will laugh at you, girls will think you are a weirdo.
Just be chill, just be good vibes, don't take anything seriously ==> being NT

"I don't drink alcohol", "I don't smoke weed", are two of the most pathetic things you can say if you're trying to fit in/make friends. That shit won't kill you bro.
I used to be like that and that's the reason why I wasn't invited to any parties in high school.

Try a cycle of bimatoprost (16 weeks) for your eyelashes. Probably one of the best looksmaxxes there is. Only downside is that you can't stop or you'll lose the results.

For studycels?

You will never be a model, so close this site and do your homework.

skip breakfast and only consume caffeine and nicotine until lunch.

GPT 4 Turbo (available on OpenAI API) will give you an edge against your coursemates and teachers.

If you read it and don't write it down, then you will never remember it.

Choline Choline Choline for memory. You need both lipophilic and hydrophilic. Time your Alpha-GPC intake wisely.

Dopamine Regulation isn't just a redpill meme, it impacts every single decision you make. DYOR and find a dopaminergic protocol suited for your lifestyle.

Stop listening to music.

Stop listening to music! If it isn't studying, keep it low dopaminergic.

Be slightly cold when you go to sleep.

1 hour of sleep > 1 hour of studying, when below 6 hours sleep.

Caffeine/Stimulants/Amphetamines will NOT help you with memory. Pulling an all nighter before an exam cannot be compensated with modafinil and adderall either.

When you take a break from studying, do not go on tiktok or partake in any activity that leads to high dopamine signalling.

Pomodoro is a white girl trend. It isn't optimal. You should be able to focus for HOURS.

The earlier you fix your circadian rhythm, the better. going to bed at 3 am is such a shit idea, so is waking up after 10 am. I sound like your parents when I say this, but my studying was so much more efficient when I woke up and slept at normal hours.

Try a study drug. I believe that the action of taking a study drug is enough to get me to work and focus, irrespective of the drug's effects. Use placebo to your advantage.

Don't buy cheap supplements. Wait until you find out certain magnesium forms on the market are only 3% bioavailable lol. Check if your supplements are lipophilic or hydrophilic before splashing big money on a few miligrams of plant leaves lol.

this is a small brain dump. a more organised thread may come soon.

no need to tell me that you didn't read. go repfarm your 3 reacts elsewhere.

a slightly morphed pneumo
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Reactions: davidlaidisme67, BlackpillWasted, optimistic_poster11 and 122 others
Sleep Yawn GIF
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legend, how much is gpt 4 turbo?
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Reactions: PsychoH, Deleted member 62821 and Deleted member 16673
will read
edit: nvm I’m not reading allat
Last edited:
  • JFL
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  • WTF
Reactions: ballinhard13, PsychoH, Gaygymmaxx and 10 others
I'm your biggest fan pneumo. You are some of the most genuine and high iq users on the forum bhai. I dnrd the thread but I will afterwards.
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Reactions: aurachad, Methylphenidate, Deleted member 88357 and 12 others
lol this is why u never post your face on this shithole, it was bound to happen bhai
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Reactions: aurachad, iabsolvejordan, Jamaldickjavontus and 11 others
tagging my friends : @Clavicular @dragomaxxer @2021 @EvangelicalRapist (change ur name brah) @NorwoodAscender @chrisN

and high IQ nootropic savant: @Seth Walsh
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Reactions: PsychoH, datboijj, walrusmaxx and 6 others
Every molecule, suifuel for some users here ngl but good thread. Good luck in uni mate
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Reactions: optimistic_poster11, ROPEBYATHOUSANDMOGS, PsychoH and 5 others
Donapezil is a shitty overrated drug so is armodafinil. Spiking acetylcholine and noradrenaline is a dirty way to go about it. Ace inhibitors in general are a pharma cash cow and do more harm than good, alpha gpc is overpriced , nicotine can replicate it entirely , generally you can get all the choline you need from eggs and milk
  • +1
Reactions: FBl, Deleted member 25056, poopoohead and 2 others
I read all bro

I thought you started Adapalene

Also could I do IPL before 18 , been on tret for a few weeks my skin isn’t getting better and my under eyes are brutal
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
Can you elaborate on all the drugs you take andnwhy u take them? I'm ignorant on these things tbh. I don't trust @BrahminBoss he is schizo pseudoscientist and has something negative to say about everything .
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: FBl, PsychoH, Deleted member 52913 and 8 others
Read this whole shit, ur right about the ordinary it totally fucked my skin. All im running is sunscreen + moisturizer now. Damn didnt realize ur whole uni read these posts brootl.
Which one did you try ?

I stopped with their peptides copper thing I only do eyelash serum my eyelashes have grown a shit ton
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
Can you elaborate on all the drugs you take andnwhy u take them? I'm ignorant on these things tbh. I don't trust @BrahminBoss he is schizo pseudoscientist and has something negative to say about everything .
  • JFL
Reactions: FBl, Navnith, Deleted member 25056 and 7 others
how can you study maths and be this retarded?

>failed 1st year
checks out
  • JFL
  • WTF
  • +1
Reactions: ShowerMaxxing, Jamaldickjavontus, PsychoH and 3 others
Whoever did that shit and told people about your posts/hit up your gf is a real scumbag. Glad you’re doing good. Read every word.
  • +1
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Reactions: optimistic_poster11, Jamaldickjavontus, PsychoH and 3 others
being a pretty boy means no respect from men but arent you a pretty boy
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: PsychoH and Deleted member 16673
You may have noticed that I don't post at all anymore.
I'll briefly explain why, now that the situation has died down.

Back in March, someone, I don't know who, found my gf's instagram account, and had the great idea of sending her all my slay stories.
Of course, you can imagine I was instantly dumped and humiliated. The stuff she had to read was bad. Those of you who happened to read some of my "slay stories" will understand how pathetic and cringe that stuff was.

Anyway, after losing my girlfriend in quite a painful way, I thought that my retribution was served.


The next morning, I get an unexpected message from a girl on my course, whom I wasn't too close to. She told me that she had been sent "shocking information" about me. I assume she was sent the same threads my gf had, since she didn't want to tell me what the "information" was.
How fucked.
Knowing the girl, she immediately shared the threads with all her friends and the people I know. It was so obvious too, cus when I would go on my old dead threads, I could see like 6 unregistered people viewing them.
View attachment 2866187
I was completely fucked. I could not go back to uni.
So I rotted at home for 2 weeks, hoping people would not care anymore by the time i went back.

Whichever one of you who did this is kinda funny tbh, thank you for teaching me a lesson.

Other than that, I have a newfound interest for neurochemistry and endocrinology. I always knew I should have done medical studies instead of maths.

I have a lot of uni work, so I take and study quite a lot of nootropics. Leo & Longevity's channel is a goldmine for information. His series with Tony Huge was S-tier too. May he RIP.

I have already posted my studying stack on here, so here it is:

Watching Leo for a few months really has been inspiring. I want to be as erudite as he was.

On to looksmaxxing. What do I do now?

Well not much. I used to take 100mg of furosemide a few times a week, but now, my intakes of armodafinil (ARM) and donepezil (DP) induce diuresis enough for me to look very chiselled on a daily. I don't take furosemide anymore really, unless I find myself very bloated.


The ARM and DP dry my skin out, so it isn't as oily as it used to be when I was an acne-ridden teen.
I rarely get any acne, unless it's from ingrown hairs. Thank God I did IPL and no longer have to bother with those!

I stopped using The Ordinary Serums. Shit ingredients and they gave me acne more than anything. Fuck their matrixyl too tbh, I'll buy a higher quality one maybe one day.

My skincare is slim to none. La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of hyperpigmentation, then Erborian Centella Moisturiser.

Here is a tip for fellow CC/BB cream users.

Ever since I started mixing my tinted CC cream with my moisturiser, I get a better, more even application, that lasts longer.
I use CC cream now since I don't have that much hyperpigmentation to hide anymore. BB Cream's coverage is too strong for me.
My tinted CC cream gives me a natural goldiness.
This is the one I use and love:

View attachment 2866318
Erborian CC Creme, Doré tint is ideal for my med pheno.
The price is mid range (45-ish USD) but a lot better than the ones I've seen be promoted here.

Then I put on an under-eye moisturiser. I won't name the (expensive) brand I use cus the product is shit tbh.
After that, I put concelear on my under eye area.

Why do I insist so much on my under eyes?
Because having a well hydrated, plumped, healthy-seeming under-eye area is vital.
View attachment 2866328
This dude would be chad if not for eyebags.
Eyebags are a low-class, poor hygiene, low-T trait. They are not edgy or "niche", but just painful to look at.
They descend your SMV a lot more than you think.

Every runway model has a routine to specifically get rid of eyebags, and that's for a reason.

That's all for my skin really. Fuck retinol, fuck accutane, fuck "face mists" (JFL), fuck serums, fuck "oligopeptide complexes", fuck every fad you guys fell for.
Keep it simple brah.
I spent thousands on skincare, just to let 99% of my products rot in my cupboard.

Hair loss?

I take topical minox 5% foam every day. Didn't do much for my hair after 6 months, but it went systemic and grew my eyelashes substantially, so no complaints.

On the other hand, I will never touch finasteride. I will never touch oral dutasteride.

However, I may take topical Dutasteride soon. The difference is that Topical Dutasteride has been shown in studies to have substantially less systemic side effects.

I would kill myself if ever "contracted" Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) or some shit like gyno.


I don't work out anymore, shame on me.
I will definitely train my neck, arms and shoulders before summer though.

I am staying skinny, but I refuse to have a pencil neck and 17" bidelt.


Hopefully this year I won't fail uni again.

And I've secured my first ever summer job.
I'll be working in a bar/restaurant on the sea shore, with my friend. I could not have found better tbh.
Nothing tops being a bartender/server during summer.

If you don't have a summer job yet and you are fairly good looking, read this for a bit of motivation:

Summer Holiday?

I will meet a few friends and travel across Europe with EuroRail. Mogger concept for young adults.

Will also play some golf in the Algarve and finish a personal project.

Advice to the younger gen on this forum?

Don't share personal info on here, or info about people close to you.

Do not post your face if you have written racist, homophobic, hateful things. (i haven't, just advising you not to)

Imagine a close-friend / your crush reading your slay story before you decide to post it on here.

Wear lifts ASAP if too late/too poor for AI and HGH megadose.

Don't ever confess to your crush. If you are not 100% sure she likes you, then she definitely doesn't. Remember the last time a girl had a crush on you? Wasn't it so obvious? Well this is the same thing.

As soon as you know you're not gonna marry your gf, break up. Save your time, money, brainpower for the next one, rather than being stuck in a shitty relationship.

All the highest-achieving men had/have multiple wives. It is evolutionarily logical for men to want multiple women, but nowadays, only the most powerful men are allowed to fulfil such a desire. Keep that in mind next time betacucks try to convince you of muh "monogamy", muh "i love my wife she is all i need".

Don't ever bother with politics or geopolitics or social issues. Don't engage in debates or conversations surrounding those topics. This is obvious ragebait and you are smarter than that. It would be a shame to get blocked by your oneitis because you said the wage gap doesn't exist. But muh "i read studies", muh "jordan peterson said...", muh "facts don't care about your feelings".
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson, are no people to look up to, to talk about, or to be associated with.
Just ignore it all.
98% of women are liberal left-wing feminists and the other 2% just want attention. Deal with it.
Don't whine about the game rules, just adapt your strategy.

Good looking prettyboy = appeal to women but no respect from men
Yes this is water by now but respect from men is a lot more important than you can imagine.
I'm not just talking about random men you meet on the street, but also your friends. Your friends will be more likely to pick on you, put you in awkward situations, lowkey bully you because, unconsciously, they have no respect for you. They won't necessarily bully you for being more feminine/skinny, they'll just feel more at ease disresepecting you.
Here is my experience with this:

NEVER TELL ANYONE you like to slay. Never tell anyone your kiss count. Never say you want to "pull". Boys will laugh at you, girls will think you are a weirdo.
Just be chill, just be good vibes, don't take anything seriously ==> being NT

"I don't drink alcohol", "I don't smoke weed", are two of the most pathetic things you can say if you're trying to fit in/make friends. That shit won't kill you bro.
I used to be like that and that's the reason why I wasn't invited to any parties in high school.

Try a cycle of bimatoprost (16 weeks) for your eyelashes. Probably one of the best looksmaxxes there is. Only downside is that you can't stop or you'll lose the results.

For studycels?

You will never be a model, so close this site and do your homework.

skip breakfast and only consume caffeine and nicotine until lunch.

GPT 4 Turbo (available on OpenAI API) will give you an edge against your coursemates and teachers.

If you read it and don't write it down, then you will never remember it.

Choline Choline Choline for memory. You need both lipophilic and hydrophilic. Time your Alpha-GPC intake wisely.

Dopamine Regulation isn't just a redpill meme, it impacts every single decision you make. DYOR and find a dopaminergic protocol suited for your lifestyle.

Stop listening to music.

Stop listening to music! If it isn't studying, keep it low dopaminergic.

Be slightly cold when you go to sleep.

1 hour of sleep > 1 hour of studying, when below 6 hours sleep.

Caffeine/Stimulants/Amphetamines will NOT help you with memory. Pulling an all nighter before an exam cannot be compensated with modafinil and adderall either.

When you take a break from studying, do not go on tiktok or partake in any activity that leads to high dopamine signalling.

Pomodoro is a white girl trend. It isn't optimal. You should be able to focus for HOURS.

The earlier you fix your circadian rhythm, the better. going to bed at 3 am is such a shit idea, so is waking up after 10 am. I sound like your parents when I say this, but my studying was so much more efficient when I woke up and slept at normal hours.

Try a study drug. I believe that the action of taking a study drug is enough to get me to work and focus, irrespective of the drug's effects. Use placebo to your advantage.

Don't buy cheap supplements. Wait until you find out certain magnesium forms on the market are only 3% bioavailable lol. Check if your supplements are lipophilic or hydrophilic before splashing big money on a few miligrams of plant leaves lol.

this is a small brain dump. a more organised thread may come soon.

no need to tell me that you didn't read. go repfarm your 3 reacts elsewhere.

a slightly morphed pneumo

love it, yeah, yeah actually, i love it
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
You may have noticed that I don't post at all anymore.
I'll briefly explain why, now that the situation has died down.

Back in March, someone, I don't know who, found my gf's instagram account, and had the great idea of sending her all my slay stories.
Of course, you can imagine I was instantly dumped and humiliated. The stuff she had to read was bad. Those of you who happened to read some of my "slay stories" will understand how pathetic and cringe that stuff was.

Anyway, after losing my girlfriend in quite a painful way, I thought that my retribution was served.


The next morning, I get an unexpected message from a girl on my course, whom I wasn't too close to. She told me that she had been sent "shocking information" about me. I assume she was sent the same threads my gf had, since she didn't want to tell me what the "information" was.
How fucked.
Knowing the girl, she immediately shared the threads with all her friends and the people I know. It was so obvious too, cus when I would go on my old dead threads, I could see like 6 unregistered people viewing them.
View attachment 2866187
I was completely fucked. I could not go back to uni.
So I rotted at home for 2 weeks, hoping people would not care anymore by the time i went back.

Whichever one of you who did this is kinda funny tbh, thank you for teaching me a lesson.

Other than that, I have a newfound interest for neurochemistry and endocrinology. I always knew I should have done medical studies instead of maths.

I have a lot of uni work, so I take and study quite a lot of nootropics. Leo & Longevity's channel is a goldmine for information. His series with Tony Huge was S-tier too. May he RIP.

I have already posted my studying stack on here, so here it is:

Watching Leo for a few months really has been inspiring. I want to be as erudite as he was.

On to looksmaxxing. What do I do now?

Well not much. I used to take 100mg of furosemide a few times a week, but now, my intakes of armodafinil (ARM) and donepezil (DP) induce diuresis enough for me to look very chiselled on a daily. I don't take furosemide anymore really, unless I find myself very bloated.


The ARM and DP dry my skin out, so it isn't as oily as it used to be when I was an acne-ridden teen.
I rarely get any acne, unless it's from ingrown hairs. Thank God I did IPL and no longer have to bother with those!

I stopped using The Ordinary Serums. Shit ingredients and they gave me acne more than anything. Fuck their matrixyl too tbh, I'll buy a higher quality one maybe one day.

My skincare is slim to none. La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of hyperpigmentation, then Erborian Centella Moisturiser.

Here is a tip for fellow CC/BB cream users.

Ever since I started mixing my tinted CC cream with my moisturiser, I get a better, more even application, that lasts longer.
I use CC cream now since I don't have that much hyperpigmentation to hide anymore. BB Cream's coverage is too strong for me.
My tinted CC cream gives me a natural goldiness.
This is the one I use and love:

View attachment 2866318
Erborian CC Creme, Doré tint is ideal for my med pheno.
The price is mid range (45-ish USD) but a lot better than the ones I've seen be promoted here.

Then I put on an under-eye moisturiser. I won't name the (expensive) brand I use cus the product is shit tbh.
After that, I put concelear on my under eye area.

Why do I insist so much on my under eyes?
Because having a well hydrated, plumped, healthy-seeming under-eye area is vital.
View attachment 2866328
This dude would be chad if not for eyebags.
Eyebags are a low-class, poor hygiene, low-T trait. They are not edgy or "niche", but just painful to look at.
They descend your SMV a lot more than you think.

Every runway model has a routine to specifically get rid of eyebags, and that's for a reason.

That's all for my skin really. Fuck retinol, fuck accutane, fuck "face mists" (JFL), fuck serums, fuck "oligopeptide complexes", fuck every fad you guys fell for.
Keep it simple brah.
I spent thousands on skincare, just to let 99% of my products rot in my cupboard.

Hair loss?

I take topical minox 5% foam every day. Didn't do much for my hair after 6 months, but it went systemic and grew my eyelashes substantially, so no complaints.

On the other hand, I will never touch finasteride. I will never touch oral dutasteride.

However, I may take topical Dutasteride soon. The difference is that Topical Dutasteride has been shown in studies to have substantially less systemic side effects.

I would kill myself if ever "contracted" Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) or some shit like gyno.


I don't work out anymore, shame on me.
I will definitely train my neck, arms and shoulders before summer though.

I am staying skinny, but I refuse to have a pencil neck and 17" bidelt.


Hopefully this year I won't fail uni again.

And I've secured my first ever summer job.
I'll be working in a bar/restaurant on the sea shore, with my friend. I could not have found better tbh.
Nothing tops being a bartender/server during summer.

If you don't have a summer job yet and you are fairly good looking, read this for a bit of motivation:

Summer Holiday?

I will meet a few friends and travel across Europe with EuroRail. Mogger concept for young adults.

Will also play some golf in the Algarve and finish a personal project.

Advice to the younger gen on this forum?

Don't share personal info on here, or info about people close to you.

Do not post your face if you have written racist, homophobic, hateful things. (i haven't, just advising you not to)

Imagine a close-friend / your crush reading your slay story before you decide to post it on here.

Wear lifts ASAP if too late/too poor for AI and HGH megadose.

Don't ever confess to your crush. If you are not 100% sure she likes you, then she definitely doesn't. Remember the last time a girl had a crush on you? Wasn't it so obvious? Well this is the same thing.

As soon as you know you're not gonna marry your gf, break up. Save your time, money, brainpower for the next one, rather than being stuck in a shitty relationship.

All the highest-achieving men had/have multiple wives. It is evolutionarily logical for men to want multiple women, but nowadays, only the most powerful men are allowed to fulfil such a desire. Keep that in mind next time betacucks try to convince you of muh "monogamy", muh "i love my wife she is all i need".

Don't ever bother with politics or geopolitics or social issues. Don't engage in debates or conversations surrounding those topics. This is obvious ragebait and you are smarter than that. It would be a shame to get blocked by your oneitis because you said the wage gap doesn't exist. But muh "i read studies", muh "jordan peterson said...", muh "facts don't care about your feelings".
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson, are no people to look up to, to talk about, or to be associated with.
Just ignore it all.
98% of women are liberal left-wing feminists and the other 2% just want attention. Deal with it.
Don't whine about the game rules, just adapt your strategy.

Good looking prettyboy = appeal to women but no respect from men
Yes this is water by now but respect from men is a lot more important than you can imagine.
I'm not just talking about random men you meet on the street, but also your friends. Your friends will be more likely to pick on you, put you in awkward situations, lowkey bully you because, unconsciously, they have no respect for you. They won't necessarily bully you for being more feminine/skinny, they'll just feel more at ease disresepecting you.
Here is my experience with this:

NEVER TELL ANYONE you like to slay. Never tell anyone your kiss count. Never say you want to "pull". Boys will laugh at you, girls will think you are a weirdo.
Just be chill, just be good vibes, don't take anything seriously ==> being NT

"I don't drink alcohol", "I don't smoke weed", are two of the most pathetic things you can say if you're trying to fit in/make friends. That shit won't kill you bro.
I used to be like that and that's the reason why I wasn't invited to any parties in high school.

Try a cycle of bimatoprost (16 weeks) for your eyelashes. Probably one of the best looksmaxxes there is. Only downside is that you can't stop or you'll lose the results.

For studycels?

You will never be a model, so close this site and do your homework.

skip breakfast and only consume caffeine and nicotine until lunch.

GPT 4 Turbo (available on OpenAI API) will give you an edge against your coursemates and teachers.

If you read it and don't write it down, then you will never remember it.

Choline Choline Choline for memory. You need both lipophilic and hydrophilic. Time your Alpha-GPC intake wisely.

Dopamine Regulation isn't just a redpill meme, it impacts every single decision you make. DYOR and find a dopaminergic protocol suited for your lifestyle.

Stop listening to music.

Stop listening to music! If it isn't studying, keep it low dopaminergic.

Be slightly cold when you go to sleep.

1 hour of sleep > 1 hour of studying, when below 6 hours sleep.

Caffeine/Stimulants/Amphetamines will NOT help you with memory. Pulling an all nighter before an exam cannot be compensated with modafinil and adderall either.

When you take a break from studying, do not go on tiktok or partake in any activity that leads to high dopamine signalling.

Pomodoro is a white girl trend. It isn't optimal. You should be able to focus for HOURS.

The earlier you fix your circadian rhythm, the better. going to bed at 3 am is such a shit idea, so is waking up after 10 am. I sound like your parents when I say this, but my studying was so much more efficient when I woke up and slept at normal hours.

Try a study drug. I believe that the action of taking a study drug is enough to get me to work and focus, irrespective of the drug's effects. Use placebo to your advantage.

Don't buy cheap supplements. Wait until you find out certain magnesium forms on the market are only 3% bioavailable lol. Check if your supplements are lipophilic or hydrophilic before splashing big money on a few miligrams of plant leaves lol.

this is a small brain dump. a more organised thread may come soon.

no need to tell me that you didn't read. go repfarm your 3 reacts elsewhere.

a slightly morphed pneumo

so are u not blackpilled anymore, are u breaking free or will u be back
Last edited:
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legend, how much is gpt 4 turbo?
it's pay as you go on the API, which is good if you only use it for school.

quite cheap to be honest, cheaper than paying 25 dollars a month for ChatGPT 4.

so are u not blackpilled anymore, are u breaking free or will u be back
i'm trying to heal bhai 😓

Can you elaborate on all the drugs you take andnwhy u take them? I'm ignorant on these things tbh. I don't trust @BrahminBoss he is schizo pseudoscientist and has something negative to say about everything .
of course, thanks for kind words bhai. i will make a guide once I am satisfied with my knowledge on the topic.
Donapezil is a shitty overrated drug so is armodafinil. Spiking acetylcholine and noradrenaline is a dirty way to go about it. Ace inhibitors in general are a pharma cash cow and do more harm than good, alpha gpc is overpriced , nicotine can replicate it entirely , generally you can get all the choline you need from eggs and milk
whats your stack then saar? i'm curious
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
it's pay as you go on the API, which is good if you only use it for school.

quite cheap to be honest, cheaper than paying 25 dollars a month for ChatGPT 4.

i'm trying to heal bhai 😓

of course, thanks for kind words bhai. i will make a guide once I am satisfied with my knowledge on the topic.

whats your stack then saar? i'm curious
For what studying ?

Ephedrine for fat loss and a clean source of adrenaline ( short lasting unlike modafinil which is good as you don’t want adrenaline or it’s demethylated variety to be spiked too long)

Nicotine for controlled acetylcholine and glutamate release ( facitilates learning but can stunt creativity )

Tianeptine for reducing serotonin and glutamate , facilitating GABAergic tone and interest ( can be done w kratom as well , kinda contradictory as glutamate is essential for learning but too much can cause brain rot and inflexibility) . The opiod agonist prop of both can help

Caffeine sugar and thiamine . Mogger combo, can increase blood flow to the brown by a lot , the caffeine restricting brain blood flow thing is scare tactics

Red light / incandescent infrared / early sunlight exposure to fine tune rhythms and set the mood

Minimalist background music only , Tomhet from Burzum is good example

Mucuna pruriens / l dopa for higher dopamine levels baseline , even tyrosine may work sometimes

Taurine to sensitise dopamine and gaba receptors

  • +1
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Reactions: say∅, Deleted member 25056, Deleted member 16673 and 3 others
This is the first guide to life on this website

Honestly, it's a bit fascinating to see someone mature so quickly, mirin the effort and obvious mental tortures you went through to write this big piece of dnr material (I have to admit I read it all though)

The only thing I would change is caffeine, it's a thing that affects your sleep very negatively and even if you can easily fall asleep, the quality of sleep is getting worse. (I am definitely not biased here)

P.S. Looking good chief, although even morphed cheekbones are still smaller than mine :feelsez:
  • +1
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Reactions: iabsolvejordan, Snowskinned, Azrod and 10 others
good thread
All the highest-achieving men had/have multiple wives. It is evolutionarily logical for men to want multiple women, but nowadays, only the most powerful men are allowed to fulfil such a desire. Keep that in mind next time betacucks try to convince you of muh "monogamy", muh "i love my wife she is all i need".
Stop listening to music.
alhamdullilah akhi😂😂

@sportsmogger @dad
  • JFL
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  • JFL
  • +1
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You may have noticed that I don't post at all anymore.
I'll briefly explain why, now that the situation has died down.

Back in March, someone, I don't know who, found my gf's instagram account, and had the great idea of sending her all my slay stories.
Of course, you can imagine I was instantly dumped and humiliated. The stuff she had to read was bad. Those of you who happened to read some of my "slay stories" will understand how pathetic and cringe that stuff was.

Anyway, after losing my girlfriend in quite a painful way, I thought that my retribution was served.


The next morning, I get an unexpected message from a girl on my course, whom I wasn't too close to. She told me that she had been sent "shocking information" about me. I assume she was sent the same threads my gf had, since she didn't want to tell me what the "information" was.
How fucked.
Knowing the girl, she immediately shared the threads with all her friends and the people I know. It was so obvious too, cus when I would go on my old dead threads, I could see like 6 unregistered people viewing them.
View attachment 2866187
I was completely fucked. I could not go back to uni.
So I rotted at home for 2 weeks, hoping people would not care anymore by the time i went back.

Whichever one of you who did this is kinda funny tbh, thank you for teaching me a lesson.

Other than that, I have a newfound interest for neurochemistry and endocrinology. I always knew I should have done medical studies instead of maths.

I have a lot of uni work, so I take and study quite a lot of nootropics. Leo & Longevity's channel is a goldmine for information. His series with Tony Huge was S-tier too. May he RIP.

I have already posted my studying stack on here, so here it is:

Watching Leo for a few months really has been inspiring. I want to be as erudite as he was.

On to looksmaxxing. What do I do now?

Well not much. I used to take 100mg of furosemide a few times a week, but now, my intakes of armodafinil (ARM) and donepezil (DP) induce diuresis enough for me to look very chiselled on a daily. I don't take furosemide anymore really, unless I find myself very bloated.


The ARM and DP dry my skin out, so it isn't as oily as it used to be when I was an acne-ridden teen.
I rarely get any acne, unless it's from ingrown hairs. Thank God I did IPL and no longer have to bother with those!

I stopped using The Ordinary Serums. Shit ingredients and they gave me acne more than anything. Fuck their matrixyl too tbh, I'll buy a higher quality one maybe one day.

My skincare is slim to none. La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of hyperpigmentation, then Erborian Centella Moisturiser.

Here is a tip for fellow CC/BB cream users.

Ever since I started mixing my tinted CC cream with my moisturiser, I get a better, more even application, that lasts longer.
I use CC cream now since I don't have that much hyperpigmentation to hide anymore. BB Cream's coverage is too strong for me.
My tinted CC cream gives me a natural goldiness.
This is the one I use and love:

View attachment 2866318
Erborian CC Creme, Doré tint is ideal for my med pheno.
The price is mid range (45-ish USD) but a lot better than the ones I've seen be promoted here.

Then I put on an under-eye moisturiser. I won't name the (expensive) brand I use cus the product is shit tbh.
After that, I put concelear on my under eye area.

Why do I insist so much on my under eyes?
Because having a well hydrated, plumped, healthy-seeming under-eye area is vital.
View attachment 2866328
This dude would be chad if not for eyebags.
Eyebags are a low-class, poor hygiene, low-T trait. They are not edgy or "niche", but just painful to look at.
They descend your SMV a lot more than you think.

Every runway model has a routine to specifically get rid of eyebags, and that's for a reason.

That's all for my skin really. Fuck retinol, fuck accutane, fuck "face mists" (JFL), fuck serums, fuck "oligopeptide complexes", fuck every fad you guys fell for.
Keep it simple brah.
I spent thousands on skincare, just to let 99% of my products rot in my cupboard.

Hair loss?

I take topical minox 5% foam every day. Didn't do much for my hair after 6 months, but it went systemic and grew my eyelashes substantially, so no complaints.

On the other hand, I will never touch finasteride. I will never touch oral dutasteride.

However, I may take topical Dutasteride soon. The difference is that Topical Dutasteride has been shown in studies to have substantially less systemic side effects.

I would kill myself if ever "contracted" Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) or some shit like gyno.


I don't work out anymore, shame on me.
I will definitely train my neck, arms and shoulders before summer though.

I am staying skinny, but I refuse to have a pencil neck and 17" bidelt.


Hopefully this year I won't fail uni again.

And I've secured my first ever summer job.
I'll be working in a bar/restaurant on the sea shore, with my friend. I could not have found better tbh.
Nothing tops being a bartender/server during summer.

If you don't have a summer job yet and you are fairly good looking, read this for a bit of motivation:

Summer Holiday?

I will meet a few friends and travel across Europe with EuroRail. Mogger concept for young adults.

Will also play some golf in the Algarve and finish a personal project.

Advice to the younger gen on this forum?

Don't share personal info on here, or info about people close to you.

Do not post your face if you have written racist, homophobic, hateful things. (i haven't, just advising you not to)

Imagine a close-friend / your crush reading your slay story before you decide to post it on here.

Wear lifts ASAP if too late/too poor for AI and HGH megadose.

Don't ever confess to your crush. If you are not 100% sure she likes you, then she definitely doesn't. Remember the last time a girl had a crush on you? Wasn't it so obvious? Well this is the same thing.

As soon as you know you're not gonna marry your gf, break up. Save your time, money, brainpower for the next one, rather than being stuck in a shitty relationship.

All the highest-achieving men had/have multiple wives. It is evolutionarily logical for men to want multiple women, but nowadays, only the most powerful men are allowed to fulfil such a desire. Keep that in mind next time betacucks try to convince you of muh "monogamy", muh "i love my wife she is all i need".

Don't ever bother with politics or geopolitics or social issues. Don't engage in debates or conversations surrounding those topics. This is obvious ragebait and you are smarter than that. It would be a shame to get blocked by your oneitis because you said the wage gap doesn't exist. But muh "i read studies", muh "jordan peterson said...", muh "facts don't care about your feelings".
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson, are no people to look up to, to talk about, or to be associated with.
Just ignore it all.
98% of women are liberal left-wing feminists and the other 2% just want attention. Deal with it.
Don't whine about the game rules, just adapt your strategy.

Good looking prettyboy = appeal to women but no respect from men
Yes this is water by now but respect from men is a lot more important than you can imagine.
I'm not just talking about random men you meet on the street, but also your friends. Your friends will be more likely to pick on you, put you in awkward situations, lowkey bully you because, unconsciously, they have no respect for you. They won't necessarily bully you for being more feminine/skinny, they'll just feel more at ease disresepecting you.
Here is my experience with this:

NEVER TELL ANYONE you like to slay. Never tell anyone your kiss count. Never say you want to "pull". Boys will laugh at you, girls will think you are a weirdo.
Just be chill, just be good vibes, don't take anything seriously ==> being NT

"I don't drink alcohol", "I don't smoke weed", are two of the most pathetic things you can say if you're trying to fit in/make friends. That shit won't kill you bro.
I used to be like that and that's the reason why I wasn't invited to any parties in high school.

Try a cycle of bimatoprost (16 weeks) for your eyelashes. Probably one of the best looksmaxxes there is. Only downside is that you can't stop or you'll lose the results.

For studycels?

You will never be a model, so close this site and do your homework.

skip breakfast and only consume caffeine and nicotine until lunch.

GPT 4 Turbo (available on OpenAI API) will give you an edge against your coursemates and teachers.

If you read it and don't write it down, then you will never remember it.

Choline Choline Choline for memory. You need both lipophilic and hydrophilic. Time your Alpha-GPC intake wisely.

Dopamine Regulation isn't just a redpill meme, it impacts every single decision you make. DYOR and find a dopaminergic protocol suited for your lifestyle.

Stop listening to music.

Stop listening to music! If it isn't studying, keep it low dopaminergic.

Be slightly cold when you go to sleep.

1 hour of sleep > 1 hour of studying, when below 6 hours sleep.

Caffeine/Stimulants/Amphetamines will NOT help you with memory. Pulling an all nighter before an exam cannot be compensated with modafinil and adderall either.

When you take a break from studying, do not go on tiktok or partake in any activity that leads to high dopamine signalling.

Pomodoro is a white girl trend. It isn't optimal. You should be able to focus for HOURS.

The earlier you fix your circadian rhythm, the better. going to bed at 3 am is such a shit idea, so is waking up after 10 am. I sound like your parents when I say this, but my studying was so much more efficient when I woke up and slept at normal hours.

Try a study drug. I believe that the action of taking a study drug is enough to get me to work and focus, irrespective of the drug's effects. Use placebo to your advantage.

Don't buy cheap supplements. Wait until you find out certain magnesium forms on the market are only 3% bioavailable lol. Check if your supplements are lipophilic or hydrophilic before splashing big money on a few miligrams of plant leaves lol.

this is a small brain dump. a more organised thread may come soon.

no need to tell me that you didn't read. go repfarm your 3 reacts elsewhere.

a slightly morphed pneumo

read every character

college is a big place bro move on most people dont care enough to be stalking ur incel website posts anyways. as for the eyebags I think they can look good, like in picrel the guys eyebags look good imo
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its over
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
Bookmarked, what are the best shoe lifts to buy? I’m 5’10 so it might be the biggest contribution to my ascension so far.
Read every single word of wisdom
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Read all
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we missed u bhai
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Stop fapping and watching porn, if you want to fix your dopamine. Nothing else comes close to this.
  • +1
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@pneumocystosis for IPL is it important to do sessions often? If yes, how long between each one?
  • Love it
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Sorry to hear this mate. Saw some of your old threads get taken down and thought something might have happened. Are you fucked socially now, at least in your immediate university social circle?
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
You may have noticed that I don't post at all anymore.
I'll briefly explain why, now that the situation has died down.

Back in March, someone, I don't know who, found my gf's instagram account, and had the great idea of sending her all my slay stories.
Of course, you can imagine I was instantly dumped and humiliated. The stuff she had to read was bad. Those of you who happened to read some of my "slay stories" will understand how pathetic and cringe that stuff was.

Anyway, after losing my girlfriend in quite a painful way, I thought that my retribution was served.


The next morning, I get an unexpected message from a girl on my course, whom I wasn't too close to. She told me that she had been sent "shocking information" about me. I assume she was sent the same threads my gf had, since she didn't want to tell me what the "information" was.
How fucked.
Knowing the girl, she immediately shared the threads with all her friends and the people I know. It was so obvious too, cus when I would go on my old dead threads, I could see like 6 unregistered people viewing them.
View attachment 2866187
I was completely fucked. I could not go back to uni.
So I rotted at home for 2 weeks, hoping people would not care anymore by the time i went back.

Whichever one of you who did this is kinda funny tbh, thank you for teaching me a lesson.

Other than that, I have a newfound interest for neurochemistry and endocrinology. I always knew I should have done medical studies instead of maths.

I have a lot of uni work, so I take and study quite a lot of nootropics. Leo & Longevity's channel is a goldmine for information. His series with Tony Huge was S-tier too. May he RIP.

I have already posted my studying stack on here, so here it is:

Watching Leo for a few months really has been inspiring. I want to be as erudite as he was.

On to looksmaxxing. What do I do now?

Well not much. I used to take 100mg of furosemide a few times a week, but now, my intakes of armodafinil (ARM) and donepezil (DP) induce diuresis enough for me to look very chiselled on a daily. I don't take furosemide anymore really, unless I find myself very bloated.


The ARM and DP dry my skin out, so it isn't as oily as it used to be when I was an acne-ridden teen.
I rarely get any acne, unless it's from ingrown hairs. Thank God I did IPL and no longer have to bother with those!

I stopped using The Ordinary Serums. Shit ingredients and they gave me acne more than anything. Fuck their matrixyl too tbh, I'll buy a higher quality one maybe one day.

My skincare is slim to none. La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of hyperpigmentation, then Erborian Centella Moisturiser.

Here is a tip for fellow CC/BB cream users.

Ever since I started mixing my tinted CC cream with my moisturiser, I get a better, more even application, that lasts longer.
I use CC cream now since I don't have that much hyperpigmentation to hide anymore. BB Cream's coverage is too strong for me.
My tinted CC cream gives me a natural goldiness.
This is the one I use and love:

View attachment 2866318
Erborian CC Creme, Doré tint is ideal for my med pheno.
The price is mid range (45-ish USD) but a lot better than the ones I've seen be promoted here.

Then I put on an under-eye moisturiser. I won't name the (expensive) brand I use cus the product is shit tbh.
After that, I put concelear on my under eye area.

Why do I insist so much on my under eyes?
Because having a well hydrated, plumped, healthy-seeming under-eye area is vital.
View attachment 2866328
This dude would be chad if not for eyebags.
Eyebags are a low-class, poor hygiene, low-T trait. They are not edgy or "niche", but just painful to look at.
They descend your SMV a lot more than you think.

Every runway model has a routine to specifically get rid of eyebags, and that's for a reason.

That's all for my skin really. Fuck retinol, fuck accutane, fuck "face mists" (JFL), fuck serums, fuck "oligopeptide complexes", fuck every fad you guys fell for.
Keep it simple brah.
I spent thousands on skincare, just to let 99% of my products rot in my cupboard.

Hair loss?

I take topical minox 5% foam every day. Didn't do much for my hair after 6 months, but it went systemic and grew my eyelashes substantially, so no complaints.

On the other hand, I will never touch finasteride. I will never touch oral dutasteride.

However, I may take topical Dutasteride soon. The difference is that Topical Dutasteride has been shown in studies to have substantially less systemic side effects.

I would kill myself if ever "contracted" Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) or some shit like gyno.


I don't work out anymore, shame on me.
I will definitely train my neck, arms and shoulders before summer though.

I am staying skinny, but I refuse to have a pencil neck and 17" bidelt.


Hopefully this year I won't fail uni again.

And I've secured my first ever summer job.
I'll be working in a bar/restaurant on the sea shore, with my friend. I could not have found better tbh.
Nothing tops being a bartender/server during summer.

If you don't have a summer job yet and you are fairly good looking, read this for a bit of motivation:

Summer Holiday?

I will meet a few friends and travel across Europe with EuroRail. Mogger concept for young adults.

Will also play some golf in the Algarve and finish a personal project.

Advice to the younger gen on this forum?

Don't share personal info on here, or info about people close to you.

Do not post your face if you have written racist, homophobic, hateful things. (i haven't, just advising you not to)

Imagine a close-friend / your crush reading your slay story before you decide to post it on here.

Wear lifts ASAP if too late/too poor for AI and HGH megadose.

Don't ever confess to your crush. If you are not 100% sure she likes you, then she definitely doesn't. Remember the last time a girl had a crush on you? Wasn't it so obvious? Well this is the same thing.

As soon as you know you're not gonna marry your gf, break up. Save your time, money, brainpower for the next one, rather than being stuck in a shitty relationship.

All the highest-achieving men had/have multiple wives. It is evolutionarily logical for men to want multiple women, but nowadays, only the most powerful men are allowed to fulfil such a desire. Keep that in mind next time betacucks try to convince you of muh "monogamy", muh "i love my wife she is all i need".

Don't ever bother with politics or geopolitics or social issues. Don't engage in debates or conversations surrounding those topics. This is obvious ragebait and you are smarter than that. It would be a shame to get blocked by your oneitis because you said the wage gap doesn't exist. But muh "i read studies", muh "jordan peterson said...", muh "facts don't care about your feelings".
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson, are no people to look up to, to talk about, or to be associated with.
Just ignore it all.
98% of women are liberal left-wing feminists and the other 2% just want attention. Deal with it.
Don't whine about the game rules, just adapt your strategy.

Good looking prettyboy = appeal to women but no respect from men
Yes this is water by now but respect from men is a lot more important than you can imagine.
I'm not just talking about random men you meet on the street, but also your friends. Your friends will be more likely to pick on you, put you in awkward situations, lowkey bully you because, unconsciously, they have no respect for you. They won't necessarily bully you for being more feminine/skinny, they'll just feel more at ease disresepecting you.
Here is my experience with this:

NEVER TELL ANYONE you like to slay. Never tell anyone your kiss count. Never say you want to "pull". Boys will laugh at you, girls will think you are a weirdo.
Just be chill, just be good vibes, don't take anything seriously ==> being NT

"I don't drink alcohol", "I don't smoke weed", are two of the most pathetic things you can say if you're trying to fit in/make friends. That shit won't kill you bro.
I used to be like that and that's the reason why I wasn't invited to any parties in high school.

Try a cycle of bimatoprost (16 weeks) for your eyelashes. Probably one of the best looksmaxxes there is. Only downside is that you can't stop or you'll lose the results.

For studycels?

You will never be a model, so close this site and do your homework.

skip breakfast and only consume caffeine and nicotine until lunch.

GPT 4 Turbo (available on OpenAI API) will give you an edge against your coursemates and teachers.

If you read it and don't write it down, then you will never remember it.

Choline Choline Choline for memory. You need both lipophilic and hydrophilic. Time your Alpha-GPC intake wisely.

Dopamine Regulation isn't just a redpill meme, it impacts every single decision you make. DYOR and find a dopaminergic protocol suited for your lifestyle.

Stop listening to music.

Stop listening to music! If it isn't studying, keep it low dopaminergic.

Be slightly cold when you go to sleep.

1 hour of sleep > 1 hour of studying, when below 6 hours sleep.

Caffeine/Stimulants/Amphetamines will NOT help you with memory. Pulling an all nighter before an exam cannot be compensated with modafinil and adderall either.

When you take a break from studying, do not go on tiktok or partake in any activity that leads to high dopamine signalling.

Pomodoro is a white girl trend. It isn't optimal. You should be able to focus for HOURS.

The earlier you fix your circadian rhythm, the better. going to bed at 3 am is such a shit idea, so is waking up after 10 am. I sound like your parents when I say this, but my studying was so much more efficient when I woke up and slept at normal hours.

Try a study drug. I believe that the action of taking a study drug is enough to get me to work and focus, irrespective of the drug's effects. Use placebo to your advantage.

Don't buy cheap supplements. Wait until you find out certain magnesium forms on the market are only 3% bioavailable lol. Check if your supplements are lipophilic or hydrophilic before splashing big money on a few miligrams of plant leaves lol.

this is a small brain dump. a more organised thread may come soon.

no need to tell me that you didn't read. go repfarm your 3 reacts elsewhere.

a slightly morphed pneumo

Deep fakes will rape ir social life even more and they're definitely coming coz u have posted pics
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Read everything
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Thanks for the tag bhai, glad to hear you are doing good. DM me the dates youll be eurorailing around europe when you have them figured out parents really want me to go there no matter what this summer so hopefully i get to see you and 'nightwing'. Do you plan to go to spain? I'd really like to go from madrid to marbella or ibiza just to see how fucked that shit is.

The people that found your shit and sent it around are assholes, i had a similar thing happen with an acquintance of mine sending one of my threads to one of my closer friend groups, thankfully that was all though and i was able to damage control since my account was privated.

At the end of the day though no ones gonna care long term specially because you'll have some plausible deniability with your looks you can always larp some random excuse and most low iq normies will believe it.

Currently trying to optimize my study stack as well, i ran out of modafinil (brutal) and wont be able to get more for a while since my friend was just giving it to me for free, currently just upped my adderal xr prescription to 15 mg going to try to keep it at that dose, im pretty sure leo suggests using IR rather than xr iirc but my doc was being retarded.

dont you think having that much caffeine pre, adderal consumption could be harmful for you? you risk dosing too much of the caffeine and having excessive jiterryness after u take the addderal rather than being at the perfect level, i normally prefer to fast take my adderall and then start taking caffeine after that in small quantities so that im seeing how i feel every 15 mins and if i need more or im okay with that much atm, ive had too much before and it can completely ruin my study sesh if i start feeling too aggitated.

Good point on the eggs, my retarded ass has stopped eating them for like the past two months and memory feels much more cloudy, i gotta start eating more pre studying.
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Reactions: Marsiere214, poopoohead and Deleted member 16673
Deep fakes will rape ir social life even more and they're definitely coming coz u have posted pics

deep fakes would help more not make it worse, with deep fakes becoming so real he can easily claim all the other real ones were also deep faked, it gives him even more plausible deniability.

its the same as with funkys ai deepfake of him giving a bj, if he were to really post a pic doing that now he could also claim it a s deep fake

its a double edged sword, its bad for people that havent posted anything bad but good for people that can use that as an excuse for their real posts
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Nice update, one of the realest users there is. Trial and error to a tee like no other. Your story inspires me to share mine.

Few things:

What made you want to do maths if you hate it?

Whats the situation like in class now, you statusmaxxed?

Pretty much agree with you on the skincare. La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Plus at mornings, then Erborian Centella Moisturiser on evening?

Spent the @averagejoe's monthly salary and more, only for it to fail. I'm working on becoming Royal Marine Commando, if not Royal Navy, if not French Foreign Legion.

And as far as dating goes I'm keeping what I feel with this bird on sight on lid. Playing the slow and cool game. Instead of confessing, what would you recommend (srs)?

Some (SOME) of your other advice is low-T.

Starting to sleep earlier now after pulling work ethic hard to the point of making myself ill and forcedly sleep for 36 hours.

Looking good, but why morph when maxxing is all about for reality? Thx for the update.
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You may have noticed that I don't post at all anymore.
I'll briefly explain why, now that the situation has died down.

Back in March, someone, I don't know who, found my gf's instagram account, and had the great idea of sending her all my slay stories.
Of course, you can imagine I was instantly dumped and humiliated. The stuff she had to read was bad. Those of you who happened to read some of my "slay stories" will understand how pathetic and cringe that stuff was.

Anyway, after losing my girlfriend in quite a painful way, I thought that my retribution was served.


The next morning, I get an unexpected message from a girl on my course, whom I wasn't too close to. She told me that she had been sent "shocking information" about me. I assume she was sent the same threads my gf had, since she didn't want to tell me what the "information" was.
How fucked.
Knowing the girl, she immediately shared the threads with all her friends and the people I know. It was so obvious too, cus when I would go on my old dead threads, I could see like 6 unregistered people viewing them.
View attachment 2866187
I was completely fucked. I could not go back to uni.
So I rotted at home for 2 weeks, hoping people would not care anymore by the time i went back.

Whichever one of you who did this is kinda funny tbh, thank you for teaching me a lesson.

Other than that, I have a newfound interest for neurochemistry and endocrinology. I always knew I should have done medical studies instead of maths.

I have a lot of uni work, so I take and study quite a lot of nootropics. Leo & Longevity's channel is a goldmine for information. His series with Tony Huge was S-tier too. May he RIP.

I have already posted my studying stack on here, so here it is:

Watching Leo for a few months really has been inspiring. I want to be as erudite as he was.

On to looksmaxxing. What do I do now?

Well not much. I used to take 100mg of furosemide a few times a week, but now, my intakes of armodafinil (ARM) and donepezil (DP) induce diuresis enough for me to look very chiselled on a daily. I don't take furosemide anymore really, unless I find myself very bloated.


The ARM and DP dry my skin out, so it isn't as oily as it used to be when I was an acne-ridden teen.
I rarely get any acne, unless it's from ingrown hairs. Thank God I did IPL and no longer have to bother with those!

I stopped using The Ordinary Serums. Shit ingredients and they gave me acne more than anything. Fuck their matrixyl too tbh, I'll buy a higher quality one maybe one day.

My skincare is slim to none. La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of hyperpigmentation, then Erborian Centella Moisturiser.

Here is a tip for fellow CC/BB cream users.

Ever since I started mixing my tinted CC cream with my moisturiser, I get a better, more even application, that lasts longer.
I use CC cream now since I don't have that much hyperpigmentation to hide anymore. BB Cream's coverage is too strong for me.
My tinted CC cream gives me a natural goldiness.
This is the one I use and love:

View attachment 2866318
Erborian CC Creme, Doré tint is ideal for my med pheno.
The price is mid range (45-ish USD) but a lot better than the ones I've seen be promoted here.

Then I put on an under-eye moisturiser. I won't name the (expensive) brand I use cus the product is shit tbh.
After that, I put concelear on my under eye area.

Why do I insist so much on my under eyes?
Because having a well hydrated, plumped, healthy-seeming under-eye area is vital.
View attachment 2866328
This dude would be chad if not for eyebags.
Eyebags are a low-class, poor hygiene, low-T trait. They are not edgy or "niche", but just painful to look at.
They descend your SMV a lot more than you think.

Every runway model has a routine to specifically get rid of eyebags, and that's for a reason.

That's all for my skin really. Fuck retinol, fuck accutane, fuck "face mists" (JFL), fuck serums, fuck "oligopeptide complexes", fuck every fad you guys fell for.
Keep it simple brah.
I spent thousands on skincare, just to let 99% of my products rot in my cupboard.

Hair loss?

I take topical minox 5% foam every day. Didn't do much for my hair after 6 months, but it went systemic and grew my eyelashes substantially, so no complaints.

On the other hand, I will never touch finasteride. I will never touch oral dutasteride.

However, I may take topical Dutasteride soon. The difference is that Topical Dutasteride has been shown in studies to have substantially less systemic side effects.

I would kill myself if ever "contracted" Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) or some shit like gyno.


I don't work out anymore, shame on me.
I will definitely train my neck, arms and shoulders before summer though.

I am staying skinny, but I refuse to have a pencil neck and 17" bidelt.


Hopefully this year I won't fail uni again.

And I've secured my first ever summer job.
I'll be working in a bar/restaurant on the sea shore, with my friend. I could not have found better tbh.
Nothing tops being a bartender/server during summer.

If you don't have a summer job yet and you are fairly good looking, read this for a bit of motivation:

Summer Holiday?

I will meet a few friends and travel across Europe with EuroRail. Mogger concept for young adults.

Will also play some golf in the Algarve and finish a personal project.

Advice to the younger gen on this forum?

Don't share personal info on here, or info about people close to you.

Do not post your face if you have written racist, homophobic, hateful things. (i haven't, just advising you not to)

Imagine a close-friend / your crush reading your slay story before you decide to post it on here.

Wear lifts ASAP if too late/too poor for AI and HGH megadose.

Don't ever confess to your crush. If you are not 100% sure she likes you, then she definitely doesn't. Remember the last time a girl had a crush on you? Wasn't it so obvious? Well this is the same thing.

As soon as you know you're not gonna marry your gf, break up. Save your time, money, brainpower for the next one, rather than being stuck in a shitty relationship.

All the highest-achieving men had/have multiple wives. It is evolutionarily logical for men to want multiple women, but nowadays, only the most powerful men are allowed to fulfil such a desire. Keep that in mind next time betacucks try to convince you of muh "monogamy", muh "i love my wife she is all i need".

Don't ever bother with politics or geopolitics or social issues. Don't engage in debates or conversations surrounding those topics. This is obvious ragebait and you are smarter than that. It would be a shame to get blocked by your oneitis because you said the wage gap doesn't exist. But muh "i read studies", muh "jordan peterson said...", muh "facts don't care about your feelings".
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson, are no people to look up to, to talk about, or to be associated with.
Just ignore it all.
98% of women are liberal left-wing feminists and the other 2% just want attention. Deal with it.
Don't whine about the game rules, just adapt your strategy.

Good looking prettyboy = appeal to women but no respect from men
Yes this is water by now but respect from men is a lot more important than you can imagine.
I'm not just talking about random men you meet on the street, but also your friends. Your friends will be more likely to pick on you, put you in awkward situations, lowkey bully you because, unconsciously, they have no respect for you. They won't necessarily bully you for being more feminine/skinny, they'll just feel more at ease disresepecting you.
Here is my experience with this:

NEVER TELL ANYONE you like to slay. Never tell anyone your kiss count. Never say you want to "pull". Boys will laugh at you, girls will think you are a weirdo.
Just be chill, just be good vibes, don't take anything seriously ==> being NT

"I don't drink alcohol", "I don't smoke weed", are two of the most pathetic things you can say if you're trying to fit in/make friends. That shit won't kill you bro.
I used to be like that and that's the reason why I wasn't invited to any parties in high school.

Try a cycle of bimatoprost (16 weeks) for your eyelashes. Probably one of the best looksmaxxes there is. Only downside is that you can't stop or you'll lose the results.

For studycels?

You will never be a model, so close this site and do your homework.

skip breakfast and only consume caffeine and nicotine until lunch.

GPT 4 Turbo (available on OpenAI API) will give you an edge against your coursemates and teachers.

If you read it and don't write it down, then you will never remember it.

Choline Choline Choline for memory. You need both lipophilic and hydrophilic. Time your Alpha-GPC intake wisely.

Dopamine Regulation isn't just a redpill meme, it impacts every single decision you make. DYOR and find a dopaminergic protocol suited for your lifestyle.

Stop listening to music.

Stop listening to music! If it isn't studying, keep it low dopaminergic.

Be slightly cold when you go to sleep.

1 hour of sleep > 1 hour of studying, when below 6 hours sleep.

Caffeine/Stimulants/Amphetamines will NOT help you with memory. Pulling an all nighter before an exam cannot be compensated with modafinil and adderall either.

When you take a break from studying, do not go on tiktok or partake in any activity that leads to high dopamine signalling.

Pomodoro is a white girl trend. It isn't optimal. You should be able to focus for HOURS.

The earlier you fix your circadian rhythm, the better. going to bed at 3 am is such a shit idea, so is waking up after 10 am. I sound like your parents when I say this, but my studying was so much more efficient when I woke up and slept at normal hours.

Try a study drug. I believe that the action of taking a study drug is enough to get me to work and focus, irrespective of the drug's effects. Use placebo to your advantage.

Don't buy cheap supplements. Wait until you find out certain magnesium forms on the market are only 3% bioavailable lol. Check if your supplements are lipophilic or hydrophilic before splashing big money on a few miligrams of plant leaves lol.

this is a small brain dump. a more organised thread may come soon.

no need to tell me that you didn't read. go repfarm your 3 reacts elsewhere.

a slightly morphed pneumo

sry im adhd cel been rotting with social media too much recently so I didn't read the whole thing. why are you doing the nootropics/drugs is it for adhd or something else?
what would u recommend for an adhd cel like me?
You may have noticed that I don't post at all anymore.
I'll briefly explain why, now that the situation has died down.

Back in March, someone, I don't know who, found my gf's instagram account, and had the great idea of sending her all my slay stories.
Of course, you can imagine I was instantly dumped and humiliated. The stuff she had to read was bad. Those of you who happened to read some of my "slay stories" will understand how pathetic and cringe that stuff was.

Anyway, after losing my girlfriend in quite a painful way, I thought that my retribution was served.


The next morning, I get an unexpected message from a girl on my course, whom I wasn't too close to. She told me that she had been sent "shocking information" about me. I assume she was sent the same threads my gf had, since she didn't want to tell me what the "information" was.
How fucked.
Knowing the girl, she immediately shared the threads with all her friends and the people I know. It was so obvious too, cus when I would go on my old dead threads, I could see like 6 unregistered people viewing them.
View attachment 2866187
I was completely fucked. I could not go back to uni.
So I rotted at home for 2 weeks, hoping people would not care anymore by the time i went back.

Whichever one of you who did this is kinda funny tbh, thank you for teaching me a lesson.

Other than that, I have a newfound interest for neurochemistry and endocrinology. I always knew I should have done medical studies instead of maths.

I have a lot of uni work, so I take and study quite a lot of nootropics. Leo & Longevity's channel is a goldmine for information. His series with Tony Huge was S-tier too. May he RIP.

I have already posted my studying stack on here, so here it is:

Watching Leo for a few months really has been inspiring. I want to be as erudite as he was.

On to looksmaxxing. What do I do now?

Well not much. I used to take 100mg of furosemide a few times a week, but now, my intakes of armodafinil (ARM) and donepezil (DP) induce diuresis enough for me to look very chiselled on a daily. I don't take furosemide anymore really, unless I find myself very bloated.


The ARM and DP dry my skin out, so it isn't as oily as it used to be when I was an acne-ridden teen.
I rarely get any acne, unless it's from ingrown hairs. Thank God I did IPL and no longer have to bother with those!

I stopped using The Ordinary Serums. Shit ingredients and they gave me acne more than anything. Fuck their matrixyl too tbh, I'll buy a higher quality one maybe one day.

My skincare is slim to none. La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of hyperpigmentation, then Erborian Centella Moisturiser.

Here is a tip for fellow CC/BB cream users.

Ever since I started mixing my tinted CC cream with my moisturiser, I get a better, more even application, that lasts longer.
I use CC cream now since I don't have that much hyperpigmentation to hide anymore. BB Cream's coverage is too strong for me.
My tinted CC cream gives me a natural goldiness.
This is the one I use and love:

View attachment 2866318
Erborian CC Creme, Doré tint is ideal for my med pheno.
The price is mid range (45-ish USD) but a lot better than the ones I've seen be promoted here.

Then I put on an under-eye moisturiser. I won't name the (expensive) brand I use cus the product is shit tbh.
After that, I put concelear on my under eye area.

Why do I insist so much on my under eyes?
Because having a well hydrated, plumped, healthy-seeming under-eye area is vital.
View attachment 2866328
This dude would be chad if not for eyebags.
Eyebags are a low-class, poor hygiene, low-T trait. They are not edgy or "niche", but just painful to look at.
They descend your SMV a lot more than you think.

Every runway model has a routine to specifically get rid of eyebags, and that's for a reason.

That's all for my skin really. Fuck retinol, fuck accutane, fuck "face mists" (JFL), fuck serums, fuck "oligopeptide complexes", fuck every fad you guys fell for.
Keep it simple brah.
I spent thousands on skincare, just to let 99% of my products rot in my cupboard.

Hair loss?

I take topical minox 5% foam every day. Didn't do much for my hair after 6 months, but it went systemic and grew my eyelashes substantially, so no complaints.

On the other hand, I will never touch finasteride. I will never touch oral dutasteride.

However, I may take topical Dutasteride soon. The difference is that Topical Dutasteride has been shown in studies to have substantially less systemic side effects.

I would kill myself if ever "contracted" Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) or some shit like gyno.


I don't work out anymore, shame on me.
I will definitely train my neck, arms and shoulders before summer though.

I am staying skinny, but I refuse to have a pencil neck and 17" bidelt.


Hopefully this year I won't fail uni again.

And I've secured my first ever summer job.
I'll be working in a bar/restaurant on the sea shore, with my friend. I could not have found better tbh.
Nothing tops being a bartender/server during summer.

If you don't have a summer job yet and you are fairly good looking, read this for a bit of motivation:

Summer Holiday?

I will meet a few friends and travel across Europe with EuroRail. Mogger concept for young adults.

Will also play some golf in the Algarve and finish a personal project.

Advice to the younger gen on this forum?

Don't share personal info on here, or info about people close to you.

Do not post your face if you have written racist, homophobic, hateful things. (i haven't, just advising you not to)

Imagine a close-friend / your crush reading your slay story before you decide to post it on here.

Wear lifts ASAP if too late/too poor for AI and HGH megadose.

Don't ever confess to your crush. If you are not 100% sure she likes you, then she definitely doesn't. Remember the last time a girl had a crush on you? Wasn't it so obvious? Well this is the same thing.

As soon as you know you're not gonna marry your gf, break up. Save your time, money, brainpower for the next one, rather than being stuck in a shitty relationship.

All the highest-achieving men had/have multiple wives. It is evolutionarily logical for men to want multiple women, but nowadays, only the most powerful men are allowed to fulfil such a desire. Keep that in mind next time betacucks try to convince you of muh "monogamy", muh "i love my wife she is all i need".

Don't ever bother with politics or geopolitics or social issues. Don't engage in debates or conversations surrounding those topics. This is obvious ragebait and you are smarter than that. It would be a shame to get blocked by your oneitis because you said the wage gap doesn't exist. But muh "i read studies", muh "jordan peterson said...", muh "facts don't care about your feelings".
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson, are no people to look up to, to talk about, or to be associated with.
Just ignore it all.
98% of women are liberal left-wing feminists and the other 2% just want attention. Deal with it.
Don't whine about the game rules, just adapt your strategy.

Good looking prettyboy = appeal to women but no respect from men
Yes this is water by now but respect from men is a lot more important than you can imagine.
I'm not just talking about random men you meet on the street, but also your friends. Your friends will be more likely to pick on you, put you in awkward situations, lowkey bully you because, unconsciously, they have no respect for you. They won't necessarily bully you for being more feminine/skinny, they'll just feel more at ease disresepecting you.
Here is my experience with this:

NEVER TELL ANYONE you like to slay. Never tell anyone your kiss count. Never say you want to "pull". Boys will laugh at you, girls will think you are a weirdo.
Just be chill, just be good vibes, don't take anything seriously ==> being NT

"I don't drink alcohol", "I don't smoke weed", are two of the most pathetic things you can say if you're trying to fit in/make friends. That shit won't kill you bro.
I used to be like that and that's the reason why I wasn't invited to any parties in high school.

Try a cycle of bimatoprost (16 weeks) for your eyelashes. Probably one of the best looksmaxxes there is. Only downside is that you can't stop or you'll lose the results.

For studycels?

You will never be a model, so close this site and do your homework.

skip breakfast and only consume caffeine and nicotine until lunch.

GPT 4 Turbo (available on OpenAI API) will give you an edge against your coursemates and teachers.

If you read it and don't write it down, then you will never remember it.

Choline Choline Choline for memory. You need both lipophilic and hydrophilic. Time your Alpha-GPC intake wisely.

Dopamine Regulation isn't just a redpill meme, it impacts every single decision you make. DYOR and find a dopaminergic protocol suited for your lifestyle.

Stop listening to music.

Stop listening to music! If it isn't studying, keep it low dopaminergic.

Be slightly cold when you go to sleep.

1 hour of sleep > 1 hour of studying, when below 6 hours sleep.

Caffeine/Stimulants/Amphetamines will NOT help you with memory. Pulling an all nighter before an exam cannot be compensated with modafinil and adderall either.

When you take a break from studying, do not go on tiktok or partake in any activity that leads to high dopamine signalling.

Pomodoro is a white girl trend. It isn't optimal. You should be able to focus for HOURS.

The earlier you fix your circadian rhythm, the better. going to bed at 3 am is such a shit idea, so is waking up after 10 am. I sound like your parents when I say this, but my studying was so much more efficient when I woke up and slept at normal hours.

Try a study drug. I believe that the action of taking a study drug is enough to get me to work and focus, irrespective of the drug's effects. Use placebo to your advantage.

Don't buy cheap supplements. Wait until you find out certain magnesium forms on the market are only 3% bioavailable lol. Check if your supplements are lipophilic or hydrophilic before splashing big money on a few miligrams of plant leaves lol.

this is a small brain dump. a more organised thread may come soon.

no need to tell me that you didn't read. go repfarm your 3 reacts elsewhere.

a slightly morphed pneumo

did read
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Donapezil is a shitty overrated drug so is armodafinil. Spiking acetylcholine and noradrenaline is a dirty way to go about it. Ace inhibitors in general are a pharma cash cow and do more harm than good, alpha gpc is overpriced , nicotine can replicate it entirely , generally you can get all the choline you need from eggs and milk
Will nicotine from zyns work or is it different because the nic is synthetic?
You may have noticed that I don't post at all anymore.
I'll briefly explain why, now that the situation has died down.

Back in March, someone, I don't know who, found my gf's instagram account, and had the great idea of sending her all my slay stories.
Of course, you can imagine I was instantly dumped and humiliated. The stuff she had to read was bad. Those of you who happened to read some of my "slay stories" will understand how pathetic and cringe that stuff was.

Anyway, after losing my girlfriend in quite a painful way, I thought that my retribution was served.


The next morning, I get an unexpected message from a girl on my course, whom I wasn't too close to. She told me that she had been sent "shocking information" about me. I assume she was sent the same threads my gf had, since she didn't want to tell me what the "information" was.
How fucked.
Knowing the girl, she immediately shared the threads with all her friends and the people I know. It was so obvious too, cus when I would go on my old dead threads, I could see like 6 unregistered people viewing them.
View attachment 2866187
I was completely fucked. I could not go back to uni.
So I rotted at home for 2 weeks, hoping people would not care anymore by the time i went back.

Whichever one of you who did this is kinda funny tbh, thank you for teaching me a lesson.

Other than that, I have a newfound interest for neurochemistry and endocrinology. I always knew I should have done medical studies instead of maths.

I have a lot of uni work, so I take and study quite a lot of nootropics. Leo & Longevity's channel is a goldmine for information. His series with Tony Huge was S-tier too. May he RIP.

I have already posted my studying stack on here, so here it is:

Watching Leo for a few months really has been inspiring. I want to be as erudite as he was.

On to looksmaxxing. What do I do now?

Well not much. I used to take 100mg of furosemide a few times a week, but now, my intakes of armodafinil (ARM) and donepezil (DP) induce diuresis enough for me to look very chiselled on a daily. I don't take furosemide anymore really, unless I find myself very bloated.


The ARM and DP dry my skin out, so it isn't as oily as it used to be when I was an acne-ridden teen.
I rarely get any acne, unless it's from ingrown hairs. Thank God I did IPL and no longer have to bother with those!

I stopped using The Ordinary Serums. Shit ingredients and they gave me acne more than anything. Fuck their matrixyl too tbh, I'll buy a higher quality one maybe one day.

My skincare is slim to none. La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of hyperpigmentation, then Erborian Centella Moisturiser.

Here is a tip for fellow CC/BB cream users.

Ever since I started mixing my tinted CC cream with my moisturiser, I get a better, more even application, that lasts longer.
I use CC cream now since I don't have that much hyperpigmentation to hide anymore. BB Cream's coverage is too strong for me.
My tinted CC cream gives me a natural goldiness.
This is the one I use and love:

View attachment 2866318
Erborian CC Creme, Doré tint is ideal for my med pheno.
The price is mid range (45-ish USD) but a lot better than the ones I've seen be promoted here.

Then I put on an under-eye moisturiser. I won't name the (expensive) brand I use cus the product is shit tbh.
After that, I put concelear on my under eye area.

Why do I insist so much on my under eyes?
Because having a well hydrated, plumped, healthy-seeming under-eye area is vital.
View attachment 2866328
This dude would be chad if not for eyebags.
Eyebags are a low-class, poor hygiene, low-T trait. They are not edgy or "niche", but just painful to look at.
They descend your SMV a lot more than you think.

Every runway model has a routine to specifically get rid of eyebags, and that's for a reason.

That's all for my skin really. Fuck retinol, fuck accutane, fuck "face mists" (JFL), fuck serums, fuck "oligopeptide complexes", fuck every fad you guys fell for.
Keep it simple brah.
I spent thousands on skincare, just to let 99% of my products rot in my cupboard.

Hair loss?

I take topical minox 5% foam every day. Didn't do much for my hair after 6 months, but it went systemic and grew my eyelashes substantially, so no complaints.

On the other hand, I will never touch finasteride. I will never touch oral dutasteride.

However, I may take topical Dutasteride soon. The difference is that Topical Dutasteride has been shown in studies to have substantially less systemic side effects.

I would kill myself if ever "contracted" Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) or some shit like gyno.


I don't work out anymore, shame on me.
I will definitely train my neck, arms and shoulders before summer though.

I am staying skinny, but I refuse to have a pencil neck and 17" bidelt.


Hopefully this year I won't fail uni again.

And I've secured my first ever summer job.
I'll be working in a bar/restaurant on the sea shore, with my friend. I could not have found better tbh.
Nothing tops being a bartender/server during summer.

If you don't have a summer job yet and you are fairly good looking, read this for a bit of motivation:

Summer Holiday?

I will meet a few friends and travel across Europe with EuroRail. Mogger concept for young adults.

Will also play some golf in the Algarve and finish a personal project.

Advice to the younger gen on this forum?

Don't share personal info on here, or info about people close to you.

Do not post your face if you have written racist, homophobic, hateful things. (i haven't, just advising you not to)

Imagine a close-friend / your crush reading your slay story before you decide to post it on here.

Wear lifts ASAP if too late/too poor for AI and HGH megadose.

Don't ever confess to your crush. If you are not 100% sure she likes you, then she definitely doesn't. Remember the last time a girl had a crush on you? Wasn't it so obvious? Well this is the same thing.

As soon as you know you're not gonna marry your gf, break up. Save your time, money, brainpower for the next one, rather than being stuck in a shitty relationship.

All the highest-achieving men had/have multiple wives. It is evolutionarily logical for men to want multiple women, but nowadays, only the most powerful men are allowed to fulfil such a desire. Keep that in mind next time betacucks try to convince you of muh "monogamy", muh "i love my wife she is all i need".

Don't ever bother with politics or geopolitics or social issues. Don't engage in debates or conversations surrounding those topics. This is obvious ragebait and you are smarter than that. It would be a shame to get blocked by your oneitis because you said the wage gap doesn't exist. But muh "i read studies", muh "jordan peterson said...", muh "facts don't care about your feelings".
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson, are no people to look up to, to talk about, or to be associated with.
Just ignore it all.
98% of women are liberal left-wing feminists and the other 2% just want attention. Deal with it.
Don't whine about the game rules, just adapt your strategy.

Good looking prettyboy = appeal to women but no respect from men
Yes this is water by now but respect from men is a lot more important than you can imagine.
I'm not just talking about random men you meet on the street, but also your friends. Your friends will be more likely to pick on you, put you in awkward situations, lowkey bully you because, unconsciously, they have no respect for you. They won't necessarily bully you for being more feminine/skinny, they'll just feel more at ease disresepecting you.
Here is my experience with this:

NEVER TELL ANYONE you like to slay. Never tell anyone your kiss count. Never say you want to "pull". Boys will laugh at you, girls will think you are a weirdo.
Just be chill, just be good vibes, don't take anything seriously ==> being NT

"I don't drink alcohol", "I don't smoke weed", are two of the most pathetic things you can say if you're trying to fit in/make friends. That shit won't kill you bro.
I used to be like that and that's the reason why I wasn't invited to any parties in high school.

Try a cycle of bimatoprost (16 weeks) for your eyelashes. Probably one of the best looksmaxxes there is. Only downside is that you can't stop or you'll lose the results.

For studycels?

You will never be a model, so close this site and do your homework.

skip breakfast and only consume caffeine and nicotine until lunch.

GPT 4 Turbo (available on OpenAI API) will give you an edge against your coursemates and teachers.

If you read it and don't write it down, then you will never remember it.

Choline Choline Choline for memory. You need both lipophilic and hydrophilic. Time your Alpha-GPC intake wisely.

Dopamine Regulation isn't just a redpill meme, it impacts every single decision you make. DYOR and find a dopaminergic protocol suited for your lifestyle.

Stop listening to music.

Stop listening to music! If it isn't studying, keep it low dopaminergic.

Be slightly cold when you go to sleep.

1 hour of sleep > 1 hour of studying, when below 6 hours sleep.

Caffeine/Stimulants/Amphetamines will NOT help you with memory. Pulling an all nighter before an exam cannot be compensated with modafinil and adderall either.

When you take a break from studying, do not go on tiktok or partake in any activity that leads to high dopamine signalling.

Pomodoro is a white girl trend. It isn't optimal. You should be able to focus for HOURS.

The earlier you fix your circadian rhythm, the better. going to bed at 3 am is such a shit idea, so is waking up after 10 am. I sound like your parents when I say this, but my studying was so much more efficient when I woke up and slept at normal hours.

Try a study drug. I believe that the action of taking a study drug is enough to get me to work and focus, irrespective of the drug's effects. Use placebo to your advantage.

Don't buy cheap supplements. Wait until you find out certain magnesium forms on the market are only 3% bioavailable lol. Check if your supplements are lipophilic or hydrophilic before splashing big money on a few miligrams of plant leaves lol.

this is a small brain dump. a more organised thread may come soon.

no need to tell me that you didn't read. go repfarm your 3 reacts elsewhere.

a slightly morphed pneumo

what cleanser are you using to wash off the bb cream
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
You may have noticed that I don't post at all anymore.
I'll briefly explain why, now that the situation has died down.

Back in March, someone, I don't know who, found my gf's instagram account, and had the great idea of sending her all my slay stories.
Of course, you can imagine I was instantly dumped and humiliated. The stuff she had to read was bad. Those of you who happened to read some of my "slay stories" will understand how pathetic and cringe that stuff was.

Anyway, after losing my girlfriend in quite a painful way, I thought that my retribution was served.


The next morning, I get an unexpected message from a girl on my course, whom I wasn't too close to. She told me that she had been sent "shocking information" about me. I assume she was sent the same threads my gf had, since she didn't want to tell me what the "information" was.
How fucked.
Knowing the girl, she immediately shared the threads with all her friends and the people I know. It was so obvious too, cus when I would go on my old dead threads, I could see like 6 unregistered people viewing them.
View attachment 2866187
I was completely fucked. I could not go back to uni.
So I rotted at home for 2 weeks, hoping people would not care anymore by the time i went back.

Whichever one of you who did this is kinda funny tbh, thank you for teaching me a lesson.

Other than that, I have a newfound interest for neurochemistry and endocrinology. I always knew I should have done medical studies instead of maths.

I have a lot of uni work, so I take and study quite a lot of nootropics. Leo & Longevity's channel is a goldmine for information. His series with Tony Huge was S-tier too. May he RIP.

I have already posted my studying stack on here, so here it is:

Watching Leo for a few months really has been inspiring. I want to be as erudite as he was.

On to looksmaxxing. What do I do now?

Well not much. I used to take 100mg of furosemide a few times a week, but now, my intakes of armodafinil (ARM) and donepezil (DP) induce diuresis enough for me to look very chiselled on a daily. I don't take furosemide anymore really, unless I find myself very bloated.


The ARM and DP dry my skin out, so it isn't as oily as it used to be when I was an acne-ridden teen.
I rarely get any acne, unless it's from ingrown hairs. Thank God I did IPL and no longer have to bother with those!

I stopped using The Ordinary Serums. Shit ingredients and they gave me acne more than anything. Fuck their matrixyl too tbh, I'll buy a higher quality one maybe one day.

My skincare is slim to none. La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of hyperpigmentation, then Erborian Centella Moisturiser.

Here is a tip for fellow CC/BB cream users.

Ever since I started mixing my tinted CC cream with my moisturiser, I get a better, more even application, that lasts longer.
I use CC cream now since I don't have that much hyperpigmentation to hide anymore. BB Cream's coverage is too strong for me.
My tinted CC cream gives me a natural goldiness.
This is the one I use and love:

View attachment 2866318
Erborian CC Creme, Doré tint is ideal for my med pheno.
The price is mid range (45-ish USD) but a lot better than the ones I've seen be promoted here.

Then I put on an under-eye moisturiser. I won't name the (expensive) brand I use cus the product is shit tbh.
After that, I put concelear on my under eye area.

Why do I insist so much on my under eyes?
Because having a well hydrated, plumped, healthy-seeming under-eye area is vital.
View attachment 2866328
This dude would be chad if not for eyebags.
Eyebags are a low-class, poor hygiene, low-T trait. They are not edgy or "niche", but just painful to look at.
They descend your SMV a lot more than you think.

Every runway model has a routine to specifically get rid of eyebags, and that's for a reason.

That's all for my skin really. Fuck retinol, fuck accutane, fuck "face mists" (JFL), fuck serums, fuck "oligopeptide complexes", fuck every fad you guys fell for.
Keep it simple brah.
I spent thousands on skincare, just to let 99% of my products rot in my cupboard.

Hair loss?

I take topical minox 5% foam every day. Didn't do much for my hair after 6 months, but it went systemic and grew my eyelashes substantially, so no complaints.

On the other hand, I will never touch finasteride. I will never touch oral dutasteride.

However, I may take topical Dutasteride soon. The difference is that Topical Dutasteride has been shown in studies to have substantially less systemic side effects.

I would kill myself if ever "contracted" Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) or some shit like gyno.


I don't work out anymore, shame on me.
I will definitely train my neck, arms and shoulders before summer though.

I am staying skinny, but I refuse to have a pencil neck and 17" bidelt.


Hopefully this year I won't fail uni again.

And I've secured my first ever summer job.
I'll be working in a bar/restaurant on the sea shore, with my friend. I could not have found better tbh.
Nothing tops being a bartender/server during summer.

If you don't have a summer job yet and you are fairly good looking, read this for a bit of motivation:

Summer Holiday?

I will meet a few friends and travel across Europe with EuroRail. Mogger concept for young adults.

Will also play some golf in the Algarve and finish a personal project.

Advice to the younger gen on this forum?

Don't share personal info on here, or info about people close to you.

Do not post your face if you have written racist, homophobic, hateful things. (i haven't, just advising you not to)

Imagine a close-friend / your crush reading your slay story before you decide to post it on here.

Wear lifts ASAP if too late/too poor for AI and HGH megadose.

Don't ever confess to your crush. If you are not 100% sure she likes you, then she definitely doesn't. Remember the last time a girl had a crush on you? Wasn't it so obvious? Well this is the same thing.

As soon as you know you're not gonna marry your gf, break up. Save your time, money, brainpower for the next one, rather than being stuck in a shitty relationship.

All the highest-achieving men had/have multiple wives. It is evolutionarily logical for men to want multiple women, but nowadays, only the most powerful men are allowed to fulfil such a desire. Keep that in mind next time betacucks try to convince you of muh "monogamy", muh "i love my wife she is all i need".

Don't ever bother with politics or geopolitics or social issues. Don't engage in debates or conversations surrounding those topics. This is obvious ragebait and you are smarter than that. It would be a shame to get blocked by your oneitis because you said the wage gap doesn't exist. But muh "i read studies", muh "jordan peterson said...", muh "facts don't care about your feelings".
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson, are no people to look up to, to talk about, or to be associated with.
Just ignore it all.
98% of women are liberal left-wing feminists and the other 2% just want attention. Deal with it.
Don't whine about the game rules, just adapt your strategy.

Good looking prettyboy = appeal to women but no respect from men
Yes this is water by now but respect from men is a lot more important than you can imagine.
I'm not just talking about random men you meet on the street, but also your friends. Your friends will be more likely to pick on you, put you in awkward situations, lowkey bully you because, unconsciously, they have no respect for you. They won't necessarily bully you for being more feminine/skinny, they'll just feel more at ease disresepecting you.
Here is my experience with this:

NEVER TELL ANYONE you like to slay. Never tell anyone your kiss count. Never say you want to "pull". Boys will laugh at you, girls will think you are a weirdo.
Just be chill, just be good vibes, don't take anything seriously ==> being NT

"I don't drink alcohol", "I don't smoke weed", are two of the most pathetic things you can say if you're trying to fit in/make friends. That shit won't kill you bro.
I used to be like that and that's the reason why I wasn't invited to any parties in high school.

Try a cycle of bimatoprost (16 weeks) for your eyelashes. Probably one of the best looksmaxxes there is. Only downside is that you can't stop or you'll lose the results.

For studycels?

You will never be a model, so close this site and do your homework.

skip breakfast and only consume caffeine and nicotine until lunch.

GPT 4 Turbo (available on OpenAI API) will give you an edge against your coursemates and teachers.

If you read it and don't write it down, then you will never remember it.

Choline Choline Choline for memory. You need both lipophilic and hydrophilic. Time your Alpha-GPC intake wisely.

Dopamine Regulation isn't just a redpill meme, it impacts every single decision you make. DYOR and find a dopaminergic protocol suited for your lifestyle.

Stop listening to music.

Stop listening to music! If it isn't studying, keep it low dopaminergic.

Be slightly cold when you go to sleep.

1 hour of sleep > 1 hour of studying, when below 6 hours sleep.

Caffeine/Stimulants/Amphetamines will NOT help you with memory. Pulling an all nighter before an exam cannot be compensated with modafinil and adderall either.

When you take a break from studying, do not go on tiktok or partake in any activity that leads to high dopamine signalling.

Pomodoro is a white girl trend. It isn't optimal. You should be able to focus for HOURS.

The earlier you fix your circadian rhythm, the better. going to bed at 3 am is such a shit idea, so is waking up after 10 am. I sound like your parents when I say this, but my studying was so much more efficient when I woke up and slept at normal hours.

Try a study drug. I believe that the action of taking a study drug is enough to get me to work and focus, irrespective of the drug's effects. Use placebo to your advantage.

Don't buy cheap supplements. Wait until you find out certain magnesium forms on the market are only 3% bioavailable lol. Check if your supplements are lipophilic or hydrophilic before splashing big money on a few miligrams of plant leaves lol.

this is a small brain dump. a more organised thread may come soon.

no need to tell me that you didn't read. go repfarm your 3 reacts elsewhere.

a slightly morphed pneumo

Lmao this is why I don't post on social media. Pure cancer that this happened to you bro
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: optimistic_poster11 and Deleted member 16673
undereye support is everything
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16673 and Deleted member 59122
dnrd + dnsk (didn't ask)
  • Ugh..
Reactions: j05
You may have noticed that I don't post at all anymore.
I'll briefly explain why, now that the situation has died down.

Back in March, someone, I don't know who, found my gf's instagram account, and had the great idea of sending her all my slay stories.
Of course, you can imagine I was instantly dumped and humiliated. The stuff she had to read was bad. Those of you who happened to read some of my "slay stories" will understand how pathetic and cringe that stuff was.

Anyway, after losing my girlfriend in quite a painful way, I thought that my retribution was served.


The next morning, I get an unexpected message from a girl on my course, whom I wasn't too close to. She told me that she had been sent "shocking information" about me. I assume she was sent the same threads my gf had, since she didn't want to tell me what the "information" was.
How fucked.
Knowing the girl, she immediately shared the threads with all her friends and the people I know. It was so obvious too, cus when I would go on my old dead threads, I could see like 6 unregistered people viewing them.
View attachment 2866187
I was completely fucked. I could not go back to uni.
So I rotted at home for 2 weeks, hoping people would not care anymore by the time i went back.

Whichever one of you who did this is kinda funny tbh, thank you for teaching me a lesson.

Other than that, I have a newfound interest for neurochemistry and endocrinology. I always knew I should have done medical studies instead of maths.

I have a lot of uni work, so I take and study quite a lot of nootropics. Leo & Longevity's channel is a goldmine for information. His series with Tony Huge was S-tier too. May he RIP.

I have already posted my studying stack on here, so here it is:

Watching Leo for a few months really has been inspiring. I want to be as erudite as he was.

On to looksmaxxing. What do I do now?

Well not much. I used to take 100mg of furosemide a few times a week, but now, my intakes of armodafinil (ARM) and donepezil (DP) induce diuresis enough for me to look very chiselled on a daily. I don't take furosemide anymore really, unless I find myself very bloated.


The ARM and DP dry my skin out, so it isn't as oily as it used to be when I was an acne-ridden teen.
I rarely get any acne, unless it's from ingrown hairs. Thank God I did IPL and no longer have to bother with those!

I stopped using The Ordinary Serums. Shit ingredients and they gave me acne more than anything. Fuck their matrixyl too tbh, I'll buy a higher quality one maybe one day.

My skincare is slim to none. La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of hyperpigmentation, then Erborian Centella Moisturiser.

Here is a tip for fellow CC/BB cream users.

Ever since I started mixing my tinted CC cream with my moisturiser, I get a better, more even application, that lasts longer.
I use CC cream now since I don't have that much hyperpigmentation to hide anymore. BB Cream's coverage is too strong for me.
My tinted CC cream gives me a natural goldiness.
This is the one I use and love:

View attachment 2866318
Erborian CC Creme, Doré tint is ideal for my med pheno.
The price is mid range (45-ish USD) but a lot better than the ones I've seen be promoted here.

Then I put on an under-eye moisturiser. I won't name the (expensive) brand I use cus the product is shit tbh.
After that, I put concelear on my under eye area.

Why do I insist so much on my under eyes?
Because having a well hydrated, plumped, healthy-seeming under-eye area is vital.
View attachment 2866328
This dude would be chad if not for eyebags.
Eyebags are a low-class, poor hygiene, low-T trait. They are not edgy or "niche", but just painful to look at.
They descend your SMV a lot more than you think.

Every runway model has a routine to specifically get rid of eyebags, and that's for a reason.

That's all for my skin really. Fuck retinol, fuck accutane, fuck "face mists" (JFL), fuck serums, fuck "oligopeptide complexes", fuck every fad you guys fell for.
Keep it simple brah.
I spent thousands on skincare, just to let 99% of my products rot in my cupboard.

Hair loss?

I take topical minox 5% foam every day. Didn't do much for my hair after 6 months, but it went systemic and grew my eyelashes substantially, so no complaints.

On the other hand, I will never touch finasteride. I will never touch oral dutasteride.

However, I may take topical Dutasteride soon. The difference is that Topical Dutasteride has been shown in studies to have substantially less systemic side effects.

I would kill myself if ever "contracted" Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) or some shit like gyno.


I don't work out anymore, shame on me.
I will definitely train my neck, arms and shoulders before summer though.

I am staying skinny, but I refuse to have a pencil neck and 17" bidelt.


Hopefully this year I won't fail uni again.

And I've secured my first ever summer job.
I'll be working in a bar/restaurant on the sea shore, with my friend. I could not have found better tbh.
Nothing tops being a bartender/server during summer.

If you don't have a summer job yet and you are fairly good looking, read this for a bit of motivation:

Summer Holiday?

I will meet a few friends and travel across Europe with EuroRail. Mogger concept for young adults.

Will also play some golf in the Algarve and finish a personal project.

Advice to the younger gen on this forum?

Don't share personal info on here, or info about people close to you.

Do not post your face if you have written racist, homophobic, hateful things. (i haven't, just advising you not to)

Imagine a close-friend / your crush reading your slay story before you decide to post it on here.

Wear lifts ASAP if too late/too poor for AI and HGH megadose.

Don't ever confess to your crush. If you are not 100% sure she likes you, then she definitely doesn't. Remember the last time a girl had a crush on you? Wasn't it so obvious? Well this is the same thing.

As soon as you know you're not gonna marry your gf, break up. Save your time, money, brainpower for the next one, rather than being stuck in a shitty relationship.

All the highest-achieving men had/have multiple wives. It is evolutionarily logical for men to want multiple women, but nowadays, only the most powerful men are allowed to fulfil such a desire. Keep that in mind next time betacucks try to convince you of muh "monogamy", muh "i love my wife she is all i need".

Don't ever bother with politics or geopolitics or social issues. Don't engage in debates or conversations surrounding those topics. This is obvious ragebait and you are smarter than that. It would be a shame to get blocked by your oneitis because you said the wage gap doesn't exist. But muh "i read studies", muh "jordan peterson said...", muh "facts don't care about your feelings".
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson, are no people to look up to, to talk about, or to be associated with.
Just ignore it all.
98% of women are liberal left-wing feminists and the other 2% just want attention. Deal with it.
Don't whine about the game rules, just adapt your strategy.

Good looking prettyboy = appeal to women but no respect from men
Yes this is water by now but respect from men is a lot more important than you can imagine.
I'm not just talking about random men you meet on the street, but also your friends. Your friends will be more likely to pick on you, put you in awkward situations, lowkey bully you because, unconsciously, they have no respect for you. They won't necessarily bully you for being more feminine/skinny, they'll just feel more at ease disresepecting you.
Here is my experience with this:

NEVER TELL ANYONE you like to slay. Never tell anyone your kiss count. Never say you want to "pull". Boys will laugh at you, girls will think you are a weirdo.
Just be chill, just be good vibes, don't take anything seriously ==> being NT

"I don't drink alcohol", "I don't smoke weed", are two of the most pathetic things you can say if you're trying to fit in/make friends. That shit won't kill you bro.
I used to be like that and that's the reason why I wasn't invited to any parties in high school.

Try a cycle of bimatoprost (16 weeks) for your eyelashes. Probably one of the best looksmaxxes there is. Only downside is that you can't stop or you'll lose the results.

For studycels?

You will never be a model, so close this site and do your homework.

skip breakfast and only consume caffeine and nicotine until lunch.

GPT 4 Turbo (available on OpenAI API) will give you an edge against your coursemates and teachers.

If you read it and don't write it down, then you will never remember it.

Choline Choline Choline for memory. You need both lipophilic and hydrophilic. Time your Alpha-GPC intake wisely.

Dopamine Regulation isn't just a redpill meme, it impacts every single decision you make. DYOR and find a dopaminergic protocol suited for your lifestyle.

Stop listening to music.

Stop listening to music! If it isn't studying, keep it low dopaminergic.

Be slightly cold when you go to sleep.

1 hour of sleep > 1 hour of studying, when below 6 hours sleep.

Caffeine/Stimulants/Amphetamines will NOT help you with memory. Pulling an all nighter before an exam cannot be compensated with modafinil and adderall either.

When you take a break from studying, do not go on tiktok or partake in any activity that leads to high dopamine signalling.

Pomodoro is a white girl trend. It isn't optimal. You should be able to focus for HOURS.

The earlier you fix your circadian rhythm, the better. going to bed at 3 am is such a shit idea, so is waking up after 10 am. I sound like your parents when I say this, but my studying was so much more efficient when I woke up and slept at normal hours.

Try a study drug. I believe that the action of taking a study drug is enough to get me to work and focus, irrespective of the drug's effects. Use placebo to your advantage.

Don't buy cheap supplements. Wait until you find out certain magnesium forms on the market are only 3% bioavailable lol. Check if your supplements are lipophilic or hydrophilic before splashing big money on a few miligrams of plant leaves lol.

this is a small brain dump. a more organised thread may come soon.

no need to tell me that you didn't read. go repfarm your 3 reacts elsewhere.

a slightly morphed pneumo

You look insane in the morph,
How’d you morph it?
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
Courage bg, tu comptes te réorienter ?
J'ai failli faire le move L3maths--> biochimie finalement j'ai pas eu les couille et eu la flemme de recommencer.
J'ai go eco appliqué à la santé à la place.
JFais des stats sur les obèses.
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: ecig and Deleted member 16673
Bro thats fucked up people in your school found out but end of the day who cares also are you passing Brussels with that train we can link up i realized the bp is mostly for autists looks are really important but it is not everything men
  • +1
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Reactions: zxim, Deleted member 69862 and Deleted member 16673
read every pixel + this is exactly why i dont post my face or anything too personal
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16673

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